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Идиомы про дом
Вы когда-нибудь строили карточный домик? Обычно 2 или 3 этажа этой шаткой конструкции по силам соорудить даже новичку. А как насчет 75?
Американец Брайан Берг еще в 17 лет решил не просто освоить профессию архитектора, но и опробовать ее на игральных картах, войдя в книгу рекордов Гиннеса с 75–этажным небоскребом, сооруженным без клея и каких-либо других ухищрений. С тех пор он не раз бил свой собственный рекорд, то возводя 7–метровый макет университета Айовы, то копируя для компании Дисней самый крупный в мире карточный замок Золушки, то сооружая из 4 тысяч колод бумажный отель высотой 10 метров и весом 22 килограмма.
Но даже у Брайана бывают неудачи. Одно неловкое движение, и карты, цепляя одна другую, разрушают макет, возводившийся несколько часов или даже дней.
Карточный домик — ненадежная конструкция. И хотя английский монумент Стоунхендж, построенный в подобной технике, незыблем уже более 4000 лет, идиома house of cards используется, чтобы описать нечто, стоящее на зыбком фундаменте, который непременно рухнет от любого неосторожного действия. Известный сериал о буднях политиков «Карточный домик» (House of Cards) иллюстрирует шаткость системы, в которой живут главные герои.
A house of cards — карточный домик (ненадежная конструкция)
В этой статье мы познакомимся с популярными английскими идиомами, которые содержат слово дом (home, house) и научимся использовать их как носители.
В чем сложность?
Любой язык, помимо слов, которые можно найти в словаре, содержит идиомы — устойчивые выражения, поговорки, обороты, которые не всегда понятны новичкам.
Английские идиомы чаще всего не имеют прямого соответствия в русском языке, поэтому с помощью буквального перевода их смысл невозможно уловить. Часто-употребляемые идиомы нужно запомнить.
Используйте их аккуратно — подобные украшения речи должны вписываться в контекст, быть к месту. Проще всего освоить правильное использование идиом, слушая носителей. В этом поможет просмотр сериалов в оригинале.
Для удобства изучения идиомы часто делят на темы. Есть идиомы с именами, с животными, с цветами, с частями тела.
В этой статье мы поговорим о доме. Дом, как известно, это не просто здание (house), но и место, где человек живет, обустраивается и чувствует себя в безопасности (home). Оба эти понятия часто обыгрываются в популярных идиомах.
5 идиом про дом + 15 бонусных идиом
- The lights are on, but nobody’s home — глупый, рассеянный (буквально: свет горит, но никого нет дома)
Представьте, что вы смотрите на здание, в окнах которого горит свет. Логично предположить, что внутри есть жильцы. Однако, на ваш стук никто не отзывается. Неужели никого нет дома?
Этот образ начали использовать в 1970-е для описания человека, который может стоять прямо перед вами, смотреть в глаза и даже кивать, но чей разум находится где-то в другом месте. Вам может казаться, что его внимание (свет в его доме) включено, но это ошибка — он вас не слушает и не понимает.
Jack’s lights are on but nobody’s home, so he has no idea what the teacher is talking about. — Джек рассеян, поэтому он понятия не имеет, о чем говорит учитель.
- Till the cows come home — долгое время (буквально: пока коровы не вернутся домой)
Коровы, выпущенные на пастбище, не особенно стремятся в хлев и возвращаются медленным, вялым шагом. Если за ними не следить, они могут прийти на дойку только на следующее утро.
Идиому till the cows come home используют, когда говорят о затянувшемся событии, например, о вечеринке, которая продлилась до утра, или о занятии, конца и края которому не видно, и делать его можно бесконечно долго.
Tomorrow I’m giving a presentation, so I’ll rehearse my speech till the cows come home. — Завтра я выступаю с презентацией, поэтому буду репетировать свою речь до победного.
- Get on like a house on fire — сблизиться, не разлей вода (буквально: ладить как дом в огне)
Когда дома строили преимущественно из древесины и соломы, пожары разгорались мгновенно. Не успеешь оглянуться, а вместо одной искры уже пылающее целиком здание!
В дружбе и в любви иногда бывает также — только познакомился с человеком, а уже сблизился с ним, не разлей вода.
They were introduced to each other at a party. They got on like a house on fire and talked the whole evening. — Их представили друг другу на вечеринке. Они мгновенно сошлись и проговорили целый вечер.
- To bring home the bacon — содержать семью (буквально: приносить домой бекон)
Эта идиома появилась в 1906 году в США во время чемпионата мира по боксу. В прессу попало письмо матери одного из спортсменов Джо Ганса. Она просила сына выиграть соревнование, заработать денег и принести домой бекон. Джо и правда победил. Более того, он ответил маме, что у него теперь есть средства не только на бекон, но и на подливку.
Идиома to bring home the bacon означает зарабатывать деньги для семьи, материально обеспечивать домашних.
When Ann was on maternity leave, she relied on her husband to bring home the bacon. — Когда Энн была в декретном отпуске, она полагалась на своего мужа, чтобы тот обеспечивал семью.
- To wear the pants in the house — быть главой семьи (буквально: носить брюки в доме)
В патриархальном обществе главой семьи обычно являлись мужчины, они обладали наибольшим контролем и властью при принятии решений. Отсюда упоминание брюк, как традиционной мужской одежды.
Идиома to wear the pants in the house используется, когда мы хотим показать, кто в доме хозяин, и чаще всего применяется по отношению к женщинам.
Grandma is the one who wears pants in our house. Her word has always been decisive in all important matters. — Бабушка — главная в нашей семье. Ее слово всегда было решающим во всех важных вопросах.
13 бонусных идиом про дом (home idioms)
- As safe as houses — в полной безопасности
- Close to home — близко к сердцу, задеть за живое
- Homesick — скучающий по дому
- Home truth — горькая правда
- On the house — за счет заведения
- To be anything to write home about — быть чем-то особенным
- To be home and dry — выйти сухим из воды, быть в целости и сохранности
- To bring it home to someone — осознать
- To get your own house in order — навести порядок в голове
- To go round the houses — ходить вокруг да около
- To home in — направиться к цели
- To make yourself at home — чувствовать себя как дома
- To take home — зарабатывать
В этой статье мы разобрали 18 английских идиом про дом (home idioms). Используйте их для того, чтобы разнообразить вашу разговорную речь и звучать как носитель! А для более подробного изучения советуем обратиться к справочнику Кембриджского университета English Idioms in Use.
Вставьте home и house в подходящую идиому:
1. Come to the opening of our club. All drinks are on the ______!
2. The news of Mary’s illness was close to ______ for Jessica because she herself suffered from it as a child.
3. Though 5% annual growth is not anything to write ______ about, we recommend including it in the presentation to investors.
4. Don’t worry, all students in our school are as safe as ______.
5. Our football team is winning 8–0. It seems we are ______ and dry!
6. Stop going around the ______ and just tell me the truth.
7. When Joseph ______ in on a goal, he accomplishes it.
8. Before giving advice to others, it would be helpful to get your own ______ in order.
9. How much does your secretary take ______ a month?
10. Welcome to our little gathering. Make yourself at ______!
1. Come to the opening of our club. All drinks are on the house!
2. The news of Mary’s illness was close to home for Jessica because she herself suffered from it as a child.
3. Though 5% annual growth is not anything to write home about, we recommend including it in the presentation to investors.
4. Don’t worry, all students in our school are as safe as houses.
5. Our football team is winning 8–0. It seems we are home and dry!
6. Stop going around the houses and just tell me the truth.
7. When Joseph homes in on a goal, he accomplishes it.
8. Before giving advice to others, it would be helpful to get your own house in order.
9. How much does your secretary take home a month?
10. Welcome to our little gathering. Make yourself at home!
Узнайте также в Справочнике
Обновлено: 6 сентября 2022 года
This diverts suspicion and confuses it; and for the same reason I recommended that even if you came back last night, you should not go home. It brings in more confusion, and you want confusion.»
This will I do, dear Queen, and never leave his dreary home, till the sunlight falls on flowers fair as those that bloom in our own dear land.»
Look at Aegisthus; he must needs make love to Agamemnon’s wife unrighteously and then kill Agamemnon, though he knew it would be the death of him; for I sent Mercury to warn him not to do either of these things, inasmuch as Orestes would be sure to take his revenge when he grew up and wanted to return home. Mercury told him this in all good will but he would not listen, and now he has paid for everything in full.»
At the end of my second year at Hampton, by the help of some money sent me by my mother and brother John, supplemented by a small gift from one of the teachers at Hampton, I was enabled to return to my home in Malden, West Virginia, to spend my vacation.
«It’s three years since I’ve received a line from home and ten years since I was there.
Tom had not heard anything from home for some weeks,—a fact which did not surprise him, for his father and mother were not apt to manifest their affection in unnecessary letters,—when, to his great surprise, on the morning of a dark, cold day near the end of November, he was told, soon after entering the study at nine o’clock, that his sister was in the drawing-room.
A joyful procession followed the Awkward Man and the Story Girl across the gray, star-litten meadows to his home and through his pine-guarded gate.
‘No; because, as you say, I have no particular associations connected with them; for there are no sweet violets among the hills and valleys round my home.’
It is possible, and even quite probable, that but for the mere circumstance of being removed from that plantation to Baltimore, I should have to-day, instead of being here seated by my own table, in the enjoyment of freedom and the happiness of home, writing this Narrative, been confined in the galling chains of slavery.
So the next morning the Prince mounted his fine horse and left his home. He had roamed round the world for a whole year, and his horse had died of exhaustion, while he himself had suffered much from want and misery, but still he had come on no trace of her he was in search of.
When I think of that, I wish that I need not have come home at all.
John was requested to order home a dozen or so of little pots and an extra quantity of sugar, for their own currants were ripe and were to be attended to at once.
Jimmie did not return home for a number of days after the fight with Pete in the saloon.
I mourned for the broken heart that had found rest in the stormy sea; and for the wandering remnants of the simple home, where I had heard the night-wind blowing, when I was a child.
When the fisherman went home to his wife in the pigsty, he told her how he had caught a great fish, and how it had told him it was an enchanted prince, and how, on hearing it speak, he had let it go again.
Learn Common Idioms about the House and Home in English.
Idioms about the House
1. halfway house
something that combines the qualities of two different things
This band is a halfway house between rock and pop.
2. a house of cards
an organization or plan that is weak and can easily be destroyed.
Their plan turned out to be a house of cards.
3. as safe as houses
be very safe
I’ve locked the door. They’re as safe as houses.
4. eat out of house and home
eat everything in somebody’s house
That big dog will eat us out of house and home!
5. get your own house in order
solve your problems or get organized
You should get your own house in order before telling me what to do.
6. house of correction
She said he’s out of the house of correction.
7. a house divided cannot stand
an organisation that is divided by internal disagreements will not be able to cope with external pressures
8. get on like a house on fire
if two people get on like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends very quickly
My neighbour and I got on like a house on fire from the first time we met.
9. go round the houses
waste time saying a lot of things that are not important before you get to the subject you want to talk about
There’s no need to go round the houses, just tell me what’s wrong.
10. wear the pants in the house
be the boss in the house, run a household
All right, if you have to wear the pants in the house, have it your way.
11. get a foot on the housing ladder
manage to buy your first house so that you can buy a bigger second one later
It’s becoming more difficult for young people to get a foot on the housing ladder.
12. basket house
a bar, coffee, or other public venue where musicians perform and are paid only by the collection of money from the audience in a basket or similar receptacle
Many of the most famous musicians began their careers eking out a living in basket houses around Greenwich Village in New York City.
Idioms “Around the House”
1. throw in the towel
quit, give up
After struggling with my homework, I finally threw in the towel and went to bed.
2. throw money down the drain
waste money
That’s a worthless investment. He’s throwing his money down the drain.
3. skeleton in the closet
an embarrassing or shameful secret
Most people have at least one skeleton in the closet.
4. hit the roof
become very angry
When I found out Tom crashed my car, I hit the roof.
5. smoke like a chimney
smoke a lot
Jeff smokes like a chimney. I worry about his health.
6. go out the window
no longer exist, disappear
His diet went out the window during the holidays.
7. build castles in the air
create dreams, hopes, or plans that are impossible, unrealistic, or have very little chance of succeeding
You need sound financial advice and a strong plan if you’re going to start your own business—don’t just build castles in the air.
8. lead (someone) up the garden path
deceive someone
He really led her up the garden path with his promises of promotion and career advancement.
9. everything but the kitchen sink
take a lot of things when you go somewhere
They took everything but the kitchen sink when they went on holiday.
Home Idioms
1. there’s no place like home
your home is a special place
The holiday was great! Still, there’s no place like home.
2. home sweet home
said to show happiness when returning home after being away
Every evening after work, she enters her house and thinks, “Home sweet home!”
3. home away from house
a place that is as pleasant and comfortable as your own home
When I was young, my best friend’s house was my home away from home.
4. make yourself at home
make yourself comfortable
Make yourself at home! Can I get you a drink?
5. close to home
affect someone in a strong and personal away
Some of my relatives criticize the education system. As a teacher, their comments hit close to home.
6. be home and dry
have successfully completed something, as a project or activity
I just need one more source for this essay and then I’ll be home and dry.
7. ram (something) home
force somebody to understand something important
The terrible injuries I saw in that accident really rammed home for me the importance of wearing seat belts.
8. home in on
become closer to your target
Police are homing in on the suspects.
House Idioms and Home Idioms! Learn common idioms and sayings about the house, idioms around the house and home idioms in English with meaning and examples.
List of Home Idioms and House Idioms
Idioms about the House
- Halfway house
- A house of cards
- As safe as houses
- Eat out of house and home
- Get your own house in order
- House of correction
- A house divided against itself cannot stand
- Get on like a house on fire
- Go round the houses
- Wear the pants in the house
- Basket house
Idioms around the House
- Throw in the towel
- Throw money down the drain
- Skeleton in the closet
- Hit the roof
- Smoke like a chimney
- Go out the window
- Build castles in the air
- Lead (someone) up the garden path
- Everything but the kitchen sink
Home Idioms
- There’s no place like home
- Home sweet home
- Home away from house
- Make yourself at home
- Close to home
- Be home and dry
- Ram (something) home
- Home in on
House Idioms with Meaning and Examples
Halfway house
- Meaning: Something that combines the qualities of two different things
- Example: This band is a halfway house between rock and pop.
A house of cards
- Meaning: An organization or plan that is weak and can easily be destroyed
- Example: Their plan turned out to be a house of cards.
As safe as houses
- Meaning: Be very safe
- Example: I’ve locked the door. They’re as safe as houses.
Eat out of house and home
- Meaning: Eat everything in somebody’s house
- Example: That big dog will eat us out of house and home!
Get your own house in order
- Meaning: Solve your problems or get organized
- Example: Jim should go about getting his own house in order before he starts criticizing how I live my life!
House of correction
- Meaning: Prison
- Example: She said he’s out of the house of correction.
A house divided against itself cannot stand
- Meaning: An organisation that is divided by internal disagreements will not be able to cope with external pressures
- Example: The candidate urged the members of his political party to unite because he understood that a house divided against itself cannot stand.
Get on like a house on fire
- Meaning: If two people get on like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends very quickly
- Example: I was worried about my university friends meeting my new girlfriend, but everyone got on like a house on fire.
Go round the houses
- Meaning: Waste time saying a lot of things that are not important before you get to the subject you want to talk about
- Example: I really can’t be bothered going all round the houses with you. This is the deal.
Wear the pants in the house
- Meaning: Be the boss in the house, run a household
- Example: All right, if you have to wear the pants in the house, have it your way.
Basket house
- Meaning: A bar, coffee, or other public venue where musicians perform and are paid only by the collection of money from the audience in a basket or similar receptacle
- Example: Many of the most famous musicians began their careers eking out a living in basket houses around Greenwich Village in New York City.
Idioms around the House with Meaning and Examples
Throw in the towel
- Meaning: Quit, give up
- Example: After struggling with my homework, I finally threw in the towel and went to bed.
Throw money down the drain
- Meaning: Waste money
- Example: That’s a worthless investment. He’s throwing his money down the drain.
Skeleton in the closet
- Meaning: An embarrassing or shameful secret
- Example: Most people have at least one skeleton in the closet.
Hit the roof
- Meaning: Become very angry
- Example: When I found out Tom crashed my car, I hit the roof.
Smoke like a chimney
- Meaning: Smoke a lot
- Example: Jeff smokes like a chimney. I worry about his health.
Go out the window
- Meaning: No longer exist, disappear
- Example: His diet went out the window during the holidays.
Build castles in the air
- Meaning: Create dreams, hopes, or plans that are impossible, unrealistic, or have very little chance of succeeding
- Example: You need sound financial advice and a strong plan if you’re going to start your own business—don’t just build castles in the air.
Lead (someone) up the garden path
- Meaning: Deceive someone
- Example: They led me down the garden path and made me believe there would be a job for me.
Everything but the kitchen sink
- Meaning: Take a lot of things when you go somewhere
- Example: We were only going to be camping for two nights, but she still insisted on bringing everything but the kitchen sink along with us.
Home Idioms with Meaning and Examples
There’s no place like home
- Meaning: Your home is a special place
- Example: The holiday was great! Still, there’s no place like home.
Home sweet home
- Meaning: Said to show happiness when returning home after being away
- Example: Every evening after work, she enters her house and thinks, “Home sweet home!”
Home away from house
- Meaning: A place that is as pleasant and comfortable as your own home
- Example: When I was young, my best friend’s house was my home away from home.
Make yourself at home
- Meaning: Make yourself comfortable
- Example: Please come in and make yourself at home.
Close to home
- Meaning: Affect someone in a strong and personal away
- Example: Some of my relatives criticize the education system. As a teacher, their comments hit close to home.
Be home and dry
- Meaning: Have successfully completed something, as a project or activity
- Example: I just need one more source for this essay and then I’ll be home and dry.
Ram (something) home
- Meaning: Force somebody to understand something important
- Example: The terrible injuries I saw in that accident really rammed home for me the importance of wearing seat belts.
Home in on
- Meaning: Become closer to your target
- Example: He began with a couple of jokes before homing in on the main subject of his talk.
Above is a list of most common idioms about the House you should learn to enlarge your vocabulary in English.
House & Home Idioms and Sayings | Images
Useful Idioms about the House | Image 1
Useful Idioms about the House | Image 2
Last Updated on July 17, 2019
If you’re interested in learning more about idioms with the word house or home, you’ve come to the right place! Our blog post is packed with helpful information and fun examples that will make you a master of these common expressions in no time.
A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand A House Is Not A Home A Man’s Home Is His Castle Bring Down The House Bring Home The Bacon Charity Begins At Home Chickens Come Home To Roost Close To Home Drive Something Home Eat Out Of House And Home Go Big Or Go Home Home Away From Home Home Free Home Is Where The Heart Is |
Home Is Where You Hang Your Hat Home Sweet Home House Of Cards House Of Horrors House Of Worship Make Yourself At Home Put One’s House In Order The House Always Wins The Lights Are On, But Nobody’s Home There’s No Place Like Home Until The Cows Come Home Wear The Pants In The House You Can’t Go Home Again |
By reading this blog post, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the meanings of popular idioms like Make Yourself At Home and The House Always Wins. You’ll also discover new phrases you may not have heard before and learn how to use them correctly in conversation. But that’s not all. Download a free printable PDF wordlist to study these idioms anytime offline.
A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand
A group or organization that is divided and in conflict with itself will ultimately fail or be destroyed.
The political party was constantly fighting among themselves, they couldn’t agree on anything. In the end, they lost the election. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
A House Is Not A Home
A home is more than just a building with four walls, it’s a place full of people that care about each other.
He moved into a beautiful new bachelor apartment, but it still didn’t feel like home. He missed his family. A house is not a home without loved ones to share it with.
What’s the difference between the words house and home?
The words house and home are related, but they have different meanings.
A house is a physical structure, a building, or a dwelling place where people live. It is usually made of bricks, concrete, wood, or other materials and it provides shelter and protection from the elements. A house can be rented or owned, and it can be big or small, simple or luxurious.
On the other hand, a home is a place where a person or a family lives and feels comfortable. It is a place where people have emotional connections, memories, and a sense of belonging. Home is not just a physical structure, but also the people and the atmosphere within it. A home can be a house, an apartment, a tent, a boat, or any other place where someone feels comfortable and at ease.
A Man’s Home Is His Castle
A person’s home is like their own kingdom. They control what happens inside.
After finally moving out of my parent’s house I was excited to decorate a control my own environment. My home was truly going to be my castle.
Bring Down The House
To cause great excitement or applause in a public setting, such as a concert or performance, to the point where the building may seem to shake.
The band’s performance was so amazing that they brought down the house.
The comedian’s jokes were so hilarious that she brought down the house every night.
Bring Home The Bacon
To earn money or provide for one’s family. It implies the idea of bringing home a prize or reward, as if from a hunting or gathering expedition.
He works long hours to bring home the bacon for his family.
Charity Begins At Home
One should prioritize helping and taking care of one’s own family and community before reaching out to help others outside of those circles.
Wendy volunteers at a local food bank helping those in her community. She believes charity begins at home.
Chickens Come Home To Roost
One’s actions or words will eventually come back to haunt them, often in a negative or harmful way. It suggests that one should be mindful of the consequences of their actions.
Rhys lied on his resume, he said that he went to NYU (New York University). Four of his new co-workers actually went there and started asking him questions about his time at school. The chickens are coming home to roost, his lie will soon be exposed.
Drive Something Home
To make a point very clear or emphasize something strongly.
He used statistics and examples to drive home the importance of wearing seat belts.
She recounted her personal experience to drive home the message that mental health is just as important as physical health.
Eat Out Of House And Home
To consume a lot of food, to the point of leaving very little behind.
My parents love when I visit for a few days, but I have a big appetite. I always end up eating them out of house and home. (They still love me though.)
Go Big Or Go Home
To take bold or ambitious actions or none at all.
She knew it was risky, but she decided to start her own business. Go big or go home.
To impress Emily, Jason needed to do something very special. Go big or go home he thought to himself.
Hit Close To Home
Something that is emotionally impactful because it is closely related to one’s personal experience or situation.
The movie was about a family coping with the loss of a loved one, and it hit close to home.
The article was about the dangers of distracted driving, and it hit close to home because she had been in a car accident caused by distracted driving.
Home Away From Home
A place where one feels comfortable and at ease, despite being away from one’s actual home.
Her grandparents’ house was always her home away from home, She spent many summer vacations there when she was young.
The hotel I stayed at during my business trip became my home away from home.
Home Free
To have completed the most difficult part of a task or challenge. Now the only things that remain are simple and easy.
After passing her final exams, she was home free and could finally relax.
He thought he had solved the problem, but it turned out he wasn’t home free yet – there were still a few more important steps to take.
Home Is Where The Heart Is
One’s true home is where one’s loved ones are.
I grew up in Canada, but if home is where the heart is, my home is in Japan with my new family.
Home Is Where You Hang Your Hat
Wherever you choose to live or settle down can be considered your home.
*This expression goes against the idea that A House Is Not a Home. This is not an emotional expression, this is a practical one. Home is anywhere your belongings (your things) are.
He had moved so many times that he didn’t feel like he had a real home, but he remembered the saying that home is where you hang your hat.
“Papa Was A Rolling Stone“ is a popular song from 1972 by The Temptations. The chorus of the song uses a version of this idiom.
Papa was a rolling stone
Wherever he laid his hat was his home
And when he died, all he left us was alone
Home Sweet Home
This expression is used to show one’s pleasure and good feelings after returning home, especially after a long time away.
Home sweet home. Nothing feels better than sleeping in your own bed after a business trip.
Looking for more Idioms with the word Sweet? Click the link!
House Of Cards
A situation or organization that is unstable or likely to collapse.
The company’s finances were a house of cards – they were one small misstep away from bankruptcy.
The politician’s career was built on lies, and his reputation was a house of cards waiting to fall.
House Of Horrors
A place or situation that is extremely unpleasant or frightening.
After the car accident, the hospital became a house of horrors for him – he was afraid of being there.
The abandoned amusement had a house of horrors attraction. It was scary when I was younger, but now it’s just silly to me.
House Of Worship
A building where people gather to practice their religion.
The local community had a house of worship for many different faiths.
Make Yourself At Home
To make oneself comfortable and relaxed in someone else’s home. This expression is usually said by the host of a party or gathering to encourage people to feel comfortable in their home.
He was staying at a bed and breakfast for the first time, and the host told him to make himself at home.
It’s common for English speakers to use the Spanish idiom mi casa es su casa, which is saying my house is your house. This has the exact same feeling.
Welcome to my house everyone! Please enjoy yourselves, mi casa es su casa.
Put One’s House In Order
To organize one’s personal affairs or solve any issues or problems that need attention.
She knew she needed to put her house in order before starting a new job.
After being diagnosed with a serious illness Allen had to put his house in order. He made a will and updated his insurance policies.
The House Always Wins
The casino or gambling establishment always makes a profit.
He thought he could win big at the blackjack table, but the house always wins in the end.
The Lights Are On, But Nobody’s Home
Someone appears to be present but is not mentally or emotionally present or aware.
He seemed to be listening, but his mind was elsewhere – the lights were on, but nobody was home.
There’s No Place Like Home
One’s own home is the most comfortable and enjoyable place to be.
After traveling for weeks, he was happy to be back with family and friends. It’s true, there’s no place like home.
She missed her family and friends while away at college. She was having new experiences and making new friends but there’s no place like home.
Until The Cows Come Home
A phrase that means for a very long time, often with the suggestion that the activity or action being discussed will never end.
He could argue about politics until the cows come home, but he was never going to change his uncle’s mind.
She could shop for shoes until the cows come home, and she would still want more.
Do you want more COW IDIOMS? 16 Common Cow Idioms (REAL Examples and Video)
Wear The Pants In The House
To be the person who makes the decisions and has the most authority in a household.
Nancy always deferred to her husband on household decisions. He wore the pants in the house.
You Can’t Go Home Again
Things change over time, and one can never truly return to a place or situation as it was before.
He had been away from his hometown for years, and when he returned, he felt like a stranger. He learned that you can’t go home again.
Popular Songs With House Or Home In The Title
Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Our House by Madness
Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver
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