How would your friends describe you in one word

Our friends. What do they really know about us? Do they know who we really are, how we feel, and what we expect from life? Or are they familiar only with some image, some idea about us which they created in their minds and hearts, following the superficial experiences they have with us?

We could spend hours philosophizing about the subject, but that’s not the reason why you visited this website. You came here to learn how to answer a tricky interview question, and I will now show you 7 sample answers. Do not forget to read also the notes and suggestions below the answers. They will help you choose the right one for you, and for the interview you go to.

7 sample answers to “What three words would your friends use to describe you?” interview question

  1. Responsible, empathetic, indecisive. My friends know me well and we experienced both highs and lows together. Perhaps what they like about me the most is that they can count on me in difficult times, share their problems with me, and I will always be there to listen, and to share both their joys and sorrows. But just like any other woman I sometimes struggle to decide about my actions. That’s likely something they’d mention when describing me.
  2. Outgoing, friendly, creative. Actually I have quite a lot of friends and do not struggle making new friends. I can come to a bar and just start talking to strangers. It is one of the reasons why I try to get a job in hospitality sector. Instead of trying to change something about my personality–which isn’t easy for an adult anyway, I try to find a job in which I can be myself, and in which both my employer and me can benefit from my outgoing personality.
  3. I do not really have any close friends. Hence it is hard to say how would they describe me, what three words they will use. Maybe each of them will have a different opinion, since we have not really shared any tough moments together. Without experiencing difficulties and leaving our comfort zone, it’s hard to see how people really are… I can only say how I would define myself, to my best knowledge. Responsible, ambitious, and calm. Having said that, I want to stress that I do not have problem with relationship building. Just it happened in a way that I haven’t found close friends yet. Maybe I will find one within my new colleagues.
  4. Patient, receptive, positive. I always try to see the good in each person and situation, and I think that my friends are well aware of this characteristic. Is it a weakness, or a strength? I cannot really say, and certainly I paid a price for my naivety more than once. At the same time life’s great when you do not suspect people immediately, and consider them good, at least in the depth of their heart, regardless of their actions.
  5. Contemplative, smart, moody. Real friends love us not only for our strengths, but also for our weaknesses. And while I can certainly solve almost any problem and help them repair anything related to technology, I have days when I just do not feel good and it is pain talking to me, and I am known among my friends for this. But when someone is a real friend they will understand. Just like I respect them as they are, and do not try to choose only the good things and good days, they do the same for me. I am very happy about my friendships. One more thing I want to add at this point that I can get over my bad mood at work. When I am working I focus on the task at hand and do not think about things outside of the office. I am moody sometimes, but it doesn’t have a negative impact on my results at work.
  6. To be honest, I am not sure if they would find the right words. Because I am rather introvertive, and do not share my emotions with people. So sometimes I may look all right, and it is fun to be around me, or at least it seems that everything is okay, while deep inside I suffer, or at least do not agree with what’s going on around me. This is one of the reasons why I apply for a job of a mechanic. Here I can focus on the machines, trying to repair stuff, and do not have to deal much with people.
  7. Best friend ever. That’s how I hope they would describe me. I try to be attentive to the needs of my friends, to be there when they need me most, and to accept them as they really are. I am also in for any sort of activity. enjoy trying new things, and they can count on me in both easy and difficult times. Having said that, only they know how they perceive my behavior, and what they really think about me and my actions.

Combine praise and criticism in an ideal answer

At the end of the day, it’s impossible to say how someone would describe us. Hiring managers know that you are mostly saying what you think about yourself, how you perceive your strengths and weaknesses as a human being, and as a friend.

Show them that you see yourself in your completeness, being aware of both your strengths and weaknesses. Mixing two positive characteristics and one negative (or slightly negative) is perhaps the best possible way of answering this question. Of course, you shouldn’t pick something that would be an obvious showstopper in the interview.

* Special Tip: This isn’t the only difficult question you will face while interviewing for any decent job. You will face questions about prioritization, dealing with conflicts, dealing with ambiguity, and other tricky scenarios that happen in the workplace. If you want to make sure that you stand out with your answers and outclass your competitors, have a look at our Interview Success Package. Up to 10 premium answers to 31 tricky scenario based questions (+ more) will help you streamline your interview preparation, outclass your competitors, and get the job. Thank you for checking it out!

Try to always elaborate on your answer, refer to your work

Three words is not much, and interviewers may easily misunderstand the meaning of your answer. For example, being attentive can mean a lot of things to many people. But once you explain that you are attentive to the needs of your friends, always try to understand them and help, the meaning of the expression is crystal clear.

What’s more, elaborating on the three words is your opportunity to show the interviewers how your characteristics will help you in your new job. To work with the same example, being attentive to the needs and feelings of others is a huge plus in sales, customer service, or in social work for example.

Most interviewers will understand the connection, but making it easier for them can only help you in the interviews.

* Do not forget to check: How would your colleagues describe your personality?

They are not going to call your friends

You do not have to worry about what your friends would really say about you. In 99% of cases the hiring managers won’t call your friends to compare your interview answer with the reality. It’s just not how recruitment works.

They may call your former colleague, or former boss, however, to get some feedback on your skills and attitude to work. But this is more about reference check and has nothing to do with this particular interview question.

Alternative question: If we were to ask your family and friends, what would they say you do well?

Both job and school admission interview evolve all the time. Since everyone is pretty much prepared for the “What are your strengths?” question, hiring managers and interviewers try to mix it up a bit. However, with this particular question, they are asking about the same thing. Telling them what your family and friends think you do well, you are in fact telling them what your strengths are–from your point of view. And that’s exactly how you should approach this question.

Think about your strengths, and how they relate to the job you are trying to get. Then you can say that your family members, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, or whoever, think that you do well A, B, C. It can be communication, presentation, Math, leading a team, or some activity–teaching, drawing, singing, designing, creating… just pick something at least slightly relevant for the job. And if you want to make the interviewers laugh, you can always say that your friends think you make a good coffee–at least something :).

Interviewers observe more than just your words

What you say in an interview should at least somehow correspond with what they see. Let me give you an example. If you said that your friends would characterize you as a great listener, and then struggled to remember the questions of the interviewers or interrupted them often, or failed to talk to the point, they would not believe you. They would not consider you trustworthy anymore. And that would mark an end to your chances in any job interview.

Please keep it on your mind. It is always better to be humble, to avoid boasting about your strengths and how great you are. Say less, and then surprise them positively with your behavior and reactions in the interview. That’s the way to succeed.

Have your answer ready? Do not forget to check also sample answers to other tricky interview questions:

  • Have you ever worked on a project that was a failure?
  • Describe your friends and why you like them.
  • Describe yourself in one word.
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Matthew Chulaw

Matthew has been working in international recruitment since 2008. He helps job seekers from all walks of life to pursue their career goals, and to prepare for their interviews. He is the founder of website.

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I think my best friend would describe me as honest, detailed, and very organized.” “I think my best friend would say that I’m very responsible. Whenever our group of friends had to coordinate an activity, they always relied on me.” “My best friend would probably say that I’m warm, friendly, and understanding.”

What 3 words would friends use to describe you?

7 sample answers to “What three words would your friends use to describe you?” interview question

  • Responsible, empathetic, indecisive. My friends know me well and we experienced both highs and lows together.
  • Outgoing, friendly, creative. Actually I have quite a lot of friends and do not struggle making new friends.

How would you describe your best friend?

Explore adjectives to describe a friend for great ideas on how to talk about your BFF.
Words to Describe Qualities of a Good Friend.

affable affectionate attentive
giving good listener honest
humorous kind loving
loyal nice optimistic
punctual reliable responsible

How would others describe your personality?

A suitable answer to a personality question should include strong words hiring managers want to hear. Some of these words include savvy, risk-taker, observant, energetic, creative, and organized. Others include courageous, honest, driven, result-oriented, positive, orderly, methodical, and adventurous, among others.

What 3 words describe you best?

Words you can use to describe yourself

  • Inquisitive.
  • Organized.
  • Passionate.
  • Patient.
  • Reliable.
  • Responsible.
  • Thoughtful.
  • Witty.

How would you describe yourself?

Positive words to describe yourself in any situation. Words to describe yourself in an interview. Words to describe yourself on a resume.
Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview.

Resourceful Focused Reliable
Motivated Methodical Proactive
Insightful Disciplined Organized
Results-oriented Energetic Ambitious

How would your friends describe you interview examples?

“How would your friends describe you?” example answer
My friends would describe me as [insert a description such as helpful and empathetic]. Whenever something goes wrong, I’m always the first to volunteer to help and always take time to understand the problem and figure out how we can solve it together.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Here’s how you might describe yourself in five words: I would say that I’m motivated, analytical, creative, encouraging, and friendly. Motivation comes naturally to me and I’ve always been a self-starter.

What are five words you would use to describe your personality?

Sample Words

accomplished adaptable adventurous
conscientious considerate constructive
courageous creative curious
determined diligent direct
efficient empathetic enthusiastic

How do you describe a true friend?

Someone who is a true friend stands up for you. When others try to hurt you emotionally or physically, they do everything they can to make sure you stay safe. They don’t care who is trying to harm you; they will defend you anytime, anywhere. If they can help you, they’ll do it without reservation or reward.

What are 10 qualities of a good friend?

To help identify them, Bustle asked experts to weigh in on the essential traits that make a good friend.

  • They’re Trustworthy.
  • They’re Supportive.
  • They Accept You As You Are.
  • They Actively Listen.
  • They’re Emotionally Available.
  • They Have Similar Interests.
  • They Show Up During Tough Times.
  • They’re Reciprocal.

How do you describe a person?

You can talk to him easily, and he’s very friendly:

  • Affable — He’s easy to talk to.
  • Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to.
  • Amiable — He’s friendly and nice.
  • Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.
  • Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.
  • Likeable — He’s easy to like.

How would you describe your personality in one word?

How to Describe Yourself in One Word with Sample Answers

  • Dynamic.
  • Versatile.
  • Analytical.
  • Innovative.
  • Creative.
  • Team Player.
  • Ambitious.
  • Smart worker.

How would you describe your girl best friend?

“She is genuine, brutally honest, caring in a roundabout way, funny, cute, interesting, patient with me, my calm in the storm and the list goes on….” 21. “How strong you are & how you have never given up on me & have always stayed by my side thru everything. I love you so much, bestie.”

How would you describe yourself in 250 words?

Words to Describe Yourself in a Cover Letter/Job Interview

  • Accomplished.
  • Accountable.
  • Adaptable.
  • Adept [at something]
  • Ambitious.
  • Analytical.
  • Articulate.
  • Assertive.

How would you describe yourself in 10 sentences?


  • I am eager to learn.
  • I am determined.
  • I never give up until I finish something.
  • I get on well with all kinds of people.
  • Hard work doesn’t bother me.
  • I like everything I do to be well-organized.

What words best describe personality?

A list of Useful Words to Describe Someone’s Personality

  • industrious – very hard working.
  • joyful – very happy.
  • reliable – someone you can depend upon.
  • sociable – someone who enjoys mixing with people.
  • sympathetic – someone who offers a friendly ear to people with problems.
  • talkative – somebody who talks a lot.

What do you like about your friend?

My best friend makes me laugh more than anyone else in the world. She’s like a sister to me and I feel that I can totally be myself around her.” “My best friend is a good listener. She’s always there when I need a chat or when I want to go shopping.

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Paul Arnold is an education expert with over 25 years of experience in the field. He has worked in both public and private schools, as well as colleges and universities. Paul is passionate about helping students learn and grow, and he has written extensively on the topic of education. He currently works as a professor at a local college.

When he’s not teaching or writing, Paul enjoys spending time with his wife and two children. He also likes playing golf and watching sports. Paul is a big fan of the Boston Celtics and New England Patriots.

See all posts by Paul Arnold

  • How to Answer “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”
  • Example Answers to This Question
  • Why Interviewers Ask “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid When Answering
  • Tips to Keep in Mind When Answering
  • “How Would Your Friends Describe You?” FAQ
  • Final Thoughts
  • References
  • Expert Opinions
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Summary. To answer this question, you should be honest about what they would actually say and stay relevant and focus on the job description. Avoid discussing any of your weaknesses and going over the top to make yourself sound better.

“How would your friends describe you?”

If you’re like me, then this question could prompt some pretty variable responses, depending on which of my friends you ask — but let me give you a bit of advice: You don’t need to be completely forthcoming about your college drinking partner’s opinion of you.

It’s one of the most common interview questions out there, and it’s especially useful for hiring managers who want to learn what soft skills you’ll bring to the table.

Key Takeaways:

  • Interviews ask this question because they are looking to see what your personality and non career related characteristics are like.

  • Avoid lying and misrepresenting yourself when answering this question.

  • It’s important to be professional and relate your traits back to the job position.

how would your friends describe you interview question tips

Answering this interview question is a great way to share your best personality traits.

  1. Stay relevant. Use some humanizing words — but this isn’t a dating profile, so you also want to keep this related to the workplace too: persistent, practical, innovative.

  2. Get to the point. Avoid ambiguity and sell yourself. Also, don’t say “They’d tell you I’m the most modest person in the world.”

  3. Be honest. Don’t lie — we say that a lot, but you don’t want to get hired because you said, “They’d say that I speak the most impressive Greek and Mandarin they’ve ever heard,” when you actually don’t.

  4. Be professional. This can be a little controversial because some camps say you should always sell yourself as an employee — but you can’t just be a robot in this situation either.

    Interviewers already know what your capabilities are, this is an opportunity to show what your personality will be like.

  5. Pick likable traits. How easy it is to get along with you is a pretty big factor when they make their decisions. It’s always safe to keep yourself inscrutable so you don’t screw up. But if someone else has similar skills but is more likable, you can guess which way the hiring manager will go.

  6. Focus on the position. Talk about your leadership skills in an oblique way if relevant, but always keep your answer focused on the type of position. If it’s sales, emphasize your communication skills. If it’s management, refer to how helpful and dependable you are when it comes to making the call:

Short Example Answers

  • “He’d say that I’m always the first to volunteer and lead the way when it’s time to act.”

  • “She would definitely tell you that when times are tough for everyone, not just one of us, I’m always there to see things through.”

  • “That I’m organized, considerate, and dependable.”

Example Answers to This Question

Let’s take a look at some full-length sample answers in action:

  1. Example answer 1: software developer

    “My friends would describe be as an eternal optimist. I never let little frustrations set me back and I’m always looking for solutions right away. When my friends and I got lost in Rome during a semester abroad, I took charge and used what little Italian I knew to ask around for directions.

    “I’m not quick to panic in new situations, and I actually enjoy solving puzzles and learning things as I go.”

  2. Example answer 2: human resources manager

    “My friends would describe me helpful and communicative. I don’t really enjoy idle time, so when a friend needs help with something, I jump at the chance for activity. I also have really open an honest communication with my friends. I’ve been able to avoid a lot of conflict by having frank conversations before things come to a head.”

  3. Example answer 3: office manager

    “My friends always joke that I’m ‘the Mom’ of the group. When we go on trips, big or small, I have a plan in place and supplies ready for every eventuality. Even when it’s just a hike, I’m the person who brings the sandwiches, has all the trails mapped out with the best scenic spots, and has extra socks in case anyone steps in a puddle.”

  4. Example answer 4: teacher

    “They’d say that I’m compassionate and empathetic. My friends can count on me to read the room correctly and steer conversations to a place of positivity. My friends know that I can’t be 100% comfortable unless everyone around me is also comfortable.

    “They would also say I’m a curious person who loves to learn and share interesting stories. I’m the guy who still cuts out magazine clippings when I see something I think would interest a friend.”

Why Interviewers Ask “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”

Interviewers ask how your friends would describe you to get a sense of your self-awareness and assess how your soft skills match up with the company, department, and role you’re applying for.

  • Hiring managers and recruiters are hoping for a glimpse of your personality. They don’t really care about your friend’s honest opinions. In point of fact, most employers deliberately ask you to not put friends down as references on your applications.

  • The phrasing of this question is actually a bit of a trick. If they were to directly ask you what you think about yourself, they’d be opening themselves up to a whole bunch of the kind of resume fluff that they hate reading on a regular basis.

    They already know that you’re going to paint yourself in a rosy picture regardless, but by getting you to remove yourself from the interviewee position for a moment and subconsciously empathize with another person’s perspective, they encourage you to be just a bit more realistic.

  • This question is a test of your self-perception and an honest appraisal of how the world sees you, not just how you see yourself. How you answer will also reveal what non-career characteristics you find valuable in yourself and others.

  • Some hiring managers and recruiters might compare your answer to how your references described you to gauge your self-assessment’s accuracy. And they want more than just a few adjectives (though your adjective choice should be thoughtful and deliberate).

Interviewers like to hear a brief anecdote to back up why your friends would use those words. Your answer will reveal how well your interpersonal style and set of soft skills will fit in with the company culture.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Answering

When answering this question, avoid these common mistakes:

  • Don’t go over the top. When you’re answering this question, there’s going to be bias. Recruiters know that. But that doesn’t give you free rein to just go on about how sweet, thoughtful, and beautiful you are.

    If they wanted that, they’d have asked you what your mother thinks of you.

  • Don’t misrepresent yourself. So this is not an opportunity for you to start being unrealistic. If you’re stern, disciplined, and come across as uptight and orderly, don’t say, “Oh, they’d tell you that I’m the life of the party, I swoop into every room with gusto and pizazz, and I’m basically a people’s people person.”

  • Don’t focus on weaknesses. Be confident and positive in your answer. You’re trying to impress recruiters and hiring managers with your interpersonal skills, so don’t talk about how you can be hard to get along with.

  • Don’t use overly-professional language. As mentioned earlier, this is a test of how you honestly think you come across to people who know you well — so don’t use business jargon and manager lingo:

    Bad Example Answers

    • “My best friend since preschool, Timmy, would say that I’m a detailed-oriented team player.”

    • “The best man at my wedding once told me that my ability to empathetically manage my direct reports inspired him to get married in the first place.”

    • “My sorority big describes me as a deadlines-fixated perfectionist who is always willing to stay late.”

    However, if you’re using that last one as a way to imply that you’re really good at ordering drinks right before last call so you can drink until the bar closes, that’s kind of cool.

Tips to Keep in Mind When Answering

  1. Keep it simple. While you normally want to give answers that are memorable, the answer for this question is actually kind of an outlier in that you don’t want your interviewer to remember it — because if they do, it’s probably not for a good reason.

    This is because your interviewer probably has an answer they’d like to hear, but the odds are that they just don’t want to hear anything that makes you sound like a wild animal.

  2. Match your answer to the job description. If you see one adjective come up a lot in the job description, try to use it or a synonym. You get bonus points if your personality traits naturally align well with the position.

    Don’t try too hard to jam keywords into your response, but indicate you know what qualities the company is looking for in your response.

  3. Tell a brief story. Adjectives are cheap, but stories can beef up your answer. Think of anecdotes of times when your personality traits played a big role in something getting done.

    For example, if you’re a problem-solver, talk about a time you helped a friend with a difficult issue.

  4. Look back. Consider performance reviews and past conversations you’ve had with coworkers. Pay attention to what you’ve been praised for. You can also ask coworkers or friends how they’d describe you.

    If you want honest insight into how people perceive you, these are all good places to start.

  5. Research the company. Make sure that you describe yourself in a way that fits within the company you’re interviewing with.

    After reading this, prepare your answer for every interview — but in preparing for this interview, you should look into the company’s website to better gauge what they care about.

    You can usually figure out from a company’s website what they value and how they like to present themselves to the public, and if not then take to LinkedIn — if workers here present themselves as best friends who care about their clients and the world at large, try to align yourself with those characteristics.

    Figure out:

    • Special initiatives they sponsor, such as philanthropy and 5k races

    • Their focus on innovation or tradition

    • Interesting projects and initiatives they’ve recently received press for

    You might find that this company values sending its employees abroad or on philanthropic trips — even if this is something you only sort-of value, describe yourself who values this too:

    Align Your Description With the Company

    “They say that I value my role in the world’s tapestry, always expressing gratitude for the blessings I have and finding ways to give back, that I have a sense of stewardship for the community.”

    The focus here is to be able to position yourself as an ideal candidate at this very moment in time, and you do this by saying who you are right now.

    Neither you nor your interviewer knows what your friends would say, but you both hope that it mirrors the type of employee the company values.

    It’s best to give a general answer that doesn’t pin you down to any specific career path, and don’t use synonyms for the same thing. Besides being boring, you don’t want to overemphasize one set of qualities and paint a caricature.

  6. Don’t describe yourself as overly ambitious. You want to present yourself as a leader and impressive individual with admirable aspirations, but it would be a bizarre friendship if you were always bossing your friends around and they told you they love your sincere quest for global domination.

  7. Make it believable for your resume and obvious personality. As we said before, your friends might lie for you to make you look good and your interviewer would assume this bias exists, but you don’t want to come across as completely full of it.

    Also, unless the interviewer is a very bad read of people, she’ll be able to tell if the personality she’s witnessing matches up with the words you use to describe yourself.

“How Would Your Friends Describe You?” FAQ

  1. How can I describe myself in words?

    When using words to describe yourself, you want to use words that best match your personality, without trying to exaggerate. Some examples of the best words to describe yourself include:

    • Assertive

    • Approachable

    • Curious

    • Honest

    • Straightforward

  2. Why do interviewers care what our friends think of us?

    Interviewers ask how your friends would describe you because they are trying to see how you would realistically describe yourself. Most interviewers won’t really care about what your friends would think of you, but to see some non-career characteristics about yourself.

  3. What are 3 words to use when describing a friend?

    3 words to use when describing a friend could be responsible, hard working, and Confident. When describing a friends, you want to bring out their best qualities and traits. Think about what makes them a good friend and how it could relate to the job they are applying to.

Final Thoughts

Stepping back to understand how others perceive you is a worthwhile activity, interview question or no. While your insights might be interesting, remember to focus your interview answer on qualities that are relevant for the job you’re applying for.

It’s a common interview question for understanding your interpersonal skills and capacity for empathy. Hiring managers and recruiters don’t want to hire someone who is just technically proficient; they want to hire an employee that coworkers will enjoy being around.

Company culture is a somewhat organic thing that evolves based on hiring decisions. Sell yourself as someone who can contribute to and improve an existing culture, and you’re more likely to get a job offer.

When you tell an interviewer about yourself, you’ll naturally jump to qualifications and accomplishments. But when you have to answer a question about how your friends would describe you, you’re forced to ditch the purely job-related qualities you have.


  1. Career Ceiling – 5 Ways to Answer the “How would Your Friends Describe You?” Interview Question

Expert Opinions

How To Answer “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”

Jennifer Sun
Founder/Interview Coach
Interview Prep Me

With any interview question, I always try to think about what the interviewer actually wants to learn about me. In a question such as, “how would your friends describe you?”, I think of it as an opportunity to talk about something outside of the normal response to “what are your greatest strengths?”. The response should showcase who you are as a human-being outside of work and not just on paper! You really want to give the interviewer confidence that you will be a good fit within the company’s culture. Ultimately, the response should leave the interviewer feeling like you have been sincere in your response and that you could even be their friend outside of the office.

How To Answer “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”

Erin Lyman

Use the interview as a way to connect on a personal level. If you’re comfortable, have a sense of humor with this question. You might say something like, “My friends tell me that it looks like something exploded on my desk. But I tell them there’s a method to my madness!” This is a great way to break the ice in what is typically a stressful situation.

How To Answer “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”

Anna Jones
Owner of Girl.Copy LLC

Highlight both your strengths and areas you need to improve upon in your response. For example, you can respond that you work quickly yet efficiently. Be realistic! Recruiters and HR folks understand that nobody’s perfect, so adding a dose of humility to your response will make you stand out from the pack.

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Have you ever been asked the question, “How would your friends describe you?” in an interview?

Chances are that even if you haven’t yet, you will someday.

We’ll discuss why employers ask this interview question and the best way to answer it.

Keep the following words in mind when coming up with your own answers to this interview question.

How Would Your Friends Describe You?

How Would Your Friends Describe You?

The Reasons Behind the Question

If an employer asks how your friends would describe you, what does he or she really want to know?

It seems like a personal question, but it’s a great question to get to know you.

Here are a few things the hiring manager can discover by asking, “What would your friends say about you?”

1. It Shows Your Level of Self-Awareness

First of all, do you even know how your friends perceive you?

If not, you might not have high levels of self-awareness.

Having a good idea of how your friends would describe you shows that you care what your friends think.

That’s a positive point for your character and personality.

2. It Demonstrates How Others Think of You

Obviously, right?

But think about this a little more deeply before you answer.

  • Would your friends describe you as a gossip?
  • Would they say you don’t really take time for them?
  • Or that social media supersedes in-person contact?

Having an accurate picture of how others would describe you can give a hiring manager plenty of insight about your personality and soft skills.

3. It Reveals How Well You Work With Others

Friends do stuff together, right?

When you go bowling with your friends, for instance…

  • Are you the highly-competitive one in the group?
  • Or maybe you are the friend who watches from the sidelines, cheering everyone on.
  • Perhaps you are the one who gets all the others together in the first place.

Each small thing you say can show the recruiter something about your work style and the way you relate to others.

How to Answer This Interview Question

Now, this may seem like a really obvious approach, but here’s the best thing to actually do before encountering this question in an interview:

Ask your friends how they would describe you.

(You might save yourself from some self-pity by asking them to only share the nice things they think about you!)

Jokes aside, asking your friend how they would describe you will enable you to have an honest answer in the interview.

It also might make you feel good and bring you closer to your friends.

Win, win!

1. Choose Positive Words

Hopefully, you have taken the advice from above, and you are asking your friends to tell you some positive things that describe you.

You absolutely do not want to tell a recruiter bad things about yourself!

If your friends would describe you as a selfish jerk, do not offer that piece of information in your interview.

This seems pretty obvious, right?

Sadly, I have heard people joke around in an interview and say something negative and self-incriminating about their personality, like they are the best beer chugger in the city. Cringe.

Good Response:


How would your friends describe you?


My friends would say I am passionate and trustworthy.

I love live music and if there is ever a band playing nearby, my friends can count on my to spearhead the planning to make an outing happen. And I WILL be on the dance floor!

All of my friends know they can come to me (and they often do) to have a conversation they don’t want shared with other people. I value everyone’s wishes and their desire for privacy.

2. Stay Relevant to The Job

If you have read other interview articles, you’ve likely seen this advice:

Relevance plays a huge factor.

You can have the most awesome feedback from your friends, but if it is not relevant to the job, it’s wasted breath.

Tailor how your friends describe you to the job you are applying for.

For example, let’s say you are applying for a customer service job.

Then your answer to this question should be related to how well you work with others.

Good Response:


How would others describe you?


People describe me as extremely helpful.

They know that I am always eager to assist others so they come to me anytime they need problem solving.

They would also say that I am a great communicator (perhaps a little too talkative sometimes) and kind towards others even when they are not kind back.

3. Tell a Story

Let’s say you are applying for a job as a salesperson and you are asked this question.

Good response:


Tell me how your friends would describe you.


My friends know that I am outgoing and energetic. They’d also say I am determined and never give up.

One time, we were all rock climbing. About halfway up everybody wanted to turn around and go back down the mountain.

I turned our climb into a competition and proposed a $100 prize for whoever was first to climb the mountain. That quickly changed their minds and we decided to keep climbing.

Side note, I won the $100!

You probably noticed a difference between the “good” responses above.

All of them could be considered great answers to the question of how would your friends describe you.

These answers will work just fine.

But the last one is better.


It tells a story.

Anytime you can support your answer to an interview question with a story, you are going to set yourself apart from the crowd.

You will give the interviewer something unique to remember you by.

4. Stay Focused

When answering this interview question, you do not need to go all the way back to grade school.

The recruiter doesn’t want to hear you narrate every friendship story from your childhood and teen years.

Remain focused.

Choose a single story that…

  • Showcases relevant qualities
  • Demonstrates positive aspects of your character

Use this opportunity to show the recruiter that you would make a great member of the team because you would make a great friend and coworker.

light bulb
Top Tip

Above all else, don’t lie in your answer! The interviewer can take clues from your interview to determine if your behavior matches your answers.

Key Takeaways

When an interviewer asks you what others would say about you, they are trying to determine some key characteristics about you.

Include positive and relevant traits in your answer and tell a short story to back them up.

If you need more help with interview prep, we have you covered:

  • 63 Best Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview has some great (and not-so-great) words to use to describe yourself in an interview if you need more ideas.
  • Check out 50 Top Job Interview Questions and Answers for more interview questions to study.
  • Our Reverse Recruiters can also manage your job search for you. They’ll find the interviews for you, and then get you ready for them as well.

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