Idioms with word world

Pronouncing the Word World

Recently, one of my students told me the word “world” was very difficult for him to pronounce.  As I thought back to some of my first English students in Brazil, I remembered how difficult this word was for them to pronounce as well.  It is a common word in English and we use it to talk about politics, history, geography, and society.  Also, it is ubiquitous in song lyrics and in poetry.  Therefore, it is imperative to learn to pronounce this word correctly.  Sometimes you have to repeat a difficult word 17 times before you really learn to say the word correctly.  I would recommend repeating this difficult word aloud everyday for at least 1 minute for a week. In this audio recording, I pronounce the word “world” 17 times.  You can practice saying it 17 times with me!

You could record yourself saying it and compare it to my recording.  You will see great progress in your pronunciation if you find creative ways to say the word.  These idioms will help you learn the word in new ways.  

Idioms with World #1: It’s a Small World


The first idiom with ‘world’ is “It’s a small world.”  Once, when I was traveling in Portugal, I bumped into a childhood friend of mine from Iowa in a small fishing village.  I said, “It’s a small world” and couldn’t believe how serendipitous it was to find my good friend in the middle of nowhere.  We went for a long walk along the beach and talked about childhood memories.  This expression is perfect for those kinds of events in your life that bring you closer to people and experiences that make the world feel like a small place.  In Spanish, we say, “el mundo es un pañuelo,” which expresses the same sentiment that the world is much smaller than it appears to be. 

Idioms with World #2: Out of this World


The Second Idiom with ‘world’ is “Out of this world.”  This is one of the greatest expressions to describe something that is really amazing, fantastic, and wonderful.  My family members usually use it to describe our Thanksgiving dinner.  Our plates our filled with turkey, stuffing, cranberry relish, and mashed potatoes.  We describe this delicious meal as being “Out of this world.”  Once, when I went to a famous cupcake bakery in the lower east side of Manhattan, I told my friend, “These cupcakes are out of this world.”  She agreed and said “I couldn’t agree more.”  You can use this idiom with ‘world’ to describe not only food, but also an event like a fireworks show or a musical.  

World Idiom #3: Do Someone a World of Good


The third idiom with ‘world’ is “Do someone a world of good.”  This idiom is used to describe something that could make someone feel much better.  This could refer to self-care practices, long walks, or meditation.  For example, I could say that the spa treatment did me a world of good.  The other day, the government lifted restrictions from COVID-19 and we were allowed to go outside and do exercise for the first time in Spain after being on lockdown for more than a month. My husband said, “That run did me a world of good.”  I was so happy to see him feeling better and looking more relaxed.  

World Idiom #4: Carry the World on your Shoulders


The fourth idiom with ‘world’ is “Carry the world on your shoulders,” which refers to having a lot of responsibility.  This is a heavy feeling that someone may have and may feel they are carrying a lot of burdens and responsibilities.  They may feel a sense of stress and they may feel overwhelmed.  My sister often expresses this feeling and says, “I am carrying the world on my shoulders,” when she talks about being a mom to her two children, a wife, and the president of a multinational company.  

Idioms with World #5: On Top of the World


The fifth idiom with ‘world’ is “On top of the world,” which means that you feel tremendously happy and elated.  In this picture, I went to a special place in Brazil called Chapada Diamantina, a National Wildlife Preserve that has crystal clear waterfalls and expansive views.  I felt like I was “on top of the world” everyday of that trip because I felt a sense of freedom and awe of the nature that surrounded me.  I usually feel “on top of the world” when I travel to new places and experience the sensation of excitement and adventure.  Have you ever been to Machu Picchu?  I felt like I was “on top of the world” when I traveled there after college and saw some of the ancient ruins in person.  

World Idiom #6: The World is my Oyster


The sixth idiom is with ‘world’ is, “The world is my oyster” and we say this to describe the pleasant surprises that are found in the world. If you were to open an oyster, you can imagine the lucky feeling you would experience if you found a pearl inside.  That metaphor relates to a world that is open for play, opportunity, career advancement and joy.  We use this idiom with ‘world’ to describe young people who are surrounded by rich opportunities to move up the career ladder. 

World Idiom #7: Worlds Apart


The seventh idiom with ‘world’ is “Worlds apart,” which we use to describe how different people are.  Native speakers sometimes use this idiom to describe siblings because they truly have very different personalities.  You could say, “Sammy and Ted are worlds apart.  Even though they look like identical twins, Sammy is calm and Ted is active.”  My brother and I are like “two peas in a pod,” meaning we are so similar and get along great.  I would never use the “worlds apart” idiom to describe our relationship.  

World Idiom #8: The World is at your Fingertips


The eighth idiom with ‘world’ is “The world is at your fingertips,” which means that opportunities are available to you.  When the world is at your fingertips, everything flows and even carrying out tasks is effortless.  Thus, the fingers are a good symbol because they represent the ability to mold and shape your world.  The world is like a sculpture and you are the artist, using your hands to craft the most stunning work you could imagine.  


These idioms are creative, fun to say, and used commonly in spoken English.  I encourage you to practice saying them aloud with emotion.  You can use these idioms with ‘world’ in everyday conversations.  You will be surprised by how much you enhance the dialogue with these unique and colorful idioms in English.  

Here are some other Youtube videos with songs that have the word “world” in their lyrics.

What a Wonderful World, Louis Armstrong 

Heal the world, Michael Jackson

Here are a few other blogs you could check-out to read more about idioms with world:

Shayna from Espresso English 

Here is a video with teacher Rebecca teaching idioms with world

best of both worlds

Получать преимущества двух разных вещей одновременно.

We live in the centre of town, but only 5 minutes from the beach. We have the best of both worlds!

Мы живем в центре города, но в пяти минутах от пляжа. У нас все козыри!

come down in the world

To lose a place of respect or honor, become lower (as in rank or fortune).

The stranger plainly had come down a long way in the world.

come up in the world

rise in the world

To gain success, wealth, or importance in life; rise to a position of greater wealth or importance.

He had come up in the world since he peddled his wife’s baked goods from a pushcart.

dead to the world

Fast asleep.

Tim went to bed very late and was still dead to the world at 10 o’clock this morning.

As if dead; unconscious.

Tom was hit on the head by a baseball and was dead to the world for two hours.

for all the world

Under no circumstances.

Betty said she wouldn’t marry Jake for all the world.

Precisely; exactly.

It began for all the world like a successful baseball season for the UIC Flames, when suddenly they lost to the Blue Demons.

four corners of the Earth

four corners of the world

Вся земля; весь мир; все концы света.

Wedding guests arrived from the four corners of the world.

Гости на свадьбу прибыли изо всех уголков земли.

fourth world

The poor nations of the world, as distinguished from the oil-rich nations of the third world.

Sri Lanka will never join OPEC, since it is a fourth world nation.

in a world of one’s own

in a world by oneself

In the place where you belong; in your own personal surroundings; apart from other people.

They are in a little world of their own in their house on the mountain.

In deep thought or concentration.

Mary is in a world of her own when she is playing the piano.

Not caring about or connected with other people in thoughts or actions. Usually used sarcastically.

That boy is in a world all by himself. He never knows what is happening around him.

Naturally I am kind-hearted, and so I found it beyond me to leave even this hateful and repulsive thing alone in a strange and hostile world. The result was that when I entered the iron mole I took her with me.

I found pleasure in speculating upon just what the effect had been upon her of passing through the earth’s crust, and coming out into a world that one of even less intelligence than the great Mahars could easily see was a different world from her own Pel-lucidar.

Our democracy must be not only the envy of the world but the engine of our OWN renewal.

.and we must do so in a world in which we must compete for every opportunity.

And then it sought to get through the ultimate walls with its head—and not with its head only—into «the other world

But that «other world» is well concealed from man, that dehumanised, inhuman world, which is a celestial naught; and the bowels of existence do not speak unto man, except as man.

Japan herself, when she so suddenly awakened, had astounded the world. But at the time she was only forty millions strong.

For sheer ability to work no worker in the world could compare with him.

Equally to every part of this inner world it diffuses its perpetual noonday light and torrid heat.

Travelling, whether in the mental or the physical world, is a joy, and it is good to know that, in the mental world at least, there are vast countries still very imperfectly explored.

I saw the little world about me through the lenses of my master’s spectacles, and I reported its facts, in his tone and his attitude, with his self-flattered scorn, his showy sighs, his facile satire.

These were conscious actions, and were the results of his first generalisations upon the world. Before that he had recoiled automatically from hurt, as he had crawled automatically toward the light.

The third circle with which Anna had ties was preeminently the fashionable world—the world of balls, of dinners, of sumptuous dresses, the world that hung on to the court with one hand, so as to avoid sinking to the level of the demi-monde.

But the foregoing remarks on distribution apply not only to strictly arctic forms, but also to many sub-arctic and to some few northern temperate forms, for some of these are the same on the lower mountains and on the plains of North America and Europe; and it may be reasonably asked how I account for the necessary degree of uniformity of the sub-arctic and northern temperate forms round the world, at the commencement of the Glacial period.

* One of the first ships that carried colonies to America, after the discovery of the New World. Descendants of these original colonists were for a while inordinately proud of their genealogy; but in time the blood became so widely diffused that it ran in the veins practically of all Americans.

5 английских идиом со словом «world»

Идиома – это фразеологизм, то есть устойчивый речевой оборот, который свойственен определенному языку. При этом перевести это словосочетание или даже предложение по отдельности нельзя – в противном случае теряется вся смысловая нагрузка, которую идиома несет. К слову, смысловая составляющая фразеологизмов всегда яркая и эмоциональная. В нашем языке яркими примерами данного филологического феномена являются следующие высказывания: валять дурака или бить баклуши.

Английский язык также не лишен идиом, которые позволяют сделать речь более красочной и образной, поднять настроение или и вовсе дать отпор хаму. Конечно, использовать их можно только тогда, когда знаешь изречение наизусть. Сегодня проще всего с помощью ресурса учить английский по Skype, при этом в качестве преподавателя выбрать носителя языка. Наверняка вы уже знаете, что самым надежный способ овладеть знаниями – это погрузиться в новую языковую среду. И платформа Preply позволяет сделать это максимально полезно. Человек, для которого английский является родным, иначе мыслит и лучше чувствует филологические тонкости. Общение с ним обязательно научит вас не просто зубрить новые слова, а думать с их помощью и выражать мысли.

Итак, найденный с помощью ресурса Preply репетитор обязательно познакомит вас с идиомами родной речи. К примеру, слово «world» – это не всегда мир. Чтобы понять, о чем идет речь, важно изучайте контекст, в котором употребляется слово.

К примеру, услышав фразу «To be all the world» или «To mean the world to someone», знайте, что перед вами идиомы обозначающие следующее: человек является важным для кого-то и выступает основой счастья. Еще один пример: «His work is all the world to», что в переводе означает следующее: «Его работа – это все для него».

Часто слово используется и для того, что передать всю степень волнения и замешательства человека. К примеру, когда он вскрикнет: «Я даже не знаю, что еще можно сделать, чтобы преодолеть трудности!», то вы, скорее всего, услышите следующее устойчивое выражение: «What in the world am I to do?».

Еще с помощью слова «world» очень просто обозначить количество чего-то не измеряемого: добра или зла, к примеру. Фраза «To do someone a world of good or harm» также давно зачислена в перечень популярных идиом. Не забывайте, что любой фразеологизм – это гипербола, что означает следующее: когда вы не хотите драматизировать или преувеличивать нечто, не используйте эти фразы.

Are you on top of the world today or are you watching the world go by? Improve your English today by learning to use five common idioms with the word world. Take your English to a higher level, and you’ll soon start moving up in the world.


0:00:02 Hi. My name is Rebecca from today’s lesson, you’re going to learn five
0:00:08 idioms with the word «world» in them.Okay? So, here we go.
0:00:14 First one: «They’re on top of the world sincethey had a baby.» What do you think it means?
0:00:21 «They’re on top of the world since they hada baby.» Well, it could be a lot of things
0:00:27 if you have a baby, but in this case, it meansthat they’re very, very happy. So, to be on
0:00:33 top of the world means to be extremely happyabout something; very joyful. Okay? To be
0:00:40 on top of the world.
0:00:42 Next one: «I think the world of my parents.»So, what do you think that means? To think
0:00:50 the world of someone means to respect someone,to admire them. Okay? To value them. To think
0:00:58 the world of someone is to think veryrespectfully about someone. Okay?
0:01:05 Next, suppose somebody asked you: «So, whatare you guys doing?» And you answer: «Nothing
0:01:11 much. Just sitting here watching the worldgo by.» All right? So, what does it mean to
0:01:17 watch the world go by? To watch the world goby means really what it says, pretty much.
0:01:24 To not do anything much, to just sit, sitaround, do nothing special, and the world
0:01:31 is going on. Okay? That’s the expression:»to watch the world go by». It means to sit
0:01:37 around and do almost nothing, andcertainly nothing important. Okay?
0:01:42 Next: «He had the whole world at his feet bythe time he was 30.» So, what do you think
0:01:50 that means? To have the world at your feet,or in this case, he had the whole world at
0:01:56 his feet means to become extremely successful,popular, admired. Okay? So, that’s the expression
0:02:05 to have… Or the idiom: «to havethe whole world at your feet».
0:02:10 Last one: «Congratulations on your new job!You’re really moving up in the world.» So,
0:02:16 the idiom is: «to move up in the world». Whatdo you think it means? It kind of is easy
0:02:24 to figure out. It means to become more successful,to go up in social status, and so on.
0:02:31 All right?
0:02:32 So, we have here: «on top of the world»,»to think the world of someone»,
0:02:37 «to watch the world go by», «to have the whole worldat your feet», and: «to move up in the world».
0:02:44 Okay?
0:02:45 So, which one of these means to notdo anything special? Do you know?
0:02:52 Okay, it’s the third one: «to watchthe world go by». All right?
0:02:57 Which one means that somebody’s extremelypopular, and successful, and admired by lots
0:03:03 of people? What..?Which idiom is that?
0:03:07 «To have the whole world at your feet».Very good.
0:03:12 Okay. If you’re very, very happy, let’s sayyou’re getting married or you just had a baby,
0:03:17 or you won the lottery,what could you say?
0:03:20 «I’m on top of theworld.» All right? Means
0:03:23 you’re very, very happy.
0:03:25 Okay. What do you say about someone who isbecoming more and more successful, getting
0:03:31 one promotion after another?What’s happening to him or her?
0:03:35 They are «moving up in the world».Very good.
0:03:39 And if you respect someone verymuch, you could say that you:
0:03:43 «Think the world of them».
0:03:46 Again, an idiom is important… Idioms areimportant to learn because the individual
0:03:51 words don’t always tell you the meaning; theentire expression tells you the meaning. All
0:03:57 right? So, that’s why you have to learn idiomsvery carefully. The most important thing about
0:04:02 idioms is to understand them first, make sureyou know, because people do use them very
0:04:08 often. And only when you really know how touse it, then you use it yourself in language,
0:04:15 especially if you are alanguage learner. Okay?
0:04:18 If you’d like to practice this a little bitmore, please go to our website:
0:04:24 You could also subscribe to my YouTube channelfor lots of other delightful English lessons.
0:04:29 All right? Thanks very much.Bye for now.

Yes!! I got 10 out of 10. Thanks Rebecca for your valuable time. I really appreciate itl


    Just one question dear Rebecca:

    Is it possible to say . . .

    “I’m just sitting here watching the world GOING by”?

    Thanks very much for your precious time and one hundred percent commitment Rebecca.


      Yes, Regino, it would be correct to say that. Thanks again, and take care!


    Thank you for your kind comment. I appreciate it, too. All the best, Verin.


thak you Rebecca, your exponation is excelent. 10 of 10


100o/o, fine….


I got 9/10. I mistook No.2. I couldn’t image “on top of the world,” because maybe I have never won so much money in the lottery…hahaha ^^;  

Thank you for your interesting lesson, Rebecca :)


I got 100% thanks Rebecca

Imtithal Saeed

I appreciate all your lessons, as a online-teacher I think the world of Rebecca!

carlos 2138

    Thank you, Carlos, and congratulations on using the new expression so effectively. All the best.


Rebecca you are a good teacher!
Good lesson on idioms!VERY GOOD!
I think the world of you!
Thanks so much.


I got 10 out of 10. Cool. :))) Thanks Rebecca.


I got 100%. I am on top of the world. I think the world of you.

Abdul Qayum

    Wow and wow! You used both expressions so powerfully. Congratulations, Abdul, and all the best to you.


thank you teacher so much it,s a new words for me, it was very useful i had a fun time with you it.s very useful :) best regards :) love you

nouf abdullah

i think the world of you :)

nouf abdullah

thank you so much for sharing . it is very useful video , believe me i was on the top of the world when i was watching it , i find you very admire and successful person and i am sure that you feel that the whole world at your feet and i think the world of you

Mossab Mahmoud

    nice to use the adioms for her :)


      Nada it is always nice to squeez out your mind to get some of what you learned and use them right away . wla eh :D

      Mossab Mahmoud

10 of 10 – good )


Got 10/10 ..Brovo!


i got 7 ;)


Hi Rebecca. Another great lesson. May I ask you for some explanation on the tenses usage in your example no 1?

1. Present simple + “since” seems to be unorthodox. Is it, in general, allowed? Would present perfect work in your example as well?

2. In the second clause, could present simple or present perfect be used instead of simple past “had”? Is it correct to say “I’ve been so happy since I knew you” ?



Thanks Rebecca as always clear and perfect.we think the world of Rebecca!
Merci beaucoup


i’m on top of the world ,because i learned new idioms.
thank you Rebecca, i think the world of you.


thanks “


Thank you very much Rebecca, i got 10


I got 9 correct out of 10; thaks; REBECCA YOU ARE THE BEST


Hi, I don’t know whether that five indioms are popular,and can i use it in USA or all of countries use English?


Thank you Rebecca for this great and useful lesson! Indeed, I realized that idioms are very important in English language. Could you tell me how many idioms exist in English language?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


Wellington Porto Brito

Thank you Rebecca!!! I won 10 of 10! I feel that whole world at my feet :)


I got 10 out of 10!


    10 of 10


great lesson, thanks Rebecca. I am on top of world since I have seen your lessons.:)


it was perfect Rebbecca, thank you.




Great Tools. Thanks


I got 10. thanks Rebeca. I like all lessons so much and I wait all the new lessons of you . really thanks Rebeca.

Maryam Zaky

    Thanks for your kind words, Maryam. I wish you all the best.


I wathed lesson, I am on top of the world)


the ways you teach is very skillful im a fan of your lessons , about this lesson it was as clear as a bell
but i just ask you a question , can we use idioms in exams and tests , writing etc , or we have to use them only in oral speech , thank you so much in advance :) :) :)


    You can certainly use idioms in your exams and tests. Most of them are not considered slang. Thanks for your feedback and all the best.


Hi Rebecca I think the world of your calmness and teaching skills. Until I have listened your lessons, my English have moved up in the world.Thanks.


    Keep on improving! My best to you!


Thanks, Rebecca.


Got 100%. Thanks madam. really it makes me happy to learn via internet more than learning in the classes.


i think the word of you Ms rebecca. :D


10/10 ..Thanks Rebecca for the new idoms

Shereen Samy

Good exercise and good practice , good teacher and I feel moving upon the world

Mohamed abdelraof sobeh

Very interesting lesson, I think that these idioms were very useful




I’m on top of the world since I know your interesting siteweb.Thank you


    Glad you are enjoying our website. All the best.


Lovely lesson, 8/10 thanks very much


Cool, Got 90……


Married me Rebeca !! S2 really good teacher


oppps! im sorry i did not click the choices of answers, instead i click the next and it did not allowed me to go back.




100% Ok!


wow i got the 10 points. am on top of the world now!!


He had the whole world on his feet, but instead of being in the top of the world, he was only watching the world go by. So he lost is opportunity to moving up in the world. Oh poor boy.

Jorge Pedroso

    oh…it is wonderful ^_^


      Thank you, the truth is, I’m only playing with the idioms, only for practice the writing. About the meaning of the Idiom “the world at his feet” means be admired by everyone.

      Jorge Pedroso

“he had the world at his feet “…i can not understand this idiom …may you explain it to me again ?


    For example – Imagine two boxer fighers. When a fighter KO his partner. The partner on the winner feet.
    That mean you get success in something.


      Thanks a lot


I think the world of English yours in EngVid. Thank you.


I get 100


thanks for the lesson. hello everyone am new here i hope we could get along.
can i say i don’t think the world of him is that correct.


    Hi, Mckeown! Be welcome to EngVid group! I don’t know if saying “I don’t think the world of him” is grammarly correct, but I am sure it wouldn’t be very polite… ha ha.

    Eduardo França

Жакшы жакшы ))


Thanks so much


very good lesson and explanation.


100 points))


First time here. I got 10 of 10 I might on top of the world. Hhhh


Dear Rebecca,

That is a nice lesson again! I regard you a very didatic teacher. So I would like to suggest you a lesson about the differences between “thou” x “you” and “ye” x “you”. I know it is archaik English, but it is quite used in classic books like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, or “Moby Dick”, by Herman Melville, especially among the Quaker characters. Of course I can understand them, because “thou” is very similar to the “tu” used in latin tongues. However, I have doubts in pronunciation and conjugation. It is not easy job to find that in books! If you may attend my request, I will be rather glad and grateful. As a Brazilian proverb says: “knowing does not occupy space”!

Best wishes,


Eduardo França

wowwww I am on top of the world since I watched lessons engvid. I am truly moving up in the world and I realy Think the world of my teaches Engvid. Many thanks Rebecca god bless you

my best wishes to you


    Well, thank you very much for all your kind compliments. So glad to know the lessons are helping you to improve your English. My best wishes to you.


100 points.Thank you!))))


You are a very good english teacher, your classes are very useful. thanks a lot.

pedro cacua

    My pleasure, Pedro. Thanks and all the best to you.


thank you


thanks a lot. succeed…..


thank Rabeca I got 10


Thanks you so much :)


I get 90 but I hate idioms :(


    I know learning idioms can be frustrating, but I hope you learned these idioms well in any case. Learning a little every day can get you far! All the best.


Hurray, got 10. This lesson reminds me of Ariel (…part of your world) and Aladdin (I can show the world…). Thanks Rebecca.


Thanks, Rebecca.
I would like to ask a question.
I know the phrasal verb ‘save up’ money.
But can I say ‘save up’ water?


    Yes, you could say “save up water” if you know the water is going to be switched off, for example. In other words, you are going to save up some water so it is available later. All the best!


Thank!Beautiful lesson!


yess 10/10 love this quiz

Bung Harris

Dear Rebecca,
Here is an idiom for all students:
Best regards.


Thanks !


Thanks 100%

Ruben FJ

Thanks so much Rebeca. I really love this site.


Any advice for studying the academic poetry ??


    I suppose you mean serious poetry. A lot of poetry uses words and expressions in unusual and creative ways so a good book or teacher will help you understand what the poet was trying to convey. I wish you all the best.


thank you.
if someone would like to practice speaking can add me on Skype


Hi Rebecca, i’ve whatched your lessons and i shared it with my boss, so, he loves your classes also and he doesn’t stop saying many thanks Robson. The way you use to explain is out of the blue. Thanks.


    Hey, Robson, thanks for sharing the site with your boss and even happier to know he enjoyed it. I wish you both all the best with your English.


cool I got 10/10 :D Thanks so much Rebecca


Hi there, how you guys download the lesson? I just can see the “Not Found” message when I select a lesson to see.


thank you


Thank you Rebecca.


Thank you!


90% thanks Rebecca


I got 10 out of 10. I am on the top of the world. :D


splendid lesson:-) Thank you very much!


Thank you so much


I got 10 of 10 thank u :)

Zainab Awni

Thx,u have very good voice


I got 100.

Thank you Rebecca” You’re excellent teacher.


Good evening, Rebecca.
I am Haridan.
I have been studying with your lesson on Youtube channel but today I would like to bother you about my worrying. Why can’t I listen English clearly ? Even if I can translate while I am reading the subtitle. But when I don’t read the subtitle I am confused and can’t understand what they are speaking. In one topic or lesson (if I read the subtitle) I know almost all of words, there are just 1 or 2 words that I don’t know.
This is my big problem when I talk with a native speaker or other.
How can I improve ? I have been trying to listen such as BBC radio, engvid lesson, Introvert by Jade ect. But my listening skill is still not good. Are there tricks or techniques for that, Could you please please recommend for me ? Thank you.


    You could work through some special books for ESL / EFL learners that focus on listening skills. You could also use the guidebooks for the TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC exams and follow the transcripts while listening to the CD for the listening sections of those exams. In addition, listen to the same passage more than once till you can understand without the subtitles or transcript. All the best to you.


OK that was fine , I felt I’m on top of the world :)


Thanks Rebecca for your explanation, I feel I’m ontop of the world.


    Great! Try to find many opportunities to use the idioms to remember them well and easily. All the best!


thank you Rebecca

Ali yasin

Thanks Rebecca


Amazing!From 40% to 90%!This is incredible.


    So glad to hear your joy at improving! Isn’t it a great feeling to make real progress? My best wishes to you.


yes! I get 100 :)


Oh….yes! I got 10. Thank you teacher.


I got 9, but it’s ok.I improvethe next time. thank you Teacher.


Thank you very much for your courses and your time teacher!!


very good


I got 100!! I think you are a very good teacher !! it was so easy did it , your explanation it´s so clear.


    Thanks. Glad to hear the lesson helped you. My best to you.


thanks..i learn a lot..


Thanks for good doing

Dahir Mohamed

Thanks a lot, teacher, Rebecca.


Thank you very much indeed!Good lesson.


This lesson is very interesting, because teaches you useful expressions. Thanks Rebbeca!


I meant Rebecca!


It’s really userful and interesting lesson. I think the world of you, Rebecca, for it! Thank you!


thank you for the lesson Rebecca, I am on top of the world because I got 100/100


    Congratulations! So glad to hear it. All the best to you.




Thanks a lot Rebecca ^^

rin olive

Your easy and simple method of teaching makes me think the world of you, now more than ever., Thank you Rebecca.


    That’s very kind of you, Katerina. You express yourself very well in English. My best to you.


very good

Rodrigo Ribeiro

Thank you. I Like you. ^ ^


you are amazing teacher


great teacher!!


100% thanks


10/10 :) I’m on the top of the world. :P :)



    Onegin Evgeniy

Thank you!

Dani Mereles

Horaaaaaayyyyy i get 100……..:D


Thank you Rebecca for lesson.I am watching your video first time but you are very good online teacher.I will always watch your lessons:)


Hi Rebecca, I am Lois. I would like to improve my english skill. I wish i had understood easilly the idioms used.


I think the world of Rebecca and Canada. Thanks my teacher!!!


Rebecca,thank you! You’re the best! I really like your lessons! :)


10/10. Thank you very much)


good job, thank you very much.


Wow! Dear Rebecca, thank you for lessons: they are really interesting and easy to learn!!!



shana ham

Dear Rebecca!
Thank for your explanation! Felling on top of the world since I know engvid and you :)


Dear Rebecca!
Thank for your explanation! Felling on top of the world since I knew engvid and you :)


I hit 100% :) Thanks Rebecca!
You’re a great teacher!

Mirela de Oliveira

would you like to tell me plz What’s these idioms mean : 1. To end in smoke
2. to get into hot waters make ends meet
4. Bolt from the blue burn the candle at both ends
6. to bury the hatchet. lead someone up the garden path
8. to spill the been
sorry for disturbing .


It’s awesome!!!!And i’ve introduced this to my bro ,i really appreciate it!!


thank you for your learning videos they are helping me a lot .


i got 10 correct out of the 10
biji kurdistan =)

Berxwedan Jiyane

Thanks a lot Rebecca for such awesome lesson.

Trully I consider you one of the ever best teachers I’ve seen.

All my regards for you;



Many thanks!
I’v got 100 :)

Anna Zaytseva

Thank you Rebecca ) I get 10 of 10/ I am on the top of the world after this result )))

Onegin Evgeniy

Thank you very much


Thank you, it is very useful for understandig. Rebecca,could you explain, please, why we use “go” but not “goes” in idiom watching the world go by.


10/10 I am on the top of the world:)
Thank you))


Thank you Rebecca, thank you so much.

Marta Lopez

Such an understandible lesson thanks a lot Rebecca :)


10/10 – cool


WOW! I got 10 out of 10!Thanks a lot, Rebecca!


thank you so much

Nguyen Van Hau

Thank you very much!


I do not give up!


Thank you very much !

Raja Ghanem

If you ask me what I’m doing now, nothing. I’m just watching the world go by.
Thank you Rebecca. :)


10 of 10, thank you!


Why does “the world go by” but not “the world goes by”?

Pavel from Karaganda

Your courses make me happy


I got 10/10!! Thanks for your lesson!




I’m on top of the world because I got 10.
Thank you for useful your lesson.

Young Kyung Lee

I got 10/10 in the quiz.
Thanks teacher for your amazing lesson.


Thank you for your effort and time.I have easily added new idioms to my English treasure


You got 8 correct out of 10.


M kartal

Many thanks Rebecca. May God bless you.


Thank you! I liked a lot this lesson! I got 10/10.


Very well explained!





Adwait Shiva

Thks Robbeca, for this lession igot 10 :10 so i m top on word? :)

Amus Mauleky

I think Rebecca is the best English’s teacher

Muhammad Abdur Rokhim

I watched this video twice on November 29, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.



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The day I found the «do not recommend this channel» feature on YT is the day YT became a legitimate resource of language learning rather than just a negative feedback loop of watching a chocolate box variety of charlagot content. Removing that temptation to click on that Lashou video watching him butcher saying Hello, how are you? in 40 languages is the key for someone like me whose curiosity always gets the best of him. However, lately some of the channels I’d rather avoid have been finding ways to remind they exist. I get ads from Xiamomanyc on Instagram where he is a spokesmen for Baselang (Spanish convo app) where he says «People always ask me, how did you learn *fluent* spanish, how did you do it in a month?» I also started getting recommended videos from alt channels of his and from Nathaniel’s, which is how I came across this course. I understand that Nathaniel’s content is not anything like Lashou’s, but in many ways I find it more frustrat

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