I could not understand a word she said


“I could’t understand a word she said”
“I didn’t manage to understand a word she said”
“I couldn’t make out a word she said”

Do this 3 sentences have the same meaning?
Which is the most common?

Ответы · 1

‘Making out a word she said’ implies that you would have been able to understand it if the sound quality had been higher.

‘Couldn’t understand’ is talking about the result, and could have other causes — for example, you don’t know the language/vocabulary.

‘Didn’t manage to understand’ adds the idea that you were trying to understand but failed.

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Examples of using
I couldn’t understand a word
in a sentence and their translations

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Turkana is as sophisticated and



tongue as ancient Greek, and although I can’t understand a word, it actually works much the same as English does.

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Туркана столь же сложный и утонченный язык,

сколь язык древних греков, и хоть я и не понимаю ни слова, устроен он очень похоже на английский.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The lady started talking in their language; I could not understand a word she was saying.

Since she spoke a terrible slang of which I could not understand a word, I tried to turn her over to an American physician in order to have him find out for me what had motivated her to seek my advice.

Поскольку она говорила на ужасном сленге, я не понимал ни слова и направил ее к врачу-американцу, чтобы выяснить, что же побудило ее искать моего совета.

Understand Words-or-Less to win in Australian competitions.

People understand words at the same rate that they speak them.

Люди воспринимают слова по тому же принципу, по которому они произносят их.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 873091. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 260 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

По правилам «классического» английского языка, глагол


должен был употребляться для выражения возможности

вследствие разрешения

, а глагол can выражал физическую возможность (употреблять его для выражения возможности в результате разрешения считалось неправильным). В современном языке это правило практически не соблюдается и can употребляется для выражения возможности как вследствие физической способности, так и вследствие разрешения. Глагол


сейчас выражает разрешение в основном в формальном стиле. Глагол


также выражал и физическую возможность (в определенной степени и это значение сейчас немного устарело и часто характерно для формальной речи, но в ряде случаев вполне сохранилось и в разговорной речи, в первую очередь в отношении формы


). Кроме того


и can/could употребляются для выражения предположений.



Глагол can выражает возможность совершить действие, как вследствие физической способности, так и вследствие разрешения (здесь значение «пересекается» со значением глагола may).



способность совершить действие

a) способность, полученная в результате знаний, умения, физической силы и т.п. (= I am able to = I have the ability to):

I can use a typewriter perfectly now.
He’s over eighty but can still read without glasses.
She can make all her own dresses.
He can speak English.
Can you speak Swedish?
Dogs can’t climb trees.
Can you lift this box?
Henry can lift 100 kilos.
My car can do 180 kph.
I can read Italian, but I can’t speak it.
I can’t visit you every day.
Can you translate this book?
The child is ten years old but can’t read yet.
These roses can grow anywhere.
Can gases freeze?

b) возможность в связи со

сложившимися обстоятельствами

(=I am able to=I have the chance to и =I am able to=I am free to):

We can go to Paris this weekend, because I don’t have to work.
There are three possibilities: we can go to the police, we can talk to a lawyer, or we can forget all about it.
We can sit at home and watch football matches in comfort, thanks to television.
Come when you like. I can see you at any time.
Anybody who wants to can join the club.
I can’t come out this evening: I have to see my brother.

3. Can может употребляться с глаголами физического восприятия (see, hear, feel, smell, taste) и некоторыми другими глаголами для выражения происходящего в настоящий момент:

I (саn) hear a dog barking somewhere.
I (can) see Susan coming.
What did you put in the stew? I (can) taste something funny.
I can’t/don’t understand what she’s talking about.
Do/Can you follow what he’s saying?
I (can) remember your grandfather.

4. Can часто опускается, когда речь идет о способности говорить на каком-либо языке или играть на музыкальных инструментах:

She speaks Greek. / She can speak Greek.
Do/Can you play the piano?

5. Can употребляется в просьбах, а также в значении «могу ли…» при предложении чем-то помочь (здесь «примешивается» и желание получить разрешение):

Can you wait a moment, please?
Dan, can you help me, please?
Can I have these shoes, please? (в магазине)
Can you come to the meeting tomorrow?
Саn you lend me three shillings?
Can I get you lemonade? – That’s very nice of you.
Can I help you, sir? – No thank you. I’m being served.
Can I carry your bag? – Oh, thank you.

6. С помощью предложений с вопросительными наречиями можно выразить неудовольствие:

What can he mean?

(Похожим образом звучат предложения с ever, on earth, in the world, the devil: What ever does he mean? What on earth does he mean? What in the world does he want?)

7. Когда употребление can

грамматически невозможно

(за неимением у всех модальных глаголов инфинитива и причастий) можно употреблять be able to:

What have you been able to find out? (не ‘What have you could… ?’)
I might be able to help you. (не ‘I might can… ’)
He hasn’t been able to work recently.
She might not be able to fly to London.
He used to be able to speak German well.
Не seems (to be) quite unable to give up his bad habits.
Не seemed (to be) unable to give up his bad habits.

8. Be able to может употребляться и просто как замена can. Can предпочтительнее, чем be able to

a) когда говорится о чем-то, что происходит

в момент речи


Watch me, Mum; I can stand on one leg. (не ‘…I’m able to stand on one leg’.)
I can see a ship. (более естественно, чем I am able to see a ship.)

b) с глаголами в форме

пассивного залога


CDs can now be copied easily (лучше, чем ‘CDs are now able to be copied…’)
He can’t be understood. (лучше, чем ‘He’s not able to be understood’.)

c) со значением

«знать/уметь как…»


Can you cook? (более естественно, чем ‘Are you able to cook?’)



1. Could употребляется для выражения способности что-то делать в прошлом, только если из контекста (например, есть другой глагол в форме прошедшего времени) очевидно, что речь идет именно о прошлом:

She could read Latin when she was twelve!
Не could speak German well when he was young, but he has forgotten most of his German now.
It could be quite frightening if you were alone in our big old house.
She could read when she was four.
My grandmother could sing like an angel (можно догадаться, что это было в прошлом).
My last car could do 200 kph (слово ‘last’ указывает на прошлое).
In those days everybody could find a job (обстоятельство ‘in those days’ указывает на прошлое).

Можно употреблять was/were able to:

She was able to read when she was four.

2. Could употребляется в придаточных предложениях и косвенной речи:

Can you help me? – What did you say? – I asked if you could help me.
Can you give me a hand? – What? – I asked if you could give me a hand.
You could get a better job if you spoke a foreign language.
I told you I could use a typewriter.
I told him I could help him.

3. Can/could выражает именно


что-либо совершить, поэтому, как правило, не употребляется для выражениях законченных в прошлом отдельных действий. В отношении таких действий could выражает сослагательность:

Тоm could pass the examination, we all were sure of that (Том мог сдать и мы были в этом уверены, но предложение не означает, что он его действительно сдал).
Tom could pass the examination (Том мог бы сдать экзамен, но тоже не значит, что он его сдал).

Для выражения законченных действий в прошлом можно употреблять

a) просто Past Simple:

I found a really nice dress in the sale. (не ‘I could find… ’)
Torn passed the examination.
Harry swam across the river.
Аnn didn’t catch her train.

(could в таких предложениях не употребляется)

b) manage (предполагает трудности, которые пришлось преодолеть) и succeed:

I managed to run 10 km yesterday. (не ‘I could run 10 km
’ )
I managed to buy a really nice coat yesterday. (не ‘I could buy a really nice
coat yesterday
After six hours’ climbing, we succeeded in getting to the top of the mountain. (не ’… we could get to the top… ’ )
Torn succeeded in passing the examination.
Harry managed to swim across the river.
Anne didn’t manage to catch the train.
Did you manage to get to the top of the mountain?
How did you manage to get here in time?
I managed to get /succeeded in getting all my clothes into the suitcase.

c) обороты с get

Не got it done. (‘Не could get it done’ означает, что он мог бы это сделать).

d) оборот be able to:

I was able to pass the examination.
How many eggs were you able to get? (не ‘…could you get?’)

4. Но could можно употреблять, выражая, что что-то не случилось в конкретном случае в прошлом

a) с глаголами see, hear, smell, taste, feel, understand, remember:

I could smell something burning.
I could understand everything she said.
Не could smell something burning.
Suddenly she realised she could smell something burning.
He spoke so quickly that I couldn’t understand him at all.
Though I was sitting in the last row, I could see the film well.
I could not hear him.

b) в отношении единичного случая в придаточном предложении:

I’m so glad that you could come.

c) при употреблении отрицательной формы couldn’t:

I managed to find the street, but I couldn’t find her house.
Не said he couldn’t come to the meeting.
The box was so heavy that I couldn’t lift it.
I tried to lift the box but couldn’t.
Не said he was sorry he couldn’t lend me the money.

d) с наречиями hardly и only (так как они также имеют негативный оттенок).

She could hardly believe her eyes. I could only get six eggs.

5. Употребляется can’t, а не couldn’t, когда речь идет о том, что невозможно:

There can’t be many people in the world who haven’t watched television.
The doctor can’t see you this morning; he’s busy at the hospital.

6. Could+have+past participle указывает на


в прошлом возможность:

The President was always available. We could see him at any time (мы могли его видеть)
You never came to see me. Why not? You could have seen me at any time (ты мог, но не делал).

Не could easily have done it.
You could have caught the train if you had hurried.
I could have married anybody I wanted to.
I was so angry I could have killed her!
Why did you jump out of the window? You could have hurt yourself.
I could have won the race if I hadn’t fallen.
I could have kissed her if I’d wanted to.

Так можно выразить



You could have helped me — why did you just sit and watch?
You could have told me you were getting married.

Отрицательное предложение показывает, что возможности что-то сделать не было вообще:

I couldn’t have won, so I didn’t go in for the race.
I couldn’t have enjoyed myself more — it was a perfect day.

Такая конструкция иногда может выражать и



Who sent those flowers? – I’m not sure. It could have been your mother.

Предложение может относиться к

настоящему времени


He could have been Prime Minister now if he hadn’t decided to leave politics.
We could have spent today at the seaside, but we thought it was going to
rain, so we decided not to.

□ Иногда употребляется can+have+past participle:

I don’t know where she can have gone.

7. Was/were able to предпочтительнее, когда речь идет о единичном достижении в прошлом, а не способности вообще (в этом случае можно употреблять и could и was/were able to):

She swam strongly and was able to cross the river easily, even though it was swollen by the heavy rain (не‘ She swam strongly and could cross… ’)
He didn’t want to buy a new suit but at last we were able to persuade him.
She wasn’t able to pass the exam.

Sue could play the flute quite well/ Sue was able to play… (способность вообще)

Отрицательную форму couldn’t можно употреблять в обоих случаях:

He couldn’t play tennis.
We couldn’t persuade him to buy a new suit.

8. Could звучит естественнее

a) в отрицательных предложениях:

I tried to get up but I couldn’t move (естественнее, чем ‘…I wasn’t able to move’.)

b) с глаголами физического восприятия (feel, hear, see, smell, taste) и выражающими умственную деятельность (believe, decide, remember, understand и т.п.):

I could remember the crash, but nothing after that (естественнее, чем ‘I was able to remember…’)

c) после the only thing/place/time и all, со значением ‘the only thing’:

All we could see were his feet. (естественнее, чем ‘All we were able to…’)

d) выражая идею что что-то чуть не случилось, особенно с наречиями almost, hardly, just, nearly:

I could nearly touch the ceiling (естественнее, чем ‘I was nearly able to…’)


Модальные глаголы — это глаголы, которые не используются самостоятельно; они выражают отношение говорящего к какому-либо действию или состоянию. Говорящий может оценивать действие как возможное, необходимое, разрешенное, запрещенное, приказываемое и т.п. Модальные глаголы часто используются в английском языке для выражения обязательства, долга, необходимости, разрешения, запрета, возможности, способности/неспособности, для выражения критического замечания, предложения или для того, чтобы дать совет.

К модальным глаголам относятся can/could (уметь, быть в состоянии/мог, умел), may/might (может/мог (используется для выражения вероятности или разрешения)), must/have to (должен («категоричный» глагол)/должен в связи с какими-то обстоятельствами), ought to (следует, нужно), shall/should (для предложения совместного действия, предложение услуги,совет), will/would (намерения, желания, обещания). Could, would, might — это формы глаголов в прошлом времени.

Насколько хорошо Вы знакомы с английскими модальными глаголами, проверим на упражнениях.


  • 1 Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 2 Exercise 2. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках.
  • 3 Exercise 3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.
  • 4 Exercise 4. Дополните предложения, используя модальные глаголы и слова в скобках (как в примере).
  • 5 Exercise 5. Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам.
  • 6 Exercise 6. Дополните шутки глаголами can или can’t.
  • 7 Exercise 7. Дополните предложения must или have to.
  • 8 Exercise 8. Дополните предложения глаголом have to в правильной форме (утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной) и времени (настоящее, прошедшее или будущее).
  • 9 Exercise 9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 10 Exercise 10. Перепишите предложения, используя may/might, must, can’t, could как в примере.
  • 11 Exercise 11. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 12 Exercise 12. Переведите на английский язык.
  • 13 Exercise 13. Переведите на английский язык.

Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. You can/could buy the present yesterday.
  2. 2. I think we could/will be able to buy the tickets beforehand.
  3. Eddy must/had to return me this book yesterday.
  4. The students must/mustn’t make a noise in the classroom.
  5. The children may/will be allowed to play in the park today.
  6. My mother may not/won’t allow me to take her camera.
  7. Your cousin can/may play guitar very well.
  8. All the students had to/will have to pass the exams at the end of the year.
  9. Last year Ben could/couldn’t speak English, but now he can/can’t speak English rather well.
  10. I think they can/will be able to take part in this festival next year.

Answers: 1. could 2. will be able to 3. had to 4. mustn’t 5. may 6. won’t allow 7. can 8. will have to 9. couldn’t, can 10. will be able to.

Exercise 2. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках.


  1. Jane…play the violin a year ago, but now she … play well. She…play at the concert in two month. (can, could, be able to)
  2. You … watch this film yesterday. I…you to go for a walk when you finish your homework. Your friend…visit you today. (may, might, will allow)
  3. Oscar…take an aspirin an hour ago. He…go to bed right now. He…visit the doctor in three days. (must, had to, will have to)
  4. My friend…speak French very well. He…speak French when he was twelve. I think he…go to university in France in his future. (can, could, will be able to)
  5. We…clean the flat now. We…clean the flat yesterday, but we had a lot of homework to do. We…go shopping tomorrow evening. (had to, must, will be able to)
  6. Tony and Den…go to the cinema yesterday. If they have already had dinner, they…play computer games. Their parents…the boys to go to the river next Saturday. (may, might, will allow)

Answers: 1. could, can, will be able to 2. might, will allow, may 3. had to, must, will have to 4. can, could, will be able to 5. must, had to, will be able to 6. might, may, will allow.

Exercise 3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.


  1. Henry can play volleyball very well.
  2. We could help you with house chores yesterday.
  3. Dolly must look after her little cousin.
  4. They may go fishing with Bob.
  5. Alex could return me this disc yesterday.
  6. He may give you sweets after dinner.
  7. Mary must translate this text.
  8. I can make a cup of tea for them.
  9. You must take care of your sister.
  10. The doctor can examine you.
  11. Nick could ski last winter.

Answers: 1. Henry can’t play volleyball very well. Can Henry play volleyball very well? 2. We couldn’t help you with house chores yesterday. Could we help you with house chores yesterday? 3. Dolly mustn’t look after her little cousin. Must Dolly look after her little cousin? 4. They may not go fishing with Bob. May they go fishing with Bob? 5. Alex couldn’t return me this disc yesterday. Could Alex return me this disc yesterday? 6. He may not give you sweets after dinner. May he give you sweets after dinner? 7. Mary mustn’t translate this text. Must Mary translate this text? 8. I can’t make a cup of tea for them. Can I make a cup of tea for them? 9. You mustn’t take care of your sister. Must you take care of your sister? 10. The doctor can’t examine you. Can the doctor examine you? 11. Nick couldn’t ski last winter. Could Nick ski last winter?

Exercise 4. Дополните предложения, используя модальные глаголы и слова в скобках (как в примере).

Ron can play football but (to play basketball ) — Ron can play football but he can’t play basketball.

Sue must learn the poem but (to write an essay ?) — Sue must learn the poem but must she write an essay?


  1. Jack and Paul may ride bikes but (to ride fast -).
  2. Amy could skate last year but (to ski ?).
  3. You may watch the cartoon but (to watch the film -).
  4. I must paint the roof but (to paint the fence ?).
  5. Eric can read in French but (to speak French ?).
  6. Children must eat fruit but (to eat many sweets -).
  7. At the age of two Betty could walk but (to speak -).
  8. You may take my car but (drive without a licence -).

Answers: 1. Jack and Paul may ride bikes but they may not ride fast. 2. …could she ski? 3. …you may not watch the film. 4. must I paint the fence? 5. …can he speak French? 6. … they mustn’t eat many sweets. 7. … she couldn’t speak. 8. … you may not drive without a licence.

Exercise 5. Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам.


  1. The boys can swim in the lake in summer.
  2. We must buy a present for our mother.
  3. Pam may listen to music in her room.
  4. They could ski in the mountains in winter.

Answers: 1. Who can swim in the lake in summer? What can the boys do in summer? Where can the boys swim in summer? When can the boys swim in the lake? 2. Who must buy a present for our mother? What must we do for our mother? What must we buy for our mother? Whom must we buy a present for? 3. Who may listen to music in her room? What may Pam do in her room? What may Pam listen to in her room? In whose room may Pam listen to music? Where may Pam listen to music? 4. Who could ski in the mountains in winter?  What could they do in winter? Where could they ski in winter? When could they ski in the mountains?

Exercise 6. Дополните шутки глаголами can или can’t.


1.B:  …a kangaroo jump higher than the Eiffel Tower?

А: Yes, because the Eiffel Tower … jump!

2. А: Meet my newborn brother.

B: I don’t know. I … understand a wprd he says.

3. Teacher: How … we get some clean water?

Student: Bring the water from the river and wash it.

Answers: 1. can, can’t 2. can’t 3. can.

Exercise 7. Дополните предложения must или have to.


  1. I am very tired. I … go to bed earlier today.
  2. My parents think I … go to bed early to have a good sleep.
  3. I … buy bread. My mother asked me about it.
  4. I have got a terrible headache. I … take an aspirin.
  5. My teacher says I … pay more attention to my pronunciation.
  6. We have nothing to eat. We … go shopping.
  7. Paul’s coach says he … exercise more to get good results at the competition.
  8. Vicky’s room is in mess. She … tidy it.
  9. The weather is so wonderful today! We … go out for a picnic.
  10. Jane’s boss thinks she … speak to the clients more politely.

Answers: 1. must 2. have to 3. have to 4. must 5. have to 6. must 7. has to 8. must 9. must 10. has to.

Exercise 8. Дополните предложения глаголом have to в правильной форме (утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной) и времени (настоящее, прошедшее или будущее).


  1. Sam has got a toothache so he … visit his dentist today.
  2. … we … prepare all the documents yesterday? — No, you … .
  3. It is my day off tomorrow so I … go to the office.
  4. It was raining yesterday so Frank … take his umbrella.
  5. Sally has recovered so now she … stay in bed any more.
  6. Sheila and Marion can’t come to our party because they … study for the test tonight.
  7. … you … type all these letters today? — Yes, I … .
  8. My aunt arrives tomorrow so I … meet her at the railay station.
  9. It was very warm yesterday and Jessie … put on her warm sweater.
  10. … Clara … fill in this report right now? — No, she… .
  11. Let’s go shopping now so that we … do it tomorrow.
  12. … Mike … book a hotel room yesterday? — Yes, he… .

Answers: 1. has to 2. Did we have to, didn’t 3. won’t have to 4. had to 5. doesn’t have to 6. can’t, have to 7. have to, do. 8. will have to 9. didn’t have to

10. Does Clara have to, doesn’t 11. won’t have to 12. Did Mike have to, did.

Exercise 9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


  1. My little brother can/could count when he was six.
  2. I will be able to/was able to send the invitations tomorrow.
  3. We can/could order a taxi right now.
  4. She won’t be able to/wasn’t able to understand the rule because she had a headache.
  5. Alan could/was able to win the competition because his leg didn’t hurt.
  6. I’m afraid Sue can’t/won’t be able to take you to the exhibition because she’ll be very busy next Friday.
  7. It eas snowing hard and we can’t/weren’t able to drive fast.
  8. Olga can’t/couldn’t say a word in English two years ago but now she can/could speak English fluently.

Answers: 1. could 2. will be able 3. can 4. wasn’t able to 5. was able to 6. won’t be able to 7. weren’t able to 8. couldn’t, can.

Exercise 10. Перепишите предложения, используя may/might, must, can’t, could как в примере.

I don’t think this film is interesting.

This film  can’t be interesting.


  1. She usually phones me. I think she will phone me today.
  2. I don’t know if we meet our cousins.
  3. I hope your little brother is near the sandpit.
  4. I don’t think the plane arrives on time in such bad weather.
  5. I’m not sure if our teacher is still at school.
  6. Perhaps your parents will give you some good advice.
  7. It’s quite possible that Nick will buy the cake.
  8. It’s certain that they are of the same age.
  9. I don’t think that the situation is so bad.

Answers: 1. He must phone me today. 2. We may/might meet our cousins. 3. Your little brother could be near the sandpit. 4. The plane can’t arrive on time in such bad weather. 5. Our teacher can’t still be at school.  6. Your parents could/may/might give you some good advice. 7. Nick may/might buy the cake. 8. They must be of the same age. 9. The situation can’t be so bad.

Exercise 11. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


  1. Can/could you buy a newspaper for me, please?
  2. I shall/will give you my umbrella if you don’t mind.
  3. Would/could you like a ham sandwich?
  4. Can/could you phone me in the evening?
  5. Shall/will we go to the concert tonight?
  6. Can/would you like to try this jumper on?
  7. Wait a minute! I shall/will write you my address.
  8. Shall/will we have lunch in a cafe?
  9. Shall/will you leave a message for me?
  10. Can/could he show me the cheque?

Answers: 1. could 2. will 3. would 4. can 5. shall 6. would 7. will 8. shall 9. will 10. can.

Exercise 12. Переведите на английский язык.


  1. Наши соседи должны быть сейчас на работе.
  2. Мы опаздываем. Наш учитель может рассердиться.
  3. Это не может быть ее номер телефона. Она недавно сменила номер.
  4. Мой брат может забыть о встрече.
  5. Ты можешь думать, что этот вопрос не такой уж и важный.
  6. Она не может быть удивленной. Она знала об этом и раньше.
  7. Твои одноклассники могут иметь и другие задания.
  8. Этот журнал должен быть у твоего брата. Я давал его ему неделю назад.
  9. Эти девушки могут быть сестрами.
  10. Я думаю, может пойти дождь.

Answers: 1. Our neighbours must be at work now. 2. We are late. Our teacher may get angry. 3. This can’t be her phone number. She has recently changed her number. 4. My brother may/might forget about the meeting. 5. You may/might think that this question isn’t so important. 6. She can’t be surprised. She knew about it beforehand. 7. Your classmates could have other tasks. 8. Your brother must have this magazine. I gave it to him a week ago. 9. These girls may/might be sisters. I think it may/might rain.

Exercise 13. Переведите на английский язык.


  1. Ты можешь пользоваться компьютером, если у тебя есть работа.
  2. Ты не можешь смотреть телевизор. Ты еще не сделал уроки.
  3. Ученикам не позволяется пользоваться калькулятором на уроках математики.
  4. Можно мне взять ваш чемодан?
  5. Можно мне одолжить вашу машину, пожалуйста?
  6. Он не может оставаться с нами.
  7. Здесь не позволяется оставлять машину.
  8. Он может присоединиться к нам, если хочет.
  9. Можно мне посмотреть на ваши расчеты, пожалуйста? — Да, конечно.
  10. Можно мне яблоко? — Сначала тебе следует помыть руки, а потом ты можешь взять яблоко.

Answers: 1. You may use the computer if you have any work. 2. You can’t watch TV. You haven’t done the homework yet. 3. Students can’t use calculators at the Math lessons. 4. Can I take your suitcase? 5. Could I borrow your car, please? 6. He can’t stand with us. 7. You mustn’t leave a car here. 8. He may join us if he wants. 9. Could/Might I look at yourcalculations, please? — Of course, you can. 10. Can I have an apple? — First you should wash your hands and then you can have an apple.




  1. Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.

Модальные глаголы в английском языке (Modal verbs)

Модальные глаголы в английском языке. Упражнения для продолжающих

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно!!

something/anything — somebody/anybody — somewhere/anywhere »

1) She said _______ but I didn’t understand anything.

2) Has _________ found my blue pencil? No, I’m sorry.

3) Would _________ help me, please? Yes, I can help you.

4) Have you got ________ to eat? No, I haven’t.

5) Tom, can you give me ________ to drink, please?

6) Is there ________ in the house? No, it’s deserted.

7) Do you know ________ about London transport? No, I don’t.

8) What’s wrong? «There’s ________ in my eye.»

9) Would you like __________ to drink? Yes, please.

10) ________ has broken the window. I don’t know who.
11) He didn’t say _________ .

12) I’m looking for my keys. Has __________ seen them? No, I’m sorry.

13) Teach me ________ exciting.

14) I didn’t eat __________ because I wasn’t hungry.

15) Dad, can we go ________ on Sunday? Yes, what about going to the zoo?

A. Choose the correct word or phrase.

1   The prime minister was / has criticised for his recent actions.

2   When I walked past the Wilsons’ house, their new sofa was / has being delivered.

3   Our teacher was / has told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow.

4   I think my mobile was / has been stolen!

5   Jonathan was / has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.

6   I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted / has been painting.

7   This picture was / has probably taken during the winter.

8   Your essays must be / have handed in on Friday morning.

9   Someone was / has left their wallet on the floor.

10   Did you hear about the bank being / having robbed?

11   Treasure Island was / has written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

12   It was a real shock when my dad was / has fired from his job.

13   The Vikings had visited America before it was / has discovered by Columbus.

14   When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was / had been delayed.

15   Was / Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?


1 was   2 was   3 has   4 has   5 was

6 is being painted   7 was   8 be

9 has   10 being   11 was   12 was

13 was   14 had   15 Was

B. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1   The Earth ………………………… (hold) by the gravity of the Sun and orbits around it.

2   The first feature-length comedy film ………………………… (create) by Charlie Chaplin.

3   The award for best video ………………………… (present) later this evening.

4   By the time you read this, I ………………………… (arrest) for murder.

5   I don’t know whether our tests ………………………… (mark) yet or not.

6   Radio waves ………………………… (discover) by Marconi.

7   You wouldn’t think it to look at him now, but Jack ………………………… (bully) when he was at school.

8   Your application ………………………… (consider) and we will let you know was soon as we’ve made a decision.

 The roof of the car can ………………………… (lower) by pressing this button here.

10   Our tent ………………………… (blow) over in the night by the wind.

11   Chess ………………………… (play) for around two thousand years now.

12   Two men ………………………… (question) at this moment by police in connection with the burglary.


1 is held   2 was created

3 is going to/will be presented

4 will have been arrested

5 have been marked

6 were discovered

7 was bullied

8 is being considered

9 be lowered   10 was blown

11 has been played

12 are being questioned

C. Write sentences in the passive.

1   Our car / service / a mechanic / at the moment.


2   A man / shoot / an air gun / outside the petrol station last night.


3   Gunpowder / invent / the Chinese.


4   At the surgery yesterday, I / examine / Dr Peterson / and I / give / a prescription.


5   I went to see it because I / tell / it was a good film / all my friends.


6   This photograph / take / my grandfather.


 It looked like the window / break / a hammer / some time before.


 Our dog / give / an injection / a special syringe / the vet.


 The winning goal in last night’s match / score / Donatello / a brilliant free kick.


10   Your cheque / send / last Friday and / should / deliver / to you tomorrow.



 Our car is being serviced by a mechanic at the moment.

2   A man was shot with an air gun outside the petrol station last night.

3   Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese.

4   At the surgery yesterday, I was examined by Dr Peterson and I was given a prescription.

5   I went to see it because I had been told it was a good film by all my friends.

6   This photograph was taken by my grandfather.

7   It looked like the window had been broken with a hammer some time before.

8   Our dog was given an injection with a special syringe by the vet.

9   The winning goal in last night’s match was scored by Donatello with a brilliant free kick.

10   Your check was sent last Friday and should be delivered to you tomorrow.

D. Rewrite using the phrase given.

1   They have been building the new road for a long time now. (under construction)


2   They had been training the horse for the race for over a year. (in training)


3   They have been discussing the issue in Parliament. (under discussion)


4   They had been observing the criminal for the past two weeks. (under observation)


5   They have been using this plane for over 25 years now. (in use)


6   They have been developing the Cyborg D423 robot for over ten years. (in development)



1   The new road has been under construction for a long time now.

2   The horse had been in training for the race for over a year.

3   The issue has been under discussion in Parliament.

4   The criminal had been under observation for the past two weeks.

5   This plane has been in use for over 25 years now.

6   The Cyborg D423 robot has been in development for over ten years.

E. Rewrite in the passive starting with the words given.

1   People say that Bali is a beautiful island.

     It ………………………………………………

2   People generally think that life won’t be found on Mars.

     It ………………………………………………

3   It is generally said that Christmas is too commercialised.

     Christmas ………………………………………………

4   People often argue that prison doesn’t work.

     It ………………………………………………

5   People have suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine.

     It ………………………………………………

6   People say that crocodile tastes like squid.

     Crocodile ………………………………………………

7   It is said that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus.

     The Vikings ………………………………………………

8   People think that heart disease is caused by eating the wrong things.

     Heart disease ………………………………………………


1   is said that Bali is a beautiful island.

2   is generally thought that life won’t be found on Mars.

3   is generally said to be too commercialised.

4   is often argued that prison doesn’t work.

5   has been suggested that the school start to produce a magazine.

6   is said to taste like squid.

7   are said to have discovered America before Columbus.

8   is thought to be caused by eating the wrong things.

F. Choose the correct answer.

 We …………… a swimming pool put in this week.

      A   get      are having

      C   have     D   have got

 Why don’t you get a doctor …………… at your arm?

      A   to look      looked

      C   look     D   be looking

 My teeth were a little yellow so I …………… by the dentist.

      A   had cleaned them

      B   have them cleaned

      C   was cleaned them

      D   had them cleaned

 Stuart’s thinking of having ……………!

      A   shaved his head

      B   his head shaving

      C   his head shaved

      D   shaved to his head

 My sister …………… her ear pierced last weekend.

      A   made      got

      C   did     D   took

 Mum and Dad didn’t fancy cooking, so we got a pizza …………… .

      A   be delivered

      B   to be delivered

      C   delivered

      D   deliver

 You should …………… a professional to check your house for earthquake damage.

      A   have      make

      C   take     D   get

 Kelly wanted to have a live band …………… at her wedding.

      A   to be played      play

      C   played     D   been playing

 Can we …………… this summer?

      A   get installed air-conditioning

      B   get air-conditioning to install

      C   have installed air-conditioning

      D   have air-conditioning installed

10   We …………… while we were on holiday.

      A   were burgled our house

      B   had our house burgled

      C   had burgled our house

      D   got burgled our house


1 B   2 A   3 D   4 C   5 B

6 C   7 D   8 B   9 D   10 B

G. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   Someone has scratched my car on the door!   been

     My car ……………………………… on the door!

2   Tommy is having an operation right now.   being

     Tommy ……………………………… right now.

3   Has Fiona invited you to her party?   been

     Have ……………………………… party?

4   Shakespeare probably wrote this play in 1587.   written

     This play ……………………………… Shakespeare in 1587.

5   The government is considering a new law to ban smoking following new research.   considered

     A new law to ban smoking ……………………………… following new research.

6   My mum told me to go to Megagrocers.   sent

     I ……………………………… my mum.

7   I didn’t understand a word so I asked my teacher and she explained it to me.   got

     I didn’t understand a word so I ……………………………… it to me.


1   has been scratched

2   is being operated on

3   you been invited to Fiona’s

4   was probably written by

5   is being considered

6   was sent to Megagrocer’s by

7   got my teacher to explain

H. Find the extra word.

Wedding disaster

(1) My wedding had been being arranged for months. I knew exactly what I (2) wanted for that special day. I had the caterers to give me a menu and (3) have got them to provide me with samples so that I could be sure we (4) would have the best food. I also wanted to have us a string quartet play (5) classical music and I arranged that, too. My dress was been being made (6) specially and I had told the dressmaker put silver thread in it. Finally, the (7) big day got arrived. My dress was being delivered in the morning, but by (8) ten it still hadn’t arrived. They called me and said it had been being (9) damaged! I was furious! I had my best friend quickly to pop out and get (10) a new dress. I had got my lawyer to call to get my money back.


1 being   2 to   3 have   4 us   5 been

6 told   7 got   8 being   9 to   10 had

I. Rewrite with the indirect object at the end of the sentence.

1   My dad got me a great computer game!


2   Dave sent Jill a really nice letter.


3   I threw Colin the ball.


4   The waiter offered us a menu.


5   The hotel provides its guests with satellite television.


6   My grandma taught me this song.



1   My dad got a great computer game for me.

2   Dave sent a really nice letter to Jill.

3   I threw the ball to Colin.

4   The waiter offered a menu to us.

5   The hotel provides satellite television to/for its guests.

6   My grandma taught this song to me.

J. Write one word in each gap.

The European Diet

It’s hard for us to imagine what (1) ………………… included in the European diet before America (2) ………………… discovered (3) ………………… Columbus in 1492. So many ingredients which today (4) ………………… grown all over the world (5) ………………… unknown to medieval Europeans. Potatoes, tomatoes, maize and chocolate (6) ………………… all originally imported from the New World. Until then, meals had (7) ………………… prepared using ingredients native to Europe, such as root vegetables. Of course, spices such as pepper (8) ………………… been traded and added to food for centuries. When the potato (9) ………………… first introduced, it was surprisingly unpopular. It (10) ………………… considered to be poisonous and it took a long time to become common. There is a story of Parmentier, a French army officer, who (11) ………………… potatoes planted in the royal garden and (12) ………………… Marie Antoinette to wear a potato flower to make them fashionable. The poor peasants were curious about the new plants and many of them (13) ………………… stolen to be planted in their own gardens. It was the start of French fries!


1 was   2 was   3 by   4 are   5 were   6 were   7 been

8 had   9 was   10 was   11 had/got   12 got   13 were

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