Idioms with the word trouble

Your father and I had a trouble once, and I thought I could never forgive him; so I kept away for years.

I can’t tell why, only she seems so happy and busy, and sings so beautifully, and is strong enough to scrub and sweep, and hasn’t any troubles to plague her,» said Rose, making a funny jumble of reasons in her efforts to explain.

«My heart is knit to your aged mother since it was granted me to be near her in the day of trouble. Speak to her of me, and tell her I often bear her in my thoughts at evening time, when I am sitting in the dim light as I did with her, and we held one another’s hands, and I spoke the words of comfort that were given to me.

I am carried away to them continually in my sleep, and often in the midst of work, and even of speech, the thought of them is borne in on me as if they were in need and trouble, which yet is dark to me.

It was part of Skipper’s trouble. Jerry did not reason this conclusion.

He sat up, just out of range of one restless, beating arm, yearned to come closer and lick again the face of the god who knew him not, and who, he knew, loved him well, and palpitatingly shared and suffered all Skipper’s trouble.

‘I intend to give you some trouble yet,’ said I; ‘and perhaps, sir, you will find yourself checkmated before you are aware.

The game was a long one, and I did give him some trouble: but he was a better player than I.

Thus urged, he would frequently give himself the trouble of watching them from the windows during their play; at times, he would follow them through the grounds, and too often came suddenly upon them while they were dabbling in the forbidden well, talking to the coachman in the stables, or revelling in the filth of the farm-yard—and I, meanwhile, wearily standing, by, having previously exhausted my energy in vain attempts to get them away.

To avoid trouble and confusion, I have taken my pupils one by one, and discussed their various qualities; but this can give no adequate idea of being worried by the whole three together; when, as was often the case, all were determined to ‘be naughty, and to tease Miss Grey, and put her in a passion.’

The idea of trouble immediately connected itself with what had been unaccountable to her in him.

To think of your marrying into this trouble. Debt was bad enough, but this will be worse.»

So I told you I was ex- pecting trouble myself, and would scatter out WITH you.

Neither doth it follow, that because these fames are a sign of troubles, that the suppressing of them with too much severity, should be a remedy of troubles.

«Troubles, troubles, my dear fellow!» he said to Pierre.

«1. Idle folks lack no excuses 2. Idleness rusts the mind.» — Мы работы не боимся, от работы не бежим, есть работа — спать ложимся, нет работы — тоже спим

 Friday [ʹfraıdı] , 14 April [ʹeıprəl] 2023

Словарный тренажер

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Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Идиоматические выражения,фразы

be more trouble than it’s worth

1. себе дороже стоить
In the 80s many company employees regarded new computer technology as difficult to understand and more trouble than it was worth.

look for trouble

1. лезть на рожон; нарываться на неприятности
The guard asked me to leave unless I was looking for trouble.

take the trouble

1. брать на себя труд
I wish I had taken the trouble to study this matter more carefully.

ask for trouble

напрашиваться на неприятности

be in for trouble

попасть в переделку; иметь неприятности

be in trouble

быть в беде; быть в неприятной ситуации; заработать неприятности

be in trouble with the law

get into trouble with the law
конфликтовать с законом

Do not trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

Do not trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
Don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you
Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
Let a sleeping dog lie
Let sleeping dogs lie
Не буди лихо, пока спит тихо; Не будите спящую собаку; От греха подальше

Do not trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Не буди лихо, пока спит тихо; Не будите спящую собаку

Don’t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

Не буди лихо, пока спит тихо; Не будите спящую собаку

Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Не буди лихо, пока спит тихо; Не будите спящую собаку

get into trouble

попасть в переделку; попасть в переплет; попасть в беду

get into trouble with the law

конфликтовать с законом

give smb. trouble

1. беспокоить кого-л.; причинять кому-л. неприятности, хловоты; 2. устроить кому-л. «веселую жизнь»

It is not worth taking the trouble

It isn’t worth taking the trouble
It’s not worth taking the trouble
Об этом не стоит беспокоиться

It isn’t worth taking the trouble

об этом не стоит беспокоиться

It’s not worth taking the trouble

об этом не стоит беспокоиться

hate to trouble smb.

испытывать большое смущение, угрызения совести от необходимости беспокоить кого-то; (кому-л.) очень неудобно беспокоить кого-то

have some trouble in doing smth.

испытывать трудности в чем-л.; делать, выполнять что-л. с трудом

heart trouble

болезнь сердца

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ask for trouble

behave in a way that trouble is likely He is asking for trouble if he misses another class.

don’t borrow trouble

«do not invite their trouble; we have enough trouble» «When I said I was going to help my neighbor get a divorce, Pat said, «»Don’t borrow trouble.»»»

get into trouble

do bad things, break the law When he’s with the Subway Gang he gets into trouble. He’s bad.

go to any trouble

work to make us welcome, put yourself out Please don’t go to any trouble for us. Don’t change your plans.

go to trouble

(See go to any trouble)

in deep trouble

in serious trouble, sure to catch hell Driving without a licence could get you in deep trouble.

in trouble

accused, arrested, punished If you steal, you’ll be in trouble. You’ll be arrested.

make trouble

cause a fight, don’t make waves Don’t make trouble, eh. Don’t start an argument or a fight.

pour oil on troubled waters

calm down a quarrel, say something to lessen anger and bring peace to a situation They tried to pour oil on troubled waters after they noticed the argument among the students.

take the trouble

do extra work, do special tasks, take pains Maria always takes the trouble to bake my favorite pie.

go to the trouble

put oneself to trouble不辞辛苦;不怕麻烦
Don’t take the trouble to write, if you are not quite well.你要是身体不好,就不要费神写信了。
I must thank you for the trouble you have taken to collect all the necessary data for me.你为我收集了所有必要的资料,我得向你表示感谢。

take/go to the trouble

put oneself to trouble不辞辛苦;不怕麻烦
Don’t take the trouble to write, if you are not quite well.你要是身体不好,就不要费神写信了。
I must thank you for the trouble you have taken to collect all the necessary data for me.你为我收集了所有必要的资料,我得向你表示感谢。

take to the trouble

put oneself to trouble不辞辛苦;不怕麻烦
Don’t take the trouble to write, if you are not quite well.你要是身体不好,就不要费神写信了。
I must thank you for the trouble you have taken to collect all the necessary data for me.你为我收集了所有必要的资料,我得向你表示感谢。

trouble one’s head about

Idiom(s): trouble one’s head about sb or sth


WORRYto worry about someone or something; to trouble oneself about someone or something that is none of one’s business. (Folksy. Usually in the negative. Also with pretty, as in the example. Usually in the negative, meaning to mind one’s own business.)
• Now, now, don’t trouble your pretty head about all these things.
• You needn’t trouble your head about Sally.

trouble sb to

Idiom(s): trouble sb to do sth


REQUESTINGto ask someone to do something. (Usually a question.)
• Could I trouble you to pass the salt?
• Could I trouble you to give me some advice?

trouble sb for

Idiom(s): trouble sb for sth


REQUESTINGto ask someone to pass something or give something. (Usually a question.)
• Could I trouble you for the salt?
• Could I trouble you for some advice?

trouble oneself about

Idiom(s): trouble oneself about sb or sth


WORRYto worry oneself about someone or something. (Usually in the negative.)
• Please don’t trouble yourself about me. I’m doing fine.
• I can’t take time to trouble myself about this matter. Do it yourself.

trouble oneself

Idiom(s): trouble oneself (to do sth)


ANNOYANCEto bother oneself to do something.
• He didn’t even trouble himself to turn off the light when he left.
• No, thank you. I don’t need any help. Please don’t trouble yourself.

Trouble is brewing

Idiom(s): Trouble is brewing, AND There is trouble brewing


TROUBLETrouble is developing.
• Trouble’s brewing at the office. I have to get there early tomorrow.
• There is trouble brewing in the government. The prime minister may resign.

spell trouble

Idiom(s): spell trouble


TROUBLEto signify future trouble; to mean trouble. (Informal.)
• This letter that came today spells trouble.
• The sky looks angry and dark. That spells trouble.

fish in troubled waters

Idiom(s): fish in troubled waters


RISKto involve oneself in a difficult, confused, or dangerous situation, especially with a view to gaining an advantage.
• Frank is fishing in troubled waters by buying more shares of that company. They are supposed to be in financial difficulties.
• The company could make more money by selling armaments abroad, but they would be fishing in troubled waters.

borrow trouble

Idiom(s): borrow trouble


WORRYto worry needlessly; to make trouble for oneself.
• Worrying too much about death is just borrowing trouble.
• Do not get involved with politics. That’s borrowing trouble.

There is trouble brewing

Idiom(s): Trouble is brewing, AND There is trouble brewing


TROUBLETrouble is developing.
• Trouble’s brewing at the office. I have to get there early tomorrow.
• There is trouble brewing in the government. The prime minister may resign.

look for trouble

Idiom(s): ask for trouble AND look for trouble


INCITEto seem to be trying to get into trouble; to do something that would cause trouble; to do or say something that will cause trouble.
• Stop talking to me that way, John. You’re just asking for trouble.
• The guard asked me to leave unless I was looking for trouble.
• Anybody who threatens a police officer is just asking for trouble.
• You’re looking for trouble if you ask the boss for a raise.

Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

Don’t go looking for trouble or problems- let them come to you.

borrow trouble|borrow|trouble

v. phr. To worry for nothing about trouble that may not come; make trouble for yourself needlessly. Don’t borrow trouble by worrying about next year. It’s too far away. You are borrowing trouble if you try to tell John what to do.

bubble trouble|bubble|trouble

n., slang, citizen’s band radio jargon Tire trouble, flat tire. The eighteen wheeler ahead of me seems to have bubble trouble.

drown one’s troubles|drown|drown one’s sorrows|sor

v. phr., informal To drink liquor to try to forget something unhappy. When his wife was killed in an auto accident, Mr. Green tried to drown his sorrows in whiskey. When Fred lost his job and had to give up his new car, he tried to drown his troubles at the nearest tavern.

fish in muddy|fish|muddy|troubled|troubled waters|

v. phr. To take advantage of a troubled or confusing situation; seek personal advantage. With the police disorganized after the collapse of communism in Europe, many criminals started to fish in troubled waters.

go to the trouble|go|take|take the trouble|trouble

v. phr. To make trouble or extra work for yourself; bother. John told Mr. Brown not to go to the trouble of driving him home. Since your aunt took the trouble to get you a nice birthday present, the least you can do is to thank her.
Compare: PUT OUT5.

pour oil on troubled waters|oil|pour|troubled|trou

v. phr. To quiet a quarrel; say something to lessen anger and bring peace. The troops were nearing a bitter quarrel until the leader poured oil on the troubled waters.

spell trouble|spell|trouble

v. phr. To signify major difficulties ahead. The note we just received from the Chancellor seems to spell trouble.

in trouble with

in trouble with
In difficulties with someone, especially an authority. For example, If they don’t shovel their walk, they’ll be in trouble with their neighbors. This idiom is also put as get in or into trouble with, as in Watch what you say or you’ll get into trouble with the teacher. [Mid-1500s] Also see hot water; in a fix.


In addition to the idioms beginning with trouble, also see borrow trouble; fish in troubled waters; go to the trouble; in trouble with; pour oil on troubled waters.
* * *
— trouble one’s head with
— trouble someone for

trouble one’s head with

trouble one’s head with
Also, trouble oneself about. Bother or worry about, as in Don’t trouble your head with these details; I’ll take care of it, or It seems to me that teachers should trouble themselves more about teaching and less about manners. The first term dates from the mid-1600s, the variant from the early 1500s.

trouble someone for

trouble someone for
Politely ask for something, as in May I trouble you for a drink of water? This idiom uses trouble in the sense of “disturb.” [Mid-1800s]

Смотреть что такое TROUBLE в других словарях:


[`trʌbl]беспокойство, волнение, тревогабеда, злоключение, неприятность, гореисточник неприятностей; тот кто то что причиняет неприятности(общественные)… смотреть


trouble: translation•Roman•I.•/Roman• noun
1 problemsADJECTIVE
▪ bad, big, deep, desperate (esp. BrE), dire, huge (esp. AmE), major, real, serious, … смотреть


1. [ʹtrʌb(ə)l] n1. беспокойство; волнение; тревогаhis heart was full of trouble — сердце его было полно тревогиto give smb. trouble — причинять кому-л…. смотреть


1. {ʹtrʌb(ə)l} n 1. беспокойство; волнение; тревога his heart was full of ~ — сердце его было полно тревоги to give smb. ~ — причинять кому-л. беспо… смотреть


trouble 1. [ʹtrʌb(ə)l] n 1. беспокойство; волнение; тревога his heart was full of ~ — сердце его было полно тревоги to give smb. ~ — причинять кому-л… смотреть


trouble [ˊtrʌbl]
1. n
1) беспоко́йство, волне́ние; трево́га; забо́ты, хло́поты;to give smb. trouble, to put smb. to trouble причиня́ть беспоко́йство … смотреть


trouble: translationSynonyms and related words:Dutch, abuse a privilege, ado, adverse circumstances, adversity, afflict, affliction, aggravate, aggrava… смотреть


1. сущ. 1) а) беспокойство, волнение, тревога to give trouble, to put to trouble — причинять беспокойство (кому-л.) She kept her troubles to herself. — Она ни с кем не делилась своими тревогами (своим беспокойством). Syn: worry 1., vexation, affliction, grief, perplexity, distress 1. б) беда, злоключение, неприятность, горе You’ve caused us a lot of trouble. — Вы причинили нам много неприятностей. The trouble is that these restrictions have remained while other things have changed. — Беда в том, что эти ограничения остались, а все другое изменилось. Your trouble is that that you can’t take rejection. — Ваша беда в том, что вы не можете смириться с отказом. Syn: misfortune, calamity в) источник неприятностей; тот кто или то что причиняет неприятности The useful trouble of the rain. — Дождь, приносящий неудобства, но в то же время полезный. 2) а) (общественные) беспорядки, волнения Fans who make trouble during the World Cup will be severely dealt with. — С фанатами, которые будут устраивать беспорядки во время чемпионата мира, будут очень серьезно разбираться. — racial troubles Syn: disturbance, disorder 1., confusion б) разг. , амер. веселье, праздник, отдых 3) а) мед. болезнь An unsuitable bed is the most likely cause of back trouble. — Неудобная постель является наиболее вероятной причиной осложнений с позвоночником. Her husband had never before had any heart trouble. — Ее муж никогда раньше не жаловался на сердце (у ее мужа никогда не болело сердце). emotional troubles — душевные заболевания Syn: disease 1., ailment б) диал., эвф. роды Syn: labour 4) а) труд, усилие, заботы, хлопоты He did not care to put himself to the least trouble. — Он не удосужился приложить хоть малейшее усилие. Syn: care 1., toil 1., labour 1. б) затруднение, трудность He takes much trouble. — Он очень старается. I had some trouble in reading his handwriting. — Мне было трудно читать его почерк. The Sullivans continued to have financial troubles. — У Салливанов по-прежнему финансовые затруднения. — no trouble at all Syn: effort 5) тех. нарушение правильности хода или действия; авария; помеха The plane developed engine trouble soon after taking off. — Вскоре после взлета в самолете начались неполадки с двигателем. — trouble crew 6) геол. сдвиг горного пласта •• to ask / look for trouble — напрашиваться на неприятности, лезть на рожон; вести себя неосторожно 2. гл. 1) а) беспокоить(ся), тревожить(ся), нарушать спокойствие; волновать Syn: disturb, distress 2., grieve, perplex б) (обычно с отрицанием) трудиться, стараться He had never troubled himself to understand the question. — Он никогда не старался вникнуть в вопрос (понять вопрос). • Syn: bother, worry 2., disturb 2) а) затруднять, надоедать, приставать, докучать, донимать He would trouble me no more. — Он больше не будет мне докучать. Syn: vex, annoy, tease 1., plague 2., worry 2., pester, bother 2. б) используется в вежливых выражениях Let me trouble you with one more question. — Позвольте мне задать вам еще один вопрос. (Букв.: позвольте мне побеспокоить вас еще одним вопросом.) в) даваться с трудом physics doesn’t trouble me at all — физика дается мне легко 3) а) тех. нарушать, повреждать б) причинять физическую боль, беспокоить troubled by a cold — болеющий простудой Syn: afflict, injure, molest 4) уст. плохо обращаться, притеснять, угнетать Syn: mistreat, maltreat, oppress • — trouble about — trouble for — trouble over — trouble with •• don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you посл. — не буди лиха, пока лихо спит; не буди лиха, пока оно тихо 3. прил. 1) аварийный trouble crew — аварийная команда Syn: distressed 2) уст. мутный, неясный, туманный Syn: turbid, muddy 1…. смотреть


неполадка; затруднение; повреждение; авария; неисправность; помеха, нарушение правильного режима работы || нарушать (правильный ход работы) , повреждат… смотреть


I1. adj1) мутный, тусклыйavoir la vue trouble — неясно видетьil a la vue trouble — у него мутится в глазахpêcher en eau trouble погов. — ловить рыбу в … смотреть


trouble: übersetzungtʀubl1. adjtrüb, undurchsichtig, unklar2. m1) (perturbation) Ruhestörung f
2)foyer de troubles — Unruheherd m3)trouble de l’équilib… смотреть


n1) затруднение; проблема; беда; неприятность
2) беспокойство; волнение
3) повреждение; нарушение; перебой (в работе); неисправность; авария
4) pl волн… смотреть


I 1. adj1) мутный, тусклый avoir la vue trouble — неясно видеть il a la vue trouble — у него мутится в глазах pêcher en eau trouble погов. — ловить ры… смотреть


1. n 1) неспокій, хвилювання; тривога; to give smb. ~ завдавати комусь клопоту, непокоїти когось; 2) утруднення; складність; I had some ~ in reading his handwriting мені було важко розібрати його почерк; 3) неприємність; горе, лихо, біда; to be in ~ бути в біді; to get into ~ потрапити в біду; to make ~ for smb. завдати комусь неприємностей; 4) турбота, клопіт, морока, рахуба; to take (the) ~ узяти на себе турботу; to take much ~ старатися, клопотатися; no ~ at all ніякого клопоту; це не важко (відповідь на прохання); 5) перешкода; джерело неприємностей; причина занепокоєння; 6) заворушення, безпорядки; 7) хвороба, недуга; heart ~ хвороба серця; mental ~ психічний розлад; 8) розм. пологи; 9) тех. порушення (режиму роботи); аварія, пошкодження; 10) геол. скид, дислокація; ♦ ~ car аварійний автомобіль; ~ crew аварійна бригада; ~ man амер. аварійний монтер; ~ spots райони із загостреною обстановкою; райони безпорядків; ~ truck автомобіль технічної допомоги; what’s the ~? у чому справа?, що трапилося?; to ask for (to look for, to seek) ~ поводитися необережно, лізти на рожен; to be in ~ а) бути вагітною (про незаміжню жінку); б) сидіти у в’язниці; to get into ~ а) завагітніти (про незаміжню жінку); б) потрапити у в’язницю; man is borne unto ~ бібл. людина народжується для страждання; 2. v 1) тривожити, непокоїти, розстроювати; what ~s me is her absence мене непокоїть її відсутність; 2) турбуватися, хвилюватися; розстроюватися; don’t ~ about it не хвилюйтеся за це; 3) мучити, завдавати болю (страждань); my leg ~s me у мене болить нога; 4) утруднювати; приставати, чіплятися; набридати; 5) просити, турбувати (як ввічливе прохання); may I ~ you to shut the door? зачиніть, будь ласка, двері; may I ~ you for the salt? передайте, будь ласка, сіль; may I ~ you for a match? можна попросити у вас сірник?; 6) даватися з труднощами; mathematics doesn’t ~ me at all математика дається мені легко; 7) старатися; робити зусилля; 8) розбурхувати; баламутити; to ~ waters каламутити воду; 9) тех. порушувати, пошкоджувати; ♦ don’t ~ trouble until trouble ~s you присл. не буди лиха, поки воно спить…. смотреть


1. n1) неспокій; хвилюванняto give smb. trouble — непокоїти когось, завдавати клопоту комусь2) утруднення; зусилляI had some trouble in reading his han… смотреть


• All your future troubles be /but/ little ones! — Совет да любовь (C)• Do not trouble trouble until trouble troubles you — Не буди лихо, пока оно тихо… смотреть


Trouble: übersetzung
Trou|ble auch: Troub|le 〈[trʌ̣bl] m.; -s; unz.; umg.〉 Mühe, Umstände, Schwierigkeiten, Scherereien ● (viel) Trouble haben [engl…. смотреть


1) беспокойство, тревога, растерянность
2) расстройство, нарушение
см. тж. troubles

trouble de l’absorptiontrouble affectiftrouble alimentairetrouble auditiftrouble du caractèretrouble caractériel intercritiquetrouble de la circulationtrouble du comportementtrouble de la conductiontrouble de consciencetrouble de la continence aggravétrouble de la croissancetrouble de l’équilibrationtrouble de l’équilibretrouble essentiel de la croissance à début intra-utérintrouble fonctionneltrouble gastriquetrouble de l’humeurtrouble de l’innervationtrouble intellectueltrouble de jugementtrouble du langage chez l’enfanttrouble mentaltrouble de la mimiquetrouble moteurtrouble de perceptiontrouble de la sexualitétrouble du sommeiltrouble de la vigilance… смотреть


• ‘The ___ With Harry’ (Hitchcock film) • Now, behold, in my ___… (1Chron. 22:14) • Aggravation • Bother • Calamity • Condition in River City • Diff… смотреть


trouble: übersetzungtrouble
1. Bemühung f, Anstrengung f;
2. öffentliche Unruhe f, Wirren fpl, Konflikt m


1) неуправка2) хлопоты3) авария4) нарушение режима5) перебой6) труд– cause of trouble– sectionalize a trouble– trouble signaling– trouble symptomremove… смотреть


1. перебои; неисправность; отказ
2. авария; поломка
to correct the trouble — устранять отказ (путём регулировки)to remedy the trouble — устранять отк… смотреть


1) затруднение; усилие2) неисправность; повреждение; авария; перебой (в работе); нарушение (производственного процесса) || нарушать (правильный ход раб… смотреть


to be in trouble — конфликтовать с законом;to get into trouble — вступить в конфликт с законом;to stay out of trouble — перестать конфликтовать с закон… смотреть


беспокоить(ся), тревожить(ся); затруднять; приставать, надоедать (обыкн. в отриц. предложениях) трудиться, стараться; даваться с трудом; obs. баламутить (преим. тех.) нарушать, повреждать беспокойство, волнение; тревога; заботы, хлопоты затруднение; усилие; неприятности, горе, беда волнения, беспорядки; болезнь; dial. роды (attr.) аварийный; авария; помеха troubled — беспокойный; (пред)штормовой take trouble — утруждаться… смотреть


1.мутный (о вине)2. m1) помутнение; мутность2) дымчатость (характеристика пластмасс)•- trouble du cristal liquide- trouble magnétique- trouble superfic… смотреть


дефект; неисправность; повреждение* * *• 1) /vi/ беспокоиться; 2) /vt/ беспокоить; 3) /in passive/ беспокоивший; 4) /in passive/ обеспокоенный
• неиспр… смотреть


1. adjeau trouble
ses lunettes sont troubles
pêcheur en eau trouble
le vin trouble ne casse pas les dents
vue trouble
2. advvoir trouble
3. mtroubles domestiques — см. guerres domestiques
donner du trouble à qn
jeter le trouble
revenir de son trouble
fauteur de troubles
avoir du trouble avec les vivres… смотреть


1) авария 2) нарушение режима 3) неуправка 4) перебой 5) труд 6) хлопоты • remove cause of trouble — устранять причину неисправности trace a trouble to — установить место неисправности trouble record log — журнал повреждений — sectionalize a trouble — trouble signaling — trouble symptom… смотреть


1. нарушение 2. дислокация, разрывное смещение, нарушение сплошности * * *• дислокация
• нарушение сплошности
• неправильность залегания
• разрывное см… смотреть


1) аварія; заворушення; біда, клопоти 2) турбувати(ся) — troublemaker- troubleshoot • — trouble with the law- troubles with the law


• 1) /vi/ беспокоиться; 2) /vt/ беспокоить; 3) /in passive/ обеспокоенный
• затруднение


v. тревожить, тревожиться, беспокоить, заботить, мучить, беспокоиться, побеспокоиться, приставать, затруднять, утруждать, надоедать, даваться с трудом, стараться, трудиться, баламутить, взбаламутить, нарушать, повреждать… смотреть


n. беспокойство, роды, волнение, тревога, неприятность, беда, горе, затруднение, заботы, хлопоты, усилие, помеха, волнения, беспорядки, болезнь, нарушение правильности действия, нарушение правильности хода, авария… смотреть


trouble de la possession, trouble possessoire — нарушение владения (свидетельствующее о притязании на это право)
trouble de droittrouble de faittrouble mentaltrouble social… смотреть


— feeding troubles- register trouble- water troubles


n неспокій, хвилювання; тривога- labour ~s страйк, заворушення серед робітників
— ~ spot
a) район напруженості
b) район ймовірних бойових дій


2. m1) помутнение, мутность
2) дымчатость (характеристика пластмасс)

trouble albuminoïdetrouble opalescenttrouble superficiel




1) аварія; заворушення; біда, клопоти
2) турбувати(ся)

trouble with the lawtroubles with the law


мед.гл. беспокоить; мучить; причинять страдания; беспокойство; тревога; страх
Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.




неисправность; повреждение — demonstration troubles — operating troubles — have trouble running the program


1) беспокойство, волнение; тревога; забота
2) болезнь


n (Cockney sl) жена или любовница (см trouble and strife в Приложении 3)


неполадка (в работе оборудования) f
помеха (f)


Trouble затруднение, неприятность


потурбувати, біда, непокоїти, турбота, горе




{to }have trouble: running the program

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[ truhbuhl ]

/ ˈtrʌb əl /

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verb (used with object), trou·bled, trou·bling.

to disturb the mental calm and contentment of; worry; distress; agitate.

to put to inconvenience, exertion, pains, or the like: May I trouble you to shut the door?

to cause bodily pain, discomfort, or disorder to; afflict: to be troubled by arthritis.

to annoy, vex, or bother: Don’t trouble her with petty complaints now.

to disturb, agitate, or stir up so as to make turbid, as water or wine: A heavy gale troubled the ocean waters.

verb (used without object), trou·bled, trou·bling.

to put oneself to inconvenience, extra effort, or the like.

to be distressed or agitated mentally; worry: She always troubled over her son’s solitariness.


difficulty, annoyance, or harassment: It would be no trouble at all to advise you.

unfortunate or distressing position, circumstance, or occurrence; misfortune: Financial trouble may threaten security.

civil disorder, disturbance, or conflict: political trouble in the new republic; labor troubles.

a physical disorder, disease, ailment, etc.; ill health: heart trouble; stomach trouble.

mental or emotional disturbance or distress; worry: Trouble and woe were her lot in life.

an instance of this: some secret trouble weighing on his mind; a mother who shares all her children’s troubles.

effort, exertion, or pains in doing something; inconvenience endured in accomplishing some action, deed, etc.: The results were worth the trouble it took.

an objectionable feature; problem; drawback: The trouble with your proposal is that it would be too costly to implement.

something or someone that is a cause or source of disturbance, distress, annoyance, etc.

a personal habit or trait that is a disadvantage or a cause of mental distress: His greatest trouble is oversensitivity.

the Troubles,

  1. the violence and civil war in Ireland, 1920–22.
  2. the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, beginning in 1969.



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Idioms about trouble

    in trouble, Informal. pregnant out of wedlock (used as a euphemism).

Origin of trouble

1175–1225; (v.) Middle English troublen<Old French troubler<Vulgar Latin *turbulare, derivative of *turbulus turbid, back formation from Latin turbulentusturbulent; (noun) Middle English <Middle French, derivative of troubler

synonym study for trouble


trou·bled·ly, adverbtrou·bled·ness, nountroubler, nountrou·bling·ly, adverb

non·trou·bling, adjectiveo·ver·trou·ble, verb, o·ver·trou·bled, o·ver·trou·bling.self-troubled, adjectiveself-troubling, adjectiveun·trou·bled, adjective

Words nearby trouble

trotty, trotyl, troubadour, troubadours, Troubetzkoy, trouble, troubled waters, troublemaker, trouble man, trouble one’s head with, troubleproof Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to trouble

anxiety, concern, danger, difficulty, dilemma, disorder, disturbance, inconvenience, mess, pain, predicament, problem, strain, stress, strife, struggle, suffering, unrest, woe, hardship

How to use trouble in a sentence

  • Given that, the charger has no trouble charging smartphones, tablets, or USB-C devices like the Nintendo Switch as quickly as possible, either.

  • Research has shown that kids who spend a lot of time on screens are more likely to have eye problems, weight problems and trouble with reading and language.

  • Using digital technology could help them not just give money away faster and more efficiently, it could also help them understand the state of the economy and adjust support measures to target the critical trouble spots.

  • Buy nowThe trouble with video workouts is that if you miss a beat, you fall behind.

  • The Cupertino, California-based company’s system status screens were also slow to indicate any trouble.

  • Freedom of speech, then, is sometimes not worth the trouble that comes with it.

  • The people who are involved in the violence, they figure out ways to remain here at all costs and continue causing trouble.

  • The Lion Air captain had left his rookie copilot to make the landing until he realized he was in trouble.

  • For years, Brooke even had trouble finding a publisher for his memoir, which was ultimately accepted by Rutgers University Press.

  • We are 80 percent Putin supporters today and tomorrow Khodorkovsky or Navalny might come to power and I will be in trouble.

  • With the management of these, however, the Earl of Pit Town did not trouble himself.

  • But you are English, or you are American; and men of those countries never misunderstand a woman, even if she is in trouble.

  • Brethren are a help in the time of trouble, but mercy shall deliver more than they.

  • Tobacco requires a great deal of skill and trouble in the right management of it.

  • Liszt sometimes strikes wrong notes when he plays, but it does not trouble him in the least.

British Dictionary definitions for trouble


a state or condition of mental distress or anxiety

a state or condition of disorder or unrestindustrial trouble

a condition of disease, pain, or malfunctioningshe has liver trouble

a cause of distress, disturbance, or pain; problemwhat is the trouble?

effort or exertion taken to do somethinghe took a lot of trouble over this design

liability to suffer punishment or misfortune (esp in the phrase be in trouble)he’s in trouble with the police

a personal quality that is regarded as a weakness, handicap, or cause of annoyancehis trouble is that he’s too soft


  1. political unrest or public disturbances
  2. the Troubles political violence in Ireland during the 1920s or in Northern Ireland between the late 1960s and the late 1990s

the condition of an unmarried girl who becomes pregnant (esp in the phrase in trouble)


(tr) to cause trouble to; upset, pain, or worry

(intr usually with a negative and foll by about) to put oneself to inconvenience; be concerneddon’t trouble about me

(intr; usually with a negative) to take pains; exert oneselfplease don’t trouble to write everything down

(tr) to cause inconvenience or discomfort todoes this noise trouble you?

(tr; usually passive) to agitate or make roughthe seas were troubled

(tr) Caribbean to interfere withhe wouldn’t like anyone to trouble his new bicycle

Derived forms of trouble

troubled, adjectivetroubler, noun

Word Origin for trouble

C13: from Old French troubler, from Vulgar Latin turbulāre (unattested), from Late Latin turbidāre, from turbidus confused, from turba commotion

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with trouble

In addition to the idioms beginning with trouble

  • trouble one’s head with
  • trouble someone for

also see:

  • borrow trouble
  • fish in troubled waters
  • go to the trouble
  • in trouble with
  • pour oil on troubled waters

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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