If only we can find the word

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Former Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that


have the means and the capacity to deal with our problems, if only we can find the political will.

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Бывший Генеральный секретарь Кофи Аннан сказал,

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As I have said elsewhere,

the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are all to hand if only we can find the right way to fit them together.

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had seen the Cave of Five Hundred Eyes before.

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в пещере пятисот глаз и до этого.


if only 

we could find a way to mark this milestone in our friendship.

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If only we

could find

out more about where he came from or what made him tick.

Now if we can

only find

out where she used it, maybe

we can

figure out why.

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Теперь, если мы сможем выяснить где она его использовала, может поймем и зачем.

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Results: 2730,
Time: 0.2007





Предложения с I wish и If only согласно грамматике выражают сожаление о содеянном, настоящем или нереальное действие в будущем. I wish и If only по правилам английского языка можно считать взаимозаменяемыми выражениями, однако If only — конструкция более эмоционально выразительная.

Высказывания, содержащие эти конструкции, являются подтипом условных предложений. В них может выражаться:

  • пожелание относительно изменения ситуации в настоящем (соотносится с unreal present — вторым типом условных предложений. Подробнее об условных предложениях читайте здесь)
  • сожаление относительно уже случившегося/не случившегося события в прошлом (соотносится с unreal past — третьим типом условных предложений)
  • пожелания относительно изменения ситуации в будущем (соотносится с desired future — первым типом условных предложений)

I wish / If only — правила употребления

Прямое и основное значение глагола wish — желать.

I wish you good luck, I wish you happiness. — Я желаю тебе удачи. Я желаю тебе счастья.

Но очень часто этот глагол используется, когда необходимо выразить сожаление о том, что происходит не так сейчас, в прошлом или будущем.

Основной принцип в том, что в таких предложениях требуется «сделать шаг назад» во времени и изменить положительную форму на отрицательную, а отрицательную на положительную.

Примеры для сравнения:

Факт: I don’t speak French, so I won’t talk to him. — Я не говорю по-французски, поэтому я не поговорю с ним.

Сожаление о нереальном настоящем c wish: I wish I spoke French. — Жаль, что я не говорю по-французски (в настоящем). Или, в дословном переводе, — Я желала бы, чтоб я говорила по-французски.

Условное предложение с if: If only I spoke French, I would talk to him! — Если бы только я говорил по-французски, я бы с ним поговорил!

I wish / If only – правила употребления в предложениях в настоящем времени

Выражая сожаление о том, что не устраивает говорящего в настоящем или пожелание, чтоб все было иначе, в предложениях после wish необходимо использовать Past Simple, Past Continuous или конструкцию could + infinitive без to.

Такие предложения, выражающие желания и относящиеся к настоящему времени, на русский язык переводятся в форме «Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы…» / «Жаль, что…».


I wish it was not drizzling. — Жаль, что моросит дождь. (Я бы хотел, чтобы он не моросил сейчас).

I wish I could speak French. —  Хотелось бы, чтобы я мог говорить по-французски. (Жаль, что я не могу говорить по-французски.)

He wishes he earned more. — Он хотел бы зарабатывать больше. (But he doesn’t earn much now. — Но он не зарабатывает много сейчас.)

If only they won the match. — Ах, если бы они выиграли матч.

If only you gave up smoking. — Ах, если бы ты бросил курить.

В подобных предложениях глагол to be употребляется в форме сослагательного наклонения were (был бы, была бы, были бы) для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа.


I wish he were here now.  — Хотелось бы, чтобы он был здесь. (Жаль, что его нет здесь сейчас).

I wish I were  a pilot. — Как жаль, что я не летчик.

I wish I were a millionaire. — Хотел бы я быть миллионером.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается желание относительно изменения ситуации в настоящем, соотносятся со вторым типом условных предложений (unreal present).


I wish I were lying on the beach at the moment. = If I were lying on the I beach, it would be better. — Как бы мне хотелось лежать сейчас на пляже.

I wish I knew the answer. = If I knew the answer, it would be better. — Как бы мне хотелось знать ответ.

I wish I could get a better job. = If I could get a better job, it would be better. — Как бы мне хотелось иметь лучшую работу.

I wish / If only – правила употребления в предложениях в прошедшем времени

Если нужно выразить сожаление о случившихся или не произошедших действиях в прошлом, необходимо использовать Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

Такие предложения, выражающие сожаление и относящиеся к прошедшему времени, на русский язык переводятся в форме «Как жаль, что…», «Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы…».


I wish you had had time then. — Хотелось бы, чтобы у вас тогда было время. (Жаль, что у вас тогда не было времени.)

She wishes she had not been driving so fast. — Она сожалеет, что ехала так быстро.

We wish we had not left the keys at home. — Ах, если бы мы не забыли ключи дома.

If only I had prepared more properly. — Жаль, что я не подготовился лучше.

If only the car had not broken down. — Жаль, что машина сломалась.

I wish I had known that Ann was ill. — Жаль, что я не знал, что Анна была больна.

Can в конструкциях с I wish меняется на couldn’t; сan’t — на could.


I can’t swim. I wish I could. — Я не умею плавать. Хотелось бы, чтоб умел.

He can come to the party. I wish he couldn’t. — Он может прийти на вечеринку. Хотелось бы, чтоб не мог.

В предложениях прошедшего времени с формой could / couldn’t в конструкциях I wish / if only будет употребляться форма could have done.


I couldn’t visit that city with you. I wish I could have visited it. — Я не мог посетить тот город с тобой. Жаль, что не мог.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается сожаление относительно уже случившегося/не случившегося события в прошлом, соотносятся с третьим типом условных предложений.


I wish I had met him earlier. = If I had met him earlier, it would have changed my life. — Как жаль, что я не встретила его раньше. Если бы только я встретила его раньше…

I wish I had been wiser. = If I had been wiser, I wouldn’t have done such a silly thing. — Как жаль, что я не была мудрее. / Если бы только я была мудрее…

I wish I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate. = If I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate, I wouldn’t feel ill now. — Как жаль, что я съела так много  шоколада. / Если бы только я не съела так много шоколада…

I wish / If only — правила употребления в предложениях в будущем времени

Если действие выражает желание изменить что-либо в настоящем или будущем, то после wish используется would + инфинитив

  • при желании высказать просьбу

I wish you would help me. — Ах, если бы ты мне помог.

If only you would bring me a cup of hot tea. — Ах, если бы ты принес мне чашку горячего чая.

  • в случае желания высказать недовольство, изменить ситуацию или поведение, но это сделать практически невозможно (для местоимений I и we используется глагол could)

I wish my parents would be younger. — Ах, если бы мои родители были моложе.

I wish I could change the weather. — Я бы хотел поменять погоду (но я не могу этого сделать).

If only they would give me my money back. — Ах, если бы они вернули мне деньги (но я не верю в это).

If only we could speak Japanese. — Жаль, что мы не говорим по-японски.

I wish he would stop lying.  — Хотелось бы, чтобы он перестал лгать.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается пожелание относительно будущего, соотносятся с первым типом условных предложений.

I wish he would stop lying.  = If he stops lying it will be better. — Хотелось бы, чтобы он перестал лгать.

Перевод предложений с конструкциями I wish / If only

Чаще всего используют такие варианты: «Ах, если бы…», «Жаль, что…» или «Я бы хотел/желал…», но есть и другие. Возможно также переводить данные предложения используя сложное дополнение.

I wish you sent me the letter. = I want you to send me the letter. = Я бы хотел, чтобы ты отправил мне письмо.

Важная особенность перевода предложения с I wish / If only: при переводе утверждение необходимо поменять на отрицание и наоборот.

She wishes she had not stolen a purse. — Она сожалеет, что украла сумочку.

If only they were present. — Жаль, что их нет.

Именно использование конструкций I wish/ If only для выражения сожаления делает выражение мысли более ярким, а речь богатой эмоциями. Общее правило можно свести к мини-таблице.

Общее правило использования времен в предложениях с I wish / If only:


В разговорной речи конструкция I wish может прозвучать в качестве ответа на вопрос.


Is she your girlfriend? — I wish…

Она твоя девушка? — Если бы (хотелось бы)…

Can you speak Chinese? — I wish…

Ты говоришь по-китайски? — Если бы (хотелось бы)…

Conditionals, If-sentences, The Subjunctive.

Past Simple

Vocabulary: Ecology and environment. Problems of big cities.

Grammar: Conditionals, If-sentences, The Subjunctive.

Содержание темы

  1.  Types of Conditionals.
  2.  Mixed Conditionals.
  3.  Other tenses in conditional sentences.
  4.  The Subjunctive.
  5.  Present and past reference with ‘I wish’, ‘if only’ and ‘it’s (high) time’.
  6.  Expressing wishes and regrets with ‘I wish’ and ‘if only.
  7.  ‘Would’ and ‘could’ after ‘I wish’ and ‘if only’.
  8.  ‘It’s (high) time’ and ‘It’s (about) time’.
  9.  Expressing personal preference with ‘I’d rather/ I’d sooner’.
  10.  Expressing preferences about other people’s actions.
  11.  ‘I’d rather.


Conditionals, If-sentences, The Subjunctive.

Type I
Настоящее время
If-придаточое прдложение (hypothesis) + Presen Tenses Future/Imperatie/can/may/might/must/should + Инфинитив без to
if + любая форма настоящего времени (Present S., Present Cont. or Present Pert.)  
If you finish work early, we’ll go for a walk.  
If the weather is nice, we’ll go swimming.  
  Действия, которые совершаться в настоящем или будущем времени
If you have finished your coffee, we can pay the bill.  
If you’re ill, see a doctor! If you burn yourself, it hurts.  
Type II
Не реальные действия для настоящего или будущего
If + Past Simple or Past Continuous would/could/might + bare infinitive
If I had money, I would travel round the world. (but I don’t have money — untrue in the present)  
If I were a bird, I could fly.  
  Нереальные, которые не совершатся. Для настоящего или будущего времени.
If I were you, I would take an umbrella, (advice)  
Type III
Не реальные действия для прошедшего времени
If + Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous would/could/might + have + past participle
If we hadn’t left so early, we would have missed the plane.  
If I had been invited, I would have gone to the party.  
If you had told me before about your problems, I would have helped you , but now it’s too late. Нереальные, которые не совершились. Для прошедшего времени.
If the weather hadn’t been so nasty yesterday, we would not have stayed at home all day long.  


Conditionals are usually introduced by IF; the following expressions can be uses in stead of IF: providing,  provided (that), as long as, in case, on condition (that), but for (=without), otherwise, or else, what if, supposing, even if, only if, unless.  

2.1 If only: This adds emphasis to hypothetical situations. With past events it adds a sense of regret. The second part of the sentence is often left out.

If only I had enough time!

If only I hadn ‘t drunk too much, this wouldn ‘t have happened!

2.2 Unless and other alternatives

Unless only if not. Not all negative IF-sentences can be transformed into unless sentences.

If he wasn ‘t told by Jane, he couldn ‘t have known.

Unless he was told by Jane, he couldn ‘t have known, (can be changed)

If Mr Smith doesn ‘t come back, he ‘II phone you. (cannot be changed)

If one situation depends on another, it can be replaced by as/so long as, provided or only if.

2.3 Only ifcombines with other time expressions and is used with past simple

Only after posting the letter did I remember that I had forgotten to put on a stamp.  (inversion)

I’ll do what you say provided the police are not informed.

2.4 Even ifdescribes how something will happen whatever the condition.

Even if it rains, we’ll still go for a picnic.

2.5 But for him, I wouldn’t have been able to survive. (If he hadn’t helped me…)

2.6 Supposingit rains, will you still go for a picnic?

2.7 What if it rains,  will you go for a walk?

2.8 We  can omit “if”, when should, were and had come before the subject.

Should, come, tell him to wait for me.

Were you, I would speak to her.  known, he would have told us.

4. Other tenses in conditional sentences

4.1 Going to  Going to can replace will.

If you fall, you ‘re going to hurt yourself.

If you ‘re going to make trouble, we ‘II call the police.

4.2 Present perfect This can be used to emphasis completion after if.

If you’ve finished, then we’ll go. It is also possible in both parts of the sentence.

If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times!

4.3 Doubt and uncertainty

An additional not can be added in formal expressions involving doubt. This emphasizes the uncertainty and does not add a negative meaning.

I wouldn ‘t be surprised if it didn ‘t rain. (I think it will rain.)

4.4 Should

if, this makes the possibility of an event seem unlikely.

If you should see Ann, could you ask her to call me?

This implies that I do not expect you to see Ann.

4.5 Were to  This also makes an event seem more hypothetical.

If I were to ask you to marry me, what would you say?

4.6 Happen to

This emphasizes chance possibilities. It is often used with should.

If you happen to see Helen, could you ask her to call me?

If you should happen to be passing, drop in for a cup of tea.

4.7 If it were not for/If it hadn ‘t been for

This describes how one event depends on another.

If it weren ‘t for Jim, this company would be in a mess.

If it hadn‘t been for their goalkeeper, United would have lost.

4.8 Will and would: politeness and emphasis These can be used as polite forms.

If you will/would wait here, I’ll see if Mrs Green is free.

Will can also be used for emphasis, meaning ‘insist on doing’.

If you will stay out late, no wonder you are tired! (insist on staying)

4.9 If and adjectives

In expressions such as if it is necessary/possible it is possible to omit the verb be. If interested, apply within. If necessary, take a taxi.

4.10 Formally if can mean although, usually as if + adjective.

The room was well-furnished, if a little badly decorated.

5.1 Subjunctive sentences: SUBJECT + VERB + THAT + SUBJECT + INF. without to

  John’s mother insisted that he return home early.

5.2.Subjunctive обозначает особую группу глагольных временных форм (типа pres. — bepast — wereforallpersons — для глагола tobe или infinitivewithoutto — для других глаголов), используемых для описания событий, которые вряд ли когда-либо будут иметь место, но которые являются предметом наших надежд, мечтаний, желаний.

5.3 The Present Subjunctive

The Present Subjunctive is used after


Impersonal expressions

Indicating that one person wants another one to do something   

Advise, order, demand, ask, require, recommend, command, propose, insist, suggest

It is  necessary, important, proposed, recommended, suggested

He suggested that she go there. He suggested that they should go there.

It is suggested that she go there

5.4 Note the difference:

British variant:  I insist that you should leave without her.

   It is recommended that you should publish your book.

American variant:   I insist that you leave without her.

   It is recommended that you publish your book

5.5 The Past Subjunctive prefers to use were instead of was.

She behaves as if she were / was a queen.

I wish it were true

6. Present and past reference with ‘I wish’, ‘if only’ and ‘it’s (high) time’

(I) wish, if only. it’s (high) time and it’s (about) time, we ‘go one tense back’:

1 The past tense refers to the present:I wish I had a better watch! (NOW)

2 The past perfect tense refers to the past:If only you had asked me first! (THEN)

7. Expressing wishes and regrets with ‘I wish’ and ‘if only

7.1 We often use I wish for things that might (still) happen:

I wish I knew the answer! (= it’s possible I might find out the answer)

If only is stronger. We use it to express regret for things that can (now) never happen:

If only your mother were alive now! (Of course, / wish is also possible.)

7.2 We may use the simple past of be after wish and if only

I wish I was on holiday now. If only Tessa was here now!

If we want to be more formal, we use were in all persons

I wish I were on holiday now. If only Tessa were here!

7.3 We may use the past perfect of be for things that can never happen:

I wish I had been on holiday last week. If only Tessa had been here yesterday!

7.4 We use the past or past perfect forms of other verbs:

I wish I knew the answer to your question.

I wish I had known then what I know now!

8. ‘Would’ and ‘could’ after ‘I wish’ and ‘if only’

We must use could, not would, after /and we. Compare:

I can’t swim.                           →        wish I could swim.

We weren’t together!              →        I wish we could have been together

We sometimes use / wish you (he. she. etc.)would(n’t) like an imperative:

(I am making a lot of noise!)  →   I wish you wouldn’t make so much noise!

(He is making a lot of noise!)  →       I  wish he would be quiet!

9. ‘It’s (high) time’ and ‘It’s (about) time’

We use It’s time, It’s high time and it’s about time to express present or future wishes, or to express our impatience about things that haven’t happened yet:

Kim can’t even boil an egg. — I know.

It’s time/high time/about timeshe learnt to cook!

10. Expressing personal preference with ‘I’d rather/ I’d sooner’

We use would ratherand would soonerto express preference.

We can refer to the present or the future:

I‘d rather/I’d soonerbe a builder than an architect.

Or we can refer to the past:

If I could choose again, I’d rather/sooner have been a builder than an architect.

11. Expressing preferences about other people’s actions

11.1 We can refer to other people after I’d rather or I’d sooner.

I’d rather leave on an earlier train. (= I’m referring to myself)

I’d rather Jackleft on an earlier train. ( I want him to leave)

11.2 We use the past tense form after I’d rather to refer to the present or future.

I’d rather be happy. I’d rather not sit next to her. (= for myself)

I’d rather she were/was happy. (= now)

I’d rather she didn’t sit next to me. (= now)

11.3 We use the past perfect form after I’d rather to refer to past time.

I’d rather have been present. (= then — I’m referring to myself)

I’d rather you had been present, (then)

I’d rather you hadn’t told me about it. (then)

12. ‘I’d rather he didn’t’

We generally omit the main part of the verb in short responses:

12.1 negative responses:    

Frank is going to buy a motorbike. — I’d rather he didn’t.

I′ve told everyone about it.   — I’d rather you hadn’t.

12.2 affirmative responses:

Frank won’t give up his present job. — I’d rather he did.

I haven’t told anyone about it. — I’d rather you had.

12.3 We do not have to repeat the main verb in a complete sentence:

You always go without me and I’d rather you didn’t.


Ecology and environment. Problems of big cities.

Study the important vocabulary:

1. The weather:  

Cold weather: the chilly days of autumn, cold days of winter, frosts, icy roads, sleet rain and snow, severe blizzards, snowdrifts, freezing weather, the ground thaws, ice melts.

Warm/hot weather: close, stifling, humid, scorching, boiling, mild, heatwave

Wet weather: damp, drizzle, shower, pour down / downpour, storm, thunderstorm, torrential rain, flood; haze/hazy, mist/misty, fog/foggy, smog

Wind: gentle breeze, good wind, blustery day, gale warning, hurricane

2. The Natural World:

Animals: species, reptile, dinosaur, bird, fish, gills, mammal, nest, wing, tail, claws, paw, hoof; Flowers and trees: pollen, leaves, branch, trunk, roots, bark; Names of trees: oak, fir, evergreen pine, birch; Verbs: to flower/blossom, extinct, hibernate, thrive, pick flowers, plant, fertilize, harvest crops.

3. The environment:

Brook, stream, river; hillock, hill, mountain; cove, bay, gulf; copse, wood, forest;   puddle, pond, lake; footpath, lane, road

Where land meets sea: coast, shore, beach, estuary, cliff, cape,  peninsula;

Words connected with rivers: source, tributary, waterfall, mouth, valley, gorge; Words connected with mountains:  foot, ridge, peak, summit, glacier;

4. Environmental problems:

air, river and sea pollution; overfishing, the greenhouse effect, the destruction of the ozone layer, the destruction of the rainforests, battery farming, waste disposal, rubbish, re-cycling

We should: avoid spray cans, practice organic farming, use unleaded petrol, recycle paper and bottle banks

Problems:  overpopulation, unemployment, famine, ignorance, diseases

Раздел: Задания для самостоятельной работы


1. I finished digging in half an hour but I felt as if I ____ for hours.

  1.  worked
  2.  had worked
  3.  work
  4.  have worked

2. It’s  time we ____ our parents. We ____ them for ____ long time.

  1.  visited, haven’t visited, such     
  2.  have visited, didn’t see, so
  3.  had visited, hadn’t seen, a very
  4.  visited, haven’t seen, such a

3. If I had known that he needed money, I ____ him some. I had ____ dollars to spare.

  1.  would have borrowed, some
  2.  might give, few
  3.  would give, a little  
  4.  would have lent, a few

4. His gesture ____ impatience. He looked as if he ____ for hours.

  1.  indicated, is waiting
  2.  offered, had waited
  3.  suggested, had been waiting
  4.  showed, waited

5. He had written his address down the last morning, she remembered, and said that if she ____ to Paris he ____ happy to see her again.

  1.  had ever come, will feel
  2.  comes, will be
  3.  would come, may be
  4.  ever came, would be

6. Minnie had a gift for mathematics and probably could get ____ teaching in the department if she ____ it upon graduation.

  1.  a job, wanted
  2.  work, will have wanted
  3.  job, wished
  4.  a position, wants

7. He stood stiff and impotent with anger. She stared into the mirror as if he ____.

  1.  doesn’t exist
  2.  didn’t exist
  3.  hadn’t existed
  4.  won’t exist

8. If only we ____ a phone! I’m tired of queueing outside the public phone box.

  1.  had had
  2.  had
  3.  have had
  4.  can have

9. He said that if the war ____ he would have to leave the country at once.

  1.  breaks out
  2.  broken out
  3.  broke out
  4.  will break out

10. Then he said: «If this man ____, the whole dirty story will come out, and I don’t want it ____ .”

  1.  will be arrested, come out
  2.  is arrested, to come out
  3.  will arrest, coming out
  4.  is being arrested, to come out

11. “There are ____ institutions, of course, but it’s not very easy to get into them unless you ____ influential friends.»

  1.  charitable, haven’t got
  2.  charity’s, have got
  3.  charity, don’t have
  4.  charity, have

12. “If nothing ____ , said she, beaming at them, we shall be back in England for ____ Christmas.”

  1.  will happen, —
  2.  happened, a
  3.  happens, —
  4.  will have happened, the

13. At ____ dawn she looked weak and pale, as though she ____ up all night.

  1.  — , had been
  2.  the, were
  3.  a, was
  4.  — , has been

14. They all acted as if they ____ at a family reunion, as if they ____ each other in years.

  1.  had been, didn’t see
  2.  were, hadn’t seen
  3.  were, haven’t seen
  4.  have been, hadn’t seen

15. I realized that if they ____ their heads, they ____ my pale face looking at them over the pile of suitcases.

  1.  had turned, can see
  2.  turned, would be able to see
  3.  will turn, will see
  4.  have turned, would see

16. “I have some work that ____ be finished before I ____ on my holiday.”

  1.  would, will go away
  2.  ought, am away
  3.  should, will get away
  4.  must, get away

17. If Martin ____ her ____ that way he ____ have taken offence.

  1.  hears, speaking, can
  2.  had heard, speak, would
  3.  heard, to speak, might
  4.  had heard, speak, must

18. They took care of her as though they ____ her parents.

  1.  are
  2.  were
  3.  had been
  4.  have been

19. I ____ to help if I ____ I would be any use.  

  1.  would suggest, thought  
  2.  will propose, could have thought  
  3.  might suggest, could think  
  4.  would offer, thought

20. It was long ____ I had last seen her and if someone had not mentioned her name I ____ her.

  1.  since, mustn’t have recognized
  2.  from, shouldn’t recognize
  3.  since, wouldn’t have recognized
  4.  while, couldn’t have recognized

21. It’s high time you ____ in ____ bed too, my child.

  1.  are, —
  2.  must be, the
  3.  were, —
  4.  should be, a

22. If I hadn’t been there something very unpleasant ____ to him.

  1.  could happen
  2.  might have happened
  3.  was to happen
  4.  must have happened

23. If he ____ at once he might have saved us a lot of trouble.

  1.  were sent for
  2.  is sent for
  3.  had been sent for
  4.  will be sent for

24. I could not imagine ____ wishing to spend three months there; unless it ____ somebody who wanted to hide.

  1.  none, was
  2.  someone, was not
  3.  people, were not
  4.  anyone, was

25. He looked at me as if he ____ what they had on their minds.

  1.  is wondering
  2.  has been wondering
  3.  were wondering
  4.  had been wondered

26. I wished that Thomas ____ me there.

  1.  has not brought
  2.  had not brought
  3.  does not bring
  4.  was not brought

27. “But we ____ in conference for two hours,” he said. “It’s high time ____ a tea break.”

  1.  are, having had
  2.  were, we have
  3.  have been being, to have
  4.  have been, we had

28. If John ____ to see a dentist, let him ____ toothache.

  1.  is refusing, to suffer
  2.  refuses, suffer
  3.  refused, suffering
  4.  will refuse, suffering

29. “You had better ____ home. You’re likely to get into trouble if you ____ here.”

  1.  go, stay
  2.  to go, have stayed
  3.  hurry, will stay
  4.  to hurry, are staying

30. If we ____ waterproof coats it ____ pleasant enough to drive in that spring rain.

  1.  had had, would have been
  2.  have had, would be
  3.  shall have, is
  4.  are having, will be

31. He wondered a little ruefully just what Dad ____ if he ____ about his relations with Jan.

  1.  would say, knew
  2.  might say, had known
  3.  would have said, learns
  4.  should say, has learned

32. And then he saw that Doreen ____ , and he felt as though someone ____ him in the stomach.

  1.  was crying, has kicked
  2.  had been cried, kicked
  3.  had been crying, had kicked
  4.  cried, had been kicked

33. She scarcely seemed ____ what they were saying. It was as though it ____ her.

  1.  hearing, did not concern
  2.  to hear, did not concern
  3.  listening, was not concerning
  4.  to understand, had not concerned

34. She remembered as though it ____ only yesterday the first time she ____ them.

  1.  were, was meeting
  2.  was, has met
  3.  has been, met
  4.  had been, had met

1) will be, are … discussing

2) were, were … discussing

3) has been, would … discuss

4) was, will… discuss

36. If you    away with him, go at once, but don’t ask me   him.

1) will go, to meet

2) will be going, to have met

3) are going, to meet

4) have gone, to be meeting

37. I’m not a poet. But if I   poems I   dedicate them to you.

1) would, will

2) can, shall

3) could, would

4) can, would

38. If I   you then, what   you have done?

1) didn’t help, would

2) hadn’t helped, would

3) didn’t, will

4) haven’t helped, will

39. I wish I       poet to describe it to you.

1) were, a

2) am, a

3) had been, the

4) was, the

40. I’m tired. It’s high time you   and me in peace.

1) go, leave

2) have gone, have left

3) would have gone, leave

4) went, left

41. Why  that pie last night? I wish I   that pie last night.

1) did I eat, had eaten

2) did I eat, hadn’t eaten

3) have I eaten, hadn’t eaten

4) did I eat, didn’t eat

42. If she   he was going to be angry about it, she   that.

1) knew, won’t do

2) knows, wouldn’t do

3) had known, wouldn’t have done

4) would know, have done

43. You wouldn’t be so tired today if you   to bed when I told you to. Something should be done to help you.

44. If you     your medicine yesterday, you   today.

1) had taken, would be well

2) took, would be better

3) take, will be good

4) have taken, would have been well

45. If he   such bad writing, I   these letters.

1) didn’t have, can have read

2) didn’t have, could read

3) hadn’t had, can read

4) didn’t have, could have read

46. Why didn’t I ask her out? If only I   her out! Everything   .

1) ask, will change

2) asked, would change

3) had asked, would have changed

4) would ask, had changed

47. If I    overseas instead of him, I   something and   somebody.

1) would go, earnt, were

2) would have gone, have learnt, been

3) had gone, might have learnt, been

4) went, may learn, be

48. If she   with him at this moment, the doubt and loneliness   evaporate. But he was alone.

1) was, will

2) were, would

3) have been, would

4) had been, would have

52. I shall go there provided you   to accompany me. It’s high time you ____  rything.

1) would consent, are knowing

2) will consent, have known

3) would have consented, know

4) consent, knew

53. If he   your remark, he     offence. And what’s more, I’ve just told you that talking mends no holes.

1) had heard, would take

2) heard, would take

3) have heard, would have taken

4) had heard, would have taken

54. He speaks as if he   the subject very well.

1) had known

2) is knowing

3) has known

4) knew

1) were, would have checked

2) were, would check

3) am, will check

4) had been, would check

56. If I a spare ticket tonight I  you to the concert.

1) will have, will take

2) had, would take

3) will have had, can take

4) had had, could take

57. If the snake bite   poisonous, you   very bad now.

1) was, will feel

2) had been, are feeling

3) were, would have felt

4) had been, would feel

58. If she      some lessons, she   her performance.

1) can have, might improve

2) could have, might improve

3) could have had, may improve

4) could have, might to improve

1) will turn away, being

2) will be turning from, have been

3) turn down, be

4) have turned against, to be

1) If had he been, would have accompanied, might not take place

2) Had he been, would have accompanied, might not have taken place

3) Had he been, would accompany, might not have taken place

4) If he had been, would accompany, might not take place

61. If they   here, I   so glad, as they  everything to me.

1) would be, were, would explain

2) were, should be, explained

3) would be, were, explained

4) were, should be, would explain

62. If that you   he  very glad.

1) I had told him, would come, would have been

2) had I told him, would come, had been

3) I told him, would have come, would have been

4) I should tell him, would come, had been

63. If you us then, all the differences might .

64. If you Dr. Smith earlier, you ill now.

1) consult, will be

2) didn’t consult, can be

3) had consulted, wouldn’t be

4) have consulted, won’t be

65. If we the question at that meeting, our demands .

1) had raised, would have been met

2) raised, would meet

3) rise, would be met

4) have raised, won’t be met

66. If it dark, we our way.

1) is, would have lost

2) hadn’ t been, might not have lost

3) wasn’t, can have lost

4) were, will lose

67. I wish you rude remarks about me.

2) are not making

3) wouldn’t make

4) hadn’t made

68. He looked at his sister as if he anything like her.

1) didn’t ever seen

2) has never seen

3) can’t see

4) had never seen

69. The exams . It’s time we down to work.

1) are coming, got

2) come, get

3) will come, are getting

4) have come, are

70. I wish more people in the office your sense of humour, Jack.

1) have

2) can have

3) will have

4) had


1. Find the right word.

  1.  During the storm, the climbers sheltered in a cave/cliff/valley.
  2.  The fields were flooded after the river burst its banks/edges/sides.
  3.  In the middle of the square there is an old fountain/source/tap.
  4.  After the rain the street was full of floods/lakes/puddles.
  5.  A small river/stream/torrent runs across the bottom of our garden.
  6.  You must carry a lot of water when you cross the desert/plain/sand.
  7.  From the peak/summit/top of the hill you can see the sea.
  8.  It was difficult to swim because the waters/waves/tides were so high.
  9.  I think it’s going to rain. It’s very clouded/clouding/cloudy.
  10.   The church caught fire when it was struck by hurricane/lightning/thunder.

2. Choose the right variant:

1. Many people are interested in watching…………

1) wildlife    2) wilds    3) wilderness  

2.The dog………its tail furiously when it saw the children.

1) shook    2) wagged    3) moved    

3. A large………of the tree broke off in the storm.

1) trunk    2) bark    3) branch

4. The children enjoyed rolling down the grassy…………

1) mountain    2) cliff   3) slope

5. There was field after field of golden……….waving in the wind.

1) corn    2) bushes    3) herbs

6. You have to sleep under a net to avoid being bitten by………..

1) lobsters   2) cockroaches    3) mosquitoes

7. Before railways were built, many goods were carried on……….

1) channels    2) canals    3) river.

8. Some wild animals will become………if they get used to people.

1) tame    2) organised    3) petty

3. Put the right word in each space:

  1.  We collect honey from our own bee…………………
  2.  There’s a rabbit………………..in the corner of this field.
  3.  There’s a drinking………………..on the other side of the park.
  4.  The hill………………..was covered in beautiful wild flowers.
  5.  What’s the weather………………..for tomorrow?
  6.  You can see the mountain………………..among the clouds in the distance.

4. Choose the right answer:

  1.  There has been another increase/rising in the amount of crime.
  2.  The train was in accident/collision with a bus on a level crossing.
  3.  Many people were injured when the building demolished/collapsed.
  4.  No ships are sailing today because of the high/storm winds.
  5.  The government has announced plans to help the poor/poverty.
  6.  Everyone agrees that the environment/nature must be protected.
  7.  There are few jobs here and many people are away from work/unemployed.
  8.  The driver of the bus admitted that he had done/made an error.
  9.  There was a large demonstration/manifestation against nuclear power.

5. Put the right word in each space:

  1.  Food has been sent to areas in Africa suffering from……………………
  2.  Many people live in overcrowded…………………..on the edge of the city.
  3.  The cost of…………………..has risen steadily this year.
  4.  Thousands of buildings fell down during a severe……………………
  5.  The eruption of the volcano was a terrible……………………
  6.  Hundreds of people were drowned during the…………………..in China.
  7.  Large cities face the problem of what to do with household……………………
  8.  Doctors announced that there was now a cure for the……………………



On May 7th, 1915, during the First World War (1914-1918), a large British passenger ship, the Lusitania, was sailing in perfect weather from America to England, with two thousand people on board. Suddenly, at about half past two in the afternoon, there were two fearful explosions. The ship shook from end to end, and many people were thrown off their feet. A German submarine had fired at the Lusitania and blown two holes in her bottom. The sea rushed into her engine-rooms, and almost immediately the ship began to sink.

She sank in only twenty minutes; and nearly one thousand people lost their lives.

The captain could not see the submarine that attacked his ship, and he had no instrument to show him the danger. Now the danger of surprise attacks against ships and collisions with icebergs is greatly reduced by radar. This radio instrument finds the position and distance of objects which the human eye may not be able to see; it also records the direction and speed of moving objects, such as ships and aeroplanes. Radar can pick out objects more than a hundred miles away in the worst weather conditions, when we can see perhaps no farther than a hundred yards.

Radar works in this way. Powerful transmitters send out a stream of radio-waves, called «pulses», at the rate of perhaps one thousand every second. These pulses shoot through the air at a speed of one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles a second till they hit an object, perhaps a ship, an aeroplane, an iceberg or a hill. These pulses cannot go through the object; and so they immediately shoot back at the same speed, in the opposite direction, and hit the aerial of the radar. The moment this happens, a spot or line of light appears on the radar screen, showing the position and distance of the object.

Today radar is used for many peaceful purposes all over the world. Modern ships of all nations carry radar to help them sail in bad weather, when it is possible to see for a distance of perhaps only a few hundred yards. In the past, the captain usually had to anchor his ship at such times and wait for conditions to improve. But today a ship with radar can sail in almost any weather conditions, with no danger of an accident.

Radar also helps to guide aeroplanes across the world. Radio signals called beams are transmitted into the sky from land radio stations at a number of points along their course. The pilots can hear these signals on their radio and see them on their radar screen. The beams arg like sign-posts in the sky. A pilot guides his aeroplane towards one beam, and then flies on to the next beam. At the end of his journey, he will land his aeroplane with the help of radar.

Trained men at the airport watch the aeroplane on their radar screen and tell the pilot by radio the course to follow, they tell him when and by how much to reduce height, and give any other orders that may be necessary.

(Word count 539)

Answer the questions to text

1. The Lusitania was wrecked because

1) she was overloaded with two thousand people aboard

2) of the fearful explosion of some substance she carried on board

3) she got sudden gaps in her bottom

4) she carried out military operations during the First World War

2. Which of the following observations reflects the main idea of the text best of all?

1) Radar is one of the vitally important discoveries of the 20th century

2) Radar could have prevented the catastrophy of the Lusitania

3) To be able to use radar one should know in detail how it works

4) Radar is widely used in aviation and sailing

3. Radar is very helpful in

1) forecasting weather conditions.

2) hitting various objects, such as ships, aeroplanes, icebergs, hills.

3) recording the direction and speed of moving objects over a hundred miles away.

4) sending out radio-waves to transmit information.

4. Which of the following statements is not true?

1) Now the danger of surprise attacks against ships is eliminated by radar.

2) Before the invention of radar sailing must have taken a longer time than now.

3) Ships all over the world began to carry radar not before the invention of the


4) Radar is used for spotting distant objects.

5. It follows from the text that

1) the passengers of the Lusitania died in the accident.

2) radar is used only in bad weather conditions, when we can see perhaps no

farther than a hundred yards.

3) the radar effect would be impossible if the pulses were not reflected by the

target objects.

4) anyone can guide aeroplanes with the help of radar.

Раздел: Задания для самостоятельной работы


I. Выберите единственный правильный вариант из предложенных для заполнения пропуска.

1. The chairman proposed that the matter  _____  at the next meeting.

1) be decided

2) should decide

3) to be decided

4) will be decided

2. If you  _____  this book you  _____  to replace it.

1) will lose, will have

2) lose, will have

3) had lost, must

4) will lose, will need

3. We insist that a meeting _____ as soon as possible.

1) to be held

2) should be held

3) will be held

4) to hold

4. If Alison ____ another half hour’s work, she ____ it by the time the children get home.

1) has done; finished

2) would do; would have finished

3) does; will have finished

4) did; finishes

5. If you  _____  more than 10 books we  _____  the cost of each book by 10%.

1) buy, will reduce

2) will buy, reduce

3) will buy, will reduce

4) have bought, reduced

6. Alison was very surprised and recommended that we ____ all the papers carefully.

1) will check

2) are checking

3) might check

4) should check

7. If I ____ a pay rise, I’m going to buy a new car.

1) will get

2) got

3) get

4) would get

8. Mary-Ann recommended that I _____ careful, and warned not to open the door without asking who it was.

1) need to be

2) was to be

3) will be

4) be

9. I was a trifle taken aback, for my cousin spoke as though he _____ me before and I was afraid my friends would think so.

1) never saw

2) has been seen

3) would have never seen

4) had never seen

10. Henry took her hand and said, looking in her eyes: «I’d rather you ____ anyone about  our conversation.»

1) tell

2) won’t tell

3) didn’t tell

4) don’t tell

11. I wish you ____ me earlier that you can’t come to dinner tonight.

1) tell

2) told

3) had told

4) had been told

12. The children rose  _____  after the poor meal, as if they  _____  at all.

1) hungry, did not eat

2) hungrily, had not eaten

3) feeling hungry, have not eaten

4) hungry, had not eaten

13. «It’s high time you ____ to look after yourself,» Alison demanded.

1) learned

2) learn

3) had learned

4) have learned

14. It’s time that team ____ a match. They haven’t won a match for ages.

1) has won

2) wins

3) won

4) will win

15. I was as awkward and shy with her as if I  _____  poor Henry.

1) had wounded

2) wounded

3) were wounded

4) had been wounded

Рекомендуемая литература

  1.  English Grammat in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1997

(pp 74-81)

  1.  Advanced Grammar in Use, Martin Hewings, Cambridge University Press, 2000

(рр 198-207)

  1.  Tests, Texts and Topics for your English Exams, Ю.БКузьменкова, Издательство “Титул», 2002 (pp 55-57)
  2.  The Heinemann English Grammar, Digby Beaumont and Colin Granger, Heintmann, 1992 (рр 111-120)
  3.  Revising, Reading and Reasoning for your English Exams, Ю.БКузьменковаАРЖаворонковаИВИзвольская, Издательство “Титул», 2002 (pp 71-76)
149 Wish and if only

We can use I wish or if only to express a wish. Jessica wishes she was slimmer. If only is stronger and more emphatic than wish.

We can use a clause with if only on its own, or we can add another clause.

If only I wasn’t so fat. If only I wasn’t so fat, I would be able to get into these trousers.

B Wish… would

Look at these examples.

/ wish you would put those shelves up soon.

Tom wishes his neighbours wouldn’t make so much noise.

If only you’d try to keep the place tidy. Wish/If only … would expresses a wish for something to happen, or to stop happening.

C Wish … the past

Look at these examples.

/ wish I lived in a big city. It’s so boring in the country.

We all wish we had more money, don’t we? If only I was taller, I might be better at basketball. Wish and if only with a past-tense verb express a wish for things to be different.

We can use were instead of was (see also Unit 145B). If only I were taller, I might be better at basketball.

We cannot use would in these sentences, but we can use could.

/ wish I could sing (but I can’t). I feel so helpless. If only I could speak the language.

Compare wish with would and with the past.

I wish something exciting would happen. (I wish for an action in the future.) I wish my life was more interesting. (My life isn’t interesting.)

D Wish … the past perfect

We use wish and if only with the past perfect to express a wish about the past. / wish you had told me about the dance. I would have gone. I wish I’d got up earlier. I’m behind with everything today. I wish you hadn’t lost that photo. It was a really good one. If only David had been a bit more careful, he’d have been all right.

We do not use would have for the past, but we can use could have.

/ wish I could have been at the wedding, but I was in New York.

149 Exercises

Wish … would (B)

What might you say in these situations? Begin I wish …

  • to someone who never answers your e-mails
    I wish you’d answer my e-mails.
  • to someone who makes rude remarks about you
    / wish you wouldn’t make rude remarks about me.
  1. to someone who won’t hurry up
  2. to someone who never does the washing-up
  3. to someone who isn’t telling you the whole story
  4. to someone who blows cigarette smoke in your face
  5. to someone who won’t tell you what he’s thinking

2 Wish … the past (C)

Vicky is fed up. What is she saying? Use / wish or if only.

► (She can’t think straight.) I wish I could think straight.

  1. (She is so tired.)
  2. (She gets headaches.)
  3. (Her work isn’t going well.)
  4. (She can’t concentrate.)
  5. (Life is so complicated.)

3 Wish … the past perfect (D)

Complete the sentences. Use these words: accepted, caught, found, played, saved, stayed

► I spent all my money. I wish now that / had saved it.

  1. I missed the train. I really wish
  2. Rita left the party early. Nick wishes ……………………………
  3. Emma refused the offer. But her parents wish .…………………
  4. I looked everywhere for the key. 1 wish …………………………
  5. The injured player could only watch. He wishes ………………..

4 Wish and if only (B-D)

Complete the conversation.

Claire: Oh, Henry. You’re giving me another present. It’s very sweet of you,

but I wish (►)yoM wouldn’t give me so many presents. Henry: Claire, I’ve been thinking. I shouldn’t have asked you to marry me.

I wish now that (1)

Claire: Now you’re talking nonsense. I wish (2)……………………………………………, Henry.

Henry: I’m not a young man, am I? Of course I wish (3)…………………………………….

Claire: Why don’t you listen? If only (4) …………………………………………..to me just this once.

Henry: Why couldn’t we have met twenty years ago? I wish (5) ……………………………you then.

Claire: Henry, twenty years ago I was just starting school.

TEST 25 Conditionals and wish (Units 144-149)

Test 25A

Complete the news report about a protest against a new road. Put in the correct form of the verbs. Sometimes you need will or would.

Yesterday protesters managed to hold up work on the Oldbury bypass. Protest leader Alison Compton
defended the action by members of the Green World group. ‘If we don’t protest, soon
(►) there’ll be (there / be) no countryside left,’ she told reporters. The bypass is now well behind schedule,
and if the protesters had not held up the work so often, (1)………………………. (it / open) two months

ago. ‘If these fields (2)…………………………. (disappear), we’ll never see them again,’ said Ms Compton.

‘Why can’t we use public transport? If more people (3)……………………… (travel) on buses and trains,

we wouldn’t need new roads. If the motor car had never existed, the world (4)………………………(be) a

more pleasant place today.’

But many people in Oldbury want their new bypass. ‘If (5)………………………. (they / not build) it soon,

the traffic jams in the town will get worse,’ said Asif Mohammed, whose house is beside the busy A34. ‘We

just can’t leave things as they are. If things remained the same, people’s health

(6)……………………….. (suffer) even more from all the pollution here. It’s terrible. If we don’t get the

traffic out of the town, (7)………………………. (I / go) mad. If (8)………………………. (I / know)

earlier how bad this problem would get, (9)………………………. (I / move) out years ago. But now it has

become impossible to sell this house because of the traffic. The government waited too long.

If (10)……………………….. (they / do) something sooner, there would be less traffic today’

And the protest is making the new road even more expensive. ‘If this goes on,

(11) …………………….. … (there / not / be) enough money left to finish the road,’ says the Transport


Test 25B

Look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each space. ► A: There’s always something going wrong with this car.

B: If you had any sense, you’d have sold it long ago.

a) be selling b) have sold c) sell d) sold

1 A: It’s a pity the lake wasn’t frozen yesterday.

B: Yes, it is. If it frozen, we could have gone skating.

a) had been b) was c) would be d) would have been

2 A: Haven’t you got enough money for a holiday?

B: Oh yes. I’ve got some saved up ………… I suddenly need it.

a) if b) in case c) that d) unless

3 A: What are you going to do next year?

B: I wish I …………………. the answer to that question.

a) knew b) know c) could know d) would know

4 A: These figures are too complicated to work out in your head.
B: Yes, if ……………………… we had a calculator.

a) better b) only c) really d) that

5 A: What are you doing later this afternoon?

B: Oh, ………………… the game finishes, I’ll go home, I expect.

a) if b) in case c) unless d) when

6 A: Do you think I should take the job?

B: You shouldn’t do anything……………………… you think it’s the right thing to do.

a) if b) in case c) unless d) when

Test 25C

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Begin with //… ► I haven’t got a key, so I can’t get in. If I had a key, I could get in.

  1. You talk about football and I’m going to be very bored.
  2. The baby didn’t cry, so we had a good sleep.
  3. You may want a chat, so just give me a ring.
  4. Nigel hasn’t got satellite TV, so he can’t watch the game.
  5. You go away and I’ll miss you.
  6. I’m not rich or I’d have given up working long ago.
  7. We should have bought that picture five years ago because it would be quite valuable now.
  8. Throw a stone into water and it sinks.

Test 25 D

Write the sentences correctly.

► There aren’t any eggs. If-we have some-eggs I couldmake an omelette. // we had some eggs, I could make an omelette.

  1. The weather doesn’t look very good. If it’ll rain I’ll stay here.
  2. The programme is starting soon. Can you tell me-if-it starts?
  3. Could you just listen? 1 -didn’t need-to-repeat-things-all-the time if-you listened.
  4. It’s a simple law of science, if air will get-warmer-it rises.
  5. There’s only one key. I’d-better-get another one made-if-I-lose-it.
  6. We were really late, I wish we-left home-earlier.
  7. I hope the parcel comes today, If it won’t arrilve-today,we’ll-have-to complain.
  8. That radio is on loud. I wish-someone-turns it-down.
  9. We must do something. Until-we act quickly it’ll-be too late.
  10. Of course Martin was angry. But he hadn’t been angry if you hadn’t damaged his stereo

150 But, although and in spite of

A Introduction

This is a news report about Zedco.

This year’s figures show that Zedco has become profitable and is now doing well in spite of its recent problems. Although Chief Executive Barry Douglas has not been in charge for long, there has already been a dramatic upturn. Even though there have been very few job losses at the company, Douglas has managed to reduce costs. Nothing is certain of course, but Zedco can now look forward to a brighter future.

The linking words in spite of, although, etc express the idea of a contrast.

For example, there is a contrast between Zedco’s profits now and its recent problems.

^ and although

We can join two sentences with but.

The cafe was crowded, but we found a table. Nick has a car, but he doesn’t often drive it. We can also use although.

Although the cafe was crowded, we found a table. Although Nick has a car, he doesn’t often drive it. The clause with although can come at the end.

We found a table, although the cafe was crowded.

C Though and even though

Though is informal. It means the same as although.

Though/Although I liked the sweater, I decided not to buy it. We can also use though at the end of a sentence.

/ liked the sweater. I decided not to buy it, though. Even though is stronger, more emphatic than although.

Matthew looked quite fresh, even though he’d been playing squash.

Even though you dislike Jessica, you should try to be nice to her.

D In spite of and despite

We use in spite of before a noun or before the ing-form of a verb.

Kitty wanted to report on the war in spite of the danger.

Mark went on working in spite of feeling unwell. We use despite in exactly the same way as in spite of and with the same meaning.

She wanted to go despite the danger. He went on working despite feeling unwell.

E In spite of and although


I’m no better in spite of the pills/in spite of I’m no better, although I’ve taken the pills.

taking the pills.
Laura wants to fly in spite of her fear/in spite of Laura wants to fly, although she feels afraid.

feeling afraid. not

in spite of she feels afraid

We can use in spite of the fact (that) in the same way as although. I’m no better in spite of the fact that I’ve taken the pills.

> page 372 Punctuation

150 Exercises

1 But (B)

Complete each sentence with but and one of these clauses:

it didn’t break, it’s really quite modern, no one laughed, she turned it down

I dropped the dish, but it didn’t break.

  1. The house looks old,
  2. Emma was offered a job,
  3. The joke was funny,

2 Although (B)

Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 1 using although.

Although I dropped the dish, it didn’t break.



3 In spite of and although (E)

Put in although or in spite of.

► My sister got the job, although she didn’t expect to.

1……………………..I told the absolute truth, no one would believe me.

2 Daniel forgot his passport…………………………having it on his list.

3…………………………it was sunny, it was quite a cold day.

  1. The goods were never delivered…………………………….the promise we had received.
  2. Henry asked Claire to marry him……………………………..the fact that he’s a lot older than her.


Complete the report by putting in the correct linking words. There is always more than one possible answer.
Although the ground was very wet, it was decided to go ahead with United’s game against City.
United were 1-0 winners (1)…………………………..not playing very well. (2)………………………..the

poor conditions, City played some attractive football, (3)…………………………..they just couldn’t score.

(4)…………………………..they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer.


Join each pair of sentences. Be careful where you put the words in brackets.

  • Nick used to smoke. He seems to be in good health, (although)
    Although Nick used to smoke, he seems to be in good health.
  • I couldn’t sleep. I was tired, (despite)
    / couldn’t sleep despite being tired.
  1. Trevor didn’t notice the sign. It was right in front of him. (even though)
  2. Matthew doesn’t know any French. It was one of his school subjects, (although)
  3. Henry’s friend is a millionaire. He hates spending money, (despite)
  4. We couldn’t get tickets. We queued for an hour, (in spite of)

Appendix v. Word formation

A Introduction

Look at these examples.

Lots of people believe that God exists.

Lots of people believe in the existence of God.

Exist is a verb and existence is a noun. The word existence has two parts: exist and ence. We call ence a ‘suffix’. We add it to end of the verb exist to form a noun.

We can also use suffixes to form verbs, adjectives and adverbs. The system is being modernized. (= made modern)

I grew up in an industrial town. (= a town where there is a lot of industry) The man was behaving strangely. (= in a strange way)

There are many different suffixes, such as ence, ize, al, ly, tion and ment. Some of them can be used to form many different words. For example, there are a lot of nouns ending in tion: action, education, explanation, information, instruction, etc. There are no exact rules about which suffix you can add to which word. Adding a suffix can also involve other changes to the form of a word. industry —> industrial repeat —> repetition science —> scientist.

Now look at these examples.


They’re going to replay the match on Wednesday.

We can add re to the beginning of the verb play. We call re a ‘prefix’. A prefix adds something to the meaning of a word. The verb replay means ‘play again’. We can also add prefixes to nouns and adjectives. See G and H.

B Noun suffixes

ment the prospects for employment reach an agreement

ion/tion/sion take part in a discussion increase steel production ask for permission

ation/ition an invitation to a party people’s opposition to the idea

ence/ance a preference for houses rather than flats a distance of ten miles

ty/ity no certainty that we shall succeed keep the door locked for security

ness people’s willingness to help recovering from an illness

ing enter a building reach an understanding

C Nouns for people

er/or the driver of the car a newspaper editor

ist a place full of tourists a scientist doing an experiment

ant/ent an assistant to help with my work students at the university
an/ian Republicans and Democrats the electrician rewiring the house
ee an employee of the company (= someone employed)

notes for examinees (= people taking an exam)

We also use er for things, especially machines.

a hair-dryer a food mixer a cassette player

D Verb suffixes

Many verbs are formed by adding ize or ise to an adjective. Some are formed by adding en. ize European safety rules are being standardized. They privatized the company. en They’re widening the road here. Meeting you has really brightened my day.

E Adjective suffixes

Most of these adjectives are formed from nouns.

al a professional musician Britain’s coastal waters

ic a metallic sound a scientific inquiry

ive an informative guidebook an offer exclusive to our readers

ful a successful career feeling hopeful about the future

less feeling hopeless about the future (= without hope) powerless to do anything about it

ous guilty of dangerous driving luxurious holiday apartments

y a rocky path the salty taste of sea water

ly > 109A a friendly smile a very lively person

able/ible an acceptable error (= an error that can be accepted) a comprehensible explanation

a valuable painting (= worth a lot of money) a comfortable chair

F Adverbs

ly>108 He looked around nervously. I moved here quite recently.

G Some common prefixes

anti (= against) anti-roads protestors anti-government troops

inter (= between) an international match interstate highways in the US

mini (= small) a minicomputer the minibar in your hotel room

mis (= wrongly) mishear what someone says miscalculate the amount

multi (= many) multicoloured lights a multimillionaire

over (= too much) too fond of overeating overcrowded roads

post (= after) the post-war world a postgraduate student

pre {— before) pre-match entertainment in prehistoric times

re (— again) a reunion of old friends reread a favourite book

semi (= half) semi-skilled work sitting in a semicircle

super (= big) a huge new superstore a supertanker carrying oil

under (= too little) thin and underweight underpaid work

H Negative prefixes

We can also use a prefix to form an opposite. For example, the opposite of clear is unclear (= not clear). Un is the most common negative prefix.

dis a dishonest way to behave can’t help being disorganized dislike the idea

disappear from the scene a disadvantage of the plan

il (+ 1) an illegal drug an illiberal attitude

im (+ m or p) an impossible task an impolite question

in an indirect route the invisible man a great injustice

ir (+ r) an irregular shape an irrelevant remark

non non-alcoholic drinks a non-stop flight

un an uncomfortable chair an unusual event an undated letter

uncertain what to do unpack your suitcase unzip the bag

Appendix 2: The spelling of endings

A Plural nouns

We add s to a noun to form the plural.

a car —> two cars a name —> some names

1 After s, sh, ch and x we add es /iz/.

glass —> glasses dish —> dishes match —> matches box —> boxes

2 A few nouns ending in o have es.

heroes potatoes tomatoes But most have s.

discos kilos photos pianos radios stereos studios zoos

3 When a noun ends in a consonant + y, the y
changes to ies.

penny —> pennies story —> stories We do not change y after a vowel. day —> days journey —> journeys

B The present simple s ending

In the third person singular, a present simple verb ends in s. (See Unit 5B.)

I know —> he knows I work —> she works

1 After s, sh, ch and x we add es /iz/.

pass —> passes wash —> washes catch —> catches mix —> mixes

2 Some verbs ending in o have es.

go —> goes do —> does

3 When a verb ends in a consonant + y,
the y changes to ies.

hurry —> hurries copy —> copies We do not change y after a vowel. stay —> stays enjoy —> enjoys

C The ed ending

Most verbs have ed in the past tense.

(See Unit 8B.) Most past participles also end

in ed. (See Unit 1 IB.)

look —> looked call -> called

1 If the verb ends in e, we add d.

hope —> hoped save —>saved

2 When a verb ends in a consonant + y, the y
changes to ied.

hurry —> hurried copy —> copied

3 Sometimes we double a final consonant. This happens when a one-syllable verb ends with one vowel and one consonant, e.g. beg, plan.

beg —> begged plan —> planned For more details about doubling, see G.

D The ing-form

1 We normally leave out e when we add ing
to a verb.

take —> taking drive —> driving But we keep a double e before ing.

see —> seeing agree —> agreeing

2 When a verb ends in ie, it changes to ying.

die —> dying lie —> lying But y does not change.

hurry —> hurrying

3 Sometimes we double a final consonant. This
happens when a one-syllable verb ends with one
vowel and one consonant, e.g. win, put.

win —> winning put —> putting For more details about doubling, see G.

E Adverbs

We form many adverbs from an adjective + ly. slow —> slowly calm —> calmly

1 We do not leave out e before ly.

safe —> safely strange —> strangely But there are a few exceptions.

due —> duly true —> truly whole —> wholly

2 When an adjective ends in a consonant + y, the


Особую группу сослагательного наклонения составляют предложения, которые начинаются со слов I wish (Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы…). В таких предложениях высказывается

  • либо пожелание относительно изменения ситуации в настоящем (unreal present),
  • либо сожаление относительно уже случившегося/не случившегося события в прошлом (unreal past).
  • либо пожелания относительно изменения ситуации в будущем (desired future)

Предложения, выражающие желания и относящиеся к настоящему времени, на русский язык переводятся:

Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы… / Жаль, что

После wish в подобных предложениях употребляется

  • Simple Past
  • Past Continuous
  • could + infinitive без to

making a wish about present

Примеры с переводом:

I wish it was not raining now. –  Хотелось бы, чтобы сейчас не шел дождь. (Жаль, что сейчас идет дождь.)

I wish I could speak. French. –  Хотелось бы,  чтобы я мог говорить по-французски. (Жаль, что я не могу говорить по-французски.)

Обратите внимание!

В подобных предложениях глагол to be часто употребляется в форме сослагательного наклонения were (был бы, была бы, были бы) для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа.

I wish he were here now.  – Хотелось бы, чтобы он был здесь. (Жаль, что его нет здесь сейчас).

I wish I were  a pilot. – Как жаль, что я не летчик.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается желание относительно изменения ситуации в настоящем, соотносятся со вторым типом условных предложений (unreal present):

I wish I were lying on the beach at the moment. — If I were lying on the I beach, it would be better. — Как бы мне хотелось лежать сейчас на пляже.

I wish I knew the answer. = If I knew the answer, it would be better. — Как I бы мне хотелось знать ответ.

I wish I could get a better job. = If I could get a better job, it would be / better. — Как бы мне хотелось иметь лучшую работу.

Wish в предложениях, относящихся к прошлому.

Предложения, выражающие сожаление и относящиеся к прошедшему времени, на русский язык переводятся:

Как жаль, что…

Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы…

После wish в подобных предложениях употребляется

  • Past Perfect,
  • Past Perfect Continuous

making a wish in the past

 I wish you had had time then.  –  Хотелось бы, чтобы у вас тогда было время. (Жаль, что у вас тогда не было времени.)

I wish I had known that Ann was ill. – Жаль, что я не знал, что Анна была больна.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается сожаление относительно уже случившегося/не случившегося события в прошлом, соотносятся с третьим типом условных предложений:

I wish I had met him earlier. = If I had met him earlier, it would have changed my life. — Как жаль, что я не встретила его раньше. Если  бы только я встретила его раньше…

I wish I had been wiser. = If I had been wiser, I wouldn’t have done I such a silly thing. — Как жаль, что я не была мудрее. / Если бы только я  была мудрее…

I wish I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate. = If I hadn’t eaten so I much chocolate, I wouldn’t feel ill now. — Как жаль, что я съела так много  шоколада. / Если бы только я не съела так много шоколада…

I wish в предложениях, относящихся к будущему.

Если действие, выраженное сказуемым дополнительного придаточного предложения, выражает желание изменить что-либо в настоящем или будущем, то после wish используется

  • would + инфинитив

making a wish about the future

I wish he would stop lying.  –  Хотелось бы, чтобы он перестал лгать.

Предложения, начинающиеся с I wish, в которых высказывается пожелание относительно будущего, соотносятся с первым типом условных предложений:

I wish he would stop lying.  – If he stops lying it will be better.

Предложения с if only.

Вместо слов I wish может употребляться if only. Такие предложения более эмоционально окрашены по сравнению с предложениями с I wish. На русский язык они могут переводиться словами «Если бы только…», «Как бы мне хотелось…».

If only I were rich. – Если бы только я была богатой. = I wish I were rich.

I wish / if only: упражнения с ответами.

Упражнение 1. Put the verbs given in brackets into the correct form.

  1. I wish I __________ (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.
  2. I wish I ___________ (can drive) a car and we could go travelling.
  3. The Browns live in the city, but they wish they ________ (live) in the suburbs.
  4. Robert can’t dance very well, but he wishes he ________ (can dance) better.
  5. Kate is having a hard time learning English at the University. She wishes she ________ (study) it better at school.
  6. Mike didn’t go to college after school. Now, he wishes he ________ (go) to college.
  7. The weather was hot while we were there. I wish it _________ (be) a bit cooler.
  8. I wish you ________ (stop) watching TV while I am talking to you.
  9. I wish she _________ (can come) yesterday but she had an important meeting.
  10. I wish I __________ (know) someone to whom I could have gone for advice when I was 18.

Упражнение 2. Раскроите скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму сослагательного наклонения после «I wish».

  1. The weather was awful. I wish it __________ (to be) better.
  2. I wish I __________ (to know) Sue’s telephone number.
  3. I wish it__________ (not to rain) so much in England last week.
  4. Do you wish you __________ (to study) science instead of languages last year?
  5. I feel sick. I wish I __________ (not to eat) so much.
  6. It’s crowded here. I wish there __________ (not to be) so many people.
  7. I wish I __________ (to be) taller.
  8. I wish you __________ (stop) shouting. I am not deaf you know.
  9. I wish he__________ (to borrow) that book from the library last week.
  10. I wish you__________ (to give) him my phone number at that party.
  11. I wish it __________ (to stop) raining.
  12. I wish I ________ (can speak) several languages.
  13. If only I _______ (to have) the chance to study when I was younger.

Упражнение 3. Подчеркните верный вариант.

1) I wish he… (will get/got/would get) on better with his parents.

2) I wish you… (stopped/will stop/ would stop) talking at the lessons.

3) I wish I… (have/ had/had had) more money.

4) If only I… (was having / have had / had had) the chance to study when I was younger.

5) If only I… (would keep / kept / had kept) my appointment with the dentist yesterday. I wouldn’t have toothache now.

6) If only you… (will/would/ wouldn’t) make less noise.

7) I wish I … (had been / hadn’t been / weren’t) disappointed after such an inspiring speech yesterday.

8) If only you … (had been / would be / were) tolerant of each other’s moods in your family! You would get on better.

9) I wish I… (had learnt / learnt / have learnt) to trust my own judgments in my childhood.

Ответы к упражнениям.

Упражнение 1.

1 were, 2 could drive, 3 lived, 4 could dance, 5 had studied, 6 had gone, 7  had been, 8 stopped, 9 could have come, 10 had known

Упражнение 2.

1 had been, 2 knew, 3 hadn’t rained / hadn’t been raining, 4 had studied / had been studying, 5 hadn’t eaten, 6 were not, 7 were, 8 would stop, 9 had borrowed, 10 had given, 11 would stop, 12 could speak, 13 had had

Упражнение 3.

1 would get, 2 would stop, 3 had, 4 had had, 5 had kept, 6 would, 7 hadn’t been, 8 would be, 9 had learnt

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