I not understand this sentence what this word meaning


1. At first I didn’t like my job, but ___ to enjoy it now.

A) I’m beginning

(Now — Present Continuous)

2. I don’t understand this sentence. What ___ ?

B) does this word mean

(При вопросе нужен вспомогательный глагол do/does)

3. Robert ___ away two or three times a year.

C) usually goes

(Обычно -Present Simple, наречие частотности после подлежащего)

4. How ___ now? Better then before?

A) are you feeling

(Сейчас — Present Continuous)

5. It was a boring weekend. _____ anything.

C) I didn’t do

(was-Past Simple, при отрицании вспомогательный глагол did)

6. Matt ____ while we were having dinner.

A) phoned

(Past Simple, однократное действие на фоне длительного)

Английский язык,

вопрос задал bakhavdunovaelvina,

8 месяцев назад

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Ширина стола 10 дм, а длина на 20 см больше найди площадь трёх таких столов ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОШУ ДАМ 10 БАЛОВ​…

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Помогите пожалуйста срочно нужно сдать очень!!!!​

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с вишней сняли два ведра ягод по 6 кг в каждом чтобы сварить варенье вишни разложили в мешки по 4 килограмма в каждую сколько понадобилось мисок…

I don’t understand this sentence. What does this word/ mean)? перевод - I don’t understand this sentence. What does this word/ mean)? русский как сказать

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I don’t understand this sentence. What does this word/ mean)?


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


I don’t understand this sentence. What does this word/ mean)?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Я не понимаю, это предложение. Что значит это слово)?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


я не понимаю эту фразу.что означает это слово / означает)?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Câu hỏi

Lê Thị Mỹ Duyên

I ( not understand ) ………. this sentence. What this word ( mean ) ………… ?

Linh Cao

Supply the correct tense orange form OF the verbs in brackets:

1. Mr Hoang can (drive) …….. but he doesn’t have a car. 

2.My father always ( come ) ……. home late. He ( finish ) …… work at 5 o’clock.

3. I ( not understand)……….this sentences. What this word ……. (mean)?

4. I ‘m thirsty. What about (have) …… a glass of orange juice ?

Xem chi tiết

Cửu vĩ linh hồ Kurama

Cho dạng hoặc thì đúng của động từ:

1.I (not understand)……………… this sentence.What this word (mean)………..?

2.I’m thirsty.What about (have)……………..a glass of orange juice?

Giup vs!Can gap!

Xem chi tiết

phúc hồng

Ex 1. Find out the mistake and correct it1. The Browns goes to the seaside every summer. _______________2. I doesn’t understand the word “peacock”. What do this word mean? ___________3. British people drinks a lot of tea. _______________4. To start the programme, first you clicks on the icon on the desktop. __________5. My train leave at 09.30, so I need to be at the station by 9. _______________6. Does your grandparents arrives on Monday? _______________7. What time do the film begins this even…

Đọc tiếp

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pham hong diep

cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc:

1. NO house on this street (be) older than this house.

2. Where is your brother, Mai? He do his homework in his room.

3. the sky is very dark. I think it (rain).

4.I donot know this sentence. What this word (mean)?

Xem chi tiết

Min Yoongi

Put the verb into the correct form.

— What time ….. (the banks/ close) hear?

-Ive got a computer, but I ….. (not/use) it much.

-Where ….. (Martin/ come) from? Hes Scottish

— What ….. (you/ do)? Im an electrician

— It ….. (take) me an hour to get to work. How long ….. (it/ take) you?

— Look at this sentences. What ….. (this word/ mean)?

— David isnt very fit. He ….. (not/ do) any sport.

Đọc tiếp

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Hoàng Mạnh Quân

Put the verbs in correct tenses

1. There (not be) any stores on our street

2. You (wait) for your teacher?

3. She (not travel) to the hopital by bus but she (drive)

4. What the farmer (do)?

5. We (play) soccer in the yard now

6. Tuan and his brother (not watch) TV at the moment. They (be) sleep

7. My father always (come) home late. He (finish) work at 5 oclock

8. I (not understand) this sentence. What this word (mean)?

9. Be quiet! The baby (sleep)

10. I dont want (cook) tonight. Lets…

Đọc tiếp

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Lê Thanh Huyền

1. Tuấn and his brother ( not watch ) ………… TV at the moment . Thêy ( bé ) …… asleep .

2. My father always ( come )…………. home late . He ( finish ) ……. work at 5 oclock .

3. I ( not understand ) ………. this sentense . What this work ( mean ) ………… ?

4. Right now I ( look ) …….. around the classroom . Minh ( write ) …… in his book .

5. Liens friend (have ) ……. a new bike but he ( not like ) ….. it very much .

6. Where your ( do ) …… now ? -…

Đọc tiếp

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Nguyễn Gia Huy

I.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành những câu sau.

1.Duy and his brother ( not watch)_____________TV at the moment.They (be)_______asleep.

2.My father always (come)__________home late.He (finish)________work at 5 oclock.

3.I(not understand)______________this sentence.What this word (mean)___________?

4.Right now I (look)___________________ classroom.Minh ( write)__________in her room.

5.Hoas friend ( have) ____________a new bike but he ( not like)________ it very much.

Đọc tiếp

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Phan Hồ Mỹ Duyên

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Write yor answer in the Answer Sheet.

1.Are there any rooms in this hotel larger than this? (THE)

Is this ……………………………………………………………………………

2. Reading books is my favorite activity. (INTERESTED)

Im ……………………..

Đọc tiếp

Xem chi tiết

Your error is in assuming that «given that» is a constituent, whereas the two words are part of a larger constituent:

Investors are grateful that the attorney general has stepped in to pursue inquiries into the misfeasance in the financial markets, given [that the regulators officially charged with policing the industry have been diffident].

The sequence in bold is a preposition phrase headed by the prep «given», which has the bracketed that— clause as its complement, so you have a subordinate clause embedded within a preposition phrase.

The subordinate clause is introduced by the subordinator «that», and has «the regulators officially charged with policing the industry» as subject, and the verb phase «have been difficult» as predicate.

The whole PP functions as a supplementary adjunct whose meaning can be roughly paraphrased as «considering / in view of / the fact that the regulators …»

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