If you could put in a good word for me

could put in a good word for me — перевод на русский

The other part thinks if a counterintel op owed me a favor and got back in someday, he could put in a good word for me.

Другая часть думает, что если оперативник контрразведки будет мне должен и когда-нибудь вернется на службу, то он мог бы замолвить за меня словечко.

Maybe you could put in a good word for me.

Возможно, ты мог бы замолвить за меня словечко.

Uh, hey, I was hoping you could put in a good word for me.

Привет, я надеялась, ты мог бы замолвить за меня словечко.

Maybe you could put in a good word for me?

Может ты замолвишь за меня словечко?

Maybe you could put in a good word for me when you find her.

Может ты замолвишь за меня словечко, когда встретишь ее

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put in a (good) word (for one)

To recommend one (for something); to say complimentary things about one, one’s performance, or one’s capabilities. I heard you’re applying for that IT job here. I’ll be sure to put in a word for you. Her former boss put in a good word, but we were a little disappointed in her application.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

put in a good word (for someone)

Fig. to say something (to someone) in support of someone else. I hope you get the job. I’ll put in a good word for you. Yes, I want the job. If you see the boss, please put in a good word.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

put in a good word

Make a supportive remark or favorable recommendation. For example, Please put in a good word for me with the supervisor, or When you see her, put in a good word for the department. The use of good word for a laudatory utterance dates from about 1200.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • (one) could use (something)
  • (one’s) hands are tied
  • cooking for one
  • a prophet is not without honor save in his own country
  • a hundred and ten percent
  • get too big for (one’s) britches
  • britches
  • (one) can’t do right for doing wrong
  • (one) can’t win for trying
  • as one door closes, another (one) opens

Идиома: put in a good word for someone разг.

Перевод: замолвить за кого-либо словечко, заступиться за кого-либо


I put in a good word for my friend when I was meeting with my boss and supervisor.
Я замолвил словечко за своего друга, когда встречался со своим начальником и менеджером.

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Но если ты нам поможешь, позволишь отозвать наших ищеек, то мы замолвим за тебя словечко перед окружным прокурором.

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Look, if you cooperate, we can put in a good word and the court may be lenient, but if you don’t,we’re going to

do everything we can to make sure you go away for


very, very long time.

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мы сделаем все, что в наших силах, чтобы ты сел на всю оставшуюся жизнь.

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The thing is, obviously, if you felt inclined, if… if you


put in a good word… for me… with her.

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Дело в том, что, конечно же, если вы не против, если… если бы вы смогли замолвить словечко за меня… перед ней.

Listen, all I’m asking is if you


just put in a good word with your friend, you know, the one at the D.A. ‘s office.

Well, since your pop’s calling


favors, maybe he


uh, put in a good word for the rest of the rabble.

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Слушай, если твой папаша в таком фаворе, может он замолвит словечко и за остальных плебеев.

And for coming to the aid of


federal prosecutor, I


be sure to

put in 

a good word with the judge.

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содействие федеральному обвинителю я замолвлю за тебя словечко перед судьей.

Do you think you could you

put a 


word in

for me at the paper?

Maybe you could

put in a good word

for me.

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Возможно, ты мог бы замолвить за меня словечко.

Think you could

put in a good word

for me?

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So if you could

put in a good word

for us up there.

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Так что, если ты можешь замолвить за нас словечко там наверху.

Maybe you could

put in a good word

for me with Captain Sisko.

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Может, ты могла бы замолвить за меня словечко капитану Сиско.

I could

put in a good word

for you’cause I will still be working here.

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Я могу замолвить за тебя словечко. Потому что я останусь работать здесь.

Hey, john, if you could

put in a good word

for me With will and diane.

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Слушай, Джон, ты не мог бы замолвить за меня словечко перед Уиллом и Дайаной.

Hey, uh, maybe you could

put in a good word

for me, you know, on account of our palpable attraction and all.

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ты могла бы замолвить за меня словечко, раз уж мы явно друг другу понравились.

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Время: 0.0257





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