If com string excel

How can I assign a value to cells if it’s neighbour contains a specific string?

For example, fields in column A:


The syntax in column B would be:


It always picks up the first TRUE cell, but drops when the value is not true.

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asked Aug 8, 2012 at 15:03

Csongor's user avatar

SEARCH does not return 0 if there is no match, it returns #VALUE!. So you have to wrap calls to SEARCH with IFERROR.

For example…

=IF(IFERROR(SEARCH(«cat», A1), 0), «cat», «none»)



Here, IFERROR returns the value from SEARCH when it works; the given value of 0 otherwise.

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answered Aug 8, 2012 at 16:33

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You can use OR() to group expressions (as well as AND()):

=IF(OR(condition1, condition2), true, false)

=IF(AND(condition1, condition2), true, false)

So if you wanted to test for «cat» and «22»:

=IF(AND(SEARCH("cat",a1),SEARCH("22",a1)),"cat and 22","none")

answered Aug 8, 2012 at 15:06

Brad Christie's user avatar

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answered Jun 13, 2020 at 22:48

vstepaniuk's user avatar


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Normally, If you want to write an IF formula for text values in combining with the below two logical operators in excel, such as: “equal to” or “not equal to”.

Table of Contents

  • Excel IF function check if a cell contains text(case-insensitive)
  • Excel IF function check if a cell contains text (case-sensitive)
  • Excel IF function check if part of cell matches specific text
  •  Excel IF function with Wildcards text value
    • Related Formulas
    • Related Functions

Excel IF function check if a cell contains text(case-insensitive)

By default, IF function is case-insensitive in excel. It means that the logical text for text values will do not recognize case in the IF formulas. For example, the following two IF formulas will get the same results when checking the text values in cells.


The IF formula will check the values of cell B1 if it is equal to “excel” word, If it is TRUE, then return “yes”, otherwise return “no”. And the logical test in the above IF formula will check the text values in the logical_test argument, whatever the logical_test values are “Excel”, “eXcel”, or “EXCEL”, the IF formula don’t care about that if the text values is in lowercase or uppercase, It will get the same results at last.

Excel IF function check if a cell contains text1

Excel IF function check if a cell contains text1

Excel IF function check if a cell contains text (case-sensitive)

If you want to check text values in cells using IF formula in excel (case-sensitive), then you need to create a case-sensitive logical test and then you can use IF function in combination with EXACT function to compare two text values. So if those two text values are exactly the same, then return TRUE. Otherwise return FALSE.

So we can write down the following IF formula combining with EXACT function:


Excel IF function check if a cell contains text case-sensitive1

Excel IF function check if part of cell matches specific text

If you want to check if part of text values in cell matches the specific text rather than exact match, to achieve this logic text, you can use IF function in combination with ISNUMBER and SEARCH Function in excel.

Both ISNUMBER and SEARCH functions are case-insensitive in excel.


Excel IF function check if part of cell matches specific text1

For above the IF formula, it will Check to see if B1 contain the letter x.

Also, we can use FIND function to replace the SEARCH function in the above IF formula. It will return the same results.

 Excel IF function with Wildcards text value

If you wan to use wildcard charcter in an IF formula, for example, if any of the values in column B contains “*xc*”, then return “good”, others return “bad”. You can not directly use the wildcard characters in IF formula, and we can use IF function in combination with COUNTIF function. Let’s see the following IF formula:

=IF(COUNTIF(B1:B4,"*xc*"), "good","bad")

Excel IF function with Wildcards text value1

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Excel If Cell Contains Text

Excel If Cell Contains Text Then

Excel If Cell Contains Text Then Formula helps you to return the output when a cell have any text or a specific text. You can check if a cell contains a some string or text  and produce something in other cell. For Example you can check if a cell A1 contains text ‘example text’  and print Yes or No in Cell B1. Following are the example Formulas to check if Cell contains text then return some thing in a Cell.

If Cell Contains Text

Here are the Excel formulas to check if Cell contains specific text then return something. This will return if there is any string or any text in given Cell. We can use this simple approach to check if a cell contains text, specific text, string,  any text using Excel If formula. We can use equals to  operator(=) to compare the strings .

If Cell Contains Text Then TRUE

Following is the Excel formula to return True if a Cell contains Specif Text. You can check a cell if there is given string in the Cell and return True or False.


The formula will return true if it found the match, returns False of no match found.

If Cell Contains Text Then TRUE

If Cell Contains Partial Text

We can return Text If Cell Contains Partial Text. We use formula or VBA to Check Partial Text in a Cell.

Find for Case Sensitive Match:

We can check if a Cell Contains Partial Text then return something using Excel Formula. Following is a simple example to find the partial text in a given Cell. We can use if your want to make the criteria case sensitive.

=IF(ISERROR(FIND($E$1,A2,1)),”Not Found”,”Found”)

If Cell Contains Partial Text

  • Here, Find Function returns the finding position of the given string
  • Use Find function is Case Sensitive
  • IsError Function check if Find Function returns Error, that means, string not found

Search for Not Case Sensitive Match:

We can use Search function to check if Cell Contains Partial Text. Search function useful if you want to make the checking criteria Not Case Sensitive.

=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH($F$1,A2,1)),”Not Found”,”Found”)

If Cell Contains Partial Text Not Case Sensitive

If Range of Cells Contains Text

We can check for the strings in a range of cells. Here is the formula to find If Range of Cells Contains Text. We can use Count If Formula to check the excel if range of cells contains specific text and return Text.

=IF(COUNTIF(A2:A21, “*Region 1d*”)>0,”Range Contais Text”,”Text Not Found in the Given Range”)
  • CountIf function counts the number of cells with given criteria
  • We can use If function to return the required Text
  • Formula displays the Text ‘Range Contains Text” if match found
  • Returns “Text Not Found in the Given Range” if match not found in the specified range

If Cells Contains Text From List

Below formulas returns text If Cells Contains Text from given List. You can use based on your requirement.

VlookUp to Check If Cell Contains Text from a List:
We can use VlookUp function to match the text in the Given list of Cells. And return the corresponding values.

  • Check if a List Contains Text:
    =IF(ISERR(VLOOKUP(F1,A1:B21,2,FALSE)),”False:Not Contains”,”True: Text Found”)
  • Check if a List Contains Text and Return Corresponding Value:
  • Check if a List Contains Partial Text and Return its Value:

If Cell Contains Text Then Return a Value

We can return some value if cell contains some string. Here is the the the Excel formula to return a value if a Cell contains Text. You can check a cell if there is given string in the Cell and return some string or value in another column.

If Cell Contains Text Then Return a Value

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(“How”,A1,1)),”Found”,”Not Found”)

The formula will return true if it found the match, returns False of no match found. can

Excel if cell contains word then assign value

You can replace any word in the following formula to check if cell contains word then assign value.


Excel if cell contains word then assign value
Search function will check for a given word in the required cell and return it’s position. We can use If function to check if the value is greater than 0 and assign a given value (example: 1) in the cell. search function returns #Value if there is no match found in the cell, we can handle this using IFERROR function.

Count If Cell Contains Text

We can check If Cell Contains Text Then COUNT. Here is the Excel formula to Count if a Cell contains Text. You can count the number of cells containing specific text.


The formula will Sum the values in Column B if the cells of Column A contains the given text.

If Cell Contains Text Then COUNT

Count If Cell Contains Partial Text

We can count the cells based on partial match criteria. The following Excel formula Counts if a Cell contains Partial Text.

=COUNTIF(A2:A21, “*Region 1*”)
  • We can use the CountIf Function to Count the Cells if they contains given String
  • Wild-card operators helps to make the CountIf to check for the Partial String
  • Put Your Text between two asterisk symbols (*YourText*) to make the criteria to find any where in the given Cell
  • Add Asterisk symbol at end of your text (YourText*) to make the criteria to find your text beginning of given Cell
  • Place Asterisk symbol at beginning of your text (*YourText) to make the criteria to find your text end of given Cell

If Cell contains text from list then return value

Here is the Excel Formula to check if cell contains text from list then return value. We can use COUNTIF and OR function to check the array of values in a Cell and return the given Value. Here is the formula to check the list in range D2:D5 and check in Cell A2 and return value in B2.

=IF(OR(COUNTIF(A2,”*”&$D$2:$D$5&”*”)), “Return Value”, “”)

Excel If cell contains text from list then return value

If Cell Contains Text Then SUM

Following is the Excel formula to Sum if a Cell contains Text. You can total the cell values if there is given string in the Cell. Here is the example to sum the column B values based on the values in another Column.


The formula will Sum the values in Column B if the cells of Column A contains the given text.

If Cell Contains Text Then SUM

Sum If Cell Contains Partial Text

Use SumIfs function to Sum the cells based on partial match criteria. The following Excel formula Sums the Values if a Cell contains Partial Text.

=SUMIFS(C2:C21,A2:A21, “*Region 1*”)
  • SUMIFS Function will Sum the Given Sum Range
  • We can specify the Criteria Range, and wild-card expression to check for the Partial text
  • Put Your Text between two asterisk symbols (*YourText*) to Sum the Cells if the criteria to find any where in the given Cell
  • Add Asterisk symbol at end of your text (YourText*) to Sum the Cells if the criteria to find your text beginning of given Cell
  • Place Asterisk symbol at beginning of your text (*YourText) to Sum the Cells if criteria to find your text end of given Cell

VBA to check if Cell Contains Text

Here is the VBA function to find If Cells Contains Text using Excel VBA Macros.

If Cell Contains Partial Text VBA

We can use VBA to check if Cell Contains Text and Return Value. Here is the simple VBA code match the partial text. Excel VBA if Cell contains partial text macros helps you to use in your procedures and functions.

Sub sbCkeckforPartialText()
MsgBox CheckIfCellContainsPartialText(Cells(2, 1), “Region 1”)
End Sub
Function CheckIfCellContainsPartialText(ByVal cell As Range, ByVal strText As String) As Boolean
If InStr(1, cell.Value, strText) > 0 Then CheckIfCellContainsPartialText = True
End Function
  • CheckIfCellContainsPartialText VBA Function returns true if Cell Contains Partial Text
  • inStr Function will return the Match Position in the given string

If Cell Contains Text Then VBA MsgBox

Here is the simple VBA code to display message box if cell contains text. We can use inStr Function to search for the given string. And show the required message to the user.

Sub sbVBAIfCellsContainsText()
If InStr(1, Cells(2, 1), “Region 3”) > 0 Then blnMatch = True
If blnMatch = True Then MsgBox “Cell Contains Text”
End Sub
  • inStr Function will return the Match Position in the given string
  • blnMatch is the Boolean variable becomes True when match string
  • You can display the message to the user if a Range Contains Text

Which function returns true if cell a1 contains text?

You can use the Excel If function and Find function to return TRUE if Cell A1 Contains Text. Here is the formula to return True.


Which function returns true if cell a1 contains text value?

You can use the Excel If function with Find function to return TRUE if a Cell A1 Contains Text Value. Below is the formula to return True based on the text value.


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  1. Meghana
    December 27, 2019 at 1:42 pm — Reply

    Hi Sir,Thank you for the great explanation, covers everything and helps use create formulas if cell contains text values.

    Many thanks! Meghana!!

  2. Max
    December 27, 2019 at 4:44 pm — Reply

    Perfect! Very Simple and Clear explanation. Thanks!!

  3. Mike Song
    August 29, 2022 at 2:45 pm — Reply

    I tried this exact formula and it did not work.

  4. Theresa A Harding
    October 18, 2022 at 9:51 pm — Reply
  5. Marko
    November 3, 2022 at 9:21 pm — Reply


    Is possible to sum all WA11?

    (A1) WA11 4

    (A2) AdBlue 1, WA11 223

    (A3) AdBlue 3, WA11 32, shift 4

    … and everything is in one column.

    Thanks you very much for your help.

    Sincerely Marko

  6. Mike
    December 9, 2022 at 9:59 pm — Reply

    Thank you for the help. The formula =OR(COUNTIF(M40,”*”&Vendors&”*”)) will give “TRUE” when some part of M40 contains a vendor from “Vendors” list. But how do I get Excel to tell which vendor it found in the M40 cell?

    • PNRao
      December 18, 2022 at 6:05 am — Reply

      Please describe your question more elaborately.

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To check if a cell contains specific text, use ISNUMBER and SEARCH in Excel. There’s no CONTAINS function in Excel.

1. To find the position of a substring in a text string, use the SEARCH function.

Search Function in Excel

Explanation: «duck» found at position 10, «donkey» found at position 1, cell A4 does not contain the word «horse» and «goat» found at position 12.

2. Add the ISNUMBER function. The ISNUMBER function returns TRUE if a cell contains a number, and FALSE if not.

IsNumber Function

Explanation: cell A2 contains the word «duck», cell A3 contains the word «donkey», cell A4 does not contain the word «horse» and cell A5 contains the word «goat».

3. You can also check if a cell contains specific text, without displaying the substring. Make sure to enclose the substring in double quotation marks.

Double Quotation Marks

4. To perform a case-sensitive search, replace the SEARCH function with the FIND function.

Case-sensitive Search

Explanation: the formula in cell C3 returns FALSE now. Cell A3 does not contain the word «donkey» but contains the word «Donkey».

5. Add the IF function. The formula below (case-insensitive) returns «Found» if a cell contains specific text, and «Not Found» if not.

Check If a Cell Contains Specific Text

6. You can also use IF and COUNTIF in Excel to check if a cell contains specific text. However, the COUNTIF function is always case-insensitive.

If and Countif Function

Explanation: the formula in cell C2 reduces to =IF(COUNTIF(A2,»*duck*»),»Found»,»Not Found»). An asterisk (*) matches a series of zero or more characters. Visit our page about the COUNTIF function to learn all you need to know about this powerful function.

The IF function runs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another value for a FALSE result. The result from IF can be a value, a cell reference, or even another formula. By combining the IF function with other logical functions like AND and OR, you can test more than one condition at a time.


The generic syntax for the IF function looks like this:


The first argument, logical_test, is typically an expression that returns either TRUE or FALSE. The second argument, value_if_true, is the value to return when logical_test is TRUE. The last argument, value_if_false, is the value to return when logical_test is FALSE. Both value_if_true and value_if_false are optional, but you must provide one or the other. For example, if cell A1 contains 80, then:

=IF(A1>75,TRUE) // returns TRUE
=IF(A1>75,"OK") // returns "OK"
=IF(A1>85,"OK") // returns FALSE
=IF(A1>75,10,0) // returns 10
=IF(A1>85,10,0) // returns 0
=IF(A1>75,"Yes","No") // returns "Yes"
=IF(A1>85,"Yes","No") // returns "No"

Notice that text values like «OK», «Yes», «No», etc. must be enclosed in double quotes («»). However, numeric values should not be enclosed in quotes.

Logical tests

The IF function supports logical operators (>,<,<>,=) when creating logical tests. Most commonly, the logical_test in IF is a complete logical expression that will evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. The table below shows some common examples:

Goal Logical test
If A1 is greater than 75 A1>75
If A1 equals 100 A1=100
If A1 is less than or equal to 100 A1<=100
If A1 equals «Red» A1=»red»
If A1 is not equal to «Red» A1<>»red»
If A1 is less than B1 A1<B1
If A1 is empty A1=»»
If A1 is not empty A1<>»»
If A1 is less than current date A1<TODAY()

Notice text values must be enclosed in double quotes («»), but numbers do not. The IF function does not support wildcards, but you can combine IF with COUNTIF to get basic wildcard functionality. To test for substrings in a cell, you can use the IF function with the SEARCH function.

Pass or Fail example

In the worksheet shown above, we want to assign either «Pass» or «Fail» based on a test score. A passing score is 70 or higher. The formula in D6, copied down, is:


Translation: If the value in C5 is greater than or equal to 70, return «Pass». Otherwise, return «Fail».

Note that the logical flow of this formula can be reversed. This formula returns the same result:


Translation: If the value in C5 is less than 70, return «Fail». Otherwise, return «Pass».

Both formulas above, when copied down, will return correct results.

Note: If you are new to the idea of formula criteria, this article explains many examples.

Assign points based on color

In the worksheet below, we want to assign points based on the color in column B. If the color is «red», the result should be 100. If the color is «blue», the result should be 125. This requires that we use a formula based on two IF functions, one nested inside the other. The formula in C5, copied down, is:


Translation: IF the value in B5 is «red», return 100. Else, if the value in B5 is «blue», return 125.

Assign points based on color with the IF function

There are three things to notice in this example:

  1. The formula will return FALSE if the value in B5 is anything except «red» or «blue»
  2. The text values «red» and «blue» must be enclosed in double quotes («»)
  3. The IF function is not case-sensitive and will match «red», «Red», «RED», or «rEd».

This is a simple example of a nested IFs formula. See below for a more complex example.

Return another formula

The IF function can return another formula as a result. For example, the formula below will return A1*5% when A1 is less than 100, and A1*7% when A1 is greater than or equal to 100:


Nested IF statements

The IF function can be «nested». A «nested IF» refers to a formula where at least one IF function is nested inside another in order to test for more conditions and return more possible results. Each IF statement needs to be carefully «nested» inside another so that the logic is correct. For example, the following formula can be used to assign a grade rather than a pass / fail result:


Up to 64 IF functions can be nested. However, in general, you should consider other functions, like VLOOKUP or XLOOKUP for more complex scenarios, because they can handle more conditions in a more streamlined fashion. For a more details see this article on nested IFs.

Note: the newer IFS function is designed to handle multiple conditions without nesting. However, a lookup function like VLOOKUP or XLOOKUP is usually a better approach unless the logic for each condition is custom.

IF with AND, OR, NOT

The IF function can be combined with the AND function and the OR function. For example, to return «OK» when A1 is between 7 and 10, you can use a formula like this:


Translation: if A1 is greater than 7 and less than 10, return «OK». Otherwise, return nothing («»).

To return B1+10 when A1 is «red» or «blue» you can use the OR function like this:


Translation: if A1 is red or blue, return B1+10, otherwise return B1.


Translation: if A1 is NOT red, return B1+10, otherwise return B1.

IF cell contains specific text

Because the IF function does not support wildcards, it is not obvious how to configure IF to check for a specific substring in a cell. A common approach is to combine the ISNUMBER function and the SEARCH function to create a logical test like this:

=ISNUMBER(SEARCH(substring,A1)) // returns TRUE or FALSE

For example, to check for the substring «xyz» in cell A1, you can use a formula like this:


Read a detailed explanation here.

More information

  • Read more about nested IFs
  • Learn how to use VLOOKUP instead of nested IFs (video)
  • 50 Examples of formula criteria


  • The IF function is not case-sensitive.
  • To count values conditionally, use the COUNTIF or the COUNTIFS functions.
  • To sum values conditionally, use the SUMIF or the SUMIFS functions.
  • If any of the arguments to IF are supplied as arrays, the IF function will evaluate every element of the array.

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