I leave from the unnecessary word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Therefore, it is recommended to leave out unnecessary information in the transport document.

Поэтому рекомендуется не включать в транспортный документ ненужную информацию.

Leave out unnecessary words to communicate the meaning of the topic.

OnePlus has once again made the decision to leave out unnecessary extras, like endless camera modes, dual-speakers and 4K capability to bring you a great phone that does everything you’d want it to, without it costing you an arm and a leg.

OnePlus еще раз принял решение исключить ненужные дополнения, такие как бесконечные режимы камеры, двойные динамики и возможность 4K, чтобы предоставить вам отличный телефон, который делает все, что вы захотите, без больших затрат.

Другие результаты

That is why it states or discusses or cites a thing only to the extent relevant to its aims and objects, and leaves out unnecessary and irrelevant details and turns over to its central theme, and to its invitation round which every other topic revolves.

Вот почему Коран утверждает, рассматривает или цитирует что-либо только в том объеме, который соответствует его целям и намерениям, и оставляет в стороне ненужные и не имеющие отношения к делу подробности, снова и снова возвращаясь к своей Основной Теме, вокруг которой вращаются все остальные вопросы.

Use telegraphic speech and leave out any unnecessary words from the topic of conversation.

используйте телеграфную речь — опускайте ненужные слова для передачи смысла темы.

Leave out all the unnecessary details and just get to the point.

Leave out personal details and unnecessary information.

Such requirements leave out extraneous information and unnecessary detail.

Words in my head is like music and rhythm and just like in music I attempt to leave out the unnecessary tones.

Слова в моей голове подобны музыке и ритму, поэтому, как и в музыке, я пытаюсь избавиться от всего лишнего.

Leave out any unnecessary search words.

Cut out unnecessary social commitments, and let the housework slide.

Отмените ненужные социальные обязательства, и пусть домашняя работа немного подождет.

Disk devices pull out unnecessary growth on the body by means of disks, which during rotation constantly approach and diverge.

Дисковые приборы выдёргивают ненужную поросль на теле посредством дисков, которые при вращении постоянно сближаются и расходятся.

One need not ignore reality — just put in extra effort to prune out unnecessary grouping.

Не нужно игнорировать реальность — просто положить в дополнительных усилий, чтобы обрезать ненужные группировки.

Again faced with the time savings, as the service itself weeds out unnecessary information.

Опять же сталкиваемся с экономией времени, поскольку сервис сам отсеивает лишнюю информацию.

To escape such situation the British Ministry of Defense made a decision to sell out unnecessary property.

Чтобы не допустить этого, британское Министерство обороны приняло решение распродать ненужное имущество.

There is a filtering system on the site that allows us to filter out unnecessary markets and focus on what is really needed.

На сайте существует система фильтрации, позволяющая отсеять ненужные рынки и сосредоточиться на том, что действительно нужно.

You can train yourself to block out unnecessary impressions with the help of mindfulness training.

Вы можете научиться блокировать ненужные впечатления с помощью тренировки концентрации.

No need to carry out unnecessary experiments with their own health pregnant women and those who have discovered a malignant tumor.

Не нужно проводить лишних экспериментов с собственным здоровьем беременным женщинам, а также тем, у кого обнаружены злокачественные опухоли.

Mobile and responsive design frameworks by their very nature filter out unnecessary user interface components.

Мобильные и отзывчивые фреймворки естественным путем отфильтровали ненужные компоненты пользовательского интерфейса.

Cut out unnecessary expenses where and when you can.

Расходы режут, где можно и где нельзя.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1509. Точных совпадений: 3. Затраченное время: 625 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


03 Май, 18


(24.2k баллов)

Лучший ответ

If you —- leave work early tonight,we can go shopping

После if will почти никогда не употребляется 

оставил комментарий

03 Май, 18


(93 баллов)

A как это делать

Unless he not calls, we’ll go to his office

оставил комментарий

03 Май, 18


(24.2k баллов)

unless = if not. If not? he not? calls… oups >>> Unless he calls, we’ll go to his office.

Правильный ответ

If you —- leave work early tonight,we can go shopping

После if will почти никогда не употребляется 


03 Май, 18


A как это делать

Unless he not calls, we’ll go to his office

оставил комментарий


03 Май, 18


unless = if not. If not? he not? calls… oups >>> Unless he calls, we’ll go to his office.

оставил комментарий


03 Май, 18

«is», «isn’t» (отрицательная форма) пишется после слов «She», «He», «It».
«are», «aren’t» пишется после слов «We», «They», «You».

Great expectations— Hey, shut up! — there was a terrible cry, and among the graves, near the porch, suddenly a grown man. — Don’t yell, you little devil, or I’ll cut your throat!Scary man in a rough gray clothes, with a heavy chain on his leg! Man without a hat, broken shoes, the head is wrapped with some cloth. The man who, as can be seen, the IOC in water and crawling through the mud, knocked down and hurt his feet on the rocks, which were burning nettle, and plucked off the thorns! He was limping and shaking, staring eyes and gasped suddenly, loudly chattering teeth, grabbed me by the chin.— Oh, don’t cut me, sir! in horror I pleaded. — Please, sir, don’t!— What’s your name? — asked the man. — Well, now!— PIP, sir.How, how? — asked the man, drilling me with her eyes. — Say that again.— PIP. PIP, sir.— Where do you live? — asked the man. — Show me!I pointed to where on a flat coastal lowlands, a good mile from the Church, nestled in alder and winds our village.After looking at me for a moment, the man turned me upside down and emptied my pockets. They had nothing, except for a piece of bread. When the Church was in place, and he was so agile and strong that once tipped it upside down, so the bell ended up at my feet, — and so, when the Church was in place, it turned out that I was sitting on a high tombstone, and he eats my bread.
Wow, puppy, ‘ said the man, licking his lips. — Wow, what fat cheeks!It is possible that they were really thick, although I at that time was small for his age and did not differ good addition.— As if I ate them, ‘ said the man furiously shook his head, — and may the hell, I’m for real and eat it.I very seriously asked him not to do this and tightened his grasp on the tombstone on which he put me, — partly in order not to fall, partly in order to hold back the tears.— Hey you, ‘ said the man. — Where’s your mother?— Here, sir, ‘ I said.He winced and rushed past, then stopped, looked over his shoulder.— Here, sir, ‘ I explained timidly. — «Also Georgiana». This is my mother.— Ah, — he said, returning. — And this, next to your mother, your father?— Yes, sir, ‘ I said. — It is also here: «a Resident of this parish.»»So,» he said and paused. — Who do you live with, or rather, with whom he lived, because I still haven’t decided to let you live or not.— With my sister, sir. Mrs. Joe Gargery. She was the wife of the blacksmith, sir.Blacksmith, you say? — he asked. And looked at his leg.He transferred the frown with his feet on me and back, then came close to me, grabbed him by the shoulders and threw back as he could then, so that his eyes searchingly looked down at me and my confused looked up at him.— Now listen, — he said, — and remember that I haven’t decided to let you live or not. What file, you know?— Yes, sir.What is a grub, you know?— Yes, sir.After each question he lightly shook me, so that I felt the danger facing me and his complete helplessness.— I’ll get the file. — It jolted me. And going to get some grub. — He again shook me. And bring it here. — He again shook me. — I will rip out your heart with the liver. — He again shook me.

Summer don’t ride skates.
Summer don’t ride on skis
Summer ride on roller skate
Summer swim in the river.
Winter don’t swim in the river
Winter don’t ride roller skate

1. I don’t feel like cooking tonight. Why not have a takeaway?

2. It is silly of them to waste a lot of time on the project. It is sure to fail no matter what they do.

3. Mona’s eyes were puffy. She appeared to have been crying.

4. They recommend reading a book before watching the film.

5. I used to ride a lot, but I haven’t had a chance to do any since I came here.

6. I am having my car washed now. I haven’t washed it for ages.

7. Oh, I don’t fit into my favourite jeans any more! I seem to have gained weight. I guess I’d better go on a diet again.

8. When you are eighteen, you are supposed to take responsibility for yourself.

9. Do you think you will be likely to come across Judith while you are in Oxford?

10. Peter suggested going for a stroll in the park, but Ann refused to go saying she’d better go for a drive instead.

11. No other play has such excellent write-ups. It is certain to be awarded the first prize.

12. He heard the clock striking six and knew that it was about time he left.

13. Bert smelled something burning. The smell seemed to be coming from the kitchen. When he ran into the kitchen, he saw fire coming out of the oven and panicked.

14. I don’t mind flying, but I’d rather we took a train.

15. Have you ever consideredselling your old car?

— Yes, I’ve thought of selling it but I can’t afford buying a new one.

— I have decided to buy a motorbike. Why don’t you get one too?

— Oh, no. Riding a motorbike is dangerous. I can’t help feeling scared every time I’m on a motorbike.

— That’s only in the beginning. When you get used to riding it, you will find it exciting.

16. No one can make Ted speak in public. At the last staff meeting he refused to read his own report and had me read it for him.

17. The coach didn’t let anyone watch the team practicing before the championship game.

1) friendly
2) drought
3) pollution
4) quickly
5) palace
6) deer
7) screamed
8) wild
9) crowded
10) mean

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