I have two sisters and a brother what does this word

поставьте общие вопросы к данным предложением и дайте ответы на вопросы.
1)l have two sisters.
2)The students are in the library.
3)My friends will go to the cinema tomorrow.
4)My brother went home two hours ago.

Светило науки — 359 ответов — 6998 раз оказано помощи

1) Do you have two sisters?
2) Are the students in the library?
3) Will my friends go to the cinema tomorrow?
4) Did my brother go home two hours ago?
А ответы на данные вопросы — и есть те самые предложения, которые записаны в задании.

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О себеПозвольте мне представить себя. Меня зовут Эндрю Мэзон. Я родился в Кардиффе, но теперь я живу в Лондоне.Я родом из большой семьи. Мой отец — фермер, а моя мать — домохозяйка. У нее много работы, связанной с домом, и она так же занята своей работой, как и мой отец. Каждое лето я иду к родителям и родственникам. У меня есть два брата и сестра. У моего старшего брата двадцать восемь.

Он женат и имеет дочь Энн. Ей шесть лет, и она собирается в этом году. Мой брат — адвокат, а его жена — докторан. Имя моего младшего брата — Дэвид. Ему всего восемнадцать лет, и он в первый год учебы в университете. Моя сестра самая младшая в семье, ей четырнадцать лет. Она в школе.Я преподаватель и работаю в Лондонском университете. Мне очень нравится моя работа, потому что это очень интересно. Я преподаю литературу и стараюсь, чтобы мои ученики поняли и понравились.

Put in both / either / neither.

1. Ann has two sisters and a brother. ……………….. sisters are married.

2. These were two pictures on the wall. I didn’t like …………….. of them.

3. It was a very good tennis match. …………..……. players played well.

4. It wasn’t a good tennis match. ……………..……. player played well.

5. “Is your friend Canadian or American? “…………….… she’s Australian.”

6. We went away for two days. But the weather wasn’t very good. It rained ………. days.

7. “I bought two newspapers. Which one do you want? “ ……………… . It doesn’t matter which


8. I invited Jack and Linda to my party, but …………………. of them came.

9. “Do you go to work by car or by bus? “….I always walk. ”

10. “Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one? “I don’t like ……………… of them. ”

11. “Do you work or are you a student?” “……………….. .I have a job, but I study too.”

12. Ann and I didn’t know the time because ……………..….. of us had a watch.

0 рейтинг

1) I have two…sisters.My … sister are …students.

2)we are at… home.

3)My brother is at..work.She is …doktor.

4)My…brother is not at … home,he is at …school.

5)I am not.. doctor.

  • brother
  • sisters
  • sister
  • students
  • doktor
  • school
  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык


в разделе Английский язык

Всего ответов: 2

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Правильный ответ

1) I have two sisters. My sisters are students.

2) We are at home.

3) My brother is at work. She is a doctor.

4) My brother isn’t at home, he is at school.

5) I am not a doctor.


0 рейтинг

1) I have two sisters.My sisters  are students.

2)we are at home.

3)My brother is at  work.She is a doctor.

4)My brother is not at  home,he is at  school.

5)I am not a doctor.


Опубликовано 12.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Поставьте слова в скобках в нужную форму.
I have a brother and a sister. They are both__(old) than me and that why they feel superior. We get on quite well but sometimes they think that i__(be) boring and annoying. It happens when mum tells__(they) to look after me instead of hanging our with their friends. Sometimes they say that they are busy. Just like now- my sister is pretending that she__(do) her lessons, but I now it isnt true. She__(do) them already. She wants to go out but she__(not know) how to escape the house. Im going to offer her a deal; if she allows me to play on her computer, I__(tell) mum that I want to go to bed earlier, so shell be able to go whatever she wants. Whatever they, Im sure that my brother and sister love me. It was my birthday last week and they__(take) me to the circus. They also gave me a large teddy bear. They put the bear at the foot of my bed when I__(sleep). It was the first thing I saw when I woke up in the morning.

Ответ оставил Гость

Older, am, them, she is doing, she has done, doesnt know, will tell, took, was sleeping

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