How to use the word shall in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word shall, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use shall in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «shall».

Shall in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word shall in a sentence.

  1. I mean, shall we put it down?

  2. Never shall I forget that smoke.

  3. We’ll meet afterwards, shall we?

  4. We shall not see her like again.

  5. I shall never write an Opera more.

  6. But I shall have served my country.

  7. Soon we shall have little or none».

  8. I shall never forget his pleasure».

  9. I shall be released about Monday.».

  10. I shall never surrender or retreat.

  11. Perhaps upon my arrival, I shall feel like an outsider.

  12. There is indeed a great danger that we shall be too late».

  13. If things go wrong I shall pass over to the warrior’s rest.

  14. Pistrucci stated, «I shall elevate His Majesty», and did so.

  15. I shall never forget him in this time of strain and stress».

  16. For when the fleet is reduced to nothingness, you shall be overthrown and fall.».

  17. He that sees a Sail first, shall have the best Pistol or Small Arm aboard of her.

  18. But I shall always do what is necessary for the sake of the Jews in the ghetto.».

  19. If it be needful to the successful prosecution of the war, shall anyone oppose it?

  20. Yet it may be, I shall be blamed by some, as being to busie a fault-finder myself.

  21. Furthermore, they had taught us the best of all ways to go hunting, and we shall never use any other.

  22. It dropped out of my head imperceptibly, but she and I shall always have a kindness for each other.».

  23. We shall continue to love and trust him as one of the Americans who best understood Japan’s position.

  24. He paid me more nobly than any other person has done; and his memory I shall ever hold in reverence».

  25. They shall take up serpents», which suggests that Christians might take up «serpents» without injury.

  26. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live.

  27. After more questions, a member of the audience exclaimed «Kent, ask this Ghost if you shall be hanged».

  28. He concluded his speech with the words «we shall overcome», a major anthem of the civil rights movement.

  29. Even so, he wrote, «If the destruction of slavery is to be a consequence of the war, shall we regret it?

  30. In a letter to Woolley, MacNeil had promised to «try and produce something that shall be of use to you».

  31. JS once replied: «At present I am in difficulties; but as long as I have a shilling you shall have half».

  32. He wrote to Eustis: «Nothing now remains but to chastise him [Tenskwatawa] and he shall certainly get it.

  33. I shall plunge into the Thames where there is the least chance of my being snatched from the death I seek.

  34. He decried the gold standard, concluding the speech, «you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold».

  35. Orde-Lees wrote: «We shall have to eat the one who dies first […] there’s many a true word said in jest».

  36. When the flag is displayed outside a building, it shall be displayed on or in front of the building only from a flagpole.

  37. My chief aim is to ensure that our next action shall be a complete success.» The ship was given a refit in December 1915.

  38. I trust before he dips again for this long spell without him, that we have experienced, we shall be in the dear Homeland.

  39. A provision was also added that «[i]f necessary, time of play shall be extended to admit of the penalty kick being taken».

  40. And a freewill-offering was when one said, «This animal shall serve as a burnt-offering» (specifying a particular animal).

  41. John Chapman of the Daily News termed it «one of the finest musical plays I have ever seen and I shall remember it always».

  42. David Hilbert defended it from its critics by declaring, «No one shall expel us from the paradise that Cantor has created.».

  43. Though I may be able to think up some episodes for him in the future, I shall never be able to give him 70,000 words again».

  44. For it is the evil things that we shall be fighting against, brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression, and persecution.

  45. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down, It may be we shall touch the happy Isles And see the great Achilles whom we knew!

  46. He is led out to his execution, saying his final words: «I shall see Germany once more – from the stars.» The Dundee Evening Telegraph described the storyline as «quaint».

  47. President Cleveland spoke next, stating that the statue’s «stream of light shall pierce the darkness of ignorance and man’s oppression until Liberty enlightens the world».

  48. He that shall have the Misfortune to loose a Limb in time of Engagement, shall have the Sum of Six hundred pieces of Eight, and remain aboard as long as he shall think fit.

  49. The warrior refused, and Circe offered him with a choice; to serve the general and his men would be spared from Circe’s wrath, or to kill the general and his men shall die.

  50. His famous speech, in which he said, «I came through and I shall return», was first made at Terowie railway station in South Australia, on 20 March, where he changed trains.

General information about «shall» example sentences

The example sentences for the word shall that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «shall» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «shall».

Shall or Will?

Hello, I’m Jane at DailyStep English!

What is the difference between WILL and SHALL? How can we use SHALL correctly? 

How many meanings does SHALL have in English?  In this free DailyStep English Quiz + Lesson, you will learn the difference between SHALL and WILL, and other meanings of SHALL that may be new to you! If you are new to DailyStep English, please register for  5 Free Audio Lessons and to join my mailing list.

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Shall (modal verb)
by Jane Lawson at

This little word causes so much confusion among English students! I get so many emails asking me to explain it, and in class, English teachers all over the world explain it every day! Why is it so confusing? Well, one reason is that its usage has changed over the years.

Many people think that English still uses ‘I shall’ and ‘We shall’ to express the future, but this is rarely the case now, as you will see in this word study…

Meaning 1: In old-fashioned or very formal English, or when we want to sound dramatic, we use ‘shall’ instead of ‘will’ when the subject is ‘I’ or ‘we’ and when we are talking about the future. Most people use ‘will’ these days.

1. I shall spend all day tomorrow studying English. (note: note this sounds more formal than saying ‘I will spend all day…’) 2. I shall never forget this beautiful day. (note: this sounds more dramatic than saying ‘I will never forget…’) 3. We shall contact you in the near future. (this sounds very formal)

Meaning 2: We use ‘shall’, with ‘I’ or ‘we’ when we make a suggestion.

1. “I’m too hot. Shall I turn on the air conditioning?” “Yes, please.”

2. “Shall we go to the beach tomorrow?” “Yes, let’s do that!”

Meaning 3: We use ‘shall’ to say that something certainly will or must happen, or that you are determined that something will happen. After ‘I’ or ‘We’ with this meaning, we always emphasise the word ‘shall’.

1. I shall be there to help you, so please don’t worry about it.

2. The company rules state that no employee shall smoke on the company premises.

Meaning 4: We sometimes use ‘shall’ when we are asking for advice.

1. What shall I do about this problem? (note: in this sentence, we can also say, ‘What should I do about this problem.’ Using ‘shall’ rather than ‘should’ sounds as if you are ready to do something immediately. If you use ‘should’, it sounds more like a request for general advice. I will say more about the difference between ‘shall’ and ‘should’ in a future blog.)

2. How shall I break the news to him?

Meaning 5: We sometimes use ‘shall’ to express our strong intention.

1. I shan’t (= shall not) tell anyone this secret.

2. I shall post this letter first thing in the morning.

3. We shall not let you down. (note: in these examples we could also use ‘will’ instead of ‘shall’, but using ‘shall’ indicates a stronger intention.)

Meaning 6:
In legal English, and the language of legal contracts, ‘shall’ means ‘has a legal duty to’.Examples:
1. The seller shall provide accurate and clear information and shall disclose all material defects known or suspected prior to the sale. (note: this means that the seller has a duty to provide accurate and clear information…)2. All employees shall inform the head of their department of their intention to leave at least thirty days prior to their desired leaving date. (note: this means that all employees have a duty to inform their boss thirty days before they want to leave.)

Now, write your own sentences using SHALL. Try to make them true to your own life if possible as this will help you to remember them better.

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Modal verb Shall in English: use cases, examples, forms, difference

когда используется shall а когда will

Traditionally, the modal verb Shall in English has been used with the pronouns I / We to express future actions, just like the auxiliary verb Will. Modern English now only uses will.

In colloquial speech, perhaps the English still use shall as an auxiliary verb, but one way or another, the language is changing, and even the British agree that it is no longer on a par with will.

Today you will learn in what cases this modal verb is used, how sentences are built with it and take a test to test your knowledge.

Forms of formation of the modal verb Shall

This modal verb is used without the to particle and is pronounced [ʃæl], in the negative form the transcription looks like this [ʃɑːnt].

Let’s see how sentences are constructed with this modal verb:

Affirmative sentences

In statements, we put it after the subject:

— I shall talk to him tomorrow. — I’ll talk to him tomorrow.

Obviously, this word is not used with other modal verbs, but you can use it with need to / be able to / have to:

— I have good news! I shall be able to visit my parents in Spain! — I have good news! I can visit my parents in Spain!

Negative sentences

In negations, remember the not particle:

— I shan’t be able to visit my parents. — I won’t be able to visit my parents.

The full form is used in formal situations or when we want to emphasize something. Native speakers rarely use negative structure.

In questions, the verb is swapped with the subject:

— Shall we meet for lunch? “Shouldn’t we meet for lunch?”

Last but not least, Shall is used in separation issues:

— I’ll drive you home, shall I? — I’ll take you home, okay?

Use cases for the modal verb Shall

Shall is never a purely modal verb. It always combines modal meaning with the function of an auxiliary verb for the future tense.

This verb is still used to formulate a commitment with a second and third person in the singular and plural, but it is not common in this sense in colloquial English.

Its use is usually limited to the formal or even archaic style and is found mainly in subordinate clauses, where it is structurally dependent:


Don’t Americans say «shall»?

когда используется shall а когда will

There is a legend of a Scottish man living in London. He didn’t know how to use SHALL and WILL, he was drowning and he shouted: 

“I will die, no one shall save me” instead of “I shall die, no one will save me”. 

And he died because of that.

You get the joke?

If you have ever studied classical, correct English, then you understand what the salt is :) But in general, this anecdote is two hundred years old, so even if you do not understand, do not be discouraged.

For many Americans shall practically non-existent… Even 18 years ago, when I was in school, we were already warned that shall has long been outdated and lost its position in colloquial speech.

Later I became convinced of this: in 95% of cases, Americans do not use shall… Therefore, to all my students, I said: » shall… Just speak will».

Hall with all its subtleties — really a feature of the British. One old cartoon made fun of formality shall:

«Shall we?» — «Let’s shall!»

However, it cannot be argued that Americans do not use shall never. Let’s put an end to the question “When do Americans say shall

The most typical use case shall — a proposal to do something together. There are two options:

1) Shall we go now? — Well, let’s go already?

Shall we go for a walk? — Let’s go for a walk?

Shall we go to the movies? — Let’s go to the movies?

Shall we dance? — Well, let’s dance?

2) Are you ready? Let’s go, shall we? — Are you ready? Then we go?

Let’s dance, shall we? — Shall we dance?

Let’s get started, shall we? — Let `s start?

Note that all of these questions are assumed to be answered yes. Thanks to shall/shallwe? the question doesn’t sound so assertive (compare to “Let’s go! Let’s get started!”).

Hall softens these suggestions. Many Americans even say they do shallwhen they want to show gallantry and special courtesy.

However, there is one big «but». Hall sounds archaic, whatever one may say. Therefore, Americans are more likely to choose more casual expressions:

Let’s get started, okay?

Alright, let’s get started.

Do you wanna go?

Why don’t we go to the movies?

How about going out tonight?

Wanna eat out?

Shall vs. should

In principle, shall can occur in sentences like:

HallIhelpyouWithThat? — I (should / should) help you with this?

What shall I do? — What should I do? What do i do?

Whereshallwego? — Where should we (should) go?

These sentences sound normal, but even in these cases, Americans are much more willing to say shouldntAnd not shall.

Hall forspecialcases

Sometimes Americans use shallto emphasize your unwavering determination to do something.

For example, if a politician is asked whether he will do what he promises, he may well answer: “I will, and I shall”. That is, «Yes, and I declare that I am determined to do this, and I will do my best.»

Can be found shall


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когда используется shall а когда will

Difference between shall и will not striking — they both can serve to form the future tense and even replace each other. But since these verbs are modal, they are not so simple with them. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind in connection with will и shall Is the future tense. But they can also contribute to the expression of intention or obligation.

Cases of bygone days

Long ago, before smartphones were invented (like the internet and television), English grammar was more or less orderly.

Traditional rules prescribed the use of shall with the first person (I — I и we — we), in the event that it was necessary to form the future tense without additional meanings. With the rest of the faces it was possible to use will.

It looked something like this:

I shall meet Miss Edwards tomorrow. I’ll see Miss Edwards tomorrow.

We shall stay in London. We will be staying in London.

Miss edwards will be delighted. Miss Edwards will be delighted.

They will meet us at the station. They will meet us at the train station.

If will was used in the first person, then it expressed the idea of ​​aspiration, decisiveness.

I will speak to Miss Edwards about her dog digging up my flower bed! I’ll talk to Ms. Edwards about her dog digging my flower bed!

We will definitely solve this problem. We will definitely solve this problem.

When this confidence in future action was projected onto someone else (second or third person), then it was used shall:

you shall obey me. You will obey me.

Margarete shall help you with that. Margaret will definitely help you with this.

And in fact,

Now we have to reveal all the cards and admit that these rules have not been observed by anyone for a long time. English speakers are fluent in both verbs with any person. The main thing to remember is will is used many times more often than shall.

Although there is at least one case where knowing the old rules will come in handy: if you love classical English literature and want to read it in the original.

Alice, the one who ended up in Wonderland, constantly uses shall with the first person and will — with other persons. After all, she was an educated English girl from a good family.

I shall be punished for it now, by being drowned in my own tears! That will be a queer thing, to be sure! Now, as a punishment, I will also drown in my own tears! It will really be strange!

I do hope it will make me grow large again. I hope this helps me grow again.

Abridged version

In colloquial speech, you don’t have to worry about which verb to put — you can just use contractions after pronouns. Who knows which verb is hidden behind two letters «l«?

I‘ll be there at 6. I’ll be there at six.

They‘ll come over for dinner. They will stop by for dinner.

True, there is still a difference in reducing negatives: «will not « becomes won’t, a «shall not « turns into shan’t. True, this last version is extremely rarely used in America, and it can be heard less and less on other continents.  

Will (shall) — the difference is there still?

Yes, there are cases when only will or only shall… Let’s take them apart!

Although the verb shall is rapidly falling out of use as an indicator of the future tense, nevertheless, in some values ​​it has become entrenched.

  • For example, when you suggest something to someone or ask a clarifying question, you can start the sentence with shall, or put it at the end:

Hall I help you? Can I help you?

Let’s go, shall we? Let’s go to?

End «Shall we?» in the last example, it expresses a certain impatience and even, to some extent, authoritarianism. This is a more formal alternative to the ending «Okay?» which is put when we expect consent from the interlocutor.


Let’s just do it, okay? Let’s just do it, ok?


Future in English: future simple, is it necessary and when to use going to

«Grammar» The Times » Future in English: future simple, is it necessary and when to use going to

Future. Everything that hasn’t happened yet, but will happen at any point in time after now. Interestingly, in some languages, for example, in Chinese, there is no future tense — you have to say something like «I’ll go tomorrow.» In English, the future tense, of course, is and it is, moreover, one of the simplest. The future tense is formed by adding will to any verb. However, English would not be English, if it had not thrown in exceptions and nuances here too — they will be discussed.

How Future Simple is formed

If you need to build a sentence in the future, all you need to do is put the particle will in front of the verbs. And that’s all.

I will go. You will do it. John will come. I will go. You do. John will come. It couldn’t be easier, right?


Well, or almost nowhere. And here the first difficulty awaits you. In the case when will stands after the pronoun, it is often shortened to ‘ll, that is, I will becomes I’ll, you will — you’ll, he will — he’ll, and so on.

This shouldn’t be a problem when reading; but in spoken language, especially if you are just starting to learn English, this is something worth paying attention to. ‘ll in the colloquial speech of a native speaker can be completely invisible, it literally slips between the pronoun and the verb.

In fluent speech, words will, as it were, flow into each other along the way for a moment, flowing into ‘ll.

But what about shall?

Here, especially if there are students in the classroom who got their first idea of ​​the future tense in English back in Soviet school, they might be surprised. «If the subject in the sentence is I or we, then the verb shall is used to form the future tense.» I don’t know about you, but that’s how I was taught in the 5th grade.

Here the Soviet textbook, to put it mildly, is not entirely right. In all cases, will is used, and it doesn’t matter what face the subject has in the sentence: I will, you will, he will. That’s all. Another classic of English literature Chaucer in the 14th century used will for all pronouns and did not worry about what Soviet textbooks thought about it.

When to use shall

At the same time, I do not want to say at all that the British sent shall to the dustbin of history. If you have more or less sorted out with will, let’s take a look at the cases where shall is quite appropriate.

Shall as the force of circumstance

To begin with, shall and will, although both mean «something will happen in the future,» have a more subtle connotation in their meanings.

Will has a tint of desire, intentions to do something: “I want and will do”, “he wants and will do”. Hallon the other hand, it is, rather, «force majeure circumstances», «something that should happen.» A classic example from English grammar:

I shall drown; no one will save me! I will drown (and this circumstance is stronger than me) and no one will save me (because no one wants or can save me)

Now let’s turn this phrase the other way.

I will drown; no one shall save me! I will drown (and here we have a shade of suicide — I want to drown!), And no one will save me (do not come and do not try to save me!).

In fairness, it should be noted that this nuance — the desire for will and the circumstances for shall are gradually leaving the English language. But the next feature of the verb shall, which we will now talk about, is manifested even more.

Shall as a modal verb


Shall and will: usage rules and differences from other modal verbs

By Natalia October 3, 2018

Modal verbs act as auxiliary verbs, carry a number of different semantic loads. All these rules have their own logical thread, remembering which, you will forever remember the features of shall, will, must, have to, should, ought to, would and others.

Basic concept of modality

Modal verbs perform the function of helping one word to another, fill a bunch of words with meaning.

I should go to work. — I have to go to work.

What happens if you remove should?

I go to work. — I go to work.

The meaning has changed. It is for the correct presentation of thoughts that modal verbs serve.

There are 8 main verbs that obey a number of rules, and 5 words that are not modal, but fit some of these rules.

Basic modal verbs are easy to remember:

MMM — must, may, might;

WW — will, would;

CC — can, could;

SS — shall, should.


  • ought to, need, have to, be able to (for use in the past tense of opportunity verbs);
  • used to (denoting an action that was performed before but is not being performed now).

Basic rules for modal verbs:

  • You can’t put s to them. Never. Forget about it. We are used to: She speaks English well. — She speaks to him. With a modal verb of opportunity: She might speak English well. — She could speak English well.
  • In questions, they behave in the same way as a regular auxiliary verb: Is he leaving now? — Is he leaving now? And now the verb of opportunity: Could I leave now? — Can I get out now?
  • We use the modal verb first, and then the not particle and then the infinitive. In general, the principle is the same as in the second rule.

Shall and will before and now

English is very plastic or flexible. Every day he changes and adapts to people. This is how the Future Simple or Future Indefinite tense rule has changed.


Auxiliary verbs in English

The topic of service and auxiliary verbs is quite difficult for those who have started learning English. Not all service verbs have an equivalent in Russian. However, of course, for the English, helper verbs are natural and important. Such verbs have no meaning, and in statements they are only part of the predicate. Next, we will take a closer look at what it means, service verb and find out why we need helper verbs.

What is an auxiliary verb in English

Service verbs are words that, in terms of vocabulary, do not have an individual meaning. These helper verbs serve as support for action verbs. Their main function is to help build a sentence correctly with a complex verb form. These verbs are used when you need to express the number, gender, or time period of an action.

Remember, individual verbs from this topic can be used as basic ones, for example: tobe, toHave, todo.

In addition, in many cases to be is used in combinations as a linking verb, and will и shall — can occur as modal verbs.

Although these verbs are not translated into Russian, they serve as multifunctional helpers in British sentences.

Consider these examples:

  • He is at work now. — He’s at work now.
  • You were busy and didn’t notice us. — You were busy and did not notice us.
  • She runs here every morning. — She runs here every morning.
  • I have finished my project. — I finished the project.

Etcarrangements сverb activity:

  • I’m a blogger. — I’m a blogger.
  • You have to study. –You will have to learn.
  • I do believe you. — I really believe you.

How many service verbs are there?

Let’s look at what service verbs are and what each of them means. There are only five verbs — helpers:

  • to do
  • to be
  • to have
  • shall (should)
  • will (would)

The first three service verbs are used most often: be, do, Have… Special attention should be paid to these verbs. The reasons are as follows:

  1. These verbs are used most often.
  2. They are «two-faced» — they can take the form of both an action verb and a service verb.
  3. Verbs be, do, Have mutated by faces.
  4. Each of them has an abbreviated form.

To be, to be and to have easily change shape. All forms of these verbs in the present tense are shown in the table:

Pronoun to do to be to have
I do am Have
He, She, It does is has
They, we, you do are Have

In the past tense, the form changes only for the verb tobe:

  • What: I, he, she, it
  • Were: They, we, you

The service verbs to have and to do in the past tense, in accordance with the rules, in all persons form the form did and had.

Will, shall, should, would — verbs that do not change by faces.

Verb to be

Be Is the most commonly used verb in English. This is just one verb, which has a special form in different persons and numbers. This verb can serve as a connecting link, used as a service verb, or express an action. Verb be sentences can be translated as «Appear» и «be», when used as an action verb.

Affirmative sentences and questions with to be:

  • I have to be at work today. — I have to be at work today.
  • I need to go now. — I have to go.
  • Do you want to be our guest? — Would you like to be our guest?


Future tense with Will / Shall 1 (Future simple)

We use I’ll (= I will) when we decided to do something at the time of speech:

  • Oh, I’ve left the door open. I’ll go and shut it.
  • ‘What would you to drink?’ ‘I’ll have an orange juice, please. ‘
  • ‘Did you phone Lucy?’ ‘Oh no, I forgot. I’ll phone her now. ‘

You cannot use the present simple (I do / i go and others) in these sentences:

  • I‘ll go and shut the door. (not I go and shut)

We often use I think I’ll и I don’t think I’ll :

  • I feel a bit hungry. I think I’ll have something to eat.
  • I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. I’m too tired.

In spoken English, negation will usually is won’t (= want not):

  • I can see you’re busy, so I won’t stay long.

Do not use willwhen you talk about something you have already decided or planned to do (see lessons 19, 20):

  • I‘m going on holiday next Saturday. (not I’ll go)
  • Are you working tomorrow? (not will you work)

We often use will in the following situations:

Suggesting to do something

  • That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it. (not I help)

Agreeing to do something

  • A: Can you give Tim this book?
    B: sure I’ll give it to him when I see him this afternoon.

Promising to do something

  • Thanks for lending me the money. I’ll pay you back on Friday.
  • I won’t tell anyone what happened. I promise.

Asking someone to do something (will you ?)

  • will you please turn the stereo down? I’m trying to concentrate.

You can use won’twhen someone refuses to do something:

  • I’ve tried to give her advice, but she won’t listen… (in Russian: does not listen; in English: will not listen)
  • The car won’t start… (= car ‘refuses’ to start)

Shall I? Shall we?

More often shall used in questions shall I ? / shall we ?

We use shall I ? / shall we ? to ask someone’s opinion, especially about suggestions or suggestions:

  • Shall i open the window? (= Should I open a window? = Do you want me to open a window? Offer)
  • I’ve got no money. What shall I do? (= What should I do? = What do you suggest? (For me to do) suggestion)
  • Shall we go? ‘ ‘Just a minute. I’m not ready yet. ‘
  • Where shall we go this evening?

Compare shall I ? and will you ?:

  • Shall i shut the door? (= Do I close the door? = Do you want me to close the door?)
  • will you shut the door? (= Will you close the door? = I want you to close the door.)

Continued in the next lesson.


1. Complete the sentences with I’ll + a suitable verb.

2. Read the situations and write sentences with I think I’ll or I don’t think I’ll.

3. Check the box for the correct option. (If necessary, repeat lessons 19, 20)

4. What would you say in these situations? Write sentences with shall I? or shall we?

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Will and shall are two modal verbs used to show the future tense. Here is a comparison (will vs shall) and 100+ sentences of will and shall, so that you can understand them better.

The uses of the modal verbs ‘will’ and ‘shall’ are sometimes a bit confusing. It isn’t always clear when to use shall and when to use will. This is especially true in writing, where it is easy to confuse your readers if you get these words wrong.

In this article, we will look at how they are used with examples so that you can understand them better.

  • Will and shall are two modal verbs used to show the future tense.
  • “Shall” is used to indicate a promise or a threat, while “will” can be used for making promises or threats.
  • Both help in talking about the present, as well.

It’s important to learn different uses of will and shall in order to be more precise while expressing one’s thoughts.

Usage of Will Examples
Will can be used to make polite suggestions John, will you pass the salt?
Will is used to make polite requests Will you help me with my homework?
Will is used to make predictions and give advice Clifford, I will lend you my dictionary later if you need it.
Will is used to say what one expects or thinks will happen I will fail my exams unless I start studying now.
Will is used to talk about what one wants I will always love you.
Usage of Shall Examples
“Shall” is a modal auxiliary of “will”:
It’s used to make predictions about the future.
I thought you shall be joining us.
Shall is used to show determination. We shall meet our deadline.
Shall is used with first-person to show the certainty of an action that will take place in the near future. I shall start my paper tomorrow.
We shall meet him for lunch at 12.
Shall is used to make suggestions. He shall run the marathon!
Shall is used to make promises voluntarily. I shall buy you a new computer for your birthday present.

Hopefully, you will be able to differentiate between “will” and “shall” with the help of the above comparison.

Will Vs Shall use in examplesPin

Will Vs Shall use in examples

Sentences of will and shall

Affirmative Sentences of Will

  1. It is evident that she has been at fault and will be severely punished.
  2. You will be called upon to work long hours.
  3. You will never succeed unless you persevere.
  4. Our team will put in a lot of effort.
  5. I am sure that the work we produce will be of high quality and meet all deadlines.
  6. I will clean the house tomorrow.
  7. You will sleep during the movie.
  8. We will go to Paris this year.
  9. He will finish it before you come back.
  10. They will come in at 9pm.
  11. The kids will study after dinner.
  12. Mom will stay overnight at the hotel.
  13. They will get a pay rise next month.
  14. She will be home soon.
  15. You will write the report after lunch.
  16. He will give you his car if you ask him.
  17. You will be a designer one day.
  18. We were there yesterday, and we will be there tomorrow too!
  19. I will buy a new car next month.
  20. He will get lost on the way home.
  21. She will see you now, George.
  22. What time is it in Japan? Japan time will be 6 hours ahead of us (6 hours west).
  23. You will like it.
  24. She will get an A+ on the test, for sure.
  25. There will be enough money to do what I need to do next month.
  26. I will buy a new computer as soon as I can afford one.
  27. We will have a huge dinner and lots of cake!
  28. She will probably go to the movies with her friends tonight.
  29. You will make a mistake if you don’t ask for help.
  30. You will change the tyre of your car regularly.
  31. They will be a little disappointed.
  32. I will leave as soon as my work is done.
  33. They will build a bridge across the river in the summer holidays next year.
  34. We will leave this town soon.
  35. I will try to be there for your birthday celebration.

Negative Sentences of Will

  1. They will not come home tonight.
  2. He will not be able to join us on vacation.
  3. She will not take care of it.
  4. My wife said that she will not give me any more money for clothes.
  5. I will not use public transport.
  6. We will not go out on weekends the three months.
  7. You are very friendly, but I will not depend on you.
  8. They will not come when they can.
  9. We will not use the old table in the new apartment.
  10. The car will not pass the test.

Interrogative Sentences of Will

  1. Will you advise me a little in that matter?
  2. What will the weather be like today?
  3. Will everybody be discussing it?
  4. Will I know where to turn to for help?
  5. Will you be ready by then?
  6. Will she go to the movie?
  7. Will he cook meals every night?
  8. Will they be at the meeting on time?
  9. Will they go to London in July?
  10. Will you be happy for him?

Sentences of Shall

  1. You shall clean my car and I will go on vacation.
  2. He shall do his homework now.
  3. We shall be watching TV now.
  4. They shall get into trouble one day.
  5. John promised to give me more time with him and we shall make a plan tonight.
  6. She says that she shall be there at 8 o’clock sharp.
  7. She shall bring the files to work on Wednesday.
  8. You shall catch up on all your work today.
  9. You shall please your teachers.
  10. We shall reduce costs.
  11. They shall travel to Berlin.
  12. David shall do the exercises.
  13. You shall be a good boy and study hard.
  14. Few boys shall refuse a dare from their friends.
  15. We shall live in a small suburb.
  16. You shall never leave!
  17. They shall be punished.
  18. You shall do this for me, or you shall be punished too.
  19. They shall not pass!
  20. We shall be looking out for it.
  21. You shall make it work.
  22. She shall understand the situation.
  23. A day later I shall have met my deadline.
  24. You shall go to the ball.
  25. You shall not go to the ball.
  26. I shall feed the dog.
  27. I shall water the flowers later.
  28. I shall be eligible for the prize.
  29. It shall rain in the morning.
  30. You shall come to classes early.
  31. I shall call at five o’clock.
  32. They shall finish within a week.
  33. This sauce shall be delicious.
  34. We shall meet next month if we have time.
  35. I am sure that you are honest, and I shall always trust you.
  36. She shall soon solve the problem.
  37. We shall order their arrest.
  38. They shall be given a chance to defend themselves.
  39. She shall move into her new office today.
  40. I want to talk to you about your grades and I am sure that shall turn them around.
  41. They are going to offer a course on flower arranging and I think you shall enjoy it.

Negative Sentences of Shall

  1. You all have to sign this petition since you shall be living in our city.
  2. I shall not eat it, OK?
  3. You shall not do that.
  4. You shall not fail in this task.
  5. You shall not force your opinion on me!

Interrogative Sentences of Shall

  1. Shall we make it on time?
  2. Shall people use this new tool?
  3. Shall we see her tomorrow?
  4. Shall we be rewarded for honesty?
  5. Shall you meet the required standards?

Read also

  • Will and shall in Future Tense
  • No Sooner Than Sentences (31 Examples)
  • Examples with Neither Nor
  • Sentences with Either – or
  • Not Only But Also Sentences
  • 50 Example Sentences with However
  • Do Does Did Sentences (50 Examples)
  • Has Have Had use in sentences | 50 Examples
  • Was Were Sentences | 50 Examples
  • There is – There are Sentences | 50 Examples
  • Is am are sentences in English (50 Examples)

Definition of Shall

an alternative for the word ‘will’ that tells what someone will do

Examples of Shall in a sentence

We shall go to breakfast at 8:00, if our cab arrives in time.


The candidate shall run for office again if he does not win.


Even though he is sick, the King shall continue to reign over the area.


I shall wash several loads of laundry tomorrow before I go to bed.


We shall make steaks for dinner tomorrow night instead of spaghetti.


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About 8009 results found using ‘SHALL’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • The shares shall rank pari passu with the existing issued shares of the Company.  (open, save, copy)

  • Maybe I shall have to take one and let the children follow my adventures online.  (open, save, copy)

  • How shall Washington, starved for a baseball champion for 87 years, love Harper?  (open, save, copy)

  • They shall not reign, but Limeria is in our control although we are far from it.  (open, save, copy)

  • Candidate shall engage resources across the delivery organizations as necessary.  (open, save, copy)

  • I shall be at Town on Saturday, and hoping we can do the Shots for three points.  (open, save, copy)

  • I hereby undertake that I shall subject myself to a medical test including AIDS.  (open, save, copy)

  • We shall need to work harder to have less, both as individuals and as a country.  (open, save, copy)

  • We shall soon find out if that’s true-and if so, who moves in to take its place.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘shall’:

  1. Shall and will are both modal verbs in English used to express propositions about the future. According to the New Oxford Dictionary of English, In modern English the interchangeable use of shall and will is an acceptable part of standard British and US English. … [source]
  2. Used similarly to indicate determination or obligation, particularly in the second and third persons singular and plural; Used in questions to suggest a possible future action; To owe [source]
  3. If a document or user agent conflicts with this statement, it does not conform to this specification. [source]
  4. Many specification writers use the word «shall» to describe a requirement in the software that is to be tested. [source]
  5. The word shall is to be understood as mandatory. [source]
  6. This word indicates that adherence to the particular requirement is necessary in order to conform to the specification. [source]
  7. The term, when used in the code, is construes as mandatory. [source]
  8. When used in a Code or Standard, this word indicates that the rule is mandatory and must be followed. (See «should») [source]
  9. (as opposed to will) is more commonly used by the British than by Americans.. Shan’t is seldom used in AmE (almost invariably replaced by won’t or am not going to), and very much less so amongst Britons. … [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘shall’:

“Shall” is a verb commonly placed before pronouns like “we” and “I.” We use it to make suggestions, but it would help us to go a little more in-depth than that. This article will look into using “shall we” and how we can make it work.

What Does “Shall We” Mean?

“Shall we” is both a question starter and a standalone phrase. We use it to suggest something for a group of people to do. “We,” in this case, refers to any number of people as long as it’s greater than one.

What Does "Shall We" Mean?

The definition of “shall,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “used, with “I” or “we,” to make a suggestion.”

“Shall we” as a standalone phrase simply means “are we all now ready to do this thing that I suggested?” or “should we proceed with the idea?”

  • Shall we?

It works as a question in itself like this, and the thing we’re asking or suggesting would already have been stated in the context.

Suggestions are made with “shall,” meaning we can use it to find out whether people want to do a thing or not. It’s like saying, “can we proceed with this” or “would you like to do that?”

Examples Of How To Use “Shall We” In A Sentence

Some examples will help you to understand how “shall we” works. Since “shall” is a verb and it comes before the pronoun “we,” it’s clear that “shall we” is only ever correct in a question. There are no cases where “shall we” is part of a statement.

  1. Shall we dance while the music continues playing?
  2. He’s ready now. Shall we?
  3. Shall we keep going, or shall we turn back before it’s too late?
  4. Shall we continue down this path while there’s still light in the day?
  5. Shall we make sure that no one else is home before doing anything stupid?
  6. Okay, it looks like everyone’s arrived. Shall we?
  7. I’m ready after all that time! Shall we?
  8. Shall we order some food for a nice quiet evening together?
  9. I think I can hear them on the other side of this door. Shall we?
  10. Shall we go to where the rainbow meets the land and see whether we can find a pot of gold?
  11. Shall we go to the beach today?
  12. Shall we, darling?

“Shall we” is a question starter when making a suggestion about something to do (the verb will follow “shall we” in these cases). It also works as a standalone question to ask whether we’re ready to proceed with an action of some kind.

When Should I Use “So Shall We”?

“So shall we” is a little different when including “so” at the start of the phrase. It still works as a standalone idea, but “so” changes the meaning slightly.

“So shall we” is correct when a suggestion has already been made and accepted. However, the people you suggest the idea toward might not be ready to start the activity yet and might need more time to get ready or set up. We say “so shall we” to remind them.

“So” works as a way to reintroduce the idea to the group.

  • Shall we go dancing today?
  • Yes, but I need to get ready first.

This could be the first question. We then give the people time to get ready for the thing in question. After a little while, once they have finished getting ready in this context, we’ll say:

  • So shall we?

To remind them of the suggestion and clarify whether they’re ready to dive into it or not.

It helps us to politely ask whether there’s anything else the person or people might need to do. Usually, once we ask this, we’re already aware that everyone is ready and more than happy to begin. Still, it helps to ask because you never know when someone might need a little more time.

“Shall We” – Synonyms

Finally, it might help you to see some synonyms and alternatives to the question to find out what it means. If you’re not confident using it or you’d simply prefer a different option, these are the best choices for you.

  • Should we
  • Are you ready?
  • Should we proceed?
  • Do you want to begin?
  • Are you prepared?
  • May we
  • Can we

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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