I want to invent a word

After the success of «Petaloso» you too may be tempted to invent a new word. If you are a word game enthusiast, it shouldn’t be difficult; otherwise, you may find that leaving an imprint in the Italian lexicon is not at all easy or at least «complidatory» (complicated + intimidating). However, you will be surprised to learn that all it takes is a little inspiration and a lot of fun to create your word «intelligent» (intelligent + wonderful) in no time at all!

Part 1 of 2: Borrowing a Word

Create a Made Up Word Step 1

Create a Made Up Word Step 1

Step 1. Start with a compound term

If you first tried to come up with a word from scratch and didn’t have much luck, then you can evaluate a compound term. A compound word is a term that derives from the amalgamation of two or more distinct terms (for example, crossroads that derives from the words cross and away).

Write some of your favorite words on a piece of paper. Spend some time mixing and matching them. You will be amazed at how many magnificent results you can achieve

Create a Made Up Word Step 2

Create a Made Up Word Step 2

Step 2. Borrow foreign words

There are plenty of terms to choose from when you expand your search to foreign dictionaries. A linguistic loan is represented by a foreign word that becomes part of the native lexicon of another language. This type of words contributed to the development of the Italian language from the very beginning.

  • Buy or borrow a Spanish, English, French or German vocabulary. Underline the terms you like best and list them on a piece of paper. You will need to modify them slightly, as your intention is not to use them in their original form, but to create new words.
  • Rent a film in the original language. Do not use the subtitle function and try to listen to the actors. Have a pen and paper handy to note how the words are pronounced.

Create a Made Up Word Step 3

Create a Made Up Word Step 3

Step 3. Turn a noun into a verb

The multinational «Google» has practically transformed its name into a verb (it is not uncommon to hear «I googlo this name» instead of «I’m looking for this name with Google», even if it is incorrect). There will be no shortage of nouns and adjectives that you can re-propose in the form of verbs, all you need is a little imagination.

To start, look at the household objects around you and try to use their name in a sentence as if it were a verb. Don’t expect each of these new verbs to be a success, but over time you will find a neologism you like

Create a Made Up Word Step 4

Create a Made Up Word Step 4

Step 4. Take suggestions from a young child

Inspiration for new terms often lurks in unexpected places. One of them could be your family. Young children, who are learning to speak, often do not pronounce the words correctly on the first try. They unwittingly invent new terms as they embark on their path in the Italian language.

  • Ask a child what their favorite word is. If he can write it, ask him to do it. If not, do your best to understand the spelling as you say it.
  • Listen to your child’s bark. You will be amazed at the number of words it can suggest to you in no time.

Part 2 of 2: Invent your own Word

Create a Made Up Word Step 5

Create a Made Up Word Step 5

Step 1. Understand the term creation mechanism

In this way, you will have the basics to «build» your word. There are several ways to proceed; although the terms are often invented from scratch, in other cases they are formed by imitating sounds. Likewise, there are many other words, often in common use, which have arisen from an incorrect perception of sound.

  • The next time you can’t understand exactly what a person is saying, turn a potentially awkward situation into an opportunity to create a new word.
  • Find inspiration at home. Hear the typical sounds of a family. You might be surprised at how many new terms you can come up with by simply turning off the TV and listening to your surroundings.
  • Open the window and let outside noises enter. This too is an endless source of inspiration.

Create a Made Up Word Step 6

Create a Made Up Word Step 6

Step 2. Hyphenate two words to form a sentence

You will need to do some spelling changes at first, but try to think of a sentence that you can blend into one word.

Write some of your favorite phrases consisting of two or even three words. See if you can turn them into a single word that makes sense

Create a Made Up Word Step 7

Create a Made Up Word Step 7

Step 3. Have fun while you think and let the ideas flow

The most important thing in the process of creating a new word is the fun! Don’t take yourself too seriously. If you discover a really cool new word, share it with your friends, family and use it cheerfully.

  • Let the word spread, try to use it in a sentence, but be consistent.
  • The new word will need a definition, so prepare one in case other people ask you for details. This will help them use the term appropriately.


  • When you’ve created a word, don’t use it too clumsily. Only say it when it makes sense and explain its meaning if someone asks you. If you use it a lot in the right context, you will notice that your friends will start doing it too!
  • Use your imagination.
  • By inventing many nicknames you can create your own dictionary of invented words. You never know, over time one of your terms may appear on an official list.
  • Try to post the word on dictionary websites. It could be successful.
  • Read Il Ciciarampa to find some inspiration. It is a poem composed of invented words, the sound of which makes us understand the meaning.
  • An alternative technique is to mix the various syllables according to their sound.
  • If you wish, you can post your made up words on a discussion forum so that everyone can read them.
  • Make sure the word sounds natural in Italian.


  • Don’t worry if you skip or skip steps, the goal is just to have fun.
  • Most academic dictionaries regard words as neologisms until they are used by a large number of people for a certain period of time. Do not use invented words in contexts where they are not accepted.

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I Want to Invent a New Word
December 27, 2009 1:40 PM   Subscribe

OK Hive mind, here is something that has been inexplicably on my nerves for years. I want to come up with a new word, one that describes the act of completing a crossword puzzle by basically acing the thing, going through all the across clues in one shot, zip zap boom, and dropping the smoking remains of your pen on the table as you go and celebrate your inner dorkdom.

The only things that pop into my head are «Murphy», and «Kissmyfreakinaasswilshortz». Your suggestions, objections, and insults are appreciated. Anyway….if anyone knows a 13 letter word for…oh nevermind.

Bonus: Five bucks says we can get it into a dictionary in the next ten years.


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It might depend on the context, but Jelly Sunday sounds most natural to me

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Что значит I want to invent a word with the word "Jelly" and a day... 
Jelly Sunday or Jelly-like Sunday or Jellish sunday 
Which one is correct to you??

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    It can be positive, just depends on how you use it.

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    @u-1 , I would say “the day after that,” (meaning “the day after Tuesday “)

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    You could say ‘two days ago.’

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    @Joao054 You can use “last yesterday” BUT it is a slang. You can just use “The day before yesterday” to be sure.

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Can I just string a couple letters together, slap on a meaning and call it a word? Or is their a process it has to go through to be considered a word?

For all practical intents and purposes, yes you can — if the amount of people who’ll be considering it a «word» is limited to just one (that is, you). If you make a word out of existing morphemes, that just haven’t been arranged like so merely due to chance, but whose meaning is inferrable by natives, that’s clearly permissible — and happens somewhat ‘frequently’ in scientific circles when new terminology is coined or introduced.

Do all new words need to be traced back to an existing word?

This is, in essence, untenable — we know that there was a time before human language, and as such no word can truly be traced back to an infinite tree of descent. Now, more realistically what you’re asking: no, words can be coined all the time.

If your coinage merely looks like a word, but has no inferrable meaning (such as ‘stralts’ in English), it is highly unlikely it will catch on.

Words do exist outside of dictionaries — but to get into them, they have to exist and be in use.

I’m thinking about a describing word that doesn’t exist, and I’m wondering if this is an opportunity to invent a new word

I’m really big on writing, and there’s a certain trope (for a lack of a better word) character that I come across a lot, that I find to be really interesting.

It’s basically a grotesque, despicable, degenerate, or otherwise undesirable character(s) that is venerated externally by society.

I’m not very good at describing it, indeed, if someone could help me put it in better words, that’d be great.

Let me list a few examples

The Clone Troopers from Star Wars: Clones of a violent, aggressive bounty hunter who murdered and assassinated plenty of people, but are given shiny, white armour and revered as the protectors of the Galactic Republic

Various enemies from the God of War franchise: Too many to count. The Centaurs that are wearing a General’s uniform, the zombies that are decorated in gold armor and protect Olympus from Kratos, and so on.

Bell Gargoyles from Dark Souls: Similiar to the above. The Gargoyles are revolting, repulsive, reptilian creatures, but they’re decorated in ornamental armour.

The Career Tributes from the Hunger Games: Mentally unstable teenagers that have a penchant for violently butchering other teenagers, but are treated as rockstar youth by the Capitol.

Harold from Fallout 3: A disgusting mutant, constantly in pain, who is permanently fused with a tree growing from his skull, but is worshipped as a Godly figure by a group of environmental cultists. Thanks to u/PerrinBelli for suggesting this.

I’m sure there are more examples I could think of, and maybe some more examples that other people know of.

As for what the word itself would be, probably just someone’s name.

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