I always get the last word

I didn’t know a lot at five-years-old, but something I always knew was that if Dad told me no- there were no questions asked. I remember being a little girl, arguing my little heart out, until finally my Dad would look down at me and say, «No. That’s the way it is, what I say is final.» and I knew right then that my argument was lost- Dad always got the last word and he wasn’t going to change his mind. It was no use to beg and whine any more. I wasn’t going to get what I wanted, I wasn’t going to win. Dad’s word was final, set in stone, and unchangeable. As a little girl, this frustrated me beyond measure. No excuses I made, no tears I cried, and no amount of eyelash batting was going to get him to say yes. He was a man of his word- what he said was what he said. It trumped everything else.

Awhile back, a friend had given me a word from the Bible that has now come to be my favorite chapter- Isaiah 45 (read it, it’s really good).  In Isaiah 45, God shares how he is going to mightily use King Cyrus to deliver his people. He promises his people that he will make a way for them through this king, and that he would strengthen him and make himself known through this man. 

I’ve read this chapter more times than I can count, but this particular morning I just needed to be reminded of God’s promises. So I went back and re-read my favorite Bible passage. I read the long list of promises from God to his people, hoping to be encouraged of my own promises from God. But what really caught my eye this dreary morning wasn’t any of the promises, but the concluding statement— at the very end, after encouraging his children and promising them deliverance and prosperity, God says, 

«I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!» (NLT)

This hit me hard. 

and just like that, I felt like a little girl again. 

Like nothing I could say could change his mind; nothing I did would change his stance; no lies that the world fed me could defer or take away from the promises God had clearly written out for me. 

My first response was to argue and make an excuse, «yeah, but God—«

and i was quickly cut off—

 «Aly. I always get the last word.»

It was as simple as that. 

God ALWAYS gets the last word. Just like my father as a little girl, my heavenly Father’s word trumped EVERYTHING else. 

When God promises us something, when he fills our hearts with His love, when he shows us our dreams, he always seals it with, «I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!» There is nothing in this world that has the power to contradict what God has spoken. Nothing can stand against his word. If God has shown you something, if he has promised you something- HE’S SPOKEN- it is going to happen. There are no ands, ifs, or buts. No other voice in your head, on this planet, or of the enemy matters. 

So then why do I doubt God? Why do I fear that he won’t come through? Why do I make up excuses, argue with him, and convince myself that those promises aren’t for me? 

God is a God of His WORD. His word is set in stone. His word is unchangeable. What he says is true, faithful, trustworthy, and most importantly- what he says is final. 

My circumstances, my bad day, and my low spirits cannot argue with what God has spoken about my life. Nothing can take away from the promises instilled inside of me. My argument is lost, and His mind is still unchanged. 

That’s the way it is. No questions asked. God always has the last word. 

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exception of those rare cases in which Brazilian law allows for private prosecution.

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За прокуратурой всегда остается последнее слово в отношении предъявления или непредъявлении обвинения в совершении преступления,

за исключением нескольких редких случаев, когда законодательство Бразилии допускает частное обвинение.

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What steps was it taking to combat such discriminatory

proverbial notions as


belief that men should always


the last word or


belief that men beat women because they loved them?

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Какие меры оно принимает для борьбы с

такими дискриминационными высказываниями, ставшими поговорками, как, например,» последнее слово должно всегда оставаться за мужчиной» или» если бьет, значит любит»?

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Also, if I am not mistaken— and please correct me if I am— if this is

the last

plenary meeting we attend, it is also

the last

for our distinguished Pakistani colleague. I

also wanted to offer similarly warm words in his regard, but, as always, I will let




the last word on whether this is his


plenary meeting.

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Также, если не ошибаюсь,- а если ошибаюсь, то, пожалуйста, поправьте меня,- коль скоро это


пленарное заседание, которое мы посещаем, то это и


пленарное заседание для нашего уважаемого пакистанского коллеги, и

я тоже хотела бы высказать столь же теплые слова в его адрес, но, как всегда, я предоставлю пакистанцам последнее слово на тот счет, будет ли это его


пленарное заседание.

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As it may be assumed that none of


forms of appeal to a higher administrative body available in


Netherlands Antilles is subject to such safeguards that it can be described as a procedure which excludes application to



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Поскольку можно полагать, что ни одна из форм апелляции к вышестоящим административным органам в Нидерландских Антильских островах не обеспечена такими гарантиями, которые могут быть истолкованы как процедура,

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In those well-known


of Security Council resolution 242(1967), which my country helped to draft, Jordan has always worked steadfastly for a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in


Middle East.

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Говоря хорошо известными словами резолюции 242( 1967) Совета Безопасности, которую моя страна помогала составить, Иордания всегда целеустремленно боролась за справедливое, прочное и всеобъемлющее мирное урегулирование на Ближнем Востоке.

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One day word came that


young boy would


to go home. So on their


night together she traced


outline ofher lover’s shadow… so that she could always remember how he looked… on




moments they were ever to be together.

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И когда ему пришел приказ ехать на родину, она обвела на скале контур тени своего возлюбленного, чтобы она всегда могла помнить, как он выглядел в последний день, когда они были вместе.

But our customers will always

have the last word

about what it is they want to play and against whom.

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Однако решающее слово в вопросе о том, как и с кем играть, всегда останется за нашими клиентами.

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last words

are said to


been:»I hear it always.

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Одними из последних его слов было:« Я всегда был за правду».

Unwillingness of


husband to


children, inability of


wife to always be wise and»understanding» and not just when it’s impossible to do otherwise, excessive use by


husband of invented by us alcoholic beverages, too strong attachment of


wife for those»pretty belongings», despised by


majority of men, and at


some almost inborn inability to


a good-natured(what a hated


attitude to shortcomings of each other.

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Нежелание мужа иметь детей, неумение жены быть» понимающей» всегда и постоянно, а не только, когда по-иному уже нельзя, чрезмерное употребление мужем придуманного нами» горячительного», непомерная по меркам мужа привязанность жены к тем самым презираемым большей частью мужчин» шмоткам», наконец прямо-таки какая-то почти врожденная неспособность добродушно( сколь ненавистное слово!) относиться к недостаткам друг друга.

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get the last word

сказать последнее слово

Shelton was on the point of saying something bitter, but checked himself. ‘Here am I,’ thought he, ‘Trying to get the last word, like an old woman.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Island Pharisees’, part III, ch. XVII) — У Шелтона чуть было не сорвалось с языка резкое замечание, но он сдержался. «Ну и хорош я, — подумал он, — как старая баба, стараюсь, чтобы последнее слово осталось за мной».

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..

Смотреть что такое «get the last word» в других словарях:

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — n. to get in, have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) * * * [ˌlɑːst wɜːd] have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) to get in …   Combinatory dictionary

  • The L Word — Titre original The L Word Translittération Le mot L Autres titres francophones Elles ( Québec) Genre Série dramatique Créateur(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The L word — Titre original The L Word Autres titres francophones Elles Genre Série dramatique Créateur(s) Ilene Chaiken Pays d’origine  Ét …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Last Puritan — The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel was written by the American philosopher George Santayana. The novel is set largely in the fictional town of Great Falls, Connecticut; Boston; and England, in and around Oxford. It relates the life …   Wikipedia

  • The Last Wish (book) — The Last Wish   Cover of the American edition of The L …   Wikipedia

  • The Last Vampire — Series is a 6 book set written by Christopher Pike and chronicles the 5,000 year life of the last vampire , Sita. The Last Vampire The book opens with a brief narration. A young woman, who appears to be in her late teens named Alisa Perne, is not …   Wikipedia

  • Get the Party Started — «Get the Party Started» Сингл …   Википедия

  • The Last Dangerous Visions — was planned to be a sequel to the science fiction short story anthologies Dangerous Visions and Again, Dangerous Visions , originally published in 1967 and 1972 respectively. It is edited by Harlan Ellison. The projected third collection was… …   Wikipedia

  • The Last Grain Race — is a 1956 book by Eric Newby, a travel writer, about his time spent on the Moshulu s last voyage in the Australian grain trade. Background to the book In 1938 Eric Newby, at the age of eighteen, signed on as an apprentice of the four masted… …   Wikipedia

have the last word — перевод на русский

But you’re not going to let a woman have the last word.

Но ты же не собираешься оставить за женщиной последнее слово.

It is always difficult to have last words over the grave of a friend.

Всегда трудно говорить последнее слово над гробом друга.

You always have to have the last word, Angela.

За тобой последнее слово, Энджела.

You always have to have the last word.

Свое последнее слово.

Theon, as director, you have the last word.

Теон, за тобой последнее слово, как за главным.

Показать ещё примеры для «последнее слово»…

I finally have the last word with her, and with you.

Наконец, я могу сказать последнее слово ей и вам.

Now you watch — he cannot bear not to have the last word.

Теперь смотри — он не сможет выдержать, чтобы не сказать последнее слово.

Or having the last word every conversation?

Или сказать последнее слово?

If you have last words, speak them now.

Если хочешь сказать последнее слово, говори.

I always let her have the last word.

Я всегда позволяю ей сказать последнее слово.

Men always have the last word.

За мужчиной всегда последнее слово.

~ Watson always had the last word.

— За Ватсоном всегда последнее слово.

Now I can always have the last word.

Теперь последнее слово всегда будет за мной.

You always have the last word?

Всегда последнее слово за тобой.

You always had the last word.

Твое слово всегда было последним.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Don’t worry, you’ll always get the last word.

So do not always get the last moment call a taxi.

So do not always get the last moment call a taxi.

In business and in life, you won’t always get the last word in.

И в профессиональной деятельности, и в жизни не всегда последнее слово будет за Вами.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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