I hate one word answers

level 1

My favorite is when they come up to you and just scream what they want


«um… hi… aisle 22…»

level 2

· 4 yr. ago · edited 4 yr. ago

Speed Is Life 😊

When I’m in a bad mood, this might happen:

  • «Salt!»

  • I look at the guest in pretend confusion. I take a few seconds to make the situation awkward. I might give a nod to tell them I understand they’re making some sort of attempt to speak English. I respond only with «Okay» to acknowledge they know at least one English word.

  • «Where is the salt?» (Oh my god, by this time they almost always say a full sentence! It’s amazing how quickly they learn.)

  • «Salt is in aisle [letter/number].»

It’s my way of trying to communicate they’re disrespecting me, but I think most people are too stupid to understand. A minority of people seem to get embarrassed because they catch on that they were being disrespectful.

Alternatively, asking «What about salt?» can be fun.

level 2

Some crackhead came up to me and my coworker while we were stocking and literally screamed «NUTNEG». My coworker had no idea what she said and I replied «nutmeg?» and she stared at me for a solid 5 seconds and said «YEAH NUTNEG THAT’S WHAT I SAID».

level 1

I have gotten to the point where I don’t mind those kinds of answers, when its not yelled at me. I deal with dozens of people every hour. I am not happy about most of them. The short and direct moments just shorten the time I have to deal with you.

I still have to stifle the urge to shot back at them when they shoat at me.



level 2

Back in the midst of Q4 my favorite way to answer the phone was “Target electronics, yes we are sold out of AirPods. What may we do for you?” That made answering the phone so smooth.. also happy cake day my electronics comrade!

level 1

I guess I’m an asshole or anti social but I love when guest are like this. I rather have someone one word me and say “Automotive “ instead of someone say “hi, yes my sister just moved to Florida and she needs new dishes but she doesn’t know what color she wants so I’m lookin for her just to give her some idea but while I’m here I realized I need light bulbs so anyways where’s the lightbulbs?”(a lady actually said this to me yesterday )

Someone gives me a one word reply I tell them where it’s at, they say thank you and we both moved on with our lives taking no more than 5 seconds.

level 2

I can understand liking efficiency, but if I’m gonna spend 8 hours here helping guests I’d like them to at least use full sentences. I do agree with you, however, that I don’t care for their whole life story leading up to this very moment when they are in dire need of a phone case.

level 1

«Can I help you find anything?


like damn ok what about it bitch

level 2

My favorite is when I tell them where the bread is and they say something like last week it was on w10! And I just have to be like ok, even though it hasn’t been there since 2010 because I personally moved the aisle!

level 2

Mine goes more like

«Can I help you find anything?»


«What are you looking for?»

guest waves me off and says they’re all set 🤔

level 1

Guest: standing awkwardly at the end of a checklane

Me: Can I help you find anything?


Me: …

level 2

«You’re standing in my spot»

level 1

When I worked at Walmart I was putting something up on a high shelf and I’m on a ladder. Some man stands behind me, silently, unmoving, and almost literally up my butt. Finally I turn around to get down the ladder and the dude scares me so much I almost fall down. Just for him to scream “DIAPERS!!!”

level 2

Your reply should’ve been «DEPENDS!»

level 1

Or when you’re like «Hello! How are you today?» and they go «Where’s ____?» Like oohhh-kaaay then I’m great as well thanks for asking!

level 2

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t ask back when I’m a «guest» anywhere. I’ll say «good, thanks» if you ask me, but that’s the end of my obligation. «Good, thanks! Do you know where I can find ___?». I don’t think it’s rude, honestly. In this case it’s a greeting rather than a question, and my response is short-hand for «You don’t care. I don’t care. And you’re not allowed to answer me truthfully anyway. We both have things to do, let’s not slow each other down.» I feel relieved when I’m on the employee side of a «move along» conversation, so I hope you don’t think every customer is not-asking-back to be rude. It’s actually more considerate in my opinion.


Member since:
Jun. 10, 2013


Level 01
Blank Slate

One word answers

2013-06-15 00:00:45

God, is it just me or is this kind of annoying.
If I’m trying to talk to someone through, I dunno, text or something, it just makes the other person look like they don’t give a shit about what you’re saying.
I’ll type a bunch of stuff and try to elicit a response, but it seems like there’s always that one guy that completely dead- ends anything you try to start talking about. It’s like I know my nerves are awful and I don’t have the best social skills, but holy hell, at least I make an attempt.
This is even worse when the other person starts talking to you and dead- ends when you talk back to them.

Tl; dr: assholes that respond to everything with «ok» or «yeah».
Anyone else have this happen?


Member since:
Sep. 11, 2011


Level 04
Blank Slate

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:05:20

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:09:20

Pretty sure this has happened with anyone

It usually means the person doesn’t want to talk to you, or doesn’t like texting…


Member since:
Dec. 22, 2011


Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:11:05

At 6/15/13 12:09 AM, alternativesolution wrote:
Pretty sure this has happened with anyone

It usually means the person doesn’t want to talk to you, or doesn’t like texting…

Way to break the trend. Dickbarrel.

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:11:16

Grab their cock. You’ll get their attention.

Sexy Yes? I would think so :3

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:11:29

At 6/15/13 12:11 AM, Mumbo wrote:

At 6/15/13 12:09 AM, alternativesolution wrote:
Pretty sure this has happened with anyone

It usually means the person doesn’t want to talk to you, or doesn’t like texting…

Way to break the trend. Dickbarrel.



Member since:
Dec. 22, 2011


Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:12:56

At 6/15/13 12:11 AM, alternativesolution wrote:

At 6/15/13 12:11 AM, Mumbo wrote:

At 6/15/13 12:09 AM, alternativesolution wrote:
Pretty sure this has happened with anyone

It usually means the person doesn’t want to talk to you, or doesn’t like texting…

Way to break the trend. Dickbarrel.


No its not the same. Ruined. All ruined.

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:14:46

At 6/15/13 12:12 AM, Mumbo wrote:

At 6/15/13 12:11 AM, alternativesolution wrote:

No its not the same. Ruined. All ruined.


Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:17:06

At 6/15/13 12:05 AM, Scintillating wrote:



Member since:
Dec. 22, 2011


Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:20:21

OP itz evn wors wen tey cnt spel anythig rite u kno? it rly sux imo. thn u haf 2 desyfer wat te fcuk thy r sayn.

fcukni sux


Member since:
Jun. 2, 2010


Level 14
Blank Slate

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:22:35

she is not interested in you

Its only rape if you say no.

Say no to rape.


Member since:
Jun. 10, 2013


Level 01
Blank Slate

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:26:15

It dawned on me right after I posted this that this would happen.

This is funny as hell, keep on you guys lmao



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Nov. 4, 2010


Level 30

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:32:21


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Jun. 10, 2013


Level 02
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Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:32:58

At 6/15/13 12:08 AM, anyapple wrote:



Member since:
Jun. 17, 2010


Level 22

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 00:34:14

At 6/15/13 12:00 AM, Mattcat454545 wrote:
Anyone else have this happen?

Yeah. That’s one of the reasons I only text one person. He actually says things other than «ok».


Member since:
Aug. 20, 2008


Level 28

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 02:33:06

Slint approves of me! | «This is Newgrounds.com, not Disney.com» — WadeFulp

«Sit look rub panda» — Alan Davies

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Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 02:39:34


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Nov. 10, 2011


Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 03:21:27


Member since:
Jan. 28, 2012


Level 01
Blank Slate

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 05:21:38

i hate one word answers so fucking much!!!!

FUCK YOU!!!!!!


Member since:
Jun. 18, 2010


Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 07:52:42

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

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Feb. 19, 2011


Level 04
Blank Slate

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 07:56:14


Member since:
Dec. 30, 2010


Level 07

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 08:01:15

Yeah, I hate that. Some passive aggressive bullshit.


Member since:
Jul. 8, 2011


Level 06
Blank Slate

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 08:09:07

maybe they have nothing to say to your dumb story other than «ok»
is it always about you

I’m a single father and a multimillionaire.

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Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 09:57:32

Sometimes one word is more than enough.


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Nov. 6, 2007


Level 38
Blank Slate

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 10:13:39


Member since:
Dec. 24, 2012


Level 04
Blank Slate

Response to
One word answers

2013-06-15 11:55:43

Wonderful Moments on the BBS:

If a girls nipples are hard they can cause serious injury to the cornea of the eye. —Luis

Titty Sprinkles. I’m out. —exudas

Whether it’s through an email or text, people have mixed thoughts about receiving one-word answers.  They aren’t tricky to figure out; they are more annoying than anything.

Recently on the show, Mark talked about how 34% of the population thinks that sending one-worded answers through texting is rude.  I agree with him to an extent because it all depends on the content of the message.  For example, you could be confirming a time to meet with a friend or asking someone what they want for dinner.

Bolde released a story about different meanings behind one-word answers.  The Top 10 meanings of one-word answers include:

1. It Makes Me Think You Hate Me- This may seem true if someone is sending a paragraph in a message the only response is, «Cool» or «Great.»  It just looks like you are mad at the other person sending the message.

2. It’s Rude- You wouldn’t say a one-word answer in-person so why say it over an email or text?

3. I’ll Want To Assume You Want To End The Conversation- Some people who send one-word answers might be done talking to you.  If you can take a hint, then just stop the conversation.

To find out more reasons behind one-worded answers, check out the Bolde article. How do you feel about one-word answers?

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Published: Jun 18, 2012



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Jul 19, 2013

This happens SO MUCH in OCmeetsOC.

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