I m a 5 letter word if all the 5 letters

Home » Riddles » I Am A 5 Letter Word And People Eat Me Riddle Answer


I Am A 5 Letter Word And People Eat Me Riddle: If you’re struggling to find the answer to ‘I Am A 5 Letter Word And People Eat Me Riddle – don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In the past few years, riddles have become the go-to activity for many who want to keep their brains active. Let’s take a look at how you can solve the I Am A 5 Letter Word riddle, including the answer and explanation.

I Am A 5 Letter Word And People Eat Me Riddle

The riddle reads:

I am a word of 5 letters and people eat me. If you remove the first letter I become a form of energy. Remove the first two and I’m needed to live. Scramble the last 3 and you can drink me. What am I?

I Am A 5 Letter Word And People Eat Me Riddle Answer

The answer to this I Am A 5 Letter Word And People Eat Me Riddle is WHEAT

I Am A 5 Letter Word And People Eat Me Riddle Explanation

As now we already know that Wheat is the correct answer for this riddle so now let me provide the explanation for the solution. Here If you remove my 1st letter i will be a form of energy. So when we remove the first letter we get HEAT.

Now the riddle says Remove the first two and I’m needed to live. So EAT is the word that we get after removing the 1st and the 2nd letter.

Finally, the riddle reads, Scramble the last 3 and you can drink me. So it’s TEA.

Therefore, I Am A 5 Letter Word And People Eat Me Riddle Answer is WHEAT.

I Am A Five Letter Word If You Remove All My Letters Expect The First I Sound The Same What Am I Riddles To Solve

Solving I Am A Five Letter Word If You Remove All My Letters Expect The First I Sound The Same What Am I Riddles

Here we’ve provide a compiled a list of the best i am a five letter word if you remove all my letters expect the first i sound the same what am i puzzles and riddles to solve we could find.

Our team works hard to help you piece fun ideas together to develop riddles based on different topics. Whether it’s a class activity for school, event, scavenger hunt, puzzle assignment, your personal project or just fun in general our database serve as a tool to help you get started.

Here’s a list of related tags to browse: Word Riddles Letter Riddles 5th Grade Riddles Letter Riddles Word Riddles Word Riddles Mind Tricks English Riddles 5th Grade Riddles

The results compiled are acquired by taking your search «i am a five letter word if you remove all my letters expect the first i sound the same what am i» and breaking it down to search through our database for relevant content.

Browse the list below:

Remove My Letters Riddle


Queue, Q

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What Is A Word Made Up Of 4 Letters Riddle


The word ‘what’ has 4 letters in it, ‘yet’ has three, ‘sometimes’ has 9, ‘then’ has 4, ‘rarely’ has 6, and ‘never’ has 5.

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Remove Six Letters Riddle


The familiar English word that remains is BANANA after removing the phrase SIX LETTERS.

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Words And Letters Riddle


What, Still, Occasionally, Later, Never, Happily

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A Solitary Word 5 Letters Long Riddle

Hint: Reread the first line.


Behead me and I am Lone.

Behead me again and I am One.

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Consecutive Double Letters Riddle

Hint: Someone who keeps record of financial transactions.


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What Seven Letter Word

Hint: This word is heavy.


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Two Letters


Eye (‘e’ and ‘y’ are the only letters).

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The 6 Letter Word Riddle


Prince + ss = princess

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The 9 Lettered Word


‘Startling’ is the word. Begin by removing ‘l’, which makes it ‘starting’, then take away the ‘t’, making it ‘staring’, and so on — string; sting; sing; sin; in; and, I.

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How Many Letters In The Alphabet Riddle


There are 11 letters in «THE ALPHABET.»

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Sentence With All Letters


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

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13 Letter Words

Hint: _H_T_ _ _I_ _ME_

Chathuringmes (It is a technical word for worms)

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9 Letters Riddle


Startling — starting — staring — string — sting — sing — sin — in — I.

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What Has Four Letters, Sometimes Nine, But Never Has Five Letters


What has 4 letters.

Sometimes has 9 letters.

Never has 5 letters.

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Add Your Riddle Here

Have some tricky riddles of your own? Leave them below for our users to try and solve.

Solve this riddle

I am a word of five letters!
People eat me!
If u remove my first letter i will be a form of energy!
If u remove my first 2 letters i will be needed 4 living.
If u remove my first 3 letters i will be a preposition
If u remove my first 4 letters i will be a drink 4 u.
Answer if u r mastermind!

Tried enough already?

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X is impossible 4 GOD


I am a word of five letters!

People eat me!

If you remove my 1 letter I will be a form of energy!

If you remove my first 2 letters I will be needed for living.

If you remove my first 3 letters I will be a preposition.

If you remove my first 4 letters I will be a drink for you.

Who am I?

asked Jun 1, 2018 at 16:38

Learner11's user avatar




Are you


If you remove my 1 letter I will be a form of energy!


If you remove my first 2 letters I will be needed for living.


If you remove my first 3 letters I will be a preposition.


If you remove my first 4 letters I will be a drink for you.


answered Jun 1, 2018 at 16:42

hagfy's user avatar


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Start your day solving this fun ruse of a riddle! Do you know the answer? Test your skills figuring this one out… I’m a Five Letter Word If You Remove One, Only Two Letters Remain.

Five Letter Word Riddle:


Page Page 1 of 3

I am a 5 letter word


I am a 5 Letter Word


👉 I am a 5 letter word.
👉 I am normally below u
👉 If u remove my 1st letter
👉 u’ll find me above u
👉 If u remove my 1st & 2nd letters 👉 u cant see me

👉Answer is really very interesting
Let us see who solves this…….


>> Another version of this riddle <<

I am a 5 letter word.
If my 1st letter is removed I come above you.
If my 1st 2 letters are removed I am still around you.
I am basically used for your comfort.
What am I?

Click here for Answer


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