Idioms with word black

«How strange,» said a lady, «that a simple black veil, such as any woman might wear on her bonnet, should become such a terrible thing on Mr.

The black veil, though it covers only our pastor’s face, throws its influence over his whole person, and makes him ghostlike from head to foot.

Here a little knot of struggling warriors trampled a bed of gorgeous pimalia; there the curved sword of a black man found the heart of a thern and left its dead foeman at the foot of a wondrous statue carved from a living ruby; yonder a dozen therns pressed a single pirate back upon a bench of emerald, upon whose iridescent surface a strangely beautiful Barsoomian design was traced out in inlaid diamonds.

«It is Val Dor, Princess,» the warrior replied, «and here to die for you if need be, as is every wearer of the Black upon this field of jetan today.

I shall be afraid to leave you here with these devilish scoundrels.» But when she put the suggestion to Usanga the black immediately suspected some plan to thwart him—possibly to carry him against his will back to the German masters he had traitorously deserted, and glowering at her savagely, he obstinately refused to entertain the suggestion.

With a loud roar, Black Michael attracted the attention of the others, and, pointing to Lord and Lady Greystoke, cried:

He was very sick, this white man, as sick as the black men who lay helpless about him, and whom he attended.

«Wonder if this works with strings,» said Dorothy; but Polychrome cried «Look!» for another creature just like the first had suddenly appeared sitting on another rock, its black side toward them.

This little group had in its advance dragged inward, so to speak, the circumference of the now almost complete circle of people, and a number of dim black figures followed it at discreet distances.

And when they cut long stakes, sharpened at their upper ends, and set them at intervals upright in the bottom of the pit, his wonderment but increased, nor was it satisfied with the placing of the light cross-poles over the pit, or the careful arrangement of leaves and earth which completely hid from view the work the black men had performed.

The man was greeted with shouts of welcome from his fellows, to whom he imparted all that he knew and guessed of the actions of their master, so that the entire safari was aware of matters before Baynes, who marched close to the head of the column, was reached and acquainted with the facts and the imaginings of the black boy whom Malbihn had deserted in the clearing the night before.

‘You must know,’ answered the black girl, ‘that the Fairy in whose power we both are is my own mother, but you must not betray this secret, for it would cost me my life.

Just beyond the ridge he came within sight of the fleeing black, making with headlong leaps for a long war-canoe that was drawn well up upon the beach above the high tide surf.

This god on the deck beside him was more like a black. Not only did he not wear pants, and was barefooted and barelegged, but about his middle, just like any black, he wore a brilliant-coloured loin- cloth, that, like a kilt, fell nearly to his sunburnt knees.

Suddenly the door opened and a woman in a black gown rushed in with outstretched arms.

Hi English learners. Is your bank account in the black? If you don’t know what it means, keep on reading because in today’s lesson we are going to learn 12 “black” idioms in English.

How many times have you watched a film or read a book and couldn’t understand an idiomatic expression? Learning an idiomatic language is important because you get to know the real language. Knowing these expressions not only makes your speech sound more natural and colourful but also improves your understanding of culture and tradition. In that regard, let’s look at idioms using the word “black”. Here is the list:

  • Be in the black
  • Be in someone’s black books
  • Black and blue
  • Black hat hacker
  • Black is white
  • Black eye
  • Black market
  • Black sheep
  • Black out
  • In black and white
  • Pitch black
  • Pot calling the kettle black

Be in the black

Meaning: to have money in your bank account, to be solvent or profitable.

  • It isn’t easy but our company is managing to stay in the black.
  • For as long as your finances are in the black you don’t need to worry about the money.

12 “Black” idioms

12 “Black” idioms

Be in someone’s black books

Meaning: to be angry with someone because they did something bad to you or because they didn’t do something they were supposed to do.

  • I’m in my mother’s black books because I didn’t clean the house.
  • if you continue talking like that about my sister, you’ll be in my black books.

Black and blue

Meaning: to have bruises because you have been beaten or had an accident.

  • If I ever see you in my neighbourhood, I will beat you black and blue.
  • After the accident, his arm was black and blue.

Black hat hacker

Meaning: a person who steals data from people’s computers or does some other cybercrime.

  • I’ve heard that programming languages are the most attractive for black hat hackers.
  • A black hat hacker broke into my computer and stole my passwords. 

12 “Black” idioms

12 “Black” idioms

Black is white

Meaning: to say or believe that something false or wrong is true, especially if you can benefit from it.

  • I’m sick of the government telling us that black is white only because they can make money from it.
  • Peter is so stubborn. He keeps telling me that black is white and I can’t fight with him anymore.

Black eye

Meaning: to have a black bruise around your eye because of being hit.

  • Ryan came home with a black eye yesterday. The teacher said he’d fought at school.
  • Helen tried to cover the black eye on her face with make-up.

Black market

Meaning: illegal trade.

  • There was a thriving black market of cigarettes on the island.
  • The black market was flourishing during the war.

Black sheep

Meaning: someone who differs from the rest of the family or a group of people, and is usually considered embarrassing.

  • Michael is a black sheep of the family ever since he stole that car.
  • Stephen has always been a good student but his family considered him a black sheep because he was into art and not law like the rest of them.

12 “Black” idioms

12 “Black” idioms

Black out

Meaning: to faint, to become unconscious.

  • The cause of the accident is probably the truck driver who blacked out at the wheel.
  • When she heard the news, Milicent felt faint and blacked out.

In black and white

Meaning: in written or printed form.

  • The rules of conduct are in black and white so you can read them and try to obey them as well.
  • We need this contract in black and white so we can sign it.

Pitch black

Meaning: completely dark or black.

  • The night was pitch black so we had to turn on the torch.
  • The town turned pitch black when the light went out.

The pot calling the kettle black

Meaning: to criticise someone for something you do as well.

  • Mary told me that I was selfish. Isn’t it the case of the pot calling the kettle black because she is the most selfish person I’ve ever met?
  • I’m judgmental? Well, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

 12 "black" idioms

12 “black” idioms

Here is the list of the 12 idioms using the word black we’ve learned today:

  • Be in the black
  • Be in someone’s black books
  • Black and blue
  • Black hat hacker
  • Black is white
  • Black eye
  • Black market
  • Black sheep
  • Black out
  • In black and white
  • Pitch black
  • Pot calling the kettle black

If you liked this lesson, look at our other lessons about idioms:

Learn 13 MUSIC idioms

Learn 12 idioms about FAMILY

Learn 12 idioms related to NATURE

Learn idioms and expressions related to KNOWLEDGE

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Даже тот, кто никогда не изучал английский, знает, что black — это черный.
Каждая культура имеет свои ассоциации с этим цветом, и его символизм имеет отражение во многих языках.

И в этом материале мы рассмотрим устойчивые выражения со словом black, которые могут встретиться вам в английском языке.

Очень многие сочетания перекликаются с русским (украинским) и переводятся практически дословно, например:

A black box — черный ящик (например, в самолете)
A black hole — черная дыра (в космосе)
A black list — черный список

«Черный список» на английском — это также black books, а находиться в чьем-то черном списке — be in one’s black books:

The teacher does not like me, I am in his black books. — Учитель меня не любит, я у него в черном списке.

You should be on time or you will get in the manager’s black books. — Следует приходить вовремя, чтобы не попасть в черный список менеджера.

Что-то полностью черное мы обычно описываем, как «черный, как смоль», «черный, как сажа», а в английском языке черноту сравнивают с ночью, с оперением ворона, со шляпой, с тузом пик и с чернилами:

As black as night
As black as a raven’s wing
As black as a raven’s feather
As black as the ace of spades
As black as ink

Кроме того, черноту черного можно описать при помощи выражений:

As black as my hat — непроглядно черный
Be pitch black — быть непроглядно черным, темным (также говорят pitch dark — темно, хоть глаз выколи)

Казалось бы, что и с сочетанием a black day все достаточно просто. Но значение этого выражения отличается от того, что мы привыкли подразумевать под этим в русском. Black day — это день траура или скорби, день, когда произошло какая-то трагедия:

September the 11th is the black day in the history of the USA. — 11-ое сентября — траурный день в истории США.

The day when Michael Jackson died was the black day for millions of his fans. — День смерти Майкла Джексона стал траурным днем для миллионов его фанатов.

A тот «черный день», на который собирают или копят деньги, на английском называется a rainy day, а идиома звучит как to save / put aside for a rainy day:

Every month I save some money for a rainy day. — Каждый месяц я откладываю немного на черный день.

Некоторые выражения выявляют различия в цветовосприятии у нас и у англоговорящих.
Наш синяк обычно синего цвета (на то он и синяк!), а в английском он черный: а black eye — это синяк под глазом, give someone a black eye — поставить кому-то синяк, подбить глаз.

Но все же English-speaking people не безнадежны в определении цветов и усматривают в синяках и синий: be black and blue — быть в синяках, быть побитым.

Черный цвет традиционно ассоциируется с чем-то отрицательным, поэтому его часто используют чтобы подчеркнуть чье-либо плохое настроение или негативные стороны характера:

look black — выглядеть расстроенным, мрачным, хмурым
be black in the face — побагроветь, «почернеть» (от злости или другой отрицательной эмоции)
paint a black picture of someone/something — описать кого-либо с отрицательной точки зрения/нарисовать мрачную картину чего-либо
Not as black as one is painted — быть не таким страшным/плохим/отрицательным как описывают

Father had some problems at work so he looked black all evening. — У отца проблемы на работе, и весь вечер он был мрачным.

My neighbor was black in the face when he saw a broken window. — Сосед расстроился, когда увидел разбитое окно.

He pained me a black picture of Mary but when I met Mary, she turned out to be a nice girl. — Он описал Мари в черном цвете, но когда я встретился с Мари, она оказалась приятной девушкой.

Do not be afraid, the dean of the faculty is not as black as he is painted! — Не бойся, декан не так страшен, как о нем говорят!

A black mark beside (one’s) name — черный след на чьем-то имени, пятно на чьей-то карьере.

Misdemeanor at school was a black mark beside his name in college. — Его школьный проступок лег черным пятном на его репутации в колледже.

Problems with law left a black mark beside her name and prevented her from getting a job. — Проблемы с законом оставили черное пятно на ее карьере и мешали ей найти работу.

The black sheep of the family/group — «паршивая овца» в семье, в группе — человек, которого не уважают и считают никчемным:

Will is the black sheep of our family, he dropped out of school and does not work. — Уилл — паршивая овца в семье, его исключили из школы и он не работает.

А когда кто-то критикует или обвиняет другого, но сам замечен в том же, можно использовать пословицу the pot is calling the kettle black — горшок над котлом смеется, а оба черны; оба хороши.

My brother is always criticizing me for leaving a mug on the desk, but he is always doing the same! The pot is calling the kettle black! — Мой брат постоянно критикует меня за то, что я оставляю чашку на столе, но сам делает так же! Чья бы корова мычала!

So, you are judging her for rude behavior? Your tone is no better. The pot is calling the kettle black! — Значит, ты обвиняешь ее в грубом обращении? Но сам ведешь себя не лучше. Кто бы говорил!

Некоторые слова в английском образованы при помощи добавления слова black к корню, при чем black, конечно же, добавляет новое значение:

Black-hearted — злой, жестокий человек
To blackwash — клеветать на кого-либо
To blackguard — ругаться, сквернословить
To blackmail — шантажировать, вымогать деньги

Однако не нужно думать, что black всегда символизирует нечто негативное. Его значение в составе устойчивых выражений бывает нейтральным и даже положительным.

Say/pretend/swear/argue (that) black is white — говорить/делать вид/клясться/доказывать, что черное — это белое, то есть пытаться убедить кого-либо в правдивости ситуации, которая на самом деле противоположна реальной:

The politicians are trying to pretend that black is white and it is totally absurd. — Политики пытаются убедить нас в том, что черное — это белое и это полный абсурд.

Put (something) down in black and white — записать что-либо на бумаге, зафиксировать «черным по белому», официально:

This is an interesting offer. Could you please put it down in black and white? — Это интересное предложение. Мы можем оформить его официально?

The contract should be put down in black and white to become legitimate. — Чтобы считаться законным, договор должен быть оформлен на бумаге.

A black-tie event — официальное событие, прием:

А black-tie dinner and concert — официальный ужин и концерт

Be in the black — быть платежеспособным (о человеке или о компании). Раньше в бухгалтерских книгах поступления отмечали черными чернилами, а расходы — красными, отсюда и появилось это выражение. Соответственно, be in the red — быть должником, иметь задолженность. Если вас интересует тема денег, рекомендую познакомиться с «финансовой» лексикой.

My bank account is in the black, nothing to worry about! — На моем банковском счету есть деньги, не о чем беспокоиться!

Black Friday — черная пятница, день, которого многие ждут, чтобы отправиться на шоппинг и купить товары и услуги со скидкой. Есть версия, что именно поэтому день скидок, Black Friday, называется именно черной, а не красной пятницей, на нашем сайте вы можете узнайте больше фактов об истории этого дня.

Мы в ENGINFORM обязательно готовим для вас скидки к Черной Пятнице, поэтому если вы давно хотели начать индивидуальное обучение в Скайп и прокачать свой английский c нашими преподавателями, то сейчас самый подходящий момент получить целый месяц индивидуальных занятий со скидкой 20%.

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as black as one’s hat

Быть абсолютно черным — черный как смоль, чернее черного.

This kitten is as black as his hat.

Этот котенок чернее черного.

black and blue

Badly bruised.

В синяках, со следами ударов или ушибов.

Poor Jim was black and blue after he fell off the apple tree.

My shoulder was black and blue after I fell down the stairs.

Мое плечо было в синяках после того, как я свалился с лестницы.

black and white

put on paper

put (it) in black and white

put (it) in writing

Print or writing; words on paper, not spoken; exact written or printed form.

«Черным по белому», в письменной форме.

He insisted on having the agreement down in black and white.

Mrs. Jones would not believe the news, so Mr. Jones showed her the article in the newspaper and said, «There it is in black and white

Our boss usually asks us to communicate him in black and white.

Наш начальник обычно просит нас передавать ему сообщения в письменном виде.

The different shades of black and white of a simple picture, rather than other colors.

He showed us snapshots in black and white.

black day

A day of great unhappiness; a disaster.

It was a black day when our business venture collapsed.

black eye

A dark area around one’s eye due to a hard blow during a fight, such as boxing.

Mike Tyson sported a black eye after the big fight.


Bob’s illegal actions will give a black eye to the popular movement he started.

black out

To darken by putting out or dimming lights.

In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness.

In wartime, cities are blacked out to protect against bombing from planes.

To prevent or silence information or communication; refuse to give out truthful news.

In wartime, governments often black out all news or give out false news.

Dictators usually black out all criticism of the government.

Some big games are blacked out on television to people who live nearby.

To lose consciousness; faint.

Терять сознание, падать в обморок.

It had been a hard and tiring day, and she suddenly blacked out.

The man blacked out during the parade and he had to sit down and rest.

Мужчина потерял сознание во время парада, и ему пришлось сесть и отдохнуть.

black sheep

A person in a family or a community considered unsatisfactory or disgraceful.

Человек, который является позором для семьи или какой-либо группы людей.

My brother Ted is a high school dropout who joined a circus; he is the black sheep in our family.

The man is the black sheep in his family and has not made a success of his life.

Этот человек – паршивая овца в своей семье и он не преуспел в своей жизни.


Divided into only two sides that are either right or wrong or good or bad, with nothing in between; thinking or judging everything as either good or bad.

Everything is black-and-white to Bill; if you’re not his friend, you are his enemy.

The old man’s religion shows his black-and-white thinking; everything is either completely good or completely bad.

Here is a list of idiomatic expressions using the word ‘black’.

Black and blue

This expression is used to mean that a body part is bruised.

  • My leg was black and blue after I hit it against the table.

Black and white

If something is black and white, it is either good or bad.

  • You can’t see everything in black and white.

Black eye

This expression is used to refer to a bruise near one’s eye.

  • John got a black eye when Peter him on his face.

Black market

This expression is used to refer to the marketplace where goods are bought and sold illegally.

  • We bought the tickets on the black market.

Black out

To black out is to faint.

  • The girl blacked out because she had been standing for hours.

Black sheep

The black sheep is a person who is a disgrace to his family.

  • James was the black sheep in his family. While his siblings were rich and famous, he didn’t even have a job.

Blackball (somebody)

To blackball somebody is to ostracize them.

  • The community blackballed him because he refused to conform to their standards.

Blacklist (somebody)

To blacklist somebody is to ostracize them.

  • The athletic federation blacklisted the boxer when it was discovered that he was using steroids.

Blackmail (someone)

To blackmail somebody is to take money from them by threatening them with dire consequences.

  • The actress complained that the photographer was blackmailing her.

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