Idioms with the word cake

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������ �� ������ CAKE (����)

��� �� ����� �� ������� ����� ����������� �������� �����. � ���������� ����� ���������� ��������� ���������� ���������, ��������� � ���� ������������ ����������. ������� ������������ � ����!

YOU CANNOT EAT YOUR CAKE AND HAVE IT TOO (����. «�� �� ������ ������ ���� ���� � ����� ��� ����»)

��� ��������� ��������: «���� ����� ��� ���� �� �����»; «������ ���������� �������������».


“You cannot eat your cake and have it too”, said my boss when I told him I want to have more holidays and more responsibility at work.
«���� ����� ��� ���� �� �����», ������ ��� ���������, ����� � ��������� ���, ��� ���� ������ �������� � ������ ������������ �� ������.

ICING ON THE CAKE (����. «������� �� �����»)

��� ��������� ������������� � ��������� ����-��, ��� ������ ������� �������� ��� �������� ��� �����.


I found a good job and the fact that I can work where I want is the icing on the cake.
� ����� ������� ������ � ��, ��� � ���� �������� ���, ��� ����, ������ �������� ��� �����.

PIECE OF CAKE (����. «������� �����»)

��� ��������� �������� �������/����/������, ������� ����� ���������. ��������� ���������� �������� ��������� «��� �������».


The job was a piece of cake. I finished before lunch.
��� ������ ���� ��� �������. � �������� ��� �� �����.

A SLICE OF THE CAKE (����. «�������/������ �����»)

��� ��������� �������� ���� ����-�� (� ������� � �.�.)


The government wants a slice of the cake from the new casinos.
������������� ����� ����� ���� �� ����� ������.

TAKE THE CAKE (����. «����� ����»)

��� ��������� �������� ���� ������, ��� ������ �� ����-��, ������������ ��� �� ������-���� ��������.


The behavior of the young girl takes the cake. It is terrible.
��������� ������� ����������� ���. ��� ������.


Responsibility – ���������������, �����������.

Icing – �������� �������; ������.

Piece – �����.

Slice – ������, ������ ���� (����-�.), �����, ����.

Behavior – ���������; ���������, ���������.

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Are you hungry for some cake idioms?

If so, you are in the right place.

In this post, we will take a look at 24 popular cake idioms that will have your mouth watering by the end.


cake idioms

1. One’s Cake Is Dough

  • Meaning: that a person’s actions did not produce the desired results, like a cake that is still dough after baking.
  • Use In A Sentence: Eddy has spent countless hours working on this project, but I think his cake is dough and he won’t be getting that promotion.

2. A Slice/Share Of The Cake

  • Meaning: a share of the profits.
  • Synonyms: A piece of the pie
  • Use In A Sentence: Wow! I can’t believe your investment made you that much money. How can I get a slice of the cake? What do I need to do?

3. Beefcake

  • Meaning: a man who is photographed for his muscular physique.
  • Use In A Sentence: I must admit I buy the magazine because I like seeing those beefcakes in those outfits.

4. Cake Hole

  • Meaning: slang or very informal for one’s mouth.
  • Synonyms: To Shut One’s Pie Hole
  • Use In A Sentence: Shut your cake hole. No one wants to hear what you have to say!

5. Cakes And Ale

  • Meaning: when you enjoy something without any trouble, problems or worries.
  • Use In A Sentence: Running a business hasn’t been all cakes and ale. We have had our ups and downs.

6. To Eat One’s Cake And Have It Too

  • Meaning: to have or do two things at the same time. It usually refers to things that are contradictory or impossible to do at the same time.
  • Use In A Sentence: There are so many people today that want to eat their cake and have it too. For example, they think that they can have nice things, but then not be willing to work.

flat as a pancake - cake idioms

7. To Be Flat As A Pancake

  • Meaning: used to refer to something that is extremely flat.
  • Use In A Sentence: The roads out west are as flat as a pancake. You can see for miles.

8. The Frosting / Icing On The Cake

  • Meaning: something that makes an already good situation even better.
  • Use In A Sentence: Janet really wanted that job, but to receive a huge signing bonus was the frosting on the cake.

9. Like Piffy On A Rock Cake

  • Meaning: to be left out in a group’s activity.
  • Use In A Sentence: It was nice to be invited to my friend’s graduation party, but I didn’t know anyone there. I just spent the night standing around like piffy on a rock cake.

piece of cake - idioms about cake

10. A Piece Of Cake

  • Meaning: something that is easy to do.
  • Synonyms: As easy as pie
  • Use In A Sentence: Oh, it’s a piece of cake, just follow the instructions on the screen.

11. To Sell/Go Like Hotcakes

  • Meaning: something that sells very quickly.
  • Use In A Sentence: Wow, those brownies went like hotcakes. I was sold out before lunch.

12. To Take The Cake

  • Meaning: to refer to the best or the worse in a situation.
  • Use In A Sentence: You have always been a good painter, but this painting takes the cake.

13. The Cake Is A Lie

  • Meaning: when you don’t receive the reward you had been promised.
  • Use In A Sentence: My brother told me he would come to visit us, but I am starting to think the cake is a lie.

14. Babycakes

  • Meaning: a term of endearment.
  • Use In A Sentence: Hello, babycakes. How was work today?

15. To Cake Someone With Something

  • Meaning: to coat someone with a thick substance.
  • Use In A Sentence: Jennifer caked her with mud at the beginning of the massage.

16. Cakewalk

  • Meaning: something that is easy to do.
  • Use In A Sentence: I have been doing computer work for years so this job will be a cakewalk.

17. To Be Nutty As A Fruitcake

  • Meaning: used to refer to someone who is crazy.
  • Use In A Sentence: For as long as I can remember Megan has always been nutty as a fruitcake.

cherry on the cake - cake idioms

18. The Cherry On The Cake

  • Meaning: something that makes an already good situation even better.
  • Use In A Sentence: Susan always wanted to go to the Bahamas, but to go with her best friend was the cherry on the cake.

19. Fruitcake

  • Meaning: someone who is weird or odd.
  • Use In A Sentence: What conspiracy theory is he talking about now? What a fruitcake!

20. Whoopie Cakes

  • Meaning: female buttocks.
  • Use In A Sentence: You put your whoopie cakes back in that chair and listen to what I have to say!

21. Cheesecake

  • Meaning: an attractive woman.
  • Use In A Sentence: He thinks he has a chance with Jessica? I don’t think a cheesecake like that will look at him twice.

22. Honeycakes

  • Meaning: a term of endearment. Similar to babycakes.
  • Use In A Sentence: Hello honeycakes. How was work today?

idioms about cake

23. Cake

  • Meaning: money.
  • Use In A Sentence: I will see if I can scrape together enough cake to go on the road trip.

24. Cakes

  • Meaning: slang for one’s buttocks.
  • Use In A Sentence: You better listen to your mother or else your cakes will be whipped.

There you have it! 24 popular idioms about cake! Which one is your favorite?

Знание грамматики и беглая речь определенно являются критериями успеха в изучении английского языка, но истинное мастерство заключается в умелом и уместном использовании специфической лексики – например, тематических идиом. Как известно, эти устойчивые выражения не имеют дословного перевода, поэтому требуют запоминания и ситуативного использования. Сегодня мы разберем самые сладкие и вкусные идиомы английского языка – со словом cake (торт).

Британцы и американцы – те еще лакомки! Это объясняет обилие в их языке выражений со словом cake. Но не стоит думать, что все из них имеют сугубо гастрономический подтекст. Напротив, многие совсем не связаны с кулинарной тематикой и обозначают иное понятие, порой даже с негативной коннотацией.

A slice of the cake

Дословно выражение переводится как «кусочек тортика». Этим словосочетанием англичане обозначают лакомый кусок, то есть самое лучшее, престижное, выгодное. Аналогом в русской речи является фраза «самые сливки». Идиома употребляется в ситуации, когда хотят подчеркнуть чью-то известность, финансовое благополучие, крупное приобретение или везение.

  • Пример:

When Lana divorced him, she wanted only a slice of the cake of his wealth. – Когда Лана разводилась с ним, она рассчитывала получить только лакомый кусок от его имущества.

Icing on the cake

Глазурь на торте – так в переводе будет звучать идиома icing on the cake. Подумайте о глазури на пироге или пончике: она красивая, аккуратная, гладкая, праздничная. Это выражение означает примерно то же – нечто, призванное улучшать, украшать, дополнять, а в переносном смысле быть чем-то сверх положенного.

  • Пример:

Sheila found a vacancy at school with the high salary, interesting responsibilities and nice classroom is the icing on the cake. – Шейла нашла вакансию в школе с высокой зарплатой, интересными обязанностями, а милая аудитория стала еще одним бонусом.

Icing on the cake

Icing on the cake

Piece of cake

Кусочек торта в переводе может означать действительно ломтик выпечки, а может быть применим в контексте чего-то легкого, не требующего усилий и времени. Это так просто, как кусок торта! Мы говорим на русском что-то вроде: «Да это проще пареной репы!», «Одной левой», «Раз плюнуть».

Согласитесь, что наши аналоги менее аппетитные, чем piece of cake. У него, кстати, есть синонимичное выражение as easy as apple pie – легче яблочного пирога. Действительно, шарлотка выпекается легко и быстро: яйца, мука, сахар и пара яблок, поэтому метафора вполне оправдана.

  • Пример:

This dilemma is a piece of cake. I would decide it much faster. – Эта дилемма проще пареной репы. Я бы определилась с выбором куда быстрее.

To go/sell like hot cakes

Фраза переводится, как «разлетаться, как горячие пирожки», то есть быстро, в мгновение ока. Обычно так говорится о том, что пользуется популярностью и идет нарасхват. Русскоязычное общение тоже содержит фразу про пирожки с той же семантикой, но с глаголом «расхватывать».

  • Пример:

Michael is very gifted carver. His artworks sell like hot cakes. – Михаил весьма одаренный гравер. Его произведения нарасхват.

To take the cake

Взять торт – прямой перевод этой идиомы. «Брать торт» означает превзойти кого-то значительно, быть на голову выше остальных, побить все рекорды (возможно и негативное значение идиомы). В русском языке о человеке можно сказать, что он сорвал с неба звезду, то есть смог продемонстрировать превосходство, добился высот, стал лучшим.

А еще можно отметить, что кто-то превзошел самого себя в плохом смысле – например, так скверно вел себя в гостях, что удивил даже тех, кто привык к такому поведению.

  • Пример:

Katherine’s behavior takes the cake. It is horrible! – Поведение Катерины было вопиющим. Это ужасно! (или: Катерина со своим поведением превзошла саму себя. Это кошмар!).

Можно применить идиому и в другом значении – как междометие. That takes the cake – ничего себе, вау, подумать только!

To take the cake

To take the cake

You cannot eat your cake and have it too

Нельзя и иметь пирог, и есть его. Действительно, у вас никак не получится полакомиться выпечкой, одновременно сохранив ее целой. Выражение кажется парадоксальным, но имеет вполне понятный нам аналог – за двумя зайцами погнаться, ни одного не поймать. Значение пословицы: нельзя достичь двух противоположных целей, вроде покормить волков и оставить в живых барашка. Используется, когда компромисс маловероятен.

  • Пример:

You have to make a decision what is more expedient: to move to another city or to get married and start a family in hometown. You cannot eat your cake and have it too! – Тебе придется принять решение, что будет целесообразнее – переехать в другой город или устроить свадьбу и создать семью в родном городе. За двумя зайцами не погнаться!

a slice of the cake

Часть, доля чего-либо, как правило денег.

The government wants a slice of the cake from the new casinos.

Правительство хочет иметь долю от новых казино.

as easy as apple pie

easy as pie

as easy as ABC

piece of cake


дословно: просто, как АБВ; просто, как яблочный пирог
Дело, поручение, которое легко выполнить — раз плюнуть.
Что-то очень легкое, простое — «проще пареной репы».

The test that I wrote yesterday was as easy as apple pie.

Тест, который я писал вчера, был проще пареной репы.

Learning how to use a computer is as easy as ABC for the children.

Научиться использовать компьютер для детей проще пареной репы.

The exam that I passed yesterday was as easy as apple pie.

Экзамен, который я сдал вчера, был проще пареной репы.

Loving somebody is not as easy as pie, because often you have to keep your feelings inside, and that can be so hard!

Непросто любить кого-то, потому что часто приходится скрывать свои чувства, а это так тяжело!

The final exam was a piece of cake.

Последний экзамен был очень легким.

The job was a piece of cake. I finished before lunch.

Эта работа была раз плюнуть. Я закончил еще до обеда.


A showing of the legs of an attractive woman or a display of her breasts as in certain magazines known as cheesecake magazines.

Photographer to model: «Give us some cheesecake in that pose!»

eat one’s cake and have it too

To use or spend something and still keep it; have both when you must choose one of two things. Often used in negative sentences.

Необходимость выбрать какой-либо из двух вариантов, часто используется в отрицательных предложениях.

Roger can’t make up his mind whether to go to college or get a job. You can’t eat your cake and have it too.

Mary wants to buy a beautiful dress she saw at the store, but she also wants to save her birthday money for camp. She wants to eat her cake and have it too.

«You cannot eat your cake and have it too«, said my boss when I told him I want to have more holidays and more responsibility at work.

«Один пирог два раза не съешь», сказал мой начальник, когда я рассказал ему, что хочу больше выходных и больше обязанностей на работе.

flat as a pancake

Very level; very flat; having no mountains or hills.

A great part of the American Midwest is as flat as a pancake.

have one’s cake and eat it too

To enjoy two opposite advantages.

You can either spend your money going to Europe or save it for a down payment on a house, but you can’t do both. That would be having your cake and eating it too.

icing on the cake

дословно: глазурь на торте
Что-то, что делает хорошую ситуацию или положение еще лучше.

I found a good job and the fact that I can work where I want is the icing on the cake.

Я нашел хорошую работу и то, что я могу работать там, где хочу, делает ситуацию еще лучше.

nutty as a fruitcake

Very crazy; entirely mad.

He looked all right, as we watched him approach, but when he began to talk, we saw that he was as nutty as a fruitcake.

But he wanted to show her that he was grateful, and the only mode that occurred to him was to offer Aaron a bit more cake.

Dolly sighed gently as she held out the cakes to Silas, who thanked her kindly and looked very close at them, absently, being accustomed to look so at everything he took into his hand—eyed all the while by the wondering bright orbs of the small Aaron, who had made an outwork of his mother’s chair, and was peeping round from behind it.

«Well, whativer the letters are, they’ve a good meaning; and it’s a stamp as has been in our house, Ben says, ever since he was a little un, and his mother used to put it on the cakes, and I’ve allays put it on too; for if there’s any good, we’ve need of it i’ this world.»

And George and Tom moved to a comfortable seat in the chimney-corner, while Aunte Chloe, after baking a goodly pile of cakes, took her baby on her lap, and began alternately filling its mouth and her own, and distributing to Mose and Pete, who seemed rather to prefer eating theirs as they rolled about on the floor under the table, tickling each other, and occasionally pulling the baby’s toes.

«You ‘ve hit it this time, Polly; you certainly have a gift for putting a good deal of both articles into your own and other people’s lives, which is lucky, as, we all have to eat that sort of cake, whether we like it or not,» observed Tom, so soberly that Polly opened her eyes, and Maud exclaimed, «I do believe he ‘s preaching.»

But in the well-made cake, the plums are wisely scattered all through, and every mouthful is a pleasure.

Now, Maud, bring on the citron;» and Polly began to put the cake together in what seemed a most careless and chaotic manner, while Tom and Maud watched with absorbing interest till it was safely in the oven.

Very likely, if the truth were known, there was somebody below who passed him up regular supplies of cake and cocoa.

The girl upstairs had broken his heart, ruined his life, and practically compared him to Roland Bean, and his pride should have built up an impassable wall between them, but—she had cake and cocoa.

It is probable that the spectacle which at that moment attracted all looks in that direction, would have made them forget completely the Rat-Hole, and the halt which they intended to make there, if big Eustache, six years of age, whom Mahiette was dragging along by the hand, had not abruptly recalled the object to them: «Mother,» said he, as though some instinct warned him that the Rat-Hole was behind him, «can I eat the cake now?»

If Eustache had been more adroit, that is to say, less greedy, he would have continued to wait, and would only have hazarded that simple question, «Mother, can I eat the cake, now?» on their return to the University, to Master Andry Musnier’s, Rue Madame la Valence, when he had the two arms of the Seine and the five bridges of the city between the Rat-Hole and the cake.

The last time I made a cake I forgot to put the flour in.

«Let me give you a bit of fruit cake and some of the cherry preserves.

She filled the cups, and sighed as she looked at the cake. «If Cecilia was here, how she would enjoy it!» With that complimentary tribute to her friend, she handed a slice to Alban.

Besides, he despised her cake. «I want to know why you object,» she said; taking back the neglected slice, and eating it herself.

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