Idioms with the word last

as a last resort

In lieu of better things; lacking better solutions.

«We’ll sleep in our sleeping bags as a last resort,» John said, «since all the motels are full.»

at last

at long last

After a long time; finally.

The war had been long and hard, but now there was peace at last.

The boy saved his money until at last he had enough for a bicycle.

We waited for hours and then the train arrived at last.

Now that I am sixteen, at last I can drive my parents’ car.

blast away

To scold or protest violently.

Pictures posted on the group’s website show rows of men lying face down in trenches while their executioners blast away.

blast off

To begin a rocket flight.

The astronaut will blast off into orbit at six o’clock.

To scold or protest violently.

The coach blasted off at the team for poor playing.

breathe one’s last

draw one’s last breath

To die.


The wounded soldier fell back on the ground and breathed his last.

He drew his last breath yesterday.

Он умер вчера.

every last man

every man jack

Every single man; each man without exception.

I want every last man to be here on time tomorrow morning.

Every man jack of you must do his duty.

every single

every last

Every. Used for emphasis.

She dropped the box, and when she opened it, every single glass was broken.

When she got home she found every last tomato in the box was rotten.

first and last

Most noticeably; all the time; chiefly.

He was first and last a school teacher.

Steven joined the army because first and last he wanted to help his country.

Still, there is a certain interest which attaches to the mantel-piece: it conceals a cleverly constructed hiding-place, between the floor of the room and the ceiling of the room beneath, which was made during the last evil days of the Inquisition in Venice, and which is reported to have saved an ancestor of my gracious lord pursued by that terrible tribunal.

It was addressed to Miss Garth, on paper with the deepest mourning-border round it; and the writer was the same man who followed us on our way home from a walk one day last spring — Captain Wragge.

She said good-bye to them all, and at last turned her face to the side where her best-beloved had lain, and for over an hour she prayed.

The little man crawled about in the hay-loft, and at last found a snug place to finish his night’s rest in; so he laid himself down, meaning to sleep till daylight, and then find his way home to his father and mother.

«Now that you are about to die the most unthinkably horrid death that it is given a white man to die—let this word of the plight of your wife add to the torments that you must suffer before the last savage spear-thrust releases you from your torture.»

And, as I obeyed that last behest with all my might, without a thought of what I was doing, save that he bade me do it, I saw his hands shoot up and his head bob down, and his lithe, spare body cut the sunset as cleanly and precisely as though he had plunged at his leisure from a diver’s board!

As the last utan was filing past us the waters had risen until they surged about our necks, but we clasped hands and stood our ground until the last man had passed to the comparative safety of the new passageway.

Was not your costume last night rather a singular one for the evening?

The picture of their unhappy brother stood out at last with great clearness and precision.

At last, seeing the ship still bore on her course and was now swiftly drawing out of earshot, one of them—I know not which it was—leapt to his feet with a hoarse cry, whipped his musket to his shoulder, and sent a shot whistling over Silver’s head and through the main-sail.

In that case his last hope would have been destroyed.

Again and again the Arabs charged, at last forming a stationary circle about the little fortress, and outside the effective range of the defenders’ arrows.

They had hit the trail sixteen hours on end that day, the dogs had come in too tired to fight among themselves or even snarl, and Kama had perceptibly limped the last several miles; yet Daylight was on trail next morning at six o’clock.

The next morning brought with it the last touching and terrible tidings of her.

At last, because I was romantic, I devised an explanation which I acknowledged to be far-fetched, but which was the only one that in any way satisfied me.

last but not least

Слово last имеет несколько значений — последний, завершающий, заключительный, окончательный, прошлый, недавний, современный, неподходящий, нежелательный, крайний, чрезвычайный; в качестве глагола — продолжаться, тянуться, длиться, хватать, быть достаточным; в заключение и др.

В английском языке есть много устойчивых и интересных выражений с этим словом. Вот некоторые из них:

  • at last — в конце концов;

He was at last to finish. Он закончил последним.

  • at long last — в конце концов;

She agreed on my conditions at long last.  В конце концов она согласилась на мои условия.

  • to come in last — приходить последним (на скачках);

His horse came in last. Его лошадь пришла последней.


  • the last of summer— конец лета;

The last of summer was long for me. Конец лета был для меня длинным.

  • to hold on to the last — держаться до конца;

Don`t give up, you must hold on to the last. Не сдавайся, ты должен держаться до последнего.

  • to breathe one`s last — испустить последнее дыхание;

The runner seemed to breathe his last. Казалось, что бегун вот вот испустит последнее дыхание.

  • the last of 50 years —  продолжительностью пол века;

I bought the most expensive car of the last fifty years. Я купил самую дорогую машину за последние 50 лет.


  • to stick to one`s last — заниматься свои делом, не вмешиваться в чужие дела;

He is always sticking to my last! Он всегда сует нос в мои дела.

  • last but not least — последний, но не менее важный; не самый худший;

And last but not least — give me my money back! И последнее, но не менее важное — верни мне мои деньги!

  • last but one — предпоследний;

I was so tired but there is only last but one passage was left. Я была такой уставшей, но оставался только последний абзац.

  • next to last — предпоследний;

Don`t forget to learn the next to last part of the poem by heart. Не забудь выучить на память предпоследнюю часть стихотворения.

  • last cast — последний шанс;

I will give you the last cast. Я дам тебе последний шанс.

  • last home — могила;

I was amazed to meet her at her grandfather`s last home. Я удивился, увидев ее у могилы дедушки.

  • last honours — последние почести;

He wasn`t given his last honours. Ему не были оказаны последние почести.

  • last name — фамилия;

What is your last name? Какая твоя фамилия?

  • last night — вчера вечером;

I saw her last night. Я видел ее вчера вечером.


  • last offices — похоронный обряд;

The last offices are too sad. Похоронные обряды слишком грустные.

  • last rites — соборование перед смертью;
  • to administer (the) last rites — соборовать;

She died before Priests could administer the last rites. Она умерла до соборования священником.

  • last sacrifice — смерть в бою за родину;

His last sacrifice was a courageous act. Его смерть за родину была геройским поступком.

  • last will — последняя воля, завещание;

I want to know her last will! Я хочу узнать ее последнюю волю!

  • last word — последний крик моды; последнее слово (в какой-либо области — in, on smth.)

I don`t care about last word in fashion. Меня не интересует последний крик моды.

  • last but not least

    последний по счёту, но не последний по значению

    He was last but not least in his attempt to improve the situation.

  • last of the big spenders


    Samantha earns a lot of money and spends it freely; I think she is the last of the big spenders.

  • last person

    самый неподходящий человек

    Sue is the last person that you would turn for help to.

  • last straw

    последняя капля, предел терпения

    Anna’s infidelity was the last straw and we finally broke off our engagement.

  • last thing on (someone’s) mind

    последние, что у кого-либо на уме

    Visiting a museum was the last thing on my mind on Sunday afternoon.

  • last will and testament


    Mr. Brown went to a notary to authenticate his last will and testament.

  • last word

    последнее слово

    This discovery is the last word in science.

  • last-ditch effort

    последнее усилие

    Adam made a last-ditch effort to persuade his friend not to immigrate to Canada.

Meaning of Idiom ‘Last of the Big Spenders’ Last of the big spenders is an ironic expression used to describe a thrifty or frugal person, i.e., a tightwad; it is also used when someone is being especially careful with their money or making a very small and frugal purchase and is often used deprecatingly of … Read more

Meaning of Idiom ‘Last Resort’ The last resort is a final action or effort to achieve something when everything else fails; a course of action to be taken only when nothing else succeeds; a final hope. 1Spears, Richard A. McGraw-Hill’s American Idioms Dictionary. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2008.,2Ammer, Christine. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Boston: Houghton … Read more

Meaning of Idiom ‘Last One In is a Rotten Egg’ Last one in is a rotten egg is used by children (or by adults with humor) as a way to urge others to join in. It especially refers to jumping into water. 1Ammer, Christine. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013. Usage This … Read more

Meaning of the Idiom ‘On Your Last Legs’ To be on your last legs be nearing the end of your strength or usefulness. This idiom usually refers to people, but can also refer to machinery, etc. It may sometimes refer to inanimate objects such as items of clothing. In regards to people, the expression usually means … Read more

Also: ‘Have the last word’ ‘Get the last word’ ‘Be the last word’ ‘Be/Say One’s Last word (about something) Meaning of Idiom ‘the Last Word’ The last word is used in two idioms which can have several meanings. “To have the last word” means to have the right or to take the right to have the … Read more

Also: The last straw, The final straw Meaning of Idiom ‘The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back’ The straw that broke the camel’s back refers to a minor happening, circumstance, etc. which, when added to a whole string of other annoyances, is finally too much to bear. When something is the last straw or the … Read more

Meaning of Idiom ‘The Last Person’ The last person or the last thing can have several different meanings, depending on the context. The last person may refer to someone who is very unlikely or unwilling to do something; a person to whom it is very dangerous or inadvisable to do something; or a the least expected or wanted person. … Read more

Meaning of the Idiom ‘Last-Ditch’ A last-ditch effort or attempt is a final desperate attempt to achieve something before giving up for good or ultimately failing. See also the last resort. Want to see more videos from Idioms.Online? Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Examples Of Use “In the final seconds of the game, Jordan made a … Read more

Meaning of the Idiom ‘Last Laugh’ To have the last laugh means to be victorious over one’s opponents or critics, especially after being doubted; to succeed in the end even after much difficulty and setback. Want to see more videos from Idioms.Online? Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Examples Of Use “My boss fired me today but … Read more

Also: Final Fling Meaning of the Idiom ‘Last Fling’ To have the last fling means to have one last short period of enjoyment before circumstances curtail one’s freedom. The circumstances may be marriage, University, the military, etc. The expression may refer to simply having fun, but, in the case of marriage, it may refer to having sexual … Read more

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