I want to make a word cloud

  • Will I be charged to use the website?

    Our website is absolutely free and you can use it as many times as you want. There are no free trial uses, after which you will have to pay for using our services. We won’t charge you anything.

  • What does the line spacing option do?

    Line spacing allows you to select the spaces between your words in the word cloud. The more the number the larger is the gap between the words. It is recommended that if there are fewer words you use more line spacing to make the word cloud look better.

  • Can I skip some words that I don’t want in my word cloud?

    Yes, we provide you an option called Ignoring words, where you can ignore the words that you don’t want to get included in the word cloud.

  • Which Windows versions does make wordcloudmaker support?

    Our website is completely web-based and therefore provides cross-platform support. This means that our tool supports all versions of Windows. It not only works on Windows operating system, but can work on any other operating system, that supports a browser.

  • Does it support both Android and iOS platforms?

    Yes, our website works on browser, and therefore supports both iOS and Android platforms

  • Will I have to create an account to use wordcloudmaker?

    Our website does not require you to sign up or create an account. The platform is absolutely free and you can check as many files as you want.

  • Can I choose the colors for my wordle?

    Yes, Wordle maker provides you with 9 color options which you can choose depending on your need. You get various options like Autumn, Citrus, Breeze, with various color options, making it easier for you to customize your word cloud.

  • Is there a limit for words in word cloud maker?

    No, there is no limit for words in word cloud maker. You can enter as many words as you want on word cloud maker. Once you enter the words, you can select the color, line spacing, mode and shape of the output.

  • Will my files get uploaded?

    Our website does not send any files to server. You only have to select your file from your laptop/PC/mobile and the results will be displayed instantly.

  • Is it safe to use?

    Wordcloudmaker is 100% safe to use and does not save your files. No data is uploaded and hence all your files are safe with you. In case you refresh the browser, you will have to reupload the folders, for the process to take place since, files are not saved on our website.

  • What will the results display?

    Once you type in the words or select your file, Makewordcloud will process the file and generate the word cloud. You can enter as many words as you want on word cloud maker. Once you enter the words, you can select the color, line spacing, mode and shape of the output.

  • How long will it take to upload my file?

    Since our website does not upload any files, it will not take any time. You only have to select your file from your laptop/PC/mobile and the results will be displayed instantly.

  • I refreshed the browser by mistake. What do I do?

    Since our website does not use any servers, and does not store your data, the file that you have uploaded, will not be saved. You need to reupload the file to crop it.

  • Will my uploaded files be saved on the server?

    All processing is done on your browser, and no files are transferred to the server. Hence your files are 100% safe.

  • Can I download the output after generation?

    Yes, you can dowload the output after generating your word cloud. Just click on the download option on the top right corner of your screen, and the result will be downloaded.

  • In which file format will the output get downloaded?

    The output will be downloaded in PNG format, i.e., image format, which you can use in your designs, documents or to just share with friends.

  • Menu

    Make a word cloud


    Word cloud settings


    • sans-serif
    • serif
    • monospace
    • Daniel
    • Essays1743
    • Gentium
    • Gruenewald-VA
    • Isabella
    • Jura
    • Sniglet
    • Yiggivoo


    Number of colours


    For an unlimited number, set to 0.


    Place largest word at the centre


    • Portrait
    • Landscape

    Aspect ratio

    • Square (1:1)
    • 4:3
    • A4 (1.4142:1)
    • 3:2
    • 16:10
    • 5:3
    • 16:9
    • 2:1

    1.6 : 1

    Custom aspect ratio


    Width cannot be more than 10× height, & vice versa.

    Word clouds always scale to fit.


    Difference in sizes of words


    Create a new Word list

    Generating from a new source will not change your current word cloud settings.
    However, changes made to individual words will be lost because a new word list will be created.

    Total number of words


    0 were found in the original source.

    Minimum frequency


    Only display words found at least this often.
    The highest frequency is 0.

    0 match the filtering criteria.


    Set by filtering criteria. Set manually by you.


    Make a word cloud

    Original source

    Normal text

    Original text

    Copy and paste the text of your document or try an example.

    By default, the more frequently a word is found, the larger it becomes in the word cloud.

    For example, enter a table, or apply no filter if words do not repeat.

    No filter

    Original text

    Text is repeated in the word cloud as given. It is not counted, filtered or sorted.


    Table as text

    Copy and paste from a spreadsheet or manually enter your own.

    Separate columns with a tab, comma, colon or a space (see examples).

    Minimum number of letters in a word


    Filtered punctuation characters

    Each will be removed from the beginning or end of any word. Replace with default.

    Replace with a space

    Each character is replaced by a non-breaking space, keeping words together.

    About word clouds

    A word cloud is an image made of words that together resemble a cloudy shape.

    The size of a word shows how important it is e.g. how often it appears in a text — its frequency.

    People typically use word clouds to easily produce a summary of large documents (reports, speeches), to create art on a topic (gifts, displays) or to visualise data (tables, surveys).

    What’s a word cloud generator used for?

    Use Awario Word Cloud for:

    Searching for trends. Since the word cloud highlights the most popular keywords, you can use
    it for
    finding trending topics. The downside of the word cloud for this use case is that you’ll
    need to prepare and optimize your data beforehand. That’s why Awario also offers a dedicated
    instrument for getting trends from social media and the web — you can start
    your free trial to see
    it in action.

    Finding patterns in your data. Good examples of this use case are analyzing the
    surveys replies — be it the feedback from your clients or employees, the word
    cloud will highlight the most common feedback and will help you detect the main pain points.

    Identifying terms for SEO optimization. You can do it by analyzing the
    best-ranking articles for the terms that are used. Some word clouds will also help you see how often the
    most common terms are used.

    With Awario’s word cloud maker, you will get a word cloud that can be used for any of the
    cases outlined above. You can create a word cloud by using the free word cloud tool on this
    page or you can start your free trial to get access to data on social media and the

    How to set up a word cloud?

    1. First, get your text ready. Make sure you’re only pasting the part that you want to analyze,
      excluding all irrelevant data. For example, if you’re using the text from the HTML page,
      make sure you’re using plain text only, excluding all the HTML tags that you don’t want to be analyzed.
    2. Then, type in or paste your text into the text field at the top of this page
    3. Click on the ‘Generate word cloud’ button. You’ll see the word cloud with the
      most popular keywords in a bigger size and with a higher font-weight.
    4. You can modify your topic cloud by adjusting the fonts and the colors of the background, and
      the words.

    How does a word cloud work?

    The word cloud offers a list of unique words or phrases found in several sententces.
    Awario’s word cloud software highlights the isolated words as well as 2- and 3-word phrases.
    The word cloud displays only words and phrases used more than once. If all the words in your text
    are unique, the topic cloud won’t be generated.

    Can I make a custom-shaped word cloud?

    It’s not possible to create custom-shaped word clouds at the moment, but we plan on changing
    this in the upcoming versions of this tool.

    Can I edit the word cloud?

    Yes, you can modify the appearance of the interactive word cloud generator — the font and its
    color, as well as the background color.

    Is the word cloud available through your API?

    Awario offers the Insights method in its API that gives access to the
    word cloud. However, it differs from what you get with the free word cloud maker on this page.
    Instead of using your text or documents, the platform analyzes social media and the web to generate
    a word cloud automatically.

    You can start your free trial to test the Awario topic cloud.

    The Value of Our Free Word Cloud Generator

    Speak’s AI word cloud generator uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to reveal insights, help with writer’s block, be a root as an AI content generator and more. 

    Word clouds are a great way to highlight the most important words, topics and phrases in a text passage based on frequency and relevance. Generate word clouds from your text data to create an easily understood visual breakdown for deeper analysis. Use our free word cloud generator below! 

    Speak’s online tool demo is the best free word cloud generator that can serve as your word cloud maker, allowing you to get a word cloud online and be a great tool for brainstorming word clouds so that you can present meaningful visualizations.

    More than a free word cloud creator or a basic word cloud, Speak can generate clickable word clouds. Speak makes word cloud creation instant so you can make your own word cloud, word cloud art, tag cloud, Twitter word cloud generator or other variations of keyword cloud generators to drive value and understanding for stakeholders. You can even create a free wordle generator! The possibilities are endless with a word cloud creator free of risk and technical difficulties. 

    You can also check out how to transcribe a YouTube video to effortlessly bring valuable video content into Speak for transcription and analysis so that you can produce free word cloud generation.  

    What Is A Word Cloud?

    Word clouds, also known as tag clouds, are visual representations of text data. They are used to provide insight into the structure, content, and meaning of a text by displaying the most frequently used words in the text.

    What Data Is Good For Word Clouds?

    Drop your text, call transcripts, customer reviews, blog content, website copy and more and instantly see brands, locations, numbers, events, products and more visualized. With a Speak account, you can add custom keywords and phrases that will also appear in your visualizations! 

    What Is The Purpose Of A Word Cloud?

    This information can be useful for a variety of purposes, from market research to data analysis.

    Words clouds are often used to explore relationships between words and phrases, allowing users to quickly gain an understanding of the text. For example, word clouds can be used to compare the language used in different files, identify the most frequently used words in a particular text, or uncover the meaning of a text by displaying the words in a visually appealing way.

    The purpose of word clouds is to quickly convey information. By displaying the most frequently used words in a text, they can help to identify the main themes and topics of the text. This makes them a useful tool for market research, as they can help to identify the main topics that customers are interested in, as well as the language they use to talk about those topics.

    Word clouds can also be used to compare multiple texts, audio files, video files and other types of unstructured language data media. Comparing the words used in each text can help to identify the similarities and differences between them. This can be useful for data analysis, as it can help to identify patterns and trends in the data.

    Word clouds can also be used to help to get an understanding of the general sentiment of the text. For example, media full of negative words might imply a negative sentiment, while media with more positive words might imply a positive sentiment.

    Word clouds can also be a useful tool for search engine optimization. Displaying the most important words and recurring words used in media can give you ideas and help you optimize your content for search engines. 

    Who Uses Word Clouds?

    Word clouds are a popular tool for businesses of all sizes to visualize large amounts of data in a visually pleasing way. Word clouds are used by businesses to gain insights from customer feedback, surveys, and other sources of data. They are used to provide an overall picture of how customers feel about a product, service, or company.

    Word clouds are used by small and medium-sized businesses, marketing agencies, market research firms, organizations with 51 to 1,000 employees, marketers, qualitative researchers, customer experience managers, market researchers, product researchers, SEO specialists, business analysts, data scientists, academic researchers, business owners and more. 

    Small & Medium Sized Businesses

    Small and medium-sized businesses can use word clouds to gain insight into customer feedback and to get an overall picture of how customers feel about their product or service.

    Word clouds can help small businesses gain a better understanding of the customer’s needs and wants, as well as what they are looking for in terms of product or service offerings. This understanding can be used to create better marketing campaigns and to help the business better understand its customer base.

    Marketing Agencies

    Marketing agencies can use word clouds to help them create more targeted campaigns. By understanding the customer’s needs and wants, marketing agencies can create campaigns that are more likely to resonate with the customer. Word clouds can also help marketing agencies identify the most popular words and phrases associated with a business or product, which can help them create more effective campaigns.

    Market Research Firms

    Market research firms can use word clouds to gain insights into customer feedback and to get a better understanding of customer sentiment. By understanding the customer’s needs and wants, market research firms can create better surveys and polls to gain more accurate feedback. Word clouds can also help market research firms identify the most common words and phrases associated with a business or product, which can help them create more effective surveys and polls.

    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Word Clouds

    It is also worthwhile to explore the advantages and disadvantages of using word clouds to visualize data. We’ll look at why they are useful for business owners and professionals, and how they can be detrimental if not used correctly. After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of what word clouds can do and how to best use them for your business needs.

    Advantages of Word Clouds

    Easily Interpretable

    Word clouds make complex data more easily interpretable by transforming it into an eye-catching visual that can be understood by even those who aren’t familiar with interpreting data reports. This makes it easier for customers and business owners alike to identify trends within their data sets quickly and accurately.

    Quickly Identify Keywords

    By filtering out unnecessary words and displaying only the most common terms in a visually appealing manner, word clouds allow users to quickly identify keywords that are relevant to their search query or project objectives.

    Creates Aesthetic Visuals

    Word clouds are an aesthetically pleasing way to present data in a way that looks visually appealing without sacrificing accuracy or readability. This makes them great for presentations or online content that requires visual appeal for maximum impact on viewers.

    Affordable & Easy To Set Up

    Setting up a word cloud is relatively easy and affordable compared to other types of data visualization tools. Many online tools allow users to quickly set up word clouds with minimal effort required, making them ideal for those who don’t want to invest too much time or money into creating visuals from their data sets.

    Disadvantages of Word Clouds

    May Not Be Accurate Representation Of Data

    While word clouds do provide an aesthetically pleasing representation of selected terms within a given data set, they cannot accurately represent the full scope of the information contained within it due to their simplified nature – meaning that any conclusions drawn from these visuals should be taken with a grain of salt until confirmed by further analysis.

    Reduced Readability

    Since the sizes of words displayed in a word cloud are determined by frequency rather than grammar rules, it can be difficult for readers to parse out individual words without enough context surrounding them which can lead to difficulties in understanding what is being presented – particularly when trying to spot patterns within dense data sets with multiple terms involved.

    Not Customizable Enough For Complex Projects

    Although word clouds are great for quickly presenting basic information in an attractive visual format, they may not be detailed enough when working on more complex projects as there aren’t many options available when it comes to customization or formatting features offered with most available services or software programs – like changing colours/backgrounds/fonts etc., which could limit its effectiveness depending on the type project being worked on or result desired from the visualization process.

    What Is The Best Word Cloud Generator?

    We’ve got a little bias here at Speak AI that our software is the best word cloud generator, but to help guide you on our journey we’ve also created a list of the best word cloud generator software so your data visualization journey is as successful as possible! 

    Use Our Free Speak Word Cloud Generator Tool!

    Word clouds can offer businesses several advantages when used correctly including providing an easy-to-interpret visual representation of text-based data sets as well as identifying common keywords quickly and creating aesthetically pleasing visuals for presentations or online content purposes.

    However, there are several drawbacks that need to be considered before using this tool such as reduced accuracy due to oversimplification and limited customization options which could limit its effectiveness depending on the project’s requirements or desired outcome from the visualization process.

    As with any tool or technique used in business applications, understanding all potential advantages and disadvantages is key – so consider carefully before deciding if this tool is right for you and your business needs!

    Variety and novelty in English lessons encourage learners to be more engaged. On the contrary, monotonous tasks, no matter how useful they are, cause boredom. How to bring variety without too many changes in the process of learning vocabulary? Use word clouds.

     Word clouds are a graphical representation of words and words combinations. They can be used for:

    • vocabulary revision
    • presenting lexis
    • practicing new words
    • student’s projects.

    It is just a more visually appealing way to teach vocabulary. Instead of using lists, which students are probably fed up with, make clouds. You can utilize them for word searches, making monologues and dialogues, word games, writing tasks, etc.

    Here are some examples of the tasks.

    Task 1

    Make a story about a detective investigating a case using all the words and tell your partner  (the teacher).

    Word Art Edit WordArt.com Google Chrome 2019 04 16 19.48.32 Skyteach

    Task 2

    Work in pairs. Ask and answer five questions using the words.

    Task 3

    Give a definition of one of the words. Can your partner guess the word? Swap roles.

    There are some services for creating word clouds:

    Word Art


    Word clouds

    I personally prefer to use Word art because it’s possible to create clouds containing collocations. As we know teaching collocations is more effective for learners. Other services just break the word pairs into single words.

    Let’s see how to create word clouds using Word art. It’s quick and easy, no registration is required. So click ‘Create’ and make your cloud.

    Step 1

    Fill in the words or word combinations. You can type as many words as you need, even 30 or even 50. It’s possible to Capitalize letters, use the UPPER or lower case. Click ‘Options’ and opt for repetition of the words as you see in one of the pictures above or choose no repetition.

    Word Art Edit WordArt.com Google Chrome 2019 04 14 17.32.49 Skyteach

    Step 2

    Choose the shape of your cloud: animals, nature, people or some holidays themes. If you want to see the changes, click the red button ‘Visualize’.

    For example, this charming ladybird will definitely catch kids’ interest.

    Word Art Edit WordArt.com Google Chrome 2019 04 14 17.40.00 SkyteachStep 3

    Choose a font which you like. There are more than 50 fonts to select.

    Step 4

    Pick out a layout: horizontal, vertical, crossing words, dancing words, slopes and random. The layout will depend on the task and the learners. Teens prefer something less ordinal and more creative. For adults, I usually make more conservative things like a horizontal layout.

    Step 5

    Choose a style: colours of the words and the background. If you want to change a colour of the words, click ‘Words colours’ and ‘Custom’ and add more colours to the pallette.

    Word Art Edit WordArt.com Google Chrome 2019 04 14 19.45.35 Skyteach

    Step 6

    To apply all the changes, press ‘Print’ or ‘Download’ your cloud and enjoy it in your lessons.

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