I didn t know the word so i it in the dictionary

Phrasal Verbs Exercises With Answers
Phrasal Verbs Exercises With Answers

A phrasal verb consists of a verb and a preposition or adverb that modifies or changes the meaning; for example, ‘give up’ is a phrasal verb that means ‘stop doing’ something, which is very different from ‘give’. The word or words that modify a verb in this manner can also go under the name particle.

Phrasal Verbs Exercises

Here we have prepared phrasal verbs exercises with answers for ESL students. Attempt the following exercises then compare your answers with the correct answers given below. Rectify your mistakes according to the correct responses.

Exercise 1:

Use the phrasal verbs below in the blanks correctly.

Passed away, do without, look forward to, called off, made up, carried away, break out, run out, put up with, and keep up.

  1. Don’t smoke in the forest. Fires……………………………………….. easily at this time of the year.
  2. I…………………………………………… seeing my friends again.
  3. I’m afraid; we have……………………………………………… of apple juice.
  4. Your website has helped me a lot to……………………………………. phrasal verbs exercises.
  5. A friend of mine has……………………………………… her wedding.
  6. His mother can’t…………………………………… his terrible behavior anymore.
  7. As an excuse for being late, she…………………………………………………. a whole story.
  8. I got……………………………………………. by his enthusiasm.
  9. I just can not………………………………………. my mobile. I always keep it with me.
  10. she was very sad because of her father……………………………………………… last week.

Exercise 2:

Complete the phrasal verbs according to their meanings in brackets.

  1. ………………………………………. your shoes.(Remove)
  2. Somebody has to……………………………………. the baby. (Take care of)
  3. She wants to……………………………… the truth? (Discover)
  4. Where can I………………………….. the sweater? (See if it fits)
  5. ……………………………………………………. . (be quick)
  6. Why don’t you…………………………………? (Take a seat)
  7. I will…………………………………………….the train now. (Enter)
  8. ………………………………………… the word in a dictionary. (Consult a dictionary)
  9. I want to……….………………………….. the form. (Complete)
  10. The firemen………………………………..the fire. (Extinguish)

Exercise 3:

A. Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: look after, fill in, take off, stay out, and speak up.

  1. Could you ………………………….. this application form, please?
  2. Could you ……………………………….. my car for a moment, please?
  3. If you don´t ………………………………., we can´t hear you.
  4. I´m tired because I ………………………………..……. too late last night.
  5. The plane …………………………..…. late because of the bad weather.

B. Complete with one of these phrasal verbs: go off, put off, see off, take off, turn off.

  1. Let´s go to the airport to …………………………. them ………………
  2. The plane doesn´t ……………………………. till 5 o´clock.
  3. He was sleeping soundly when the alarm clock ………………………….
  4. The meeting has been ……………………………..…. till next month.
  5. Don´t forget to …………………………….……. all the lights when you leave.

C. Complete with: carry on, get on, hold on, put on, and try on.

  1. Hi! Is Mr. Knight in? ……………………………………….……., I´ll call him.
  2. Excuse me, could I ………………………………….…. this dress, please?
  3. How are you ………………………………. at college?
  4. Are you still …………………………..…. with your tennis lessons?
  5. It was a bit chilly, so she ………………………………………. her jacket.

D. Complete with: give up, hang up, look up, wake up, wash up.

  1. The kind of housework I hate most is ………………………….
  2. If he rings back, just ………………………..…….
  3. I didn´t know that word, so I ……………………….……. it in a dictionary.
  4. Don´t …………………………….. You can do it if you try hard.
  5. When I ……………………….……. in the middle of the night, I had some temperature.

E. Match the phrasal verbs with their corresponding synonyms.

  1. Put off               a. cancels
  2. Call off              b. Switch off
  3. Look up            c. Postpone
  4. Go off               d. Continue
  5. Carry one.         e. Explode
  6. Turn off             f. Check


Exercise 1. Exercise 2.
1. break out 1. take off
2. look forward to 2. look after
3. run out of 3. find out
4. keep up 4. try on
5. called off 5. hurry up
6. put up 6. get on
7. made up 7.  get in
8. carried away 8. check out
9. do without 9. fill up
10. passed away 10. put out
Exercise 3. Exercise 3. Exercise 3.
1. fill in 1. hold on 1. C
2. look after 2. try on 2.  A
3. speak up 3. carry on 3. F
4. stayed out 4. get on 4. E
5. take off 5. put on 5. D
B D 6. B
1 see of & take off 1. wash up
2. take off 2. hang up
3. go off 3. look up
4. put off 4. give up
5. turn off 5. woke up

Тест на уровень владения английским

Этот тест на уровень владения английским языком. Пройдя его вы получите отчет приблизительную оценку по британской и общеевропейской шкале. Для точной оценки конечно одного теста недостаточно, но примерно оценить можно. Отвечайте не подглядывая в словари и учебники.

Вместо точек надо отметить то, что подходит и нажать продолжить.

Желаем удачи!

Would you like ___ grapes?

You ___ her divorce, it’s a sore point.

didn’t mention

don’t have to mention

shouldn’t have mentioned

I’d like to lose some weight so I’ve stopped ___ sweets.

Perhaps you need to be more ___ of your colleagues.

… a brother?

Got you

Do you have

Have you

His hair and clothes were wet because he ___ in the river.

had swum


had been swimming

I ____ because I was in plenty of time.

couldn’t hurry

needn’t have hurried

didn’t need to hurry

Never in my life ___ so frightened.

have I felt

did I feel

I have felt

We will ___ your money in full if you are not satisfied.

___ making money, the company aims to set high standards of quality and design.

His mother looks ___ his children.

David’s just broken ___ with his girlfriend and he’s feeling a bit low.

The service was so bad that I really felt I had to ___ a formal complaint.

I like ___.

swimming very much

very much swimming

swim very much

I ___ my teacher.


am liking

would like

She is the ___ girl in the group.


most pretty

much more pretty

The new sculpture near the station is horrible, it’s a real ___ .

sore spot

running sore


She ___ be quite overweight when she was a teenager.

How ___ does it take you to get to work?

I’ve no idea where ___ .

is he going

he is going

he going

My daughter ___ 3 years old.

The company ___ so much money now if it hadn’t carried out the restructuring programme last year.

didn’t make

wouldn’t be making

wouldn’t make

I didn’t know the word so I ___ it up.

The car skidded and I thought we ___ crash.

Drop me ___ when you’re in Paris.

I could have done better if I ___ for the test.

had prepared


would prepare

It ___ Peter in his silly yellow shirt at the party, he was going to come.

should have been

could have been

must have been

Remember ___ to the supermarket, won’t you?

They ___ a new Porshe to New York.

Since he became a traffic warden, he regards every motorist ___ a potential criminal!

I’d like to take ___ cookery lessons.

How ___ money do you have?

If ___ give me some time, I’ll write a new report.

See you soon! Have a ___ time.




I’m looking forward ___ you again.

for meeting

to meet

to meeting

If I ___ a lot of money, I’d keep it.

I admitted to ___ a mistake.

have made


having made

Her superior attitude really turns me ___ .

How long ___ out with Peter?

have you gone

are you going

have you been going

She lives ___ the mountains.

I really put my ___ in it when I asked how old she was.

You’re a computer expert, Jane. Could I ___ a minute?

pick your brains

bash your brains out

rack your brains

When I got to the village I found it rather ___ .




The bomb was about to go off but the experts managed to ___ it.

I wouldn’t mind ___ if he helped around the house.

that he stay

him staying

him to stay

Nowadays many processes ___ .


are computerized

have been computerized

You look unwell, you ___ go to bed.

have to

don’t have to


If you insist ___ your case to court you risk losing everything.

on taking

to take

in taking

I have ___ sales experience.




Is ___ a safe in your office? Yes, behind the picture.

By 2020 people will ___ solar energy extensively.

have used

have been using


Тест на уровень владения английским


Согласно Британской шкале ваш уровень английского — Стартовый. По общеевропейской шкале (CEFR) ваш уровень английского А0. Тот, кто знает английский на уровне A0, не знает английского.


Согласно Британской шкале ваш уровень английского — Начальный (Breakthrough or beginner) По общеевропейской шкале (CEFR) ваш уровень английского А1.


Согласно Британской шкале ваш уровень английского — Элементарный (Way stage or elementary) По общеевропейской шкале (CEFR) ваш уровень английского А2.


Согласно Британской шкале ваш уровень английского — Средний уровень (Threshold or intermediate) По общеевропейской шкале (CEFR) ваш уровень английского B1.


Согласно Британской шкале ваш уровень английского — Средне-продвинутый (Vantage or upper intermediate) По общеевропейской шкале (CEFR) ваш уровень английского B2.


Согласно Британской шкале ваш уровень английского — Продвинутый (Effective operational proficiency or advanced) По общеевропейской шкале (CEFR) ваш уровень английского C1.


Согласно Британской шкале ваш уровень английского — Владение в совершенстве (Mastery or proficiency) По общеевропейской шкале (CEFR) ваш уровень английского C2.

I don't know the meaning of this word so i looks it up the dictionary перевод - I don't know the meaning of this word so i looks it up the dictionary русский как сказать

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I don’t know the meaning of this word so i looks it up the dictionary


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Я не знаю смысл этого слова, поэтому я смотрит его словарь

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Я не знаю, смысл этого слова, так что я выглядит его словарь

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


я не знаю, значение этого слова, так что я с его словарь

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • прощло уже много времени
  • вирішують, які будуть переходи між відре
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Have you written down ______ names?

They decided to go on a hike ______ the rain.
despite of
despite in
in spite
in spite of

If you don’t know the meaning of this word, _____ in the dictionary.
chase it up
search it out
look it up
find it out 

Did you fix these shelves ______? 
all on yourself
all at yourself
all with yourself
all by yourself

My grandma makes me ______ carrots, but I prefer ice-cream.
to eat
to eating

You were rude ______ him for no reason.

When I was a student I ______ to discos every Friday night.
used to go 
was used to go 
use to went
used to going

We ______ the project by the end of the month.
shall finish
are finishing
will have finished
will be finishing

I am here to say that we ______ next week. Everything is ready.
will leave
are leaving
will be leaving
will have left

This time tomorrow our family ______ on the beach of the Mediterranean sea.
will lie
is lying
will be lying
will have lain

I have found only one book. Where is ______?
the others 
the other

She didn’t know that he ______ her.
would betray
will betray
is going to betray

______ three years had passed before we met again.
The other

The happy man went to see his mother-in-law ______.

I ______ him since we ______school.
haven’t seen / left
didn’t see / left
didn’t see / have left
haven’t seen / have left

If the child ______ no better, we shall have to take him to hospital.

The boy almost never walks his dog in the morning, ______?
is he
doesn’t he
does he
isn’t he

I play football with friends every weekend. — ______.
So I play
So I do
So am I 
So do I

I ______ home when somebody ______ my name.
went / was calling
was going / called
went / called

______ tourists are staying here.
only few 
only little 
only a few
only a little 

Control of Writing (7th form)

I variant
Complete the sentences with up, after, for, forward to.1. I looked _____ her.

2. Who will look_____your little brother.

3. If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it_____in a good dictionary.

4. Every year the children look ______ the holidays coming.

2.Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous .
Father _____(watch) TV at ten o’clock yesterday.When I ______(come) home, Kate_____(play) the piano.They_____ (translate) a difficult test yesterday.When I _____(open) the door, my friends_____(sit) around the table.I_____(go) to the theatre yesterday.Complete the sentences. 1.If you ____ (drop) a book, it falls.

2. When Jill ____ (eat) fish, she is sick.

3. If it _____(rain), I ____(not go) to the park.

4. If I_____(get) this job, I_____(earn) a lot of money.

II variant
Complete the sentences with after, for, up, forward to. 1.I’m so looking ______ it.

2. Who will look_____your little sister.

3. I’m looking_____my bag.

4. I looked it _____in the dictionary.
Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous .When I _____(go) to school, I ______(meet) my friend.They ______(play) in the yard in the evening yesterday.I _____ (play) the piano at five o’clock yesterday.He _____(read) a newspaper, when I_____(come) in.The train_____(start) at fifteen minutes to ten.Complete the sentences. 1. If you _____ (heat) water to 100 Celsius, it boils.

2. When I _______(to cook) salads, I use only olive oil.

3. If I______(see) Mary, I ______(tell) her.

4. If I _____(go) to London, I _____ (see) the Tower of London.

Recommended textbook solutions

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