I had to look the word in the dictionary

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Cross out

Draw a line through sth written

Look up

Try to find information in a book

Point out

Tell sb important information

Read out

Say sth out loud which you are reading

Rip up

Tear into pieces

Rub out

Remove with a rubber

Turn over

Turn sth so the other side is towards you

Write down

Write information on a piece of paper

Cross out


Just cross it out and rewrite it correctly

Look up


(что-либо в справочнике)

I had to look the word up in the dictionary

Point out

Указывать, показывать,

обращать (чьё-то) внимание

He pointed out that we had two hours of free time before dinner.

Read out

Читать вслух

He reads the list of names out.

Rip up

Рвать на мелкие кусочки

Rid up this piece of paper when you’ve finished reading it.

Rub out

Стирать ластиком

I can’t rub it out because I wrote it in pen.

Turn over


You may turn over your exam papers now.

Write down


Do you want to write down my phone number?

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I had to look it up in the dictionary at first.

I have to admit I had to look it up in the dictionary.

I did not know that word; I had to look it up in the dictionary.

He was kiddingly told to look it up in the dictionary and he did just that.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Тесты на употребление фразовых глаголов в английском

Test 1

Choose the best answer

1)      There
was a robbery at the bank, and the police are looking … the matter.

a)      up
to;  b) in on;  c) into;  d) through.

2)      Look
the word … in the dictionary.

a)      at; 
b) in;  c)up; d) for.

3)      They
didn’t sign the contract because there were a number of points they couldn’t

a)      in; 
b) on;  c) into;  d) at.

4)      The
car broke … on my way here.

a)      down; 
b) up;  c) in;  d) over.

5)      I’m
late because we had a meeting at work which went … much longer then we

a)      in; 
b) on;  c) by; d) up.

6)      Your
dress and your shoes don’t go … each other very well.

a)      to; 
b) by;  c) with;  d) for.

7)      The
planes take … every few minutes.

a)      off; 
b) on;  c) down; d) along.

8)       Put
that cigarette …

a)      on; 
b) off; c) up; d) out.

9)      He
ran… a lot of problems when he tried to design his first sewing machine.

a)      in; 
b) into; c) along; d) over.

10)   The young woman gave … her
seat on the bus to the old lady.

a)      up; 
b) in;  c) away;  d) to.

11)   This table takes … a lot of

a)      on; 
b) over;  c) up; d) in.

12)   Her doctor said her case
called … attention.

a)      for; 
b) upon;  c) by: d) through.

13)   The plane ran … petrol when
it was over the mountains.

a)      off; 
b) down;  c) out of;  d) through.

14)   It turned … that she had
forty-four dogs.

a)      off; 
b) on;  c) back;  d) out.

15)  My boss has a terrible
temper. I don’t know how the other people in the office put … it.

a)      out
of;  b) up with;  c) in for  d) away with

16)  A big American corporation
is trying to take … our company

a)      down; 
b) into;  c)out of;  d)over

17)  A drunken driver ran … the
cat and killed it.

a)      over; 
b) into; c)on;  d)through

18)  Have you got anything else
for me to read? I have got … all those books you lent me.

a)      off; 
b)through;  c)over;  d) by.

19)  If I were you, I wouldn’t
take … so much responsibility.

a)      up; 
b)in; c)on;  d) over.

20)  You’re already explained
these instructions to me but could we run them … again?

a)      through; 
b)into;  c)up to;  d)by.

21)  One of the first things was
to call … our neighbours.

a)      for; 
b)back; c) in;  d) on.

22)  Run … now, children!  Go and
play outside.

a)      about; 
b) along;  c) out; c) out;  d) on.

Answers: 1c, 2c, 3b,
4a, 5b, 6c, 7a, 8d, 9b, 10a, 11c, 12a,

 13c, 14d, 15b, 16d,
17a, 18b, 19c, 20a, 21d, 22b.

Test 2

 Choose the best answer

1)      I
read a story in the paper about a man who put on a white coat and managed to
pass himself                    … as a doctor.

a)      for; 
b) off;  c) by;  d) on.

2)      Don’t
let that woman take you … with all her lies.

a)      in;
b) through; c) by; d) down.

3)      The
company has had a bad year, and will therefore not be taking … any new workers.

a)      up;
b) on; c) off; d) after.

4)      Before
we start the lesson, I’d like to run … what we did yesterday.

a)      up;
b) along; c) through; d) into.

5)      A
professor recently came … an unknown poem by Shakespeare.

a)      round;
b) off; c) in; d) across.

6)      The
successful applicant will be expected to take … the new post before the end of

a)      off;
b) in; c) up; d) for.

7)      In
court she was so upset that she broke …

a)      down;
b) out; c) in; d) up.

8)       The
police called … the man at his home but he refused to let them in.

a)      on;
b) by; c) away; d) off

9)      A
lot of strange people hang … in that cafe.

a)      across;
b) about; c) on; d) up.

10)  At the end of the day, all
the salespeople in the store count … the money they have taken in.

a)      on;
b) in; c) out; d) up.

11)  Mary and Peter broke … a few
months ago and are now living apart.

a)      into;
b) out; c) up; d) away.

12)  Could you hang … a minute?
I’ll be right back.

a)      up;
b) on to; c) over; d) about.

13)  My mother is counting … our
help with the family business.

a)      over;
b) by; c) on; d) into.

14)  I’ve decided to give …

a)      in;
b) up; c) on; d) away.

15)  When I phoned her, she hung
… as soon as she recognized my voice.

a)      up;
b) off; c) over; d) by.

16)  The coach arrived at the
destination and all the passengers got…

a)      away;
b) along; c) out; d) over.

17)  Are you going for a picnic?
Count me … to, please.

a)      on;
b) out; c) up; d) in.

18)  The wind was so strong that
I had to hang … my hat to stop it from blowing away.

a)      on
to; b) over by; c) out of; d) in for.

19)  He tries to look younger
than he is but his grey hair gives him …

a)      out;
b) away; c) up; d) in.

20)  If you are going to play
football, count me … . I’m not well today.

a)      in;
b) up; c) out; d) by.

Answers: 1b; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5d; 6c; 7a; 8a; 9b; 10d; 11c;

12a;  13c;   14b; 15a;
16c; 17d; 18a; 19b; 20c.

Test 3

 Choose the best answer

He checked … at the hotel under a false name.

out; b) on; c) in; d) over.

He never lets his friends … .

down; b) away; c) up; d) on.

One boxer knocked the other one … .

down; b) over; c) in; d) out.

He tries to impress people by showing … .

off; b) out; c) up; d) about.

The criminals got … in a fast car.

out; b) away; c) through; d) up.

The teacher gave … the exercise-books to the class.

away; b) in; c) out; d) up.

We live in a friendly community and everyone gets … each other very

on with; b) up to; c)out of; d) down to.

Your husband is very rude. If I were you, I wouldn’t stand … it.

by; b) to; c) at; d) for.

He was going to reply to her letter, but for various reasons he never
got … it.

up to; b) over; c) round to; d) out of.

10)  She is
very important for him. He wouldn’t get … without her.

over; b) by; c) down; d) round.

11)  You can
leave … the formalities.

off; b) down; c) out; d) over.

12)  Cold
weather usually sets … around December.

in; b) off; c) up; d) out.

13)  Despite
some drawbacks he fell … her plan.

in for; b) in with; c) round with; d) down to.

14)  When I
phoned the office, the operator put me … the wrong person.

down to; b) out of; c) through to; d) through with.

15)  Shcoolchildren
in Britain used to have free meals, but then the government did … them.

down to; b) out of; c) through with; d) away with.

16)  I’m afraid
I can’t come to dinner on Friday. Could we put it … until next week?

off; b) aside; c) back; d) down.

17)  You should
go … your work again and make sure there are no mistakes.

into; b) around; c) over; d) by.

18)  The music
isn’t loud enough. Will you turn it …, please?

on; b) up; c) off; d) down.

19)  I don’t
know where my wallet is. Will you help me to look it …, please?

after; b) for; c) across; d) up.

20)  The idea
sounds fine, but we need to try it … in practice.

out; b) for; c) on; d) off.

21)  Go … the
bridge and turn left.

across; b) by; c) on; d) over.

22)  These
beautiful old houses are being torn … to make way for a new road.

out; b) off; c) down; d) over.

Answers: 1c, 2a, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7a, 8d, 9c, 10b, 11c, 12a,

13b,  14c, 15d, 16a,
17c, 18b, 19b, 20a, 21d, 22c.

Test 4

 Choose the best answer

She fainted and didn’t come … for hours.

along; b) across; c) round; d) over.

He’d never get … it if she left him.

over; b) about; c) round; d) with.

The two friends quarreled and fell … with each other.

through; b) apart; c) off; d) out.

I saw my friend … at the airport.

off; b) in; c) out; d) to.

I didn’t want to go to the party but there was no way I could get … it.

over; b) out of; c) away with; d) off with.

My plan to get a job didn’t come … yet.

out; b) in; c) down; d) off.

Will you please take … what you just said? It was very rude.

away; b) out; c) back: d) behind.

If the plan had worked, they would have become rich, but it fell … .

out; b) down; c) off; d) through.

He saw … it that she never had to pay for all the things she wanted to

to; b) about; c) into; d) through.

10)  Then he
came … a terrible problem: he had lost his job.

down with; b) up against; c) in for; d) out of.

11)  He finally
saw … her lies.

into; b) across; c) out; d) through.

12)  I just
can’t understand how you get … on so little money.

by; b) about; c) with; d) along.

13)  Everything
came … all right in the end, he remembered that he had lent his disk to a

off; b) over; c) out; d) by.

14)  Before you
buy anything you should look it … carefully to make sure everything is all

through; b) round; c) over; d) about.

15)  I went to
the bank to see … getting a loan.

to; b) about; c) over; d) into.

16)  This sale
is the chance of a lifetime! Such bargains will never be repeated! Don’t miss …

out on; b) down with; c) over; d) off with.

17)  I try to
keep … the latest fashions by going to lots of shows in London.

up to; b) along with; c) next to; d) up with.

18)  They had a
plan to trick him, but he didn’t fall … it.

to; b) for; c) at; d) by.

19)  Why do you
keep … asking me such silly questions&

out; b) up; c) on; d) back.

20)  I can’t
afford a new TV so we’ll have to do … one at the moment.

without; b) down; c) up; d) up with.

Answers: 1c, 2a, 3d,
4a, 5b, 6d, 7c, 8b, 9a, 10b, 11d,

 12a, 13c, 14c, 15b,
16a, 17d, 18b, 19c, 20a.

  • 1



    to have/take a look

       b. ( = expression) regard m

       d. ( = appearance) air m

    to look + adverb/preposition

    look here, we must discuss it first (inf) écoutez, il faut d’abord en discuter

    look here, that isn’t what I said! (inf) dites donc, ce n’est pas (du tout) ce que j’ai dit !

       b. ( = face) [building] donner

    it makes him look ten years older/younger ça le vieillit/rajeunit de dix ans

    [+ invalid, child, animal, plant] s’occuper de ; [+ one’s possessions] prendre soin de ; [+ finances] gérer

       a. ( = observe) [+ person, object] regarder

    to look at him you would never think that… à le voir, on n’imaginerait pas que…

       b. ( = consider) [+ situation, problem] examiner

       c. ( = check) vérifier ; ( = see to) s’occuper de

    looking back, I’m surprised I didn’t suspect anything avec le recul, je suis étonné de n’avoir rien soupçonné

    when they look back on this match… lorsqu’ils repenseront à ce match…

       a. ( = seek) [+ object, work] chercher

    I look forward to the day when… j’attends avec impatience le jour où…

    there’s obviously been a mistake. I’ll look into it il y a dû y avoir une erreur. Je vais m’en occuper look on

       a. ( = look for) chercher ; ( = watch out for) [+ sth good] essayer de repérer ; [+ danger] se méfier de

       b. ( = revise) [+ lesson] réviser ; ( = re-read) [+ notes] relire

       b. ( = improve) (inf) [prospects, weather] s’améliorer ; [business] reprendre

    * * *



    1) () coup m d’œil

    to have ou take a look at something — jeter un coup d’œil à or sur quelque chose

    to have ou take a good look at — fig examiner [quelque chose] soigneusement; lit regarder [quelque chose] de près

    to have a look inside/behind something — regarder à l’intérieur de/derrière quelque chose

    a look of sadness/anger — un regard triste/rempli de colère

    he got some odd ou funny looks — on l’a regardé d’un drôle d’air

    from the look on his face… — à son expression…

    4) () () air m; () aspect m

    by the look of him… — à le voir…

    5) () look (colloq) m



    transitive verb

    1) () regarder

    to look somebody in the eye/in the face — regarder quelqu’un dans les yeux/en face


    intransitive verb

    2) () chercher, regarder

    3) () avoir l’air, paraître

    to look like somebody/something — ressembler à quelqu’un/quelque chose


    Phrasal Verbs:


    if looks could kill… — il/elle etc m’a fusillé du regard

    English-French dictionary > look

  • 2
    look up

    1. I

    2. III

    1) look up smth. /smth. up/ look up an address искать /разыскивать, смотреть/ адрес и т. д., go look up the timetable пойди и проверь расписание; look up the train посмотри /выясни/, когда приходит /отходит/ поезд; have the clerk look up the train schedule попросите служащего справиться о поезде в расписании /по расписанию/

    2) look up smb. /smb. up/ coll. look up an old friend навестить старого друга; look me up some time загляните ко мне как-нибудь

    3. XVI

    look up to smb. look up to our teachers уважать наших учителей и т. д., считаться с нашими учителями и т. д., почтительно относиться к нашим учителям и т. д., а boy needs a father he can look up to мальчику нужен отец, который был бы ему примером

    4. XXI1

    look up smth. /smth. up/ in smth. look up a name in a directory (подсмотреть /(потискать/ имя в справочнике и т. д., I’m looking up jobs in the want ads я ищу работу по объявлению о найме; look up the answer in the encyclopedia посмотри /разыщи/ ответ в энциклопедии

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > look up

  • 3
    look up

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > look up

  • 4
    look up

    5) (visit) andare a trovare, fare un salto da [ friend]; ammirare, guardare con ammirazione [ person]

    * * *

    1) migliorare

    2) andare a trovare

    3) cercare

    4) consultare

    * * *

    2) migliorare, riprendersi, aumentare, essere in rialzo, mettersi al bello

    1) cercare

    if you don’t know a word, look it up in the dictionary — se non conosci qualche parola cercala sul dizionario

    2) andare a trovare

    * * *

    5) (visit) andare a trovare, fare un salto da [ friend]; ammirare, guardare con ammirazione [ person]

    English-Italian dictionary > look up

  • 5

    to have or to take a look (at sth) jeter un coup d’œil (sur ou à qch), regarder (qch);

    would you like a look through my binoculars? voulez-vous regarder avec mes jumelles?;

    did you get a good look at him? vous l’avez vu clairement?;

    did the mechanic have a proper look at the car? est-ce que le mécanicien a bien regardé la voiture?;

    do you mind if I take a look around? ça vous gêne si je jette un coup d’œil?;

    have you had a good look for it? est-ce que tu as bien cherché?;

    a suspicious/nasty/angry look un regard soupçonneux/mauvais/méchant;

    you should have seen the looks we got from passers-by! si tu avais vu la façon dont les passants nous regardaient!;

    he didn’t say anything, but if looks could kill! il n’a pas dit un mot, mais il y a des regards qui tuent!

    by the look or looks of her, I’d say she failed the exam à la voir ou rien qu’en la voyant, je dirais qu’elle a raté son examen;

    there’s trouble brewing by the look of it or things on dirait que quelque chose se trame;

    the sporty/punk look le look sportif/punk

    look who’s coming! regarde qui arrive!;

    look who’s talking! tu peux parler, toi!;

    look what you’ve done/where you’re going! regarde un peu ce que tu as fait/où tu vas!

    to look sb (full or straight) in the face regarder qn (bien) en face ou dans les yeux;

    look, there’s Brian! regarde, voilà Brian!;

    what’s happening outside? let me look qu’est-ce qui se passe dehors? laissez-moi voir;

    have you cut yourself? let me look tu t’es coupé? montre-moi ou laisse-moi voir;

    go on, nobody’s looking vas-y, personne ne regarde;

    she looked along the row/down the list elle a parcouru la rangée/la liste du regard;

    he was looking out of the window/over the wall/up the chimney il regardait par la fenêtre/par-dessus le mur/dans la cheminée;

    proverb look before you leap = il faut réfléchir deux fois avant d’agir

    (c) écouter;

    look, I can’t pay you back just yet écoute, je ne peux pas te rembourser tout de suite;

    now look, Paul, I’ve had enough of this! bon écoute, Paul, ça suffit maintenant!;

    look here! dites donc!

    (d) avoir l’air;

    to look ill avoir l’air malade, avoir mauvaise mine;

    that looks delicious! ça a l’air délicieux!;

    you look or are looking better today tu as l’air (d’aller) mieux aujourd’hui;

    how do I look? comment tu me trouves?;

    it makes him look ten years older/younger ça le vieillit/rajeunit de dix ans;

    he’s 70, but he doesn’t look it il a 70 ans mais il n’en a pas l’air ou mais il ne les fait pas;

    I can’t hang the picture there, it just doesn’t look right je ne peux pas mettre le tableau là, ça ne va pas;

    how does the situation look to you? que pensez-vous de la situation?;

    to make sb look a fool or an idiot tourner qn en ridicule;

    to look like sb/sth ressembler à qn/qch;

    what does she look like? comment est-elle?; non mais, à quoi elle ressemble!;

    I don’t know what it is, but it looks like blood je ne sais pas ce que c’est, mais on dirait ou ça ressemble à du sang;

    is this our room? — it looks like it c’est notre chambre? — ça m’en a tout l’air;


    to look north/west être exposé au nord/à l’ouest

    she’s got everything — looks, intelligence, youth… elle a tout pour elle, elle est belle, intelligente, jeune…;

    my mother’s looking after the kids/the cat this weekend ma mère va s’occuper des enfants/du chat ce week-end;

    figurative look after yourself! fais bien attention à toi!;

    don’t worry, he can look after himself ne t’inquiète pas, il est capable de se débrouiller tout seul

    can you look after my bag for a couple of minutes? tu peux surveiller mon sac deux minutes?

    regarder vers l’avenir;

    let’s look ahead to the next century/to next month’s meeting pensons au siècle prochain/à la réunion du mois prochain

    oh dear, look at the time! oh là là, regardez l’heure!;

    just look at you! mais regarde-toi donc!;

    you wouldn’t think, to look at him, that he’s a multi-millionaire à le voir on ne croirait pas avoir affaire à un multi-millionnaire;

    just look at the mess we’re in! regarde les ennuis qu’on a!

    if you don’t have money, he won’t even look at you si vous n’avez pas d’argent, il ne vous regardera même pas;

    familiar my brother can’t even look at an egg mon frère ne supporte pas ou déteste les œufs

    could you look at the tyres? pouvez-vous regarder les pneus?;

    familiar you need your head looking at! ça va pas, la tête?

    détourner les yeux

    (a) regarder derrière soi;

    figurative after she got her first job she never looked back à partir du moment où elle a trouvé son premier emploi, tout lui a réussi

    regarder en bas; baisser les yeux;

    we looked down on or at the valley nous regardions la vallée en dessous

    are you looking for a fight? tu cherches la bagarre?

    attendre avec impatience;

    see you on Saturday — right, I’ll look forward to it à samedi alors — oui, c’est entendu;

    (a) regarder à l’intérieur

    (c) regarder la télévision

    examiner, étudier;


    to look on sb/sth with favour/disfavour voir qn/qch d’un œil favorable/défavorable


    British I’ll look that book out for you je te chercherai ce livre;

    have you looked out those photos to give me? est-ce que tu as trouvé les photos que tu devais me donner?


    the bedroom looks out on or over the garden la chambre donne sur le jardin

    look out, it’s hot! attention, c’est chaud!;

    you’ve got to look out for number one! chacun pour soi!

    jeter un coup d’œil sur; examiner, étudier

    visiter; jeter un coup d’œil dans

    (a) regarder (autour de soi);

    (b) regarder derrière soi, se retourner

    (a) regarder à travers

    (b) jeter un coup d’œil sur ou à, regarder

    (a) chercher;

    (b) passer voir, rendre visite à;


    respecter, avoir du respect pour

    ✾ Book ✾ Film ‘Don’t look now’ Du Maurier, Roeg ‘Ne vous retournez pas’

    ✾ Play ✾ Film ‘Look back in Anger’ Osborne, Richardson ‘La Paix du dimanche’ (pièce), ‘Les Corps sauvages’ (film)

    Here’s looking at you kid Ce sont les mots que prononce Rick Blaine, le personnage incarné par Humphrey Bogart dans le film Casablanca (1942), lorsqu’il dit adieu à la femme qu’il aime, jouée par Ingrid Bergman. Aujourd’hui on utilise souvent cette phrase en référence au film lorsque l’on porte un toast à quelqu’un.

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > look

  • 6
    look up

    1) mejorar

    2) visitar, ir a ver

    3) buscar

    4) consultar

    if you don’t know the word, look it up in the dictionary si no conoces la palabra, búscala en el diccionario




    + o +






    + o

    b) ( visit) <<person>> ir* a ver

    things are/business is looking up — las cosas/los negocios van mejorando

    1) levantar la vista, alzar la vista

    2) mejorar

    1) buscar

    if you don’t know a word, look it up in the dictionary — si no conoces una palabra, búscala en el diccionario

    2) ir a visitar

    * * *



    + o +






    + o

    b) ( visit) <<person>> ir* a ver

    things are/business is looking up — las cosas/los negocios van mejorando

    English-spanish dictionary > look up

  • 7
    look up


    check with/in a dictionary or a reference book

    посмотреть в словаре или справочнике

    If you don’t know this word, look it up in the dictionary.


    1). to direct the eyes upward; 2). to search for and read some information in a reference book

    1). направить взгляд вверх; 2). посмотреть какую-то информацию в справочнике

    1). He put aside his newspaper and looked up. 2). Look up this information in the encyclopedia. Look up the new words in the dictionary. Look them up.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > look up

  • 8


    1. словарь

    dictionary of synonyms [of idioms] — словарь синонимов [идиом]

    dictionary making — составление словарей; лексикография

    it’s a dictionary word, nobody ever uses it — это книжное слово, так никто не говорит

    dictionary English [style] — педантично правильный /безупречный/ английский язык [стиль]

    3. язык лица группы лиц; терминология определённой области

    walking /living/ dictionary, a person who has swallowed the dictionary — ходячая энциклопедия

    НБАРС > dictionary

  • 9
    look up

    1) смотреть вверх, поднимать глаза to look up and down ≈ смерить взглядом to look up to smb. ≈ смотреть почтительно на кого-л.;
    уважать кого-л.;
    считаться с кем-л.
    2) искать( что-л. в справочнике) If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it up in a good dictionary. ≈ Если не знаешь, что значит слово, посмотри его в хорошем словаре.
    3) разг. улучшаться( о делах) things are looking up ≈ положение улучшается
    4) повышаться (в цене)
    5) разг. навещать кого-л. While you’re in London, do look up our old teacher, he’ll be pleased to see you. ≈ Когда окажешься в Лондоне, отыщи своего старого учителя, он будет рад тебя видеть. поднимать глаза — when I came in she didn’t even * она даже головы не подняла, когда я вошел (to) уважать — to * to smb. смотреть почтительно на кого-л., уважать кого-л. — he is looked up to by everybody он пользуется всеобщим уважением обращать взоры (к кому-л.) ;
    прибегать к помощи — we all * to you for guidance мы все рассчитываем на ваше руководство искать (в словаре, справочнике и т. п.) ;
    наводить( справку) — please * a fast train to Leeds пожалуйста, посмотрите расписание скорого поезда в Лидс (разговорное) навестить( кого-л.) — look me up next time you’re in London зайдите ко мне, когда снова будете в Лондоне (разговорное) улучшаться (о делах, деловой конъюнктуре) — business conditions are beginning to * деловая конъюнктура начинает улучшаться (коммерческое) (разговорное) повышаться (о ценах)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > look up

  • 10
    look up

    фраз. гл.

    1) искать

    If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it up in a good dictionary. — Если не знаешь, что значит слово, посмотри его в хорошем словаре.

    2) смотреть с почтением на , уважать

    Things are looking up. — Положение улучшается.

    While you’re in London, do look up our old teacher, he’ll be pleased to see you. — Когда окажешься в Лондоне, навести нашего старого учителя, он будет рад тебя видеть.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > look up

  • 11
    look up


    intransitive verb

    2) besser werden; [Aktien, Chancen:] steigen


    transitive verb

    1) nachschlagen [Wort]; heraussuchen [Telefonnummer, Zugverbindung usw.]


    * * *

    1) sich bessern

    2) aufsuchen

    3) nachschauen

    4) nachschlagen

    * * *

    I. vi

    1. (glance up) nach oben sehen [o blicken] [o schauen]

    to look up up at sb/sth zu jdm/etw hinaufsehen

    to look up up [from sth] [von etw dat] aufsehen [o aufschauen] [o aufblicken

    2. (improve) besser werden; figures, prices steigen

    I hope things will start to look up up in the New Year ich hoffe, dass es im neuen Jahr wieder aufwärtsgeht

    II. vt

    to look up up ⇆ sb bei jdm vorbeischauen fam

    look up me up when you’re in LA schau mal bei mir vorbei, wenn du in L.A. bist fam

    2. (search for)

    to look up up ⇆ sth etw nachschlagen

    to look up up a telephone number eine Telefonnummer heraussuchen

    * * *

    2) besser werden; steigen



    to look sb up — bei jdm vorbeischauen, jdn besuchen

    3) nachschlagen; heraussuchen

    * * *

    A v/i

    1. hinaufblicken, -sehen, -schauen, heraufblicken, -sehen, -schauen

    2. aufblicken, -sehen, -schauen ( alle:

    fig to zu):

    look up from one’s book;

    3. a) sich bessern, besser werden:

    b) steigen (Chancen etc), (Aktien, Kurse, Preise auch) anziehen;

    B v/t

    1. a) ein Wort etc nachschlagen (in in dat)

    b) nachschlagen in (dat);

    2. a) vorbeischauen bei, besuchen

    b) sich in Verbindung setzen mit;

    * * *


    intransitive verb

    2) besser werden; [Aktien, Chancen:] steigen


    transitive verb

    1) nachschlagen [Wort]; heraussuchen [Telefonnummer, Zugverbindung usw.]

    2) :


    * * *


    aufschauen v.

    aufsehen v.

    betrachten v.

    nachsehen v.

    suchen v.

    English-german dictionary > look up

  • 12
    look up

    1) bedre sig

    2) besøge

    3) slå op; slå efter

    4) slå op; slå efter

    * * *

    1) bedre sig

    2) besøge

    3) slå op; slå efter

    4) slå op; slå efter

    English-Danish dictionary > look up

  • 13

    ˈdɪkʃənrɪ сущ. словарь to compile a dictionary ≈ составлять словарь to expand, revise, update a dictionary ≈ расширять/обновлять словарь to consult a dictionary ≈ посмотреть в словаре college dictionary ≈ словарь для учащихся колледжа abridged dictionary, desk dictionary ≈ краткий словарь bilingual dictionary ≈ двуязычный словарь biographical dictionary ≈ биографический словарь collegiate dictionary ≈ академический словарь combinatorial dictionary, combinatory dictionary ≈ комбинаторный словарь dialect dictionary ≈ словарь диалекта etymological dictionary ≈ этимологический словарь general-use dictionary, general-purpose dictionary ≈ словарь общего словоупотребления historical dictionary ≈ исторический словарь learner’s dictionary ≈ словарь для учащихся medical dictionary ≈ медицинский словарь monolingual dictionary ≈ толковый словарь multivolume dictionary ≈ многотомный словарь names dictionary ≈ словарь имен orthographic dictionary, spelling dictionary ≈ орфографический словарь phonetic dictionary, pronouncing dictionary ≈ орфоэпический словарь, словарь с указанием произношения pocket dictionary ≈ карманный словарь reverse dictionary ≈ обратный словарь technical dictionary ≈ технический словарь unabridged dictionary ≈ полный словарь dictionary of abbreviations ≈ словарь сокращений dictionary of collocations ≈ словарь сочетаемости dictionary of foreign words ≈ словарь иностранных слов dictionary of synonyms ≈ словарь синонимов
    словарь — standard * нормативный словарь — explanatory * толковый словарь — * od synonims словарь синонимов — stem * словарь основ — * making составление словарей;
    лексикография — it’s a * word, nobody ever uses it это книжное слово, так никто не говорит — * English педантично правильный /безупречный/ английский язык — * look-up (информатика) поиск по словарю справочник (построенный по алфавитному принципу) язык лица или группы лиц;
    терминология определенной области > walking /living/ *, a person who has swallowed the * ходячая энциклопедия
    automatic ~ вчт. автоматический словарь
    commodity ~ товарный словарь
    conceptual ~ вчт. словарь понятий
    data ~ вчт. словарь базы данных
    dictionary словарь ~ справочник, построенный по алфавитному принципу
    electronic ~ вчт. электронный словарь
    law ~ юридический словарь
    postings ~ вчт. реестр рассылки
    specialist ~ специальный словарь
    specialized ~ специальный словарь

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dictionary

  • 14
    look up





    sprawdzać (sprawdzić )

    * * *

    1) poprawiać się, iść ku lepszemu

    2) odwiedzić

    3) sprawdzić

    4) sprawdzić w, zajrzeć do

    English-Polish dictionary > look up

  • 15
    look up

    1) popravljati se

    2) obiskati

    3) poiskati

    4) pogledati v

    * * *


    intransitive verb

    pogledati kvišku, pogledati gor;

    economy slang

    popravljati se, obračati se na bolje;


    transitive verb

    obiskati, poiskati; poiskati v knjigi; spoštovati, občudovati (to)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > look up

  • 16
    look up

    1 გაუმჯობესება

    2 ნახვა (ინახულებს)

    I want to look them up მინდა, მოვინახულო

    3 მოძებნა (მოძებნის)

    English-Georgian dictionary > look up

  • 17
    look up

    1) líta betur út; batna

    2) heimsækja

    3) fletta upp á

    4) leita í, fletta upp á í

    English-Icelandic dictionary > look up

  • 18
    look up

    1) javul

    2) meglátogat

    3) utánanéz (vminek), kikeres

    4) megnéz vmit vmiben

    English-Hungarian dictionary > look up

  • 19
    look up

    1) melhorar

    2) visitar

    3) procurar

    4) consultar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > look up

  • 20
    look up

    yukarıya bakmak, üstün görmek, saygı duymak, düzelmek, sözlükte aramak, uğramak, ziyaret etmek

    * * *


    * * *

    1) düzelmek

    2) ziyaret etmek

    3) arayıp bulmak

    4) …-e bakmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > look up

  • Как бы печально это ни звучало, но с фразовыми глаголами английского языка никогда нельзя познакомиться полностью. Но можем сразу же вас успокоить: этого нельзя сказать в отношении фразового глагола Look. Это довольно простой и прозрачный глагол. В этом вы убедитесь, когда ознакомитесь с этой статьей.

    Фразовый глагол Look. 10 примеров с переводами

    А теперь закрепим теорию примерами.

    Look after — присматривать за

    I look after the office when my colleagues are away on business.

    Look ahead – планировать

    In this business, it’s very difficult to look ahead and predict what will happen.

    Look at — взглянуть на…

    Could you look at my report and tell me if you think it’s OK?

    Look back — оглядываться назад

    [I realise I was very naive when I look back. – Я понимаю, что был очень наивным, когда оглядываюсь назад.]

    Look down on – пренебрегать

    The people who work in Headquarters always look down on the people in the branches.

    Look for – искать

    He has been looking for a job for ages now.

    Look forward to — с нерпением ждать

    I’m seeing him on Tuesday. I’m really looking forward to it.

    Look in — заскочить, забежать

    Look in on Jenny and check that she is still working.

    Look into – рассмотреть

    We have set up a working group to look into the problem.

    Look up — посмотреть в книге

    Hold on a sec, I’ll look this word up in the dictionary.

    Но и на этом еще не все. Потренируйтесь на простом тесте. Помните – practice makes perfect! Без упражнения вся теория отправляется «коту под хвост»!

    01 She doesn’t look ___ her children properly.

    02 You have misspelled that word again. You should look it ___ in the dictionary.

    03 I have found the keys that you were looking ___

    04 I look forward ___ the holidays.

    05 The police inspector said that he would look ___ the matter.

    06 Look ___ on Tom. He’s been absent for a week already.

    07 When I look ___ I see a lot of mistakes.

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