Idioms with the word speak

«In the absence of your letters, have you any one in London who can speak to your identity?»

«The clothes your ladyship speaks of,» she said, «were the clothes of another woman.

My doubts—or to speak more correctly, my convictions—were confirmed by Miss Halcombe’s language and manner when I saw her again later in the day.

It is so that she would speak to you herself, and in her name it is that I speak now.’

It was only a few years before that time that any white man in the audience might have claimed me as his slave; and it was easily possible that some of my former owners might be present to hear me speak.

I knew, too, that this was the first time in the entire history of the Negro that a member of my race had been asked to speak from the same platform with white Southern men and women on any important National occasion.

«Have you a hut near by, O Chief Bulalio, foe of Dingaan the king, where I, the mouth of the king, may speak with you a while apart, for I would learn your message word by word that I may deliver it without fault.

Now Dingaan, whose shadow lies upon the land, the king whom I serve, and who sits in the place of the Black One who is gone, speaks to you by me, his mouth.

«Hear me,» he said, «Trojans, Dardanians, and allies, that I may speak even as I am minded.

He then sat down and Alexandrus husband of lovely Helen rose to speak. «Antenor,» said he, «your words are not to my liking; you can find a better saying than this if you will; if, however, you have spoken in good earnest, then indeed has heaven robbed you of your reason.

With difficulty however could she prevent her from following him herself; and to persuade her to check her agitation, to wait, at least, with the appearance of composure, till she might speak to him with more privacy and more effect, was impossible; for Marianne continued incessantly to give way in a low voice to the misery of her feelings, by exclamations of wretchedness.

She made her plan; she would speak of something totally differentthe children in Brunswick Square; and she only waited for breath to begin, when Mr.

She saw all these perils — and still the cruel courage to face the worst, and speak, was as far from her as ever.

I took the opportunity of her being from home, to beg to speak to you.»

And let him be sure to leave other men, their turns to speak. Nay, if there be any, that would reign and take up all the time, let him find means to take them off, and to bring others on; as musicians use to do, with those that dance too long galliards.

Idioms Говорить в никуда, как об стенку горох To talk to the walls Поступок говорит сам за себя, больше дела – меньше слов Actions speak louder than words Говорить загадками Делать комплименты To talk in riddles Sweet talk sb


Говорить в никуда, как об стенку горох

To talk to the walls

Поступок говорит сам за себя, больше дела – меньше слов

Actions speak louder than words

Говорить загадками

Делать комплименты

To talk in riddles

Sweet talk sb

Idioms To speak one’s mind Высказывать свою точку зрения To speak the same language To speak with a forked tongue Говорить на одном языке, понимать друг друга с полуслова Говорить одно, а думать другое


To speak one’s mind

Высказывать свою точку зрения

To speak the same language

To speak with a forked tongue

Говорить на одном языке, понимать друг друга с полуслова

Говорить одно, а думать другое

Idioms To talk one’s head off Замучить разговорами To speak of the devil Money talks Легок на помине Деньги говорят сами за себя


To talk one’s head off

Замучить разговорами

To speak of the devil

Money talks

Легок на помине

Деньги говорят сами за себя

Complete the idioms with talk or speak in the correct form. Are there any similar idioms in your language? 1. talking 2. spoke 3. speak 4. talk 5. talks 6. talk 7. talked 8. speak 9. speak 10. speaks

Complete the idioms with talk or speak in the correct form. Are there any similar idioms in your language?

1. talking

2. spoke

3. speak

4. talk

5. talks

6. talk

7. talked

8. speak

9. speak

10. speaks

actions speak louder than words

What you do shows your character better and is more important than what you say. A proverb.

John promised to help me, but he didn’t. Actions speak louder than words.

Joe is very quiet, but actions speak louder than words. He is the best player on the team.

children and fools speak the truth

Children and fools say things without thinking; they say what they think or know when grown-ups might not think it was polite or wise to do so. A proverb.

Дети и глупцы говорят правду — «Устами младенца глаголет истина».

«Uncle Willie is too fat,» said little Agnes. «Children and fools speak the truth,» said her father.

«Дядя Вилли слишком толстый» — сказала маленькая Агнес. «Устами младенца глаголет истина» — сказал ее отец.

not to mention

not to speak of

to say nothing of

Without ever needing to speak of; in addition to; besides. Used to add something to what you have said or explained.

Dave is handsome and smart not to mention being a good athlete.

They have three fine sons, not to speak of their two lovely daughters.

Sally takes singing and dancing lessons to say nothing of swimming and tennis lessons.

public speaker

A person who speaks to the public.

A public speaker must appeal to all kinds of people.

roughly speaking

Approximately; in general terms.

Roughly speaking, about 250 people attended the annual convention of the Dictionary Society of America.

say one’s piece

speak one’s piece

To say openly what you think; say, especially in public, what you usually say or are expected to say.

John told the boss that he thought he was wrong and the boss got angry. He said, «You’ve said your little piece, so go on home.»

Every politician got up and said his piece about how good the mayor was and then sat down.

so to speak

To say it in this way.

Так сказать; таким образом.

John was, so to speak, the leader of the club, but he was officially only the club’s secretary.

The horse, so to speak, danced on his hind legs.

Greg was not a bad guy, so to speak, although few people liked him.

Грег не был плохим парнем, так сказать, некоторым он нравился.

speak for

To speak in favor of or in support of.

At the meeting John spoke for the change in the rules.

The other girls made jokes about Jane, but Mary spoke for her.

To make a request for; to ask for.

The teacher was giving away some books. Fred and Charlie spoke for the same one.

To give an impression of; be evidence that (something) is or will be said. Used with the words well or ill.

It seems that it will rain today. That speaks ill for the picnic this afternoon.

Who robbed the cookie jar? The crumbs on your shirt speak ill for you, Billy.

John wore a clean shirt and a tie when he went to ask for a job, and that spoke well for him.

It speaks well for Mary that she always does her homework.

say tell speak talk

Со словами say
– tell – speak — talk
возникает путаница. Когда сказать say, а когда tell?
Какая разница между speak и talk?

Можно, конечно, попытаться разобраться в нюансах оттенков с
помощью словарных определений. Но – откровенно говоря – определения могут
запутать еще больше.

Лучший способ разобраться, какая разница между say – tell – speak– talk – это посмотреть, в
каких выражениях, словосочетаниях и идиомах встречаются эти слова.

Для начальных уровней это будет выглядеть примерно так:

  • say thank you,
    say goodbye, say yes
  • tell a
    story, tell the truth, tell me why
  • speak English,
    speak three languages, speak fluently
  • talk to a
    friend, talk about politics, talk loudly

И, конечно, этот же принцип – в каких словосочетаниях
встречается слово — применим к любым другим словам, вызывающим путаницу, и многочисленным синонимам. Это вы найдете в любом словаре – и в толковом, и в словаре словосочетаний (Collocations Dictionary)

А давайте теперь посмотрим на продвинутые словосочетания и идиомы
со словами say – tell – speak– talk.

Двигайте стулья поближе,
будем приобщаться к прекрасному)))

Идиомы с say – tell – speak – talk

идиомы say tell speak talk

Я не стану давать готовые ответы, что означает каждая идиома, и уж тем более, как они переводятся. Коварная, да)))

(На самом деле, дело, конечно, не в коварстве. Если давать
готовые ответы, в голове ничего не остается, а вот если вы сами потрудитесь, то
шансы запомнить возрастают.)

Так что давайте самостоятельно, договорились? Ну а если
любите перевод или хотите что-то уточнить, пишите ваши вопросы и наблюдения в
комментариях к посту.

Итак, поехали, упражнения на идиомы с say – tell – speak– talk

Упражнение 1

В этом упражнении займемся смыслом. Очень хорошо, если вы еще не заглядывали в словарь)) Соотнесите идиомы с say – tell – speak– talk и
определения / значения.

Перетаскиванием расположите определения в том же порядке, что и идиомы:

Идиомы с TALK

small talk

  • small talk
  • he’s all talk (and no action)
  • a pep talk
  • talk is cheap
  • talked me into it
  • talked me out of it
  • talk shop
  • look who’s talking!
  • it is easier to say you will do something than to actually do it
  • a short speech that is given to encourage someone to work harder or to feel more confident
  • you say this when someone criticizes you for doing something that they do themselves
  • light conversation for social occasions
  • to talk about business or work matters at a social event
  • convinced me to do it
  • convinced me not to do it
  • much discussion but no action or results


Идиомы со SPEAK

  • speak your mind
  • speak up
  • speak highly of
  • speak the same language
  • speak of the devil…
  • speaks for itself
  • speak ill of
  • actions speak louder than words
  • say good things about someone or something
  • say something bad about someone
  • it does not need any explanation
  • used when you talk about a certain person, and that person appears
  • have similar ideas, tastes, beliefs, opinions
  • 1) speak more loudly 2) voice your opinion
  • what you do is more significant than what you say
  • say what you really think


Идиомы с SAY

  • have the final say
  • have a say in
  • say a few words
  • needless to say
  • never say never
  • say when
  • says who?
  • that’s easy for you to say
  • give a short speech
  • used when you pour a drink, means ‘tell me when I have poured/given you enough’
  • used to indicate disagreement with someone who has said something
  • have the right or power to influence a decision
  • so obvious that it doesn’t need to be said
  • have the authority to make decisions
  • you can say that because it really does not affect you
  • nothing is impossible, anything can happen


Идиомы с TELL

  • tell them apart
  • my gut tells me
  • kiss and tell
  • tell me about it!
  • tell you what…
  • tell the difference
  • see the difference
  • I have had the same experience, so I know exactly what you’re talking about
  • see the difference between objects / people
  • participate in something secret and private, and then tell other people about it
  • my intuition tells me that
  • here is what I think


Упражнение 2

А в этом упражнении выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. I don’t enjoy parties where I have to make small ______ with complete;speak;say;tell1

2. She’s taking maternity leave. Needless to _____, she’ll be off work for a;speak;say;tell33. They were trying to _____ me out of my;speak;say;tell14. Everyone _____ highly of this movie, but I don’t think it’s worth seeing.talks;speaks;says;tells25. You won’t win. – _____ who?Talks;Speaks;Says;Tells36. The twins were identical, and we couldn’t _____ them;speak;say;tell47. You criticize me for being late! Look who’s _____! You just missed your flight!talking;speaking;saying;telling18. Later in my presentation, I will talk about the sales forecast, but first, I’d like to _____ a few words about last year’s sales;speak;say;tell39. Residents are being given a chance to have a _____ on the future of their;speak;say;tell310. At the party I met someone else who studies what I do and we spent the whole night _____ shop.talking;speaking;saying;telling1


Немного усложняем – теперь самостоятельно впишите нужное

  • say
  • tell
  • speak
  • talk

Иногда слово нужно будет немного поменять и
поставить в нужную форму, например, прошедшее время.

1. Dave has
been saying for
months that he’ll
put up that shelf, but
he’s all talk
and no action.

2. In many families,the mother has the final say on the children’s education and activities.

3. Politicians need
to be reminded that actions speak louder
than words.

4. — I haven’t seen Bob for weeks.Look, here comes Bob. — Well, speak of the devil.

5. The coach gave the team a good pep talk, but they lost anyway.

6. We come from ​similar ​backgrounds, so we ​speak
the same language.

7. The salesperson eventually talked us into buying the car.

8. My boss keeps saying she’ll give me a raise, but talk is cheap.

9. The name Sony speaks for itself.

10. This looks good on paper, but my gut tells me that it is all wrong.


Упражнение 4

В этом упражнении выберите правильный ответ — идиому с say — tell — speak — talk, которая перефразирует выделенное выражение:

1. It is so obvious that it doesn’t need to be said, I should have spent more time on the report, but I just didn’t have it.Needless to say;Never say never;Tell me about it;Say when12. I’ve asked Ms.Thompson to give a short speech before the meeting begins.speak the same language;tell me about it;say a few words;kiss and tell33. Mary: You just talk and talk, you go on much too long about practically nothing, and you never give a chance for anyone else to talk, and you just don’t know when to stop! Sally: You criticize me for doing something that you do! Talk is cheap;Look who’s talking;Tell you what…;Speak of the devil24. No one can convince me to do something illegal.have a say in;kiss and tell;speak up;talk me into doing45. Of course, the government have made all sorts of promises but as we all know, what you say is less significant than what you do.he’s all talk;talk is cheap;speak of the devil;speaks for itself26. The boss gave the staff a short speech that is given to encourage someone to work harder, to feel more confident and enthusiastic this morning in an attempt to boost sales.a pep talk;small talk;talk shop;a say in17. The employees had no power to influence or make a decision about the restructuring of the company.speak their minds;say in;never say never;speak up28. The project was supposed to be a secret between Jane and me, but she spread it all around. I didn’t think she was the type to participate in something secret and private, and then tell other people about it.speak for herself;tell me about it;look who’s talking;kiss and tell49. There’s no use setting up a meeting between the environmentalists and the construction company — they just don’t have similar ideas, beliefs, or opinions.tell the difference;say when;tell you what;speak the same language410. They can’t hear you in the back of the room. Speak more loudly!Speak ill!;Speak highly!;Speak up!;Says who? 311. Who makes decisions?talks shop;says a few words;talked me out of my decision;has the final say 412. Will you give me a chance to say what I really think or am I supposed to agree with everything you say?kiss and tell;speak my mind;speak the same language;talk shop213. You’ve been promising me a new car for five years now, and I’ve come to realize that what people do is more important than what people gut tells me;actions speak louder than words;speak of the devil;look who’s talking2

Упражнение 5

Усложняем максимально)))

Перефразируйте эти длинные и местами корявые фразы более изящными и
ёмкими идиомами. Одно окошко — одно слово, сокращения не используем.

1. I love my sister, but she can be a real pain in the neck sometimes.— Oh, I have had the same experience tell me about it!

2. — Juice? — Yes, please. — Ok, let me know
when I’ve poured enough say when.

3. Let’s split the check evenly. —You can say that because
it really does not
affect you
That’s easy for you to say! You had lobster!

4. You’re supposed to help people. – I challenge that opinion Says who?

5. Alright, everyone, we’re not here to talk about business or work matters talk shop.
Let’s have a good time.

6. At the present time, he has no intention of running for president, but nothing is impossible, and
anything can happen
never say never.

7. Don’t count on Mary’s help — she
talks a lot but there’s never any action she is all talk and no action.

8. Everyone says good things about speaks highly of this movie, but
I don’t think it’s that good.

9. Here’s what I think Tell you what, it’s a wonder Elise didn’t have a heart attack when she got that bill.

10. I can’t see the difference between Billy and Bobby tell them apart.

11. I couldn’t see tell the difference between
a real $20 bill and a counterfeit one.

12. I don’t ​enjoy ​parties where I have to make light
small talk with ​complete ​strangers.

13. I have a feeling My gut tells me that’s a promising

14. I refuse to say bad things about speak ill of any of my friends.

15. I’m not going to talk about our business successes. I think the report provides enough
speaks for itself.


Поделитесь в
комментариях, понравились ли вам идиомы с say–
tell– speak– talk.

Или, может,
возникли вопросы? Давайте обсудим!

Here is a list of idiomatic expressions using the word speak. Each expression is followed by its meaning or definition. Example sentences are also given.

Broadly speaking / generally speaking

This expression is used when you talk about something in general.

  • Generally speaking, people are nice when you are nice to them.

no…to speak of

This is used for saying that something is not important.

  • She has no experience to speak of.

Not on speaking terms

When you are not on speaking terms with another person, you are very angry with them and won’t talk to them.

  • He and his wife are not on speaking terms.

Speak for itself

If something speaks for itself, it is clearly so good.

  • Her success as a writer speaks for itself.

Speak for yourself

Use this expression to suggest that your opinion is different from that of others.

  • ‘No one wants to go to the theater tonight.’ ‘Speak for yourself! I do.’

Speaking of

This expression is used to introduce something new.

  • Speaking of money, have you paid the utility bill?

Speak your mind

To speak your mind is to say what you think even if it hurts or offends others.

  • I like her because she speaks her mind.
  • She was a strong-willed woman who always spoke her mind.

Speak volumes

If something speaks volumes it provides a lot of information.

  • His silence on the issue speaks volumes.

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