How to use the word explain

объяснять, разъяснять, растолковать, толковать, оправдывать


- объяснять

to explain the meaning of a word — объяснить значение слова
explain this problem to me — объясните мне эту задачу
explain to me what this means — объясните мне, что это значит

- оправдываться, давать объяснения

he was unable to explain his conduct — он не смог объяснить своего поведения
he explained that he had been delayed by the rain — он объяснил, что задержался из-за дождя
when he has done wrong he never explains — когда он поступает неправильно, он никогда не оправдывается

- толковать, разъяснять

to explain smb.’s viewpoint — изложить /разъяснить, развить/ чью-л. точку зрения

- объясняться
- объяснять своё поведение, свои мотивы и т. п.

Мои примеры


attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world — попытки объяснить происхождение зла в этом мире  
to explain satisfactorily — толково объяснять  
to explain by giving an example — объяснять на примере  
explain in detail — подробно объяснять  
explain coup — давать объяснение по поводу государственного переворота  
background of the deal was easy to explain — подоплёка этой сделки была легко объяснима  
explain in complete detail — объяснить в деталях полностью; объяснить в деталях подробно  
explain in terms of an example — объяснять на примере  
c to explain away — оправдываться  
explain a lesson — объяснять урок  
explain a problem — разъяснять проблему  

Примеры с переводом

Give me a chance to explain.

Дай мне шанс объяснить.

Wait! I can explain everything.

Подождите! Я могу всё объяснить.

He explained why he was late.

Он объяснил, почему опоздал.

Let me explain what I mean.

Позвольте мне объяснить, что я имею в виду.

Let me explain it this way.

Позвольте мне объяснить это так.

She explained the problem to me.

Она объяснила мне суть проблемы.

We miss any attempt to explain.

Мы упускаем шанс что-либо объяснить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…trying to explain a mix-up in my mail order to a clearly raddled clerk in customer service…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

explainable  — объяснимый
explained  — объяснять, разъяснять, растолковать, толковать, оправдывать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: explain
he/she/it: explains
ing ф. (present participle): explaining
2-я ф. (past tense): explained
3-я ф. (past participle): explained

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Let me explain something to you.

«Гирстен», позволь мне объяснить, кое что для тебя.

I love them for reasons that I cannot explain.

Я тоже люблю тебя, по причинам, которые невозможно объяснить.

The following photos will explain what I mean.

Я надеюсь, что следующие фотографии объясняют, что я имею в виду.

The prayers that follow after each reading properly explain its content.

Молитвы, которые следуют после каждого чтения, должным образом объясняют его содержание.

Prosecutors did not explain how they reached their conclusion.

Правоохранительные органы не пояснили, каким образом пришли к такому заключению.

No philosophy or religion can explain it.

Ни наука, не религия объяснить это не могут.

Sorry, I cannot explain it better.

Мне жаль, я не могу объяснить это лучше.

Now let me explain what is an arduino.

Хорошо, сначала позвольте мне объяснить, что такое ардуино.

This could explain why laughter can be contagious.

Кроме того, это может также объяснить, почему смех является заразным.

Laws by themselves cannot explain things.

Законы сами по себе не могут объяснить этого положения.

Chemistry and physics can explain it.

С точки зрения химии и физики это не сложно объяснить.

These properties explain why methaqualone was originally mainly prescribed for insomnia.

Этим можно объяснить тот факт, что метаквалон первоначально назначали в основном при бессоннице.

How I live I cannot explain.

Как мы остались живы, я объяснить не могу.

He just didn’t explain it correctly.

На самом деле, просто им правильно не объяснили».

Honestly, this video doesn’t explain anything.

Ну вот это видео как раз ничего не объясняет толком.

I’ve seen something I cannot explain.

There were two mysterious things since my salvation that I cannot explain.

Было две таинственных вещи, начиная с моего спасения, которое я не могу объяснить.

You can’t always explain complicated design ideas verbally.

Вы не всегда можете объяснить сложные дизайнерские идеи в устной форме.

This observation may explain why different authors disagree about whether social systems can be autopoietic.

Это наблюдение, возможно, объяснит, почему различные авторы не могут прийти к согласию в вопросе о том, могут ли социальные системы быть автопоэзийными.

Just what these gentlemen meant by «socialist revolution» they could never explain.

Что собственно эти господа понимали под «социалистической революцией», этого они никогда объяснить не могли бы.

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How to use the English verb "explain" | English Teacher Melanie

I frequently see English learners using the verb explain incorrectly.

Teacher, can you explain me . . .?

Let me explain you what I mean . . .

Explain means make something clear or easy to understand (MW), and that’s what I want to do in this lesson. I use colors and example sentences to help you understand exactly how to use the verb explain.

The verb explain is not followed by object pronoun. It can’t be followed by a pronoun like me, him, her, you or us that is the object of the verb, or the pronoun that receives the action of the verb. That’s why “Can you explain me …?” is wrong.

The verb explain has a very specific sentence pattern. Remember this when you want to use explain in a sentence.

You explain something TO someone.


You explain TO someone something.

I explained the problem to my friends.

Can you please explain the difference between borrow and lend?

The teacher explained the game to the children.

I understand now. She explained it to me very clearly.

If you are not explaining anything to anyone, then you can useexplain by itself.

Something could also be a clause with a wh- question word.

He tried to explain how to play cricket to me, but I still don’t understand.

Can you please explain what “a clause” is?

My mom explained to us how to use the washing machine.

I will try to explain when to use the present perfect.

Something could also be a clause with that.

They explained that they were getting a divorce.

I explained to everyone that I will check my email while I’m on vacation.

I explained to him he needed to work harder.

That can be left out of the sentence.

Now you know how to use the verb explain in an English sentence!

When you’re trying to get your point across, it’s important to use the right words. This article will discuss the difference between “describe” and “explain”, with examples to help illustrate the point. By understanding the difference between these two words, you can be sure to use them correctly.

What Is The Difference Between “Describe” And “Explain”?

The main difference between “describe” and “explain” is that when you describe something, you are giving a general overview of it, while when you explain something, you are providing specific details. In other words, “explain” is more detailed than “describe”.

describe vs explain

For example, “Describe the taste of a lemon” would be an instruction to list the properties or features of a lemon’s taste, whereas “Explain how sugar is used in baking” would be an instruction to provide information on how sugar interacts with other ingredients in baked goods.

Most of the time, “describe” and “explain” are interchangeable. “Describe” is often used more when talking about objects, while “explain” is often used more when talking about concepts or theories. 

However, there isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, and you’ll sometimes see one word being used in place of the other. For example, you might see someone say, “Can you explain this to me?” or “Could you describe that for me?”

What Does “Describe” Mean?

The word “describe” is derived from the Latin word “describere,” which means “to write down.” When you describe something, you are providing a detailed account of it. This can be done through written or spoken words or through visual means such as art or photography. 

In order to properly describe something, you must first have a clear understanding of it yourself. This requires taking the time to study the subject matter carefully. Once you have a good grasp of the concept, you can then begin to convey your ideas about it to others. 

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “describe” is a verb that means “to say or write what someone or something is like”.

See the following examples of how to use “describe” in a sentence.

  1. Please describe your experience working with our company. 
  2. Can you describe the product in more detail? 
  3. Could you describe the scene in more detail? 
  4. Can you describe your feelings toward the subject matter? 
  5. What words would you use to describe this painting? 
  6. How would you describe your relationship with your father?  
  7. Tell us about a time when you had to describe something complex to a child.

What Does “Explain” Mean?

To explain something is to provide an understanding of it. Usually, this means breaking the thing down into its component parts and describing how each part works. It can also involve providing examples or a story that helps illustrate the point. 

Essentially, explaining something to someone is taking something complex and making it easier to understand for someone else.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines the word “Explain” as a verb that means “to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it”.

Explore the following examples of how to use “explain” in a sentence.

  1. Can you explain what happened at the party last night? 
  2. I don’t understand why she’s so upset — can you explain it to me? 
  3. I don’t know how that works — could you explain it to me? 
  4. She didn’t really seem to want to explain what had happened.
  5. Could somebody please explain this concept to me? 
  6. It’s not exactly clear what’s going on — could someone please explain it further?
  7. Would you be able to explain that in simpler terms?

 Is “Describe” Or “Explain” Used The Most?

According to the Google Ngram Viewer graph, the word “explain” is more used than “describe” in English.

describe vs explain english usage

The word “explain” is more used than “described” because it has a stronger connotation of making something understandable.

To explain something is to make it clear, while to describe something is to just give a factual account of it. 

In other words, when you explain something, you are going beyond the facts and providing an interpretation or explanation of what happened. This makes the information more meaningful and easier to understand for most people. 

 “Describe” And “Explain” – Synonyms

Here are some other words that can be used instead of “describe” and “explain”:

  • Outline
  • Depict
  • Detail
  • Enumerate
  • Illustrate

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Examples of how to use the word “explain” in a sentence. How to connect “explain” with other words to make correct English sentences.

explain (v): to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it

Use “explain” in a sentence

She begins to explain her plan of action to the group.
Can you explain why you dislike him?
Can you explain your answer?
It’s impossible for me to explain it to you.
I explained the procedure to him.
He explained the process of building a boat.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”



verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple):


причастие прошедшего времени (past participle):















  1. объяснять

    explain the difference
    объяснять разницу

    explain to people
    разъяснять людям

    explain the phenomena
    объяснить феномены

  2. раскрывать

  3. изложить

    explain briefly
    изложить вкратце

  4. растолковать

  5. объясниться

  6. изъяснять

  7. давать объяснения

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений explain на 1 миллион слов: 30.

Примеры предложений

Let me explain that to you.
Давайте я вам объясню.

Tom can explain it.
Том может это объяснить.

Tom won’t explain it to me.
Том не будет мне это объяснять.

I’ll explain the matter to you later on.
Я тебе позже объясню, в чём дело.

It’ll be difficult to explain this.
Это будет сложно объяснить.

Please explain how to get there.
Объясните, пожалуйста, как туда добраться.

Will you explain it in plain English?
Ты объяснишь это человеческим языком?

I’ll explain everything to you.
Я тебе всё объясню.

Tom wouldn’t explain why.
Том не стал бы объяснять почему.

I’ll explain afterwards.
Я объясню потом.

I’ll explain it to Tom.
Я объясню это Тому.

She is not going to explain it to them.
Она не будет им это объяснять.

He tried to explain everything to her.
Он пытался ей всё объяснить.

He wants to explain everything to her.
Он хочет всё ей объяснить.

He needs to explain everything to her.
Ему нужно всё ей объяснить.

He wanted to explain everything to her.
Он хотел ей всё объяснить.

She needed to explain everything to him.
Ей нужно было всё ему объяснить.

How are we going to explain this one?
Как мы собираемся это объяснить?

Tom can’t explain the difference between cheap wine and expensive wine.
Том не может объяснить разницу между дешёвым и дорогим вином.

I’ll explain it to you now.
Я тебе сейчас объясню.

I couldn’t explain to Tom what was going on.
Я не мог объяснить Тому, что происходит.

I’m sure she’ll forgive you if you explain everything to her.
Я уверен, что она тебя простит, если ты всё ей объяснишь.

I’m sure Tom will forgive you if you explain everything to him.
Я уверен, что Том тебя простит, если ты всё ему объяснишь.

She’ll forgive you. Just explain everything to her.
Она вас простит. Просто объясните ей всё.

How can I explain this?
Как мне это объяснить?

I had about a minute until the train left, so I didn’t have time to explain why I was leaving.
У меня была приблизительно минута, пока поезд не отошел, поэтому мне некогда было объяснять, почему я уезжаю.

Tom didn’t want to explain anything.
Том не захотел ничего объяснять.

It takes only a short time to learn how to explain things to students. It takes much longer to learn when not to.
Не нужно много времени на то, чтобы научиться объяснять что-либо студентам. Намного больше времени требуется, чтобы понять, когда этого не делать.

How to explain it?
Как это объяснить?

I’m not going to explain it to you.
Я не собираюсь тебе это объяснять.

How to use explain in a sentence?

example in a sentence
This article explains the benefits of a healthy diet. When asked to explain, he did not comment.

How do you use the word explain in a sentence?

Descriptive Sentence Examples

In formulating these ideas, Socrates limits himself to the realm of practice. He was addressing the fact that his father had re-engaged with inheritance issues. He believed that interpreting scriptures was the only thing God wanted to do.

Explain right?

To elaborate means to elaborate, declare, state (doctrine, thought, principle; formerly, with wider application); explain, explain (what is difficult or obscure) (Oxford English Dictionary). This verb is not used with « on, » « on, » or « about. » For example, « Our author goes on to elaborate his own analysis. »

can you explain this?

When expounding, you explain or provide details. Expound changed from the 14th century French word espondre to English, meaning « to expound » or « to raise ». Usually, when you state something, you are clarifying or providing details.

What means?

Definition 1. explain something or express your opinion about something in detail. This will be an opportunity to articulate an idea he has been developing. expound on/on on: He goes on to articulate the failure of our education system.

expound – Pronunciation + Examples in Sentences and Phrases

35 related questions found

What does exposition mean?

transitive verb. 1a: Clarification: Status. b : Defend with arguments. 2: to Detailed description State a rule.

What means?

: speak or write (something) in a more complete or detailed way: detail her refusal to expand on her previous statement.

How do you interpret vocabulary?

7 Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary

  1. Develop a reading habit. Vocabulary building is easiest when you encounter words in context. …
  2. Use dictionaries and thesaurus. …
  3. Play word games. …
  4. Use flashcards. …
  5. Subscribe to the Daily News feed. …
  6. Use mnemonics. …
  7. Practice using new words in conversation.

What is the difference between unfold and expound?

Explain means « explain in detail ». Expand means « explain in more detail ». Therefore, while exposition does mean thoroughness, expand is comparative.

What does pretaste mean in a sentence?

: pre-tasting : expected. Choose the correct synonym example sentence to learn more about the antecedent.

What does stain mean?

transitive verb. : Causes harm or damage to the purity, luster or beauty of the product (something): Dirty, soil that tainted her reputation, lofty ideals tainted by cruelty and greed…

How do you use egregious in a sentence?

shocking sentence example

  1. Critical errors are caused by the tablet failing to check spelling.
  2. This is the most egregious act ever committed by the government.
  3. The grave mistake these couples make is not spending enough time seriously planning the marriage of a lifetime.

How do you use unstable in a sentence?

unstable sentence example

  1. Unstable massifs occur frequently in South Jutland. …
  2. Over the past few days, his erratic mood had become more unstable, and she knew it was best not to get his attention. …
  3. « He’s been unstable lately, » she agreed.

When something expands, what is it called?

Some common synonyms for expansion are enlargement, expansion, swell, swell, and swell. While all of these words mean « increase in size or volume, » expand can be used regardless of the method of increase (e.g., grow, expand, add parts).

What is the root of care?

Old English carian, cearian « anxious or attentive; sad; feeling concerned or interested », from Proto-Germanic *karo- « to lament », thus « sorrow, concern » (also from Old Saxon karon « to lament, concern, grief, complain, » Old High German charon « complain, lament », Gothic karon « anxiety »), said to come from pie root *…

What does it mean to build on what?

Build on the definition. verb. according to; eg, theories and claims. Synonyms: to establish, to rely on, to rely on. Type: Owe.

How to speak with vocabulary?

words that can be used speaking and writing Make up your active vocabulary (also called functional vocabulary). Of course, you can also understand these words when you read and listen. Think of words like eat, sell, drink, watch, and cook.

What should I read to improve my vocabulary?

Read 7 Novels for a Better Vocabulary

  • Count of Monte Cristo. …
  • Shakespeare play. …
  • Love in the Time of Cholera. …
  • game of Thrones. …
  • Gulliver’s Travels. …
  • Ulysses. …
  • Slaughterhouse Five.

How can students improve their vocabulary?

Here are 5 tips and tricks to help your students increase their vocabulary.

  1. Use a systematic approach to vocabulary practice. Students should be encouraged to learn new vocabulary every day, but for short periods of time. …
  2. Read the meaning. …
  3. Teach vocabulary in context. …
  4. Teach content-specific vocabulary. …
  5. word association.

What do you mean by expanding your answer?

1 make or become greater, volume, size or extent; increase. 2 To spread out or to spread out; to spread out; to stretch.

What is the purpose of the stain?

besmirch added to list to share.defile meaning stained or tarnished, especially someone’s reputation – like when you call Billy a liar playing football (even though you know he’s just better at bunting than you). Besmirch may sound a little funny, but it goes hand in hand with other hurtful words like libel and libel.

What does confused mean?

noun. Attempts to discredit competitors, adversaries, etc.., by malicious or shameful attacks.

  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > explain

  • 2
    explain away

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > explain away

  • 3
    explain to

    explain something to someone
    to make clear
    объяснить что-то кому-то

    Can you explain this task to the students?

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > explain to

  • 4
    explain oneself

    explain oneself объясниться; представить объяснения (в свое оправдание)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > explain oneself

  • 5

    Персональный Сократ > explain

  • 6

    1. I

    when you are wrong, never explain если ты не прав, не пытайся оправдываться

    2. III

    explain smth.

    1) explain the lesson объяснить урок и т.д.; explain one’s idea разъяснить /пояснить/ свою мысль и т.д.

    2) explain smb.’s behaviour объяснять причины чьего-л. поведения и т.д. /чье-л. поведение и т.д./

    3. IV

    explain smth. in some manner

    1) explain smth. carefully подробно и т.д. объяснять что-л.; how can you explain such a silly remark? чем /как/ вы можете объяснить такое глупое замечание?

    2) explain smth. apologetically оправдывать /объяснять/ что-л. извиняющимся тоном и т.д.; explain smth. disarmingly обезоружить [кого-л.] своим объяснением

    4. XI

    5. XVIII

    explain oneself explain yourself объясните, что вы имеете в виду; why did you do it? E. yourself почему вы так поступили? Объясните, что заставило вас так поступить?

    6. XXI1

    explain smth. to smb. explain a rule to smb. объяснять правило и т.д. кому-л.; the teacher explained long division to the class учитель объяснил классу деление столбиком; explain smth. by smth. he explained it by analogy он объяснил это при помощи аналогии; how can I explain it in words? не знаю, как это выразить словами?; he explained it to my satisfaction его объяснение меня удовлетворило

    7. XXV

    explain how… explain how to do it объяснять, как это сделать и т.д.; explain that he had been delayed by the weather говорить в свое оправдание /оправдываться тем/, что он опоздал из-за погоды и т.д.

    8. XXVII2

    explain to smb. how… explain to smb. how to get there объяснять кому-л., как туда добраться и т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > explain

  • 7


    explain давать объяснения explain объяснять; толковать (значение) explain объяснять explain объясняться explain оправдывать, объяснять (поведение); to explain oneself объясниться; представить объяснения (в свое оправдание) explain оправдываться explain разъяснять explain толковать, разъяснять explain толковать explain away оправдываться explain in detail подробно объяснять explain оправдывать, объяснять (поведение); to explain oneself объясниться; представить объяснения (в свое оправдание)

    English-Russian short dictionary > explain

  • 8

    объяснять: to explain smth to smb — объяснять что-либо кому-либо; to explain (to smb) that/why/how… — объяснить (кому-либо), что/почему/как ….
    (1). Глагол to explain может иметь два дополнения — прямое и предложное косвенное: explain smth to smb, но подлежащим пассивной конструкции может быть только прямое дополнение:

    The rule was explained to me — Мне объяснили это правило.

    Эта же особенность пассивных форм относится к ряду других глаголов, у которых могут быть два дополнения. К таким глаголам относятся глаголы to describe, to dictate, to declare, to deliver, to mention, to prove, to present, to point out, to repeat, to recommend.
    (2). Косвенное дополнение при глаголе to explain, независимо от того, стоит ли оно перед или после прямого дополнения, всегда употребляется с предлогом to:

    Can you explain this rule to me — Вы можете мне объяснить это правило?

    Explain to me how to get there — Объясните мне, как туда добраться.

    (3). See describe, .

    English-Russian word troubles > explain

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    explain smth to smb

    — explain that…, why…, how..


    (1.) Глагол to explain может иметь два дополнения — прямое и предложное косвенное — explain smth to smb, но подлежащим пассивной конструкции может быть только прямое дополнение: the rule was explained to me мне объяснили это правило. Эта же особенность пассивных форм относится к ряду других глаголов, у которых могут быть два дополнения. К таким глаголам относятся глаголы to describe, to dictate, to declare, to deliver, to mention, to prove, to present, to point out, to repeat, to recommend. (2.) Косвенное дополнение при глаголе to explain, независимо от того, стоит ли оно перед прямым дополнением или после него, всегда употребляется с предлогом to: can you explain this rule to me вы можете мне объяснить это правило? ср. explain to me how to get there объясните мне, как туда добраться. (3.) See describe, v; USAGE (1.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > explain

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    ɪksˈpleɪn гл.
    1) объяснять;
    раскрывать, разъяснять;
    изъяснять, толковать (значение) (to) to explain satisfactorily ≈ толково объяснять to explain by giving an example ≈ объяснять на примере She explained the problem to me. ≈ Она объяснила мне суть проблемы. He explained to us that the examination would take place later. ≈ Он объяснил нам, что экзамен состоится позже. Syn: clarify, unfold
    2) давать объяснения, объяснять (причину, поведение) He explained why he was late. ≈ Он объяснил, почему опоздал. Syn: account ∙ explain away
    объяснять — to * the meaning of a word объяснить значение слова — * this problem to me объясните мне эту задачу — * to me what this means объясните мне, что это значит оправдываться, давать объяснения — he was unable to * his conduct он не смог объяснить своего поведения — he *ed that he had been delayed by the rain он объяснил, что задержался из-за дождя — when he has done wrong he never *s когда он поступает неправильно, он никогда не оправдывается толковать, разъяснять — to * smb.’s viewpoint изложить /разъяснить, развить/ чью-л. точку зрения объясняться;
    объяснять свое поведение, свои мотивы и т. п.
    explain давать объяснения ~ объяснять;
    толковать (значение) ~ объяснять ~ объясняться ~ оправдывать, объяснять ( поведение) ;
    to explain oneself объясниться;
    представить объяснения (в свое оправдание) ~ оправдываться ~ разъяснять ~ толковать, разъяснять ~ толковать
    ~ away оправдываться
    ~ in detail подробно объяснять
    ~ оправдывать, объяснять (поведение) ;
    to explain oneself объясниться;
    представить объяснения (в свое оправдание)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > explain

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    1. объяснять

    explain to me what this means — объясните мне, что это значит

    2. оправдываться, давать объяснения

    he was unable to explain his conduct — он не смог объяснить своего поведения

    he explained that he had been delayed by the rain — он объяснил, что задержался из-за дождя

    when he has done wrong he never explains — когда он поступает неправильно, он никогда не оправдывается

    3. толковать, разъяснять

    to explain smb.’s viewpoint — изложить /разъяснить, развить/ чью-л. точку зрения

    1) объясняться

    2) объяснять своё поведение, свои мотивы

    НБАРС > explain

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    explain away

    explain away smth. /smth. away/ explain away such an act оправдать подобный поступок и т.д.; it is difficult to explain it away этому трудно найти объяснение; how can you explain away your use of such offensive language? объясните, почему вы позволяете себе так выражаться?; he began to explain away the circumstances он пустился в объяснения обстоятельств дела, он начал излагать обстоятельства дела

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > explain away

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > explain

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    explain away


    отделываться (поверхностным) объяснением; оправдываться, отговариваться

    it will be difficult to explain away this error — найти оправдания для этой ошибки будет трудно

    to explain away the difficulties — изобразить дело так, как будто никаких трудностей нет

    to explain and explain away anti-social behaviour — объяснять и оправдывать антиобщественные поступки, подыскивать объяснения и оправдания антиобщественному поведению

    НБАРС > explain away

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    explain away

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > explain away

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    [ɪk’spleɪn], [ek-]


    1) объяснять; раскрывать, разъяснять; изъяснять, толковать

    She explained the problem to me. — Она объяснила мне суть проблемы.

    He explained to us that the examination would take place later. — Он объяснил нам, что экзамен состоится позже.


    2) давать объяснения, объяснять

    He explained why he was late. — Он объяснил, почему опоздал.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > explain

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    1) объяснять, разъяснять

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > explain

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    1. v объяснять

    2. v оправдываться, давать объяснения

    3. v толковать, разъяснять

    4. v l

    5. v объясняться

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. elucidate (verb) clarify; clear; construe; define; demonstrate; elucidate; enucleate; explicate; expound; illustrate; interpret; spell out

    3. justify (verb) account; account for; excuse; explain away; justify; rationalise; rationalize

    4. solve (verb) clear up; figure out; resolve; solve; unravel

    Антонимический ряд:

    cloud; complicate; confirm; confound; confuse; darken; involve; misinterpret; mystify; obscure; perplex

    English-Russian base dictionary > explain

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    explain away

    phr v отделываться объяснением; оправдываться, отговариваться

    Синонимический ряд:

    justify (verb) account; account for; excuse; explain; justify; rationalise; rationalize; resolve; vindicate

    English-Russian base dictionary > explain away

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    explain away

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > explain away


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См. также в других словарях:

  • explain — 1 Explain, expound, explicate, elucidate, interpret, construe are comparable when they mean to make oneself or another understand the meaning of something. Explain, the most general term, implies a making of something plain or intelligible to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • explain oneself — {v. phr.} 1. To make your meaning plainer; make your first statement clear. * /When we didn t understand Fritz, he went on to explain himself./ 2. To give a good reason for something you did or failed to do which seems wrong. * /When Jack brought …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • explain oneself — {v. phr.} 1. To make your meaning plainer; make your first statement clear. * /When we didn t understand Fritz, he went on to explain himself./ 2. To give a good reason for something you did or failed to do which seems wrong. * /When Jack brought …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Explain — Ex*plain ([e^]ks*pl[=a]n ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Explained}([e^]ks*pl[=a]nd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Explaining}.] [L. explandare to flatten, spread out, explain; ex out + plandare to make level or plain, planus plain: cf. OF. esplaner, explaner. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • explain — [ek splān′, iksplān′] vt. [ME explanen < L explanare, to flatten < ex , out + planare, to make level < planus, level (see PLANE2): sp. infl. by PLAIN1] 1. to make clear, plain, or understandable 2. to give the meaning or interpretation… …   English World dictionary

  • explain — (v.) early 15c., from L. explanare to make level, smooth out; also to explain, make clear (see EXPLANATION (Cf. explanation)). Originally explane, spelling altered by influence of plain. In 17c., occasionally used more literally, of the unfolding …   Etymology dictionary

  • explain away something — explain away (something) to invent reasons why something is unimportant. You will find it hard to explain away all these mistakes. Rather than face the truth, we try to explain it away …   New idioms dictionary

  • explain away — (something) to invent reasons why something is unimportant. You will find it hard to explain away all these mistakes. Rather than face the truth, we try to explain it away …   New idioms dictionary

  • explain — ► VERB 1) make clear by giving a detailed description. 2) give a reason or justification for. 3) (explain oneself) excuse or justify one s motives or conduct. 4) (explain away) minimize the significance of (something awkward) by giving an excuse… …   English terms dictionary

  • Explain — Ex*plain , v. i. To give an explanation. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • explain — I verb account for, annotate, assign a meaning to, cause to be understood, clarify, clear of obscurity, clear up, decipher, define, demonstrate, describe, disentangle, elucidate, enlighten, enucleate, exemplify, expedire, explanare, explicate,… …   Law dictionary

The best way to explain is to tell a true story about something that happened just across the border, in Nevada, in 2006. ❋ Rob Kampia (2010)

Perhaps the best way to explain is to take a closer look at Rodriguez. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Japanese keyboards usually come with two layouts; one way to explain is to take as an example the word Tokyo, in kanji 東京. ❋ Unknown (2009)

We can’t say that to «explain» is to uncover the truth, as that would be arguing that science can determine it is true that certain natural phenomena occur without the intervention or influence of supernatural beings or events. ❋ Unknown (2005)

It’s impossible to explain, is a game that you can only understand when you play. ❋ SVGL (2009)

Firstly I must explain from the start that I manage an organisation called Two Sides, which has been set up by all sectors of the UK print and publishing industries to explore the Myths and set out the Facts about the Print and Paper industries which actually have a great environmental story to tell. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Part of what makes equilibrium warp thornier and harder to explain is that with credibility and determinacy warp you’re dealing with possibility and actuality, challenges to which can be resolved by filling in gapstory, rendering the story choate. ❋ Hal Duncan (2010)

The one I find hardest to explain is «mana», but I also had a bunch of trouble with «tapu» in the Guardian glossary — ended up asking one of my cultural consultants if she could help me out. ❋ Karenhealey (2010)

What he means, and he goes on to explain is that administration is not a position of power, because governance is so distributed (look at all the sources of money in the system for example). ❋ Unknown (2009)

While I see this with other health issues I have, one of the simplest to explain is the fact that I have terrible teeth despite having great dental hygiene. ❋ Mrissa (2010)

The only way I can explain is that I was only 21 when I started and after four years of being on TV and selling cookbooks I was struggling with success. ❋ Alice Fisher (2010)

Of course, what she meant, as most Oaklanders hasten to explain, is that the Oakland of her youth no longer existed. ❋ Unknown (2010)

What’s happened, the authors explain, is that higher-income Americans have been saving more of their income. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What they always fail to explain is what possible reason is there to cook up a global warming? ❋ Unknown (2010)

( «Plig,» as the four adults explain, is a fun slang word for the lifestyle.) ❋ Hank Stuever (2010)

Mom: Explain why you had sex on your screen?
You: I switched [to porn] because it would be easier to explain.
Mom: [Ass munch] doesn’t understand how to be safe on the internet
Guy: Explain explain.
Guy2: ….
Guy: [Spit it out]!
Guy2: Well your pretty much saying something or why you did something like going on porn
Guy: Oh ok! ❋ Anuser (2019)

[I need help] explaining how to [milk a cow]!!!! Somebody… anybody… HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [The lady] dosent think I explained it good enough. ❋ Rachel Ellis (2008)

She just doesn’t [get it]… I [tried] to [explainate] it to her, but she just doesn’t get it ❋ NachoFingLibre (2010)

I will explain why I always pick the people:
1) Mike
2) Liam
3) Lily
4) Bill
I picked those names since they are nice and short, and they came to my mind first. There, I just explained why I chose those names.
Mike: What’s it like to have a dishwasher? Explain to me why it’s so nice to have, and why I should spend my money on one.
Liam: Well, [first off], you don’t have to hand clean dishes, it does it for you. Also, it usually gets all the stuff off.
Mike: Explain why it’s easier than [hand washing] stuff.
Liam: [First off], you just have to put the dishes in, select the settings, start it, and enjoy life for the few hours you have before having to put them away.
Mike: Oh. Sounds like it’s pretty easy, I’ll get one tomorrow! ❋ TheStrangerWhoKnows (2018)

«[Yo], [what do you mean]….[ooo]….Explain» ❋ B-rad (2005)

After dropping an [F-Bomb] at a live school [board meeting], the school board member explainatively placed blame on a [whiney] dog. ❋ Thesonsofpico (2020)

«I’ve just invented a new word!»
«Could you give me a brief explaination?»
«One day a character with a ballooned ego blew his thumb until his brain burst to which he thought ‘Gee, that was fun, I wonder what else I can do? What would [Jason do]? [Hell in a hand basket]? Better quit while I’m ahead.'»
«What’s the word though?»
«I thought I just explained it to you!»
*Bitch Slap*
*Karate Chop*
*Jedi [Knife Trick]*
«Free scalp!» ❋ Ottomottopeer (2009)

Sam said «Can you explain [what fuck] means»
His Father said»Fucking is how you were born, it took alot of Cum and [dick power] to make you, so don’t [let it go] to waste.» ❋ ShutTheFuckUpAlready (2020)

After [Mitt Romney]’s televised speech I couldn’t help but feel that the whole thing had been little more than [Fish-Explaining]. There had been a lot of enthusiastic buzz-words but little had been actually communicated.
My mother-in-law forgot for the moment that I did not speak any Turkish. After she finished excitedly saying whatever it was she was saying I could only ask her what all her [fish-explaining] had been about.
The baby was incapable of speaking English but that didn’t stop him from enthusiastically telling anyone who would listen about the fish he was pointing at when visiting the New England Aquarium. I smiled at his [gibbering] antics- this was true fish-explaining. ❋ Turtle Poison (2012)

Interviewer: [Are you] [xenophobic]?
[Hanson]: Please explain. ❋ Kwayera (2009)

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