If you could only say one word what would it be

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Posted by7 years ago


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level 2

Who would you say it to? Or would you just be alone somewhere and say «moist»? Not sure which is more disconcerting.

level 1


It means «The End» in Japanese. I’d say it to my loved ones with a smile on my face.

level 2

Aw. That is so bittersweet.

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Предложения с I wish и If only согласно грамматике выражают сожаление о содеянном, настоящем или нереальное действие в будущем. I wish и If only по правилам английского языка можно считать взаимозаменяемыми выражениями, однако If only — конструкция более эмоционально выразительная.

Высказывания, содержащие эти конструкции, являются подтипом условных предложений. В них может выражаться:

  • пожелание относительно изменения ситуации в настоящем (соотносится с unreal present — вторым типом условных предложений. Подробнее об условных предложениях читайте здесь)
  • сожаление относительно уже случившегося/не случившегося события в прошлом (соотносится с unreal past — третьим типом условных предложений)
  • пожелания относительно изменения ситуации в будущем (соотносится с desired future — первым типом условных предложений)

I wish / If only — правила употребления

Прямое и основное значение глагола wish — желать.

I wish you good luck, I wish you happiness. — Я желаю тебе удачи. Я желаю тебе счастья.

Но очень часто этот глагол используется, когда необходимо выразить сожаление о том, что происходит не так сейчас, в прошлом или будущем.

Основной принцип в том, что в таких предложениях требуется «сделать шаг назад» во времени и изменить положительную форму на отрицательную, а отрицательную на положительную.

Примеры для сравнения:

Факт: I don’t speak French, so I won’t talk to him. — Я не говорю по-французски, поэтому я не поговорю с ним.

Сожаление о нереальном настоящем c wish: I wish I spoke French. — Жаль, что я не говорю по-французски (в настоящем). Или, в дословном переводе, — Я желала бы, чтоб я говорила по-французски.

Условное предложение с if: If only I spoke French, I would talk to him! — Если бы только я говорил по-французски, я бы с ним поговорил!

I wish / If only – правила употребления в предложениях в настоящем времени

Выражая сожаление о том, что не устраивает говорящего в настоящем или пожелание, чтоб все было иначе, в предложениях после wish необходимо использовать Past Simple, Past Continuous или конструкцию could + infinitive без to.

Такие предложения, выражающие желания и относящиеся к настоящему времени, на русский язык переводятся в форме «Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы…» / «Жаль, что…».


I wish it was not drizzling. — Жаль, что моросит дождь. (Я бы хотел, чтобы он не моросил сейчас).

I wish I could speak French. —  Хотелось бы, чтобы я мог говорить по-французски. (Жаль, что я не могу говорить по-французски.)

He wishes he earned more. — Он хотел бы зарабатывать больше. (But he doesn’t earn much now. — Но он не зарабатывает много сейчас.)

If only they won the match. — Ах, если бы они выиграли матч.

If only you gave up smoking. — Ах, если бы ты бросил курить.

В подобных предложениях глагол to be употребляется в форме сослагательного наклонения were (был бы, была бы, были бы) для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа.


I wish he were here now.  — Хотелось бы, чтобы он был здесь. (Жаль, что его нет здесь сейчас).

I wish I were  a pilot. — Как жаль, что я не летчик.

I wish I were a millionaire. — Хотел бы я быть миллионером.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается желание относительно изменения ситуации в настоящем, соотносятся со вторым типом условных предложений (unreal present).


I wish I were lying on the beach at the moment. = If I were lying on the I beach, it would be better. — Как бы мне хотелось лежать сейчас на пляже.

I wish I knew the answer. = If I knew the answer, it would be better. — Как бы мне хотелось знать ответ.

I wish I could get a better job. = If I could get a better job, it would be better. — Как бы мне хотелось иметь лучшую работу.

I wish / If only – правила употребления в предложениях в прошедшем времени

Если нужно выразить сожаление о случившихся или не произошедших действиях в прошлом, необходимо использовать Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

Такие предложения, выражающие сожаление и относящиеся к прошедшему времени, на русский язык переводятся в форме «Как жаль, что…», «Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы…».


I wish you had had time then. — Хотелось бы, чтобы у вас тогда было время. (Жаль, что у вас тогда не было времени.)

She wishes she had not been driving so fast. — Она сожалеет, что ехала так быстро.

We wish we had not left the keys at home. — Ах, если бы мы не забыли ключи дома.

If only I had prepared more properly. — Жаль, что я не подготовился лучше.

If only the car had not broken down. — Жаль, что машина сломалась.

I wish I had known that Ann was ill. — Жаль, что я не знал, что Анна была больна.

Can в конструкциях с I wish меняется на couldn’t; сan’t — на could.


I can’t swim. I wish I could. — Я не умею плавать. Хотелось бы, чтоб умел.

He can come to the party. I wish he couldn’t. — Он может прийти на вечеринку. Хотелось бы, чтоб не мог.

В предложениях прошедшего времени с формой could / couldn’t в конструкциях I wish / if only будет употребляться форма could have done.


I couldn’t visit that city with you. I wish I could have visited it. — Я не мог посетить тот город с тобой. Жаль, что не мог.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается сожаление относительно уже случившегося/не случившегося события в прошлом, соотносятся с третьим типом условных предложений.


I wish I had met him earlier. = If I had met him earlier, it would have changed my life. — Как жаль, что я не встретила его раньше. Если бы только я встретила его раньше…

I wish I had been wiser. = If I had been wiser, I wouldn’t have done such a silly thing. — Как жаль, что я не была мудрее. / Если бы только я была мудрее…

I wish I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate. = If I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate, I wouldn’t feel ill now. — Как жаль, что я съела так много  шоколада. / Если бы только я не съела так много шоколада…

I wish / If only — правила употребления в предложениях в будущем времени

Если действие выражает желание изменить что-либо в настоящем или будущем, то после wish используется would + инфинитив

  • при желании высказать просьбу

I wish you would help me. — Ах, если бы ты мне помог.

If only you would bring me a cup of hot tea. — Ах, если бы ты принес мне чашку горячего чая.

  • в случае желания высказать недовольство, изменить ситуацию или поведение, но это сделать практически невозможно (для местоимений I и we используется глагол could)

I wish my parents would be younger. — Ах, если бы мои родители были моложе.

I wish I could change the weather. — Я бы хотел поменять погоду (но я не могу этого сделать).

If only they would give me my money back. — Ах, если бы они вернули мне деньги (но я не верю в это).

If only we could speak Japanese. — Жаль, что мы не говорим по-японски.

I wish he would stop lying.  — Хотелось бы, чтобы он перестал лгать.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается пожелание относительно будущего, соотносятся с первым типом условных предложений.

I wish he would stop lying.  = If he stops lying it will be better. — Хотелось бы, чтобы он перестал лгать.

Перевод предложений с конструкциями I wish / If only

Чаще всего используют такие варианты: «Ах, если бы…», «Жаль, что…» или «Я бы хотел/желал…», но есть и другие. Возможно также переводить данные предложения используя сложное дополнение.

I wish you sent me the letter. = I want you to send me the letter. = Я бы хотел, чтобы ты отправил мне письмо.

Важная особенность перевода предложения с I wish / If only: при переводе утверждение необходимо поменять на отрицание и наоборот.

She wishes she had not stolen a purse. — Она сожалеет, что украла сумочку.

If only they were present. — Жаль, что их нет.

Именно использование конструкций I wish/ If only для выражения сожаления делает выражение мысли более ярким, а речь богатой эмоциями. Общее правило можно свести к мини-таблице.

Общее правило использования времен в предложениях с I wish / If only:


В разговорной речи конструкция I wish может прозвучать в качестве ответа на вопрос.


Is she your girlfriend? — I wish…

Она твоя девушка? — Если бы (хотелось бы)…

Can you speak Chinese? — I wish…

Ты говоришь по-китайски? — Если бы (хотелось бы)…

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You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Andrew.

…We are carrying out an experimental project at school. The idea is to see how our life would change if we gave up all electronic gadgets. Yes, we are not allowed to use any electronic things for a whole week. If feels very strange, but I’m sure I’ll survive!…

…How much time do you spend online? If you could use only one gadget, what would it be and why? What would you do if you had more free time?…

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

1 ответ:



Hi Andrew

Thank u for ur letter. Im so sorry that didnt write so long, i was in Bohemia.

In ur last letter u writed about ur non gadget week. It is very interesting experemental project and i would like to test myself by this challange. At last time i am wasting my life in internet 3 to 5 hours a day. If i will use only one gadget, this gadget will be a smart Phone. I think nowadays smart Phone is the most functional gadget among all others. If i would have more free time, ill go in fitness club, because i should be more careful with my health.

So, how passed ur non gadget week? Have u any other experemental projects in ur school? What are u thinking about fitness club?

I thing thats all for today. Waiting for ur letter!

Best wishes,

Strapony (сокращения пишите полностью, ибо мне лень)

Читайте также

Big-pig, take-make, silk-milk, talk-walk, look-book, life-like, carrot-parrot, bear-pear, box-fox, boy-toy, now-cow, peck-neck, cat-hat, foot-food, food-good

Фото 1.
Великанша вбежала в кухню и Джек последовал за ней.
«Ты должен спрятаться! Мой муж не должен увидеть тебя. Тише! Прячься в духовку. Ты можешь спрятаться за пирогом!
Джек очень напуган.
«Пожалуйста не дай великану съесть меня!»
Великанша закрыла духовку и стала ждать мужа.

Фото 2.
Джек карабкался и карабкался(залезал, если так удобнее)Бобовый стебель был очень высоким и упирался в небо сквозь облака.
Он достигает вершины и наконец Джек сильно удивляется, когда видит большой замок. Он подбежал к замку и постучал в дверь. Джек очень голоден и хочет попросить что-нибудь поесть. Великанша открыла дверь. Она очень большая и выглядела удивленно, когда смотрела на него.
«Что тебе нужно?Ты не можешь сюда зайти. Моего мужа нет дома, но он скоро вернется. Я уверена, он съест тебя!»
Джек испугался когда услышал то, что сказала великанша. Замок начал трястись,. Великан вернулся домой.

1.was standing
2.is looking
5.haven’t been
6.will go
7.isn’t,is washing,washes
8.have you ever spent
9.didn’t eat
10.are you doing,are you writing,have written,am working,did you write,finished
11.will do
12.are playing
13.was playing,found
14.didn’t watch
16.did work
17.aren’t writing
18.does cook
19.won’t go
20.is working
21.has finished
24.was talking
26.came,was making
27.Has had

I have a lot of friends. Most of them are classmates. My best friend called Andrey. He is fourteen. He lives with his parents not far from the school.

Andrey has a lot of hobbies: he likes to play the computer, to read detective stories, to collect butterflies. He likes animals, espesially cats. He has got a cat Lastik at home.

Andrey has short, light hair and grey eyes. He is quite short and rather thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. He is helpful and honest.

Andrey is very popular. Hе is a helpful person and every time he tries to do her best to help somebody when he has problems.

Andrey is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some drawbacks — sometimes she is a hurly-burly boy, a bit stubborn. But still like him as she has a good sense of humour and pleasant to deal with.

We spend much time together — watch video or listen to the music, walk or go to the cafe discussing all sorts of things. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.


У меня есть много друзей. Большинство из них мои одноклассники. Мой лучший друг по имени Андрей. Ему четырнадцать. Он живет с родителями недалеко от школы.

Андрей имеет много увлечений: он любит играть на компьютере, читать детективы, собирать бабочек. Он любит животных, особенно кошек. У него дома есть кот Ластик.

Андрей имеет короткие светлые волосы и серые глаза. Он довольно низкий и довольно худой. Ему всегда удается быть веселым, энергичным, полным жизни и энергии. Он готов помочь и честный.

Андрей очень популярен. Он отзывчивый человек и каждый раз пытается сделать все возможное, чтобы помочь кому-то, когда у кого-то есть проблемы.

Андрей очень внимателен к своим родителям. Конечно, у него есть некоторые недостатки — иногда он сомнительный мальчик, немного упрямый. Но все равно мне нравится его хорошее чувство юмора и с ним приятно иметь дело.

Мы проводим много времени вместе — смотрим видео или слушаем музыку, гуляем или ходим в кафе, обсуждаем все что угодно. Наша дружба помогает мне чувствовать себя сильным и уверенным в себе.

<span>1. They got into the car.
2. He stood at his father.
3. They had coffee with a bun for breakfast.
4. They decided to meet at five o’clock at the station.
5. He took a book from the table, looked at it, then put it back .
6. They looked at each other.
7. I go to college.
8. He isn’t at home now. He is at school.
9. This book was written by Perumov.
<span>10. The school year begins in September and is over  in May.</span>
11. We decided to meet at 5 o’clock at the bank.
12. This story is about a famous painter.
13. He is a funny little guy with brown hair.
14. He is keen on animals.
15. She is fond of reading thrillers.
16. Sunday is the only day off in our school.
17. The book is on the table.
18. I don’t want to go to the party. I’m going to work on Sunday.
19. We decided to meet at the airport.
20. He stood at the door and didn’t let me go away.
21. He works in/at a hospital. He looks after children who are ill.
<span>22. When my friend came into the room, there was nobody in .</span></span>

  • #1

Between the two phrases in the title (If only I could.. / If I only could..), which one would you use to translate «se solo potessi..» in sentences like this: «se solo potessi fare quello che mi piace,…»

only I


I only

could do what I please,…»???
I had this terrible doubt suddenly arising in the middle of a translation…
I also thought that both could be correct, but have different meaning; if so, what’s the difference?
Please, could anybody give me a hint? I’d appreciate it a lot!
Thanks in advance

    • #2

    I would use «If only I could». I don’t think I’d ever use «If I only could».


    • #3

    I agree with, Jacob: If only I could… :tick: The alternative sounds very awkward.


    • #4

    I agree with, Jacob: If only I could… :tick: The alternative sounds very awkward.


    And how about «if I only had» and «if I only knew».. I saw many results of these two phrases on google..
    Plus: the combination «if I only» has 1.220.000 results!! How can this be??


    • #5

    Well, a bunch of those hits are variations on the song «If I Only Had a Brain» from The Wizard of Oz (1939). Switching from «If Only I» to «If I Only» scanned better lyrically (the pattern of emphasized syllables fits the music better).

    So on reflection, «If only I had something» and «If I only had something» are both used quite often, but «If I only could (do something)» sounds more awkward (to me) than «If only I could (do something).» :)


    • #6

    Well, I’ll keep «if only» in mind that not only is, as you all say, the correct version, but also the literal translation of «se solo», therefore easier to remember for me…:)
    Thank you!!

    Flaviano Martello

    • #7

    It may be worth pointing out that only in English (and maybe in other languages) often occupies a position in the sentence which, logically, it should not occupy.

    An example:

    If you only work during the day, you could take this evening course.

    Taken literally this sentence should mean «if the only thing you do during the day is work, then …». In other words, the position of only makes it modify the verb phrase work during the day. What is intended, however, is that only should modify during the day (as opposed to the evening). That would be unambiguous if only were moved to the right of work:

    If you work only during the day, you can take this evening course.

    which is stylistically and logically much better. But for whatever reasons, it is extremely common to see only (and just) placed earlier in the sentence than they should be logically.

    If we consider

    If I only/just could get my boss to give me a raise … (then I’d finally be happy)

    from this perspective, one can see that it is substituting for

    If I could only/just get my boss to give me a raise … (then I’d finally be happy)

    which would be logically more correct: the idea is «the only thing that I need is to get a raise, if I could have only that, then I’d be happy.»

    Notice that this sort of construction is quite different from the se solo/if only construction, which expresses general unfulfilled wishes (kind of like magari).

    So, to the extent that

    If I only/just could … is in fact acceptable in English, it is not as a variant of If only I could …, but rather as a (stylistically inferior) variant of If I could only …

    I’m sorry to muddy the water, but I think the facts are never easy!

    • #8

    In my opinion there is a difference in meaning between :
    If I only had a brain.(longing for something)
    If I had only a brain. (and nothing else.)
    I think this is what Flaviano is trying to say but maybe it easier to undertstand without the modal.

    • #9

    With the risk of getting myself into trouble, I would say you can change the meaning (and sometimes significantly) of the phrase by moving the personal pronoun.

    If only I could save the world from hunger (to me it says then the world is in trouble because I am seemingly the only person caring about this).

    If I only could save the world from hunger (to me this expresses a strong wish for the impossible).

    • #10

    For me the two are almost synonymous but «if only I could…» wins by a very short head, as the racing commentators say. I doubt that «if I only could» would be found in written English but it is heard in the spoken variety.


    • #11

    Well, thanks a lot to everybody for your help!! :)

    Flaviano Martello

    • #12

    In my opinion there is a difference in meaning between :
    If I only had a brain.(longing for something)
    If I had only a brain. (and nothing else.)
    I think this is what Flaviano is trying to say but maybe it easier to undertstand without the modal.

    Yes there is definitely a difference! When the auxiliary/modal could enters the picture it makes things much more complicated.

    If only X

    implies an unfulfilled wish X, such as ‘me having a brain’ ;)

    If we try to analyze it logically we see that this is the only interpretation that makes sense.

    If only X …. = If only it were the case that X … = If only it were true that …

    Let’s call this the clausal modification use of only.

    The important thing about only is that whatever it modifies is being selected out of a set of other things. So ‘only a brain’ implies ‘not anything that is not a brain’. That’s what is happening in

    If I had only a brain …. (and no body, I’d have to live in a pulsating glass orb)

    So with clausal modification,

    ‘If only I had a brain’ implies a condition of ‘my having a brain’ and ‘not anything that is not my having a brain’. In other words, ‘all I need is to have a brain, then ….’

    The same thing will be true for:

    If only I had a thousand dollars, I’d buy that new camera I like
    ‘Having a thousand dollars is all that is necessary, and nothing else, for me to buy that new camera I like’.

    But it turns out that this is what if means anyway, even without only. In other words

    If only I had a thousand dollars, I’d buy that new camera I like =
    If I had a thousand dollars, I’d buy that new camera I like

    from a logical point of view. In both cases, the speaker says that all that is necessary for him/her to buy the camera is having a thousand dollars.

    So what does only really mean here?

    My interpretation is that only in this circumstance simply heightens the implication that the condition is improbable, an urgent wish that is far from being fulfilled.

    Now I think what is quite remarkable about the fact that the Scarecrow says it ‘wrong’ is that he somehow could do so without making the sentence incomprehensible. After all, you can’t transpose any two words you like.

    I think the reason that moving only did not lead to complete nonsense is that as I said earlier, only has a strange mobility in sentences in ordinary usage, and often occupies a position which is logically inappropriate.

    In this case, since only seems to not be modifying anything explicit in the sentence, but rather implies an urgent wish, its logical position is even more ambiguous. It’s clear that there are positions where only cannot go, because in those positions a different intrepretation arises:

    Only if I had a brain … (would I dream of getting a PhD in chemistry)
    If I had only a brain … (I would have to live in a pulsating glass orb)

    But it also strikes me as not implausible that one interpretation is

    If I only had a brain (as opposed to not having / dreaming about having one).


    • #13

    If only I knew… = I wish I knew
    If I only knew… = knowing would be sufficient to change the situation

    If I say, «If you only knew where I was last night», (with your girlfriend) it is not a wish that you knew; I am taunting you about what you don’t know!


    • #14

    «se solo potessi..» in sentences like this: «se solo potessi fare quello che mi piace,…»

    If only I knew… = I wish I knew
    If I only knew… = knowing would be sufficient to change the situation

    If I say, «If you only knew where I was last night», (with your girlfriend) it is not a wish that you knew; I am taunting you about what you don’t know!

    I was going to write the same thing with Einstein «if only» = «i wish»
    so it means the same thing either we say «if only i knew» or «i wish i knew»

    And here is my question: Does the same thing happens with «se solo» and «magari» ???
    As we say «se solo potessi saperlo» can we say «magari potessi saperlo» ???


    Условное предложение (2)


    2-й тип условных предложений (hypothetical conditionals).

    Базовая форма такой конструкции – простое прошедшее в if-предложении и + инфинитив в главной части. Форма прошедшего времени выражает здесь не прошлое, а «сослагательность».

    If it rained tomorrow we’d stay at home.

    1. Этот тип предложений употребляется для возможных событий в настоящем или будущем, которые говорящий считает маловероятными (или даже невозможными).

    Разница между, например, if I come и if I came состоит в том, что if I came относится к невозможному, воображаемому или маловероятному событию.

    If I become President, I’ll… (слова кандидата)
    If I became President, I’d… (слова школьника)

    If I win this race, I’ll… (слова фаворита)
    If I won this race, I’d… (слова аутсайдера)

    Еще примеры:

    If I knew her name, I would tell you. (не If I know … )(не If I would know … ) (не … I will tell you)
    She would be perfectly happy if she had a car.
    What would you do if you lost your job?
    If I was taller, I would become a policeman
    If he had any money, he’d leave home
    If you took a taxi, you’d get there quicker
    If I had the money I should pay you.
    If he heard of your marriage he would be surprised.
    If you could see me now, you’d laugh your head off
    The older men would find it difficult to get a job if they left the farm.
    I should be surprised if it was less than five pounds.
    If I frightened them, they might run away and I would never see them again.
    Не wouldn’t do it unless you ordered him to do it.
    Supposing I accepted this offer, what would you say?
    If I knew her name, I would tell you.
    What would you do if you lost your job?
    If you parked your car there (now), they would tow it away.

    2. Таким образом можно сделать свое предложение более вежливым:

    Will it be all right if I bring a friend? (прямой вопрос)
    Would it be all right if I brought a friend? (более вежливый вопрос)

    It would be nice if you helped me a bit with the housework.
    Would it be all right if I came round about seven tomorrow?

    3. Предложения 2-го типа могут быть иногда близки по смыслу к предложениями 1-го типа (т.е. выражать то, что вполне возможно):

    If you went by train, you would get there earlier
    If you didn’t stay up so late every evening, you wouldn’t feel so sleepy in the morning

    Эти предложения достаточно близки по смыслу к следующим:

    If you go by train, you will get there earlier
    If you don’t stay up so late every evening, you won’t feel so sleepy
    in the morning

    Но часто с помощью 2-го типа условных предложений выражаются совершенно нереальные предположения:

    If I had longer legs, I’d be able to run faster

    4. С первым лицом в британском английском может употребляться should:

    If I knew her name, I should tell you.
    If I married you, we should both be unhappy.

    5. В качестве сокращения употребляется ‘d:

    We’d get up earlier if there was a good reason to.

    6. В if–части предложения могут быть следующие вариации:

    a) were (специальная форма сослагательного наклонения глагола be ) вместо was

    If I were you, I would keep quiet.
    If John were here now (but he isn’t), we could play tennis.
    Не wouldn’t be in difficulties if he were not so foolish.
    If I were asked to define my condition, l’d say bored.
    If I was/were better qualified, I’d apply for the job
    If I were rich, I would spend all my time travelling.
    If your mother were here, I’m sure she wouldn’t let you eat all those chocolates.

    Употребление were считается несколько более «правильным», особенно для чисто воображаемых условий:

    If I were the Queen of Sheba, you’d be King Solomon.
    If I were a guy, I would look like my dad.
    If my nose were a little shorter I’d be quite pretty.

    Употребление were желательно в обороте If I were you…:

    If I were you, I’d take it back to the shop. It’s got a hole in it. (лучше, чем If I was you…)

    Оператор может ставится в начало предложения (союз при этом опускается):

    Were I in your place, I would be very worried

    Но такая конструкция значительно более формальна, чем if I were in your place и т.п.

    (при этом предложении не может начинаться с Was, Wasn’t or Weren’t ¬, а только с Were).

    □ Were необходимо употреблять в выражениях с ‘If I were you/If I were in your position’ и ‘If it were not for/Were it not for’ (так объясняется почему что-либо не произошло)

    If I were you/in your position, I’d accept their offer
    If I were Jane/in Jane’s position, I’d walk out on him

    If it wasn’t for your help, I would still be homeless
    If it weren’t for your help, I would still be homeless
    Were it not for your help, I would still be homeless (здесь недопустимо сокращение: Weren’t it)
    Were it not for the fact that you helped me, I would be homeless (were it not звучит очень формально).

    If it wasn’t /If it weren’t/Were it not for the fact that Greentown is 20 miles away, I would walk there.

    If it wasn’t/weren’t for Vivian, the conference wouldn’t be going ahead.
    If it wasn’t/weren’t for the fact that Chloe would be offended, I wouldn’t go to the party.

    If it wasn’t/weren’t for his wife’s money he’d never be a director.(= Without his wife’s money …)
    If it wasn’t/weren’t for the children, we could go skiing next week.
    We would not be able to provide after-school sports if it were not for dedicated teachers like Mr Morgan.

    b) прошедшее продолженное

    It is ranining right now, so I will not go for a walk.
    If it were not raining right now, I would go for a walk.

    c) If + were to/was to

    Такая конструкция выражает предположение о будущем (were можно заменять на was).:

    lf you were to touch that wire, you would be killed instantly.
    If we were to move north, we would be able to buy a bigger house.
    If the boss was/were to come in now, we’d be in real trouble. (= If the boss came … )
    What would we do if I was/were to lose my job?
    Even if you were to try, you wouldn’t be able to do it.

    Оператор можно переносит в начало предложения, но это звучит формально и старомодно (и в такой конструкции уже нельзя заменять were на was ):

    Were this enterprise to fail, it would be a disaster for us all.
    Were the government to cut Value Added Tax, prices would fall.
    Were the election to be held today, the Liberals would win easily (или If the election was/ were held today…).
    Were I not in my 70s and rather unfit, I might consider taking up squash (или If I wasn’t/ weren’t in my 70s and rather unfit…).

    При отрицании нельзя употреблять ‘lf he were not to’ и возможен только следующий вид:

    There’d be a clear case for legal action over this matter were it not likely to make life difficult for all of us (не ‘weren’t if’).

    □ В главной части могут употребляться другие модальные глаголы:

    If you were to start early tomorrow morning, you would (could, might, ought to, should) be at your destination by evening.

    d) Вместо were to в британском английском может употребляться should, но надо учитывать, что для носителей американского диалекта это выглядит достаточно неестественно:

    If he should (were to) hear of your marriage, he would be surprised.
    If you should be passing my house, you might return the book you borrowed from me.

    Конструкция were to обычно не употребляется с такими глаголами как belong, doubt, enjoy, know, like, remember и understand (которые выражают состояние):

    If I knew they were honest, I’d gladly lend them the money (не If I were to know…)

    If I knew her name … (не If I were to know her name … )

    e) С помощью этой конструкции можно сделать предложение более вежливым:

    Would it be too early for you if we were to meet at 5.30?
    — If I asked him, I’m sure he’d help us. — Do you think he would? — Well if I were to ask him nicely.
    If I were to (was to) ask, would you help me?
    If you were to move your chair a bit, we could all sit down.

    f) В главной части возможны не только would и should, но и другие модальные глаголы:

    If you were to ask him, he might help you
    If Sue were to make an effort, she could do better

    g) would

    В очень разговорной устной речи в американском английском употребляется would в обоих частях условного предложения:

    It would be good if we’d get some rain.
    How would we feel if this would happen to our family?

    7. В главной части условных предложений этого типа могут употребляться модальные глаголы:

    If I had another $500, I could buy a car (физически смог бы).
    If you asked me nicely, I might get you a drink (возможно бы так поступил).
    If you went to London you might see the Queen.
    If he took his doctor’s advice he might soon be well again.
    You could do it if you tried.
    If he knew the facts, he could tell us what to do
    If you parked your car there (now), they would tow it away/we could keep an eye on it.

    Еще примеры:

    If he were here he could help us (ability).
    If he were here he might help us (possibility).
    If he failed, he ought to/should try again (duty).

    Возможно употребление продолженного инфинитива после модальных глаголов:

    If she were here now she could be helping us.
    If he was in New York, he could have met my sister.
    If they were in the army they would have been fighting in the jungle most of the time.

    3-й тип условных предложений (counterfactual conditionals)


    1. Базовая форма таких предложений – предпрошедшее в if–предложении и would + совершенная форма инфинитива (или другими словами – форма совершенного будущего в прошедшем) – в главной его части.

    If it had rained, we would have stayed at home
    If you had asked me, I would have told you.
    (не If you would have asked me… ) (не If you asked me … ) (не …I had told you.)
    If I had been taller I would have joined the police force.
    If I had had any sense, I would have kept quiet about it.
    If we had gone by car, we would have saved time.

    2. Этот тип предложений употребляется, когда речь идет о уже совершившихся в прошлом событиях (а значит, и условие и следствие уже физически невыполнимы).

    If I had worked harder at school, I d have got a better job
    If I hadn’t been wearing a raincoat, I would have got wet (referring to something possible often expressing regret)
    If I had won the pools, life would have been much easier (referring to an imaginary hoped for situation in the past)
    If I had lived in the Stone Age, I would have been a hunter (referring to a completely impossible situation)
    Perhaps if he had realized that, he would have run away while there was still time.
    If she had not been ill, she would probably have won that race.
    If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam.
    I’d have been in bad trouble if Jane hadn’t helped me.
    If you had parked your car there (but you didn’t), they would have towed it away.
    If he had heard of your marriage he would have been surprised.
    I should never have got here in time (I should not be here now) if you had not given me a lift in your car.
    If you had been at the meeting I should have seen you.

    3. В формальном стиле оператор может ставиться в начало предложения:

    Had you informed us earlier, we would have taken the necessary steps.
    Had the management acted sooner, the strike wouldn t have happened.
    Had we not been delayed, the accident would never have happened. (в этом случае Had . . . not нельзя сокращать до Hadn’t).
    Had it not been for the unusually bad weather the rescue party would have been able to save the stranded climber (не Hadn’t).

    4. ‘If I had been you/in your position’

    Такие обороты употребляются, чтобы выразить, что мы бы сделали на месте другого человека:

    if I had been you/in your position, I d have accepted their offer (= You should have accepted their offer).
    If I had been Jane, I d have walked out on him years ago.

    5. ‘If it hadn’t been for’

    Таким образом объясняется, почему что-либо не произошло в прошлом:

    It hadn’t been for the rain, we would have had a good harvest.

    6. Говоря о прошлом, можно использовать оборот if it had not been for:

    If it hadn’t been for Dad, I wouldn’t have gone to college (или If it wasn’t/weren’t for…)
    If it hadn’t been for your help, I don’t know what I’d have done.

    But for так же может употребляться со значением ‘if it were not for’ или ‘if it had not been for’:

    But for your help, I don’t know what I’d have done.

    A. Возможные изменения в if–части:

    1) Продолженное совершенное время:

    If it had been raining this morning we would have stayed at home.
    If I had been trying harder, I would have succeeded.

    2) could have

    If I could have stopped, there wouldn’t have been an accident

    (Would have и should have в if-части не употребляются)

    3) В американском английском в if-части предложения иногда используется простое прошедшее время вместо прошедшего совершенного:

    If I knew you were coming I’d have baked a cake.
    If I had the money with me I would have bought you one.
    If I didn’t have my walking boots on I think I would have really hurt my foot.

    4) Условие может подразумеваться:

    I would have gone with you, but I had to study.
    I never would have succeeded without your help.
    She ran; otherwise, she would have missed her bus.

    5) В разговорной речи в if-части условного предложения 3-го типа могут употребляться would или had + перфектный инфинитив (грамматически это неправильно).

    I didn’t know. But if I had’ve known …
    We would never have met if he hadn’t have crashed into my car.
    If I would’ve had a gun, somebody might have got hurt.
    If you wouldn’t have phoned her we’d never have found out what was happening.

    If I’d have known she was ill I’d have sent her some flowers
    If I’d have known, I’d have told you.
    It would have been funny if she’d have recognised him.

    B. В главной части возможны следующие варианты:

    1) Продолженное совершенное время

    If I had not got married, I would still have been living abroad.

    2) настоящее время в главной части

    If my mother hadn’t knocked my father off his bicycle thirty years ago, I wouldn’t have been here now. (= … I wouldn’t be here now.)
    If my mother hadn’t met father thirty years ago, I would’t have been here now (= I would’t be here now).
    If she hadn’t crossed the road without looking, she would have been alive today (= …she would be alive today).

    3) modals

    You could have done it if you had tried.
    If he had known the facts he could have told us what to do.
    If he’d run a bit faster, he could have won.
    If I hadn’t been so tired, I might have realised what was happening.
    If you had parked your car there (but you didn’t), we could have kept an eye on it.

    If he had been here yesterday he could have told us (ability).
    If he had been here yesterday he might have told us (possibility).
    If he had received a present he should have thanked her (duty).

    Возможны совершенные инфинитивы после модальных глаголов:

    If he had been here he could have been helping us in the shop.
    If she had been here she could have met my sister.

    If you had not told me about it I should (might) never have known (I should still be unaware of) the facts.
    If he had taken his doctor’s advice he might not have died (he might still be alive).

    Смешанный тип предложений


    Обычно предположения в обоих частях условных предложений относятся к одному и тому же физическому времени:

    If I won the prize, I would take you shopping.
    I would be happy if Tom asked me to the dance.

    Bob would have known what to get only if he had asked his father.

    If I had put air in the tires, I wouldn’t have had a flat tire last night.

    Но иногда могут употребляться и другие сочетания из частей второго и третьего типов, относящиеся к разному физическому времени.

    Прошлое – Настоящее

    If I had won the lottery, I would be rich.
    (но я не выиграл тогда и сейчас не богат)

    If I had taken French in high school, I would have more job opportunities.
    If she had been born in the United States, she wouldn’t need a visa to work here.
    If I had taken an aspirin, I wouldn’t have a headache now.
    If I had studied in school, I would have a diploma now.
    If Nick had turned in his application, he would be working here now.
    If you had recorded the show last night, we could watch it.

    Прошлое – будущее

    If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she would be joining us tomorrow.
    (но она тогда не записалась и завтра к нам не присоединится)

    If Mark had gotten the job instead of Joe, he would be moving to Shanghai.
    If Darren hadn’t wasted his Christmas bonus gambling in Las Vegas, he would go to Mexico with us next month.
    If I had known that you are going to come by tomorrow, I would be in then.
    If Rose had not called him, they wouldn’t be going to the party together tomorrow.
    If Nathan and Lisa had finished their chores, they would receive their allowance tonight.
    If the television had not broken, we would watch the game this weekend.

    Настоящее – прошлое

    If I were rich, I would have bought that Ferrari we saw yesterday.
    (но я в данное время не богат, поэтому вчера Феррари не купил)
    If Sam spoke Russian, he would have translated the letter for you.
    If I didn’t have to work so much, I would have gone to the party last night.

    If she had enough money, she could have done this trip to Hawaii.
    If he were a good student, he would have studied for the test yesterday.

    If I were you, I would have bought the red dress.
    If the teacher were here, she would have turned on the heater this morning.
    If the students had more time, they would have finished their work yesterday.

    Настоящее – будущее

    If I didn’t have so much vacation time, I wouldn’t go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week.
    (но у меня есть время и поэтому я поеду в путешествие)

    If Cindy were more creative, the company would send her to New York to work on the new advertising campaign.
    If Dan weren’t so nice, he wouldn’t be tutoring you in math tonight.
    If I were you, I would be spending my vacation in Seattle.
    If I were you, I would call Tom and apologize.
    If Bob had more time, he would attend the cooking class next week.
    If Fred were here, he would go with us to Colorado on Thursday.

    Будущее – прошедшее:

    If my parents weren’t coming this weekend, I would have planned a nice trip just for the two of us to Napa Valley.
    (но мои родители приезжают и поэтому я не запланировал поездку)
    If I weren’t going on my business trip next week, I would have accepted that new assignment at work.
    If Donna weren’t making us a big dinner tonight, I would have suggested that we go to that nice Italian restaurant.
    If I weren’t flying to Detroit, I would have planned a trip to Vancouver.

    If they weren’t traveling to France on Thursday, they would have planned to attend your birthday party.
    If I weren’t quitting my job in two weeks, I would have purchased you a gift for Christmas.
    If Don’s sisters weren’t going to the theater, they would have agreed to babysit.

    Будущее – настоящее

    If Sandy were giving a speech tomorrow, she would be very nervous.
    (но она завтра не выступает и поэтому сейчас не нервничвает).

    If I were going to that concert tonight, I would be very excited.
    If Seb didn’t come with us to the desert, everyone would be very disappointed.
    If I were taking this exam next week, I would be high-strung.
    If I were getting married tomorrow, I would be relaxing right now.
    If Jenny and Eric were going to be here for the holidays, they would be making plans.
    If Dan were traveling with us to Boston in March, he would be saving money.



    Кроме в условных предложениях употребляются другие союзы, имеющие похожий смысл.

    1) even if употребляется, чтобы выразить, что одна ситуация не повлияла бы на другую:

    I would have married her even if she had been penniless.
    Even if you don’t get the job this time, there will be many exciting opportunities in
    the future.
    Even if I become a millionaire, I shall always be a socialist.

    2) if only употребляется, чтобы сказать о пожелании – близко по смыслу к ‘I wish…’. Придаточное предложение с if only может употребляться и отдельно, без главного предложения

    If only I knew more people!
    If only I was better-looking!
    If only your father were here!

    a) would + bare infinitive выражает пожелание о будущем:

    If only it would stop raining, we could go out.
    If only somebody would smile!

    b) past perfect относится к прошлому:

    If only she hadn’t told the police, everything would have been all right.

    С похожим значением употребляется imagine (that):

    Imagine we could all fly. Wouldn’t that be fun!

    3) only if

    These activities can flourish only if agriculture and rural industry are flourishing.

    Only можно переносить в главное предложение:

    I will only come if he wants me. (=I will come only if he wants me.)
    He told them that disarmament was only possible if Britain changed her foreign policy.

    4) Unless со значением ‘if. . . not’, ‘except if’:

    Unless it rains, I’ll pick you up at 6.00.
    Unless the theatre is able to raise $100,000, it will have to close (= If the theatre isn’t able to…)
    Come tomorrow unless I phone. (= … if I don’t phone / except if I phone.)
    I’ll take the job unless the pay is too low. (= if the pay isn’t too low / except if the pay is too low. )
    I’ll be back tomorrow unless there’s a plane strike.
    Let’s have dinner out — unless you’re too tired.
    I’m going to dig the garden this afternoon, unless it rains.
    You can’t travel on this train unless you have a reservation.
    You won’t catch the train if you don’t hurry/unless you hurry.
    Your parcel will be dispatched this evening, unless you (would) prefer to take it with you now.
    Goods will not be dispatched unless they are paid for in advance.
    Не wouldn’t do it unless you were to order him to do it.

    ● If…not, а не unless употребляется если

    a) событие, описываемое в главном предложении, будет неожиданным:

    I’ll be amazed if Christie doesn’t win.

    b) обычно в вопросах:

    If you don’t pass the test, what will you do?

    c) когда не подходит по смыслу ‘only if’:

    If it wasn’t the best performance of Hamlet I’ve seen, it was certainly the strangest.

    d) unless не употребляется, если смысл высказывания близок к ‘because … not’:

    OK. So we’ll meet this evening at 7.00 – unless my train’s late. (= … except if my train’s late.)
    My wife will be angry if I’m not home by 7.00. (не ‘My wife will be angry unless I get home by 7.00. — She will be angry because I’m not home’.)

    I’ll drive over and see you, unless the car breaks down. (= … except if the car breaks down.)
    I’ll be surprised if the car doesn’t break down soon (не ‘I’ll be surprised unless the car breaks down soon. — I’ll be surprised because it doesn’t break down’.)

    e) If …not обычно употребляется в предложениях с нереальным условием, но если главное предложение в отрицательной форме, то можно употребить unless:

    If I weren’t so tired, I’d give you a hand.
    She wouldn’t have gone to university unless her parents had insisted.

    ● unless, а не if…not употребляется когда

    a) выражается соображение, которое высказывается уже после первого предположения:

    We can leave now — unless you’d rather wait for Jack, of course.

    b) после части предложения с условием идет еще и определительное предложение «возвращающее» нас к позитивному предположению в главной части:

    We can walk to the cinema unless it’s raining, in which case we’ll get a taxi.

    5) Whether

    Whether you lock your car or not, the police will tow it away.
    (в таком предложении нельзя заменить на if … or not)

    6) On condition (that), provided(that)/providing (that) , so long as/as long as

    I will let you drive on condition (that)/ = provided (that)/ = providing (that) /= so/as long as you have a valid license.

    I’ll give you the day off on condition that you work on Saturday morning.
    Не says he’ll accept the post provided (on condition that) the salary is satisfactory.
    Ordering is quick and easy provided you have access to the internet.
    Provided that it’s not too much money I’d love to come to Spain.
    The oven bakes magnificent bread providing it is hot enough.
    Provided the weather keeps like this, the farmers have no need to worry about the crops.
    You can borrow my bike providing/provided you bring it back.
    It doesn’t matter where you put it so long as you make a note of where it is.
    They are happy for the world to stay as it is, as long as they are comfortable.
    You’re welcome to stay with us as/so long as you share the expenses.
    So long as you return the book by Saturday, I will lend it to you with pleasure.

    On condition (that) обычно употребляется с одушевленными существительными, с другими союзами этой группы это неважно:

    We’ll be all right so long as it doesn’t pour with rain.

    7) Suppose/Supposing (that)

    С этими союзами можно сделать предположения о будущем и прошлом.

    Suppose/Supposing (that) I had/were to have an accident, who would pay? (future)
    Suppose/ Supposing (that) I had had an accident who would have paid? (past)

    Supposing you’d missed the train. What would you have done?
    Supposing my father saw me with you, what might he think?
    Supposing the other team wins» the match, what will happen to us?
    Suppose (supposing) your friends knew how you’re behaving here, what would they think?

    8) In case

    Make a note of my telephone number, in case you want to ring me up.
    You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.
    I shall take an umbrella in case it rains.

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