I am a 10 letter word making

I am a 10 Letters Word.


I am a 10 letters word.
The first four suggest power.
You eat my 5, 6, 7 and 8.
My 8, 9 and 10 represent a female.
I can also fly.
What am I?

Click here for Answer

First 4 letters — KING
5,6,7,8 — FISH
8,9,10 — HER

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Riddle :

I am a 10 letter word.

1,2 = A preposition

10,7,6 = Needed for living

5,3,7 = It’s a grain.

4,1,9,6 = The process of becoming less bright.

Who am I?

asked Jun 3, 2018 at 10:41

Learner11's user avatar



The word is


Each line

refers to taking the nth letters. For instance:
1,2 = A preposition = AS
10,7,6 = Needed for living = ATE (a little iffy, but I suppose «needed» could be past tense)
5,3,7 = It’s a grain. = OAT
4,1,9,6 = The process of becoming less bright. = FADE

answered Jun 3, 2018 at 11:01

phenomist's user avatar


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BT Creation 13:
I’m a 10 letter word making people to write their names with spelling mistake.
7,6,9,8 An emblem
10,4,1 A currency
5,6,3,4 An European city which has 2.5k years of history
Who/what am I?

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NUMEROLOGY; 7698 – LOGO, 10,4,1 – YEN, 5,6,3,4 – ROME

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9 letter word – 123 is a city name

I Am A 10 Letter Word My First Three Letters Are Singular Form Of The 7th 8th And 9th Letters My 4th 5th And 6th Letters Always Goes Up And Never Comes Down My 7th 8th And 9th Letter Are The Last Things That God Created And The 10th Letter Indicates The Drink We Will Have What Am I Riddles To Solve

Solving I Am A 10 Letter Word My First Three Letters Are Singular Form Of The 7th 8th And 9th Letters My 4th 5th And 6th Letters Always Goes Up And Never Comes Down My 7th 8th And 9th Letter Are The Last Things That God Created And The 10th Letter Indicates The Drink We Will Have What Am I Riddles

Here we’ve provide a compiled a list of the best i am a 10 letter word my first three letters are singular form of the 7th 8th and 9th letters my 4th 5th and 6th letters always goes up and never comes down my 7th 8th and 9th letter are the last things that god created and the 10th letter indicates the drink we will have what am i puzzles and riddles to solve we could find.

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Read the hints given in the riddle carefully and then guess the word.

I am a 10 Letters word.

The first four suggest power.

You eat my 5, 6, 7 and 8.

My 8, 9 and 10 represent a female.

I can also fly.

Who am I?

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