I don t know this word can you look it in the dictionary

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Главная » Английский язык » 1) Helen, what are you looking … ? 2) My sister is fond of looking … somebody. 3) I don’t know this word. Can you look it … in the dictionary? 4) James is looking forward … his birthday.

Phrasal Verbs


1 Look …! There is a car coming!

2 Could you look … my dog while
I am on vacation?

3 I’ll look … and see you next

4 If you don’t know the word,
look … it in the dictionary.

5 Have you seen my T-shirt? I’ve
been looking … it everywhere.

6 Look … this picture, please!


1 Close your books and put them
… .

2 Take your notebooks and put …
all the words that are on the board.

3 Mr Garret put … his trip to Washington until next month.

4 Alison is not ready yet. She
hasn’t put her sneakers … .

5 Never put … till tomorrow what
you can do today.


1 Come … or we’ll be late.

2 I came … this book in a little

3 Come … here. I want to talk to

4 Come … with us, or you’ll miss
the bus.

5 The button has come … my coat.


1 If he gets … early, he’ll come
on time.

2 Take this bus and get … in 15

3 It was too hard for her to get
… after that illness.

4 The more we get …, the happier
we’ll be.

5 How do they get …? Pretty well.


1 You can’t trust him until you
find everything … .

2 He found … after graduating
from the University.

3 She’s unpleasant. She always
finds … people.


1 Yesterday I ran … my friend
whom I haven’t seen since we left school.

2 Why are you so upset? My
kitten was run … by a car.

3 I’ll have to go to the
backer’s as we’ve run … of bread.


1 He had to give … smoking as he
got sick.

2 “I give …,” Alison said.

3 Give … the textbooks.

4 They gave … their food for


1 Mike doesn’t go … sports.

2 The meeting went … for two

3 The lights went … and the film

4 You may take this book. I can
easily go … it for a month.


1 You’ll have to turn …
tomorrow. It’s very important for us.

2 One must always have somebody
to turn … help.

3 If you don’t turn … your
music, I’ll get a headache.

4 When leaving, don’t forget to
turn … the stove.

look at       смотреть

look after     присматриваться

look in        навещать,

look up      искать
(в словаре)

look out         Осторожно!

Look for        искать

put off, aside    откладывать

put on              надевать

put away         убирать,

put down         записывать

put out            тушить (огонь)

put up with     мириться

come across       случайно

come along        пойти
с кем-нибудь

come back         возвращаться

come off          
отлететь, оторваться

come on           

get up              
вставать, подниматься

get together      
собираться, встречаться

get over          
оправиться после болезни

get off              сойти, слезть

get along with (on)     жить, поживать

find fault with           придираться

find oneself            найти свой талант

find out             
выяснить, обнаружить

run into          встретиться
случайно с кем-либо

run over         переехать

run out of       истощить
свой запас

give away       отдавать,

give out          
раздавать (учебники)

give in           

give up           отказаться

go in for   увлекаться

go off       гаснуть

go on        продолжать,
идти дальше

go without      обходиться
без чего-либо

turn on/off     включить/выключить

turn down        убавлять

turn to smb for smth            обращаться к кому-либо за чем-либо

turn into                         

turn into                 
выворачивать наизнанку

turn up                  появляться

(Phrasal Verbs)


out    2 after  3 in  4 up  5 for  6 at


aside  2 down  3 off  4 on  5 off


on  2 across  3 back   4 along   5 off


up   2 off  3 over   4 together  5 along


out  2 himself  3 fault with


into  2 over   3 out


up  2 in  3 out  4 away


in for  2 on  3 off  4 without


up  2 for  3 down 4 off

TEST 7-5

What gadget(s) help(s) you to do the following:

To surf the Net

To take pictures

To send text messages

To watch films

To talk to your friends/ relatives

To store music

To read an electronic book

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb:

I’m sure our team (to win) the competition.

We (to have) a test tomorrow.

Be careful! You (to hit) your head.

It is raining. I (to take) an umbrella.

He has saved enough money and he (to buy) a car.

ІІІ. Open the brackets and complete the sentences:

13) If you (to use) your phone at the exam, you (to be) dismissed.

14) All the objects (to become) warmer, when temperature ( to rise).

15) If we (not hurry), the concert (to start) without us.

16. If I (find) his phone number, I (try) to call him.

IV. Complete with phrasal verb

17) Helen, what are you looking … ?

18) My sister is fond of looking … somebody.

19) I don’t know this word. Can you look it … in the dictionary?

20) James is looking forward … his birthday.

V. Translate the sentences
21. Аня собирается купить виртуального питомца.

22. Я использую мобильный телефон, чтобы звонить моей семье.

23. Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдем в парк.

24. Ты найдешь хорошую работу, если будешь хорошо учиться.

25. Я думаю, что мы будем жить под стеклянным куполом

1) Helen, what are you looking…?
2)My sister is fond of looking… somebody.
3)I don’t know this word. Can you look it… in the dictionary?
4)James is looking forward… his birthday.

Марат Канемов

Вопрос задан 22 сентября 2019 в

5 — 9 классы,  

Английский язык.

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Mixed Exercise 2

Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particles.

  1. I don’t know where my book is. I must look
  2. Fill
    the form, please.
  3. The music is too loud. Could you turn
    the volume, please?
  4. Quick, get
    the bus or you’ll have to walk home.
  5. Turn
    the lights when you go to bed.
  6. Do you mind if I switch
    the telly? I’d like to watch the news.
  7. The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it
  8. When you enter the house, take
    your shoes and put some slippers
  9. If you don’t know this word, you can look it
    in a dictionary.
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