How to use word perfect

Время Perfect в английском языке — это совершенное время, выражающее завершенные действия, результат которых непосредственно связан с данным моментом времени. Данные действия или завершили только что, или к наступлению определенного момента — все это Perfect Tenses.

С точки зрения русского языка действие в настоящем времени не может закончиться, на то оно и настоящее. Если действие завершилось, значит, время должно быть прошедшее. Английский язык придерживается другой логики: в нем действие в настоящем может быть законченным, и пример этому — Present Perfect. Также поступок мог быть совершен давно или вовсе никогда не совершен, но он имеет значение в настоящем времени.

Как образуется Present Perfect


Сказуемое в Present Perfect состоит из вспомогательного глагола have (has) и основного глагола. С местоимениями I, you, we, they и существительными во множественном числе используется have, с местоимениями he, she, it и существительными в единственном числе — has.

Основной глагол при формировании предложения в Present Perfect должен быть в третьей форме: к правильным глаголам добавляется окончание –ed, у неправильных глаголов может видоизменяться корень слова.

Формула: I/We/You/They + have + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: I have started. — Я начал. We have gone. — Мы ушли. You have finished. — Вы закончили. They have come. — Они пришли.

Формула: He/She/It + has + 3-я форма глагол
Примеры: He has decided. — Он решил. She has done. — Она сделала. It has turned off. — Оно выключилось.


При построении отрицательного предложения в Present Perfect Tense между вспомогательным и основным глаголами ставится отрицательная частица not.

Формула: I/We/You/They + have not + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: I have not started. — Я не начал. We have not gone. — Мы не ушли. You have not finished. — Вы не закончили. They have not come. — Они не пришли.

Формула: He/She/It + has not + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: He has not decided. — Он не решил. She has not done. — Она не сделала.
It has not turned off. — Оно не выключилось.

В разговорной речи глагол to have (has) может принимать сокращенные формы. В утвердительном предложении have (has) объединяется с местоимением, в сокращенном виде have выглядит как «‘ve», has как «‘s». В отрицательном предложении have (has) объединяется с not, сокращенные формы выглядят как «haven’t» и «hasn’t».

Примеры: We’ve gone. He’s decided. I haven’t started. She hasn’t done.


Вопросительное предложение в Present Perfect в английском языке начинается с вспомогательного глагола, далее следует местоимение и основной глагол в третьей форме.

Формула: Have + I/we/you/they + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: Have I started? — Я начал? Have we gone? — Мы ушли? Have you finished? — Вы закончили? Have they come? — Они пришли?

Формула: Has + he/she/it + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: Has he decided? — Он решил? Has she done? — Она сделала? Has it turned off? — Оно выключилось?

Когда употребляется Present Perfect

  1. Необходимо показать результат действия, которое уже совершилось. С помощью Present Perfect внимание акцентируется именно на результате.

    Примеры: Я делал это. — I did it (Past Simple — действие было в прошлом).
    Я сделал это. — I have done it (Present Perfect — действие закончилось, значит, есть результат).

    Слова-маркеры: already (уже), just (только что), yet (уже, еще).

  2. Present Perfect в английском языке используется, когда речь идет о личном опыте говорящего.

    Пример: I’ve been to England but I haven’t been to Scotland. — Я был в Англии, но не был в Шотландии (на данный момент моей жизни я посетил Англию и не успел посетить Шотландию).

    Для описания жизненного опыта характерно наличие наречий ever (когда-нибудь) и never (никогда).

    I have never tried green tea. — Я никогда не пробовал зеленый чай.

  3. С помощью Present Perfect показывается длительное действие, которое все еще актуально: оно началось в прошлом, у него есть результат в настоящем и, возможно, оно будет продолжаться в будущем.


    We’ve known each other since school years. — Мы знаем друг друга со школы.

    I’ve studied English for 5 years. — Я учу английский в течение 5 лет (начал в прошлом, 5 лет — результат в настоящем).

    I’ve lived in the suburbs since childhood. — Я живу в пригороде с детства (я начал жить там в детстве и, как результат, живу в пригороде и сейчас).

    Обычно в подобных случаях в предложении употребляются предлоги for (в течение) и since (с тех пор как, начиная с).

Как образуется Past Perfect

Past Perfect — прошедшее совершенное время в английском языке. Его особенность в том, что оно не используется в речи самостоятельно и обязательно привязывается к другому действию. Например, нужно сообщить о событии в прошлом, которое произошло ранее других упомянутых событий.


Сказуемое в Past Perfect состоит из двух частей: вспомогательного глагола had и третьей формы основного глагола.

Формула: I/He/She/It/We/You/They + had + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: I had done. — Я сделал. He had seen. — Он увидел. She had found. — Она нашла. It had fallen. — Оно упало. We had learned. — Мы выучили. You had decided. — Вы решили. They had gone. — Они ушли.


Отрицательное предложение в Past Perfect Tense формируется путем употребления отрицательной частицы not между вспомогательным глаголом had и основным глаголом.

Формула: I/He/She/It/We/You/They + had not + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: I had not done. — Я не сделал. He had not seen. — Он не увидел. She had not found. — Она не нашла. It had not fallen. — Оно не упало. We had not learned. — Мы не выучили. You had not decided. — Вы не решили. They had not gone. — Они не ушли.

В разговорной речи используются сокращенные формы: в утвердительном предложении had объединяется с местоимением, в отрицательном – с частицей not.

Примеры: I’d done. You’d decided. I hadn’t done. You hadn’t decided.


Вопросительное предложение в Past Perfect начинается со вспомогательного глагола had, за которым следует подлежащее и основной глагол.

Формула: Had + I/he/she/it/we/you/they + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: Had I done? — Я сделал? Had he seen? — Он увидел? Had she found? — Она нашла? Had it fallen? — Оно упало? Had we learned? — Мы выучили? Had you decided? — Вы решили? Had they gone? — Они ушли?

Когда употребляется Past Perfect

  1. Past Perfect Tense всегда идет рука об руку с другим действием в прошлом. Эта временная конструкция используется для описания действия, которое произошло раньше другого действия или определенного момента в прошлом. Другое действие в прошлом чаще всего обозначается Past Simple.

    Пример: We arrived at the station at 7.30, but the train had left. — Мы прибыли на вокзал в 7:30, но поезд уже ушел (сначала поезд ушел — Past Perfect, потом мы прибыли на вокзал — Past Simple).

    В подобном случае часто используются слова: by… (к какому-то времени/моменту), after (после того как), before (перед тем как, до того как), when (когда), earlier (раньше), first (сперва, сначала).

  2. Past Perfect может объяснять причину: в предложении уточняется, что действие, выраженное Past Perfect, стало причиной того, что произошло другое действие.

    Пример: He was hungry. He hadn’t eaten for eight hours. — Он был голоден. Он не ел восемь часов.

  3. В Past Perfect также можно рассказывать о личном опыте, который дал некий результат в прошлом.

    Пример: The last week of my holidays was the worst week I had ever had. — Последняя неделя моего отпуска была самой худшей неделей, которая у меня когда-либо была.

Как образуется Future Perfect

Future Perfect — будущее совершенное время в английском языке, оно показывает действие, которое начнется в будущем и закончится до определенного момента в будущем.


Утвердительное предложение в Future Perfect строится с помощью вспомогательного глагола have во времени Future Simple (will have) и третьей формы основного глагола.

Формула: I/He/She/It/We/You/They + will have + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: I will have finished. — Я закончу. He will have decided. — Он решит. She will have painted. — Она нарисует. It will have produced. — Оно произведет. We will have arrived. — Мы прибудем. You will have confirmed. — Вы подтвердите. They will have received. — Они получат.


В отрицательном предложении между will и have появляется отрицательная частица not.

Формула: I/He/She/It/We/You/They + will not have + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: I will not have finished. — Я не закончу. He will not have decided. — Он не решит. She will not have painted. — Она не нарисует. It will not have produced. — Оно не произведет. We will not have arrived. — Мы не прибудем. You will not have confirmed. — Вы не подтвердите. They will not have received. — Они не получат.

В разговорной речи вспомогательный глагол will have чаще встречается в сокращенной форме, в утвердительном предложении эта форма будет звучать как «‘ll have», в отрицательном — «won’t have».

Примеры: She’ll have painted. You’ll have confirmed. It won’t have produced. We won’t have arrived.


Вопросительное предложение в Present Perfect Tense формируется путем вынесения на первое место will, затем ставится подлежащее, после него have и далее 3-я форма основного глагола.

Формула: Will + I/he/she/it/we/you/they + have + 3-я форма глагола
Примеры: Will I have finished? — Я закончу? Will he have decided? — Он решит? Will she have painted? — Она нарисует? Will it have produced? — Оно произведет? Will we have arrived? — Мы прибудем? Will you have confirmed? — Вы подтвердите? Will they have received? — Они получат?

Употребление Future Perfect

Время Future Perfect показывает действие, которое начнется в будущем и также закончится до определенного момента в будущем.


I want to quit my job in a month. I will have worked for 5 years for this company by then. — Я хочу через месяц уволиться. К тому времени я проработаю в этой компании 5 лет.

We will have built our new house by the next year. — Мы достроим наш новый дом к следующему году.

В таких предложениях могут употребляться слова: by… (к какому-то времени/моменту), by the time (к тому времени как), by then (к тому времени), by tomorrow (к завтрашнему дню, до завтра), before (перед тем как), when (когда), until/till (до того как).

Adjectives and adverbs can get confusing. Even native speakers have a hard time differentiating them sometimes, so don’t worry if you’re a bit stumped. This article will explain the differences between “perfect” and “perfectly.”

What Is The Difference Between “Perfect” and “Perfectly”?

“Perfect” is an adjective used to modify nouns. It is possible to hear it in phrases like “you are perfect,” where “you” is the modified noun. “Perfectly” is an adverb used to modify verbs. In this case, something like “it works perfectly” is correct because “work” is the modified verb.

perfect or perfectly

It’s possible to hear “perfect” used interchangeably with “perfectly” when you are listening to native speakers talk. This is because spoken English doesn’t have as strict rules as written English, so the standard methods can be overlooked.

You might hear a native say either of the following:

  • That worked perfectly.
  • That worked perfect.

However, “Perfect” should not be used here as “worked” is a verb and not an adjective.

We do not encourage you to follow the trend of dropping adverbs just because you’re speaking to someone informally, though. It’s always best to practice proper grammar and English, meaning that “perfectly” should be best when referring to a verb or action.

How to Use “Perfect” In A Sentence

  1. You are perfect just the way you are. Please don’t feel like you ever need to change yourself for someone else.
  2. You’re not perfect yet, but you’re not a long way off! Keep working towards it, and you’ll be fine.
  3. This is the perfect example of how you can get adjectives right. It’s easy to see how perfect things can be.
  4. Stop being so perfect, please. I’m sick of having to live in your shadow all the time! I can’t keep up.
  5. Is this the perfect date? I feel like I hit the nail on the head when I was putting this one together.

“Perfect” is only correct as the adjective form when following standard English rules. We can use it after a pronoun (“you are perfect”) or before an object (“perfect answer”). In either case, “perfect” is the only form that works to modify them.

How to Use “Perfectly” In A Sentence

  1. You did this perfectly, just like I knew you would. I always know I can count on you with this stuff.
  2. I thought he completed it perfectly, but I guess that’s open for interpretation.
  3. It was done perfectly, and I don’t see a reason for it to be done again. It just doesn’t make sense to me.
  4. This was not handled perfectly, and I’ll be the first to admit that. Next time, I’ll get it right.
  5. It was working perfectly just a second ago! You must have done something to affect it because I didn’t touch it!

“Perfectly” is the adverb form. We use this whenever we are modifying a verb. It’s possible for the verb to come before (“worked perfectly”) or after (“perfectly designed”). The position of the verb is mainly based on personal preference or contextual tone.

Is It “Works Perfect” or “Works Perfectly”?

“Works perfectly” is the only correct form to use here. “Works” is the modified verb, which means that the adverb form (“perfectly”) is the only acceptable choice. “Works perfect” is a common mistake, but it’s not one that we encourage you to make.

  • Correct: It works perfectly, thank you very much.
  • Incorrect: I knew it works perfect. I just had to prove it.

Is It “More Perfect” or “More Perfectly”?

“More perfect” and “more perfectly” are both correct. You can use “more perfect” as a comparative adjective form, meaning a noun is still being modified. “More perfectly” is a comparative adverb form, which only works when modifying a verb.

  • You look more perfect than the day I laid eyes on you. (Noun = “you”)
  • You did that more perfectly than the first time I met you. (Verb = “did”)

As a side note, “more perfect” and “more perfectly” are rarely used in English. Even when they are used, they’re reserved for informal speaking only.

“Perfect” is supposed to be the highest possible degree of something, meaning it’s impossible to make something “more” perfect. That’s why neither of these forms is common, as they are redundant.

What Word Type is “Perfectly”?

“Perfectly” is an adverb. It is an extension of the root adjective form “perfect,” where the “-ly” suffix is added to show that a verb can be modified. It is used whenever we want to show that someone performed an action in a “perfect” manner.

Is It Right To Say “Perfectly”?

While we can use some adverbs as a one-word reply to someone, it is not correct to use “perfectly” in these situations. You would have to be prompted with the correct verb to use this one well, but there are always better one-word alternatives over “perfectly.”

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

User Manual: corel WordPerfect Office — X5 — Instruction Manual Free User Guide for Corel WordPerfect Software, Manual

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User Guide




























Part One: Overview 1

Part Two: WordPerfect 17

Part Three: Quattro Pro 123

Part Four: Presentations 193

Part Five: Utilities 263

Part Six: Writing Tools 267

Part Seven: Macros and Migration 269

Part Eight: Other Resources 273

Part One: Overview 1

Part One: Overview

Welcome to Corel® WordPerfect® Office X5, a feature-rich suite of

productivity software. WordPerfect Office X5 is designed for

compatibility with Microsoft® Office and with industry-standard file

formats such as PDF and HTML.

This user guide is intended to introduce you to the main programs and

features of WordPerfect Office X5, and to help you get started using the

software right away.

Not all of the programs and features described in this user guide

are included in every edition of the software. For information on

which programs and features are included in each edition of the

software, please visit

Main programs in WordPerfect Office X5

WordPerfect Office X5 includes the following programs:

Corel® WordPerfect® X5 — a word-processing program that lets

you create professional-looking documents and publish them to a

wide variety of formats. For more information, see “Part Two:

WordPerfect” on page 17.

Corel® Quattro Pro® X5 — a spreadsheet program that lets you

manage, analyze, report, and share data. For more information, see

“Part Three: Quattro Pro” on page 123.

Corel® Presentations™ X5 — a program that lets you create

high-quality slide shows and drawings. For more information, see

“Part Four: Presentations” on page 193.


Additional features of WordPerfect Office X5

WordPerfect Office X5 also provides the following:

utilities — help you accomplish various tasks quickly and easily. For

more information, see “Part Five: Utilities” on page 263.

writing tools — help improve the quality of your writing, and provide

project-based tips on writing well. For more information, see “Part

Six: Writing Tools” on page 267.

support for macros and migration — includes tools and features for

using macros to automate tasks, and for migrating from earlier

versions of the software. For more information, see “Part Seven:

Macros and Migration” on page 269.

other resources — include accessibility features, extra content, and

Web-based resources. For more information, see “Part Eight: Other

Resources” on page 273.

Getting started with WordPerfect Office X5

Before delving into the finer aspects of WordPerfect Office X5, you may

want to get started by reading the following chapters:

“Welcome to WordPerfect Office X5” on page 3 — explains what’s

new in WordPerfect Office X5, and helps you install and set up the


“Learning to use WordPerfect Office X5” on page 9 — introduces

you to the documentation that is included with the software

Part One: Overview 3

Welcome to

WordPerfect Office X5

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

What’s new in WordPerfect Office X5?

Using the WordPerfect Office X5 setup

Registering WordPerfect Office X5

Updating WordPerfect Office X5

About Corel® Support Services

About customer feedback

•About Corel®

What’s new in WordPerfect Office X5?

WordPerfect Office X5 includes the following new features:

Reference Center — provides you with centralized access to the Help

files and new PDF manuals that install with the software, as well as

links to Web-based resources. For information on the Reference

Center and its documentation, see “Using the documentation” on

page 9.

integration with the Microsoft® SharePoint® technology — gives

you direct access to Microsoft SharePoint document management

systems from within WordPerfect, letting you quickly retrieve and

store WordPerfect (WPD) documents. For information, see “Using

Microsoft SharePoint with WordPerfect” on page 114.

support for Web services — lets you create customized WordPerfect

documents by querying the information stored in a networked


location. For information, please see “Linking and embedding data”

in the WordPerfect Help.

WordPerfect Office X5 also includes the following enhancements:

improved compatibility with Microsoft Office 2007 programs — lets

you open and save files that use the Office Open XML (OOXML)

format. For information, see the “Compatibility” chapters for

WordPerfect (page 119), Quattro Pro (page 189), and Presentations

(page 259).

•improved migration features — let you easily move to

WordPerfect Office X5 from an earlier version of the software. For

information, see “Using migration features” on page 270.

For a complete list of the new and enhanced features of

WordPerfect Office X5, please visit

Using the WordPerfect Office X5 setup

The setup makes it easy to install WordPerfect Office X5 applications and

components. It lets you

install any applications included in your software package

add and delete components in the current installation

repair the current installation by reinstalling all application features

To install WordPerfect Office X5

1Close all applications.

2Insert WordPerfect Office X5 Disc 1 in the CD drive.

If the setup does not start automatically, click Start on the

Windows® taskbar, click Run, and type D:SetupSetup.exe (where D

is the letter that corresponds to the CD drive).

3Follow the setup instructions for installing the software.

Part One: Overview 5

If the setup detects a previous version of WordPerfect Office on

your computer, the Upgrade page lets you choose to replace this

previous version with the current version.

The Upgrade page also lets you migrate the following customized

settings from any previous version of WordPerfect Office that is


Most Recently Used (MRU) documents list

any templates that you created

any macros that you created

address book


user word lists

If you purchased the Oxford™ Dictionary upgrade for a previous

version of WordPerfect Office, it is automatically migrated to the

current version.

To add or delete components in a WordPerfect Office X5


1Close all applications.

2On the Windows taskbar, click Start ` Control panel.

3Do one of the following:

• Windows 7 or Windows Vista® — Click Uninstall a program.

• Windows® XP — Double-click Add or remove programs.

4Do one of the following:

• Windows 7 or Windows Vista — Double-click

WordPerfect Office X5 on the Uninstall or change a program page.

• Windows XP — In the Add or remove programs dialog box,

choose WordPerfect Office X5 from the list, and click Change/


The setup appears.


5Enable the Modify option, and then click Next.

6Follow the setup instructions for modifying the software.

To repair a WordPerfect Office X5 installation

1Follow steps 1 through 4 in the previous procedure.

2Enable the Repair option, and then click Next.

3Follow the setup instructions for repairing the software.

Registering WordPerfect Office X5

Registering Corel products is important. Registration provides you with

timely access to the latest product updates, valuable information about

product releases, and access to free downloads, articles, tips and tricks,

and special offers.

WordPerfect Office X5 prompts you when it is time to register the

product. There is no registration necessary when installing the product.

At any time, you can also register in one of the following ways:

•by visiting

by phoning the Corel Customer Service Center nearest you. For more

information, see “About Corel Support Services” on page 7.

Updating WordPerfect Office X5

WordPerfect Office X5 offers a messaging service that allows you to

receive the latest information on WordPerfect Office X5. The messaging

service helps keep your WordPerfect Office X5 installation up-to-date by

informing you when critical updates become available, thus helping to

ensure that you are always running the latest version of

WordPerfect Office X5. You need to be online to access the messaging


Part One: Overview 7

For more information about the messaging service, you can access the

Messages Help file.

To access the messaging service

In WordPerfect, click Help ` Messages.

To update WordPerfect Office

In WordPerfect, click Help ` Check for updates.

To modify the messaging settings

In WordPerfect, click Help ` Message settings.

To access the Messages Help file

1Click Start ` Programs ` WordPerfect Office X5 ` Reference Center.

The Overview page of the Reference Center is displayed.

2Click the Messages Help item.

About Corel Support Services

Corel Support Services can provide you with prompt and accurate

information about product features, specifications, pricing, availability,

services, and technical support. For the most current information on

support services available for your Corel product, please visit

About customer feedback

If you have any comments or suggestions about WordPerfect Office X5 or

its documentation, please submit them by using the contact information


You can also visit for the latest news, tips and

tricks, and upgrade information.


About Corel

Corel is one of the world’s top software companies, with more than 100

million active users in over 75 countries. We develop software that helps

people express their ideas and share their stories in more exciting,

creative, and persuasive ways. Through the years, we’ve built a reputation

for delivering innovative, trusted products that are easy to learn and use,

helping people achieve new levels of productivity. The industry has

responded with hundreds of awards for software innovation, design, and


Our award-winning product portfolio includes some of the world’s most

widely recognized and popular software brands, including

CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite, Corel® Painter™,

Corel DESIGNER® Technical Suite, Corel® PaintShop Photo™ Pro,

Corel® VideoStudio®, Corel® WinDVD®, Corel® WordPerfect® Office,

WinZip®, and the recently released Corel® Digital Studio™ 2010. Our

global headquarters are in Ottawa, Canada, with major offices in the

United States, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Taiwan, and Japan.

Part One: Overview 9

Learning to use

WordPerfect Office X5

WordPerfect Office offers numerous learning resources.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Using the documentation

Accessing information on the Corel Web site

Using the documentation

WordPerfect Office includes a wide variety of documentation, which can

help you learn all about WordPerfect Office programs and features.

Not all components are available in all versions of

WordPerfect Office. Unavailable components may include Corel

applications and features, third-party utilities, and extra content

files. References to these components may nevertheless appear

within the applications and within the documentation.

The following resources are available to help you:

Documentation type What it does

In-product Help Lets you quickly retrieve all the

information you need. Help

displays in a separate window on

your screen. For quick access, you

can keep the Help window

displayed on top of the application


10 Part One: Overview

New to WordPerfect Office X5 is the Reference Center, which provides

all-in-one access to the Help files and PDF manuals that install with the

software suite, as well as links to Web-based resources.

You can access Help either from within the Reference Center or directly

from within a program. You can search the Help for specific information,

and you can print specific Help topics or print entire sections of the Help.

Context-sensitive Help Displays information relevant to the

task you are currently performing.

Context-sensitive Help provides

help for menu commands, toolbar

buttons, dialog boxes, and dialog

box controls. You access

context-sensitive Help by clicking

the What’s This? button, and

clicking the item you want

information about.

QuickTips™ Provide information about icons

and buttons on the toolbars and

the Toolbox. QuickTips display in a

balloon when you point to an icon

or a button.

PerfectExpert™ Guides you through basic tasks and

helps you create detailed projects.

PerfectExpert includes the best

features of QuickTask™, templates,

and Coaches, combined with

information from the online Help

and the power of a

natural-language interface, to

assist you with everyday tasks.

PDF manuals Provide a “book-based” approach

to the documentation

Documentation type What it does

Part One: Overview 11

If you want to access and search all the Help files for WordPerfect,

Quattro Pro, or Presentations, you can use the new Help Finder

tools provided by the Reference Center.

You can access context-sensitive Help, QuickTips, and the PerfectExpert

directly from within a program.

Understanding the documentation conventions

The following table describes conventions used in the documentation.

When you see this Do this

Click File ` New.Click the File menu, and click New

in the menu.

Click Format ` Justification ` Left.Click the Format menu, click

Justification, and click Left in the

submenu that displays.

Enable a check box. Click the check box to place a check

mark or an “X” inside the box.

Disable an option. Click the option to remove the


Select text. Click and drag to highlight text.

Click an object. Click anywhere on an object.

Right-click, and click Paste. Press the right mouse button, and

click Paste in the submenu that


Press Enter.Press the Enter key.

Ctrl + Shift Press the Ctrl key and the Shift key

at the same time.

12 Part One: Overview

To access the Reference Center

1Do one of the following:

• On the Windows taskbar, click Start ` Programs `

WordPerfect Office X5 ` Reference Center.

• In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help `

Reference Center.

2Click any tab to display the available documentation for that


3Click any category entry to display its associated documentation.

To access the Help

1Do one of the following:

• In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help ` Help


• In the Reference Center, click a Help entry.

2Click one of the following tabs:

Contents — lets you browse through topics in the Help

Index — lets you use the index to find a topic

Search — lets you search the full text of the Help for a particular

word or phrase. For more information, see “To search the Help” on

page 13.

You can also

Access macros Help Do one of the following:

In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or

Presentations, click Help `

Macro commands.

In the Reference Center, click the

Macros and Migration tab, and

then click the PerfectScript

Help entry.

Part One: Overview 13

To search the Help

1Click the Search tab in the left pane of the Help.

2Type a word or phrase in the search box.

For example, if you are looking for information about macros, you

can type macro to display a list of relevant topics. To search for a

phrase, type the phrase, and enclose it in quotation marks (for

example, type “writing tools” or “file formats”).

3Click the List topics button.

4Choose a topic from the list that appears, and press Enter. The topic

is displayed in the right pane of the Help.

If your search results do not include any relevant topics, check

whether you spelled the search word or phrase correctly. Note that

the English Help uses American spelling (for example, “color,”

“favorite,” “center,” and “customize”), so searching for British

spellings (“colour,” “favourite,” “centre,” and “customise”) produces

no results.

To determine the location of a displayed topic within the Help,

click the Contents tab in the left pane of the Help.

Access CorelTUTOR™ Help In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or

Presentations, click Help `


You can also

Search for a word or phrase in a list

of topics generated by the previous


Enable the Search previous results

check box.

You can also

14 Part One: Overview

To print Help topics

You can also print a topic by right-clicking the window and

clicking Print.

Search for all forms of a word Enable the Match similar words

check box.

For example, if you type “type” and

enable this check box, the search

results will include topics that

contain the words “types” and


Search only the titles of Help topics Enable the Search titles only check


Repeat a recently performed search On the search box, click the arrow

that points down, and choose a

word or phrase.

To Do the following

Print a section Select the section you want to

print, click Print, and enable the

Print selected heading and all

subtopics option.

Print a topic Select the topic you want to print,

click Print, and enable the Print

selected topic option.

You can also

Part One: Overview 15

To access context-sensitive Help

You can also access context-sensitive Help in a dialog box by

pressing F1.

To access the PerfectExpert

In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations, click Help `


A check mark next to the PerfectExpert command indicates that the

command is enabled, and the PerfectExpert panel displays in the left

side of the document window.

Accessing information on the Corel Web site

You can access the Corel Web site directly from within WordPerfect,

Quattro Pro, or Presentations. The Corel Web site gives you general

product information, as well as information on support and training.

To get help for Do the following

Menus Point to a menu item for QuickTips


You can also point to a menu item

and press F1.

Toolbar buttons Point to a toolbar button for

QuickTips information.

You can also point to a toolbar

button, press Shift + F1, and click

the button.

Dialog boxes Click Help.

Dialog box controls Click the Context-sensitive Help

button in an open dialog box, and

click a control.

16 Part One: Overview

To access the Corel Web site

An active Internet connection is required to access Web-based


The Other Resources page of the Reference Center provides access

to additional resources on the Web.

To access Click

WordPerfect Office Web site Help ` Corel on the Web `

WordPerfect Office Web site

WordPerfect Office Community site Help ` Corel on the Web ` Office


Web-based resources Help ` Corel on the Web ` Online


Technical support Help ` Corel on the Web `

Technical support

Training Help ` Corel on the Web ` Training

Part Two: WordPerfect 17

Part Two: WordPerfect

WordPerfect is a powerful word-processing application that helps you

produce newsletters, articles, reports, proposals, books, and other

documents. WordPerfect lets you add graphics, tables, and charts to

documents. You can publish to paper, electronic media, and the Web.

WordPerfect allows you to format, structure, and edit documents at any

time and gives you complete control over their design.

Getting started with WordPerfect

The following chapters show you how to get started creating documents

with WordPerfect:

“WordPerfect basics” on page 19

“Creating and opening documents” on page 23

“Viewing and navigating documents” on page 27

“Saving and closing documents” on page 31

“Entering and inserting text” on page 35

“Selecting and deleting text” on page 37

“Finding and replacing text and codes” on page 39

Editing and formatting documents

The following chapters show you how to edit and format your


“Editing basics” on page 43

“Formatting text” on page 47

18 Part Two: WordPerfect

“Working with styles” on page 51

“Formatting paragraphs” on page 55

“Formatting pages” on page 59

Structuring documents

The following chapters show you how to structure your documents:

“Using bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines” on page 67

“Numbering the parts of a document” on page 71

“Working with graphics” on page 75

“Working with footnotes and endnotes” on page 79

Sharing documents and collaborating with others

The following chapters show you how to share your documents and

collaborate with others:

“Working with files” on page 83

“Printing” on page 87

“Performing merges” on page 91

“Working with PDF files” on page 101

“Reviewing and comparing documents” on page 105

“Using a document management system with WordPerfect” on

page 113

”WordPerfect compatibility with Microsoft® Word” on page 119

For more information on WordPerfect

For even more information on WordPerfect, please see the Reference

Center, which installs with WordPerfect Office X5. See “To access the

Reference Center” on page 12.

Part Two: WordPerfect 19

WordPerfect basics

This chapter tells you how to perform basic operations in WordPerfect.

You can explore the work area and gain a better understanding of the

basic tools and features available for creating powerful word processing


In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Starting WordPerfect

Exploring the workspace

•Changing the workspace

Quitting WordPerfect

Starting WordPerfect

Let’s begin by starting WordPerfect.

To start WordPerfect

On the Windows taskbar, click Start ` Programs `

WordPerfect Office X5 ` WordPerfect X5.

Exploring the workspace

The workspace in WordPerfect includes everything you see on your screen

when you start the application. The large open area is the document


20 Part Two: WordPerfect

The menu bar, located at the top of the workspace, just below the title

bar, provides access to most of the WordPerfect commands.


Many menu commands can be accessed through toolbars, located below

the menu bar.

This is the WordPerfect toolbar.

The property bar is a context-sensitive toolbar that displays buttons and

options related to the task you are performing. For example, when text is

selected, the property bar contains only text-related commands.

This is the property bar.

By default, the property bar is located above the document window.

The application bar

The application bar displays information about the status of the active

WordPerfect document. By default, the application bar is located below

the document window.

When you open a file, a document button with the name of the file

appears on the application bar. You can use document buttons to quickly

move between the documents. For more information about moving

between documents, see “Navigating documents” on page 30.

This illustration shows items on the right side of the application


Part Two: WordPerfect 21

Changing the workspace

WordPerfect lets you use different workspaces for creating documents.

When choosing a workspace, you are specifying the toolbars, buttons,

options, and menus that WordPerfect displays. The following workspaces

are available:

WordPerfect Office mode — displays the default WordPerfect


Microsoft Word mode simulates the Microsoft Word workspace

by positioning the WordPerfect features, including toolbars,

keyboards, and menu items, where you would find the equivalent

features in Microsoft Word. For more information about using

Microsoft Word mode, see “Simulating the Microsoft Word

workspace” on page 119.

WordPerfect Legal mode — exposes the WordPerfect legal features,

such as tools that let you create specialized legal documents such as

cases and pleadings.

WordPerfect Classic mode — lets you work in the familiar visual

environment of Corel WordPerfect 5.1 and use its keystrokes.

To change the workspace

1Click Tools ` Workspace manager.

2Enable one of the following options:

• WordPerfect Office mode

• Microsoft Word mode

• WordPerfect Classic mode (version 5.1)

• WordPerfect Legal mode

22 Part Two: WordPerfect

Quitting WordPerfect

You can quit WordPerfect, which closes the application along with all of

the documents you have open.

To quit WordPerfect

Click File ` Exit.

You are prompted to save any modified documents before


Part Two: WordPerfect 23

Creating and opening


WordPerfect lets you start a document from a blank page or from a

template. A blank page lets you customize every aspect of a document’s

text and layout. A template is a preformatted document that you can

use as-is, or customize to best suit your needs.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Understanding the parts of a document

•Creating documents

Opening documents

Understanding the parts of a document

A WordPerfect document consists of one or more of the following



Text can be typed directly into WordPerfect or imported from text editors

or other word-processing applications. For more information about

adding text to a document, see “Entering and inserting text” on page 35.


Graphics include shapes, drawings, pictures, and clipart. A shape is any

object created with WordPerfect drawing tools. A drawing is created with

Presentations menus and tools.

24 Part Two: WordPerfect

A picture is a bitmap, or graphic image, that has been imported into a

WordPerfect document. Pictures can be imported from a CD or from

photo-editing programs, such as Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™. You can also

import pictures by using a scanner. Clipart images are images that can be

brought into Corel applications and used as they are or edited. For more

information about adding graphics to a document, see “Inserting

graphics” on page 75.


A style is a collection of formatting attributes applied to characters,

paragraphs, or documents. By formatting items with styles, you ensure

consistent formatting throughout a document. Whenever you change

the formatting in a style, you change the appearance of all items that use

that style. For more information about formatting with styles, see “Using

text styles” on page 51.


A template is a preformatted document that can be used as a guide for

creating a new document. Every document created in WordPerfect is

based on a template or a project template. When you open WordPerfect,

the blank document you see is based on the default template. Project

templates include fax cover sheets, memos, newsletters, and brochures.

For more information about templates, see “Creating documents from

project templates” in the WordPerfect Help.


Macros are used to automate application tasks. For example, you can use

WordPerfect macros to set margins, select a font, or create a merge file.

For more information about macros, see “Using recordings, macros, and

automation features” in the WordPerfect Help.

Part Two: WordPerfect 25

Creating documents

You can create a document in WordPerfect by using the default template,

a blank document that includes formatting elements such as margin

settings, tab settings, and toolbars. WordPerfect also includes

ready-made project templates that you can open and use to create a wide

range of documents, including letters, fax cover sheets, calendars, and

business cards.

To create a document by using the default template

Click File ` New.

You can also create a new document based on the default

template by clicking the New blank document button on the


Opening documents

You can open word-processing documents that were created in

WordPerfect or in another application. The advantage of opening, rather

than importing a document created in another application, is that many

of the formatting attributes in the original document, such as page size,

margins, font properties, bullets, and underlining are preserved. Some of

the features that are not supported include embedded pictures, hidden

text, interline spacing, kerning, macros, multiple page layouts (the first

one in the document is used throughout), and OLE objects. For more

information about importing files, see “Import and export file formats for

WordPerfect” in the WordPerfect Help.

You can also

Create a document from a project


Click File ` New from project.

26 Part Two: WordPerfect

To open a document

1Click File ` Open.

2Choose the drive and folder where the document is stored.

3Choose a file.

4Click Open.

You can also open a document by clicking the Open button on

the toolbar.

If you know where a file is located, you can type the full path and

filename in the File name list box.

Part Two: WordPerfect 27

Viewing and navigating


WordPerfect lets you customize the way you view and navigate

documents. WordPerfect lets you switch document views. You can also

use Reveal Codes, which lets you quickly format long or complex

documents by viewing and editing formatting codes.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Switching document views

Changing document display settings

•Using Reveal Codes

Navigating documents

For additional topics, please see “Viewing and navigating

documents” in the WordPerfect Help.

Switching document views

In WordPerfect, you can view documents in four ways: draft, page, two

pages, and browser preview.

To switch the document view

Click View, and click one of the following:

Draft — to hide some document elements such as footers, page

breaks, margins, and watermarks

Page — to display the document the way it will look when printed

28 Part Two: WordPerfect

Two pages — to display two consecutive pages in a document side

by side

Preview in browser — to display a document in HTML format

Changing document display settings

WordPerfect lets you change document display settings in several ways.

You can enlarge or reduce the page display.

You can cascade or tile multiple open documents.

To enlarge or reduce the page display

1Click View ` Zoom.

2Enable one of the following options:

Margin width — displays a complete line or block of text within a

window with minimal white space to the right and left

Page width — displays the width of the page including margins in

the window

Full page — displays all page margins in the document window

Other — lets you enter a custom zoom percentage

To enlarge or reduce the page display, the document must be in

Draft or Page view.

To cascade multiple documents

Click Window ` Cascade.

You can also

Display the ruler in Two p ag es view In Tw o p age s view, click View `


Part Two: WordPerfect 29

To tile multiple documents

Click Window, and click one of the following:

• Tile side by side

• Tile top to bottom

Using Reveal Codes

Formatting codes are inserted when you add text and formatting to a

document. Reveal Codes gives you full control over document formatting,

especially when copying and pasting text from various sources. For

example, to remove bold formatting, you can turn on Reveal Codes,

locate the <Bold> code, and then just drag it out of the Reveal Codes

window. You can also double-click any code in the Reveal Codes window

to make advanced alterations to the settings or styles. Codes are hidden

by default; however, they can be displayed in a separate window below

the active document.

This is how the text is displayed in the Reveal Codes window.

You can hide or display formatting codes.

To hide or display formatting codes

Click View ` Reveal Codes.

A check mark beside Reveal Codes indicates that formatting codes

are displayed.

30 Part Two: WordPerfect

Navigating documents

WordPerfect lets you navigate documents in several ways. You can move

to a specific section of a document, or you can scroll through a


To move to a specific section of a document

1Click Edit ` Go to.

2Choose an option from Go to what list box.

3Choose any applicable options from the area to the left of the list


4Click Go to.

You can also access the Go to dialog box by pressing Ctrl + G.

To scroll through a document

1On the toolbar, click the Autoscroll button.

The pointer changes to the Autoscroll arrow.

2Move the Autoscroll arrow in the direction you want to scroll.

The scrolling speed increases if you move the arrow further away

from the Autoscroll tool.

You can disable Autoscroll by clicking anywhere in the document.

Part Two: WordPerfect 31

Saving and closing


WordPerfect lets you save and close documents.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

•Saving documents

Closing documents

Saving documents

By default, you can save documents in WordPerfect 6–X5 format. This

ensures cross-platform compatibility for documents saved in WordPerfect

6.x and later, and lets you save a document in an earlier version of

WordPerfect. You can also save documents in formats other than

WordPerfect, such as Microsoft Word.

WordPerfect lets you create backup copies of documents. Creating

backup copies helps prevent the loss of your work if you close a

document before saving it, or if a power failure occurs.

When you save a document, it may contain information that you do not

want others to see. For example, the name of your computer or a

document summary may be included in the file. This information is

known as metadata, which is data used to identify, describe, and locate

electronic resources on a network. Metadata is used to enhance the

editing, viewing, filing, and retrieving of electronic documents. It is

important to keep this information stored in the original document, but

you can avoid sharing the metadata with others by saving a version of the

document without including the metadata.

32 Part Two: WordPerfect

To save a document

1Click File ` Save.

2Choose the drive and folder in which you want to save the file.

To save a file in a format other than WordPerfect, choose a file

format from the File type list box.

3Type a name in the Filename box.

To embed the fonts in the document, enable the Embed fonts using

TrueDoc® check box.

4Click Save.

If you have already saved the document, you will not be prompted

to specify the drive, folder, and filename.

Embedding ensures that the information for all fonts used in a

document is saved with the document. You may want to embed

fonts if you are using an unusual font, or if you want to ensure

that the font you are using is displayed properly.

A filename cannot exceed 255 characters.

You can also save a document by pressing F3 or by clicking the

Save button on the toolbar.

To set timed document backups

1Click Tools ` Settings.

2Click Files.

You can also

Save changes to a document Click File ` Save.

Rename a file Right-click the file, and click

Rename. Type a new name in the

Filename box.

Part Two: WordPerfect 33

3On the Document page, enable the Timed document backup every

check box.

4Type a value in the minutes box.

To save a document without metadata

1Click File ` Save without metadata.

2Choose the drive and folder in which you want to save the


By default, _mtd is added to the filename to identify that the file

does not contain metadata.

3Enable the Keep original document open check box.

If the Keep original document open check box is not enabled, the

original document closes, and the metadata-free version remains


4In the Select metadata to remove area, enable any of the following

check boxes:

Comments — Comment information includes the comment

writer’s name, initials, and the date the comment was inserted in

the document. If you want to remove both the comment text and

the comment information, enable the Content and information

option. If you want to remove only the comment information,

enable the Information only option.

You can also

Save backup files in a specific folder In the Backup folder box, click the

Browse button. Choose the

drive and folder in which you want

to save backup files.

Save a backup file each time you

save a document

Enable the Save original document

as a backup at each save check


34 Part Two: WordPerfect

• Hidden text

• Annotations

• Undo/redo history

• Document summary data

• Headers

• Footers

• Hyperlinks

• OLE object information

• Routing slip

5Click Save.

Closing documents

You can close WordPerfect documents.

To close a document

Click File ` Close.

You are prompted to save any modified documents before


You can also close a document by clicking the Close button on the

menu bar.

Part Two: WordPerfect 35

Entering and inserting text

There are several ways to enter and import text into a WordPerfect


In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

•Entering text

Inserting text

For information about selecting and deleting text, see “Selecting and

deleting text” on page 37.

Entering text

You can enter text in the document window. You can use the shadow

cursor to show where the text will be positioned.

You can also enter text in a text box so that it appears in a separate frame.

To enter text in a document window

1Click in the document window.

2Type text.

To enter text by using the shadow cursor

1Click View ` Shadow cursor.

A check mark next to the menu command indicates that the shadow

cursor is enabled.

36 Part Two: WordPerfect

2Click anywhere on the page.

3Type text.

The shadow cursor changes appearance to show how text will be

aligned when you start typing. Small arrows beside the shadow

cursor point in different directions when text is left-justified,

centered, or right-justified.

To enter text in a text box

1Click Insert ` Text box.

2Type text.

Inserting text

You can insert text from another file.

If you have more than one document opened, you can use the

application bar to insert text from one document to another document.

For information, see “To insert selected text from another document” in

the WordPerfect Help.

To insert the entire text of another document

1Click where you want to insert the text.

2Click Insert ` File.

3Choose the drive and folder where the document is stored.

4Choose a file.

5Click Insert.

Part Two: WordPerfect 37

Selecting and deleting text

With WordPerfect, you have different options for selecting and deleting


In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Selecting text

Deleting text

Selecting text

You can select text or deselect text, a tabular column, a rectangular block

of text, or a range of text.

To select text

To select Do the following

A character or word Drag across a character or word.

A sentence Click in a sentence. Click Edit `

Select ` Sentence.

A paragraph Click in a paragraph. Click Edit `

Select ` Paragraph.

A page Click on a page. Click Edit ` Select

` Page.

A document Click Edit ` Select ` All.

38 Part Two: WordPerfect

To deselect text

Click anywhere outside the selected text.

Deleting text

You can delete text.

To delete text

1Select the text you want to delete.

2Press Delete.

You can also delete text by clicking after the text you want to

delete, and pressing Backspace.

A tabular column Select the text from the first

character in the tabular column to

the last character in the tabular

column, and then click Edit ` Select

` Tabular c ol umn .

A rectangular block of text Select the text from the upper left

corner to the lower left corner of

the block, and then click Edit `

Select ` Rectangle.

A range of text in a document Click Edit ` Select ` Section, choose

an option from the Select list, and

then type a value in the Range box.

To select Do the following

Part Two: WordPerfect 39

Finding and replacing text

and codes

WordPerfect lets you find and replace text and codes.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Finding and replacing text

Finding and replacing formatting codes

Finding and replacing text

WordPerfect lets you find and replace text. You can search for words,

phrases, or individual characters in a document. Once the text is found,

you can replace some or all occurrences of the text with other text, or you

can delete the text.

You can also find and replace forms of a word. For example, you can

replace forms of the word “entry” with the word “insertion.” Therefore,

if the plural form, “entries,” is found, it is replaced with the word

“insertions.” Furthermore, you can search for occurrences of words that

are whole words, and not part of a larger word. For example, if you do a

default search for the word “sum,” you will find “sum,” “summer,” and

“summit.” If you do a whole-word search for the word “sum,” you will

find only occurrences of the word “sum.”

To find and replace text

1Click Edit ` Find and replace.

2In the Find box, type the text you want to search for.

3Type the replacement text in the Replace with box.

40 Part Two: WordPerfect

4Click one of the following:

Find next — finds the next occurrence of the search text

Find prev — finds the previous occurrence of the search text

Replace — finds and replaces the next occurrence of the search


Replace all — finds and replaces all occurrences of the search text

You can delete all occurrences of a text string by typing the text

you want to delete in the Find box and leaving the Replace with

box empty.

You can search for a word or phrase you searched for previously

by choosing the word or phrase from the Find list box.

To find and replace a form of a word

1Click Edit ` Find and replace.

2Click Type ` Word forms.

3In the Find box, type the word you want to find.

4Type the replacement word in the Replace with box.

5Click one of the following:

Find next — finds the next occurrence of the word

Find prev — finds the previous occurrence of the word

Replace — finds and replaces the next occurrence of the word

Replace all — finds and replaces all occurrences of the word

You can also

Find the next occurrence of the

search text

Press Ctrl + Alt + N.

Find the previous occurrence of the

search text

Press Ctrl + Alt + P.

Part Two: WordPerfect 41

To find and replace a whole word

1Click Edit ` Find and replace.

2Click Match ` Whole word.

3In the Find box, type the word you want to find.

4Type the replacement word in the Replace with box.

5Click one of the following:

Find next — finds the next occurrence of the word

Find prev — finds the previous occurrence of the word

Replace — finds and replaces the next occurrence of the word

Replace all — finds and replaces all occurrences of the word

Finding and replacing formatting codes

You can search for and replace codes in a document. For example, if you

search for a font size code, all font size codes are found.

You can also search for specific codes, such as a specific font size. For

information, see “To find and replace a specific formatting code” in the

WordPerfect Help.

To find and replace codes, you must first enable Reveal Codes. For more

information about using Reveal Codes, see “Using Reveal Codes” on

page 29.

To find and replace a general formatting code

1Click Edit ` Find and replace.

2Click Match ` Codes.

To choose a merge code, enable the Display merge codes only check


3Choose a code from the Find codes list box.

4Click Insert.

42 Part Two: WordPerfect

5In the Find and replace dialog box, click in the Replace with box.

6In the Codes dialog box, choose a replacement code from the

Replace codes list box.

7Click Insert and close.

8Click one of the following:

Find next — finds the next occurrence of the code

Find prev — finds the previous occurrence of the code

9Click Replace.

To replace all occurrences of a code, click Replace all.

Part Two: WordPerfect 43

Editing basics

After you create a document, you can edit it by using a variety of


In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Cutting, copying, and pasting text and graphics

Moving text and graphics

Undoing, redoing, and repeating actions

You can also apply comments and digital signatures to

documents. For information, see “Editing basics” in the

WordPerfect Help.

Cutting, copying, and pasting text and graphics

You can cut or copy text or graphics and paste them to a new location in

a document.

When you cut or copy information, it is stored on the Clipboard. You can

paste it in the active document, in another document, or in another


You can also choose a specific format when you paste information from

the Clipboard into WordPerfect. For example, you can copy text from

another application as Rich Text Format (.rtf) or as simple text (.txt).

44 Part Two: WordPerfect

To cut, copy, and paste text and graphics

You can also copy, cut, or paste text or graphics by clicking Copy

, Cut , or Paste on the toolbar.

You can link copied information to a document by enabling the

Paste link option. The changes you make to the linked information

in the active file are reflected in the original file. The changes made

to the original file also appear in the active file.

To paste Clipboard contents in a specified format

1Select the text or graphic.

2Click Edit, and click one of the following:

• Copy

• Cut

3Click Edit ` Paste special.

4Enable the Paste option.

5Choose a format from the As list.

To Do the following

Copy text or graphics to the


Select the text or graphic, and click

Edit ` Copy.

Cut text or graphics and move to

the Clipboard

Select the text or graphic, and click

Edit ` Cut.

Paste text or graphics in a


Click where you want to insert the

text or graphic, and click Edit `


Add a selection to the current

Clipboard contents

Select the text to add to the

Clipboard, and click Edit ` Append.

Part Two: WordPerfect 45

You can paste text without formatting by pressing Ctrl + Alt + V.

This technique is useful for pasting text that was copied from a

Web browser.

Moving text and graphics

You can move text and graphics within a document or between


To move text or graphics by dragging within a document

Select a text or graphic, and drag it to a new position.

To move text or graphics by dragging to another document

1Click Window, and click one of the following:

Tile top to bottom — arranges the windows so that the

documents are displayed above or below one another

Tile side by side — arranges the windows so that the documents

are displayed side by side

2Select the text or graphic, and drag it to the other document.

Undoing, redoing, and repeating actions

WordPerfect lets you undo actions one at a time, or undo a series of

actions all at once. You can undo changes made to text, graphics, or

tables. However, some actions, such as scrolling or saving a document,

cannot be reversed. You can redo actions that you have undone. You can

also repeat actions.

46 Part Two: WordPerfect

To undo actions

You can undo an action by clicking the Undo button on the


You can undo a series of actions by clicking the drop-down arrow

beside the Undo button on the toolbar.

To redo actions

You can redo an action by clicking the Redo button on the


You can redo a series of actions by clicking the drop-down arrow

beside the Redo button on the toolbar.

To repeat an action

1Click Edit ` Repeat next action.

2Type a value in the Number of times to repeat next action box.

To Do the fol lowing

Undo the last action you


Click Edit ` Undo.

Undo a series of actions Click Edit ` Undo/Redo history,

choose an action from the Undo

list, and click Undo.

To Do the fol lowing

Redo an action that was just


Click Edit ` Redo.

Redo a series of actions Click Edit ` Undo/Redo history,

choose an action from the Redo

list, and click Redo.

Part Two: WordPerfect 47

Formatting text

In WordPerfect, you can use a variety of formatting tools to control the

look of text.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Modifying font settings

Copying the text format

For additional topics, please see “Formatting text” in the

WordPerfect Help.

Modifying font settings

You can apply formatting to text to change the font and its attributes,

such as style, size, and color.

You can also apply relative font sizes, which allows you to format text

relative to the specified font size. Suppose you want to add a heading to

a document that has a 12-point paragraph font. If you select the heading

text and specify a large relative font size, the text displays proportionately

larger than the 12-point font.

Using Corel® RealTime Preview™ lets you view text fonts and sizes before

you apply them. For example, you can view text as it will display in various

fonts before choosing which is the most suitable.

You can also change the default font and font size for the active

document or for all documents.

48 Part Two: WordPerfect

To change the font

1Click in the document.

2Click Format ` Font.

3Click the Font tab.

4Choose a font from the Face list.

You can also change the font color by clicking the Font color

button on the property bar, and clicking a color.

You can also change the underline font style by opening the

Underline picker on the property bar and clicking an underline


To change the font appearance

1Select the text you want to modify.

2Click Format ` Font.

3Click the Font tab.

4In the Appearance area, enable one or more of the following check


Bold — applies bold formatting to the selected text

Italic — applies italic formatting to the selected text

Underline — applies a single underline to the selected text

Outline — outlines the selected text

You can also

Change the font size Choose a font size from the Size

list box.

Change the relative font size Click Relative size, and click a font


Change the font color Open the Color picker, and click a


Part Two: WordPerfect 49

Shadow — applies a shadow to the selected text

Small caps — applies small capitals to the selected text

Redline — applies the color red to the selected text

Strikeout — applies a line through the selected text

Hidden — applies the hidden format to the selected text

To change the font by using Corel RealTime Preview

1Click in a document.

2Open the Font face list box on the property bar, and point to a font.

Changes to the font display in the font face preview window.

3Choose a font from the Font face list box.

You can change the font size using Corel RealTime Preview by

opening the Font size list box on the property bar, viewing the

font sizes in the font size preview window, and choosing a font


To change the default font and font size

1Click File ` Document ` Default font.

2Choose a font from the Face list.

3Choose a font size from the Size list box.

If you want to change the default font and font size for all new

documents, click Settings, and click Set as default for all documents.

You must install a printer before you can change the default font.

If you specify a default printer font and distribute the file to others,

the file may not display or print correctly if their printer doesn’t

have the specified default font.

You can view the available attributes for each font by clicking the

plus sign (+) to the left of a font in the Face list.

50 Part Two: WordPerfect

Copying the text format

You can copy the format of text and apply it to other text in a document.

If you want to copy selected text, then formatting attributes, such as font,

font size, and font style, are all copied. If you want to copy the heading

in a paragraph, the paragraph style as well as the font and its attributes

are copied.

To copy the text format

1Click in the text whose format you want to copy.

2Click Format ` QuickFormat™.

3Enable one of the following options:

Selected characters — copies the format of the font and its


Headings — copies the format of the paragraph and its styles, and

the font and its attributes

4Click OK.

5Drag the QuickFormat paintbrush pointer over the text to which you

want to copy the format.

6Click Format ` QuickFormat.

QuickFormat is disabled when no check mark displays beside the

QuickFormat menu command.

You can also enable or disable QuickFormat by clicking the

QuickFormat button.

Part Two: WordPerfect 51

Working with styles

WordPerfect provides several preset styles ready for use. You can also

create your own styles. A style is a collection of formatting attributes

that you can apply to text or graphics.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Using text styles

For information about list styles, variables, and graphics styles, see

“Working with styles” in the WordPerfect Help.

Using text styles

You can create text styles. Text styles are collections of formatting

attributes that you can apply to selected text, paragraphs, or the entire

document. Text styles you create are saved with the active document. You

can create a QuickStyle for text. QuickStyles are styles created based on

the formatting in effect at the cursor location. You can also create a

QuickStyle for a paragraph.

Formatting text with styles ensures consistent formatting throughout a

document. Whenever you change the formatting in a style, you change

the appearance of all text that uses that style.

You can save a text style. You can also specify where to save text styles.

When you save a text style, you can associate it with a specific template

or with the active document only, or you can save it as a separate file.

52 Part Two: WordPerfect

Saving a text style as a separate file is useful if you plan to use the style

with a different template or on a different computer.

You can apply a style to text in a document.

You can edit a text style.

To create a text style

1Click Format ` Styles.

2Click Create.

3In the Styles editor dialog box, type a name for the style in the Style

name box.

You can create style names that contain up to 12 characters.

4Type a description for the style in the Description box.

5Choose a style from the Type list box.

6Using the Styles editor toolbar and menu bar, apply any style


If you want to define what function the Enter key performs when the

style is applied, choose a style from the Enter key inserts style list box.

If you want to display the codes that take effect when a style ends,

enable the Show ‘off codes’ check box.

Give each style a unique name; otherwise, when you combine

documents that contain a style with the same name, one style is

used and the other deleted in the new document.

The Reveal Codes check box is enabled by default and displays the

codes for the style attributes in the Contents box.

You can also

Delete a text style Click Format ` Styles, choose a style

from the Available styles list, and

click Options ` Delete.

Part Two: WordPerfect 53

You can also define the style attributes by typing codes or text in

the Contents box in the Styles editor dialog box.

To create a QuickStyle

1Select the text or paragraph for which you want to create a


2Click Format ` Styles.

3Click QuickStyle.

4In the QuickStyle dialog box, type a name for the style in the Style

name box.

5Type a description for the style in the Description box.

6Enable one of the following options:

Character with automatic update — creates a QuickStyle for


Paragraph with automatic update — creates a QuickStyle for


To save a text style

1Click Format ` Styles.

2Click Options ` Save as.

3In the Save styles to dialog box, type a filename in the Filename box.

4In the Style type area, enable one of the following options:

Both — includes both the styles you have created and the preset

styles provided with WordPerfect

User styles — includes only the styles you have created

System styles — includes only the preset styles provided with


5Click Options ` Settings.

6In the Save new styles to area, enable one of the following options:

54 Part Two: WordPerfect

Current document — associates the style with the active document

Default template — associates the style with the default template

Additional objects template — associates the style with an

additional objects template

The Additional objects template option is available only if you

have specified a second default template to use for additional

objects such as keyboards, menus, template macros, toolbars, and


To apply a text style

1Click Format ` Styles.

2Choose a style from the Available styles list.

3Click Insert.

4Type the text in the document.

5Press Enter.

6Press Backspace.

To edit a text style

1Click Format ` Styles.

2Choose a style from the Available styles list box.

3Click Edit.

4In the Styles editor dialog box use the Styles editor toolbar and

menus to apply any style attributes.

If you want do define what function the Enter key performs when

the style is applied, choose a style from the Enter key inserts style list.

If you want to display the codes that take effect when a style ends,

enable the Show ‘off codes’ check box.

Part Two: WordPerfect 55

Formatting paragraphs

WordPerfect allows you to control the look of documents by formatting

paragraphs. By changing the paragraph formatting, including

justification, tab stops, and line spacing, you can control the placement

of paragraphs on a page.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Indenting text

Justifying text

Changing the spacing between lines

For additional topics, please see “Formatting paragraphs” in the

WordPerfect Help.

Indenting text

Indenting arranges text on a page by moving one or more lines to the left

or the right of the paragraph margin. You can indent a line or paragraph

manually or you can indent lines or paragraphs using the ruler or


To move the first line of a paragraph farther to the left than subsequent

lines, you can apply a hanging indent. To indent an entire paragraph one

tab stop from both the left and right margins, you can apply a double

indent. A double indent is often used to format lengthy quotations.

56 Part Two: WordPerfect

To apply a single indent to text

To apply a hanging or double indent to text

1Click at the beginning of a paragraph.

2Click Format ` Paragraph, and click one of the following:

Hanging indent — indents all but the first line in the paragraph

Double indent — indents the paragraph equally from both


You can also apply a hanging indent by clicking at the beginning

of any line in a paragraph, except the first line, and pressing Tab .

Justifying text

You can justify text in a document. Doing so aligns the text horizontally

between the left and right margins of the page.

To indent Do the following

A line of text Click at the beginning of a line of

text. Press Tab.

A paragraph Click at the beginning of a

paragraph. Click Format `

Paragraph ` Indent.

The first line of a paragraph using

the ruler

Click in a paragraph. Drag the First

line indent marker to a new

position on the ruler.

The first line of every paragraph


Click in a paragraph. Click Format `

Paragraph ` Format. In the First

line indent box, type a value to

specify the distance to indent.

Part Two: WordPerfect 57

To justify text

1Click in a paragraph.

2Click Format ` Justification, and click one of the following:

Left — aligns text evenly with the left margin

Right — aligns text evenly with the right margin

Center — centers text between the right and left margins

Full — aligns text, excluding the last line, along both the right and

left margins

All — aligns text, including the last line, along both the right and

left margins

Justification is applied to all text from the cursor location forward.

If you want to apply justification to a word, line, or paragraph, you

must first select the text.

You can also justify text by clicking the Justification picker on

the property bar and clicking a justification.

Changing the spacing between lines

The space between lines, or the amount of white space that appears

between the bottom of one line and the top of the next line, is referred

to as leading.

You can change the leading by changing the line spacing and changing

the line height.

You can also change the spacing between paragraphs. For

information, see “Adjusting paragraph spacing” in the

WordPerfect Help.

58 Part Two: WordPerfect

To adjust the leading

1Click in a paragraph.

2Click Format ` Typesetting ` Word/Letter spacing.

3Enable the Adjust leading check box.

4Type a value in the Between lines box.

A positive value increases the leading; a negative value decreases it.

To change the line spacing

1Click in a paragraph.

If you want to limit the line spacing change to a specific section of

text, select the text.

2Click Format ` Line ` Spacing.

3Type a value in the Spacing box.

To change the line height

1Click in the line of text where you want the line height change to


If you want to limit the line height change to a specific section of

text, select the text.

2Click Format ` Line ` Height.

3Enable one of the following options:

Automatic — defines the line height according to the font being


Fixed — lets you specify the height of the line regardless of the

font being used

At least — lets you specify the minimum height of the line

Line height is determined by multiplying the current line height by

the number you specify.

Part Two: WordPerfect 59

Formatting pages

WordPerfect lets you format a document by modifying the physical

arrangement of information on pages. For example, you can adjust page

size and margins. You can also add columns to documents. When

formatting pages, you can modify the format of an entire page or a

portion of a page.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Setting page margins

Choosing page size and orientation

Creating custom page sizes

Making text fit a specific number of pages

Creating and deleting columns

For additional topics, please see “Formatting pages” in the

WordPerfect Help.

Setting page margins

WordPerfect lets you set margins using various methods.

You can set margins by using guidelines. Guidelines are vertical or

horizontal dotted lines that are displayed on pages.

You can also set margins using exact measurements or the ruler. For

information, see “Setting page margins” in the WordPerfect Help.

60 Part Two: WordPerfect

All margin settings affect the current page and subsequent pages

until you change them.

To set the margins by using the margin guidelines

1Click View ` Guidelines.

2Enable the Margins check box.

3Point to one of the following guidelines:

• left vertical dotted guideline

• right vertical dotted guideline

• upper horizontal dotted guideline

• lower horizontal dotted guideline

The pointer changes to a double-sided arrow.

4Drag the guideline to a new position.

Choosing page size and orientation

When creating documents, you can choose the size and orientation of

pages. The page size and orientation determine how a printer formats

and prints pages. You can choose from preset page sizes, or you can

create your own. For more information about creating custom page sizes,

see “Creating custom page sizes” on page 62.

Page sizes are matched to the printer you have selected. A size may not

be available when you change to another printer or a different computer.

If the same size is not available, WordPerfect finds the best match for a

page size, selecting from those available with the other printer. If the

match does not work, you may need to customize a page size.

As you edit a document, each logical page is treated as a separate page.

The document window also changes to show the dimensions of the

logical page. After you fill a logical page, the text continues on the next

logical page.

Part Two: WordPerfect 61

To select a preset page size

1Click File ` Page setup.

2Click the Page setup tab.

3From the Page definition list box, choose one of the following:

Printer page types — lists all page size options for installed printers

Standard page types — lists all page size options for most printers

4Choose a page definition from the Page definition list.

5In the Page definition applies to area, enable one of the following


Current and following pages — applies the page definitions to the

current and following pages

Current page only — applies the page definitions to the current

page only

If you apply the page size definition to the current page only,

WordPerfect inserts a delay code in the next page. For more

information about delay codes, see “Inserting and editing delay

codes” in the WordPerfect Help.

To specify page orientation

1Click File ` Page setup.

2Click the Page setup tab.

3In the Orientation area, enable one of the following options:

Portrait — prints the document on pages that have greater length

than width

Landscape — prints the document on pages that have greater

width than height

62 Part Two: WordPerfect

Creating custom page sizes

You can create a custom page size from scratch, or you can modify a

preset page size. When you create a custom page size, it is added to the

printer’s page size selection as a preset. Therefore, you can apply the

custom size to more than one document.

To create a custom page size

1Click File ` Page setup.

2Click the Page setup tab.

3Click Add.

4In the Add new form dialog box, type a name for the new page size

in the Name box.

5Choose a predefined paper type from the Type list box.

6Choose a predefined paper size from the Size list box.

If you want to create a page size definition from a nonstandard

paper size, choose User defined size from the Size list box.

7Type values in the following boxes:

• Width

• Height

8Choose a paper source from the Source list box.

The paper source is not saved as part of the document. It must be

redefined for each document.

All printers have a nonprintable zone. If information is formatted

to print in this area, it will not print. To shift information out of

the nonprintable zone, you must specify printing adjustments.

To modify a preset page size

1Click File ` Page setup.

2Click the Page setup tab.

Part Two: WordPerfect 63

3Choose a page definition from the Page definition list.

4Click Edit.

5Modify any of the settings.

Making text fit a specific number of pages

You can make selected text or all text in a document fit a specific number

of pages.

To make text fit a specific number of pages

1Click in a document.

2Click Format ` Make It Fit™.

3Type a value in the Desired number of pages box.

The number of pages you set must be within 50 percent of the

document’s current page count.

4In the Items to adjust area, enable any of the following check boxes:

• Left margin

• Right margin

• Top margin

• Bottom margin

• Font size

• Line spacing

5Click Make it fit.

To make only a certain block of text fit, select the text.

Creating and deleting columns

You can use columns to divide text vertically on a page. You can use four

types of columns in documents: newspaper, balanced newspaper,

parallel, and parallel with block protect. You can add columns to

64 Part Two: WordPerfect

documents to create newsletters, glossaries, scripts, or inventory lists. You

can discontinue columns when they are complete. You can also delete

columns and quickly move through columns.

Text in newspaper columns flows down the column to the bottom of a

page or column break and starts again at the top of the next column.

Balanced newspaper columns are similar to regular newspaper columns,

but each column is adjusted on the page so that all columns are equal in


These are examples of pages with columns. The left page displays

newspaper columns. The right page displays balanced

newspaper columns.

The parallel column text is grouped across the page in a row. The next

row starts below the longest column of the previous row. Parallel columns

are useful for resumes, scripts, charts, inventory lists, or lists where

columns span multiple pages.

Parallel columns with block protect keep each row of columns together.

If a column in one row becomes so long that it moves across a page

break, the entire row moves to the next page.

Part Two: WordPerfect 65

This is an example of parallel columns with block protect.

To create columns

1Click a page.

2Click Format ` Columns.

3Type a value in the Number of columns box.

4In the Type of columns area, enable one of the following options:

Newspaper — makes text flow down a column to the bottom of a

page or column break and continues it at the top of the next


Balanced newspaper — adjusts newspaper columns so that

columns are of equal length

Parallel — groups columns across the page in rows, and starts

subsequent rows below the longest column of the previous row

Parallel w/block protect — keeps all rows of the columns together

across page breaks

You can also apply columns to a page by clicking the Columns

button on the toolbar.

66 Part Two: WordPerfect

To discontinue columns

1Click where you want columns to discontinue.

2Click Format ` Columns.

3Click Discontinue.

Press Ctrl + Enter to end one column and start the next column.

To delete all columns

1Click in the top-left corner of the first column.

2Click Format ` Columns.

3Click Discontinue.

You can also delete columns by dragging the [Col Def] code out

of the Reveal Codes window.

To navigate columns

To mov e t o Press

The top of a column Alt + Home

The last line of a column Alt + End

The previous column Alt + Left Arrow

The next column Alt + Right Arrow

Part Two: WordPerfect 67

Using bulleted lists,

numbered lists, and outlines

In WordPerfect, you can organize text by using bullets, numbers, or

outlines. Bullets help to differentiate items in a list or add emphasis to

selected paragraphs. You can use bullets to mark list items that have no

particular order. Numbered lists and outlines help you organize and

display information and are used to show the relationship between


Bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines can include several levels of

numbering. For example, you can number first-level items 1, 2, 3, and

second-level items a, b, c. You can also use outline or legal styles, such as

1, a, i, or 1, 1.1, or 1.1.1.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Creating and applying bulleted lists

Creating numbered lists

Arranging items in lists and outlines

For additional topics, please see “Using bulleted lists, numbered

lists, and outlines” in the WordPerfect Help.

Creating and applying bulleted lists

When creating a bulleted list, you can choose a preset bullet format.

You can also apply a bullet format to existing text.

68 Part Two: WordPerfect

To create a bulleted list

1Click in a document.

2Click Insert ` Outline/Bullets & numbering.

3Click the Bullets tab.

4Choose a bullet style from the Bullets list.

5Click OK.

6Type text, and press Enter.

You can discontinue a bulleted list by pressing Backspace.

Perform this step for each entry in the list.

You can also create a bulleted list by opening the Bullets

picker on the toolbar, and clicking a bullet format.

To create a bulleted list from existing text

1Select the text to which you want to apply the bullet format.

2Click Insert ` Outline/Bullets & numbering.

3Click the Bullets tab.

4Choose a bullet style from the Bullets list.

You can also add a bullet to existing text by clicking at the

beginning of a line, opening the Bullets picker on the

toolbar, and clicking a bullet format.

You can type body text between list items by pressing Enter twice,

and pressing the Up arrow to type on the line that begins without

a bullet.

Creating numbered lists

You can create a numbered list in a document.

Part Two: WordPerfect 69

You can also use QuickNumbers to create lists as you type. For

information, please see “To create a numbered list by using

QuickNumbers” in the WordPerfect Help.

You can number existing text. You can also renumber an existing

numbered list.

To create a numbered list

1Click in a document.

2Click Insert ` Outline/Bullets & numbering.

3Click the Numbers tab.

4Choose a number style from the Numbers list.

5Click OK.

6Type text, and press Enter.

You can discontinue a numbered list by pressing Backspace.

Perform this step for each entry in the list.

You can also create a numbered list by opening the Numbers

picker on the toolbar and clicking a numbering format.

To number existing text

1Select the text you want to number.

2Open the Numbering picker on the toolbar, and click a

numbering format.

To renumber a numbered list

1Click in a list or outline.

2Click the Set paragraph number button on the property bar.

3Type the new number in the Paragraph number box.

The number you change and all numbers following it are

renumbered accordingly.

70 Part Two: WordPerfect

You can also renumber paragraphs by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F5.

If the numbering you want to change is indented from the left

margin, type “?” for each indention level in the Paragraph number

box before you type the new number. For example, if the text is

indented two levels from the margin, type “??” followed by the

new number.

Arranging items in lists and outlines

You can arrange the items in bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines

by changing the level and the order in which the items display. For

information, please see “Arranging items in lists and outlines” in the

WordPerfect Help.

In addition, you can create an outline from text, which lets you apply

different levels to text.

To create an outline

1Click in a document.

2Click Insert ` Outline/Bullets & numbering.

3Click the Text tab.

4From the Text list, choose one of the following options:

• Heading

• Quotations

• Definitions

5Click OK.

6Type text, and press Enter.

Part Two: WordPerfect 71

Numbering the parts of a


WordPerfect allows you to count elements of a document. You can also

change the appearance of numbering and use counters to count

elements of a document. WordPerfect allows you to number pages and

change the appearance of numbering.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

•Numbering pages

Changing the appearance of page numbers

Forcing, suppressing, and stopping page numbers

For additional topics, please see “Numbering the parts of a

document” in the WordPerfect Help.

Numbering pages

WordPerfect allows you to insert page numbers in a document and to

choose where to position page numbers on a page. When you begin

page numbering, you can also specify which number to begin with. For

example, you may want the first page of a document to be labeled page

3 instead of page 1.

You can also insert secondary page numbers, which allow you to start a

new page numbering scheme in a document. For example, suppose you

are creating a document in WordPerfect, but in the middle of the

document, you need to add maps that were not created in WordPerfect.

The WordPerfect document is 10 pages, but the maps need to be added

72 Part Two: WordPerfect

as pages 7 and 8. To accomplish this, you can start page numbering at 1

at the beginning of the document and insert a secondary page number,

number 9, on the document’s page 7. This would allow for the addition

of the maps without disrupting the page numbering.

These are examples of various page numbering options: 1) no

page number, 2) page number in the bottom-right corner, 3)

page number at the bottom center, and 4) page number in the

top-right corner.

To insert page numbers

1Click Format ` Page ` Numbering.

2From the Position list box, choose a position for the page numbers.

3From the Page numbering format list, choose a format for the page


To specify an alternate starting page

1Click Format ` Page ` Numbering.

2Click Set value.

3In the Values dialog box, click the Page tab.

4Type a new page number in the Set page number box.

5Enable one of the following options:

Always keep number the same — ensures that the number

remains the same when the document is edited



Part Two: WordPerfect 73

Let number change as pages are added or deleted — lets the

number change as the document is edited

When you merge a multiple-page form document, you can restart

the page numbering for each merged record by enabling the

Always keep number the same option.

To insert a secondary page number

1Click Format ` Page ` Insert page number.

2Choose Secondary page from the list.

3Click Value/Adjust.

4In the Values dialog box, click the Secondary tab.

5Choose a numbering format from the Secondary page number

method list box.

6Type a value in the Set secondary page number box.

7Click Insert.

Changing the appearance of page numbers

You can change the font size and style, which includes attributes, such as

bold or italic, of page numbers.

In addition, you can also create custom page numbering formats. For

example, you can add the name of a document or a chapter number to

a page number. If you no longer need the custom format, you can delete

it; however, you cannot delete the default page numbering formats

provided with WordPerfect. For information, please see “Changing the

appearance of page numbers” in the WordPerfect Help.

74 Part Two: WordPerfect

To change the font attributes of page numbers

1On a page, click where you want the font change to begin.

2Click Format ` Page ` Numbering.

3Click Font.

4In the Page numbering font dialog box, choose a font from the Face


5Choose a font size from the Size list box.

Forcing, suppressing, and stopping page numbers

By forcing a page number, you can insert a new page or make sure that

a certain page in a document always has an odd or even page number.

In addition, you can suppress page numbering on one page in a

document. You can also stop the page numbers so that they are removed

from the entire document.

For detailed procedures, please “Forcing, suppressing, and stopping page

numbers” in the WordPerfect Help.

You can also

Change page number style In the Appearance area, enable one

or more check boxes.

Change page number color Open the color picker, and click a


Change page number shading Type a value in the Shading box.

Part Two: WordPerfect 75

Working with graphics

WordPerfect lets you insert graphics, such as shapes, drawings, and

clipart images, into documents.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Inserting graphics

Sizing graphics

Arranging graphics

For additional topics, please see “Working with graphics” in the

WordPerfect Help.

Inserting graphics

You can insert clipart images into a WordPerfect document, such as those

included with WordPerfect. Clipart images are images that can be

brought into a WordPerfect document and edited or used as is. You can

also insert pictures from the WordPerfect Office CD.

You can link to an image on disk. When you link to an image on disk, the

location of the image, not the image itself is inserted into the document.

This way, you can considerably reduce the size of the file, especially if the

image is used in several places throughout the document.

76 Part Two: WordPerfect

To insert a clipart image

1Click where you want to insert an image.

2Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` Clipart.

The Scrapbook™ opens.

3Browse through the folders in the Scrapbook until you find the

image you want to insert.

4Select the clipart image.

5Click Insert.

You can also insert a clipart image by dragging the image from

the Scrapbook into a document.

To insert a picture from the WordPerfect Office CD

1Insert the WordPerfect Office CD into your CD drive.

2Click where you want to insert a picture.

3Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` From file.

4Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.

Pictures have a .jpg filename extension.

5Double-click a filename.

You can also insert a picture by dragging. Enable the Shadow

cursor by clicking the Shadow cursor icon on the application bar,

drag across the area of the document in which you want the

picture, and click Image from file in the QuickMenu™.

You can preview a picture before you insert it by clicking Toggle

preview , and clicking the picture filename.

To link to an image on disk

1Click where you want to insert a link to an image.

2Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` From file.

Part Two: WordPerfect 77

3Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.

4Click the image you want to link to the document.

5Enable the Image on disk check box.

6Click Insert.

If you want to display the name of the image file, right-click the

image, and click Content.

You can link to images copied from the Scrapbook by saving them

to your hard disk.

Sizing graphics

You can size a graphic by dragging its handles.

To size a graphic

1Select a graphic.

2Drag a corner handle until the graphic is the size you want.

Arranging graphics

When two or more graphics overlap in a document, you can arrange their

order by moving them in front of or behind the others in the stack. You

can also move graphics behind text (like a watermark) or in front of text

(like a sticky note).

You can also align and distribute graphics. For information, please see

Aligning and distributing graphics” in the WordPerfect Help.

You can also

Stretch a graphic Drag a side handle until you

achieve the effect you want.

Size a graphic proportionally Hold down Shift, and drag a


78 Part Two: WordPerfect

To move a graphic by using the keyboard

1Select a graphic.

2Press any of the Arrow keys to move the graphic in the direction you


To reorder overlapping graphics

1Right-click a graphic.

2Click Order, and click one of the following:

To front — moves a graphic in front of the overlapping graphics

To back — moves a graphic behind the overlapping graphics

Forward one — moves a graphic forward one layer

Back one — moves a graphic back one layer

You can also reorder overlapping graphics by selecting a graphic,

and clicking the Object(s) forward one button or the Object(s)

back one button on the property bar.

To move a graphic behind or in front of text

1Select a graphic.

2Click the Graphics picker on the property bar, and click one of the


In front of text — moves the selected graphic in front of the text

Behind text — moves the selected graphic behind the text

Part Two: WordPerfect 79

Working with footnotes and


Footnotes and endnotes allow you to add reference information to a

document, such as additional notes that accompany a topic or that

provide references. Footnotes are displayed at the bottom of a page,

while endnotes are found at the end of a document.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Inserting footnotes and endnotes

Finding footnotes and endnotes

Editing and deleting footnotes and endnotes

For additional topics, please see “Working with footnotes and

endnotes” in the WordPerfect Help.

Inserting footnotes and endnotes

When creating a document, WordPerfect allows you to insert footnotes

or endnotes. When you insert endnotes or footnotes, a reference number

or mark is inserted in the document text. That number or mark is linked

to the corresponding information in the endnote or footnote. For more

information about modifying footnote and endnote numbering, see

“Numbering footnotes and endnotes” in the WordPerfect Help.

While working with a footnote or endnote, you do not have

access to all available WordPerfect functions until you return to

the body of the text.

80 Part Two: WordPerfect

To insert a footnote

1Click where you want the footnote reference mark to display.

2Click Insert ` Footnote/Endnote.

3Enable the Footnote number option.

If you want to restart the footnote numbering at a specific number,

type the number in the Footnote number box.

4Click Create.

5Type the footnote text.

If you want to align the footnotes with the document margins,

enable the Align with document margins check box.

6Click File ` Close.

To insert an endnote

1Click where you want the endnote reference mark to display.

2Click Insert ` Footnote/Endnote.

3Enable the Endnote number option.

4Click Endnote placement.

5Enable the Insert endnotes at insertion point option.

6Click Create.

7Type the endnote text.

If you want to align the endnotes with the document margins,

enable the Align with document margins check box.

8Click File ` Close.

You can restart the endnote numbering at a specific number by

typing the number in the Endnote number box. When you enable

the Insert endnotes at insertion point and restart numbering

option, all endnotes up to the number you’ve specified display on

one page, and then a note numbering starts over with 1 on a new


Part Two: WordPerfect 81

Finding footnotes and endnotes

WordPerfect lets you find specific footnotes or endnotes in a document.

To find a footnote

1Click Insert ` Footnote/Endnote.

2Enable the Footnote number option.

3In the Footnote number box, type the number of the footnote you

want to find.

4Click Edit.

To find an endnote

1Click Insert ` Footnote/Endnote.

2Enable the Endnote number option.

3In the Endnote number box, type the number of the endnote you

want to find.

4Click Edit.

Editing and deleting footnotes and endnotes

Once you insert footnotes or endnotes in a document, you can edit the

footnote or endnote text. You can also delete footnotes and endnotes

from a document. When you delete a footnote or endnote number or

mark, the note text for that footnote or endnote is automatically deleted.

In addition, the footnotes and endnotes that follow are renumbered.

To edit a footnote

1Use the procedure “To find a footnote” on page 81 to find the


2Edit the footnote text.

3Click File ` Close.

82 Part Two: WordPerfect

If you are using page view, you can edit the footnote text by

clicking in the text.

You can restore a deleted footnote number by clicking the Note

number button on the property bar.

To edit an endnote

1Use the procedure “To find an endnote” on page 81 to find the


2Edit the endnote text.

3Click File ` Close.

If you are using page view, you can edit the endnote text by

clicking in the text.

You can restore a deleted endnote number by clicking the Note

number button on the property bar.

To delete a footnote or endnote

1Select the footnote or endnote number or mark.

2Press Delete.

Part Two: WordPerfect 83

Working with files

File management is an important part of any project.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Adding the date or time to a document

Inserting files into active documents

•Using document summaries

Counting words

For additional topics, please see “Working with files” in the

WordPerfect Help.

Adding the date or time to a document

You can insert the date and time into a document. The format of the date

and time text can be edited.

You can create a custom format for the date and time. For information,

please see “To create a custom format for the date and time” in the

WordPerfect Help.

To insert the date or time into a document

1Click where you want to add the date or time.

2Click Insert ` Date/Time.

3Choose a format from the Date/Time formats list.

84 Part Two: WordPerfect

If you want the date or time to be updated when you open or print

the document, enable the Keep the inserted date current check box.

4Click Insert.

You can insert the date as text by pressing Ctrl + D.

You can insert the date as a code that is updated when you open

or print the document by pressing Ctrl + Shift + D.

To modify the format of the date or time

1Select the date or time.

2Click Insert ` Date/Time.

3Choose a new format from the Date/Time formats list box.

4Click Apply format.

Inserting files into active documents

You can insert a copy of a file into an active document.

To insert a file into an active document

1Click where you want to insert the file.

2Click Insert ` File.

3Choose All files from the File type list box.

4Choose the drive and folder in which the file is stored.

5Click a file.

6Click Insert.

Part Two: WordPerfect 85

Using document summaries

You can use document summaries to record information about

documents, such as title, subject, author, keywords, and comments. If

you publish a document to the Internet, the summary information is

transferred to the corresponding fields in the Web document.

To record summary information about a document

1Click File ` Properties.

2Click the Summary tab.

3Type text in any of the boxes.

Counting words

With WordPerfect, you can find out how many words are in a document

or in selected text. You can also verify the number of pages, paragraphs,

sentences, and lines that are in the document. In addition, you have the

ability to exclude various elements, such as headers, footers, footnotes,

endnotes, or comments, from the word count.

The <Count button> appears on the Application bar, making

word count functionality easier to access than ever before.

To count words in a document

1Click Tools ` Word count.

2Disable any of the following check boxes to exclude document

elements from the count:

• Headers

• Footers

• Comments

• Footnotes

86 Part Two: WordPerfect

• Endnotes

• Watermarks

• Text boxes

• Box captions

3Click Update.

The word count summary appears in the Statistics area.

While working in a document, you can perform or refresh a word

count by clicking the <Count> button on the Application bar.

To count words in selected text

1Select the text.

2Click Tools ` Word count.

The word count summary appears in the Statistics area.

While working in a document, you can perform or refresh a word

count by clicking the <Count> button on the Application bar.

Part Two: WordPerfect 87


WordPerfect allows you to print a variety of documents, including

envelopes and labels.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

•Printing documents

Printing envelopes and labels

For additional topics, please see “Printing” in the WordPerfect


Printing documents

WordPerfect provides numerous options for printing documents.

To print a document

1Click File ` Print.

2On the the Main page, choose a printer from the Name box.

3In the Print range area, enable one of the following options:

Full document — prints the entire file

Current page — prints the page where the cursor is located

Pages — prints the pages specified in the page box

Selected text — prints the selected text in the document (available

only if text is selected)

Document summary — prints only the document summary

(available only if there is a document summary)

88 Part Two: WordPerfect

If you enable the Pages option, type the pages you want to print in

the Pages box.

A hyphen (-) between numbers defines a range of sequential pages

(for example, 1-5 prints pages 1 to 5). A comma (,) between

numbers defines a series of non-sequential pages (for example, 1, 5

prints pages 1 and 5 only). Any combination of hyphens and

commas is supported (for example, 1-3, 5, 7, 10-12 prints the

following pages: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, and 12).

4Click Print.

To print multiple copies

1Click File ` Print.

2On the Main page, type the number of copies you want to print in

the Number of copies box.

If you want the copies collated, enable the Collate option.

3Click Print.

To print a document saved on disk or on a network drive

1Click File ` Print.

2Click the Advanced tab.

3Enable the Document on disk check box.

4Click Browse.

5In the Open file dialog box, choose the drive and folder where the

document is stored.

6Double-click the document name.

7Click Print.

To print sections of a document

1Click File ` Print.

2Click the Advanced tab.

Part Two: WordPerfect 89

3Type a number or a combination of numbers in any of the following

list boxes:

Page(s)/Label(s) — prints the specified pages

Secondary pages — prints the specified secondary pages

Chapters — prints the specified pages in the specified chapters

Volumes — prints the specified pages in the specified volumes

4Click Print.

The Volumes setting takes precedence over all other settings,

followed by chapters, secondary pages, and then page(s)/label(s).

Printing envelopes and labels

To print on different sizes of paper, you must select a page size definition

so the printer can format and print a document as you want.

You can print envelopes in WordPerfect. WordPerfect allows you to print

different sizes of envelopes.

You can select a label size. You can also print labels.

To print an envelope

1Click the page of a document that is set up as an envelope.

2Click File ` Print.

3Click the Main tab.

4Click Print.

You can also print an envelope by clicking the Print current

envelope button on the property bar.

90 Part Two: WordPerfect

To select a label size

1Click the page where you want labels to begin.

2Click Format ` Labels.

3In the List labels for area, enable one of the following options:

Laser printed — if you are using a laser printer

Tractorfed — if you are using a tractor-fed printer

Both — if you are using a tractor-fed laser printer

4Choose a label definition from the Labels list.

5Click Select.

To print a label

1Click File ` Print.

2Click the Advanced tab.

3In the Page(s)/Label(s) list box, type the number of each label or a

range of labels.

For example, to print label 3, type 3; to print labels 3 and 8, type 3,

8; to print label 3 through the end of the document, type 3-.

4Click Print.

The screen changes so that the first label is displayed and the rest

of the document window is shaded. As you fill the labels with text,

more label “pages” display in the window.

Labels that reach the edge of the sheet may not print correctly on

printers with a wide nonprinting zone. You must adjust the label

size to account for the printer’s nonprinting zone. Also, printing

the same label on different printers may give different results.

Part Two: WordPerfect 91

Performing merges

When you merge documents, such as to create mass mailings, you

combine a form document and a data source. The merge produces

varying copies of the form document, each containing information from

a specific record in the data source.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Creating data for a merge

Working with form documents for a merge

Associating merge files

Performing a merge

For additional topics, please see “Performing merges” in the

WordPerfect Help.

Creating data for a merge

When you merge documents, you produce varying copies of a form

document. Each copy contains specific information from a record in a

data source, such as a data file, an address book, or keyboard input.

To use a WordPerfect data file as the data source, you can create either a

data text file or a data table file. In both types of data files, information

is organized into records and fields. For example, a record may include a

name, address, telephone number, and other contact information. Each

item within the record, such as name or address, is recognized as a field.

It is recommended that you use no more than 512 fields per record.

92 Part Two: WordPerfect

When you create a data text file, each field is marked by the ENDFIELD

code and each record by the ENDRECORD code.

When you create a data table file, fields and records are arranged in

columns and rows. Each column contains a field. Each row contains a


This is an example of a data table file containing 1) records, 2)

fields, and 3) field names.

You can retrieve data from other file formats to use as data files in

WordPerfect. For example, you can retrieve and convert a database file, a

spreadsheet file, an ODBC data source, or a text file. For information

about converting files, see “Opening and previewing files” in the

WordPerfect Help.

You can also use an address book as a merge data source. For

information, see “Using address books in merges” in the WordPerfect


When you create a data file, WordPerfect automatically inserts a Merge

toolbar into the merge data file. For more information about the Merge

toolbar, see “Using the Merge toolbar” in the WordPerfect Help.

To create a data file for a merge

1Click Tools ` Merge.

2In the Merge dialog box, click Data source ` Create data file.

Part Two: WordPerfect 93

If there is text in the active document, enable one of the following

options in the Data file source dialog box:

Use file in the active window — uses the active document

New document window — creates a new document

3Click OK.

4In the Create data file dialog box, type the name of a field in the

Name a field box.

For example, if you are creating data for a form letter, you might

include fields such as name, address, city, province, postal code,

phone number, and e-mail address.

To create a data table file, enable the Format records in a table check


5Click Add.

6To organize a selected field, click any of the following:

Replace — replaces the name of the selected field

Delete — deletes the selected field

Move up — moves the selected field up in the Fields used in merge


Move down — moves the selected field down in the Fields used in

merge list

7When you are satisfied with the field names and arrangement for

your data file, click OK.

8In the Quick data entry dialog box, type information for each field

that you have created.

9Click New record to add the completed record to your data file.

Repeat steps 8 and 9 to continue adding records to your data file.

Click Close, and click Yes.

94 Part Two: WordPerfect

It is recommended that you use no more than 512 fields per


Working with form documents for a merge

A form document provides the pattern and layout for a merged

document. It can contain text, formatting, graphics, and merge

commands. You create form documents the same way you create regular

documents; however, you insert merge commands which are replaced by

information from a data source during the merge. For more information

about inserting merge commands, see “Using merge commands” in the

WordPerfect Help.

At the top of the document window, WordPerfect inserts the Merge

toolbar to give you greater control over a merge. For more information

about the Merge toolbar, see “Using the Merge toolbar” in the

WordPerfect Help.

WordPerfect lets you create a form document that you can personalize

during a keyboard merge. A keyboard merge lets you enter information

into the form document each time you need to send it. For more

information about the KEYBOARD command, see “Reference: List of

merge programming commands” in the WordPerfect Help.

You can also

Number the fields in an empty data


Click OK in the Create data file

dialog box. Specify the number of

fields in the Number of fields in

each record box.

Add a line to a field Press Ctrl + Enter.

Move to the next field Press Tab .

Part Two: WordPerfect 95

You also can create a form document for labels. For information on this

procedure, please see “To create a form document for labels” in the

WordPerfect Help.

If you do not want to create a new series of merged documents, you can

send all of the merged data to a table. After you perform the merge, all

of the merged output will be formatted into a single table with each

column representing a field. For information on this procedure, please see

“To create a table for a merge” in the WordPerfect Help.

To create a form document for a merge or keyboard merge

1Click Tools ` Merge.

2In the Merge dialog box, click Form document ` Create form


If there is text in the active document, enable one of the following

options in the Data file source dialog box, and click OK:

Use file in active window — uses the active document

New document window — creates a new document

3In the Associate form and data dialog box, enable one of the


Associate a data file — specifies the path and filename for the file

Associate an address book — specifies an address book

Associate an ODBC data source — lets you select the ODBC source

to use

No association — does not associate any data file

4Click OK.

5Perform an action from the following table.

96 Part Two: WordPerfect

To insert a field in a form document for a merge

1On the Merge toolbar, click Insert Field.

2Click in the form document where you want data to be filled in from

a data source.

3In the Insert field name and number dialog box, choose a field from

the Field names list.

4Click Insert.

To Do the following

Create a form document for a


Type text, apply formatting, and

insert merge commands in the

form document.

You can now begin inserting fields

in the form document.

Create a form document for a

keyboard merge

Add text and formatting, and insert

fields in the form document. Click

where you want to insert a

keyboard prompt in the form

document. On the Merge toolbar,

click Insert merge code, and choose


In the Insert merge code dialog

box, type a user prompt for the

information to be entered and click


Create a sideways text form


On the WordPerfect menu bar, click

Insert ` Text box, insert fields in the

new text box, and click Close.

Right-click the text box, and click

Content. Then, enable a rotation

option in the Rotate text

counterclockwise area, and click


Part Two: WordPerfect 97

Associating merge files

Before you can merge documents, you must link a data source filename

to a form document. This is called associating a data source. You can

associate a data source with a form document, or you can associate a

form document with a data file, such as an ODBC data source. The

association is always stored in the form document.

If the data source changes, you can associate a different data file. You can

also go to an associated form document from its data file or to an

associated data file from its form document.

To associate a data file with a form document

1Open a data file.

2On the Merge toolbar, click Go to form.

3In the Associate dialog box, click one of the following:

Select — associates an existing form document

Create — creates a new form document

The association is stored in the form document.

If there is no associated data file, you can select an existing data

file or create a new one. For information about creating a data file,

see “To create a data file for a merge” on page 92.

You can also

Change the associated data source Open a form document. On the

Merge toolbar, click Insert field.

Click Data source, and browse to

locate a data file.

Go to the associated data file Open a form document. On the

Merge toolbar, click Go to data.

98 Part Two: WordPerfect

To associate a form document with a data source

1Open a form document that has no association with a data source.

2On the Merge toolbar, click Go to data.

3Click one of the following:

Select — associates a data file

Create — creates and names a new data file or form file

Address book — associates an address book

ODBC — associates an ODBC data source

To associate a form document with an ODBC data source

1Open a form document that has no association with a data source.

2On the Merge toolbar, click Go to data.

3Click ODBC.

If prompted, log in to the database.

4Choose a location from the Data source list box.

5From the Ta ble lis t box, choose a table in the database that contains

the merge data.

For more information about logging in to an ODBC database, see

the online Help for the Microsoft® SQL Server™ ODBC driver.

Performing a merge

When you merge documents, you combine a form document and a data

source. WordPerfect provides a variety of output options for the merged

You can also

Go to the associated form


Open a data file. On the Merge

toolbar, click Go to form.

The associated form document

must be open.

Part Two: WordPerfect 99

documents. For example, you can save it to disk, print it, or add it to the

active document.

This is an example of 1) a data source document, 2) a form

document, and 3) merged documents.

You can perform a keyboard merge and add information at the time of

the merge. When you perform the keyboard merge, WordPerfect pauses

the merge as specified in the form document and waits for you to enter

information from the keyboard.

You can create envelopes as you merge a form document (such as a

letter), or you can create merged envelopes on their own. An envelope is

created for each record selected in the data source. For more information

about merging to envelopes, see “To merge to envelopes” in the

WordPerfect Help.

You can also send each merged document as e-mail. For information,

please see “To merge to e-mail” in the WordPerfect Help.

Please note that it is recommended that you use no more than 512 fields

per record.

To perform a merge

1Click Tools ` Merge.

2In the Merge dialog box, click Form document, and choose the

location of the form file to merge.

100 Part Two: WordPerfect

3Click Data source, and choose the location of the data file to merge.

4Click Output, and choose one of the following:

• Current document

• New document

• Printer

5Click Merge.

To perform a keyboard merge

1Open a form or data file containing the KEYBOARD merge


2Click Tools ` Merge.

3Click Form document, and choose Current document.

4Click Data source, and choose the location of the data file.

5Click Output, and choose a location for the merged file.

6Click Merge.

7When the merge pauses at the KEYBOARD command, type the

information as prompted.

8On the Merge toolbar, click Continue.

To continue the merge to the end of the active record and ignore

all other merge commands, click Quit on the Merge toolbar.

Part Two: WordPerfect 101

Working with PDF files

If you need to share files with others who do not have Corel WordPerfect

Office installed on their computers, you can publish the files to PDF. This

file format does not require the use of a particular operating system, so

after downloading and installing Adobe® Reader®, any computer user

can view, share, or print PDF files.

You can also open PDF files in WordPerfect to edit them.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Publishing to PDF

Importing PDF files for editing

Publishing to PDF

When you need to share files with others, you can publish them to PDF

and preserve the typography, images, graphics, color, and formatting of

the original file. In order to view the PDF file, the recipients of the file must

have Adobe Reader or Corel® WordPerfect® Lightning™ installed on

their computers.

To publish to PDF

1Click File ` Publish to PDF.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type a filename in the File name box.

4From the PDF style list box, choose one of the following options:

102 Part Two: WordPerfect

Commercial printing (Largest file size) — creates a high-quality PDF

to send to a printer or digital copier

PDF/A-1a (Level A compliance) — creates a standardized PDF file

that ensures the long-term archiving of the document. This option

allows document tags and font encoding to be preserved.

PDF/A-1b (Level B compliance) — creates a standardized PDF file

that ensures the long-term archiving of the content. This option

does not include the preservation of document tags and font


Publishing online (Smallest file size) — creates a PDF suitable for

online viewing, such as a document to be distributed by e-mail or

displayed on the Web

Publishing online and printing — creates a PDF suitable for

viewing or printing on a laser or desktop printer

5Click Settings, and specify any additional PDF settings in the Publish

to PDF settings dialog box that appears.

For example, if you want to publish only parts of the document to

PDF, you can enable one of the following options in the Export range

area of the General page:

Full document — publishes the entire file

Current page — publishes the active page only

Pages — publishes a portion of the file. This option requires you to

type a page range in the box: You can use a hyphen to indicate a

range of pages and a comma to indicate nonconsecutive pages.

For example, typing 1-5 lets you publish pages 1 to 5, whereas

typing 1,5 lets you publish pages 1 and 5.

Selection — publishes selected text

Click OK to apply your settings and return to the Publish to PDF

dialog box.

6Click Save.

Part Two: WordPerfect 103

If you do not want the PDF file to open automatically after it is saved,

disable the Open PDF after saving check box.

If you publish to a PDF/A style, the document fonts are

automatically embedded in the file. Some licensed fonts are

meant to be viewed only in the original document, however, and

you are prohibited from redistributing the font. Therefore, before

publishing to the PDF/A style, you must make sure that you can

redistribute the fonts.

Importing PDF files for editing

WordPerfect lets you import PDF files and scanned PDF files and then

access and reuse the text and graphics content. For example, if you have

a PDF file that was created by someone else, you can open it in

WordPerfect and edit the contents.

Effectively opening PDFs in WordPerfect

When you import PDF files, the text formatting may appear different from

that of the original PDF. You can alleviate most conversion issues if you are

familiar with the two most common PDF document types: design

documents and scanned documents.

A design document is a PDF in which the layout is not necessarily based

on flow — for example, a magazine advertisement. Design documents

are typically created with graphics or illustration software, such as

CorelDRAW. Text strings may be individual lines across sections on the

page, as opposed to a long paragraph that flows down a page. In such

cases, WordPerfect provides text flows for all text strings that were saved

in the graphics application when the PDF was created. The text and

formatting of graphic elements are also maintained. Images are

maintained in their original file formats, as is text that is embedded in

images that are not vector based. The layout in the imported PDF may be

different from the layout in the original PDF, but you can still modify text

104 Part Two: WordPerfect

strings and create a new document without having to copy or redesign

all the elements.

A scanned document is a document that is read with a scanner and saved

as a graphic file, such as a JPEG. Scanned documents store all information

as one large image file that is not vector based. When you import a

scanned document, WordPerfect uses OCR technology to scan the

document and reconstruct text strings and images. The quality of the

original scanned PDF that you import affects the accuracy of what is

displayed in the WordPerfect document.

To import PDF files

1Click File ` Open PDF.

2Choose the drive and folder where the PDF document is stored.

3Choose the file.

4Click Open.

The Open PDF settings appears.

If the PDF document is protected by a password, type the password

in the Password box. If both permission and open passwords are

applied, type the permission password in the Password box.

5In the Page range area, enable one of the following options:

• Full document

Pages (requires you to type a page range in the box)

6Click Open.

The PDF import dialog box appears.

You can import the content from the PDF file without text

formatting by enabling the Bring in content from original PDF

without any formatting check box.

JBIG2 and JPEG 2000 images are not supported.

Part Two: WordPerfect 105

Reviewing and comparing


Using WordPerfect, you can send a document to a reviewer, or multiple

reviewers, to add changes or make revisions to the document. You can

also compare a current version of a document with an earlier version to

see what changes have been made.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Reviewing documents

Routing documents

Comparing documents

For additional topics, please see “Reviewing and comparing

documents” in the WordPerfect Help.

Reviewing documents

If you send the document to multiple reviewers, the annotations of each

reviewer are displayed in a unique color. All revisions are displayed as

strikeout text ( ), and comments are displayed as redline text

( ). However, you can modify the way annotations are displayed.

For more information about modifying the display of annotation text, see

“Changing the settings for document review and comparison” in the

online Help.

106 Part Two: WordPerfect

To review a document

1Click File ` Document ` Review.

2Click Reviewer.

3Type your name in the User name box.

4Type your initials in the User initials box.

5Open the color picker on the feature bar, and click a color. All

changes you make to the document are displayed in the color you


To avoid choosing the same color as another reviewer, view the color

selections of other reviewers by choosing their names from the

Reviewer list box.

6Edit the document.

7Click File ` Save.

8Click Close.

You can use all WordPerfect features except Sort to edit a

document. Only text editing changes, however, are marked with

a color.

You can edit the additions made by previous reviewers; however,

you cannot edit or undo the deletions made by previous reviewers.

To incorporate reviewers’ changes

1Click File ` Document ` Review.

2Click Author.

3Choose a reviewer from the View annotations from list box.

4Only changes made by the selected reviewer are displayed. To display

the changes made by all reviewers, choose All reviewers from the

View annotations from list box.

5Click one of the following:

Part Two: WordPerfect 107

Go to previous — moves to the previous change

Go to next — moves to the next change

6Click one of the following:

Show/hide — displays or hides margin markers

Display annotations — shows the edited text with or without

color markings

Insert current annotation — incorporates the current


Insert all annotations — inserts all annotations

Delete the current annotation — deletes the current annotation

Delete all annotations — deletes all the annotations in the


7Save the document.

When moving through the document from change to change,

you cannot move through subsections, such as headers, footers,

and footnotes.

If you save a reviewed document in another file format — for

example, Rich Text Format (.rtf files) — the document will not be

in review mode when you open it. The reviewer’s remarks will be

lost because the added text (red) and the deleted text (strikeout)

revert to regular text. Therefore, make sure that all changes are

incorporated before you save the document to a different file


You can also incorporate a reviewer’s changes in a subdocument

by clicking in the subdocument and then clicking the Go to next

button to move from change to change.

108 Part Two: WordPerfect

Routing documents

Routing a document allows you to send a document for an online review

to several reviewers in a specified order. In this routing process, the

document is sent to one reviewer at a time, so that each reviewer sees the

changes made by each of the previous reviewers. When you route a

document, it is inserted in an e-mail as an attachment. You must have an

e-mail client, such as Mozilla® Thunderbird® or Microsoft® Outlook®,

installed on your computer for this option to work.

To route a document, you must create a routing slip. The routing slip

allows you to specify the recipients of the document and the order in

which they will receive the document.

A reviewer who receives a routed document can make changes and

revisions to the document. The reviewer can then save the changes, close

the document, and send it to the next reviewer listed on the routing slip.

Alternatively, a reviewer can wait before sending the document to the

next reviewer or can reassign a routed document to another reviewer

listed on the routing slip.

To create a routing slip

1Click File ` Document ` Routing slip.

2Type a subject name in the Subject box.

The subject name that you type in the box appears in the subject box

of the e-mail to be sent.

3Type a message in the Message box.

The text that you type in the Message box appears in the message

area of the e-mail to be sent.

4Click Addresses to add reviewers to the Reviewers list box.

The WordPerfect or Outlook address book opens to allow you to

choose the reviewers’ e-mail addresses.

Part Two: WordPerfect 109

When you create the first routing slip for a document, the e-mail

address specified in the environment settings or in Outlook

automatically appears in the Author’s e-mail address text box. If

you insert a different e-mail address in the box, the new e-mail

address becomes the default address the next time you create a

routing slip for the same document. If you enable the Store as

default address check box, this e-mail address appears every time

you create a routing slip.

To review a routed document

1In an e-mail message, double-click the attached document.

If you want, you can save the document and then open the saved

document to review it.

2In the Reviewer mode options dialog box, click Review.

3Type your name in the Reviewer list box.

4Open the color picker on the feature bar, and click a color. All

changes you make to the document are displayed in the color you


To see another reviewer’s color selection, choose the reviewer’s name

from the Reviewer list box.

5Edit the document.

6Click Close.

You can edit the additions made by previous reviewers; however,

you cannot edit or undo the deletions made by previous reviewers.

To reassign a routed document

1In the e-mail, double-click the attached document.

2In the Reviewer mode options dialog box, click Reassign.

3In the Reassign document review dialog box, choose a reviewer from

the list and click Send.

110 Part Two: WordPerfect

Comparing documents

You can compare a current version of a document with an earlier version

to see what changes have been made. When comparing documents, you

can generate a comparison summary and a list of changes. A comparison

summary describes the color and the attributes used to display deletions

and insertions. It also lists the number of deletions, insertions, and moves

that were made. The list of changes details all of the changes made in the


When you compare and review a document, the document that contains

the comparison markings is opened in review mode. For more

information about reviewing documents, see “Reviewing documents” on

page 105.

In addition, you can restore a document to the way it was before the


To compare two documents

1Click File ` Document ` Compare.

2In the With box, type the folder and filename of the file you want to


To browse for the file, click the Browse button.

3In the Show markings in area, enable one of the following options:

New document — displays comparison results in a new document

Current document displays comparison results in the active


4Click Compare only.

Part Two: WordPerfect 111

To generate a comparison summary

1Click File ` Document ` Compare.

2Click Settings ` Compare only.

3In the Document compare settings dialog box, click the Options tab.

4In the Summary of comparison area, enable one of the following


None — inserts no comparison summary

Insert at beginning — inserts the comparison summary at the

beginning of the document

Insert at end — inserts the comparison summary at the end of the


To generate a list of changes

1Click File ` Document ` Compare.

2Click Settings ` Compare only.

3In the Document compare settings dialog box, click the Options tab.

4In the List of changes area, enable one of the following options:

None — displays no revision list

Show surrounding context — displays a revision list that details the

changes in the context of the document

Show change only — displays a revision list that includes only the

changes made to the document

To compare and review the differences between documents

1Click File ` Document ` Compare.

2In the With box, type the folder and filename of the file with which

you want to compare the active document.

To brow se for the file, click the Browse button.

3In the Show markings in area, enable one of the following options:

112 Part Two: WordPerfect

New document — displays comparison results in a new document

Current document displays comparison results in the active


4Click Compare/Review.

To restore a document

1Click File ` Document ` Remove markings.

2Enable one of the following options:

Remove redline markings and strikeout text — restores the current

document to its condition before the comparison

Remove strikeout text only — keeps the markings for added and

moved text, but removes markings for deleted text

Remove document compare deletions only — removes only

markings for deleted text

Remove all document compare markings — removes all markings,

insertions, deletions, and moves

Part Two: WordPerfect 113

Using a document

management system with


WordPerfect gives you direct access to your organization’s document

management system (DMS), such as Microsoft SharePoint, to quickly

retrieve and store WordPerfect (WPD) documents from within


In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Understanding document management systems

Using Microsoft SharePoint with WordPerfect

For additional topics, please see “Using a document management

system with WordPerfect” in the WordPerfect Help.

Understanding document management systems

A document management system is a server-based computer system that

lets organizations store and track their electronic documents. In other

words, a document management system is a secure central location, or

virtual filing cabinet, for electronic documents. It lets you easily search for

and retrieve electronic documents and make them available to others.

A document management system can also include tools that make it easy

for a group of people to collaborate on the same documents. For

example, some document management systems can track and store

multiple versions of documents, so that you can track changes and

retrieve previous versions.

114 Part Two: WordPerfect

Understanding document libraries

In some document management systems, the term “document library” is

used to refer to the component that lets you access, store, and retrieve

your documents. To access documents, you must know where the

document library is located on the server. You can obtain this information

from your network administrator, who can provide you with the Web

address, or URL, of the document library.

Using Microsoft SharePoint with WordPerfect

WordPerfect gives you direct access to your organization’s

Microsoft SharePoint document management system (DMS).

Getting started

To get started using Microsoft SharePoint with WordPerfect, you must

enable the enhanced file-management feature. This feature lets you

access the Web and navigate to the document library from directly within


In addition, you may want to display the Document Management

toolbar, and disable Microsoft® Internet Explorer from opening

WordPerfect (WPD) files.

Saving documents to a document library

You can share WordPerfect documents with others by saving them to

your organization’s document library. After you save a document to the

document library, others can view the document, or check it out,

provided they have the permission to do so.

Checking documents in and out of a document library

The checkout process lets you collaborate with others on the same set of

documents. It provides a method for controlling and tracking the

changes that are made to the documents. You can check out a document

Part Two: WordPerfect 115

if it is not already checked out by someone else. By checking out a

document, you can temporarily prevent others from making changes to


You can make changes to a document after checking it out. When you

are ready for others to view the changes that you made, you can check in

your version of the document to the document library. After the

document is checked in, your version of the document can be checked

out by someone else.

When you check out a document, a copy of the document is saved to

your working folder. You can modify this copy of the document and save

the changes locally, without sharing them with others. You can also keep

working on the copy of the document when you are offline. You can

repeatedly close and reopen the copy without affecting the checkout

status and then check in the document when you are online again.

If your organization’s document management system supports version

tracking, you may have the option of adding a version description or

choosing a version type, such as a major or minor version. For example,

major versions might be used for making important content or structural

changes, whereas minor versions might be used for making lighter

changes, such as correcting typos. In addition, depending on how the

permissions are set up in your document library, a minor version might be

treated as a draft document that only certain users can access. The major

versions might have greater availability and be published.

To enable the enhanced file-management feature

1Click Tools ` Settings ` Files.

2Click the Document tab.

3Enable the Use enhanced file dialogs check box.

116 Part Two: WordPerfect

To display the Document Management toolbar

Click View ` Toolbars, and enable the Document management check


To disable Microsoft Internet Explorer from opening WordPerfect

(WPD) files

1Click Tools ` Settings ` Files.

2Click the Document tab.

3Disable the Allow Internet Explorer to display WPD files check box.

To save a document to a document library for the first time

1Click File ` Save as.

2Click the Web mode button .

3Type the document library URL in the Save in text box, and then press


If the document library was added to the Favorites list by your

network administrator, click Favorites, and choose the library name

from the Favorites list.

The document library Web page appears.

4Browse to the location where you want to save the file.

5Type a name for the document in the File name box.

6Click Save.

7Do one of the following:

• Click File ` Document management ` Check in.

• Click the Check in document button on the Document

management toolbar.

If the Document properties dialog box appears, fill out all required

fields (and any other desired fields) to proceed.

8In the Check in dialog box, type a description of the changes that

you made to the document in the Description of changes text box.

Part Two: WordPerfect 117

If you want to keep working on the document after checking it in,

enable the Keep document checked out after checking in this version

check box.

To check a document out of a document library

1Click File ` Open.

2Click the Web mode button .

3Type the document library URL in the Look in text box, and then

press Enter.

If the document library was added to the Favorites list by your

network administrator, click Favorites, and choose the library name

from the Favorites list.

The document library Web page appears.

4Browse to the location of the file that you want to check out.

5Click the filename.

6Click Open.

The file appears in WordPerfect as read-only.

The checkout status of the file appears in the title bar. The file is

ready to be checked out if it is described as Checked in.

7Do one of the following:

• Click File ` Document management ` Check out.

• Click the Check out document button on the Document

management toolbar.

You can also

Check in and publish the document

as a major version

Enable the Major version (publish)


Check in the document as a minor


Enable the Minor version (draft)


118 Part Two: WordPerfect

When you check out a document, a copy of the document is saved

to a working folder on your computer.

To check a document into a document library

1Do one of the following:

• Click File ` Document management ` Check in.

• Click the Check in document button on the Document

management toolbar.

2In the Check in dialog box, type a description of the changes that

you made to the document in the Description of changes text box.

If you want to check in the changes but keep working on the

document, enable the Keep document checked out after checking in

this version check box.

If you copy a file to another location and make changes to the file,

you will not be able to check in the changes from within

WordPerfect. Instead, you must either check the file directly in

SharePoint or copy the file to the working folder and then check

the file in from within WordPerfect.

You can also

Check in and publish the document

as a major version

Enable the Major version (publish)


Check in the document as a minor


Enable the Minor version (draft)


Replace a minor version that is

currently open

Enable the Replacement of minor

version (draft) option.

Part Two: WordPerfect 119

WordPerfect compatibility

with Microsoft Word

WordPerfect offers compatibility features geared towards those who are

migrating to WordPerfect from Microsoft Word and those who need to

exchange WordPerfect documents with Microsoft Word users.

If you are new to WordPerfect, the compatibility features can help you

adapt to WordPerfect by simulating the Microsoft Word workspace. This

allows you to switch to WordPerfect with minimal impact on your

productivity. For those of you who aren’t new to WordPerfect, but need

to collaborate with Microsoft Word users, the compatibility features

make it easier for you to exchange documents.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Simulating the Microsoft Word workspace

Sharing documents with Microsoft Word users

For additional topics, please see “Compatibility with

Microsoft Word” in the WordPerfect Help.

Simulating the Microsoft Word workspace

If you recently switched from Microsoft Word to WordPerfect, you may

not be familiar with the WordPerfect workspace. While there are many

similarities between the two applications, you may find it easier to

simulate the Microsoft Word workspace until you are accustomed to

working in WordPerfect. What the Microsoft Word workspace does is

position the WordPerfect features, including toolbars and menu items,

120 Part Two: WordPerfect

where you would find the equivalent feature in Microsoft Word. It also

applies Microsoft Word keyboard shortcuts to WordPerfect features,

allowing you to quickly find the tools you need to create documents in


If you prefer to work in the WordPerfect workspace, but you want to

access the most common WordPerfect features using Microsoft Word

buttons and icons, you can display the Microsoft Word toolbar. In

addition, you can display the Microsoft Word Compatibility toolbar,

which gives you immediate access to features, such as saving documents

to Microsoft Word and publishing to PDF.

To work in the Microsoft Word workspace

1Click Tools ` Workspace manager.

2Enable the Microsoft Word mode option.

To display the Microsoft Word toolbar in WordPerfect

1Click View ` Toolbars.

2Enable one of the following check boxes:

• Microsoft Word 97

• Microsoft Word 2002

To display the Compatibility toolbar

1Click View ` Toolbars.

2Enable the Compatibility check box.

Sharing documents with Microsoft Word users

WordPerfect makes it possible for you to share WordPerfect documents

with Microsoft Word users and they can share their documents with you.

Part Two: WordPerfect 121

For example, to share a WordPerfect document with a Microsoft Word

user, you must save the WordPerfect document as a Microsoft Word file.

The saving process automatically converts the document to the

Microsoft Word format.

In addition, if you receive a file created in Microsoft Word, all you need

to do is open it in WordPerfect. The opening process automatically

converts the file to the WordPerfect format. If you modify the same file

and you want others to view the changes in Microsoft Word, then you

need to save the file as a Microsoft Word file. You can specify that the

default format when saving files is set to the Microsoft Word file format

or you can choose to automatically save files in the same file format in

which the file was opened. If you don’t specify the Microsoft Word

format when saving, the file is saved as a WordPerfect file by default.

You can also insert a Microsoft Word document into a WordPerfect


To save a WordPerfect document as a Microsoft Word document

1Click File ` Save as.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type the filename in the Filename box.

4Choose MS Word from the File type list box.

5Click Save.

When you save a WordPerfect document as a Microsoft Word

document, some of the formatting in the document may no

longer display properly.

To open a Microsoft Word document

1Click File ` Open.

2Choose the drive and folder where the Microsoft Word file is stored.

122 Part Two: WordPerfect

If you can’t see the file, choose All files from the File type box.

3Click the Microsoft Word file.

4Click Open.

You can open documents created in Microsoft Word for MS-DOS

versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.5, Microsoft Word for

Windows 6.0, and 7.0, and Microsoft Word 97, 2000, XP (2002),

2003, and 2007. You can also open Microsoft Word Open XML

documents (.docx) and Microsoft Word Open XML

Macro-enabled document (.docm).

When you open a Microsoft Word document in WordPerfect,

some information in the file may not be displayed in the same way

after it is converted.

To automatically save Microsoft Word files opened in

WordPerfect to the Microsoft Word format

1Click Tools ` Settings ` Files.

2On the Document page, choose a version of the MS Word format

from the Default save file format list box.

To automatically save files to their original format

1Click Tools ` Settings ` Files.

2On the Document page, enable the On save, keep document’s

original file format check box.

To insert a Microsoft Word file into a WordPerfect document

1Click Insert ` File.

2Choose the drive and folder where the Microsoft Word file is stored.

If you can’t see the file, choose All files from the File type box.

3Click the Microsoft Word file.

4Click Insert.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 123

Part Three:

Quattro Pro

Quattro Pro lets you create professional spreadsheet-based documents

to help you manage data. It provides all the tools you need to produce

tables, financial forms, lists, databases, charts, reports, or any other type

of data-oriented document. With Quattro Pro, you can create a

notebook that contains a single spreadsheet or an entire project,

complete with spreadsheets, reports, and charts. A notebook is saved as

a single file that you can publish to paper, electronic media, and the


Getting started with Quattro Pro

The following chapters show you how to get started creating

spreadsheets with Quattro Pro:

“Quattro Pro basics” on page 125

“Creating spreadsheets” on page 129

“Viewing and navigating spreadsheets and notebooks” on page 155

“Managing files and data” on page 161

Editing and formatting spreadsheets

The following chapters show you how to edit and format your


“Editing spreadsheets” on page 167

“Formatting spreadsheets” on page 171

124 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Working with formulas and functions in spreadsheets

The chapter “Working with formulas and functions” on page 179 shows

you how to use formulas and functions in your spreadsheets.

Creating charts from spreadsheets

The chapter “Presenting spreadsheet data in a chart” on page 183 shows

you how to use spreadsheet data to create charts quickly and easily.

Sharing spreadsheets

The following chapters show you how to share your spreadsheets with


“Sharing Quattro Pro projects” on page 187

“Quattro Pro compatibility with Microsoft® Excel®” on page 189

For more information on Quattro Pro

For even more information on Quattro Pro, please see the Reference

Center, which installs with WordPerfect Office X5. See “To access the

Reference Center” on page 12.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 125

Quattro Pro basics

Before beginning your project, you should familiarize yourself with the

concepts and desktop components that will help you create

spreadsheet-based documents. Quattro Pro features many tools that

increase your efficiency by giving you quick access to your data. You can

also customize your workspace and tailor your toolbars to present a

familiar working environment each time you launch your application.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

•Starting Quattro Pro

Understanding the components of a notebook

Quitting Quattro Pro

For additional topics, please see “Quattro Pro basics” in the

Quattro Pro Help.

Starting Quattro Pro

Let’s begin by starting Quattro Pro.

To start Quattro Pro

On the Windows taskbar, click Start ` Programs `

WordPerfect Office X5 ` Quattro Pro X5.

126 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Understanding the components of a notebook

Notebooks, spreadsheets, and their associated elements are the core of

the Quattro Pro application. Notebooks provide a way to organize many

spreadsheets within the same file. There are 18,000 spreadsheets in a

notebook. Each spreadsheet consists of approximately 1,000,000 rows

and 18,000 columns.

Outline of notebook components

The following information describes the basic components of a

Quattro Pro notebook.


A spreadsheet is an electronic ledger. It contains columns and rows in

which you enter, arrange, calculate, and analyze data. In a spreadsheet,

you can arrange and categorize data, perform simple math operations,

and apply complex formulas. Once you enter your data in a spreadsheet,

you can create a chart, add maps and graphics, or produce a report. The

spreadsheet you see when Quattro Pro opens is one of thousands

available in each notebook.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 127

Objects sheet

The last sheet of every notebook is the Objects sheet. The Objects sheet

displays an icon for every chart in the notebook. This sheet also displays

icons for custom dialog boxes you build. You can copy, rename, and print

items in the Objects sheet. The Objects sheet property bar has buttons for

creating, editing, and displaying charts and for building custom dialog


Project templates

Project templates let you create a new notebook based on a pre-designed

project. Many of the Quattro Pro project templates provide a basic format

and structure for common spreadsheets and data entry forms. You can

also create your own project templates.


A value is a number, date, formula, or the result of a formula. Quattro Pro

automatically determines whether data is a value or a label. As you type

your data in a cell, the READY indicator on the application bar changes to

LABEL or VALUE, depending on the type of data you enter.


Labels contain alphanumeric data, such as titles, phone numbers, or

addresses. Quattro Pro interprets and formats labels differently than it

does values. Values are calculable; labels are not.


Formulas are mathematical equations. Formulas usually refer to numbers

in other cells in order to calculate a value, such as the difference between

the values in two cells or the total of values in a column. You can use

mathematical functions and numbers in formulas.

128 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Spreadsheet functions

Spreadsheet functions are built-in formulas that automate many of the

calculations you perform in a spreadsheet. For example, @AMAINT is a

spreadsheet function that calculates the accumulated interest paid on a

loan after a specified number of payments. All spreadsheet functions are

preceded by an @ sign.


Macros are computer scripts that automate complex or repetitive

command sequences. A macro is a sequence of commands that

Quattro Pro runs automatically. Macros can perform keystrokes, mouse

actions, and menu commands. You can use macros to automate tasks

(such as printing a standard report), enter frequently used labels with a

keystroke, or build complete applications to simplify Quattro Pro tasks for

other users.

Quitting Quattro Pro

You can quit Quattro Pro.

To quit Quattro Pro

Click File ` Exit.

If you have changed any files, you are prompted to save your


Part Three: Quattro Pro 129

Creating spreadsheets

Quattro Pro contains spreadsheets in a notebook. Once you have

created a spreadsheet, you can enter data and perform calculations. For

example, you can enter a list of items and the cost of each item and then

calculate the total cost of all items.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Creating and opening notebooks

Adding and deleting spreadsheets

Moving and copying spreadsheets

Renaming spreadsheets

Selecting cells, rows, and columns

Inserting and deleting cells, rows, and columns

Creating labels and special characters

Entering values

Filling cells and spreadsheet tabs automatically

Creating simple equations

Calculating data in rows and columns

Using preset calculations

For additional topics, please see “Creating spreadsheets” in the

Quattro Pro Help.

130 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Creating and opening notebooks

When you start a new spreadsheet in Quattro Pro, you must first create a

notebook. You can create a notebook from a list of project templates or

from the default template. Project templates prompt you for data and

then format and calculate it automatically. When you create a notebook

from the default template, you must format the data yourself and

perform your own calculations.

You can also open a notebook.

To create a notebook

Click File ` New.

To create a notebook by using a project template

1Click File ` New from project.

2Click the Create new tab.

3Select Quattro Pro from the Categories list box.

4Choose a project from the Projects list.

5Click Create.

6Use the PerfectExpert panel to modify the project.

To open a notebook

1Click File ` Open.

2Choose the driver and folder where the notebook is stored.

3Click a filename

4Click Open.

Adding and deleting spreadsheets

You can add or delete single or multiple spreadsheets to or from your


Part Three: Quattro Pro 131

To insert a spreadsheet

1Click the tab of the spreadsheet you want to follow the new


2Click Insert ` Insert sheet.

To insert multiple spreadsheets

1Click Insert ` Insert cells.

2Enable the Sheets option in the Dimension area.

3Enable the Entire option in the Span area.

4Type a 3D selection in the Cells field.

For example, to insert three sheets before spreadsheet B, enter

B:A3..D:A3 (it does not matter which cell you reference).

To delete a spreadsheet

1Click a spreadsheet tab.

2Click Edit ` Delete cells.

3Enable the Sheets option.

4Enable the Entire option.

You can also delete a spreadsheet by right-clicking a spreadsheet

tab, and clicking Delete sheet.

To delete multiple spreadsheets

1Click the first spreadsheet tab.

2Hold down Shift while you click the last spreadsheet tab to delete.

A black line appears under the tabs.

3Click Edit ` Delete cells.

4Enable the Sheets option.

5Enable the Entire option.

132 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Moving and copying spreadsheets

You can move sheets within a notebook or between notebooks to reorder

them, using the mouse to drag the spreadsheet tab to another location.

In the same way, you can also copy spreadsheets within a notebook.

To move a spreadsheet

1Click the tab of the spreadsheet you want to move.

2Drag the spreadsheet tab in any direction until a sheet icon appears.

3Move the sheet icon by dragging right or left along the row of tabs.

4Release the mouse button when the sheet icon is where you want to

place the spreadsheet.

You can also move a spreadsheet by clicking Edit ` Move Sheets,

and specifying the sheets to move.

To copy a spreadsheet

1Hold down Ctrl and click the tab of the spreadsheet you want to


2Drag the spreadsheet tab in any direction until a sheet icon appears.

3Move the sheet icon by dragging right or left along the row of tabs.

4Release the mouse button when the sheet icon is where you want to

place the spreadsheet.

You can also copy a spreadsheet by clicking Edit ` Select all, and

then clicking Edit ` Copy.

Renaming spreadsheets

Each spreadsheet in a notebook has a tab at the bottom. This tab displays

the name of the spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are initially named with letters

of the alphabet in sequence, from A to Z, continuing from AA to AZ, up

Part Three: Quattro Pro 133

to ZZZ. You can assign a descriptive name to a spreadsheet using up to

64 characters (letters and numbers).

You can also change the spreadsheet name to reflect the naming

conventions used by applications such as Microsoft Excel.

To rename a spreadsheet

1Click Format ` Sheet properties.

2Click the Name tab.

3Type a descriptive name.

The Objects sheet (the last sheet in the notebook) cannot be


When you rename a spreadsheet, formulas that refer to the

renamed spreadsheet adjust to use the new name.

To reassign the original name to a spreadsheet, click Reset.

You can also name a spreadsheet by double-clicking its tab.

To use Microsoft Excel conventions when you rename a


1Click Tools ` Settings.

2Click Compatibility.

3Enable the Display as numbers check box.

To change spreadsheet tabs back to letters, disable the Display as

numbers check box.

134 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Selecting cells, rows, and columns

You can select cells individually or in rows, columns, blocks, or 3D blocks.

When you select a cell, a black-bordered rectangle displays to indicate the

active cell. This rectangle is called the selector.

You can select nonadjacent cells, allowing you to write formulas that refer

to various selections in different locations. You can also select a 3D block

of cells, which is a group of cells selected on more than one spreadsheet.

For example, A2..B5 on sheets A through D is a 3D selection.

When you need to enter cell references in dialog boxes, it is usually easier

to select the cells rather than type the entire cell address. Quattro Pro lets

you use the Range picker to easily select cells.

SpeedSelect lets you quickly select an entire block of cells. In addition, you

can use the SpeedSelect buttons to quickly move to each corner of the


You can select entire rows, columns, and spreadsheets. You can also

select multiple spreadsheets.

You can lock specific rows and columns of a spreadsheet so that their

titles remain on the screen as you scroll. A blue line divides the locked area

and the notebook data. Locked titles do not affect printing.

Finally, you can repeat titles on each spreadsheet of a printed notebook.

To select nonadjacent cells

1Select the first group of cells.

2Hold down Ctrl, and select additional cells.

If you want to type references to nonadjacent selections in a

formula, separate each selection with a comma, as shown in this

example: A2..A5,B7,D5..E12.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 135

To select a 3D block of cells

1Select the cells on the first spreadsheet.

2Hold down Shift, and click the tab for the last spreadsheet in the


A black line appears under the tabs; the same cells are now selected

on all the sheets where the black line appears.

The cells remain selected only until you click elsewhere in the


If you want to type a reference to a 3D block, include the

spreadsheet references first, followed by the cell coordinates.

To select cells from a dialog box

1Click the Range picker .

2Select the cells you want to appear in the edit field of the dialog box.

3Maximize the dialog box.

You can also select cells by double-clicking the contents of the edit


To quickly select data on a spreadsheet

1Select one cell within a block of cells.

2Right-click a toolbar, and click Data manipulation.

3On the Data manipulation toolbar, click Select table .

All the cells are selected.

To quickly move to a corner of a block of cells

1Select one cell within a block of cells.

2Right-click a toolbar, and click Data manipulation.

3Click one of the following navigation tools:

136 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Top left of table button

Top right of table button

Bottom left of table button

Bottom right of table button

To select a row or column

Click the row or column heading.

To select multiple spreadsheets

1Click the tab of the first spreadsheet to select.

2Hold down Shift while you click the last spreadsheet tab you want

included in the selection.

A black line appears under the tabs.

To lock titles on a spreadsheet

1Select the top-left cell of the spreadsheet area you want to remain


2Click View ` Locked titles.

A blue line divides the locked area and the notebook data.

The Locked titles option is only available in Draft view.

You can display only row titles or only column titles as locked titles

by selecting the row or column below or to the right of the last

one to be displayed.

To unlock titles, click View ` Locked titles again.

To repeat column titles on each spreadsheet of a printed


1Click File ` Page setup.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 137

2Click the Options tab.

3Type the location of the column title in the Top headi ng box.

You can also repeat row titles by typing the location of the row

title in the Left heading box.

Inserting and deleting cells, rows, and columns

You can insert cells, rows, or columns anywhere in a spreadsheet. When

you insert an item, existing data is pushed down, to the right, or to the

back of the notebook to make room for the new item.

You can also copy and insert data and cells. When you copy and insert

data and cells, Quattro Pro inserts the correct number of cells for the

copied data and pastes the data in the spreadsheet.

When data is no longer useful, you can easily delete cells, rows, columns,

or multiple rows and columns.

You can prevent other users from adding rows and columns to a

spreadsheet by entering data in the last cell of the spreadsheet. Since this

cell can’t be pushed down or to the right, no extra cells can be added to

the spreadsheet.

To insert a cell

1Select a cell in the location where you want to insert a new cell.

2Click Insert ` Insert cells.

3Enable the Partial option in the Span area.

4Enable one of the following options in the Dimension area:

Rows — the selected cell will shift down and out of the way

Columns — the selected cell will shift to the right

Sheets — the selected cell will shift to the next spreadsheet

138 Part Three: Quattro Pro

You can also insert multiple cells. Make sure the upper-left corner

of the cells you select contains the first cell entry you want shifted

right, down, or back. The cells you select should be the same size

as the number of cells you want to insert.

To insert a row

1Select the row heading just below where you want the row inserted.

2Click Insert ` Insert row.

When you insert a row within the boundaries of a named area or

a cell referenced by a formula, the cell references expand to

include the new row.

You can also insert the correct number of cells for a row of data

that you copy. For more information, see “To copy and insert data

and cells” on page 139.

You can insert multiple rows by selecting multiple row headings,

and clicking Insert ` Insert row.

To insert a column

1Select the column heading to the right of where you want the

column inserted.

2Click Insert ` Insert column.

When you insert a column within the boundaries of a named area

or a cell referenced by a formula, the cell references expand to

include the new column.

You can insert multiple columns by selecting multiple columns

headings, then clicking Insert ` Insert column.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 139

To copy and insert data and cells

1Select the row, column, or block of cells that contains the data you

want to copy.

2Click Edit ` Copy.

3Select the upper left-most cell where you want to insert the copied

data and cells.

4Right-click, and click QuickPaste.

5In the Dimension area, enable one of the following options:

Rows — to shift cells down and out of the way

Columns — to shift cells to the right

6In the Span area, enable one of the following options:

Entire — to insert an entire row or column

Span — to insert the required cells in a row or column

To delete a cell

1Select the cell you want to delete.

2Click Edit ` Delete cells.

3Enable the Partial option in the Span area.

4Enable one of the following options in the Dimension area:

Rows — the cell below the selected cell will shift up

Columns — the cell to the right of the selected cell will shift to the


Sheets — the corresponding cell on the next spreadsheet will shift

to the current spreadsheet

You can also delete multiple cells by first selecting a block of cells.

140 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To delete a row or a column

1Select the row or column heading.

2Click Edit ` Delete cells.

You can delete multiple rows or columns by selecting multiple

headings, and clicking Edit ` Delete cells.

To restrict the addition of rows and columns

1Press End, and press the Down arrow.

2Press End, and press the Right arrow.

The cursor is at the last cell in the spreadsheet.

3Type any label or value.

4Press Home to get back to the first cell in the spreadsheet.

When you try to add a row or column, an out of boundary message


If the spreadsheet contains data, pressing End and then the Down

arrow and Right arrow keys moves the cursor to the last cell of the

block. Keep pressing this combination to move to the last cell in

the spreadsheet.

Creating labels and special characters

You can create labels in a spreadsheet which, unlike other cell data,

cannot be calculated in formulas. A label can be text (address), text with

numbers (145 Howard Street), or numbers seen as text (202-555-1212,

a phone number). A label can begin with any letter, punctuation mark, or

symbol, except the following characters:

Character Description

/forward slash


Part Three: Quattro Pro 141

If you type one of these characters, Quattro Pro treats the information as

a formula or value. You can force Quattro Pro to read values as labels by

typing an alignment character before the value. For example, to enter

(Before Taxes), you would type: «(Before Taxes).

You can insert special characters and symbols that are not on your

keyboard, such as icons, phonetic characters, and characters in other

languages. Quattro Pro also lets you repeat characters or a series of

characters in a cell.

To create a label

1Click a cell.

2Type alphanumeric characters.

3Press Enter.

To create a label from a value

— minus

$ dollar sign

( opening parenthesis

@ at sign

# number sign



To create Do the following

Left-aligned label Type ‘ before a value.

Right-aligned label Type » before a value.

Character Description

142 Part Three: Quattro Pro

You can also type an alignment character before a backslash, if

you want a label to begin with a backslash, but don’t want to

repeat the character after it.

To insert special characters and symbols

1Click a cell.

2Click Insert ` Symbol.

3Choose a character set from the Set list box.

4Choose a character from the Symbols list.

5Click Insert.

You can also insert special characters and symbols by clicking the

WP characters button on the property bar.

To repeat a character

1Click a cell.

2Type (backslash character), and type a character.

3Press Enter.

To repeat a series of characters in a pattern

1Click a cell.

2Type (backslash character). and type the set of characters to be


For example: abc.

Centered label Type ^ before a value.

To create Do the following

Part Three: Quattro Pro 143

Entering values

A value is a number, formula, date, or time. Quattro Pro determines that

data is a value from the characters you type. The data type displays in the

application bar.

For information on entering formulas, see “Working with formulas and

functions” on page 179.

Numbers entered in cells can consist only of the following:

•numerals (0 to 9)

minus sign (-) for negative numbers

plus sign (+) for positive numbers

currency symbols; for example, $

one decimal point

a trailing %

an E for scientific notation

When entering numbers, be aware of the following restrictions:

Use a minus sign (-), not parentheses, to indicate a negative number.

However, if you change the numeric format to currency or a value

with a decimal, negative numbers appear in parentheses.

Do not include spaces in the entry.

If a number does not fit into a cell, it is displayed in exponential


Use numeric characters, not letters, to represent 1 and 0. For

example, do not substitute a lowercase l («el») for 1 (one) or an

uppercase O («oh») for 0 (zero).

Quattro Pro also lets you enter numbers as fractions.

You can enter fractions in a cell.

144 Part Three: Quattro Pro

You can enter a date or time, including the current date, in a cell. While

Quattro Pro reads dates and times as values, it applies specific formatting

and calculation criteria to them depending on the date and time formats

you set as defaults. Dates or times can be in many formats, such as

04-04-98, 04/04/98, and 01:42:30 PM. For information on entering

dates prior to 1900 and after 2000, see “Entering dates” in the

Quattro Pro Help.

You can also automatically enter the current date.

Quattro Pro stores all dates as serial integers and times as decimal

fractions, so that it can calculate dates and times as values. The minimum

serial integer is -109,571, which represents January 1, 1600; the

maximum is 474,816, which represents December 31, 3199. The

minimum decimal fraction for time is 0.99999 (for the time 23:59:59)

and the maximum is 0.000 (for 00:00:00). The serial integer or decimal

fraction appears in the input line when you select a cell. A cell containing

a serial integer mixed with a decimal fraction indicates the date and time.

For example, 2.5 represents January 1, 1900 at 12:00 noon.

If a notebook includes many dates, you may want to force specific cells

to accept only dates and times. This is particularly useful when you create

notebooks that others will use.

To enter a number

1Click a cell.

2Type a number.

3Press Enter.

For more information, see “To change the number of decimal

places in a value” in the Quattro Pro Help.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 145

To enter fractions

1Click a cell.

2Type a number as a decimal.

3Press Enter.

4Click the cell.

5Click Format ` Selection properties.

6Click the Numeric format tab.

7Choose Fraction from the Numeric formats list.

8Choose a type from the Fraction list.

To enter a date or time

1Click a cell.

2Type a date or time.

3Press Enter.

For a list of available date and time formats, see “Default date and

time formats” in the Quattro Pro Help.

To enter the current date

1Click a cell.

2Click Insert ` Date.

Quattro Pro inserts the short date format specified in the Windows

Regional Settings on the Control Panel.

You can also enter the current date by clicking a cell and pressing

Ctrl + D.

146 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To enter a date by using the spreadsheet DATE function

1Click a cell.

2Click Insert ` Insert function.

3Choose Date from the Function category list.

4Choose DATE from the Function list.

5Click OK.

6Type the date (year, month, and day) between parentheses.

7Press Enter.

For a list of available date and time formats, see “Default date and

time formats” in the Quattro Pro Help.

Filling cells and spreadsheet tabs automatically

Quattro Pro lets you automatically enter repeated labels and functions.

Once the initial letters or sequence you are typing is recognized, the data

is automatically inserted. As you type a function, the likeliest function


You can fill cells automatically. You can save time by automatically filling

cells with a sequence that you start with a seed value. You can also fill

spreadsheet tabs automatically.

To insert repeated data automatically

1Click Tools ` Settings.

2In the list of categories, double-click Workspaces, Application, and

click General.

3Enable the QuickType check box.

4Click OK.

5Type text in a cell.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 147

The blank cells to be filled must be contiguous with the seed value,

extending down the column or across the row to the right.

To fill empty cells automatically

1Select the cells.

2Click Edit ` Fill ` QuickFill.

3Choose a series from the Series name list box.

4Choose an element from the Series elements list.

5In the Fill as area, enable one of the following options:

Columns — fills to the bottom of the first column of cells, and

continues at the top of the second column

Rows — fills to the end of the first row of cells, and continues at

the beginning of the second row

You can also open the QuickFill dialog box by clicking the QuickFill

button on the Notebook toolbar.

You can create a new series using part of an existing series by

modifying the series and saving it under another name.

To fill cells automatically by using seed values

1Type a seed value in a cell.

2Select the seed value cell and the blank cells you want to fill.

3Click Edit ` Fill ` QuickFill.

For a list of seed values and resulting sequences, see “QuickFill

seed values” in the Quattro Pro Help.

You can also fill cells automatically by clicking the QuickFill

button on the Notebook toolbar.

148 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To fill spreadsheet tabs automatically

1Select an empty cell.

2Click Edit ` Fill ` QuickFill.

3Choose a list series from the Series name list box.

4Choose an element from the Series elements list.

5Enable the Tab s option in the Fill as area.

You can also fill cells automatically by clicking the QuickFill

button on the Notebook toolbar.

Creating simple equations

You can perform simple mathematical operations such as 1+1 directly in

a cell. Quattro Pro interprets these equations as formulas and indicates

cells with formulas by adding a blue triangle to the bottom-left corner of

the cell. Quattro Pro also totals values for you.

In this example, the sum of the selected cells (columns A and B,

rows 1 through 3) is displayed on the application bar.

You can also specify to have Quattro Pro identify the forward slash ( / ) as

a division sign.

For example, when the forward slash is used as a division sign, 4/4 is

interpreted as 4 divided by 4, and the result 1 displays. Otherwise, when

you type a forward slash, Quattro Pro might assume you are typing a

date. For example, 4/4 might be interpreted as the date 04/04.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 149

To do simple math in cells

1Type the numbers and math operators in a cell.

For example, type 4500+450.

2Press Enter.

Do not include commas in numbers.

To total values in a column

1Click in the first blank cell below and one column to the left of the

cells to be totaled.

2Type total.

3Press Enter.

This feature is not case sensitive and is language dependent.

You can also total values in a row by clicking the first blank cell to

the right and one row above the cells to be totaled, and typing

total. Press Enter.

To set the forward slash (/) as a division sign

1Click Tools ` Settings.

2In the list of categories, double-click Workspaces, Application, and

click General.

3Enable the Mathematical formula entry check box.

You can also identify the forward slash as a division sign by typing

a plus sign (+) before the equation (for example, +4/12).

150 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Calculating data in rows and columns

Using PerfectExpert, you can calculate data in rows and columns. For

example, you can add a column, find the average of a list of figures, or

find the middle value of either.

This is an example of the Quick Math feature automatically

entering a formula into a cell to calculate a column of values.

You can also perform calculations on individual cells.

Quattro Pro also lets you perform calculations on two rows or columns.

In this example, the cell in last row of the first column is

multiplied by the cell in the last row of the second column and

the total is displayed in the cell in the last row of the third


To calculate data in a single row or column

1Click Help ` PerfectExpert.

2Click Do simple math in the PerfectExpert panel.

3Click Quick math.

4In the Select a row or column box, specify the cells to calculate.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 151

5Choose a math operation from the Do math list box.

6In the Insert answer in cell box, specify the cell where you want to

display the answer.

You can also specify cells by clicking the Range picker tool and

selecting the cells.

To perform a calculation on each item in a row or column

1Click Help ` PerfectExpert.

2Click Do simple math in the PerfectExpert panel.

3Click More quick math.

4In the Select a row or column box, specify the cells to calculate.

5Choose a math operation from the Do math list box.

6In the Insert answer in cell box, specify the cell where you want to

display the answer.

The answer row or column must have as many cells as are in the list

on which you’re performing calculations.

You can also specify cells by clicking the Range picker tool and

selecting the cells.

To calculate data in two rows or columns

1Click Help ` PerfectExpert.

2Click Do simple math in the PerfectExpert panel.

3Click 2-column quick math.

4In the Select first row/column box, specify the cells to calculate for

the first row or column.

5In the Select second row/column box, specify the cells to calculate

for the second row or column.

6Choose a math operation from the Do math list box.

152 Part Three: Quattro Pro

7In the Insert answer in cell box, specify the cell where you want to

display the answer.

The answer row or column must have as many cells as are in the list

on which you’re performing calculations.

You can also specify cells by clicking the Range picker tool and

selecting the cells.

Using preset calculations

Quattro Pro lets you perform calculations quickly by using preset

calculations. You can also total cells in rows or columns. For example, you

can calculate totals in a single row, or multiple rows or columns. The row

or column cannot contain blank cells, and any labels in the selected cells

are treated as zero values.

You can also total all cells on multiple spreadsheets and total the

subtotals in a column.

Calc As-You-Go™ lets you display several different running totals for cells

you select; the sum, average, count, maximum value, and minimum value

display on the application bar.

This is an example of the application bar displaying different

running totals.

To perform preset calculations

1Type values across a row or down a column.

2Click the first blank cell after the values.

3Open the QuickFunction flyout on the Notebook toolbar, and click a


Part Three: Quattro Pro 153

The icon on the flyout varies depending on which calculation you


To total cells

You can total several cells in a column by selecting the data plus

one blank cell below. For example, to total the values in the cells

A1..A3, select A1..A4. The total appears in cell A4.

You can also total cells in a column or multiple columns.

To total Do the following

Cells in a row Select the cells and one blank cell

to the right, and click the

QuickSum button on the

Notebook toolbar.

Multiple rows Select the cells and a blank column

to the right, and click the

QuickSum button on the

Notebook toolbar.

Rows and columns for a grand


Select the cells with a blank

column to the right, and a blank

row below, and click the QuickSum

button on the Notebook


Rows or columns on multiple


Select the rows or columns and a

blank row and column around the

data on each spreadsheet, and

click the QuickSum button on

the Notebook toolbar.

154 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To total all cells on multiple spreadsheets

1Select the cells that you want to total on each spreadsheet.

2Select the same cells on a blank spreadsheet.

3Click the QuickSum button on the Notebook toolbar.

To total subtotals in a column

1Select the first blank cell below the column containing the subtotal


2Click the QuickSum button on the Notebook toolbar.

To use Calc-As-You-Go

1Select the cells on which to perform running calculations.

2View the totals on the application bar.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 155

Viewing and navigating

spreadsheets and notebooks

Quattro Pro lets you customize the way you view and navigate

spreadsheets and notebooks.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Navigating spreadsheets and notebooks

Displaying, arranging, resizing, and hiding windows

Hiding and revealing rows and columns

For additional topics, please see “Viewing and navigating

spreadsheets and notebooks” in the Quattro Pro Help.

Navigating spreadsheets and notebooks

You can navigate columns and rows on a spreadsheet using the arrow

keys, the Enter key, and the Tab key. You can also automatically scroll

through a spreadsheet using the AutoScroll tool.

You can also go directly to specific cells or data types using the Go To and

Browse By features.

To cycle through open notebooks

On the application bar, click the button that displays the notebook’s


You can also move through open notebooks by pressing

Shift + F6 to cycle forward or Ctrl + F6 to cycle backwards.

156 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To go to a specific cell in a notebook

1Click Edit ` Go to.

2Type the cell address in the Reference box.

If the cell is on another spreadsheet, include the spreadsheet name

in the address. For example, to move to cell Z36 on spreadsheet D,

type D:Z36. If the cell is in another notebook, add the notebook

prefix, for example, [Budget]D:Z36.

To browse to specific data in a notebook

1Right-click the Browse By button in the lower-right corner of the


2Choose a data type.

To navigate a spreadsheet

Press the relevant key, as outlined in the table below.

You can also move across rows by pressing Ta b.

To Do the following

Move down columns after entering


Press Enter or the Down arrow.

Move up columns after entering


Press the Up arrow.

Move across rows after entering


Press the Left arrow or Right arrow.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 157

To automatically scroll through a spreadsheet

1On the notebook toolbar, click AutoScroll .

The cursor changes to the AutoScroll arrow.

2Move the AutoScroll arrow in the direction you want to scroll.

The scrolling speed increases as you move the arrow farther away

from the AutoScroll tool.

You can disable AutoScroll by clicking anywhere on the


Displaying, arranging, resizing, and hiding windows

A Quattro Pro window displays a Quattro Pro file, or a file imported into

Quattro Pro. While working in Quattro Pro, you can have several windows

open. For example, suppose you are working with four different

notebooks, each dealing with a quarterly report. You can display all four

at once.

You can select which windows you want open, and how you want to view

the data in those windows. In addition, there are several methods of

rearranging windows on your desktop. You can also hide windows.

You can change how you view your notebook without changing the

notebook itself.

To select a notebook window

On the application bar, click the button that displays the window’s


The window with the highlighted title bar is active.

158 Part Three: Quattro Pro

You can toggle back and forth between Quattro Pro and a

non-spreadsheet window, such as the spelling checker, by

pressing Alt + F6.

To arrange notebook windows

When possible, tiled windows are given equal room on the screen.

To hide a notebook window

1Click the window.

2Click Window ` Hide.

To show a hidden notebook window, click Window ` Show.

To select a notebook view

1Click View.

2Click one of the following views:

Draft — does not display some document elements such as

footers, page breaks, and margins, although they may exist in the

notebook. Because not all features display, working in Draft view is

often faster than working in Page view.

Page — displays your notebook pages the way they will look when

printed. Page view displays elements such as fonts, appearance

features, headers, footers, footnotes, page breaks, and margins.

Page View offers more WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)

editing, such as dragging margins and page breaks. You can also

To Do the fol lowing

Tile windows vertically Click Window ` Tile top to bottom.

Tile windows horizontally Click Window ` Tile side by side.

Have windows overlap Click Window ` Cascade.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 159

get to the Page setup dialog box by double-clicking or

right-clicking in a margin.

Page breaks — displays soft and hard page breaks. You can use

this view to edit these page breaks.

Objects — displays the Objects sheet, the last sheet in the

notebook. You can view your charts, maps, and dialog boxes from

this sheet.

The view that is currently selected when you exit Quattro Pro is the

view that will appear when you open Quattro Pro again.

You can drag graphics or charts while in Draft view or Page view.

To see multiple pages while in Page view, click View ` Zoom, and

choose 50 percent (%) or less. To change margins while in Page

view, drag a blue margin line to set the current margin for a

column or row of pages.

To display formulas instead of formula results

Click View ` Formulas.

To display spreadsheet comments

Click View ` Comments.

To display a new view of a notebook window

Click Window ` New view.

The New view feature allows you to drag and drop cells between


To remove an extra view, click the Close window button at the

top-right corner of the window. If you click File ` Close, all views

are closed because all views of the notebook are saved as the same


160 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Hiding and revealing rows and columns

Quattro Pro lets you hide rows or columns from view on the screen.

Hidden rows and columns do not print. Although they are hidden from

view, they are still used in calculations. Columns move left to fill in the

space left by the hidden column, and rows move up; however, row

numbers and column letters do not change. For example, if you hide

column B, the columns on the screen are labeled A, C, D, and so on.

You can reveal rows and columns that are hidden.

To hide rows or columns

1Select the rows or columns to hide.

2Right-click the rows or columns, and click Hide.

To reveal hidden columns

1Click Edit ` Select all.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Row/column tab.

4Enable the Reveal option in the Column options area.

You can also reveal a hidden column by placing the pointer

slightly to the right of where the hidden column should be and


You can reveal hidden rows by enabling the Reveal option in the

Row options area.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 161

Managing files and data

File management is an important part of any project. You can open

many different file formats in Quattro Pro, and you can import, insert, or

combine data.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Opening and saving files

Inserting, importing, and combining files

Importing text into columns

For additional topics, please see “Managing files and data” in the

Quattro Pro Help.

Opening and saving files

Using Quattro Pro, you can open files from other applications. For

example, if you use Microsoft Excel or Lotus® 1-2-3®, you can open

these files in Quattro Pro. Quattro Pro can also open a

Quicken® Interchange Format (.qif) file.

You can save Quattro Pro files in other formats. You can also save

Quattro Pro data as database files, in dBASE® or Paradox® file format.

The field names are based on the data in the first row of the first sheet.

If the first row contains data that is invalid as a database field name, for

example, containing numbers, spaces, symbol characters, or duplicate

labels, Quattro Pro uses the spreadsheet column letters to represent the

field names.

162 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To open a file from another application

1Click File ` Open.

2Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.

3Choose the filename extension from the File type list box.

4Double-click the filename.

If the drive you require is not displayed in the Look in list box, you

may have to map the drive. If the drive will not map to the path

you specify, you may not have access to that location.

To save a Quattro Pro file to another format

1Click File ` Save as.

2Choose a file type from the File type list box.

3Type a filename in the Filename list box.

4Click Save.

To save a database file

1Click File ` Save as.

2Choose one of the following from the File type list box:


• Paradox

3Type the filename in the Filename box.

4Click Save.

5Choose a field from the Fields list, and make any changes to the field

name or field type.

6Click Write.

If you have used unique Quattro Pro features, a message may

display stating that you are saving in a file format other than

Part Three: Quattro Pro 163

Quattro Pro. Click the database format to continue saving the

database file.

To mark a field to be deleted, click it in the list, and press Delete.

An asterisk displays next to the field name. To restore the field,

press Delete again.

Inserting, importing, and combining files

Quattro Pro lets you insert a file into a notebook.

You can also import both delimited and fixed-width text files. When you

import text, you can specify how the text should be arranged on the

spreadsheet. Arranging data into columns and rows is called parsing. For

example, you can parse a column of long labels into two or more columns

of data.

When you open a text file that includes tabs indicating new segments of

data, Quattro Pro starts a new column each time it encounters a tab in

the text.

Every sheet in the inserted or imported file that contains data is placed on

a new sheet in the active notebook. If only one sheet is inserted, the sheet

is given the name of the inserted file. If multiple sheets are inserted, the

new sheets are named in the default letter sequence.

You can save notebooks as tab- or comma-delimited text files.

To insert a file into a notebook

1Close the file you want to insert.

2Click Insert ` Insert file.

3Choose a filename.

If you want to insert a file from another application, include its

filename extension.

164 Part Three: Quattro Pro

4Type the cell location before which you want to place the inserted file

in the Before sheet box.

If the file is inserted within the boundaries of a named selection of

cells, or cells referenced by a formula, references expand to

include the new spreadsheets.

If inserting a file expands a named selection of cells or cell

reference beyond the limit of a notebook (beyond spreadsheet

ZZZ), the reference becomes ERR.

To import a text file

1Click File ` Open.

2Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.

3Choose ASCII Text (*.txt) from the File type list box.

4Double-click the filename.

5From the Parse settings list box, choose one of the following:

Automatic — automatically determines how best to parse the

imported text file

Delimited auto — automatically parses imported delimited text


Fixed width auto — automatically parses imported fixed-width text


Lines larger than 4 KB are not imported. If the total number of

lines (rows) you import exceeds the limit of the number of rows

you specified for a spreadsheet, the data is truncated to this limit.

Files must be unformatted and saved as plain ASCII text files

without any control codes or other word-processor formatting.

Before you open a text file, remove any special formatting

characters such as bold, underlining, or centering.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 165

To save a text file

1Select a cell on the relevant sheet.

2Click File ` Save as.

3Type the filename with the extension .txt in the Filename box.

4Choose ASCII Text (tab delimited or comma delimited) from the File

type list box.

Only the contents of the current sheet (or, if it is empty, the first

non-empty sheet) of a notebook are saved.

Importing text into columns

You can import a text file and rearrange the text into columns at the same


You can adjust the widths of imported columns and specify a parsing

format for imported text.

You can customize how delimited and fixed-width text files are parsed.

You can also add a fixed-width parse break to imported text. For

information, please see “Importing text into columns” in the Quattro Pro


To import a text file into columns

1Click Tools ` Data tools ` QuickColumns™.

2Click the Browse button in the Text source box, and choose the

text file.

3Click the Range picker in the Text source box and select the

source cells.

4Click the Range picker in the Destination box and select a location

for the imported data.

5From the Parse settings list box, choose one of the following:

166 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Automatic — automatically determines how best to parse the

imported text file

Delimited auto — automatically parses imported delimited text


Fixed width auto — automatically parses imported fixed-width text


If you want to view how data displays in the spreadsheet, click


The QuickColumns Expert parses one column at a time.

The Destination box displays the active cell in the spreadsheet.

Instead of specifying all the destination cells, you can specify one

cell in which to begin inserting the parsed cells.

You can load previously saved parse settings by pressing the

Browse button beside the Parse settings list box, and locating the

.qpx file you want to load.

To adjust the column width for imported text

1Click Tools ` Data tools ` QuickColumns.

2Click Format.

3In the column heading, point to the border until it changes to a

double arrow.

4Drag the border until the column reaches the required width.

When you adjust columns that contain fixed-width text, the

adjustment may change where the data is placed in the

destination cells. When you adjust columns that contain delimited

text, the adjustment resizes the entire column and does not affect

where the data is placed.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 167

Editing spreadsheets

Quattro Pro lets you edit cells, rows or columns, or an entire

spreadsheet. For example, you can copy cells to different parts of a


In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Editing cell content

Copying and moving cells, rows, and columns

For additional topics, please see “Editing spreadsheets” in the

Quattro Pro Help.

Editing cell content

Quattro Pro lets you overwrite, replace, or edit cell content.

Quattro Pro lets you quickly find a cell and automatically replace the data

it contains. You can look for data in cell formulas or cell values. You can

also set conditions for the search criteria. For example, in an expenses

spreadsheet, you can look only for expenses greater than $300.

168 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To overwrite data

1Click a cell.

2Press Insert.

The Typeover button on the application bar appears pressed

when the typeover mode is on.

You can return to inserting data by pressing Insert.

To replace the entire contents of a cell

1Click a cell.

2Type a new entry.

3Press Enter.

To edit cell contents

1Double-click a cell.

2Click where you want to edit.

3Edit the cell content.

4Press Enter.

You can move the insertion point within a cell by using the arrow


To find and replace data

1Click Edit ` Find and replace.

2Type the text or value to find in the Find box.

3Type the replacement text or value in the Replace box.

4Type the cells to search in the Cell(s) box.

5In the Look in area, enable one of the following options:

Formula — finds data in a formula

Value — finds data in a value

Part Three: Quattro Pro 169

Condition — compares cells in the spreadsheet with any

conditions specified in the Find box

6Click one of the following buttons:

• Find next

• Previous

7Click Replace.

Quattro Pro makes replacements from the cursor position to the

end of a document, so you must position the cursor at the

beginning of a document before you search.

You can replace all occurrences of the search item with the

replacement text or value by clicking Replace all.

When using conditional searches, type a question mark (?) before

the search condition (e.g. ? > 300).

Copying and moving cells, rows, and columns

Quattro Pro lets you copy or move cells. You can copy or move cells by

selecting the cells directly on a spreadsheet or you can copy cells by

specifying the location of the cell.

To copy and paste cells

1Select the cells to copy.

2Click Edit ` Copy.

3Select the destination cells within the active spreadsheet.

4Click Edit ` Paste.

When you copy a selection of cells to a specific cell, the Clipboard

uses that cell as the upper-left position of the copied information.

170 Part Three: Quattro Pro

You can also copy a cell to the input line of another cell, a text box,

another spreadsheet in the notebook, or another notebook.

To copy cells to a specified location

1Click Edit ` Copy cells.

2In the From box, specify the cells to copy.

3In the To box, specify the destination cells.

If you copy cells containing absolute references, enable the Model

copy check box.

Instead of specifying the cells you want to copy, you can press F3

and choose a named cell from the Cell names dialog box.

To move cells by cutting and pasting

1Select the cells to move.

2Click Edit ` Cut.

3Select the destination cells within the active spreadsheet.

4Click Edit ` Paste.

You can also move a cell to the input line of another cell, a text

box, another spreadsheet in the notebook, or another notebook.

To move cells by dragging

1Select a cell or cells.

2Point to an edge of the cells until a four-way arrow displays.

3Drag the cells to the destination area.

You can use the colored outline as a guide when you move cells.

You can copy a cell by holding down Ctrl as you drag.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 171

Formatting spreadsheets

Quattro Pro lets you format cells, rows or columns, or an entire


In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Resizing rows and columns

Using formatting tools

•Wrapping text

Joining cells

Changing the appearance of text

Aligning data

Working with numeric formats

For additional topics, please see “Formatting spreadsheets” in the

Quattro Pro Help.

Resizing rows and columns

Quattro Pro lets you change the row height in a spreadsheet. You can also

change the width of a column.

172 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To change the row height

1Select a cell in each row you want to resize, or select the row


2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Row/column tab.

4In the Row options area, enable the Set height option and type a

value in the box.

5Enable one of the following options:

• Points

• Inches

• Centimeters

You can also change row height by moving the pointer to the

bottom edge of a row border until it changes to a double arrow,

and dragging the double arrow to resize the row.

You can select noncontiguous rows by pressing Ctrl before

selecting the rows.

To change the column width

1Select a cell in each column you want to resize, or select the column


2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Row/column tab.

4In the Column options area, enable the Set width option and type a

value in the box.

5Enable one of the following options:

• Characters

• Inches

• Centimeters

Part Three: Quattro Pro 173

You can also change column width by moving the pointer to the

right edge of a column border until it changes to a double arrow,

and dragging the double arrow to resize the column.

You can select noncontiguous columns by pressing Ctrl before

selecting the columns.

Using formatting tools

Quattro Pro lets you format a spreadsheet by copying the formatting

(background color, font, numeric format, and so on) of one cell to

another cell or selection of cells.

To copy cell formatting

1Click the cell or cells with the format you want to copy.

2Click the QuickFormat button on the toolbar.

3Select the cell or cells where you want to copy the formatting.

To turn off QuickFormat, click the QuickFormat button on the


Wrapping text

Text that displays wider than a column width overflows to the next cell

when that cell is empty. If the next cell contains data, the overflow text is

hidden and the text appears truncated. To fix this, you can wrap text

within a cell or enter short lines of text in one cell.

To wrap text within a cell

1Click the cell in which you want to wrap text.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Alignment tab.

4Enable the Wrap text check box in the Cell options area.

174 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Wrapping text works only on text, not on numeric data. You can

include up to 4096 characters (4 KB) in a single cell.

You can also wrap text by clicking the Property button on the


To enter short lines of text in a cell

1Click a cell.

2Type a line of text.

3Press Alt + Enter.

4Continue typing.

5Press Enter.

Joining cells

Quattro Pro lets you join cells to create a title across multiple cells or a

vertical side bar. In joined cells, you can center and align text and numbers

as you would in a single cell. You can join cells in rows, columns, or rows

and columns. You can also perform calculations and use formulas in a

joined cell as you would in a regular cell.

To join cells

1Drag across the cells you want to join.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Alignment tab.

4Enable the Join cells check box in the Cell options area.

You can also join cells by selecting the cells to join and clicking the

Join cells button on the toolbar. The data in cells joined with

this method is automatically centered.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 175

Changing the appearance of text

You can change the text in one or more cells by adjusting its font face,

font size, or text color.

You can also change the appearance of text.

To change the typeface, size, and color of text

1Select the cells with text to format.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Cell font tab.

4Choose a font face from the Face list.

5Choose a font size from the Size list box.

6Open the Color picker, and click a color.

To change the properties of the text font

1Select the cells with text to format.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Cell font tab.

4Enable any of the following check boxes in the Appearance area:

• Bold

• Italics

• Underline

• Strikeout

You can also change the text appearance by clicking the Bold ,

Italic , or Underline button on the property bar.

176 Part Three: Quattro Pro

To convert text to superscript or subscript

1Double-click a cell.

2Select the data to change.

3Click one of the following buttons on the property bar:



Aligning data

You can align data horizontally and vertically in a cell. The default

alignment setting for numbers and formula results is right-aligned; the

default setting for labels and dates is left-aligned.

You can also center data across multiple cells; for example, you can center

a title across columns C, D, and E. You can also change the orientation of

text in a cell by rotating it horizontally, vertically, or by a specific degree.

To align data in a cell

1Select a cell.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Alignment tab.

4In the Horizontal alignment area, enable one of the following


General — right-aligns values and left-aligns labels

Left — left-aligns all types of data

Right — right-aligns all types of data

Center — centers cell data

Indent — moves data in from the edge of a cell. Type a value to

specify the amount by which you want to indent the cell content.

5In the Vertical alignment area, enable one of the following options:

Part Three: Quattro Pro 177

• Top

• Center

• Bottom

You can also click the Alignment button on the property bar

to change horizontal cell alignment.

To center text across multiple cells

1In the left-most cell, type the text to be centered.

2Select the cells over which to center the text starting with the cell

containing the text.

3Click Format ` Selection properties.

4Click the Alignment tab.

5In the Horizontal alignment area, enable the Center across block


If you type text in a second cell where text is centered across cells,

the first entry is centered over cells to the left of the next entry.

To display the centered text in the input line, click the cell where

the text was originally entered.

To rotate text

1Click a cell with text to rotate.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Alignment tab.

4In the Orientation area, enable one of the following options:

Horizontal — orients text horizontally

Vertical — orients text vertically

Rotated — rotates text to the degree you specify

178 Part Three: Quattro Pro

If you enable the Rotated option, specifying 90 or -90 rotates the

text vertically.

Working with numeric formats

Quattro Pro uses two types of numeric formats: number formats and

date/time formats. Numeric formats do not change cell values; they

change only the way values display.

Quattro Pro lets you format dates and times in a spreadsheet. For

example, by default, Quattro Pro displays times in long form as

HH:MM:SS (for example, 09:32:30), or in short form as HH:MM (for

example, 09:32) when no seconds are specified, but you can change this


To change the numeric format of a cell

1Select a cell.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Numeric format tab.

4Choose a numeric format from the Numeric formats list.

To format dates and times

1Select a cell to format.

2Click Format ` Selection properties.

3Click the Numeric format tab.

4Click one of the following formats from the Numeric formats list:

Date — lets you choose a date format from the Date formats


Time — lets you choose a time format from the Time formats


Part Three: Quattro Pro 179

Working with formulas and


Formulas are mathematical equations that calculate a final value, such as

the difference between two cells or the total of a column. Functions are

a set of standard built-in formulas used to simplify complex calculations.

Quattro Pro allows you to use both formulas and functions in

developing spreadsheet projects.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Working with formulas

Working with spreadsheet functions

For additional topics, please see “Working with formulas and

functions” in the Quattro Pro Help.

Working with formulas

Using Quattro Pro, you can create math formulas. The following

characters are used when creating a formula:

Character Result

. Establishes the following data as a


+ Establishes the following data as a

positive value

Establishes the following data as a

negative value

180 Part Three: Quattro Pro

As well, a formula can use any of the following arguments:

You can also create text formulas. Text formulas are any formulas that

have a textual result.

Quattro Pro also allows you to create logical formulas that evaluate true

or false. For example, the result of the formula +C3<10 displays either 1

or 0 depending on the value of cell C3.

( ) Establishes the following data as a

formula and calculates first

anything contained in the


@ Establishes the following data as a


# Establishes the following data as a

logical equation

$ Establishes the following data as a

currency value

= Establishes the following data as a


Argument Examples

Numbers 1948, -84, 43.23, 12½

Cell coordinates B12, G29..G31, B:A3..D6, or


Cell names EXPENSES (which may reference


Spreadsheet functions @SUM(B1..B24)

Text set off by » « «PROFIT» or «Dear Mr

Character Result

Part Three: Quattro Pro 181

You can also create a formula by using the Formula Composer.

To create a math formula

1Type a plus sign (+) in a blank cell.

2Type a formula.

3Press Enter.

To view formula results as you enter the formula data, press F9.

To create a text formula

1Type a plus sign (+) in a blank cell.

2Type the formula using an ampersand (&) to combine text strings.

For example,+C4&»Review» enters the text in cell C4, then the word


If you want to add a space between strings, type it inside the

quotation marks. For example,+C4&» Review» enters the text in cell

C4, a space, then the word Review.

3Press Enter.

To create a formula that evaluates to true or false

1Click a blank cell.

2Type a formula using one of the logical operators.

3Press Enter.

If the statement is true, a 1 displays in the cell. If the statement is

false, a 0 displays.

To create a formula in the Formula Composer

1Select a blank cell.

2Click the Formula Composer button.

182 Part Three: Quattro Pro

3Enable one of the following options:

Standard view — displays all three panes (spreadsheet

function description, outline, and argument)

Argument view — displays the outline and argument panes

Outline view — displays only the outline pane

4Type a formula in the Expression box.

If a formula is incomplete or syntactically incorrect, a red question

mark icon in the outline alerts you to the error. Expressions that

cannot be expanded, such as values, display a small yellow circle to

their left.

You can expand and collapse selected parts of the formula outline

by clicking Expand and Collapse .

Working with spreadsheet functions

Instead of composing formulas, you can use spreadsheet functions.

Spreadsheet functions are a set of standard built-in formulas used to

simplify complex calculations. Quattro Pro offers more than 500 built-in

spreadsheet functions. These spreadsheet functions cover a range of

calculations, including database, financial, engineering, and statistical

calculations. A common spreadsheet function is @SUM, which adds the

cell values you reference. For example, typing @SUM(A1..A4,B1) is

equivalent to typing +A1+A2+A3+A4+B1.

For documentation on the available functions for Quattro Pro, please see

the Quattro Pro Functions Help (qpfn.chm).

Part Three: Quattro Pro 183

Presenting spreadsheet data

in a chart

Quattro Pro lets you present data graphically by plotting it in a chart.

Chart types

You can create the following chart types: area (2D and 3D), bar (2D and

3D), bubble, Gantt, high/low, histogram, line (2D and 3D), mixed, pie (2D

and 3D), polar, radar, scatter (2D and 3D), spectral, and surface (2D and


Quattro Pro lets you create a variety of chart types.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Plotting chart data

Creating charts automatically

Adding titles to charts

184 Part Three: Quattro Pro

For additional topics, please see “Presenting spreadsheet data in a

chart” in the Quattro Pro Help.

Plotting chart data

How Quattro Pro plots data depends on the range and values of the cells

you select before you create the chart.

When a selection contains more rows than columns or an equal number

of rows and columns:

Quattro Pro plots each column as a single series.

If the first column contains labels, the labels are placed along the


If the first row contains labels, the labels are used as the chart


When a selection contains more columns than rows:

Quattro Pro plots each row as a single series.

If the first row contains labels, the labels are placed along the x-axis.

If the first column contains labels, the labels are used as the chart


Setting up chart axes

All charts except pie and doughnut charts have two references for

plotting data: the x-axis and the y-axis. The x-axis is a horizontal line at

the bottom of the chart pane with fixed reference points; the column

labels in your data series are used for x-axis labels to explain what each

data series represents. Y-axis labels show the values being represented.

Depending on the data series, Quattro Pro determines the range and

increment amounts of the y-axis.

There are a few exceptions to this format:

Part Three: Quattro Pro 185

Horizontal charts have a vertical x-axis and a horizontal y-axis.

Quattro Pro reverses the axes of horizontal charts automatically.

In XY charts (scatter diagrams), the x-axis series is data, not labels.

Quattro Pro scales the x-axis to match the data.

If the chart is a 2D bar, line, or area chart, you can assign any series

to a secondary y-axis, which appears on the right side of the chart.

Creating charts automatically

Creating a chart lets you represent spreadsheet data graphically. You can

create a chart automatically and have all the chart options chosen for you,

or you can create a chart by using the Chart Expert, which guides you

through the steps of creating a chart that best suits a data set.

For information about creating specific types of charts, please see

“Presenting spreadsheet data in a chart” in the Quattro Pro Help.

For information about editing charts, please see “Editing charts”

in the Quattro Pro Help.

To create a chart automatically

1Select the cells you want to plot.

If the surrounding cells contain explanatory labels, you can include

them in the selection for use as the chart axis labels or the chart


2Click the Chart button on the toolbar, and choose Create QuickChart.

3On the spreadsheet, click where you want to insert the chart.

When you create a chart automatically, it is placed on the

spreadsheet in a floating graphics window; however, you can view

it on its own page.

186 Part Three: Quattro Pro

If you want to customize the size of the chart, click and drag

diagonally on the spreadsheet.

If the cells you select contain dates, you can display the dates on

the x or y axes by changing the numeric format to Date.

To create a chart by using the Chart Expert

1Click Insert ` Chart ` Use Chart Expert.

2Follow the steps of the Expert.

If the cells you select contain dates, you can display the dates on

the x or y axes by changing the numeric format to Date.

Adding titles to charts

You can customize a chart by adding titles. You can add titles to the chart,

or to a specific axis.

You can add a title for any numeric chart type.

To add a title to a chart

1Click a chart.

2Click Chart ` Titles.

3Enable the Main title check box, and type a title in the box.

You can also

Add a subtitle Enable the Subtitle check box, and

type a subtitle in the box.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 187

Sharing Quattro Pro projects

You can share your Quattro Pro projects by printing them, or by

publishing them to PDF.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Printing Quattro Pro projects

Publishing Quattro Pro projects to PDF

For additional topics, please see “Printing” and “Sharing projects”

in the Quattro Pro Help.

Printing Quattro Pro projects

Quattro Pro lets you print part of a notebook, or an entire notebook.

To print the active spreadsheet or a notebook

1Click File ` Print.

2On the the Print page, choose a printer from the Name box.

3In the Print area, enable one of the following options:

Current sheet — prints the active spreadsheet

Notebook — prints a notebook

4In the Copies area, type the number of copies you want to print in

the Number of copies box.

If you want the copies collated, enable the Collate option.

5Click Print.

188 Part Three: Quattro Pro

Publishing Quattro Pro projects to PDF

Quattro Pro lets you publish to PDF.

To publish to PDF

1Click File ` Publish to PDF.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type a filename in the File name box.

4From the PDF style list box, choose one of the following options:

Commercial printing (Largest file size) — creates a high-quality PDF

to send to a printer or digital copier

PDF/A-1b (Level B compliance) — creates a standardized PDF file

that ensures the long-term archiving of the content.

Publishing online (Smallest file size) — creates a PDF suitable for

online viewing, such as a document to be distributed by e-mail or

displayed on the Web

Publishing online and printing — creates a PDF suitable for

viewing or printing on a laser or desktop printer

5Click Settings, and specify any additional PDF settings in the Publish

to PDF settings dialog box that appears.

For example, if you want to publish only parts of the spreasheet to

PDF, you can enable one of the following options in the Export range

area of the General page:

Notebook — publishes the notebook to PDF

Selection — publishes the selected cells to PDF

Current sheet — publishes the selected sheet to PDF

Click OK to apply your settings and return to the Publish to PDF

dialog box.

6Click Save.

If you do not want the PDF file to open automatically after it is saved,

disable the Open PDF after saving check box.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 189

Quattro Pro compatibility

with Microsoft Excel

Quattro Pro offers compatibility features geared towards those who are

migrating to Quattro Pro from Microsoft Excel and those who need to

exchange Quattro Pro spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel users.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Simulating the Microsoft Excel workspace

Sharing Quattro Pro spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel users

For additional topics, please see “Compatibility with Microsoft

Excel” in the Quattro Pro Help.

Simulating the Microsoft Excel workspace

If you recently switched from Microsoft Excel to Quattro Pro, you may not

be familiar with the Quattro Pro workspace. While there are many

similarities between the two applications, you may find it easier to

simulate the Microsoft Excel workspace. What the Microsoft Excel

workspace does is position the Quattro Pro features until you are

accustomed to working in Quattro Pro, including toolbars and menus

items, where you would find the equivalent feature in Microsoft Excel. It

also automatically saves to the Microsoft Excel format, displays sheets as

numbers, and applies Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts to Quattro Pro

features, allowing you to quickly find the tools you need to create

Microsoft Excel compatible files in Quattro Pro.

190 Part Three: Quattro Pro

In addition, you can display the Compatibility toolbar, which gives you

immediate access to tools such as saving documents to Microsoft Excel

and publishing to HTML.

You can also change spreadsheet tabs in a Quattro Pro notebook to adopt

the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet naming convention.

To work in the Microsoft Excel workspace

1Click Tools ` Settings.

2Click Workspace.

3Enable the check box beside the Microsoft Excel workspace in the

available workspaces list.

To display the Compatibility toolbar

1Click View ` Toolbars.

2Enable the Compatibility toolbar check box in the Toolbar list.

To switch to the Microsoft Excel naming convention for

spreadsheet tabs

1Click Tools ` Settings.

2In the list of categories, expand Workspace ` Application, and click


3In the Sheet tab display area, enable the Display as numbers check


Sharing Quattro Pro spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel


Quattro Pro makes it possible for you to share your Quattro Pro

spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel users and for them to share their

workbooks with you.

Part Three: Quattro Pro 191

For example, to share a Quattro Pro spreadsheet with a Microsoft Excel

user, you must save the Quattro Pro spreadsheet as a Microsoft Excel file.

The saving process automatically converts the spreadsheet to the

Microsoft Excel format.

In addition, if you receive a file created in Microsoft Excel, all you need to

do is open it in Quattro Pro. The opening process automatically converts

the file to the Quattro Pro format. If you modify the same file and you

want others to view the changes in Microsoft Excel, then you need to save

the file as a Microsoft Excel file. You can, however, specify that the default

format when saving files is set to the Microsoft Excel file format. If you

don’t specify the Microsoft Excel format when saving, the file is saved as

a Quattro Pro file by default.

Microsoft Excel workbooks that contain custom spreadsheet names may

not open in Quattro Pro if characters used in the names are not

recognized by Quattro Pro. If this happens, Quattro Pro displays a dialog

box warning you about the invalid spreadsheet name. You can change

the spreadsheet name to make it compatible with Quattro Pro.

To save a Quattro Pro notebook as a Microsoft Excel file

1Click File ` Save as.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type a filename in the Filename box.

4Choose a Microsoft Excel file type from the File type list box.

To open a Microsoft Excel workbook in Quattro Pro

1Click File ` Open.

2Choose the drive and folder where the workbook is stored.

If you can’t see the file, choose All files from the File type box.

3Double-click the workbook’s filename.

192 Part Three: Quattro Pro

You can open Microsoft Excel version 3, 5, 7, 97, 2000, 2002 (XP),

2003, and 2007 workbooks in Quattro Pro. You can also open

Microsoft Excel Open XML workbooks (.xlsx) and Microsoft Excel

Open XML Macro-enabled workbooks (.xlsm).

When opening Microsoft workbooks in Quattro Pro, some

information may not display as it did in Microsoft Excel.

To automatically save files opened in Quattro Pro to the

Microsoft Excel format

1Click Tools ` Settings.

2In the list of categories, double-click Compatibility.

3Choose XLS from the Default file type list box.

To fix invalid spreadsheet names

1Open a Microsoft Excel file in Quattro Pro.

In the Quattro Pro dialog box, the invalid spreadsheet name displays

in the Invalid name box.

2Enable one of the following options in the Rename options area:

Fix invalid spreadsheet name — changes the spreadsheet name to

include only valid Quattro Pro characters. The new name displays

in the New name box.

Do not fix invalid spreadsheet name — keeps the original

spreadsheet name

If you want to make additional changes to the name, type them in

the New name box, using valid Quattro Pro characters.

Part Four: Presentations 193

Part Four:


Presentations lets you create high-quality slide shows and drawings that

can include text, data charts, organization charts, and graphic objects.

Getting started with Presentations

The following chapters show you how to get started creating slide shows

with Presentations:

“Creating and accessing slide shows” on page 195

Adding and formatting text in slide shows and drawings” on

page 203

Working with text in Presentations

The following chapters show you how to work with text in your

Presentations projects:

“Working with titles and subtitles in Presentations” on page 207

“Working with bulleted lists” on page 211

Working with graphics and charts in Presentations

The following chapters show you how to work with graphics and charts

in your Presentations projects:

“Working with graphics and pictures” on page 215

“Drawing and editing shapes in slide shows and drawings” on

page 223

“Creating data charts and drawings” on page 227

“Working with datasheets” on page 231

194 Part Four: Presentations

“Working with organization charts” on page 235

“Working with objects in slide shows and drawings” on page 239

Creating multimedia projects in Presentations

The chapter “Working with sound, movies, and animation in slide shows”

on page 245 shows you how to create multimedia projects in


Laying out projects in Presentations

The chapter “Using the Master Gallery” on page 249 shows you how to

apply masters and backgrounds to slides.

Sharing Presentations projects with others

The following chapters show you how to share your Presentations

projects with others:

“Playing and controlling slide shows” on page 253

“Sharing slide shows and drawings” on page 257

“Presentations compatibility with Microsoft® PowerPoint®” on

page 259

For more information on Presentations

For even more information on Presentations, please see the Reference

Center, which installs with WordPerfect Office X5. See “To access the

Reference Center” on page 12.

Part Four: Presentations 195

Creating and accessing slide


Presentations includes comprehensive slide show tools that allow you to

create professional-looking slide shows and drawings.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Starting Presentations

Creating and opening slide shows

Saving and closing slide shows

Viewing slide shows

•Working with the Slide Outliner

Adding and removing slides

•Adding speaker notes

Working with the Slide Sorter

For additional topics, please see “Creating and accessing slide

shows” in the Presentations Help.

Starting Presentations

Let’s begin by starting Presentations.

For help getting started with Presentations, please see “Exploring

the Presentations work area” in the Presentations Help.

196 Part Four: Presentations

To start Quattro Pro

On the Windows taskbar, click Start ` Programs `

WordPerfect Office X5 ` Presentations X5.

Creating and opening slide shows

A slide show project is a predefined slide show that includes a prepared

layout and outline. All you need to do is type in data. You can design your

own slide show or start a slide show from a predefined slide show project.

You can also open an existing slide show.

You can create a self-executing version of a slide show that can be played

on any computer that uses the Windows operating system, even if it

doesn’t have Presentations installed. The slide show files and the

Presentations application files necessary to run the slide show are copied

to the disk on which you create the portable slide show.

To create a slide show from a blank master

1Click File ` New.

2In the Master Gallery, choose a slide show from the Category list box.

3Click a slide show master on the palette.

To create a slide show from a predefined project

1Click File ` New from project.

2Click the Create new tab.

3Choose Presentations from the list box.

4Choose Presentations slide show from the list.

5Click Create.

6In the Master Gallery, choose a slide show from the Category list box.

7Click a slide show master on the palette.

Part Four: Presentations 197

To create a portable slide show

1Click File ` Show On The Go™.

2Click Create.

To open an existing slide show

1Click File ` Open.

2Choose the drive and folder where the slide show is saved.

3Choose a filename.

4Click Open.

If there are fonts in the file that are missing on your system, the

Font matching results dialog box will appear. This dialog box

shows the missing fonts and the fonts with which Presentations

will substitute them. You can click OK to proceed with the font

substitution, or you can cancel opening the document so that you

can install the missing fonts on your system.

Saving and closing slide shows

You can save new slide shows.

When you have completed your tasks, you can close a document, and you

can quit Presentations.

To save a slide show

1Click File ` Save.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type a filename in the Filename box.

4Click Save.

198 Part Four: Presentations

To close a slide show

Click File ` Close.

You can also close a document by clicking the Close button at the

top-right corner of the document window.

You can also quit Presentations by clicking the Close button at the

top-right corner of the document window.

Viewing slide shows

You can create, edit, and sort a slide show in three views.

You can use the Slide Editor to add, view, and edit the text, objects, and

charts of individual slides. The Slide Editor is also used to specify slide

properties for the slides in a slide show.

You can use the Slide Outliner to create an outline for a slide show. You

can specify a layout, and then type the text for each slide. You can also

import a WordPerfect outline. For more information about the Slide

Outliner, see “Working with the Slide Outliner” on page 199.

An example of a slide displayed in the Slide Outliner.

The Slide Sorter displays thumbnail sketches of each slide in a slide show.

You can select slide properties and display detailed information about the

settings used for each slide in the current slide show. For more

You can also

Quit Presentations Click File ` Exit.

Part Four: Presentations 199

information about sorting slides, see “Working with the Slide Sorter” on

page 202.

An example of slides displayed in the Slide Sorter.

You can switch between each of these slide show views.

To switch between slide show views

Click View, and click one of the following:

• Slide Editor

• Slide Outliner

• Slide Sorter

You can also change the slide show view by clicking the Slide

Editor, Slide Outliner, or Slide Sorter tab on the right side of the

slide show window.

Working with the Slide Outliner

You create an outline for a slide show in the Slide Outliner. An outline is

a numbered list that includes all the text found in every slide in a slide

show. You can create an outline by choosing a slide layout and typing the

text for each slide. You can type the text for slide titles, subtitles, text

slides, bulleted list slides, and combination slides.

200 Part Four: Presentations

Importing a WordPerfect outline into a Presentations slide show converts

each first level paragraph number to a slide title and any second or third

level paragraph numbers to text in each slide.

To create a slide show outline

1Click View ` Slide Outliner.

2Type a title in the slide show, and press Enter.

3Type a subtitle in the slide show, and press Enter.

4Type any text in the slide show.

5Click Insert ` New slide.

6In the New slide dialog box, click a slide layout on the Layout palette.

If you delete text, you can restore it by clicking the Undelete

button on the property bar, and clicking Restore.

You can move an outline down or up one level by clicking the

Previous level button or the Next level button on the

property bar.

To import a WordPerfect outline

1Click View ` Slide Outliner.

2Click in the slide.

3Click Insert ` File.

4Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.

5Choose a filename.

6Click Insert.

Adding and removing slides

You can build a slide show by adding one slide or several slides at a time.

When you add a slide, it’s added immediately after the current slide. You

can also delete any slides you have added.

Part Four: Presentations 201

You can clear a slide or all slides in a slide show. By clearing a slide, you

remove all objects within it, but the cleared slide remains in the slide


To add a slide

1Click Insert ` New slide.

2Click a slide layout on the Layout palette.

3Type a value in the Number to add box.

To delete a slide

1Click a slide tab at the bottom of the slide show window.

2Click Edit ` Delete slide(s).

To clear a slide

1Click Edit ` Clear.

2Enable one of the following options:

• Slide

• Entire slide show

3Click Clear.

Adding speaker notes

You can use speaker notes as cue cards for slide show presentations. You

can type your own notes, or you can insert the text that appears on the


To create speaker notes

1Click Format ` Slide properties ` Speaker notes.

2Type text in the box.

202 Part Four: Presentations

To insert text from a slide

1Click Format ` Slide properties ` Speaker notes.

2Click Insert text from slide.

Working with the Slide Sorter

The Slide Sorter displays thumbnail sketches of each slide in a slide show.

You can sort the slides in a slide show by dragging them. Once you drag

a slide to a new position, the Slide Sorter reorders and renumbers each


To sort slides

1Click View ` Slide Sorter.

2Drag a slide to a new position.

You can also

Sort a range of slides Hold down Shift, click the first and

last slide in the range of slides, and

drag them to a new position.

Sort a range of nonconsecutive


Hold down Ctrl, click each slide,

and drag them to a new position.

Part Four: Presentations 203

Adding and formatting text

in slide shows and drawings

You can customize the appearance of slides with a variety of text objects.

In this chapter, you’ll learn about:

Creating and managing text objects

Changing font properties by using Corel RealTime Preview

Formatting paragraphs

For additional topics, please see “Adding and formatting text in

slide shows and drawings” in the Presentations Help.

Creating and managing text objects

You can create text objects by inserting text boxes and text lines. Text

boxes expand in length and text lines expand in width to contain text as

you type.

You can also move individual characters or blocks of text, and you can

delete them. You can also adjust the position of text in a text box.

To insert a text box

1Click Insert ` Text box.

2Drag to define the text box.

3Type text in the text box.

You can also insert a text box by clicking the Text box button

on the tool palette.

204 Part Four: Presentations

To insert a line of text

1Click Insert ` Text line.

2Click in the slide show or drawing window.

3Type text.

To move text

1Double-click a text object.

2Select the text.

3Drag the selected text to a new position inside the selected text


To delete text

1Double-click a text object.

2Select the text.

3Click Edit ` Delete.

To position text in a text box

1Double-click a text box.

2Click at the beginning of the text.

3Click Format ` Line, and click one of the following:

Center — centers text

Flush right — positions text to the right

Changing font properties by using Corel RealTime Preview

You can use Corel RealTime Preview to view different font styles, sizes,

and colors before you apply them to your text.

You can also customize the text in a slide show or drawing by

setting text attributes. For information, please see “Setting text

attributes” in the Presentations Help.

Part Four: Presentations 205

To change font properties by using Corel RealTime Preview

1Double-click a text object.

2Open the Font selection list box on the property bar, and point to a


The text object changes to display the font to which you’re pointing.

Choose a font from the Font selection list box to apply it.

3Open the Font size list box on the property bar, and point to a font.

The text object changes to display the font size to which you’re

pointing. Choose a font from the Font size list box to apply it.

4On the tool palette, open any of the following pickers:

Fill pattern

Foreground fill color

Background fill color

Point to a pattern or color. When you pause on a color, the text in

the text object displays a preview of the font color. Click a pattern or

color to apply it.

Formatting paragraphs

You can format text and text objects by adjusting the spacing between

lines of text. You can also set text alignment by positioning text to the left,

right, or center in relation to the sides of a text box. You can also indent

lines or paragraphs of text.

To set the line spacing

1Click a text box.

2Click Format ` Line ` Spacing.

3Type a number in the Spacing box.

206 Part Four: Presentations

To set text alignment

1Click a text box.

2Click Format ` Justification, and click one of the following:

Left — aligns text to the left

Right — aligns text to the right

Center — aligns text to the center

You can also justify text by opening the Justification picker on

the property bar and clicking an alignment.

To indent text

1Double-click a text box.

2Click at the beginning of a line of text.

3Click Format ` Paragraph, and click one of the following:

Indent — indents the left margin of the paragraph by one tab stop

Hanging indent — indents all but the first line of the paragraph by

one tab stop

Double indent — indents the paragraph equally from both sides

Part Four: Presentations 207

Working with titles and

subtitles in Presentations

In Presentations, when slides with layouts are inserted into a slide show,

they are automatically created with placeholders for titles and subtitles.

In this chapter, you’ll learn about:

Formatting titles and subtitles

Adding boxes and fills to titles and subtitles

For additional topics, please see “Working with titles and subtitles

in Presentations” in the Presentations Help.

Formatting titles and subtitles

You can format the appearance of a title or subtitle by changing such

attributes as the font, the font size, and the color. You can also change

the font fill of a title or subtitle.

To change the font properties of a title or subtitle

1Click a title or subtitle.

2Click Format, and click one of the following:

• Title properties

• Subtitle properties

3Click the Fonts tab.

4Choose a font from the Font face list box.

5Type a value in the Size box.

208 Part Four: Presentations

6In the Appearance area, enable any of the following check boxes:

• Bold

• Underline

• Italic

7In the Color area, open the Foreground picker, and click a color.

8Open the Background picker, and click a color.

The background color is visible only if a font fill style other than

the default is selected.

You can also format the appearance of a subtitle by clicking the

Subtitle properties button on the property bar.

To change the font fill of a title or subtitle

1Follow steps 1 through 3 in the previous procedure.

2In the Appearance area, click Font properties.

3In the Font properties dialog box, click the Fill tab.

4In the Fill style area, click one of the following:

• Pattern

• Gradient

5Open the Foreground picker, and click a color.

6Open the Background picker, and click a color.

7Click a fill style on the palette.

To change the font outline of a title or subtitle

1Follow steps 1 and 2 in the previous procedure.

2In the Font properties dialog box, click the Outline tab.

3Open the Color picker, and click a color.

4Open the Style picker, and click a line style.

Part Four: Presentations 209

5Open the Width picker, and click a line width.

Adding boxes and fills to titles and subtitles

You can add a box to a title or subtitle and choose its position, shape, and

color. You can then apply pattern or gradient fills to the box to, for

example, emphasize certain points in your presentation. A pattern fill

consists of two colors arranged to form a design. A gradient fill creates

smooth transitions between two colors by gradually changing their

transparency as it progresses from one color to another.

As well, you can apply texture or picture fills, including custom made fills,

to a box. A texture fill lets you fill a title or subtitle box with a textured,

natural looking pattern, such as clouds, wood, or oil. A picture fill lets you

fill a box with a bitmap.

To add a box to a title or subtitle

1Click a title or subtitle.

2Click Format, and click one of the following:

• Title properties

• Subtitle properties

3Click the Box tab.

4In the Position area, enable one of the following options:

• Above

• Below

• Above and below

• Behind

5In the Corner style area, enable one of the following options:

• Rectangle

• Rounded rectangle

• Octagon

210 Part Four: Presentations

6In the Frame style area, choose a frame from the Type list box.

7Open the Color picker, and click a color.

To apply a pattern or gradient fill to a title or subtitle box

1Click a title or subtitle.

2Click Format, and click one of the following:

• Title properties

• Subtitle properties

3Click the Box tab.

4In the Fill style and color area, click Properties.

5In the Object properties dialog box, click one of the following icons:

• Pattern

• Gradient

6Open the Foreground picker, and click a color.

7Open the Background picker, and click a color.

8Click a pattern or gradient on the palette.

To apply a texture or picture fill to a title or subtitle box

1Follow steps 1 through 4 in the previous procedure.

2In the Object properties dialog box, click one of the following icons:

• Texture

• Picture

3Choose a texture or picture from the Category list box.

4Click a texture or picture on the palette.

Part Four: Presentations 211

Working with bulleted lists

You can create bulleted lists in Presentations to effectively communicate

sequential ideas within drawings and slide shows.

In this chapter, you’ll learn about:

Creating bulleted lists

Changing the appearance of bullets in bulleted lists

Animating bulleted lists

For additional topics, please see “Working with bulleted lists” in

the Presentations Help.

Creating bulleted lists

You can create bulleted lists in slide shows and drawings.

This is an example of a bulleted list.

Keep the following points in mind when you create any type of bulleted


212 Part Four: Presentations

Express a single idea on each line.

Avoid using more than six items in a list.

Use nouns and action verbs to start sentences.

Levels can be created within these bulleted lists. As well, you can move a

bulleted list item up a level.

To create a bulleted list

1Click Insert ` Bulleted list.

2Click in the slide show or drawing window.

3Type text on the bulleted line.

4Press Enter.

If you want to create a new level within the list, press Tab .

5Click outside the bulleted list to return to the slide show or drawing


To create a new level for a bulleted list item

1Double-click a bulleted list.

2Click at the beginning of a list item.

3Press Tab.

To move an existing bulleted list item up one level

1Double-click a bulleted list.

2Click at the beginning of a list item.

3Press Shift + Ta b.

Changing the appearance of bullets in bulleted lists

You can change the shape of a bullet, or use a different symbol for a

bullet. You can also choose to change the bullet type for all list levels and

resize a bullet.

Part Four: Presentations 213

To change the shape of a bullet

1Click a bulleted list.

2Click Format ` Bulleted list properties.

3Click the Bullets tab.

4Choose a list level from the list.

5Choose a bullet shape from the Bullet shape list box.

To use a different symbol as a bullet

1Follow steps 1 through 4 in the previous procedure.

2Choose Other from the Bullet shape list box.

3In the Symbols dialog box, click Set, and click a symbol set.

4Click a symbol on the Symbols palette.

5Click Insert and close.

To change the bullet type for all list levels

1Click a bulleted list.

2Click Format ` Bulleted list properties.

3Click the Bullets tab.

4Choose a bullet type from the Bullet set (all levels) list box.

To resize a bullet

1Follow steps 1 through 3 in the previous procedure.

2Choose a list level from the list.

3Type a value in the Relative size box.

Relative bullet size is calculated in relation to the current bullet


214 Part Four: Presentations

Animating bulleted lists

You can use animation as a special effect to capture your audience’s

attention and reinforce the points in your presentations. For example, you

can animate list items so that they move across the screen or animate

them in place.

To animate a bulleted list on a bulleted list slide

1Click Insert ` New slide.

2Click the Bulleted list layout on the Layout palette, and click OK.

3Create the bulleted list, and click Format ` Bulleted list properties.

4Click the Bullet animation tab.

5In the Animation type area, enable one of the following options:

• Animate object in place

• Animate object across screen

If you are publishing the slide show using Macromedia® Flash®,

enable the Show only Flash enabled transitions check box.

6Choose an animation effect from the Effects list.

7Choose an animation direction from the Direction list.

8In the Speed area, enable one of the following options:

• Fast

• Medium

• Slow

Enable any of the following check boxes:

Display one at a time — displays main level list items and

subordinate level list items one at a time during a slide show

Highlight current bullet — selects one list item at a time, and greys

all other list items on the slide

Display in reverse order — begins the cascade effect with the last

item in the list, and progresses to the first list item

Part Four: Presentations 215

Working with graphics and


The two main types of computer graphics are vector graphics and raster

graphics, or bitmaps. Vector graphics are made of lines and curves, and

they are generated from mathematical descriptions that determine the

position, length, and direction in which lines are drawn. Bitmaps, also

known as raster graphics, are composed of tiny squares called pixels;

each pixel is mapped to a location in an image and has numerical color


Vector graphics are ideal for logos and illustrations because they are

resolution-independent and can be scaled to any size, or printed and

displayed at any resolution, without losing detail and quality. In addition,

you can produce sharp and crisp outlines with vector graphics.

Bitmaps are excellent for photographs and digital paintings because they

reproduce color gradations well. Bitmaps are resolution-dependent

that is, they represent a fixed number of pixels. While they look good at

their actual size, they can appear jagged or lose image quality when

scaled, or when displayed or printed at a resolution higher than their

original resolution.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Inserting graphics

Creating and saving bitmaps

Modifying bitmaps

Using special effects

•Converting bitmaps and vector graphics

216 Part Four: Presentations

For additional topics, please see “Working with graphics and

pictures” in the Presentations Help.

Inserting graphics

You can enhance slide shows and drawings by inserting objects from the

Scrapbook, the WordPerfect Office CD, or from a file. You can also create

other graphics, such as shapes. For information about drawing shapes,

see “Drawing shapes” on page 223.

When adding an image to a slide show, the best graphics format to use

is vector, such as an image created in CorelDRAW. You can, however, add

bitmaps in formats such as Windows bitmap (.bmp) or TIFF (.tif) to slide

shows. Don’t compress the images or you’ll lose much of the image

quality. If you plan to use bitmaps, they should contain 256 colors, and,

if you don’t plan to print handouts, 96 dpi. If you do plan to print

handouts, they should contain 150 dpi.

To insert a graphic from the Scrapbook

1Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` Clipart.

2Click one of the following tabs:

Clipart — vector graphics

Photos — bitmaps

3Choose a category from the list.

4Click a graphic on the palette.

5Click Insert.

6Click Close.

You can also insert clipart from a CD through Scrapbook by

inserting a CD into the CD drive.

Part Four: Presentations 217

To insert a graphic from a file

1Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` From file.

2Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.

3Choose a file.

4Click Insert.

Creating and saving bitmaps

You can create new, original bitmaps, using the Bitmap Editor. You can

also save a new bitmap or save an existing bitmap in another bitmap


To create a bitmap

1Click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` Bitmap.

2Drag to define the bitmap frame.

3Use the bitmap tools in the Bitmap Editor to create a bitmap.

4Click File ` Close Bitmap Editor.

To save a bitmap

1Click a bitmap.

2Click File ` Save.

3Enable the Selected items option.

4Click OK.

5In the Save as dialog box, choose the drive and folder where you

want to save the bitmap.

6Type a filename in the Filename box.

7Click Save.

WordPerfect Graphic (WPG) is the default bitmap format.

218 Part Four: Presentations

To save a bitmap to another bitmap format

1Click a bitmap.

2Click File ` Save as.

3Enable the Selected items option.

4Click OK.

5In the Save dialog box, choose the drive and folder where you want

to save the bitmap.

6Type a name in the Filename box.

7Choose a graphic type from the File type list box.

8Click Save.

9In the Export dialog box, choose a predefined size from the

Predefined sizes list box.

If you want to specify the size of the bitmap, type values for the

width and height of the image in the Width and Height boxes.

You can also

Choose a unit of measure In the Export dialog box, choose a

unit of measure from the Units of

measure list box.

Choose a resolution In the Export dialog box, choose a

resolution from the Resolution list


Specify a color option In the Export dialog box, enable a

color option.

Display a TIFF file in stages in a

Web browser

Enable the Interlaced check box.

Apply the standard transparent

color to a TIFF file

Enable the No transparency check


Compress a BMP file so it will take

up less memory space

Enable the Compressed check box.

Part Four: Presentations 219

Modifying bitmaps

Modifying bitmaps in Presentations can be done with precision. You can

refine small details, make drastic changes, and intensify effects on the

bitmap as a whole. You can select a specific area of the bitmap to modify.

You can size the frame around the graphic, which is useful if you want to

eliminate white space around a bitmap. You can resample, or change the

resolution of, bitmaps to improve print quality or reduce memory and file

size requirements when you are editing, printing, or saving.

Zooming in on a bitmap lets you perform editing tasks at a precise level

of magnification. You can then zoom out to view the entire image and

the changes that you have made.

You can also remove a bitmap from a document and erase parts of a


To select an area of a bitmap

1Double-click a bitmap.

2Click Edit ` Select area.

3Drag to select an area of the bitmap.

To size the frame around a bitmap

To Do the following

Size the frame around a bitmap Double-click the bitmap, and drag

the side or corner handles to resize

the frame.

Size the frame around a rotated or

skewed bitmap

Click Tools ` Convert to bitmap.

Click OK. Double-click the bitmap,

and drag the side or corner handles

to resize the frame.

220 Part Four: Presentations

Increasing the size of the frame around a bitmap does not alter

the bitmap itself; however, moving any part of the bitmap outside

of the resized frame will delete that part when you close the

Bitmap Editor window and return to the drawing window.

To zoom in on a bitmap

1Double-click a bitmap.

2Click View ` Zoom.

A check mark beside Zoom indicates that you have zoomed in on

the bitmap.

To remove a bitmap

1Double-click a bitmap.

2Click Edit ` Clear.

To erase parts of a bitmap

1Double-click a bitmap.

2Click Insert ` Eraser.

3Click Format ` Brush.

4In the Brush attributes dialog box, choose a brush shape from the

Brush shape list box.

5Type a value in the Brush width box.

6Drag to erase any part of the bitmap.

When you erase parts of a bitmap, they are replaced with the

transparent color that you specify.

You can also erase a selected area of a bitmap by clicking

Edit `Select area, dragging to select an area of a bitmap, and

clicking Edit ` Erase selection.

Part Four: Presentations 221

Using special effects

Presentations includes a variety of special effects that you can add to


You can apply the following special effects to enhance an entire bitmap

or a specific area that you have selected: Blur, Brightness, Contrast,

Emboss, Equalize, Mosaic, Rain, Saturation, Sharpen, Smooth, Spike

removal, Stereogram, Trace contours, and Wind.

To apply a special effect to a bitmap

1Double-click a bitmap.

2Click Edit ` Select area.

3Drag to select an area of the bitmap.

4Click Tools ` Special effects.

5Enable one of the following options:

Full image — applies the special effect to the entire bitmap

Inside area — applies the special effect inside the selected area

Outside area — applies the special effect outside the selected area

6Choose a special effect from the Effects list.

If you want to preview the effect, click Apply and view the effect in

the After preview window.

If you increase the Mosaic effect by more than 10%, the bitmap

will disappear.

Converting bitmaps and vector graphics

You can convert raster images to vector graphics and vector images into

raster images.

222 Part Four: Presentations

To convert a vector object to a bitmap

1Click a vector object.

2Click Tools ` Convert to bitmap.

3Click Convert.

To convert a bitmap to a vector object

1Click a bitmap.

2Click Tools ` Trace bitmap.

Converting complex bitmaps, such as photographs and grayscale

images, is not recommended.

You can also convert a bitmap to a vector object by right-clicking

the bitmap and clicking Trace bitmap.

Part Four: Presentations 223

Drawing and editing shapes

in slide shows and drawings

You can enhance Presentations slides and drawings with seven

categories of preset shapes: line, basic, arrow, flowchart, star, callout,

and action.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

•Drawing shapes

•Editing shapes

Drawing shapes

Line shapes can be everything from a simple line to a polyline. You can

draw lines, polylines, and curves. You can also draw closed curves and

Bezier curves.

Other shapes that you can draw include basic shapes, such as rectangles

and diamonds; arrow shapes; flowchart shapes, such as connectors and

processes; star shapes; callout shapes; and action shapes, such as volume

buttons and transition buttons.

To draw a line

1Click Insert ` Shape ` Line shapes, and click a line shape.

2Drag to draw the line shape.

You can also draw a precise horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line

shape by holding down Shift while dragging to draw the line.

224 Part Four: Presentations

You can also draw line shapes by clicking the Line shapes

button on the tool palette.

To draw a polyline

1Click Insert ` Shape ` Line shapes, and click a polyline shape.

2Drag to draw the polyline.

3Double-click to complete the shape.

You can transform an elliptical arc polyline shape into a circle by

double-clicking the shape with the Selection tool and moving

an edit point to the inside of the arc.

To draw a curve

1Click Insert ` Shape ` Line Shapes ` Curve.

2Click once in the drawing or slide show window.

3Drag to start the curved line.

4Click to create the first section of the curve.

5Drag to continue the curve.

6Double-click to complete the curve.

To draw a closed curve

1Click Insert ` Shape ` Line shapes ` Closed curve.

2Click once in the drawing or slide show window.

3Drag to start the curved shape.

4Click to create the first section of the curve.

5Continue to drag and click to create the curved shape you want.

6Double-click to complete the closed curve.

Part Four: Presentations 225

To draw a Bezier curve

1Click Insert ` Shape ` Line shapes ` Bezier.

2For each section of the curve, click to start the curved line, and drag

to curve the line in another direction.

3Double-click to finish the curve.

The distance between the control points and the node determines

the height or depth of the segment that you are drawing.

You can draw a cusp in the Bezier curve by dragging from the

anchor point, sizing and curving the segment, then holding down

Alt and dragging in the direction that you want the next curve.

You can then release Alt and size and curve the next segment.

To draw a shape

1Click Insert ` Shape, and click a shape in one of the following


• Basic shapes

• Arrow shapes

• Flowchart shapes

• Star shapes

• Callout shapes

• Action shapes

If you want to draw a shape from the center, hold down Alt, and

click where you want to create the center of the shape.

2Drag diagonally to draw the shape.

You can also create a shape with equal horizontal and vertical

dimensions by holding down Alt + Shift as you draw the shape.

You can also draw shapes by clicking the Basic shapes button,

the Arrow shapes button, the Flowchart shapes button,

226 Part Four: Presentations

the Star shapes button, the Callout shapes button, or the

Action shapes button on the tool palette.

Editing shapes

You can resize the shapes you add to slides and drawings by using a


You can also change the form, angle, or direction of a line or polyline by

using the edit points.

To size a shape by using a glyph

1Click a shape.

2Drag a glyph until the shape is the size you want.

To change the shape of a line or polyline

1Click a line or polyline.

2Click Edit ` Edit points.

3Drag the edit points until the shape is the size you want.

Edit points are specific to lines and polylines. If you want to access

the edit points of a shape other than a line or polyline, you must

first convert the shape to a polygon. For information, please see

“To convert a shape to a polygon” and “To change the shape of a

polygon” in the Presentations Help.

Part Four: Presentations 227

Creating data charts and


You can use Presentations to create and update various types of data


In this chapter, you’ll learn about:

Creating and saving data charts

Creating and saving drawings

For additional topics, please see “Creating data charts and

drawings” in the Presentations Help.

Creating and saving data charts

You can create different types of data charts in Presentations using a

collection of predesigned chart templates and color schemes. You can

also create any of these data charts as a three-dimensional chart. Creating

a data series for a chart lets you visually represent a row of data from a

datasheet, and lets you add additional data to a chart by using a

secondary y-axis.

To create a data chart

1Click Insert ` Data chart.

2Drag to define a chart area.

3Choose a chart type from the Chart type list.

If you want to begin with a blank datasheet, disable the Use sample

data check box.

228 Part Four: Presentations

4Click a chart style.

5Click OK.

6Type data in the datasheet.

7Click outside the chart to close the datasheet.

To create a data series

1Double-click a chart.

2Click Chart ` Series.

3Click the arrows to select a series.

4Click the Type/Axis tab.

5In the Series type area, enable one of the following options:

• Area

Bar, and choose a bar shape from the Bar shape list

• Line

Line and marker, and click a marker shape in the Marker shape

area, and type a value in the Marker size box

Marker, and click a marker shape in the Marker shape area, and

type a value in the Marker size box

6In the Axis area, enable one of the following options:

• Primary (y1)

• Secondary (y2)

You can also

Create a three-dimensional data


In the Data chart gallery, enable the

3-D check box.

You cannot create

three-dimensional bubble, radar, or

table charts.

Part Four: Presentations 229

It is recommended that you use no more than eight series when

you create a bar chart.

You can also create a data series by clicking the Series button

on the toolbar.

Creating and saving drawings

Presentations drawings can contain data charts, bitmaps, clipart, and

drawn objects. You can create drawings, and you can also create posters

and banners. Drawings, unlike Presentations slide shows, cannot contain

transitions, animations, sound files, or movie files.

You can save Presentations drawings in various file formats such as

WordPerfect graphic (WPG), Windows bitmap (BMP), JPEG, and GIF. This

allows you to use the drawings you create in other applications, such as

WordPerfect documents, or in Web pages.

You can also save a drawing to a new location or with a new name.

To create a drawing

1Click File ` New from project.

2Click the Create new tab.

3Choose Presentations from the list box.

4Choose Presentations drawing from the list.

5Click Create.

To create a poster or a banner

1Click File ` New from project.

2Click the Create new tab.

3Choose Presentations from the list box.

4Choose Presentations drawing from the list.

230 Part Four: Presentations

5Click Create.

6Click File ` Page setup.

7Click the Poster tab.

8Click Poster size.

9Drag to select the poster size.

Each square in the poster size table represents one page.

You can also create posters from slides by saving them as

drawings in the WordPerfect Graphic (WPG) format.

To save a drawing for the first time

1Click File ` Save.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type a filename in the Filename box.

4Choose a graphic file format from the File type list box.

5Click Save.

To save a drawing to a new location or with a new name

1Click File ` Save as.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type the filename in the Filename box.

4Click Save.

Part Four: Presentations 231

Working with datasheets

The datasheet is a spreadsheet that is used to enter, edit, or format the

data that a data chart displays.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Manipulating datasheets

Adding and copying data

•Removing data

For additional topics, please see “Working with datasheets” in the

Presentations Help.

Manipulating datasheets

When you have finished entering data in a datasheet, you can hide the

datasheet. You can also move a datasheet to a new location on the

screen, and you can adjust the size of a datasheet. In addition to

displaying datasheet information in a chart, it can be displayed in a table.

To hide a datasheet

1Double-click a data chart.

2Click View ` Datasheet.

No check mark beside the Datasheet command indicates that the

datasheet is hidden.

The datasheet displays by default.

232 Part Four: Presentations

You can also view or hide a datasheet by double-clicking the data

chart and clicking the View datasheet button on the toolbar.

To move a datasheet

Drag a datasheet to a new location in the drawing window.

To size a datasheet

1Point to any side or corner of a datasheet.

2Drag to size the datasheet.

Dragging inward reduces the size of the datasheet; dragging

outward increases it.

To display datasheet information in a table

1Click a datasheet.

2Click Chart ` Layout/Type.

3Click Tabl e.

4In the Table properties dialog box, enable the Display table check


You can also display datasheet information in a table by

double-clicking the data chart and clicking the Show table

button on the toolbar.

Adding and copying data

Entering and editing data in Presentations datasheets is similar to

entering data in a spreadsheet application such as Quattro Pro. The

datasheet consists of cells in which you enter data. These cells display in

a series of rows and columns in the datasheet.

You can also import spreadsheet data from files created in other

applications into a data chart. If you link the imported data to a chart, any

Part Four: Presentations 233

changes you make to the chart data in a spreadsheet application, such as

Quattro Pro, are automatically updated in the Presentations chart data

every time you open the chart.

In addition, you can export a datasheet data.

To type or edit data

1Click a cell on a datasheet.

2Click Edit ` Edit cell.

3Type data in the Data box.

You can also enter or edit data by typing directly in a cell.

To import spreadsheet data

1Click a datasheet.

2Click Data ` Import.

3Choose Spreadsheet from the Data type list box.

4Enable any of the following check boxes:

Transpose data — switches data from columns to rows and rows

to columns

Clear current data — deletes all the data already in the datasheet

Link to spreadsheet — links the imported data to the data chart,

resulting in automatic updating of the data when the spreadsheet

is changed

Import at current cell — imports data at the selected cell

5In the Filename box, type the path and filename of the import file.

6Type a value in the Range box to import a range of data.

You can also import a predefined range of data by choosing a

range from the Named ranges list.

234 Part Four: Presentations

To export data from a datasheet

1Click a datasheet.

2Click Data ` Export.

3Choose the drive and folder to which you want to export the data.

4Choose a file format and delimiter type from the File type list box.

5Type a filename in the Filename box.

6Click Export.

Removing data

You can clear all of the data in a datasheet, and you can clear specific cells

of data in a datasheet.

To clear all data from a datasheet

1Click a datasheet.

2Click Edit ` Clear all.

To clear data from a cell

1Select a cell.

2Click Edit ` Clear.

3Enable the Data option.

Part Four: Presentations 235

Working with organization


Organization charts can be used to show an organization’s structure or

the relationships of people and positions. For example, you can use

organization charts to create family trees, show a chain of command,

diagram a process, or illustrate a workflow.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Creating and saving organization charts

Adding and editing text in organization charts

Viewing organization charts

For additional topics, please see “Working with organization

charts” in the Presentations Help.

Creating and saving organization charts

Before you begin creating an organization chart, here are some

suggestions for presenting information effectively:

Try to avoid showing too much information on one chart; break up

large, complex charts into separate ones.

Try to start each box the same way, for example, with either a

position title or a person’s name.

There are many different pre-defined organization chart layouts to

choose from when you create an organization chart. The layout

determines the structure and orientation of an organization chart. You

can save an organization chart style so that you can use the same box

236 Part Four: Presentations

options and attributes, font properties, and other chart characteristics for

other organization charts.

To create an organization chart

1Click Insert ` Organization chart.

2Drag diagonally to define a chart area.

3Click a chart layout.

To save an organization chart style

1Double-click an organization chart.

2Click Chart ` Save style.

3Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the chart style.

4Type a filename in the Filename box.

5Click Save.

The filename extension of a chart style file is (.chs).

Adding and editing text in organization charts

You can type text in each of the boxes in an organization chart and

include names, titles, and other information. You can also edit this text.

If you no longer want to include text in a chart box, you can clear it.

To add text to an organization chart

1Double-click an organization chart.

2Double-click one of the following fields in a box:

• Name

• Title

3Type the text in the field.

Part Four: Presentations 237

You can change the font of text in an organization chart by

clicking the Font button on the toolbar.

To edit text in an organization chart

1Double-click an organization chart.

2Click a box.

3Click Edit ` Edit text.

4Edit the text.

To clear text from an organization chart

1Double-click an organization chart.

2Click a box.

3Click Edit ` Clear text only.

Viewing organization charts

You can view a selected branch of an organization chart or the entire

organization chart. You can also display or hide subordinate positions in

an organization chart. Hiding subordinate positions is useful when an

organization chart is large or complex.

To view an organization chart

In organization charts, manager positions are represented by the

highest boxes in the chart, subordinate and staff positions by the

To view Do the following

A branch of an organization chart Double-click an organization chart.

Click a subordinate box. Click View

` Zoom to branch.

An entire organization chart Double-click an organization chart,

and click View ` Zoom to chart.

238 Part Four: Presentations

next level of boxes, and co-worker positions by the lowest level of


You can also view an organization chart branch by clicking the

Zoom branch button on the property bar.

To display or hide a subordinate position

1Double-click an organization chart.

2Click a manager or subordinate position box.

3Click View, and click one of the following:

Expand subordinates — displays subordinate positions

Collapse subordinates — hides subordinate positions

You can also expand or collapse subordinates by clicking the

Collapse/expand button on the property bar.

Part Four: Presentations 239

Working with objects in slide

shows and drawings

All of the elements that you add to slides, including text, clipart, shapes,

charts, and bitmaps, are treated as objects in Presentations.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Selecting objects

Transforming objects

Arranging objects

Animating objects

For additional topics, please see “Working with objects in slide

shows and drawings” in the Presentations Help.

Selecting objects

You must select an object before you can arrange, edit, or move it. You

can select one object, or you can select multiple objects simultaneously.

You can also optimize Presentations so that any object you draw is

automatically selected.

To select an object

To select Do the following

An object Click an object using the Selection


240 Part Four: Presentations

A check mark beside the Auto select menu command indicates

that it is enabled.

Transforming objects

You can resize objects in slides or drawings by sizing and stretching them.

You can size an object while keeping its original proportions intact, and

stretching an object lets you extend it horizontally or vertically.

You can flip, rotate, and skew objects in the drawing window. Flipping

lets you mirror an object left to right or top to bottom. For example, you

can copy an object, position it opposite to the original object, and create

a mirror image. Rotating lets you reposition the object, and skewing lets

you distort the horizontal or vertical dimensions of the object.

To size an object proportionately

1Click an object.

2Drag a corner handle until the object is the size you want.

You can also size an object proportionately by holding down Alt

while dragging any handle until the object is the size you want.

Multiple objects Hold down Ctrl, and click the

objects using the Selection


All objects in a window or slide Click Edit ` Select ` All.

Objects automatically when they

are created

Click View ` Auto select.

To select Do the following

Part Four: Presentations 241

To stretch an object

1Click an object.

2Drag a side handle until you achieve the effect you want.

To flip an object

1Click an object.

2Click Edit ` Arrange ` Flip, and click one of the following:

Left/Right — flips the selected object around a vertical axis

Top/Bott om — flips the selected object around a horizontal axis

You can also flip an object by opening the Flip picker on the

property bar and clicking a direction.

To rotate an object

1Click an object.

2Click Edit ` Arrange ` Rotate.

3Drag a corner rotation handle.

You can also rotate an object by opening the Rotation options

picker on the property bar and clicking a rotation angle.

You can also

Rotate an object automatically Right-click a rotation handle. In the

Rotate dialog box, type a value in

the Degrees box.

Rotate a copy of an object Right-click a rotation handle. In the

Rotate dialog box, enable the

Rotate a copy of the object check


242 Part Four: Presentations

To skew an object

1Click an object.

2Click Edit ` Arrange ` Rotate.

3Drag a side rotation handle.

Arranging objects

You can arrange the layering of objects on slides. As well, you can

combine and group objects. Combined objects are treated as one object,

but they adopt the attributes of the first selected object in the

combination. Grouped objects are also treated as one object, but the

individual objects in the group retain their original attributes.

This is an example of grouping objects.

You can also separate the layering of any of the combined or grouped

objects on slides.

To arrange objects

1Click an object.

2Click Edit ` Arrange ` Order, and click one of the following:

• To front

• To back

• Forward one

• Back one

Part Four: Presentations 243

You can also arrange the order of objects by opening the Order

picker on the property bar and clicking a direction.

To combine objects

1Hold down Ctrl, and click the objects you want to combine.

2Click Edit ` Arrange ` Combine.

You cannot combine bitmaps, text, or charts.

To group objects

1Hold down Shift, and click the objects you want to group.

2Click Edit ` Arrange ` Group.

If you group an object that contains a SpeedLink™ or animation,

these features will be removed.

To separate objects

1Click a grouped object.

2Click Edit ` Arrange ` Separate objects.

Animating objects

Objects or multiple objects can have animation effects applied to them.

For example, you can choose the direction and speed of an animation

effect, and you can animate an object in its place or across the slide.

To animate an object

1Click an object.

2Click Format ` Object properties ` Object animation.

3In the Animation type area, enable one of the following options:

244 Part Four: Presentations

Animate object in place — animates the object in place on the


Animate object across screen — animates the object by moving it

across the slide

If you want to show animation in Flash format, enable the Show

only Flash-enabled transitions check box.

4Choose an animation effect from the Effects list.

5Choose an animation direction from the Direction list.

6In the Speed area, enable one of the following options:

• Fast

• Medium

• Slow

Enable the Show only Flash-enabled transitions check box if you

intend to publish the slide show to the Internet using Flash


If you want to animate multiple objects, hold down Shift, and click

the objects.

Part Four: Presentations 245

Working with sound, movies,

and animation in slide shows

You can add sounds and movies to slide shows in Presentations.

In this chapter, you’ll learn about

Using sounds in slide shows

Using movies and animation in slide shows

Using sounds in slide shows

Once you have correctly installed and set up sound hardware on your

computer, you can add Wave (WAV), MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 (MP3), and

Windows Media® Audio (WMA) sound files. You can also add

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) files to slides. You can add an

entire CD track or only sections of a track to slides by choosing specific

starting and stopping points.

If you have a microphone and an internal sound card that supports digital

audio or an external sound device that supports digital audio, you can

also record any sound and add it to your slides. For more information

about recording and saving sounds, consult your operating system’s Help


To insert a sound or MIDI file into a slide

1Click Insert ` Sound.

2Click Browse beside one of the following boxes:

246 Part Four: Presentations

• Sound


3Choose the drive and folder where the sound file is stored.

4Type a filename in the Filename box.

5Click Open.

You can only play one MIDI and one sound file at the same time.

You cannot play two sound files of the same type simultaneously.

To get the best results from the MIDI files that are included with

Presentations, make sure that your system is set up correctly for

your sound card.

To add an entire CD track to a slide

1Click Insert ` Sound.

2Click Browse beside the CD box.

3In the Slide CD — Audio dialog box, type a track description in the

Description box.

4Type the number of the CD track in the Track box.

To add part of a CD track to a slide

1Follow the previous procedure.

2Disable the From beginning check box.

3In the Start location area, type a value in any of the following boxes:

• Minutes

• Seconds

• Frames

4Disable the To end check box.

5In the End location area, type a value in any of the following boxes:

• Minutes

Part Four: Presentations 247

• Seconds

• Frames

To record a sound file

1Click Format ` Slide properties ` Sound.

2Click Record.

3In the Sound dialog box, click Record.

4Click Stop when you finish recording.

Using movies and animation in slide shows

You can add movies to slide shows in a variety of formats, including

Animated GIF (.gif), Moving Pictures Experts Group (.mpeg), Audio Video

Interleaved (.avi), and QuickTime® (.mov and .qt).

To add a movie file to a slide show

1Click Insert ` Movie.

2Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.

If you want to save the movie within the slide show, enable the Save

movie within slide show document check box.

3Choose a file type from the File type list box.

4Type a filename in the Filename box.

5Click Insert.

To insert .mov and .mpeg movie files into Presentations slide

shows, you must install the required MCI driver.

Inserting a movie file into a slide show greatly increases the file

size of the slide show.

You can play a movie within the slide show by clicking View ` Play

movie or by clicking the Play movie button on the property bar.

248 Part Four: Presentations

To insert an animated GIF into a slide show

1Click Insert ` Animated GIF.

2Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.

If you want to save the movie within the slide show, enable the Save

movie within slide show document check box.

3Type a filename in the Filename box.

4Click Insert.

An animated GIF displays correctly in Show It!™, QuickPlay™, or

Show On The Go.

You can also play an animated GIF by double-clicking the GIF, or

by right-clicking the GIF and clicking Play movie.

To set a movie to play automatically

1Right-click a movie, and click Movie properties.

2Enable the Play movie check box.

3Type a value in the Seconds after slide transition box.

You can also set a movie to play automatically by clicking the

Movie properties button on the property bar.

You can also

Hide the movie when it is not


Enable the Hide movie while not

playing check box.

Set the movie to play only when


Enable the Play movie when clicked

check box.

Part Four: Presentations 249

Using the Master Gallery

A master is a set of layouts and backgrounds. A layout is a slide with

preset placeholders for objects such as titles, subtitles, bulleted lists, text,

data charts, and organization charts. Each layout has a page format and

color scheme that is consistent with the other layouts and backgrounds

that are part of a master. A background can include a border, a gradient

background, and other related images. Presentations provides a

selection of masters to work with in the Master Gallery.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Applying masters to slides

Applying backgrounds and layouts to slides

For additional topics, please see “Using the Master Gallery” in the

Presentations Help.

Applying masters to slides

Presentations provides a collection of masters in the Master Gallery. Each

master is a set of professionally designed slide backgrounds and layouts

that include preset objects, such as titles, bulleted lists, and charts.

Choosing a preset layout allows you to concentrate on the content of the

slide show, rather than on the format.

250 Part Four: Presentations

This is an example of the Master Gallery.

The masters in the Master Gallery are grouped into categories. You can

use a master provided with Presentations in the Master Gallery.

You can also import a master from another location on your computer.

To use a master in the Master Gallery

1Click Format ` Master gallery.

2Choose a slide show category from the Category list box.

3Click a master on the palette.

You can also choose a master from the Master Gallery by clicking

the Master gallery button on the toolbar.

To import a master from another location

1Click Format ` Master gallery.

2Click Browse button.

3Choose the drive and folder where the master is stored.

4Choose a filename.

5Click Insert.

Part Four: Presentations 251

Applying backgrounds and layouts to slides

When you add a new slide to a slide show, you can apply preset

backgrounds and layouts from the Background Gallery and the Layout

Gallery. For example, if you want a slideshow with a grayscale or

black-and-white look, you can choose one of the printout masters

available in the Master Gallery category list.

The preset layouts included in Presentations are listed in the following


To apply a background to a slide

1Click Format ` Background gallery.

2Click the Appearance tab.

3In the Backgrounds area, choose a background category from the

Category list box.

Use a To

Title layout Introduce your subject or to serve

as a divider between subjects.

Bulleted list layout Summarize and reinforce major


Text layout Display sentences or paragraphs of

text on a slide.

Organization chart layout Show the structure of positions

and span of control in a business,

department, agency, group,

division, or office.

Data chart layout Display percentages, trends,

market shares, and relational


Combination layout Display a bulleted list and a data

chart on a slide.

252 Part Four: Presentations

4Click a background on the Background palette.

If you want to apply the background to all slides in the slide show,

enable the Apply selected background to all slides in slide show

check box.

You can add up to 30 different backgrounds to a slide show.

You can also apply a background that is not in the Category list

box by clicking Browse and choosing the drive and folder where

the background is stored. For example, you can apply clipart as a


To apply a layout to a slide

1Click Format ` Layout gallery.

2Click the Appearance tab.

3Click a layout on the Layouts palette.

You can add up to 30 different layouts to a slide show.

You can also apply a layout to a slide by opening the Select layout

picker and clicking a layout.

Part Four: Presentations 253

Playing and controlling slide


Once you create a slide show, different options are available to play it in


In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Playing slide shows

Increasing the speed of slide shows

Using the slide highlighter

Playing slide shows

There are different ways to play slide shows in Presentations. You can play

a slide show by manually controlling the display of each slide. A slide

show can also be played automatically, with each slide displayed in

succession and where you can control the time delay between the display

of each slide.

To check the appearance, transition, sound, and so on of a slide without

playing the entire slide show, you can use QuickPlay.

You can also play portable slide shows, which play on any computer that

uses the Windows operating system, even if it doesn’t have Presentations

installed. For information about creating portable slide shows, see

“Creating and opening slide shows” on page 196.

254 Part Four: Presentations

To play a slide show manually

1Click View ` Play slide show.

2Choose a slide from the Beginning slide list box.

If you want to play the slide show continuously, enable the Repeat

slide show until you press “Esc” check box.

3Click Play.

4Click in the slide show window to advance to the next slide or


If you want to return to the previous slide or animation, right-click

the slide show window, and click Previous slide.

You can also play a slide show by clicking the Play slide show

button on the toolbar.

You can also return to the previous slide or animation by pressing

Page up.

To play a slide show automatically

1Click Format ` Slide properties ` Display sequence.

2In the Display next slide area, enable the After a delay of option.

3Type a value in the Seconds box.

4Enable the Apply to all slides in slide show check box.

The time delay begins the second the first slide displays on the


Time delays also apply to animated images. For example, if you set

a two-second time delay for a slide, the first animated object

automatically displays two seconds after the slide appears. The

next animated object follows two seconds later, and so on. Two

seconds after the last animated object displays, the show

advances to the next slide.

Part Four: Presentations 255

You can also apply a different time delay to each slide in a slide

show by selecting an individual slide.

To play a slide show by using QuickPlay

1Click a tab on the bottom of the slide show window.

2Click the QuickPlay tab on the side of the slide show window.

3Press Esc to stop playing the slide show.

When QuickPlay reaches the end of the show, it returns to the

slide show window.

To play a portable slide show

1Insert a disk containing a slide show into the floppy disk drive.

2Click Start on the Windows taskbar, and click Run.

3In the Open box, type the path and filename of the portable slide


Increasing the speed of slide shows

You can speed up the display of a slide show by creating a QuickShow.

When you create a QuickShow, each slide in the slide show is saved as a

bitmap for quicker display. Slides from a QuickShow file display on the

screen with the delay time you apply. For information about delay times,

see “To play a slide show automatically” on page 254.

To increase the speed of a slide show

1Click View ` Play slide show.

2Click Create QuickShow.

3Enable the Use QuickShow file check box.

256 Part Four: Presentations

If you change any part of a slide show, you must re-create the

QuickShow file.

QuickShow files use more memory than regular slide show files,

creating a larger file.

Using the slide highlighter

During a slide show, you can emphasize points by using the slide

Highlighter to circle, underline, and mark objects on a slide. The

highlighting remains on the screen until the show advances to the next

slide. You can erase the highlighting at any time.

To use the slide highlighter while playing a slide show

1Click View ` Play slide show.

2Open the Highlighter color picker, and click a color.

3Open the Width picker, and click a highlighter width.

4Click Play.

5As the slide show plays, drag to highlight areas of each slide.

To erase highlighting on the current slide

Right-click a slide, and click Erase highlighter.

Part Four: Presentations 257

Sharing slide shows and


You can share your slide shows and drawings by printing them, or by

publishing them to PDF.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Printing slide shows and drawings

Publishing slide shows and drawings to PDF

For additional topics, please see “Printing” and “Sharing projects”

in the Presentations Help.

Printing slide shows and drawings

You can print an entire slide show or drawing, a range of slides or pages,

a specific slide or page, or selected objects on a slide or page. You can

also print handouts, speaker notes, and audience notes.

To print a slide show or drawing

1Click File ` Print.

2On the the Main page, choose a printer from the Name box.

3In the Print range area, enable one of the following options:

Full document — prints the entire file

Current view — prints only the current page or slide

Selected objects — prints a specific object in a slide or drawing

Slides — prints only the specified slides

258 Part Four: Presentations

Handoutsprints handouts

Speaker notesprints speaker notes

Audience notes — prints audience notes

If you are printing handouts, speakers notes, or audience notes, type

a value in the Number of slides per page box.

4In the Copies area, type the number of copies you want to print in

the Number of copies box.

If you want the copies collated, enable the Collate option.

5Click Print.

You can also print a slide show or drawing by clicking the Print

button on the toolbar.

Publishing slide shows and drawings to PDF

Presentations lets you publish to PDF.

To publish to PDF

1Click File ` Publish to PDF.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type a filename in the File name box.

4From the PDF style list box, choose a PDF type.

5Click Settings, and specify any additional PDF settings in the Publish

to PDF settings dialog box that appears.

Click OK to apply your settings and return to the Publish to PDF

dialog box.

6Click Save.

If you do not want the PDF file to open automatically after it is saved,

disable the Open PDF after saving check box.

Part Four: Presentations 259

Presentations compatibility

with Microsoft PowerPoint

Presentations offers compatibility features geared towards those who

are migrating to Presentations from Microsoft PowerPoint and those

who need to exchange Presentations slide shows with PowerPoint users.

If you are new to Presentations, the compatibility features can help you

adapt to Presentations by simulating the Microsoft PowerPoint

workspace. This allows you to switch to Presentations with minimal

impact on your productivity. For those of you who aren’t new to

Presentations, but need to collaborate with Microsoft PowerPoint users,

the compatibility features make it easier for you to exchange files.

In this chapter, you’ll find these topics:

Simulating the Microsoft PowerPoint workspace

Using Microsoft PowerPoint shortcut keys in Presentations

Sharing files with Microsoft PowerPoint users

For additional topics, please see “Compatibility with

Microsoft PowerPoint” in the Presentations Help.

Simulating the Microsoft PowerPoint workspace

If you recently switched from Microsoft PowerPoint to Presentations, you

may not be familiar with the Presentations workspace. While there are

many similarities between the two applications, you may find it easier to

simulate the PowerPoint workspace while in slide show mode, which

includes toolbars and menus, until you are accustomed to working in

260 Part Four: Presentations

Presentations. It allows you to quickly find the tools you need to create

slide shows in Presentations.

To work in the Microsoft PowerPoint workspace

1In Presentation slide show mode, click Tools ` Workspace manager.

2Enable the PowerPoint mode option.

You can work in the PowerPoint workspace only in slide show


Using Microsoft PowerPoint shortcut keys in Presentations

Most Microsoft PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts are the same as in

Presentations. However, the keyboard shortcuts for controlling slide

shows are different, as described in the following table.

Microsoft PowerPoint

keyboard shortcut What it does Presentations keyboard


Enter or Spacebar Advances to the next


Enter or Spacebar

P or Backspace Returns to the

previous slide

Page up

<number> + Enter Goes to slide


Ctrl + G

Esc Ends a slide show Esc

EErases on-screen


Ctrl + E

Part Four: Presentations 261

Sharing files with Microsoft PowerPoint users

You can share your Presentations slide shows with Microsoft PowerPoint

users and they can share their files with you. To share a Presentations slide

show, you must save it as a PowerPoint file. The saving process

automatically converts the slide show to the PowerPoint format.

If you receive a PowerPoint file, all you need to do is open it in

Presentations. The opening process automatically converts the file to the

Presentations format. If you modify the file and you want others to view

the changes in PowerPoint, then you need to save the file as a PowerPoint

presentation. If you don’t specify the PowerPoint format when saving, the

file is saved as a Presentations slide show by default.

To open a Microsoft PowerPoint with Presentations

1Click File ` Open.

2Choose the drive and folder where the PowerPoint file is stored.

If you can’t see the file, choose All files from the File type box.

3Click the PowerPoint file.

4Click Open.

For more information about how Presentations opens PowerPoint

files, see “Notes for opening Microsoft PowerPoint files” in the

Presentations Help.

To save a Presentations slide show to the PowerPoint format

1Click File ` Save as.

2Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.

3Type the filename in the Filename box.

4Choose the MS PowerPoint file format from the File type list box.

5Click Save.

262 Part Four: Presentations

For more information about how Presentations saves PowerPoint

files, see “Notes for saving Microsoft PowerPoint files” in the

Presentations Help.

You can also save a Presentations slide show to the PowerPoint

format by clicking the Save as PowerPoint button on the toolbar.

Part Five: Utilities 263

Part Five: Utilities

WordPerfect Office X5 provides utilities that can help you accomplish

various tasks quickly and easily.

The Utilities page of the Reference Center provides links to

resources for the utilities that install with WordPerfect Office X5.

See “To access the Reference Center” on page 12.

Corel WordPerfect Lightning

Corel WordPerfect Lightning was invented to make the common tasks of

viewing, capturing, and reusing information and images simpler and

easier than ever before. WordPerfect Lightning gives you the tools you

need to work with others and to capture and fine-tune your ideas. You

can use this application to take notes or to view graphics, photos, or

documents saved as PDF, Microsoft Word, or WordPerfect files. When it’s

time to polish your work, WordPerfect Lightning integrates seamlessly

with Corel WordPerfect Office and Microsoft Word — something no

online office tool does.

WordPerfect Lightning has three components:

The Navigator — lets you create, store, and organize your

WordPerfect Lightning notes in a familiar tree structure.

The Viewer — lets you view PDF, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, and

image files.

The Notes window — lets you capture your ideas and reuse

information from other sources.

264 Part Five: Utilities

To start WordPerfect Lightning, click Start ` Programs `

WordPerfect Office X5 ` WordPerfect Lightning.

Other WordPerfect Office X5 utilities

WordPerfect Office X5 includes numerous additional first-party utilities.

Address Book

The Address Book is an information center that lets you store personal

and business contact information.

To start the Address Book, click Tools ` Address book in WordPerfect.

Conversion utility

The conversion utility lets you convert files in various formats to one of

five WordPerfect file formats.

To start the conversion utility, click Start ` Programs `

WordPerfect Office X5 ` Utilities ` Conversion utility.

Equation Editor

Equation Editor lets you insert equations in WordPerfect, Quattro Pro,

and Presentations files. Simply click where you want to insert an

equation, and then click Insert ` Equation.

File-management tools

WordPerfect Office provides two file-management tools:

WordPerfect Office file-management dialog boxes (or “enhanced file

dialogs”), and QuickFinder™.

The enhanced file dialogs let you perform many file-management tasks

— and even view Web pages! — from directly within WordPerfect,

Quattro Pro, and Presentations.

Part Five: Utilities 265

QuickFinder consists of two components:

QuickFinder Searcher — lets you find files within a specified search

scope. Click Start ` Programs ` WordPerfect Office X5 ` Utilities `

QuickFinder Searcher.

QuickFinder Manager — lets you create standard or custom Fast

Search files that are required to perform Fast Searches. Click Start `

Programs ` WordPerfect Office X5 ` Utilities ` QuickFinder Manager.

Printing engine

The WordPerfect Office printing engine provides a variety of printing and

page-setup options for WordPerfect (see page 87), Quattro Pro (see

page 187), and Presentations (see page 257).


Included only in certain editions of WordPerfect Office, Paradox is a

powerful and easy-to-use relational database program that helps you

organize, track, and retrieve information.


Scrapbook is a graphics utility that lets you search for and insert clipart,

photo, sound, and movie files into WordPerfect Office files.

To start Scrapbook, click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` Clipart from within

WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations.


TextArt™ lets you transform words into designs. You can use multiple

visual effects, such as font, color, and rotation options, to create

professional-looking 2D or 3D images.

To start TextArt, click Insert ` Graphics/Pictures ` TextArt from within

WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations.

266 Part Five: Utilities

Third-party utilities

Certain editions of WordPerfect Office X5 also include the following

third-party utilities.

Mozilla Thunderbird for WordPerfect Office

Mozilla Thunderbird for WordPerfect Office provides a powerful new

approach to e-mail:

Use the tabbed interface to keep multiple e-mails open in separate

tabs for easy reference.

Quickly locate saved messages by using filters, timelines, or indexes.

Spend more time reading the mail that matters! Take advantage of

leading-edge junk-mail filters, and train Thunderbird to refine its

filtering settings based on the messages that you mark as spam.

Mozilla Thunderbird for WordPerfect Office lets you take full control of

your e-mail experience.

Nuance PaperPort 12 SE

Eliminate paper clutter, “go green,” and organize your office!

With Nuance PaperPort® 12 SE, you can use your personal computer to

scan, organize, access, share, and manage your documents — both

paper and digital. The large, clear thumbnails on the PaperPort desktop

let you visually organize, retrieve, assemble, and use all your documents:

scanned paper, photographs, word-processing files, spreadsheets, PDF

files, and more!

Part Six: Writing Tools 267

Part Six: Writing Tools

WordPerfect Office X5 includes tools that can help improve the quality

of your writing. These writing tools let you correct errors in spelling and

grammar, correct mistakes automatically, and help to refine your writing


If you open a file that is written in a language that is different from

the writing tools you have installed, the writing tools run in the

installed language. For example, suppose the English Writing

Tools are installed and you open a Spanish file: the writing tools

run in English. If you want to use the Writing Tools in a different

language, you must install the Writing Tools for that language by

modifying the installation. See “To add or delete components in a

WordPerfect Office X5 installation” on page 5.

For project-based tips on writing well, you can refer to the PerfectExpert

Help files that install with WordPerfect Office X5. For more information

on the PerfectExpert, see “Using the documentation” on page 9.

The Writing Tools page of the Reference Center provides links to

the writing resources that install with WordPerfect Office X5. See

“To access the Reference Center” on page 12.

Using the spelling checker

You can use the spelling checker to check the spelling of a file in

WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Presentations.

268 Part Six: Writing Tools

To check the spelling of a file

1Click Tools ` Spell checker.

2From the Check list box (if available), choose an option.

3Click Start.

Using the thesaurus

You can use the thesaurus to refine your writing style. The thesaurus lets

you look up options such as synonyms, antonyms, and related words.

To replace a word

1Select a word.

2Click Tools ` Thesaurus.

3Click Look up.

4In the list of categories, double-click a definition and click a word.

5Click Replace.

Using the dictionary

You can use the dictionary to check word definitions and spelling.

To look up a word

1Click Tools ` Dictionary.

If the Auto lookup feature is enabled, the dictionary will look up the

selected word from the document.

2Type a word in the box to the left of Go.

Part Seven: Macros and Migration 269

Part Seven:

Macros and Migration

WordPerfect Office X5 offers tools, features, and resources for users

who want to do any of the following:

use macros to automate tasks

migrate from earlier versions of the software

deploy the software to a network

For advanced users, WordPerfect Office X5 also offers a software

development kit (SDK).

Using macros

You can create WordPerfect Office X5 macros in three ways:

by using the built-in macro features of WordPerfect, Quattro Pro,

and Presentations

by using the PerfectScript utility that installs with

WordPerfect Office X5

by using Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA)

For information on creating macros from directly within WordPerfect,

Quattro Pro, and Presentations, please see their main Help files.

For information on creating macros by using the PerfectScript Utility,

please see the following resources:

•PerfectScript Help (psh.chm)

Corel WordPerfect Office X5 User Guide for PerfectScript (ps_ug.pdf)

270 Part Seven: Macros and Migration

spreadsheet of changes to PerfectScript macro commands since

version 8 (PS_Macro_changes.qpw)

spreadsheet of changes to WordPerfect macro commands since

version 8 (WP_Macro_changes.qpw)

For information on creating macros by using VBA, please see the

Corel WordPerfect Office X5 User Guide for VBA (vba_ug.pdf).

The Macros and Migration page of the Reference Center provides

links to the macro resources that are described in this chapter. See

“To access the Reference Center” on page 12.

Using migration features

WordPerfect Office X5 offers numerous features that make it easy to

upgrade, or “migrate,” from an earlier version of the software.

Migrating the software

WordPerfect Office X5 can coexist with earlier versions of the software,

provided that you have enough disk space.

By default, the WordPerfect Office X5 setup keeps older versions of

WordPerfect Office when installing WordPerfect Office X5. However, you

can choose to remove any older versions of WordPerfect Office that are

detected by the setup. For information, see “To install

WordPerfect Office X5” on page 4.

Migrating customized settings

The WordPerfect Office X5 setup lets you migrate customized settings

from the older versions of the software that it detects. For information,

see “To install WordPerfect Office X5” on page 4.

Part Seven: Macros and Migration 271

Migrating templates

WordPerfect Office X5 lets you use templates that were created in a

previous version of the software.

You can copy templates from one location for another. This technique is

useful, for example, if you want to migrate a usercreated template from

an earlier version of WordPerfect Office to WordPerfect Office X5.

User-created templates are stored at CorelPerfectExpert15EN in the

user’s application-data folder. For more information, see “To copy a

project template to another location” in the WordPerfect Help.

Are your migrated WordPerfect templates missing the new menu

commands for WordPerfect X5? If so, you can merge the missing menu

commands into your templates. For information, please see “Merging

default menu commands into templates” in the WordPerfect Help.

Migrating macros

WordPerfect Office X5 lets you use macros that were created in a

previous version of the software.

By default, WordPerfect automatically compiles macros that were created

in a previous version of the software. The compile process locks the macro

file, preventing other users from accessing it until the compile process is

complete. For organizations that want to create a centralized, shared

macro repository that supports multiple versions of WordPerfect, the best

practice is to set WordPerfect to compile and run all macros locally (that

is, from the user’s temporary folder). For information, please see “Storing

macros in a centralized, shared repository” in the WordPerfect Help.

Deploying the software to a network

The WordPerfect Office X5 setup supports network installations. Using

this setup, Information Technology (IT) managers and system

272 Part Seven: Macros and Migration

administrators can deploy WordPerfect Office X5 to multiple


The Corel WordPerfect Office X5 Deployment Guide provides detailed

information on deploying WordPerfect Office X5 to a network. To get a

copy of this guide, please contact Corel Support Services (see “About

Corel Support Services” on page 7).

Using the WordPerfect Office SDK

The WordPerfect Office Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of tools

and resources that let you customize WordPerfect Office applications for

commercial or business use.

The SDK is included in certain editions of WordPerfect Office X5.

Part Eight: Other Resources 273

Part Eight:

Other Resources

In addition to the programs and features previously described in this

user guide, WordPerfect Office X5 offers the following:

accessibility features, which allow persons with disabilities to work

more easily and efficiently with the software

extra content in the form of clipart and fonts, as well as a PDF

manual that depicts this content

Web-based resources

The Other Resources page of the Reference Center provides links

to the resources that are described in this chapter. See “To access

the Reference Center” on page 12.

Using accessibility features

The Help files for WordPerfect Office X5 are available in ASCII text format.

To access this content, use a file-extraction method to “unzip” the files at

the following location on your computer:

Program FilesCorelWordPerfect Office X5LanguagesENShared


WordPerfect Office X5 programs provide additional accessibility features,

in the form of keyboard shortcuts, display settings, customizable

workspaces, and more. For detailed information, please see the main

Help files for WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, and Presentations.

274 Part Eight: Other Resources

Accessing extra content and the content manual

Packaged with certain editions of WordPerfect Office X5 are clipart and

fonts, as well as a PDF manual that depicts them. To access this extra

content and accompanying manual, please see Disc 2, or speak with your

network administrator.

Using Web-based resources

If you have an active Internet connection, you can use the following

Web-based resources to get the most out of WordPerfect Office.

Official WordPerfect Office resources — provides the latest news, tips and tricks,

and information about upgrades — provides interaction with other users

through sharing experiences, asking questions, and receiving help

and suggestions

Corel Learning resources — provides learning resources: tutorials,

tips and tricks, newsletters, and more — provides information on training

resources: videos, books, courseware, and more

Corel Support resources — provides prompt and accurate

information about product features, specifications, pricing,

availability, services, and technical support — provides a repository of articles written by the

Corel Support Services team in response to questions by users

Index 275



3D data charts 227


accessibility features 273


redoing 45, 46

repeating 45, 46

undoing 45, 46

Address Book 264


content 173, 176, 177

animated GIFs

inserting 248


bulleted lists 214

GIFs 248

objects 243


adding 105

incorporating 105

application bar 20


text styles 54

audience notes

printing 257



Background Gallery 251

slides 251

backing up documents 32


creating 229

Bezier curves

drawing 225


converting to vector 221, 222

creating 217

editing 219

editing frames 219

file formats 218

removing 220

saving 217, 218

selecting areas 219

276 Index

special effects 221

zooming 220

bolding text 48, 175

browsing documents 30

bulleted lists

animating 214

applying to text 68

arranging 70

creating 67, 68, 211, 212

formatting 212

levels 212

reshaping bullets 213

resizing bullets 213

slide shows 211



cells 150

data in a single column 150

data in a single row 150


performing preset 152

performing running 154

preset 152

QuickFunctions 152

using Calc As-You-Go 152


changing 48


inserting graphics 76

inserting tracks 246

cell content

replacing 168


alignment 176

centering 176

clearing 234

copying 169, 170

copying formatting 173

creating titles 174

deleting 137, 139

deleting content 168

editing 167, 168

formatting 167, 171

indenting 176

inserting 137

inserting symbols 142

joining 174

moving 169, 170

naming 179

navigating 135

performing simple math 149

QuickFill 146

referenced 179

Index 277

relative references 179

replacing content 168

rotating 175

search and replace 167

selecting 134, 135

selecting 3D 135

selecting columns 136

selecting rows 136

special characters 142

spreadsheet functions 182

totaling 152, 153, 154

using Go To 156

wrapping text 173, 174


text 56

text across blocks 177

text across cells 177


document compare list of 111


counting 85, 86

creating special 140

repeating 142

chart styles

organization charts 236


adding footnotes 186

adding titles 183, 186

axis titles 186

creating automatically 185

for spreadsheet data 185

formatting dates 178

formatting times 178

organization 235

plotting data 184

See data charts 227

times 178

checking documents in 118

checking documents out 117

checking spelling 268

Classic mode workspace 21


inserting 76

clipart manual 274


pasting contents 44


finding and replacing 41


organization charts 238


changing text 175

column width

adjusting 172

278 Index


adding 137, 138

block protecting 63

calculating 150, 151, 152

calculating data 150

copying 169

creating 63, 65

default width 170

deleting 63, 66, 137, 140

delimiters 165, 166

discontinuing 63, 66

filling 147

hiding and displaying 160

inserting 137

inserting vertical lines 63

joining cells 174

moving 169

navigating 66

newspaper 63

parallel 63

parsing 165, 166

QuickFill 146

restricting 137, 140

selecting 134, 136

sizing 170

totaling 149, 153, 154

transposing 169

combining objects 243


displaying 157

comparing documents

generating list of changes 111

generating summary 111

removing markings 112

comparison markings

removing 112


Microsoft Excel 189, 190

toolbar 120

with Microsoft Word 119

with PowerPoint 259, 260


installation 5

context-sensitive Help

dialog boxes and controls 15

menus 15

toolbar buttons 15

using 9

Conversion utility 264


bitmaps to vector graphics 221

bitmaps to vector objects 222

vector objects to raster 222


cell formatting 173

Index 279

cells 169, 170

data 139, 169

graphics 43, 44

spreadsheets 132

text 43, 44

text formats 50

Corel Corporation

contacting 7

learning about 8

Web site 16

Corel RealTime Preview

previewing font changes 49

Corel Support Services 7


words 85, 86


paragraph QuickStyles 53

styles 51

text QuickStyles 53

text styles 52


Bezier 225

drawing 224

customer feedback 7

customer support 274

customizing page sizes 62


graphics 43, 44

text 43, 44



aligning in cells 176

presenting in charts 183

data charts

3D 227

creating 227

series 228

styles 227

data files

associating merges 97

associating with form

documents 97

changing data source 97

fields 91


opening form documents 98

records 91

table 91, 92

text 91, 92

data points

browsing 156

calculating 151

copying and pasting 139

280 Index

finding and replacing 168

inserting 146

linking 161

overwriting 168

restricting 137

selecting 134, 135

data series 228

data sources

associating merge files 97

changing 97

form document 94

form documents 98

using address books 91


displaying in tables 232

editing data 233

entering 233

entering data 232

exporting data 234

hiding and displaying 231

importing data 233

manipulating 231, 232

moving data 232

removing data 234


DATE function 146

editing 84

entering 145

formatting 178

in charts 178

inserting 83

decimal points

moving 178


cells 139

columns 137, 140

rows 137, 140

spreadsheets 130, 132

text styles 52

delimiters for columns 165, 166

dialog box Help

accessing 15

for individual controls 15

dictionary 268


datasheets 231


using forward slash 149

document libraries

checking documents in 118

checking documents out 117

saving files 116

understanding 114

Index 281

document management


Microsoft SharePoint 114

understanding 113

Document Management

toolbar 116

document summaries

automating 85

creating 85

customizing 85

document windows

cascading 28

viewing multiple 28


context-sensitive Help 15

conventions 11

online Help 12

printing Help 14


adding reviewers’ changes 106

backing up 32

cascading 28

closing 22, 31, 34

comparing 110

See also comparing


comparing and reviewing 111

comparison summary 111

components 23

creating 23, 25

creating a routing slip 108

creating backups 31, 34

creating summaries 85

displaying the ruler 27

editing 43

formatting 59

generating list of changes 111

inserting files 84

merging 91

metadata 33

Microsoft Word 31, 34

navigating 27, 30

opening 25, 26

opening Microsoft Word 120

page display 28

printing 87, 88

removing metadata 33

renaming 32

restoring compared 112

reviewing 105, 106, 109

routed 109

routing 108, 109

saving 31, 32, 34

saving Microsoft Word 120

scrolling 30

selecting 37

tiling 29

viewing 27

282 Index


viewing 157

drawing objects

action shapes 225

Bezier curves 225

curves 224

lines 223

polylines 224

shapes 223, 225


creating 229

objects 239

printing 257

saving 229, 230

slide shows 223

working with text 203


edit points

lines and polylines 226


bitmaps 219

cells 167

data 167

documents 43

endnotes 82

footnotes 81

images 215

PDF files 103, 104

shapes 223, 226

text styles 54

editing. See also reviewing


bitmaps 221

multimedia 245


merged documents 98


deleting 81, 82

editing 81

finding 81

inserting 80

Enhanced file dialogs 264


creating 98

merging 98

printing 89

Equation Editor 264


creating 148

creating simple 148

simple math 149

using forward slash 149

erasing bitmaps 220

Index 283


see Microsoft Excel 189


organization charts 238


as PowerPoint files 261

Microsoft Excel files 191

spreadsheet data 234

extra content

WordPerfect Office CD 274



in data table files 91

in data text files 91

in form documents 96

limit 91

file formats

Microsoft Excel 190

opening 162

saving 162

saving slide shows 197

file-management tools 264

files 31

adding movies 247

adding sounds 247

closing 31, 34

combining 163

creating backups 31, 32

creating summaries 85

inserting 161, 163

inserting graphics 217

inserting in documents 84

inserting into active

documents 84

managing 161

Microsoft SharePoint 114

Microsoft Word 31

OLE 161

opening Microsoft Word 120

PDF 101

See also PDF files

renaming 32

saving 31, 32

saving Microsoft Word 120,



boxes 209, 210

fonts 208

titles and subtitles 209

Find and Replace 39


codes 41

text 39, 40

whole words 41

first-party utilities 264

284 Index


invalid spreadsheet names 192


objects 240, 241

font properties

RealTime Preview 205


changing 48, 175

color 48

default 49

filling 208

modifying settings 47

outlines 208

page numbers 73, 74

previewing 49

size 48, 175

style 48, 175

TrueType 175


deleting 81, 82

editing 81, 82

finding 81

inserting 80

form documents

associating data sources 98

associating merge files 97

associating ODBC sources 98

associating with data files 97

changing data file 97

creating 95

for keyboard merge 95

inserting fields 96

merging 91

opening data files 97


currency 178

custom 178

fraction 178

hidden 178

numeric 178

percent 178

scientific 178


aligning data 176

cells 167, 171, 178

dates 178

imported text 165

numbers 178

text 175

times 178

formatting symbols

documents 59

pages 59

text 47


arguments 179

Index 285

built-in 182

calculating 179

cell addresses 179

clearing values 167

composing 181

concatenation operator 179

copying 179

displaying 159

evaluating to true or false 181

math 181

moving 179

spreadsheet functions 182

text 181

tracing errors 179


entering 145


bitmaps 219

freehand shapes

drawing 223


built-in 179

date 146

spreadsheet 182



animated 248


resizing shapes 226

gradient fills 208, 210


appending 44

bitmaps 215

copying 43, 44

creating bitmaps 217

creating raster 217

cutting 44

inserting 75, 216, 217

modifying 219

moving 45

pasting 44

saving bitmaps 217

saving slides as 197

special effects 221

graphics styles

arranging 77

cutting 43

embedding 75

inserting from CDs 76

inserting from files 76

moving 78

ordering 78

overlapping 78

pasting 43

sizing 77

286 Index

grouping objects 243



printing 257


lines 57, 58


accessing 12

conventions 11

customer support 274

newsletters 274

printing 14

searching 13

Web resources 274


columns 173

rows 173

windows 157

hiding or displaying

Reveal Codes 29

text 48


applying 256

erasing 256



character limit 164

file formats 161

files 161

masters 250

Microsoft Excel files 190, 191

outlines 200

PDF files 103, 104

PowerPoint files 261

spreadsheets 233

text 163, 164, 165

incorporating reviewers’

changes 106


double 56

first line of paragraph 56

hanging indents 56

paragraphs 56

text 55, 56, 206


animated GIFs 248

bitmaps 216

endnotes 79, 80

files 163

files into documents 84

footnotes 79, 80

footnotes and endnotes 80

Index 287

objects 216


modifying 5

repairing 6


WordPerfect Office 4


serial 143

italicizing text 48



cells 174

joining cells 174

justifying text 56, 57, 206


keyboard merge

performing 98

skipping records 100

stopping a merge 99



aligning 141

creating 140, 141

printing 89, 90

Layout Gallery 251, 252


applying to slides 251, 252


adjusting 58

setting 205


WordPerfect Office X5 9

Legal mode workspace 21


bulleted lists 212

line height

adjusting 57, 58

line spacing

adjusting 57

setting 205


counting 85, 86

drawing 223

height 57, 58

shapes 226

spacing 57, 58


notebook links 161

288 Index

lists of tables

arranging items 70

bulleted 67

numbering 68


spreadsheet titles 136

looking up words 268



migrating 271

WordPerfect Office 269

Make it fit

using 63


page 59

setting 60


removing redline 112

Master Gallery 249

applying to slides 250


applying to slides 249

importing 250

Master Gallery 249

slide show 196


in cells 149

math operations

division 149

Quick Math 150

simple equations 148

mathematical operations

performing in cells 148

menu Help 15


using Microsoft Excel 189

merge files 91

associating 97

data table files 91

data text files 91

merged documents

e-mailing 98


adding to active document 98

creating data 91

creating form documents 95

creating labels 94

creating sideways text 95

data files 91

documents 91, 99

e-mailing merges 98

envelopes 98

Index 289

form documents 91, 94

keyboard 98, 100

merge commands 94

printing merges 98, 99

saving merges 98, 99

saving output 98

skipping records 100

to tables 98


removing 33

Microsoft Excel 189

Microsoft Excel PivotTable

compatibility 189, 190

exporting to 190, 191

importing in Quattro Pro 191

menus and tabs 189

naming conventions 190

opening in Quattro Pro 190

saving as 191, 192

workspace 189, 190

Microsoft PowerPoint

see PowerPoint 259

Microsoft SharePoint

accessing 114

checking documents in 118

checking documents out 117

displaying toolbar 116

enhanced file options 115

saving files 116

Microsoft Word

compatibility with 119

opening files 120, 121, 122

saving 120, 121, 122

toolbar 120

workspace 21, 119, 120

MIDI files

inserting 245


customized settings 270

macros 271

templates 271


installations 5

MOV files 247


hiding 248

in slide shows 245, 247

playing 248

saving 247


bulleted list items 212

cells 169, 170

columns 169

graphics 45

rows 169

290 Index

text 45

Mozilla Thunderbird 266

MPEG files 247

multimedia effects

slide shows 245

multiple documents

cascading 28

tiling 29

viewing 28


naming cells 179


Browse By 155

cells 135

documents 30

Go To 155, 156

notebooks 155

Objects sheet 155

spreadsheets 155, 156, 157

using shortcut keys 155

network installations 271

newspaper columns 63


browsing 156

cascading windows 158

components 126

creating 129, 130

cycling through 155

displaying 158

displaying formulas 159

editing 167

formatting 171

hiding and displaying 157

navigating 155

Objects sheet 126

opening 130

printing 187

repeating column titles 136

resizing 161

start options 130

tiling windows 158

using project templates 126

views 157, 158, 159

Nuance PaperPort 266

numbered lists

applying to text 69

arranging items 70

creating 68, 69

renumbering 69


pages 71

text 71

Index 291

numbering styles

changing 72

font 73, 74

forcing 74

inserting 72

pages 71, 72, 73, 74

secondary 73

suppressing 74


aligning 176

entering 143, 144

justifying 176

numeric formats

date and time 178



animating 243

arranging 242

combining 243

flipping 240, 241

flipping and skewing 242

grouping 243

inserting 216

printing 257

rotating 240, 241

selecting 239

separating 243

sizing 240

skewing 240

stretching 241

text 203

vector 221, 222

Objects View

selecting 157


data merge 91

with form documents 98

OLE 75

online Help

accessing 12

conventions 11

using 9


database files 162

file formats 162

Microsoft Excel files 190

Microsoft Word files 120

PDF files 103, 104

PowerPoint files 261

slide shows 196, 197

organization charts

collapsing and expanding 238

creating 235, 236

saving 235, 236

292 Index

text 236, 237

viewing 237


aligning data 176

pages 60, 61

rotating 177


arranging items 70

creating 69, 70

fonts 208

importing 200

renumbering 69

slide shows 200

outlining text 48


Page Breaks View

selecting 157

page display

sizing 28

Page View

selecting 157


customizing sizes 62

definitions 60, 62

fitting text 63

formatting 59

margins 59

modifying size 62

numbering 71, 72, 73, 74

orientation 60, 61

printing 257

printing sections 88

selecting 37

setting margins 60

size 60, 61

viewing 27


resizing 157

splitting notebook 157

synchronizing scrolling 157

Paradox 265


counting 85, 86

creating QuickStyles 53

formatting 55

indenting 56

selecting 37

parallel columns 63


columns 165

rows 165

text files 164

Index 293


Clipboard contents 44

data 139

graphics 43, 44

text 43, 44

pattern fills 208

PDF files

compliance with PDF/A 101

importing 103

opening 103, 104

publishing 101, 188, 258

publishing slide shows as 101

PDF/A standard 101


displaying 15

Quick Math 150

PerfectScript macros 269

picture fills 210


inserting 76, 217

inserting from CDs 75, 76


movies 248

portable slide shows 255

slide shows 253, 254, 255


converting into circles 224

drawing 224

shapes 226

portable slide shows

playing 255


creating 229


compatibility 259

opening files 261

saving files 261

shortcut keys 260

workspace 259, 260

Presentations 193


font face 175

fonts 49


audience notes 257

documents 87, 88

drawings 257

envelopes 89

handouts 257

Help 14

Help topics 14

labels 89, 90

294 Index

locked titles 136

merge output 98

merged documents 99

multiple copies 88

notebooks 187

pages 257

sections 88

sections of Help 14

slide shows and drawings 257

slides 257

speaker notes 257

spreadsheets 187

printing engine 265

project templates

creating notebooks 130

opening 130


files to PDF 101, 188, 258

slide shows to PDF 101


Quattro Pro 123

Quick Math

calculating data 150


importing text 165

QuickFinder 264

QuickFormat 50


calculating 152

QuickSum 153


using 139


playing slide shows 255

QuickShow 255


for paragraphs 53

for text 53

QuickTips 9


Presentations 197

Quattro Pro 128

WordPerfect 22


range of slides

printing 257

RealTime Preview

changing font properties 205

changing text 204


routed documents 109

Index 295


sounds 247


merging 91

redline text

removing markings 112

text 48


actions 45, 46

Reference Center 12


WordPerfect Office 6


comparison markings 112

text styles 51

renaming files 32

repairing installations 6


actions 45, 46


codes 41

text 39

whole words 41

word forms 40

words 268


bullets 213

shapes 226

windows 157


Corel on the Web 274


compared documents 112


rows and columns 140

Reveal Codes

customizing 29

hiding or displaying 29


changes to documents 106

creating a routing slip 108

documents 106, 111

routed documents 109


bitmaps 219

cells 175

objects 240, 241

text 177

text vertically 175


creating a routing slip 108

documents 108

296 Index

reassigning documents 109

reviewing documents 109

routing slip

creating 108


adding 137, 138

calculating 150, 151, 152

deleting 137, 140

filling 147

hiding 160

hiding and displaying 160

inserting 137

moving 169

parsing 165

QuickFill 146

restricting 140

selecting 134, 136

sizing 170

totaling 153


indenting first line 56



as PowerPoint files 261

bitmaps 217, 218

documents 31, 32, 33

drawings 230

file formats 162

files to PDF 101, 188, 258

merge output 98

Microsoft SharePoint 116

Microsoft Word 121, 122

movies 247

organization charts 235, 236

slide shows 197

slide shows to PDF 101

slides as graphics 197

text files 165

text styles 53

to Microsoft Excel 190, 191


clipart 265

inserting clipart 76

inserting graphics 216


documents 30

spreadsheets 155, 157

SDK 272


codes 41

Help 13

text 39, 40, 41


printing Help 14

printing pages 88

Index 297


areas of bitmaps 219

blocks of 3D cells 135

cells 134

columns 134

objects 239

rows 134

spreadsheets 136


selecting 37


migrating 270

setup 4

shadow cursor

text 48


drawing 223, 225

editing 223, 225, 226

polylines 226

resizing 226

shortcut keys

navigating notebooks 155

simple math

performing 149

simulating workspaces

Microsoft Excel 189

Microsoft PowerPoint 259

Microsoft Word 119


pages 60, 61


bitmaps 219

datasheets 232

objects 240

page display 28


bitmaps 219

objects 240, 242


rows 165

Slide Editor 198

Slide Outliner

viewing 198, 199

slide shows

closing 197

creating 195

highlighting 256

movies 245, 247

opening 196, 197

outlines 200

playing 253, 254, 255

portable 197

printing 257

publishing to PDF 101

298 Index

saving 197

sound files 245, 247

speeding up 255

viewing 198, 199

working with text 203

Slide Sorter

using 202

viewing 198, 202


adding 200

adding and removing 201

applying masters 249, 250

background layers 251

clearing 201

highlighting 256

layouts 251, 252

printing 257

removing 200, 201

saving as graphics 197

selecting objects 239

sorting 202

sound files 245, 246

time delays 254

software deployment 271

sorting slides 202


adding 245

inserting CD tracks 246

inserting MIDI files 245

inserting Wave files 245

recording files 247


between lines 58

columns 63

lines 57, 205

speaker notes

adding 201

inserting text 202

special characters

in cells 140, 142

special effects 221

spelling checker 267

spreadsheet functions

entering 182

spreadsheet tabs

filling 148

moving 132

using 130


adding 130

adding and deleting 131

comments 159

copying 130, 132

creating 129

creating titles 174

Index 299

DATE functions 146

editing 167

entering functions 179

exporting from datasheets 234

formatting 171, 173

importing to datasheets 233

invalid names 192

locking titles 136

moving 132

moving tabs 132

naming 132, 133

navigating 155, 156

printing 187

repeating column titles 136

running calculations 152

scrolling 157

selecting 134, 136

selecting data 135

totaling 154


Presentations 195

Quattro Pro 125

WordPerfect 19


objects 241


text 48


changing 175

data charts 227

editing 51

organization charts 236

removing 51

restoring 51

text styles 51

WordPerfect 51


box fills 209, 210

boxes 209

font fills 208

font outlines 208

formatting 207

slide shows 207


totaling 154


of document comparison 111


customer feedback 7

registration 6


numbering 74


applying to bullets 213

300 Index

in cells 142

inserting in cells 142



displaying datasheet

information 232


naming conventions 190


creating notebooks 126, 130

migrating 271


adding 203

appending to Clipboard 44

centering across cells 177

copying 43, 44

cutting 43, 44

finding and replacing 39

moving 45

numbering 71

pasting 44

text boxes

creating 94

entering text 36

inserting 203

rotating text 94

text files

adjusting column width 166

importing 164, 165

parsing 163, 164

text lines

inserting 204

text objects

boxes 203

creating 203

formatting 205

lines 204

text boxes 204

text orientation

aligning 174

angled 175

appearance 175

bold 175

centering 174

distributing 173

flipping 175

formatting 173, 174

italics 175

orientation 177

properties 176

rotating 175

strikeout 175

subscript 175

superscript 175

Index 301

underlining 175

wrapping 173, 174

text styles

alignment 56, 57

applying 54

centering 56

copying and cutting 43

copying formats 50

creating 52

creating QuickStyles 53

deleting 38, 204

deselecting 38

editing 51, 54

editing styles 51, 54

entering 35, 36

finding and replacing 39

fitting to pages 63

formatting 47

indenting 55, 56, 206

inserting 35, 36

justifying 56, 57, 206

line spacing 205

merging sideways 95

moving 204

objects 205

organization charts 236

paragraphs QuickStyles 53

previewing 204

replacing 39

restoring 51

rotating 95

saving 53

selecting 37

speaker notes 202

styles 51

text boxes 204

TextArt 265

texture fills 210

thesaurus 268

third-party utilities 266


document windows 29

time delays

applying to slides 254

time formats

editing 84

inserting 83


entering 143, 145

formatting 178


adding to charts 186

box fills 209, 210

boxes 209

fills 209

302 Index

font fills 208

font outlines 208

formatting 207

locking 136

repeating 136

slide shows 207


Microsoft Word 120

toolbar button Help 15


Document Management 116

Microsoft Word 120

WordPerfect 20


cells 152, 153, 154

columns 149, 152

Quick Math 150

rows 152

subtotals 154


running 152


Corel on the Web 274


leading 58



actions 45, 46


WordPerfect Office 6

User Guide 9

utilities 263



entering 143, 144, 145

totaling 149

VBA macros 269

vector objects

converting from raster 222

converting to raster 222


changing 157

Draft View 157

formulas 157

new views of notebook 157

notebooks 157

Page Breaks View 157

Page View 157

selecting 157

types 157

zoom 157

Index 303


slide shows 198, 199


switching 27

switching document 27


Wave sound files 245


customer support 274

Web resources 274


column 172

options 172


arranging 157

cascading 158

displaying 157

displaying notebook 157

hiding 157

hiding notebook 157

notebook 157, 158

resizing 157

selecting 157

splitting notebook 157

tiling 158

Windows Write

tiling 29


see Microsoft Word 119

word count 85, 86

WordPerfect 17

WordPerfect graphics

saving slides as 197

WordPerfect Lightning 263


counting 85, 86

finding and replacing 40, 41

looking up 268

replacing 268

selecting 37

work area

customizing 21

exploring 19


changing 21

Classic mode 21

Legal mode 21

Microsoft Excel 190

Microsoft Word 21, 119, 120

PowerPoint 259, 260

304 Index

writing tools 267



bitmaps 220

Corel® WordPerfect® Office X5 User Guide

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Product specifications, pricing, packaging, technical support and

information (“specifications”) refer to the retail English version only. The

specifications for all other versions (including other language versions)

may vary.




















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Twentieth century grammars and style guides — and a few recent ones — insist that an absolute adjective cannot be compared: something is either perfect, square, or complete or it isn’t. But there is a workaround:

Use the expressions: more nearly perfect, more nearly square, more nearly true, and unique. (Since unique means only one of its kind, it is clear that one does not say more nearly unique.) — Sophie C. Hadida, Pitfalls in English and How to Avoid Them, 1927, 127.

And use them they did:

We, therefore, in order to achieve a more nearly perfect industrial cooperation, in order to give more nearly perfect protection to the human beings engaged in the business of production, and in order to render to the general public a more nearly perfect service, do associate ourselves together and enact the following constitution. — Constitution of the American Guild of the Printing Industry, 1922.

This increase may reflect more nearly complete registration of nonwhite births and also more nearly complete and accurate recording of birth weight for nonwhite infants. Tennessee Vital Statistics, 1961, 9.

The more nearly square the house, the less wall area there is in proportion to the floor area. — Hajime Ota, Houses and Equipment for Laying Hens, 1967, 16.

Some writing guides are still recommending this construction with absolute adjectives:

Some examples are immaculate, perfect, square, round, complete, excellent, and unique. When you use those words in sentences, use them alone or precede them with the terms more nearly or most nearly. For example: Irene’s suggestion is the most nearly perfect one of all of them. Your yard is more nearly square than mine. — Thomas L. Means, English and Communication for Colleges, 2006.

But, as a Google Books query shows, such advice is bucking a trend:

enter image description here

Almost flatlined until 1840 — which is why the US Constitution is happy with “a more perfect Union” but not the printers’ guild — this usage peaks around 1940 with a steep decline thereafter.

There are still contexts, however, where such logical precision is not out of place:

If we take a shorter time than a second this will be more nearly true, approaching the limit of complete truth as the period of time is indefinitely diminished. — Bertrand Russell, Human Knowledge, Its Scope and Limits, 1948, 200.

Insofar as a statement approaches perfection, insofar as the system approaches completeness, our statements become more nearly true. A statement will be more nearly complete to the extent that its opposite is inconceivable. — Frank Northen Magill, Masterpieces of World Philosophy in Summary Form, 1961.

What is nearly true when the unit is small and more and more nearly true as the unit grows smaller is said to be “true in the limit, as the unit decreases.” — Philip Henry Wicksteed, The Alphabet of Economic Science, 1955, 42.

Now these rules always have had more formal written English in mind, which makes Means’ examples so curious. Imagine Irene’s reaction to her most nearly perfect idea or the neighbor at his more nearly square yard. Even at the peak of this construction, I can’t imagine someone commenting on how a lime is more nearly round than a lemon. At least the grammar guides don’t insist on “more nearly spherical.”

Asked by: Prof. Anderson Conn Jr.

Score: 4.4/5
(58 votes)

The legendary word processor that so many swear by to create documents, letters, brochures, resumes, and more. With compatibility of over 60 file-formats, including Microsoft, and powerful Reveal Codes, document control has never been easier.

Is WordPerfect and Microsoft Word the same?

[Word and WordPerfect] are very different. Wordperfect was clearly designed by programmers; you program documents in it, using codes to format. … The correct way to use Word is to type in all of your text, finalize the wording, and then format.

Does anyone still use WordPerfect?

Wordperfect, as you may know, is still very much in production. Corel releases new versions every year or two. It’s the #2 word processor in the market, still. Someone is still using it, then.

What is WordPerfect in MS word?

WordPerfect has compatibility features that let you open and edit Microsoft® Word files. You can then save the file in the native file format of Microsoft Word, allowing for the sharing of files across applications. WordPerfect also lets you save any document in the Microsoft Word file format.

Is WordPerfect good?

WordPerfect Office Ratings

It is an excellent word processing software for creating beautiful documents.» «Very good program and product. Very affordable, compared to other systems of similar type.» «It’s still the best program for editing complex legal documents.»

23 related questions found

How much does WordPerfect cost?

WordPerfect Office Pricing Overview

WordPerfect Office pricing starts at $175.60 per feature, as a one-time payment. They do not have a free version. WordPerfect Office offers a free trial.

Is WordPerfect free?

Letter Perfect is now WordPerfect: Download Your Trial Free Now.

What is better than MS word?

LibreOffice Writer is a free and powerful word processor available for Windows, Linux, and Mac. This Microsoft Word alternative can edit and save DOCX file format meaning that if you often collaborate on documents with Microsoft Office users, LibreOffice Writer is your best choice.

Can I convert WordPerfect to word?

WordPerfect documents have a WPD extension and can be easily converted to Word 2010. In fact, Microsoft Word is able to perform the conversion in the background without using any third-party tools and can open the WPD file like a normal DOC file.

Can you open a WordPerfect document in word?

Navigate through your document folders and located the WordPerfect file. Select it and click «Open.» Microsoft Word will convert the file and open it. If no conversion filter is set, the document may contain formatting errors relating to text size, font or layout.

Who owns Corel?

New York-based global investment equity firm KKR announced Wednesday that it acquired Corel, taking ownership from Vector Capital. Terms were not disclosed. TechCrunch initially reported the deal Tuesday. Earlier reports pegged the deal at more than $1 billion.

What is the most popular word processor in the world?

The most popular word processing program is Microsoft Word, but other options such as Google Docs, LibreOffice Writer and Apple Pages also have a following.

Will WordPerfect run on Windows 10?

Replies (6)  According to Corel all versions of wordperfect that were released for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and of course now for Windows 10 are compatible with Windows 10.

Who started Word Perfect?

Bruce Wayne Bastian (born March 23, 1948) is an American computer programmer, businessperson, philanthropist, and social activist. He co-founded the WordPerfect Software Company with Alan Ashton in 1978 (originally known as Satellite Software International and then changed to WordPerfect Corporation in 1982).

Which file starts with MS Word?

Winword.exe is the executable file name for Microsoft Word which is used when Word is launched. The word WinWord stands for Windows Word (Microsoft Word).

How do I convert WPD to DOCX?

How to Convert WPD to DOCX with Doxillion Document Converter Software

  1. Download Doxillion Document Converter Software. Download Doxillion Document Converter Software. …
  2. Import WPD Files into the Program. …
  3. Choose an Output Folder. …
  4. Set the Output Format. …
  5. Convert WPD to DOCX.

How do I install WordPerfect?

To install WordPerfect on a University computer:

Click on the Windows [Start] button > Select «All Programs» > «CedarNet.» (In Windows 10, click on «CedarNet» from the desktop.) Choose «Office Suites.» Select «Corel WordPerfect X6 Suite Installation.» Follow the prompts to install WordPerfect X6 on your machine.

How do I open an old WordPerfect file?

Former Users of WordPerfect

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. From the FILE menu, choose Open.
  3. In the new window which appears, click on the drop-down menu which reads «All Word Documents…»
  4. From the drop-down menu, choose WORDPERECT 6.

What is the free version of Microsoft Word?

The good news is, if you don’t need the full suite of Microsoft 365 tools, you can access a number of its apps online for free — including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Outlook, Calendar and Skype. Here’s how to get them: Go to Log in to your Microsoft account (or create one for free).

Where can I get Word for free?

At the new, you can use basic versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote for free in your browser. They’re the same Microsoft Office apps you’re used to, only they run online and are 100% free.

How can I edit a Word document for free?

How to Edit Word Document Online for Free

  1. Aspose Words Editor.
  2. Google Docs.
  3. Zoho Writer.
  4. ScanWritr.

What is included in WordPerfect?

What’s Included

  • WordPerfect word processor.
  • Quattro Pro spreadsheet application.
  • Presentations slideshow creator.
  • WordPerfect Lightning digital notebook.
  • Paradox database management system.
  • AfterShot™ 3 photo-editing and management.
  • Corel® MultiCam Capture™ Lite.

Can you install WordPerfect on more than one computer?

Can be installed on how many computers? Answer: … ( Depending on where you live, you can install WordPerfect Office on up to two (2) devices if you have a second computer, but still limited to you only being able to use the software on one (1) of those devices at a time.

What is the newest version of WordPerfect?

WordPerfect® Office Standard 2021 introduces the latest version of the office suite supporting your everyday work needs—from crafting documents and presentations, to creating impressive spreadsheets!

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