If a word or phrase in bold is correct put a tick the universe

A. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line, including all possibilities.

 The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years.   ……………………..

 Look out! You will hit the car in front!   ……………………..

3   I’m going to do the washing-up tonight, if you like.   ……………………..

 Do you think that, in the future, people will live to be hundreds of years old?   ……………………..

 Will I carry some of those bags for you, or can you manage?   ……………………..

 I know! I’m going to have a barbecue on my birthday!   ……………………..

 Are you going to just hold this door open for me for a minute? Thanks a lot!   ……………………..

 We’ve decided we will try that new restaurant after the play tomorrow night.   ……………………..

 We’re going to fly to Jamaica in the summer.   ……………………..

10   Shall we invite Tony and Tim round tonight?   ……………………..

11   Are we going to invite Tony and Tim round tonight?   ……………………..

12   Will you go to Jason’s party next Saturday?   ……………………..


1 ✓   2 You’re going to   3 I’ll   4

5 Shall/Can   6

7 Will/Would/Could/Can you

8 ✓/we’re going to try/we’re trying/ to try

9 ✓   10 ✓   11

12 Are you going to/Are you going to go to

B. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.

 We aren’t / We’re not going to miss the train, are we?

 I think I’m going to do / I’m doing really badly in the English test tomorrow.

 Josh is going to sing / is singing a song in the school talent contest next week.

 I’m going to buy / buying a big yacht if I can when I’m older.

 Sports Day is going to be / being held on the last day of term.

 Does / Will the concert on Thursday last more than two hours?

 Are they going to broadcast / Will they broadcast the music awards live tomorrow night?

 Do they broadcast / Are they broadcasting the music awards live tomorrow night?

 According to the timetable, the train for Oxford leaves / is leaving at 10.15.

10   Does the restaurant open / Is the restaurant opening next Sunday?


1   We aren’t/We’re not

 I’m going to do

3   is going to sing/is singing

 going to buy

 going to be/being


7   Are they going to broadcast/Will they broadcast

8   Are they broadcasting


10   Does the restaurant open/Is the restaurant opening

C. Write a word or short phrase in each gap.

At the end of this month, I’ll (1) ……………………… working on my physics project for about six weeks, but I’ve still got a lot to do before I hand it in. I’ll (2) ……………………… spending the whole day in the physics lab next Saturday doing experiments, and in fact, I (3) ……………………… playing football the weekend after either because I’ve got to go back to the lab then, too. I guess I’ll (4) ……………………… doing lots of similar projects when I’m at university, so it’s good practice. Thinking about it, when I leave university in about four years, I will (5) ……………………… studying physics for over thirteen years, so I should be quite good at it by then!


1 have been   2 be   3 will not/won’t be

4 be   5 studying

D. Complete using the future perfect simple or future perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets.

 I …………………………. (cook) dinner by the time you get home.

 In a few minutes, I …………………………. (wait) here for Craig for over two hours. Where can he be?

 We’ll be halfway through the sponsored swim in one hour so we …………………………. (swim) for forty-eight hours non-stop by then.

 They …………………………. (not / finish) painting the house by the time we get back from holiday.

 If she’s still on the phone at eight o’clock, …………………………. (Jan / talk) to Melissa for over two hours.

 At six o’clock this evening, we …………………………. (not / climb) for five hours but for seven hours!

 This time next month, you …………………………. (probably / pass) your driving test!

 …………………………. (you / do) all your homework by bedtime?

 Tomorrow …………………………. (Elaine / work) on the project for ten days.

10   We …………………………. (probably / not / leave) by the time you get home.


 I will/I’ll have cooked

 I will/I’ll have been waiting

 I will/I’ll have been swimming

 won’t have finished

5   Jan will have been talking

6   won’t have been climbing

65 месяцев назад

If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly, including all possibilities.

1)The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years. _ 2)Look out! You will hit the car in front! _ 3)I’m going to do thewashing-uptonight, if you like. _ 4)Do you think that, in the future, people will live to be hundreds of years old? _ 5)Will I carry some of those bags for you, or can you manage? _ 6)Know! I’m going to have a barbecue on my birthday! _ 7)Are you going to just hold this door open for me for a minute? Thanks a lot! _ 8)We‟ve decided we will try that new restaurant after the play tomorrow night. _ 9)We’re going to fly to Jamaica in the summer. _ 10)Shall we invite Tony and Tim round tonight? _ 11)Are we going to invite Tony and Tim round tonight? _ 12)Will you go to Jason‟s party next Saturday? _


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Как правильно?

1)The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years.

_ 2)Look out!

You will hit the car in front!

_ 3)I’m going to do thewashing — uptonight, if you like.

_ 4)Do you think that, in the future, people will live to be hundreds of years old?

_ 5)Will I carry some of those bags for you, or can you manage?

_ 6)Know!

I’m going to have a barbecue on my birthday!

_ 7)Are you going to just hold this door open for me for a minute?

Thanks a lot!

_ 8)We‟ve decided we will try that new restaurant after the play tomorrow night.

_ 9)We’re going to fly to Jamaica in the summer.

_ 10)Shall we invite Tony and Tim round tonight?

_ 11)Are we going to invite Tony and Tim round tonight?

_ 12)Will you go to Jason‟s party next Saturday?


Вопрос Как правильно?, расположенный на этой странице сайта, относится к
категории Английский язык и соответствует программе для 10 — 11 классов. Если
ответ не удовлетворяет в полной мере, найдите с помощью автоматического поиска
похожие вопросы, из этой же категории, или сформулируйте вопрос по-своему.
Для этого ключевые фразы введите в строку поиска, нажав на кнопку,
расположенную вверху страницы. Воспользуйтесь также подсказками посетителей,
оставившими комментарии под вопросом.

2. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick ( ). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line.

1)Can you to speak French?

2)I can give you a hand tomorrow morning, if you like.

3)I‟ll can take my driving test after a few more lessons.

4)Jack can play the guitar before he learnt to talk!

5)If only I can afford to buy that top!

6)We can have gone up the Eiffel Tower while we were in Paris, but we decided to go to the Louvre instead.

7)I could get a more expensive computer, but it didn‟t seem worth it.

8)I wish I could get out of the maths test tomorrow!

9)I bet you‟d love to be can to get satellite TV.

10)You‟d better tell the coach if you can‟t playing on Saturday.

3. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.

1)Hello. Could / Can I speak to Mrs Johnson, please?

2)We could / were allowed to go home early yesterday because our teacher was ill.

3)The head teacher said we could / were allowed to go home.

4)Do you think I should / could be worried about these spots on my


5)You ought to / should enter that talent contest!

6)You couldn’t / shouldn’t talk to people like that! It‟s rude!

7)Alan should write / have written two essays in the exam yesterday,

not one!

8)No, you may / should not go out tonight. You know you‟re grounded!

9)Diana should have waited / been waiting for me at the corner. I wonder where she went.

10)What were you doing in the park? You ought to have done / have been doing your homework then!

Английский язык

(46 баллов)

30 Апр, 18


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