I already know this word

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I already know that word.

You probably already know that I do not like the word occultism.

I know that some who may read these words are already doing so much, and I applaud your efforts.

Я знаю, что некоторые из вас, читающие эти строки, уже предпринимали такие попытки, и они оказывались успешными.

For those reading this whole word, you will already know that I will speak positively of the Stock Market.

Тот, кто читает все это слово полностью, уже понял, что я буду положительно говорить о фондовом рынке.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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i already know — перевод на русский

I already know everything about all the passengers.

я уже знаю всё обо всех пассажирах.

I feel as though I already knew Siam.

У меня чувство, как будто я уже знаю Сиам.

I already know.

Я уже знаю.

Maybe I already know.

Я уже знаю.

I already know it.

Я уже знаю.

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I already know those works. But it has arrived behind schedule.

Я знаю твою работу, но ты опоздал.

Besides, I already know you like me.

Впрочем, я знаю, что нравлюсь тебе.

I already know what you’re going to say.

Я знаю что Вы собираетесь сказать.

I already know it.

Я знаю это.

Everything you tell me is just confirming what I already know.

Все это лишний раз подтверждает то, что я знаю.

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And we already know it will kill.

Нам уже известно, что они убивают.

Everything we already know. But in your own words.

Все, что нам уже известно, но будет лучше, если ты сам расскажешь!

What we already know about your drug and what I’m gonna show you… is that the acceptable losses there are really at about 5%, if that.

то, что нам уже известно о твоем лекарстве, и то, что я тебе сейчас покажу… это так называемые «допустимые потери» 5%, если не меньше.

But we already know what you are going to do, don’t we?

Но нам уже известно, как ты поступишь.

We already know that you paid for Olivia’s funeral.

Нам уже известно, что вы заплатили за похороны Оливии

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You already know Herr Heinze of the Third Reich.

Ты уже знаком с господином Хайнцем из третьего рейха?

You already know Lorraine.

Ты уже знаком с Лорейн.

You already know Dr Bashir.

— С доктором Баширом ты уже знаком.

I think you already know my daughter Virginia.

Кажется, с моей дочкой Вирджинией ты уже знаком.

You already know your guardian, Bumblebee.

Со своим охранником Бамблби ты уже знаком.

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But, John, I already know so much about you.

Но, Джон я уже столько о тебе знаю.

Because I already know the name of the missing smokehound.

Потому что я уже нарыл данные на пропавшего ханыгу.

You already know where I put the punishment.

Знаешь, я уже наелся наказаний

I already know how.

Я уже знaю кaк.

I already know how to play rugby.

Я уже знaю кaк игpaть в pегби.

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O, Juliet, I already know thy grief.

О, Джульетта, твоя беда известна мне.

I already know thy grief.

Твоя беда известна мне, Джульетта.

Always chasing what you already know.

что и так известно.

He says since we already know his crimes, we should write it up ourselves.

Говорит, что раз нам известны его преступления, мы сами их и распишем.

We already know everything about you

Нам и так известно о вас всё.

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Then I already know about this.

Хорошо. Значит я уже в курсе дела.

if by facts, you mean what’s on scylla and that my mother once worked for the company, i already know these things.

Если под фактами вы подразумеваете то что содержится на Сцилле, и что моя мать однажды работала на компанию, то я уже в курсе этого.

I think I already know. I just…

Думаю, я уже в курсе.

What, you don’t think I already know that? !

А ты не думаешь, что я уже в курсе?

They already know it.

Они уже в курсе.

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But you already knew that.

Судя по тому, как вы отреагировали, вы в курсе.

And you already know Dunder-Mifflin has the best service and the best prices.

И вы в курсе, что у Дандер-Миффлин лучшие цены и лучшие условия.

Nobody asked you anything. Do you want to go have a look? — I already know it.

Я в курсе.

You already know the answer.

Хм, ты ведь в курсе.

Do you already know it?

Ты в курсе?

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It was like we already knew each other.

У меня было впечатление, что мы давно знаем друг друга.

We already know the victim came into contact with the flower of that same plant.

Мы давно знаем, что жертва контактировала с цветами этого растения.

But you said you already know everything they teach you.

Но ты сам сказал, что давно знаешь всё, чему они тебя учат.

I’m telling you something you already know.

Я ведь говорю то, что ты давно и сам знаешь.

I already know that

Я давно это знаю.

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You already know the truth.

Ты всегда знал истину.

You already knew.

Ты всегда знала.

But, of course, I already knew that.

Конечно, я и так всегда это знала.

I already knew you would cry, so I didn’t want to tell you

Я всегда знал что будешь реветь, поэтому не сказал тебе

Well,we already knew they were accomplices.

Ну, мы всегда знали,что они сообщники

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  • #1

Someone asked me why the sentence «I have already known this» isn’t correct and «I already know this» is. Due to the rule being, when you use «already» we usually need to use the present perfect OR past perfect. How can I explain this to the person?

  • velisarius

    • #2

    Welcome to the forum, marianaraimond.

    I already know this is correct.

    Where did you find the rule you mention? It doesn’t work for a stative verb like know.

    I have already done the work.
    I already knew that.


    • #3

    How can I explain this to the person?

    When you say I have already done X, it means it has already happened and it has relevance to the present.

    This construction doesn’t work with know because you can’t finish knowing something.

    [slowly cross-posted]


    • #4

    The present perfect tense always ties the past to the present.
    I have already been a taxi driver. :tick: I was, then I stopped, and it influences my present thinking. Maybe it means that I can do it again, or maybe it means that I do not want to do it again.
    I have already known this is fine if you once started knowing it, then stopped knowing it, and the fact that you once knew it influences your present thinking. It just sounds rather unusual.
    I have already known a lot of Latin before, because I did it at school. I can learn it all again. :tick:


    • #5

    ‘Know’ is about now; it isn’t what you did in the past.* The event in the past is ‘learn’: I have learnt (learned) it, so now I know it. I have already learnt it; and I already know it.

    * Of course it can be, in other circumstances: I (already) knew that when I was ten years old. I learnt it very young.

    icon forward

    So I already know what we are going to play half an hour set at the Hellfest.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Вот я уже знаю, что на Hellfest мы играем полчаса.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Я уже знаю, что вы сделали неправильно, вы не заплатили своим партнерам.

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    Look, I already know vampires are behind the Tru Blood factory bombings.

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    Слушайте, я уже в курсе, что за взрывами заводом» Настоящей крови» стоят вампиры.

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    I’m learning how to fight,“ Vicente said,„but I already know how to kill.”.

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    Ryan and I already know each other, so


    think it would probably be faster.

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    Райан и я уже знаем друг друга, так что, думаю было бы быстрее.


    might not have your head for numbers, but I already know half of them.

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    Не хочется забивать тебе голову цифрами, но я знаю уже половину.

    So you might as well start admitting what I already know fact by fact!

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    Я уже узнаю ребят в зале, которые приходят на наши концерты.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Уже знаю, как поверхностно прочтена многими первая книга.

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    Я не буду спрашивать, что вы планируете сделать, потому что уже знаю.

    Results: 272,
    Time: 0.0288





    I’ve been thinking that the phrase «already know» is different from the phrase «have already known«.

    • Already know: I know something clearly at this point of saying (present)
    • Have already known: I’ve known something so far. (present perfect)

    I may be confused in the explanation.

    I don’t know when we can use each of these phrases properly.

    Thanks and best regards,

    asked Apr 14, 2012 at 4:27

    Thuan's user avatar


    When we use the word already with the present perfect, we are usually referring to a completed action (which has present relevance):

    • I have already cooked dinner.
    • She has gone already.

    But knowing cannot be regarded as a completed action in the same sense. It denotes a present or past state. So you cannot say:

    • I have already known that they are getting married.
    • I have already known how to speak Russian.

    What you can say of course is:

    • I have already heard that they are getting married.
    • I have already learned how to speak Russian.

    because hearing and learning can be regarded as completable actions.

    And you can use already with the past simple to denote a state of knowledge that existed at some point in the past (and may or may not exist in the present):

    • I already knew that they were getting married (before I read it in the newspaper).
    • I already knew how to speak Russian (so I didn’t need to do the course).

    Unlike some languages English does not have two verbs to distinguish between a. knowing a person and b. knowing a fact or how to do something. With the former meaning it would be possible to say:

    • I have already known many people like you and have learned not to trust them.

    answered Apr 14, 2012 at 7:41

    Shoe's user avatar


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    Already is just a modifier emphasizing that it has already happened. The difference is between the present (I know) and the present perfect (I have known).

    You would use the present tense when confronted with the something you’ve encounter beforehand.

    I already know how to turn on the television.

    I know how to drive a car.

    You would use the present perfect to express something that happened previously, without specifying the time. You’ll only use the present perfect and «already» when expressing previous events relative to the present.

    I have been to France before.

    I have already known many people before meeting you.

    The past perfect is used to express something that happened before something else, without specifying the time.

    I had gone to France before I went to Germany.

    I had already known the story before I saw the film.

    Community's user avatar

    answered Apr 14, 2012 at 4:55

    Quasiperfect's user avatar


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