I could barely get a word

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I can barely get a word out of her.

After that, I could barely get a word out of him.

I can barely get a word out of her.

Most days, I can barely get a civil word out of Chelsea.

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i could barely — перевод на русский

I could barely see from the waves crashing down upon me but I knew something was there.

Я едва мог видеть из-за волн, грохочущих надо мной но я знал, там что-то есть.

I could barely see him.

Я едва мог его разглядеть. Он там был, потом исчез.

I could barely move my limbs.

Я едва мог пошевелить конечностями.

I could barely get a pitch across the plate.

Я едва мог добросить до базы.

And I could barely talk.

И я едва мог говорить.

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I could barely recognize it. My beloved city, which I had to abandon forever.

Я с трудом узнавал свой любимый город, который я был вынужден покинуть навсегда.

Look at me, Judy. I could barely make it down the stairs.

ЧАРЛИ Посмотри на меня, я с трудом спустился с лестницы.

When my wife died, I could barely finish my lunch.

Когда умерла моя жена, я с трудом закончил обед.

I could barely understand him.

Я с трудом его понимал.

I love to listen to him talk, but today I could barely concentrate.

Я люблю слушать его, но сегодня я с трудом концентрировался.

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I could barely advance.

Я еле ехал.

No, I could barely understand it.

Просто? Да я еле поняла это.

I could barely get you out of bed this morning.

Я еле стянула тебя с кровати.

I mean, I could barely keep my hands from shaking.

Понимаете… Я еле пистолет в руках сжимала.

Yesterday I could barely make it through the first story that was about me.

Вчера я еле осилила первый рассказ обо мне.

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«I diluted wolfsbane with water to weaken myself, «but I could barely get it down without puking.

«Я разбавил волчью отраву водой, чтобы ослабить себя, но я едва смог выпить ее без рвоты.

And… And I could barely get my name out, and you laughed and made some joke about English being my second language, and…

И я едва смог произнести свое имя, и ты засмеялась и пошутила о том, что английский мой второй язык, и…

Man, I could barely fight one meta-human, let alone six.

Я едва смог сразиться с одним сверх-человеком, не говоря уже о шести.

Two days ago, I could barely stand 30 seconds.

Два дня назад я едва смог простоять 30 секунд.

I could barely hear it.

Я едва смог её услышать.

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The next morning I could barely stand up.

На следующее утро я с трудом мог встать.

I could barely speak.

Я с трудом мог говорить.

Mostly, I remember the top of her head. Uh, she could barely talk.

Понимаете, я помню лишь ее макушку, она с трудом могла разговаривать.

She was so drunk, she could barely stand.

Она была так пьяна, она с трудом могла стоять.

I could barely get through the day after my divorce.

Я с трудом могу прожить день, после развода.

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I could barely understand my mom on the phone with all the crying, but she actually said Barry did her a favor leaving.

Я почти ничего не поняла из того, что говорила мама по телефону, она рыдала, но Барри, по ее словам, оказал ей большую любезность тем, что съехал.

I could barely see a thing, but it could’ve been.

Я почти ничего не видел, но возможно ты права.

I could barely sleep last night.

Я почти не спала прошлой ночью

I could barely remember my own name.

Я почти не помню своего имени.

It was late at night, and we could barely see the moonlight.

Это случилось поздно ночью, и мы почти ничего не видели в лунном свете.

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I could barely breathe for the stink.

Я еле мог дышать от вони.

I could barely walk.

Я еле мог ходить.

They could barely feed themselves and all that, and so he decided to launch that struggle against exploitation and against those colonialists that were there just to exploit us and did nothing for the progress…

Они еле могли прокормить себя и все такое, и потому он решил начать эту битву против эксплуатации и против колониалистов, которые там были только, чтобы эксплуатировать нас и не делали ничего для развития…

I could barely breathe.

Еле могу дышать.

Nine months ago, he shows up at my flat, at night, so high, he could barely speak.

Девять месяцев назад, он объявился у моей квартиры, ночью, под таким кайфом, что мог еле говорить.

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We could barely breathe here.

В нём едва можно дышать.

I couldn’t bring myself to go and sit with my family at a table so far on the edge of the feast you could barely even see the bride.

Не мог заставить себя пойти и сесть со своей семьей за столом столь дальним от главного пира что едва можно разглядеть невесту.

He said the kitchen was so small you could barely turn around.

Он сказал, что кухня такая маленькая, что едва можно повернуться.

At one location, a nest site was found, so full of dinosaur eggs that they could barely avoid crushing them underfoot.

В одной местности было найдено место грездования, в котором было так много яиц, что едва ли можно было избежать их повреждения под ногами.

She did an event in Oelwein yesterday and our people say you could barely hear her with all the cheering.

Вчера в Оелвейне она была неподражаема, и наши люди говорят, что её едва можно было услышать из-за аплодисментов.

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What, you’re in my class?

-l tried to tell you this morning but you were just prattling on and I could barely get a word in edgewise

-How did this happen?

Что, ты в моей группе?

-Я попыталась сказать тебе этим утром, но ты так болтала, что я и слова не могла вставить.

-Как это случилось?

No, you talked.

I didn’t get a word in edgewise once you made up your mind.

— Where you going?

Нет, ты говорил.

Я и слова не проронила, с тех пор, как ты вдруг передумал.

— Куда ты собралась?

-What’s the big idea?

Can’t a girl get a word in edgewise?

They’re my public too!

Какая странная идея?

Почему эта девушка не могла произнести ни слова?

Ведь они и мои зрители!

I heard plenty.

I listen when people talk, not like you… gabbing all the time, won’t let nobody get a word in edgewise

That’s why I know what people are saying and you don’t.

Я услышал достаточно.

В отличие от тебя я умею слушать людей… А ты только трещишь, так что никто слова вставить не может.

Поэтому я знаю, что люди говорят, а ты нет.

Olly, this wasn’t fair.

I couldn’t get a word in edge-wise.

Well, come on, embrace already. Otherwise, he will.

Оли, это нечестно.

Ты не дала мне вставить ни слова.

Ну, бросайся ему на шею, а то бросится он.

I’d say I don’t know how I got to be so lucky, but we’re Rumanceks, so…

Boy, you just, you don’t let a person get a word in edgewise.

Ah, a smile.

Я бы сказала, что не знаю, как так может везти, но мы ведь Руманчеки, так что…

Мальчик, ты просто не даешь мне и слова вставить.

А вот и улыбка.


Every 30 years, Margaret lets me get a word in edgewise.

And before she changes her mind, I want to tell you about my favorite hat.


Каждые 30 лет, Маргарет позволяет мне вставлять свое слово.

И прежде, чем она успеет поменять свое решение, я хочу рассказать вам о моей любимой шляпе.

Why didn’t you say something?

Well, it was a little hard to get a word in edgewise between his stare and your drool.

Who is this Ben guy?

Почему ты ничего не сказала?

Сложно было вставить словечко, когда он на тебя пялился, а ты пускала по нему слюни.

Кто этот Бен?

She’s so excited.

I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

She went on and on about Brigitte.

Она так возбуждена.

Я и слово не могла вставить.

Снова и снова рассказывала о Бриджит.

You know?

I’ll be lucky if I get a word in edgewise.

I actually think the news from the scan is going to be good.

Ты знала?

если я получу от нее хоть слово.

что результаты сканирования будут хорошие.

It was that guy.

Don’t look at me, I can’t get a word in edgewise.

Well, then who the hell’s been talking this whole time?

Это всё он.

Не смотрите на меня, мне слова вставить не дают.

Да, а кто же, чёрт побери, говорил всё это время?

I don’t know exactly how bad it is because dr. Sloan over there has been awfully quiet.

‘Cause you don’t let him get a word in edgewise is why.

uh,how is she,dr. Sloan?

Я не знаю насколько все плохо, потому что_BAR_доктор Слоан был ужасно молчалив.

Потому что ты не даешь ему и слова вставить,_BAR_вот почему

Как она, доктор Слоан?

— You know Shawn.

I usually can’t get a word in edgewise.

— Oh, that’s funny.

— Ты же знаешь Шона.

Я обычно даже слова вставить не могу.

— Да, забавно.

Find him.

I tried to apologize, but I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

And you wanted to apologize why?

Найдите его.

Я попыталась извиниться, но не могла вставить в разговор ни слова.

А почему ты хотела извиниться?

You get Loretta, and you bring her here.

Mama, mama, I’m just trying to get a word in edgewise to say, what if he ain’t got her?

Well, you find out where she is, and you get her!

Найди Лоретту и привези сюда.

Мама, мама, я просто пытаюсь подобрать правильные слова… а если мы ее не возьмем?

Ну так найди ее, и она будет у нас.

Then you should know that everybody has a unique story to tell if asked the right questions.

Maybe, but, uh, as much as you talk, this poor guy can hardly get a word in edgewise.

I think it best if you two wait outside.

Тогда вы должны знать, что у каждого есть уникальная история для рассказа, если задавать правильные вопросы.

Может быть, но вы так много говорите, что этот бедный парень вряд ли сможет вставить хоть словечко.

Я думаю, будет лучше, если вы двое подождете снаружи.

You show up after two years, out of the blue, and all you do is talk about yourself.

You don’t even let me get a word in edgewise.

Why did you agree to let me take you out for drinks?

Ты появляешья через два года, из ниоткуда и болтаешь исключительно о себе.

А мне даже слово вставить не даешь.

А почему же ты тогда согласилась пойти со мной выпить?

Rick, come on.

Can I get a word in edgewise here?

You come to my house, crawling for help.

Рик, перестань.

Могу я сказать здесь хоть слово против?

Ты приполз в мой дом, умоляя о помощи.

We like to talk.

I just can’t get a word in edgewise between slaps.

Do you want to know what I think?

Мы это обожаем.

Я не мог и слова вставить между оплеух.

Хотите знать, что я думаю?

— She’s a little nervous.

— She couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

Well, Matan can be rough on new lawyers.

Молодец. – Она немного нервничает.

– Она и слово вставить не могла.

Матан без снисхождения относится к новичкам.

— It wasn’t my fault at all.

He is a pompous blowhard who didn’t let me get a word in edgewise.

And he had the audacity to ask me to come back, if you can believe it.

— Это не была моя вина вовсе.

Он напыщенный хвастун, который не дал и слова мне вставить.

И ему хватило наглости попросить меня вернуться, можете в это поверить?

You know, just when I think we’re making progress in our relationship, we revert to our old patterns where thoughts and feelings go unexpressed. I mean, if he didn’t want to go shopping with me, why didn’t he just say so?

Maybe he couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

I’m sorry, I’ve been going on and on.

я только подумала что у нас есть прогресс в отношениях как мы возвращаемся к нашим старым проблемам где мысли и чувства остаются невыраженными я имею в виду, если он не хочет идти по магазинам со мной почему бы ему просто не сказать об этом?

Может, ему не дали и словечка вставить?

Простите, я немного разбушевалась.

You do see what’s going on in there?

You mean that I can’t get a word in edgewise?

I-I have to be honest, Virginia, if this is the dynamic you expect to establish between us—

Вы видите, что происходит?

Что я не могу и слова вставить?

Буду говорить искренне, Вирджиния, если вы хотите задать такую динамику отношений…

♪ ♪

Man, Francine really ain’t letting you get a word in edgewise, is she?

Oh, she’s just doing her part to be helpful.

«»Ох уж эта Рэйвен», повтор»

Ого, Франсин правда не даёт тебе и слова вставить, да?

Она просто пытается мне помочь.

Told her I was the one who had stuck by him all these years and raised his family while he was out on the job.

And I hung up the phone before she could get a word in edgewise.

I’m very sorry.

Сказала ей, что это я поддерживала его все эти годы и вырастила его детей, пока он был на работе.

И я повесила трубку до того, как она смогла хоть слово вставить.

Я очень сожалею.

You’re a real chatterbox, huh?

I can’t get a word in edgewise with you.

Good thing you’re so hot!

Ну ты прям болтушка, да?

Из тебя и слова не вытянешь.

Но зато ты такая красивая!

— Well, I’m trying to.

Would you let met get a word in edgewise, please?

You think Susan Williams is gonna go any easier?

— Ну я пытаюсь.

Вы дадите мне вставить слово?

Ты думаешь Сьюзан Уильямс будет снисходительнее к тебе?

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r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns - I just called a hotline. I could barely get a word out I just uttered “I’m sorry” and hung up. I’m so fucking sad and tired and I just need a person. I’m having a proper breakdown tonight.

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level 1

I might not be a great person to talk to but I do recommend IOP exercises for cognitive behavioral therapy. They’ve done me a lot of good when it comes to breakdowns

level 1

I’m probably not the best person to talk to either but I’m here if you want to :)

level 1

Psst the website www.imalive.org is an online crisis chat line, you don’t have to talk out loud at all for it if you still need help

I hope you’re doing better now ❤

level 1

I’ll be up for a little while longer if you wanna PM me.

level 1

I’m here for you :) reach out and don’t hesitate. As a stranger you can say whatever you have to and I will listen 💜

level 1

I’m not too good at helping but I’m always willing to lend an ear for those in need, if you’d like I can give you my discord through PMs, I hope you’ll be okay!!

level 1

I’m probably not the best person in the world either, but I have been trying to keep myself together. If you would like to talk I would enjoy that.

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Isfp. I used to be bullied. I was around twelve when I changed schools and these bullies “took” the few friends I had away from me. Although, I was lucky enough to keep 1-2 friends even if one was outside of school. These bullies never physically hurt me, but were really mean, wrote things to me such as that I deserved to die, that I was a whore, that I was disgusting, ugly, worthless, etc (I had never interacted with them previously, these things came unprovoked). Then one bully would write to

[con’t: me and apologise, I would accept, and then she said something meaner the next day. It would keep on like that. Eventually, it got too much for me and I snapped, and I wrote a response to something the bully had said, on a public page where people could see and simply told her to f*ck off. I then got to pay the price 110% because she confronted me a few days after (irl) with my friends behind her, literally, and asked me why I had told her that, in an aggressive/threatening manner.

She had an aggressive “aura” and was kind of dominant. I wish I could have stood up for myself in that situation, but I got extremely nervous and felt very intimidated. I could barely get a word out without my voice shaking. I think it was because I felt more vulnerable with my “friends” clearly having chosen the other side.

After that, I never really got back in touch with my friends again, because they ignored me. I continued those 3,5 years in that school always avoiding these people and generally felt quite tense. Although, I kind of ignored those feelings, focused on other things because things go on. However, I don’t think I have properly confronted my feelings about this. I can see a pattern in my life after these events, where I tend to get close with people who are dominant in some respect, and they often have very mean tendencies toward me and I get the similar type of feeling, i.e. that I can’t stand up for myself. 

This leads me to two questions 1) How to stand up for yourself as an Fi-dom? I find it hard to defend myself. Partially because I’m slow at noticing when people are being mean to me and partially because if I do I quickly disregard confrontation as “unnecessary”, i.e. I think I excuse it because the consequences of me standing up for myself have always resulted in a worse outcome for myself. But I’ve been accumulating feelings of frustration/anger by letting people be mean, and I should dare to let people know more to relieve it.

2) I get an urge inside me, if  I get an urge inside me, if I ever was to meet these bullies or people who have been mean in general, to call her out and sort of confront them. I get a need to “prove” myself which I usually don’t otherwise. I don’t want these to influence my decisions in life. I think this is a result of not being able to show my anger in a given moment. How to channel anger toward the “right” things? I’m trying to connect the dots and change this, but need some guidance. Hope you can offer some insight. Thank you.]

Those people sound horrible. Bullies are going to be bullies; there isn’t very much you can do to change their dog-eat-dog mindset. Had you retaliated more, they might’ve stopped bullying you (or maybe not, if they enjoyed the drama), but they’d probably just move on and find a meeker person to bully. In other words, though it’s hard to believe, the bullying isn’t about you; it’s about the bully’s twisted perspective on how to survive and get ahead in the world. You are but the unfortunate collateral damage. If you take bullying personally, the bully has won, because they have successfully gotten under your skin. They are now a part of you, controlling how you think, controlling how you feel about yourself. It seems that you are now realizing the extent to which your bullies continue to influence you. 

You’re not wrong in saying that standing up for yourself doesn’t always lead to good immediate results. However, never standing up for yourself doesn’t lead to good results, either, does it? It just leaves you feeling disrespected, sad, afraid, or angry, does it not? Do you really want negative emotions of the past running the relationships of today? I think you’ve failed to take into account the accumulative psychological effects of constantly swallowing mistreatment.

Nothing of consequence is accomplished by regretting how you responded to your past bullies, other than reliving your wounded pride, because no matter how you responded, it wasn’t likely to stop or change them. And is this, at its heart, an issue of wounded pride? Is pridefulness not where anger bubbles up from?

A healthy sense of pride encourages you to live your life with integrity and dignity, which means that you know your value and wouldn’t allow people to mistreat you. But an unhealthy sense of pride enables victim mentality, always suspicious and mistrustful, always on the lookout for “slights” or “attacks” so that you can label someone a “bully” and then transfer all of your old anger onto them.

By continuing to associate with “dominant” people, are you not always replaying your past, always trapped in the role of the victim and reinforcing old beliefs about people? Perhaps you need to choose your relationships more consciously. Some psychoanalysts might argue that you unconsciously keep inviting dominant people into your life because you want to redress your old wounds by learning how to handle bullies to your satisfaction. Developmentally speaking, the positive side of replaying a dysfunctional relationship dynamic over and over is that you have opportunity after opportunity to learn how to handle the situation correctly, or at least better than you did before. 

There are times when standing up for yourself is the right thing to do. There are times when walking away is a better option. There are times when you should stand up for yourself despite the negative consequences. For example, sometimes the person mistreating you is someone you love or someone who claims to love you. You’d probably want to give them a chance to make up for hurting you, wouldn’t you? But how would you do that if you never speak up and let them know that you feel hurt? Sometimes, the person mistreating you is a stranger in passing, in which case, is it really worth it to confront them? You don’t know how they will respond and the molehill might quickly become a mountain. Sometimes, the mistreatment is utterly unjust/unfair, and do you want to let the person get away with it and keep inflicting that pain on everyone they come into contact with? Sometimes, the person mistreating you is someone you can’t get away from at work/school, in which case, you have to think of clever ways to neutralize them (rather than just exploding at them randomly). 

The point is that there is no universal rule of thumb for how to handle these sorts of situations correctly. Every relationship is unique, so you need good critical thinking skills to evaluate each particular situation and arrive at the most appropriate response. But you can’t do that if your automatic reflex is to swallow it every time and you never stop to consider alternatives. There are healthy methods to deescalate tense situations and resolve relationship conflicts, so I suggest that you read some books about difficult communication and/or conflict resolution so that you are able to respond more consciously (see the resources list). These methods aren’t guaranteed to work in every situation, because it depends on who the other person is, the quality of your relationship with them, and whether they are amenable to resolving the issue. When they are, do it skillfully. When they aren’t, then perhaps it is better to walk away and seek out a better relationship.

If you’re looking for ways to get over your anger, getting some counseling might be a good idea. ISFPs also tend to use creative expression or community service. They share their experience and perhaps, in the process, even help others who’ve been through the same suffering.

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