I got the word from god

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Jeremiah 32:6-8

What does the Bible say about getting “a word” from God? Here are 5 things that often happen when you’ve actually received an authentic word from God.

1. A Word from God Often Comes to Us at the Exact Right Moment and Relates to a Very Specific Issue We Are Having

What do I mean by this phrase “a word from God”? I’m not talking about “the word of God,” meaning the Bible. The Bible alone is inerrant. So any form of communication with God that occurs outside of the Scriptures must be used wisely and tested through a biblical lens.

So by this phrase “a word from God,” I’m talking about God communicating with you in a personal way, usually through a short statement. Perhaps you have been asking God if you should switch jobs and in prayer you feel like is saying, “Stay.” Or maybe you are praying for a loved one’s health and you read a passage in Scripture about healing and you feel a peace sweep over you. Or maybe you are asking God about someone you really like and then you see one of my videos and it’s titled, “3 Signs God Is Telling You to Date Someone.”

Are these kinds of experiences “a word from God”? They might be. They might not be. One way you can tell is if the timing matches up with your need and the wisdom offered in that word relates specifically to the issue you are currently dealing with.

For example, a lot of people just look at the titles of my videos and believe they are signs from God because the timing is perfect, but if you watch the videos and you go through the points in the videos and the content really doesn’t relate, that would not be a sign from God. But if you are asking God about someone and then a video of mine points you to a biblical truth that helps you know what God is actually saying to you about this relationship question, then that would be good evidence God is actually giving you a word.

As Psalm 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” God’s deliverance matched the timing of the need for deliverance and the request for deliverance.

When the timing is perfect and the word is relevant, this is a good sign it’s actually a word from God to you.

2. A Word from God Will Sometimes Be What You Want to Hear and It Will Sometimes Be What You Don’t Want to Hear

A lot of Christians fall into one of two camps when it comes to hearing from God. Some Christians tend to believe every word that matches what they want to hear is always God. These Christians are often falling into the trap as outlined in 2 Timothy 4:3, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions . . . .”

On the other hand, other Christians tend to believe if a word does match what they want to hear this must not be God. Some people feel like God will never give them what they want because God will always be calling us to make a sacrifice. While God will call us to sacrifice some desires, we also need to remember that if a desire is biblical that desire is from God and thus God wants us to pursue that desire because he gave it to us.

One common example of this occurs when it comes to marriage. Some singles really want to be married but they feel like God is telling them to sacrifice this desire and pursue singleness. But according to 1 Corinthians 7, God is the one who gives this desire for marriage and if you are called to singleness you will be happy to be single like Paul was.

In 1 Corinthians 7:7 Paul wrote, “I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.” Notice Paul was called to singleness and he was happy about it. When he said “I wish that all were as I myself am,” he was saying he was happy to be single and thus he wants everyone to experience this happiness. But notice that he recognized that not all have the same desires as him and thus he knew not all would be happy to be single, which is why he then says, “But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.”

My point is, if you are someone who always hears God tell you exactly what you always want to hear, you are probably not hearing God correctly. Likewise, if you never hear God tell you what you want to hear, you too are not hearing God correctly. Sometimes a word from God will be what we want to hear and sometimes it won’t be.

May God grant us the humility to follow him always in truth.

3. A Word from God Will Guide You and Not Confuse You

I’ve had a lot of people tell me something they feel like God told them but then they ask me, “What does this mean?” In my opinion and in my view of Scripture, if God actually said something to you, it’s unlikely you will need someone else to tell you what it means. God knows how to communicate his truth to us in a way that we understand.

If you think you got a word from God but you don’t know what that word means, you probably didn’t get a word from God. As the Bible explains:

  • “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace,” (1 Corinthians 14:33). A word from God will bring you peace, not more confusion.
  • “Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you,” (Philippians 3:15). Hearing God properly is not solely dependent on us. God himself knows how to make us hear him correctly.
  • “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path,” (Psalm 119:105). A word from God will bring more light, not darkness.

the one

4. A Word Is Really from God When Things Outside of Your Control Happen That Need to Happen If This Word Was Really from God

Many people get confused because they are only looking to themselves as the evidence for what God may have said or may not have said. But we need to remember that God is sovereign over everything; therefore, if he says something to you personally, he has the power to confirm that word to you through things in the world that are completely outside of your control. As Jeremiah 32:6-8 recounts:

Jeremiah said, ‘The word of the Lord came to me: Behold, Hanamel the son of Shallum your uncle will come to you and say, “Buy my field that is at Anathoth, for the right of redemption by purchase is yours.”’ Then Hanamel my cousin came to me in the court of the guard, in accordance with the word of the Lord, and said to me, ‘Buy my field that is at Anathoth in the land of Benjamin, for the right of possession and redemption is yours; buy it for yourself.’ Then I knew that this was the word of the Lord.”

Jeremiah did not have control over whether his cousin would come and ask him to buy a field. The word spoken to Jeremiah occurred like God said it would. Thus Jeremiah knew this was truly a word from God because things outside of his control occurred that confirmed this word was true.

We can control our thoughts, our feelings, and even things like our dreams can be influenced by our thoughts throughout the day before we went to bed. But when it comes to other people, places, and things, God alone will have to move the proper pieces to confirm his word. God will never speak something and then not accomplish it. If what you heard does not happen, God did not say it because God never lies (Hebrews 6:18).

Therefore, you will know a word was really from God when the things outside of your control happen that would need to happen to make this word come true.

5. A Word Is Really from God When It Is Consistent with The Word of God

The clearest way to know if a personal word from God was really from God is to compare this word to “the” word of God. We are fallible. The Bible is infallible. Our personal communication with God does not have more authority than the actual word of God given in Scripture. While God does speak to us personally, God will never contradict what he has already said in the Bible.

As Isaiah 40:8 states, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”

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Yo, Meth, hold up, hold up
Yo, Meth, where my Killer tape at, God?

First of all, where my
Where the fuck is my tape at?

[Method Man]
Yo, son, I ain’t got that piece, son

How you ain’t got my shit when I let you hold it, man?

[Method Man]
Yo, niggas came over to have 40s and blunts, kid
The shit just came up missin’, son

Come on, man, that don’t got nothin’ to do with my shit, man
Come on, man, go head with that shit, man

[Method Man]
Come on, man, I’ll buy you four more fuckin’ Killer tapes, man

[banging on the door] Ayo! Ayo!

Open the door, man! What the fuck, man?
Yo, what? What’s up?

[Ghostface Killah]
Yo, yo, God, word is bond, yo
Shameek just got bust in his head two times, God!

Word to mother!

[Ghostface Killah]
Word life, God
You know Shameek from fuckin’ 212, God?
The nigga just got bucked
Niggas in a black Land, God, word is bond
Came through, God, from out of nowhere, God
Word is bond I’m comin’ to get my Culture Cipher, God
And they just… word is bond
Crazy shots just went the fuck off, God

Niggas let off crazy shots, kid

The nigga layin’ there like a fuckin’ newborn fuckin’ baby, God

Word up!

Is he dead?

Is he fuckin’ dead?
What the fuck you mean is he fuckin’ dead, God?

What the fuck kind of question is that, B? Fuck you think?

Easy, easy

The nigga layin’ there with his fuckin’…
All types of fuckin’ blood comin’ out of his fuckin’…

(sarcastically) Is he is he is he dead?

Yo, God, what’s up, God? It’s the God, God, word is bond
Yo, what’s up? I’m ready to fuckin’ lay…
I’m ready to get busy, God, what’s up?

Yo, let’s go do what we got…

What’s up, yo?

Yo let’s go do what we gotta do, man, fuck it

Yo, we out or what, man?

It’s the God, God, fuck that, man

You sayin’ we out?

They probably took the tape

What the fuck?

Nigga still sweatin’ the tape, man

What the fuck is you talkin’ about? Get the fuck outta here!

Fuckin’ corn!

[Intro: Wu-Tang Clan]
Good Morning Vietnam!
Yeah, good morning to all you motherfuckin’ knotty-headed niggas
Word to the camouflage large niggas
Bitch, where the fuck is my bottle?
Bring that fuckin’ meth in here!
Yo, yo, yo
Now we gonna drink some good Night train
Yo, yo, yo, yo!

[Verse 1: Raekwon]
Champion gear that I rock, you get your boots knocked
Then attack ya like a pit, then, lock shit down
As I come and freaks the sound, hardcore
But givin’ you more and more like «Ding!»
Nah, shorty, get you open like six packs
Killa Beez attack, flippin’ what? Murder one phat tracks, aight?
I kick it like a Nike Flight
Word life, I get that ass robbed on spite
Check the method from Bedrock
‘Cause I rock your head to bed just like rockin’ what? Twin Glocks!
Shake the ground while my beats just break ya down
Raw sound, goin’ to war right now
So, yo, bombin’, We-Usually Take-All-Niggas-Garments
Save your breath before I vomit!

[Verse 2: Method Man]
I be that insane nigga from the psycho ward
I’m on the trigger, plus I got the Wu-Tang sword
So how you figure that you can even fuck with mine?

A-yo, RZA! Hit me with that shit one time!
And pull a foul, niggas, save the beef for the cow
I’m milkin’ this ho, this is my show, Tical!

The fuck you wanna do on this mic piece, duke?
I’m like a sniper, hyper off the ginseng root
PLO Style, buddha monks with the owls
Now, who’s the fuckin’ man? Meth-Tical

[Break: Method Man (Inspectah Deck)]
On the chessbox
«Wu-Tang style»

[Verse 3: Inspectah Deck]
Yo, yeah, yo
I leave the mic in body bags
My rap style has the force to leave ya lost like the Tribe of Shabazz

Murderous material made by a madman
It’s the mic wrecker, Inspectah, bad man
From the bad lands of the Killa
Rap fanatic, representin’ with the skill that’s iller
Dare to compare, get pierced just like your ear
The Shooby Doo-Wop pop, strictly hardware
Armed and geared ’cause I just broke out the prison
Charged by the system for murderin’ the rhythm
Now, lo and behold another deadly episode
Bound to catch another fuckin’ charge when I explode!

[Verse 4: Ghostface Killah]
Slammin’ a hype-ass verse ’til your head burst!
I ramshack dead in the track, and that’s that
Rap assassin, fast and quick to blast in hard rock
I ran up in spots like Fort Knox
I’m hot! Top notch, Ghost thinks with logic
Flashbacks how I attacked your whole project
I’m raw, I’m rugged and raw! I repeat
If I die, my seed’ll be ill like me
Approachin’ me, yo, out of respect, chops to neck
I get vexed, like crashin’ up a phat-ass Lex
So, clear the way! Make way! Yo! Open the cage!
Peace, I’m out, jettin’ like a runaway slave

[Verse 5: RZA]
You gettin’ stripped from your garments, boy, run your jewels
All the meth got me open like Fallopian tubes
I bring death to a snake when he least expect
Ain’t a damn thing changed, boy, Protect Ya Neck!
Ruler Zig-Zag-Zig Allah, jam is fatal
Quick to stick my Wu-Tang sword right through your navel
Suspenseful force bein’ brought through my utensil
The pencil, I bring strong winds up against you
Havoc, then run through your county like the Maverick
Caps through the tablets, I gots to make the fabrics

[Verse 6: Ol’ Dirty Bastard]
A-a-a-ah-ah, are you a warrior, killer? Slicin’ shit like a samurai?
The Ol’ Dirty Bastard from the bar!
Ol’ Dirty clan of terrorists
Comin’ at your ass like a sorceress, shootin’ that piss
Niggas be gettin’ on my fuckin’ nerves
Rhymes they be kickin’ make me wanna kick they fuckin’ ass to the curb
Boy got funky fresh like the Old Specialist
A carrier, messenger, bury ya
This experience is for the whole experience
Let it be applied, Unique, drop that science!

[Verse 7: GZA]
My-My-My-My clan is thick like plaster
Bust ya, slash ya, slit a nigga back like a Dutch Master
Killer style jumped off in Killa Hilla
I was the thriller in the Ali-Frazier Manila
I came down with phat tracks that combine and interlock
Like gettin’ smashed by a cinder block

PAOW! Now it’s all over
Niggas seein’ pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars and green clovers

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics (<i>lyric</i>) and bold (<b>lyric</b>) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum

About the Rhemas with the «Goose» 

In the Celtic Christian tradition the Wild Goose was representative of the Holy Spirit, and we believe that He will bring a fresh and much needed Rhema to you each time you go to this page. Of course as with all things, moderation.  Usually one or two, perhaps three are enough for clear thinking.  Too many Rhemas can be confusing. 

If you would like to get a new Rhema every time you open your browser, copy the link and make that your home page and you will get a fresh word every day when you open your browser.   Enjoy!

Rhemas — asking God questions!

About the Rhema Button:

There is a bug with our Rhema Button, so I changed

it to open into a NEW page. When it opens, to get another Rhema, just click «Refresh» or Press the F5 Key,

​To get back to the Source page, click back.

Is This Practice Scriptural?

Read Time: 3 Minutes 40 Seconds

At the beginning of every year, I always spend time in fasting and prayer to seek God for direction. In most cases, He gives me a word that helps me navigate the coming season. Sometimes the word has been as simple as, “Keep running your race,” a reference to Hebrews 12:1. In other years the Lord has given me detailed instructions.

I believe He wants to give you a word of direction for 2023. But many Christians struggle when it comes to guidance. When they pray, they strain to hear anything. They know God speaks, but either they don’t believe He wants to talk to them, or they don’t want to obey what He says. Many believers have never known the thrill of hearing God’s gentle voice.

Do you want to hear from God more clearly? I believe there are four primary ways He communicates with us:

1. You can hear God’s voice by reading the Bible. God went to a lot of trouble to give us His book. Yet today Bibles collect dust because people are too busy to read His personalized love letter to us. I know some Spirit-filled Christians who will travel many miles to a conference to receive a prophetic word, but they will not pull their Bible off a shelf and digest it.

God will never speak anything to us that contradicts His Word. That’s why it’s so important for you to saturate your mind with Scripture. When you read the Bible with a prayerful heart, God can cause a verse to jump off the page as a direct message to you.

2. You can hear God’s voice through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not an eerie presence that just hovers around us. He lives in every born-again Christian, and He comforts us and actively speaks to us. He does this in many ways: through dreams, visions, warnings, a sense of conviction or—most often—through what we know as the “still, small voice” (1 Kings 19:12b) of the Spirit.

I have had prophetic dreams and visions, but the most common way the Spirit speaks to me is through a deep sense of inward knowing. I will never forget a time in 1985 when God spoke to me while I was driving my car in Florida. A message came to me, not audibly but in my spirit: “You will move to Washington, D.C.” It seemed to come out of the blue, and I knew it did not originate with me. Six years later I was offered a job in the Washington, D.C., area, and I worked there for three years.

3. You can hear God’s voice through people. We are members of His body, the church, and you will hear God better when you are in fellowship with His people. God can speak to you through a pastor’s sermon, a friend’s wise counsel, a mother’s rebuke, a mentor’s phone call or a prophetic word given to you by one of God’s Spirit-filled servants. If you live in isolation, you probably won’t hear much from God.

God uses the gift of prophecy, but you should never chase after prophecies. Never treat the holy gift of prophecy like fortune telling. When God needs to speak to you in an unusual way, He has faithful messengers who will deliver it to you at the exact time you need it. Sometimes I actually ask close friends to pray for me to see if God is showing them anything to share with me from the Holy Spirit. And I have treasured every message they sent, whether it was a verse from the Bible, a word of encouragement, a vision or a sobering admonition.

4. You can hear God’s voice through circumstances. My oldest daughter wanted to attend a college in Tennessee, and we were praying about her decision. Right after we prayed, I got a call from the president of a college in Georgia. He was inviting me to speak at the school, but in our conversation I learned that this school was willing to offer my daughter a scholarship. She ended up enrolling in that school, meeting her future husband there and working for the school for four years after graduation. God was totally involved in that phone call from Georgia!

God is sovereign. He opens doors that no man can shut. If you have been praying about getting a job at one company, and suddenly you get an offer at a different company, this may be God’s sign that He has a better place for you to work. Listen carefully. Tune into His frequency. Be willing to obey Him. He promises to guide your steps if you seek Him.

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J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years and now serves as senior contributing editor. He directs the Mordecai Project (themordecaiproject.org), an international ministry that protects women and girls from gender-based violence. His latest books are “Follow Me” and “Let’s Go Deeper”(Charisma House).

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