How to use the word dear

дорогой, милый, родной, милый, милая, возлюбленный, дорого


- дорогой, милый, любимый

dear mother — милая мамочка
dear land — родная земля
a very dear friend of mine — мой очень большой друг
dear possessions — дорогие (кому-л.) вещи
to be dear to smb. — много значить для кого-л.
to hold smth. [smb.] dear — дорожить чем-л. [кем-л.]
to be dear to one’s taste — быть по вкусу; очень нравиться (о вещи)

- (в устном или письменном обращении) дорогой, милый; глубокоуважаемый (часто с местоимением my)

dear father [friend] — дорогой отец [друг]
my dear child — дитя моё; сынок /доченька/
my dear girl [fellow] — дорогая моя [дорогой мой]; дорогуша
dear heart — милый; милая
my dear Sir — глубокоуважаемый сэр
Dear Sir — милостивый государь (официальное обращение в письме)

- ирон. любезный, любезнейший
- заветный

one’s dearest wish [dream] — заветное желание [-ая мечта]

- славный, прелестный, милый

a dear little thing — прелестная вещица
what a dear little house! — какой милый домик!

- дорогой, дорого стоящий

dear pictures [furs] — дорогие картины [меха]
bread [petrol] grew /got/ dearer — хлеб [бензин] вздорожал
that’s too dear for me — мне это не по карману

- высокий, дорогой (о цене)

dear rate /price/ — высокая цена
to pay too dear a price for smth. — заплатить за что-л. слишком дорогой ценой

- дорогой, с высокими ценами

dear shop — магазин с высокими ценами
dear John — а) воен. жарг. «Дорогой Джон» (письмо, полученное солдатом от жены или невесты с просьбой о разводе или с уведомлением о выходе замуж за другого); б) сл. письмо с уведомлением об увольнении или с предложением подать в отставку
for dear life — отчаянно; изо всех сил; не на жизнь, а на смерть
to fight for dear life — драться /сражаться/ не на живот, а на смерть
to run /to flee/ for dear life — бежать сломя голову, бежать со всех ног /во весь дух, что есть мочи/
to ride for dear life — нестись во весь опор


- (в обращении) дорогой, милый, голубчик; дорогая, милая, голубушка

my dear — дорогой мой, милый
my dearest! — дражайший!

- возлюбленный, милый; возлюбленная, милая

with his dear — со своей возлюбленной /милой/

- разг. прелесть; душка; паинька; умник; умница

there’s /that’s/ a dear — вот умник /умница/; вот и хорошо
be a dear — будь умницей; будь паинькой
the box was a dear — ларчик был просто прелесть
isn’t he a dear — ну не прелесть ли он?


- дорого (тж. перен.)

to cost dear — стоить дорого
to sell dear — продавать по высоким ценам
to sell one’s life dear — дорого продать свою жизнь
to pay dear for one’s errors — расплачиваться дорогой ценой за свои ошибки

- нежно, горячо


- редк. обращаться к человеку, называя его «дорогой»


- выражает симпатию, сожаление, огорчение, нетерпение, удивление, презрение:

dear me!, oh dear!, dear heart! — боже мой!, вот так так!, вот те на!, неужели?, батюшки!
dear me! is that so? — неужели?, не может быть!
oh dear, my head aches! — ох, как болит голова!
dear knows! — бог его знает
oh dear no! — ни в коем случае!, на за что!

Мои примеры


to pay a dear price for smth. — дорого заплатить за что-л.  
to cost smb. dear — дорого обходиться кому-л.  
to hold smth. dear — дорожить чем-л.  
dear father — дорогой отец  
my dear girl — дорогая моя  
dear pictures — дорогие картины  
to hold smb. / smth. dear — дорожить кем-л. / чем-л.  
my dear life — моя дорогая  
o dear! o god! — о боже!  
dear me! — вот так так!; вот те на!; боже мой!  

Примеры с переводом

Of course, dear child.

Разумеется, родной мой.

Be a dear and make me a coffee.

Будь душкой /умницей, лапочкой/, сделай мне кофе.

Are you thirsty, my dear?

Милая, хочешь пить?

He is a perfect dear.

Он просто душка.

What’s your name, dear?

Как тебя зовут, дорогуша?

He was running for dear life.

Он бежал изо всех сил, спасая свою жизнь.

Dear Pete

Дорогой Пит

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Cars are 59% dearer in Britain than in Europe.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dearly  — дорого, нежно, дорогой ценой
dearth  — недостаток, нехватка, голод, нехватка продуктов
endear  — внушить любовь, расположить к себе, заставить полюбить
dearness  — дороговизна, нежность, дружба, любовь, близость

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): dear
мн. ч.(plural): dears

срав. степ. (comparative): dearer
прев. степ. (superlative): dearest

Dear is a word that is multifaceted. The word “dear” is used to show affection and admiration. It is a term of respect that is often used in a formal letter to authorities and dignitaries. It is also used to show closeness and familiarity, such as in “Dear Grandma.” Dear can be a noun or an adjective.

Is It Good to Write Dear in a Formal Letter

Dear is a formal way of addressing someone in a letter.
However, It’s not bad to write ”Hello” and ”Hi”, but it’s not formal either. If you’re writing to someone you don’t know well, or someone who is of higher rank than you, then it might be appropriate to say “Dear Mr. Brown or Dear Ms. Wilson”. If you’re writing to someone who is younger than you or if they are your colleague, then “Dear Mr. or Dear Ms.” would be inappropriate. You can just say ”Dear Sarah”.
Including Dear in a letter isn’t the right thing or the wrong thing; it just depends on how well you know the person that you want to send your letter to.

How to Use Dear When You Don’t Know the Recipient’s Name

There are three ways:
1) Dear Sir – In the United States, Dear Sir is usually used as a salutation for an unknown person. In Great Britain, Dear Sir is often used for an unknown male recipient. However, it is not unusual for an American and British reader to interpret Dear Sir differently because of their different cultures and expectations.
2) Dear Madam – A courteous greeting when you are writing to a woman who is in a higher social position than you.
3) Dear Sir or Madam – When you do not know the gender of the recipient of your letter. This form of address often creates a sense of formality and elegance when it’s used properly.

When Can I say ”Dear Mrs. and Dear Ms.”

Women are generally addressed as ”Ms”. Only use ”Mrs” if you’re sure that the woman is married and that she uses her married name. Avoid using ”Miss” unless you know that you’re writing to a young girl (under the age of 16) or to a much older woman who never married. To be on the safe side, most writers use ”Ms”, the female equivalent of ”Mr”.

Do I Need a Comma after Dear Mr. Brown

No, you don’t need to put a comma after the opening of your letter:
Dear Sarah
Dear Mr. Brown
Dear Sir or Madam

For some people, a comma after the salutation of a letter is a spelling mistake. They will look for the comma to correct it and then continue with their letter. Others have no opinion on it and simply put the comma or leave it out.
The decision to use or not use a comma after the salutation is entirely up to the preference and personal taste of the writer. But we don’t recommend using a comma after the salutation ”Dear”.

Can I Use Dear in an Email

Letters start with ”Dear (NAME)”. Emails often start without a name, or with ”Hello” or ”Hi”. But to answer this question – yes, you can use Dear in an Email. In fact, this is a common greeting used in email.
You can address the recipient of your email with a salutation, like “Dear Jessica” or “Dear James”.


Mr. J.P. Williams
Branch Manager
Financial Bank PLS
12 Highway Avenue
Kent AK2 6E8

Our ref: FR/ AT 9409
Your ref: OR/ 304

Dear Mr. William

Thank you for your inquiry of 3rd March. We hope you will find the enclosed information useful. Thank you once again for the interest shown in our products.

Yours sincerely
Thomas Smith
Export Manager


Purchasing Department
Barnes & Sons
100 Greyson Gardens
London W1 SQ2

Jens Muller
Tel: +49 (0)30 33 44 5507

Dear Customer

We are pleased to announce that our company has recently been accepted as an official supplier to the Foreign Office in Germany.

This prestigious contract is a recognition of the excellent quality and service we always strive to offer our customers. To mark the event we are offering special prices on our Mars and Princess ranges if you place your order before the 1st of September. We are sending you our latest catalog under a separate cover.

We look forward to maintaining the special relationship we have with our customers and continuing to provide them with the prompt service and quality products they are accustomed to.

Yours Sincerely
Jens Muller
Sales Manager

Conclusion – ”Dear” An Essential Part of Any Letter

Writing a letter is not as easy as it seems. It’s a formal and official correspondence, so it needs to be formatted correctly and in the correct language. The salutation is an important part that helps the reader know who’s writing the letter to them.

The rules of using the salutation ”Dear” depend on what kind of communication you are sending – whether it’s a business communication or a personal one, whether addressed to individuals or groups, and what is your relationship with the recipient of this letter.

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Examples of how to use the word “dear” in a sentence. How to connect “dear” with other words to make correct English sentences.

dear (adj): loved or liked very much

Use “dear” in a sentence

He is very dear to us.
What a dear child!
Thank you my dear!

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


Hello, my dear members of MyEC.

Often, I see members here write or say,
«How are you, dear?»
«Come on dear!»
«Have a nice day, dear.»
«What is going on, dear?»
… and so on and on.

A friend of mine, a native English speaker, told me once she does not understand why people say so. I had to smile because I knew why she found it crazy that people who are not close to each other (they are no lovers, family members or very close friends) do call someone in that way.

That made me write this post.

When we use «dear» without mentioning a name, «darling» has the meaning of «darling», «sweetheart», «love», «darling», «baby» … I think you all know from what I speak.
In that case, «dear» is used as a noun and replaces, for example, the name of the beloved person.

We never would name someone «dear» in our native language when we are not in love with them in the sense of darling, love, sweetheart, do we?

In any other case, we should use «dear» as an adjective.

So we can say or write (just for example):
«How are you, dear friend?»
» What is going on, dear Rose?»
» Hello, dear Iris.»
«Hello, my dear friend XXXXX:»
…and so on and on.

Imagine, you write a letter addressing a colleague «Hello, dear.» instead of «Hello, dear colleague Xxxxxxxx.», it could be very embarrassing…LOL…Don’t you think so?

Ready business letter in English with translation

как переводится слово dear

It is very difficult to imagine a modern business without business correspondence. This is especially important in cooperation with international companies. But often write business letter in english can be quite difficult.

I don’t like leaving anything unfinished. It is absolutely imperative for me to see that every phone call has been answered and not a single letter has gone unanswered.

~ Alan W. Livingston

As you know, business and spoken English have their own characteristics. In business correspondence in English, it is necessary not only to show knowledge of the language, but also to settle working moments, adhering to a certain structure and being guided by the norms of business etiquette.

In this article, you will find out what business letters in English exist, familiarize yourself with phrases and clichés. You will also find examples and ready-made business letters in English with translation.

Business letters in English with translation

In business correspondence, there are different templates for business letters in English, depending on the subject and purpose of the letter.

There are many types of business letters, in our article we have selected the most common ones.

Letter of Congratulation

A congratulatory letter is often sent to employees or partners to highlight their personal contribution to the development of the industry or to congratulate them on personal achievements and memorable dates.

Example of a letter of congratulation in English

Mr John Lewis General Manager Hoverny Ltd 4567 Snake street Oakland, California Howard Stanley 9034 Canyon Street San Francisco, California USA, 90345 October 01, 2015 Dear Mr Stanley, October, 02 will be a remarkable day of your 10th anniversary as a member of Hoverny Ltd. During these years of work you proved to be a loyal and qualified worker with great potential. We recognize the contribution you make in our company success and wish to congratulate you upon your 10th anniversary. With respect, John Lewis, General Manager


Business Letter in English — Business Letter in English

как переводится слово dear

Even if you know English quite well, writing a business letter may seem like a daunting task to you. But do not give in to panic, now we will disassemble the letter into its component parts and see how it works.

Let’s start with the formalities (A Matter of Form)

Should I follow the formalities when writing a letter in English? Yes, it is important. Especially when it comes to an official letter. It is advisable to follow all the rules here, that is, the letter should contain a greeting, the main and final parts, a farewell and a signature (return address) in the final, there may also be additional gratitude.

If you write to a close friend, or a partner with whom you are familiar enough, using e-mail, then you can refuse many conventions, without forgetting, however, about elementary politeness. And any letter should, of course, begin with a greeting, so we’ll start with that.

Salutation and Addressing

If you are writing a letter to someone you know well, then perhaps a better start would be calling by name, for example:

Dear Paul,

In a more formal greeting, it is better to use the surname with the addition Mr (read mister) or Ms (read miz), for example:

Dear Mr. Stewart:

Dear Ms. barton:

In this case, the word dear is translated not as dear, but as respected or respected. It is considered good manners to use this word at the beginning of a letter, but it is not required. You can write, for example:

Hello Mr. Davis.


Hey Josh,

In the second case, we dispense with the comma after Hi (the comma is placed after the name), this will emphasize simpler relations.

Addressing a married woman Mrs or unmarried Miss is considered outdated., since in most cases her marital status does not concern us. Therefore, neutral Ms. is now considered optimal.

If you do not know the name and surname of the addressee, then you can write:
To whom it may concern
Dear [name of a company or activity] Manager / Officer / Support

But the first option looks too cold and indifferent, and the second is appealing, as it were, not to the person, but to the organization.
Therefore, in most cases, the optimal one can be considered polite and politically correct greeting:

Dear Sir or Madam, Or through a slash:

Dear Sir/Madam,

A slightly more formal and impersonal option: Greetings.

Email support where you don’t know anyone, you can get started even easier:
Hello, or Hi.

Punctuation in the greeting: In American English, it is customary to put a full stop after Mr. or Ms. and a comma after the address by name in a personal message. In an official business letter addressed to an American, after the last name it is advisable to use a colon, see examples above. If you are writing to an Englishman or a resident of one of the European countries, then it is better to use a comma.

Main Part

The main part deserves your special attention, but it is rather difficult to give any advice here, since its content is purely individual in nature. In any case, try to express your thoughts clearly and distinctly. Divide text into paragraphs. This format will make the information easier for your respondent.

Questions and Answers

How to ask questions correctly and how to answer questions, including not the most pleasant ones? The question may contain a request for information or a request, it may be suggestive, indignant, and sometimes rhetorical (not requiring an answer).

Try to ask questions as specifically as possible, organize the information. If there are multiple questions, try making a numbered list.

In this case, you can expect that the answers will be given point by point, which means that it will be easier to deal with them.

Try to be polite even in conflict situations, we will talk about them now.

Solving Problems

It is necessary to solve various difficult situations and conflicts in letters quite often. How to do it right? First, you need to know who you are dealing with and build correspondence on this basis. For example, if you have a conflict with a business partner or contractor, then try not to look for the guilty ones, but sort out the causes of the problem and find a way to solve it.

If this is your client or customer, then the main purpose of your correspondence should be to help him. And even if you feel that he is not very good at the topic, get into his position and explain everything in as much detail as possible. Ask leading questions and provide comprehensive answers. They also work well as a numbered list. As a result of such correspondence, you will receive a grateful and loyal client ready for further cooperation.

Avoid sharp corners whenever possible, but if this is unavoidable, then do not be afraid to firmly adhere to your position, but always remain human. Below is an example of a letter for a refund for an item:

We are sorry that [name of a product] did not meet your expectations. From your letter I understand that you would a refund rather than a different model. Please return the product in its original package and we will promptly refund your purchase price.

We appreciate being able to serve you and hope that you will find other [Name of a Company] products to your liking. We are committed to providing superior products at affordable prices. Please accept a complimentary catalog of full line of our equipment.

Gratitude and acknowledgments — Gratitude and appreciation

We talked about the difficulties, now let’s talk about the good.

It’s always nice to thank a person, show him your respect and acknowledge his merits. This can be done in different ways. Example:

I am so pleased to hear about your promotion to branch manager at [Company name] office. While I am sorry to see you leave us, I know that you deserve the recognition and the increased responsibility. It has been such a pleasure to work with you. Keep up the great job!

Saying Goodbye — How to say goodbye?

There are many ways to say goodbye at the end of a letter, but the word goodbye is rarely used. The following well-established expressions for a business letter are more commonly used:

Best Wishes Kind Regards Best Regards Cordially Cordially yours Sincerely Sincerely yours Very truly yours Yours truly Yours faithfully Yours sincerely I look forward to hearing from you Many thanks and goodbye

And in conclusion, a few more general tips: avoid exclamation marks whenever possible or use them only if absolutely necessary. In the signature (return address) we use a minimum of punctuation marks, but in reality you can do without them at all:
Julia Williams 69 Birch Lane Wayne NJ 07470

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Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

как переводится слово dear

Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, a sense of tact, an understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of a statement or comment — all this is about a well-mannered person. In whatever country you are, in whatever circle of people you communicate, it is important under any circumstances to remain a person with a high culture of communication. In particular, if you are a guest of a country that treats this culture with awe. Especially a culture of welcome. 

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has always been famous for its traditions and scrupulous attitude towards them. The culture of welcoming is held in high esteem here. 

Before you enter into a conversation with someone and greet, you must absolutely clearly understand the degree of formality of the further conversation:

  • official;
  • neutral;
  • informal.

You need to know what to say and how to respond when you meet, depending on who you are talking to — with friends or with a stranger.

This article will help you understand the intricacies of dialogues in English. We will give various examples of greeting phrases with translation, we will tell you how modern dialogues in chat and on the phone (for example, slang) can sound.

You will also learn how the greeting words sound at different times of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. 

At first, it may seem to you that it is unrealistic to remember so many options for greetings, but soon you will easily determine which tone to choose when talking and which phrases to use. You will learn to greet English-speaking friends in an original and unusual way, learn to use simple conversational phrases, and conduct a dialogue beautifully and confidently. You will no longer feel that your greetings sound dry and impersonal.

Greetings in a letter

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Correspondence is a long-standing method of communication, which even now, in the age of modern technologies, does not lose its relevance.

Would you agree that handwritten and mailed letters have their own special magic?

In England, a good tradition of exchanging letters has been preserved even today. This can be congratulations on important events in life, invitations to a meeting, or just a letter of gratitude. There are no hard and fast rules on how to write such letters. But still, there is a certain etiquette that should be followed when writing personal letters.

In this article, you will learn the rules for writing and formatting informal letters in English. Get familiar with the structure and types of letters in English, as well as find live examples and templates with translation.

Types of informal letters

Business letter in English

Business letter in English

Business letter in English

There is nothing difficult in writing a competent business letter in English, you just need to know some of the conventions adopted in official correspondence. Here’s an example of a form mail from

Let’s consider in detail each of the elements of the letter:

1. Sender’s address

Ready business letter in English with translation

как переводится слово dear

It is very difficult to imagine a modern business without business correspondence. This is especially important in cooperation with international companies. But often write business letter in english can be quite difficult.

I don’t like leaving anything unfinished. It is absolutely imperative for me to see that every phone call has been answered and not a single letter has gone unanswered.

~ Alan W. Livingston

As you know, business and spoken English have their own characteristics. In business correspondence in English, it is necessary not only to show knowledge of the language, but also to settle working moments, adhering to a certain structure and being guided by the norms of business etiquette.

In this article, you will find out what business letters in English exist, familiarize yourself with phrases and clichés. You will also find examples and ready-made business letters in English with translation.

Business letters in English with translation

Business Letter in English — Business Letter in English

как переводится слово dear

Even if you know English quite well, writing a business letter may seem like a daunting task to you. But do not give in to panic, now we will disassemble the letter into its component parts and see how it works.

Let’s start with the formalities (A Matter of Form)


Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

как переводится слово dear

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, a sense of tact, an understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of a statement or comment — all this is about a well-mannered person. In whatever country you are, in whatever circle of people you communicate, it is important under any circumstances to remain a person with a high culture of communication. In particular, if you are a guest of a country that treats this culture with awe. Especially a culture of welcome. 

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has always been famous for its traditions and scrupulous attitude towards them. The culture of welcoming is held in high esteem here. 

Before you enter into a conversation with someone and greet, you must absolutely clearly understand the degree of formality of the further conversation:

  • official;
  • neutral;
  • informal.

You need to know what to say and how to respond when you meet, depending on who you are talking to — with friends or with a stranger.

This article will help you understand the intricacies of dialogues in English. We will give various examples of greeting phrases with translation, we will tell you how modern dialogues in chat and on the phone (for example, slang) can sound.

You will also learn how the greeting words sound at different times of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. 

At first, it may seem to you that it is unrealistic to remember so many options for greetings, but soon you will easily determine which tone to choose when talking and which phrases to use. You will learn to greet English-speaking friends in an original and unusual way, learn to use simple conversational phrases, and conduct a dialogue beautifully and confidently. You will no longer feel that your greetings sound dry and impersonal.

Greetings in a letter

Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, a sense of tact, an understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of a statement or comment — all this is about a well-mannered person. In whatever country you are, in whatever circle of people you communicate, it is important under any circumstances to remain a person with a high culture of communication. In particular, if you are a guest of a country that treats this culture with awe. Especially a culture of welcome. 

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has always been famous for its traditions and scrupulous attitude towards them. The culture of welcoming is held in high esteem here. 

Before you enter into a conversation with someone and greet, you must absolutely clearly understand the degree of formality of the further conversation:

  • official;
  • neutral;
  • informal.

You need to know what to say and how to respond when you meet, depending on who you are talking to — with friends or with a stranger.

This article will help you understand the intricacies of dialogues in English. We will give various examples of greeting phrases with translation, we will tell you how modern dialogues in chat and on the phone (for example, slang) can sound.

You will also learn how the greeting words sound at different times of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. 

At first, it may seem to you that it is unrealistic to remember so many options for greetings, but soon you will easily determine which tone to choose when talking and which phrases to use. You will learn to greet English-speaking friends in an original and unusual way, learn to use simple conversational phrases, and conduct a dialogue beautifully and confidently. You will no longer feel that your greetings sound dry and impersonal.

Greetings in a letter

Let’s start with a welcome letter. Earlier in one of the articles, we already spoke in detail about how to correctly compose a letter in English. Today we will once again discuss the details of a written appeal to the addressee, because for our English-speaking friends, relatives or business colleagues, the culture of a polite greeting is very important.

Please note that now we are talking about informal or neutral treatment, we will talk about the principles of greeting in business correspondence a little later. 

It does not use formal addresses such as: Sir, Mister, Mrs or Miss. You can start your letter with the following welcome phrases:

  • Hello / Hi — Hey, .
  • Greetings — Greetings, .
  • Hello my dear ann — Hello, my dear Anna,.
  • dearest friend — Dear friend,.
  • Dear alice — Dear Alice, .

You can also greet a person simply by their first name. 

Official greeting

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Correspondence is a long-standing method of communication, which even now, in the age of modern technologies, does not lose its relevance.

Would you agree that handwritten and mailed letters have their own special magic?

In England, a good tradition of exchanging letters has been preserved even today. This can be congratulations on important events in life, invitations to a meeting, or just a letter of gratitude. There are no hard and fast rules on how to write such letters. But still, there is a certain etiquette that should be followed when writing personal letters.

In this article, you will learn the rules for writing and formatting informal letters in English. Get familiar with the structure and types of letters in English, as well as find live examples and templates with translation.

Types of informal letters

Among personal letters, several main types can be distinguished, or rather, reasons for writing them:

  • Congratulations on your wedding day, birthday, birth of a child, graduation from university, etc.
  • Invitation to a wedding, housewarming or other celebration
  • Thanks for the invitation, favor, or good advice
  • Declining an invitation
  • Apology or condolence

Letter structure

Business letter in English

There is nothing difficult in writing a competent business letter in English, you just need to know some of the conventions adopted in official correspondence. Here’s an example of a form mail from

Let’s consider in detail each of the elements of the letter:

1. Sender’s address

In this case, the sender is the organization, so at the very beginning its name is indicated — Imperial Stationery Ltd… The address always starts with the house number that comes before the street name — 258 North Hampton Road… The following is the city, the abbreviated state name (in this case, the state of New York) and the postal code (zip code) — Manhasset, NY 10847… The phone number is also indicated there.

2. Date

Ready business letter in English with translation

как переводится слово dear

It is very difficult to imagine a modern business without business correspondence. This is especially important in cooperation with international companies. But often write business letter in english can be quite difficult.

I don’t like leaving anything unfinished. It is absolutely imperative for me to see that every phone call has been answered and not a single letter has gone unanswered.

~ Alan W. Livingston

As you know, business and spoken English have their own characteristics. In business correspondence in English, it is necessary not only to show knowledge of the language, but also to settle working moments, adhering to a certain structure and being guided by the norms of business etiquette.

In this article, you will find out what business letters in English exist, familiarize yourself with phrases and clichés. You will also find examples and ready-made business letters in English with translation.

Business letters in English with translation

In business correspondence, there are different templates for business letters in English, depending on the subject and purpose of the letter.

There are many types of business letters, in our article we have selected the most common ones.

Letter of Congratulation

A congratulatory letter is often sent to employees or partners to highlight their personal contribution to the development of the industry or to congratulate them on personal achievements and memorable dates.

Example of a letter of congratulation in English

Mr John Lewis General Manager Hoverny Ltd 4567 Snake street Oakland, California Howard Stanley 9034 Canyon Street San Francisco, California USA, 90345 October 01, 2015 Dear Mr Stanley, October, 02 will be a remarkable day of your 10th anniversary as a member of Hoverny Ltd. During these years of work you proved to be a loyal and qualified worker with great potential. We recognize the contribution you make in our company success and wish to congratulate you upon your 10th anniversary. With respect, John Lewis, General Manager


Business Letter in English — Business Letter in English

как переводится слово dear

Even if you know English quite well, writing a business letter may seem like a daunting task to you. But do not give in to panic, now we will disassemble the letter into its component parts and see how it works.

Let’s start with the formalities (A Matter of Form)

Should I follow the formalities when writing a letter in English? Yes, it is important. Especially when it comes to an official letter. It is advisable to follow all the rules here, that is, the letter should contain a greeting, the main and final parts, a farewell and a signature (return address) in the final, there may also be additional gratitude.

If you write to a close friend, or a partner with whom you are familiar enough, using e-mail, then you can refuse many conventions, without forgetting, however, about elementary politeness. And any letter should, of course, begin with a greeting, so we’ll start with that.

Salutation and Addressing

If you are writing a letter to someone you know well, then perhaps a better start would be calling by name, for example:

Dear Paul,

In a more formal greeting, it is better to use the surname with the addition Mr (read mister) or Ms (read miz), for example:

Dear Mr. Stewart:

Dear Ms. barton:

In this case, the word dear is translated not as dear, but as respected or respected. It is considered good manners to use this word at the beginning of a letter, but it is not required. You can write, for example:

Hello Mr. Davis.


Hey Josh,

In the second case, we dispense with the comma after Hi (the comma is placed after the name), this will emphasize simpler relations.

Addressing a married woman Mrs or unmarried Miss is considered outdated., since in most cases her marital status does not concern us. Therefore, neutral Ms. is now considered optimal.

If you do not know the name and surname of the addressee, then you can write:
To whom it may concern
Dear [name of a company or activity] Manager / Officer / Support

But the first option looks too cold and indifferent, and the second is appealing, as it were, not to the person, but to the organization.
Therefore, in most cases, the optimal one can be considered polite and politically correct greeting:

Dear Sir or Madam, Or through a slash:

Dear Sir/Madam,

A slightly more formal and impersonal option: Greetings.

Email support where you don’t know anyone, you can get started even easier:
Hello, or Hi.

Punctuation in the greeting: In American English, it is customary to put a full stop after Mr. or Ms. and a comma after the address by name in a personal message. In an official business letter addressed to an American, after the last name it is advisable to use a colon, see examples above. If you are writing to an Englishman or a resident of one of the European countries, then it is better to use a comma.

Main Part

The main part deserves your special attention, but it is rather difficult to give any advice here, since its content is purely individual in nature. In any case, try to express your thoughts clearly and distinctly. Divide text into paragraphs. This format will make the information easier for your respondent.

Questions and Answers

How to ask questions correctly and how to answer questions, including not the most pleasant ones? The question may contain a request for information or a request, it may be suggestive, indignant, and sometimes rhetorical (not requiring an answer).

Try to ask questions as specifically as possible, organize the information. If there are multiple questions, try making a numbered list.

In this case, you can expect that the answers will be given point by point, which means that it will be easier to deal with them.

Try to be polite even in conflict situations, we will talk about them now.

Solving Problems

It is necessary to solve various difficult situations and conflicts in letters quite often. How to do it right? First, you need to know who you are dealing with and build correspondence on this basis. For example, if you have a conflict with a business partner or contractor, then try not to look for the guilty ones, but sort out the causes of the problem and find a way to solve it.

If this is your client or customer, then the main purpose of your correspondence should be to help him. And even if you feel that he is not very good at the topic, get into his position and explain everything in as much detail as possible. Ask leading questions and provide comprehensive answers. They also work well as a numbered list. As a result of such correspondence, you will receive a grateful and loyal client ready for further cooperation.

Avoid sharp corners whenever possible, but if this is unavoidable, then do not be afraid to firmly adhere to your position, but always remain human. Below is an example of a letter for a refund for an item:

We are sorry that [name of a product] did not meet your expectations. From your letter I understand that you would a refund rather than a different model. Please return the product in its original package and we will promptly refund your purchase price.

We appreciate being able to serve you and hope that you will find other [Name of a Company] products to your liking. We are committed to providing superior products at affordable prices. Please accept a complimentary catalog of full line of our equipment.

Gratitude and acknowledgments — Gratitude and appreciation

We talked about the difficulties, now let’s talk about the good.

It’s always nice to thank a person, show him your respect and acknowledge his merits. This can be done in different ways. Example:

I am so pleased to hear about your promotion to branch manager at [Company name] office. While I am sorry to see you leave us, I know that you deserve the recognition and the increased responsibility. It has been such a pleasure to work with you. Keep up the great job!

Saying Goodbye — How to say goodbye?

There are many ways to say goodbye at the end of a letter, but the word goodbye is rarely used. The following well-established expressions for a business letter are more commonly used:

Best Wishes Kind Regards Best Regards Cordially Cordially yours Sincerely Sincerely yours Very truly yours Yours truly Yours faithfully Yours sincerely I look forward to hearing from you Many thanks and goodbye

And in conclusion, a few more general tips: avoid exclamation marks whenever possible or use them only if absolutely necessary. In the signature (return address) we use a minimum of punctuation marks, but in reality you can do without them at all:
Julia Williams 69 Birch Lane Wayne NJ 07470

Table of Contents Blog Listen



Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

как переводится слово dear

Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, a sense of tact, an understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of a statement or comment — all this is about a well-mannered person. In whatever country you are, in whatever circle of people you communicate, it is important under any circumstances to remain a person with a high culture of communication. In particular, if you are a guest of a country that treats this culture with awe. Especially a culture of welcome. 

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has always been famous for its traditions and scrupulous attitude towards them. The culture of welcoming is held in high esteem here. 

Before you enter into a conversation with someone and greet, you must absolutely clearly understand the degree of formality of the further conversation:

  • official;
  • neutral;
  • informal.

You need to know what to say and how to respond when you meet, depending on who you are talking to — with friends or with a stranger.

This article will help you understand the intricacies of dialogues in English. We will give various examples of greeting phrases with translation, we will tell you how modern dialogues in chat and on the phone (for example, slang) can sound.

You will also learn how the greeting words sound at different times of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. 

At first, it may seem to you that it is unrealistic to remember so many options for greetings, but soon you will easily determine which tone to choose when talking and which phrases to use. You will learn to greet English-speaking friends in an original and unusual way, learn to use simple conversational phrases, and conduct a dialogue beautifully and confidently. You will no longer feel that your greetings sound dry and impersonal.

Greetings in a letter

Greetings in a letter

Let’s start with a welcome letter. Earlier in one of the articles, we already spoke in detail about how to correctly compose a letter in English. Today we will once again discuss the details of a written appeal to the addressee, because for our English-speaking friends, relatives or business colleagues, the culture of a polite greeting is very important.

Please note that now we are talking about informal or neutral treatment, we will talk about the principles of greeting in business correspondence a little later. 

It does not use formal addresses such as: Sir, Mister, Mrs or Miss. You can start your letter with the following welcome phrases:

  • Hello / Hi — Hey, .
  • Greetings — Greetings, .
  • Hello my dear ann — Hello, my dear Anna,.
  • dearest friend — Dear friend,.
  • Dear alice — Dear Alice, .

You can also greet a person simply by their first name. 

Official greeting

Official greeting

There are quite a few situations when knowledge of a formal and business language is necessary:

  • business meetings and negotiations;
  • working interview;
  • communication with top managers of large world companies;
  • an unexpected meeting with the president of your company (when you may not know personally, but you have no right not to greet this person);
  • pay tribute to people of advanced age;
  • addressing a person whom you know superficially;
  • meeting with new business colleagues;
  • communication with new clients, VIP clients, dissatisfied clients in official correspondence, etc.

In fact, there can be many more situations. It is important to understand in which of them you should observe the chain of command and choose the right tone. 

The main rule: if you do not know the person well, if it is not a close friend or relative, always choose a formal greeting so as not to embarrass anyone. By choosing this tone, you show your interlocutor your respect, make it clear that you understand the importance of the meeting / event.

Use the following examples of greetings:

Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening — Good morning / afternoon / evening.
This greeting is considered the most common form of address. Suitable for communicating with colleagues, clients, new neighbors, business partners, etc.

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are doing well this morning — Good morning everybody. I hope you are all right.
This is how you greet a group of people, for example, in a meeting.

To express special respect, use the phrase: Good morning Mr Smith — Good morning, Mr. Smith. If you know each other well, use first name instead of last name.

Hello. How do you do? — Hello. How are you doing? 
Formally, an appeal to someone you meet for the first time, in the work process or at a business dinner.

Nice to meet you / Pleased to meet you — Glad to meet you.
Also suitable for first meeting in a business setting.

How have you been doing? How have you been? — How are you doing?
A more respectful, simpler, and polite version of an informal phrase How are you? It will be appropriate in a situation where you have not met a person for a long time.

Greetings in business correspondence

Greetings in business correspondence

In business correspondence, it is very important to maintain an official tone, not to abuse complex structures: the easier you express yourself, the better. The letter should not contain long paragraphs and familiar references.

In the greeting, you should not use such words as: Dear, Dearest etc. 

In a business letter, we recommend that you find out in advance who you are contacting: a man or a woman. Depending on this, choose the appropriate appeal: Mr or Ms.

Welcome dialogs in English

Welcome dialogs in English

We offer several options for greeting dialogs:

  • Ggood morning! You must be Ann?
  • Yes, good morning. I’m sorry, and your name is?
  • My name is Alex. Very nice to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank You.
  • How are you today?
  • Very well, thank you. And yourself?
  • I’m good. Thanks for asking. 
  • Good morning! You must be Anna?
  • Good morning, yes. I beg your pardon, what is your name?
  • My name is Alex. I am very glad to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank you.
  • How are you?
  • Excellent thank you. And your?
  • I’m fine. Thank you for asking. 

The highlighted fragments of the dialogue are an indicator of formal communication: welcome to instead welcome, very nice to meet you instead nice to meet you, thank you instead of thanks.

  1. In neutral communication (for example, when communicating with a colleague):
  • Hello!
  • Hello! Are you Ann?


Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Correspondence is a long-standing method of communication, which even now, in the age of modern technologies, does not lose its relevance.

Would you agree that handwritten and mailed letters have their own special magic?

In England, a good tradition of exchanging letters has been preserved even today. This can be congratulations on important events in life, invitations to a meeting, or just a letter of gratitude. There are no hard and fast rules on how to write such letters. But still, there is a certain etiquette that should be followed when writing personal letters.

In this article, you will learn the rules for writing and formatting informal letters in English. Get familiar with the structure and types of letters in English, as well as find live examples and templates with translation.

Types of informal letters

Types of informal letters

Among personal letters, several main types can be distinguished, or rather, reasons for writing them:

  • Congratulations on your wedding day, birthday, birth of a child, graduation from university, etc.
  • Invitation to a wedding, housewarming or other celebration
  • Thanks for the invitation, favor, or good advice
  • Declining an invitation
  • Apology or condolence

Letter structure

Letter structure

The structure of a personal letter is simple and consists of several main parts:



You can contact the addressee by surname or first name if you are in a close relationship with him. The choice of appeal depends only on the degree of your acquaintance with the addressee and can be anything. The most common options are:

  • (My) dear — (My) dear
  • (My) dearest — (My) dearest / (My) dearest
  • Dear Mr. Brown — Dear Mr. Brown
  • Dear Kate — Dear Kate

After the address, a comma or exclamation mark is placed, and the letter itself continues with a new paragraph.

On a note: Dear sir / Dear madam is used only in formal or business letters, and also when we do not know the name of the person we are writing to.

Remember that, unlike the Russian language, in formal letters it is considered bad form to put an exclamation mark after the address. So, a note to a friend may begin with «Dear John! ..», but in the wedding invitation it is better to write «Dear John, ..».

Introductory phrase

Introductory phrase

This is a short sentence after the appeal, in which you need to indicate the main purpose of the letter or the reason why you are writing to the addressee.

An introductory phrase can be gratitude for an invitation to a holiday, a request for a meeting, and so on. With this phrase, we indicate our intentions towards the recipient of the letter.

Main part

Main part

Several paragraphs in which you can reveal the purpose of the letter in more detail. They are free-form and may contain clarifications, meeting time and place, or other important information.

On a note:


Business letter in English

Business letter in English

There is nothing difficult in writing a competent business letter in English, you just need to know some of the conventions adopted in official correspondence. Here’s an example of a form mail from

Let’s consider in detail each of the elements of the letter:

1. Sender’s address

1. Sender’s address

In this case, the sender is the organization, so at the very beginning its name is indicated — Imperial Stationery Ltd… The address always starts with the house number that comes before the street name — 258 North Hampton Road… The following is the city, the abbreviated state name (in this case, the state of New York) and the postal code (zip code) — Manhasset, NY 10847… The phone number is also indicated there.

2. Date

2. Date

Dates can be spelled in different ways, but the most common form in English correspondence is exactly this form, as in this example:

3. Recipient’s address

3. Recipient’s address

The recipient’s name should be preceded by a form of appeal corresponding to his gender and marital status — Mr… (Mister), Mrs. (mrs) or Miss (miss).

In this case, a fairly new form of address was used — Ms, which is an abbreviation for both «mrs» and «miss». Pronounced as [mis].

Appearing as a tribute to political correctness, such an appeal quickly gained popularity, as it avoids difficulties in the case when you do not know if your addressee is currently married. In spoken language, the good old miss and missis are usually used.

The address line looks like this here:

28 Green St., Suite 11

Word suite here means an apartment or a hotel room. Another version of the word «apartment» — Apt (apartment). Therefore, this line should be understood as “28 Green Street, Apt. eleven».

4. Appeal

4. Appeal

Word dear in letters it can mean not only «dear», but also «respected», as in this case. It depends on whether the letter is formal or personal. In personal letters they write Dear Mike, My dear mike or simply Mikeand Dearest or my darling, which translates as «Dear!».

In business correspondence, the same address is most often used as in the example given: Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms [last name] .

In official letters to people whose last names you do not know, you can write like this:

My dear Sir / Madam or Sir / Madam (less formal) or Dear Sir or Madam (when even the gender of the recipient is unknown).

After the word “dear” there may be not a name, but the position of the recipient or the quality in which he acts, for example Dear visa officer or Dear reader.

5. Introduction

5. Introduction

At the beginning of the text of a business letter, you can say about the subject of the correspondence, refer to previous letters or the reason for contacting, thank, if there is anything (for an order, for a response or for attention).

Thank you for your letter concerning I received your letter I appreciate your I am writing you because Congratulations on

Please forgive me for troubling you

6. The main body of the letter

6. The main body of the letter

Finally, you write what you wanted to say.

7. Final phrase

7. Final phrase

Talk about waiting for an answer, wanting something, or adding more politeness.

Please write soon. I would appreciate an early reply. I hope you will have a very nice holiday.

Let me know what you decide.

8. Phrase before signature

8. Phrase before signature

There are many options, but most often in business letters it is written Sincerely, Sincerely yours («Yours sincerely»), Truly yours.

In personal letters to good friends, you can use the wording Yours as always, Yours ever, As ever («Always yours»).

9. Application mark

Ready business letter in English with translation

как переводится слово dear

It is very difficult to imagine a modern business without business correspondence. This is especially important in cooperation with international companies. But often write business letter in english can be quite difficult.

I don’t like leaving anything unfinished. It is absolutely imperative for me to see that every phone call has been answered and not a single letter has gone unanswered.

~ Alan W. Livingston

As you know, business and spoken English have their own characteristics. In business correspondence in English, it is necessary not only to show knowledge of the language, but also to settle working moments, adhering to a certain structure and being guided by the norms of business etiquette.

In this article, you will find out what business letters in English exist, familiarize yourself with phrases and clichés. You will also find examples and ready-made business letters in English with translation.

Business letters in English with translation

In business correspondence, there are different templates for business letters in English, depending on the subject and purpose of the letter.

There are many types of business letters, in our article we have selected the most common ones.

Letter of Congratulation

A congratulatory letter is often sent to employees or partners to highlight their personal contribution to the development of the industry or to congratulate them on personal achievements and memorable dates.

Example of a letter of congratulation in English

Mr John Lewis General Manager Hoverny Ltd 4567 Snake street Oakland, California Howard Stanley 9034 Canyon Street San Francisco, California USA, 90345 October 01, 2015 Dear Mr Stanley, October, 02 will be a remarkable day of your 10th anniversary as a member of Hoverny Ltd. During these years of work you proved to be a loyal and qualified worker with great potential. We recognize the contribution you make in our company success and wish to congratulate you upon your 10th anniversary. With respect, John Lewis, General Manager


Business Letter in English — Business Letter in English

как переводится слово dear

Even if you know English quite well, writing a business letter may seem like a daunting task to you. But do not give in to panic, now we will disassemble the letter into its component parts and see how it works.

Let’s start with the formalities (A Matter of Form)

Should I follow the formalities when writing a letter in English? Yes, it is important. Especially when it comes to an official letter. It is advisable to follow all the rules here, that is, the letter should contain a greeting, the main and final parts, a farewell and a signature (return address) in the final, there may also be additional gratitude.

If you write to a close friend, or a partner with whom you are familiar enough, using e-mail, then you can refuse many conventions, without forgetting, however, about elementary politeness. And any letter should, of course, begin with a greeting, so we’ll start with that.

Salutation and Addressing

If you are writing a letter to someone you know well, then perhaps a better start would be calling by name, for example:

Dear Paul,

In a more formal greeting, it is better to use the surname with the addition Mr (read mister) or Ms (read miz), for example:

Dear Mr. Stewart:

Dear Ms. barton:

In this case, the word dear is translated not as dear, but as respected or respected. It is considered good manners to use this word at the beginning of a letter, but it is not required. You can write, for example:

Hello Mr. Davis.


Hey Josh,

In the second case, we dispense with the comma after Hi (the comma is placed after the name), this will emphasize simpler relations.

Addressing a married woman Mrs or unmarried Miss is considered outdated., since in most cases her marital status does not concern us. Therefore, neutral Ms. is now considered optimal.

If you do not know the name and surname of the addressee, then you can write:
To whom it may concern
Dear [name of a company or activity] Manager / Officer / Support

But the first option looks too cold and indifferent, and the second is appealing, as it were, not to the person, but to the organization.
Therefore, in most cases, the optimal one can be considered polite and politically correct greeting:

Dear Sir or Madam, Or through a slash:

Dear Sir/Madam,

A slightly more formal and impersonal option: Greetings.

Email support where you don’t know anyone, you can get started even easier:
Hello, or Hi.

Punctuation in the greeting: In American English, it is customary to put a full stop after Mr. or Ms. and a comma after the address by name in a personal message. In an official business letter addressed to an American, after the last name it is advisable to use a colon, see examples above. If you are writing to an Englishman or a resident of one of the European countries, then it is better to use a comma.

Main Part

The main part deserves your special attention, but it is rather difficult to give any advice here, since its content is purely individual in nature. In any case, try to express your thoughts clearly and distinctly. Divide text into paragraphs. This format will make the information easier for your respondent.

Questions and Answers

How to ask questions correctly and how to answer questions, including not the most pleasant ones? The question may contain a request for information or a request, it may be suggestive, indignant, and sometimes rhetorical (not requiring an answer).

Try to ask questions as specifically as possible, organize the information. If there are multiple questions, try making a numbered list.

In this case, you can expect that the answers will be given point by point, which means that it will be easier to deal with them.

Try to be polite even in conflict situations, we will talk about them now.

Solving Problems

It is necessary to solve various difficult situations and conflicts in letters quite often. How to do it right? First, you need to know who you are dealing with and build correspondence on this basis. For example, if you have a conflict with a business partner or contractor, then try not to look for the guilty ones, but sort out the causes of the problem and find a way to solve it.

If this is your client or customer, then the main purpose of your correspondence should be to help him. And even if you feel that he is not very good at the topic, get into his position and explain everything in as much detail as possible. Ask leading questions and provide comprehensive answers. They also work well as a numbered list. As a result of such correspondence, you will receive a grateful and loyal client ready for further cooperation.

Avoid sharp corners whenever possible, but if this is unavoidable, then do not be afraid to firmly adhere to your position, but always remain human. Below is an example of a letter for a refund for an item:

We are sorry that [name of a product] did not meet your expectations. From your letter I understand that you would a refund rather than a different model. Please return the product in its original package and we will promptly refund your purchase price.

We appreciate being able to serve you and hope that you will find other [Name of a Company] products to your liking. We are committed to providing superior products at affordable prices. Please accept a complimentary catalog of full line of our equipment.

Gratitude and acknowledgments — Gratitude and appreciation

We talked about the difficulties, now let’s talk about the good.

It’s always nice to thank a person, show him your respect and acknowledge his merits. This can be done in different ways. Example:

I am so pleased to hear about your promotion to branch manager at [Company name] office. While I am sorry to see you leave us, I know that you deserve the recognition and the increased responsibility. It has been such a pleasure to work with you. Keep up the great job!

Saying Goodbye — How to say goodbye?

There are many ways to say goodbye at the end of a letter, but the word goodbye is rarely used. The following well-established expressions for a business letter are more commonly used:

Best Wishes Kind Regards Best Regards Cordially Cordially yours Sincerely Sincerely yours Very truly yours Yours truly Yours faithfully Yours sincerely I look forward to hearing from you Many thanks and goodbye

And in conclusion, a few more general tips: avoid exclamation marks whenever possible or use them only if absolutely necessary. In the signature (return address) we use a minimum of punctuation marks, but in reality you can do without them at all:
Julia Williams 69 Birch Lane Wayne NJ 07470

Table of Contents Blog Listen



Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

как переводится слово dear

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, a sense of tact, an understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of a statement or comment — all this is about a well-mannered person. In whatever country you are, in whatever circle of people you communicate, it is important under any circumstances to remain a person with a high culture of communication. In particular, if you are a guest of a country that treats this culture with awe. Especially a culture of welcome. 

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has always been famous for its traditions and scrupulous attitude towards them. The culture of welcoming is held in high esteem here. 

Before you enter into a conversation with someone and greet, you must absolutely clearly understand the degree of formality of the further conversation:

  • official;
  • neutral;
  • informal.

You need to know what to say and how to respond when you meet, depending on who you are talking to — with friends or with a stranger.

This article will help you understand the intricacies of dialogues in English. We will give various examples of greeting phrases with translation, we will tell you how modern dialogues in chat and on the phone (for example, slang) can sound.

You will also learn how the greeting words sound at different times of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. 

At first, it may seem to you that it is unrealistic to remember so many options for greetings, but soon you will easily determine which tone to choose when talking and which phrases to use. You will learn to greet English-speaking friends in an original and unusual way, learn to use simple conversational phrases, and conduct a dialogue beautifully and confidently. You will no longer feel that your greetings sound dry and impersonal.

Greetings in a letter

Let’s start with a welcome letter. Earlier in one of the articles, we already spoke in detail about how to correctly compose a letter in English. Today we will once again discuss the details of a written appeal to the addressee, because for our English-speaking friends, relatives or business colleagues, the culture of a polite greeting is very important.

Please note that now we are talking about informal or neutral treatment, we will talk about the principles of greeting in business correspondence a little later. 

It does not use formal addresses such as: Sir, Mister, Mrs or Miss. You can start your letter with the following welcome phrases:

  • Hello / Hi — Hey, .
  • Greetings — Greetings, .
  • Hello my dear ann — Hello, my dear Anna,.
  • dearest friend — Dear friend,.
  • Dear alice — Dear Alice, .

You can also greet a person simply by their first name. 

Official greeting

There are quite a few situations when knowledge of a formal and business language is necessary:

  • business meetings and negotiations;
  • working interview;
  • communication with top managers of large world companies;
  • an unexpected meeting with the president of your company (when you may not know personally, but you have no right not to greet this person);
  • pay tribute to people of advanced age;
  • addressing a person whom you know superficially;
  • meeting with new business colleagues;
  • communication with new clients, VIP clients, dissatisfied clients in official correspondence, etc.

In fact, there can be many more situations. It is important to understand in which of them you should observe the chain of command and choose the right tone. 

The main rule: if you do not know the person well, if it is not a close friend or relative, always choose a formal greeting so as not to embarrass anyone. By choosing this tone, you show your interlocutor your respect, make it clear that you understand the importance of the meeting / event.

Use the following examples of greetings:

Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening — Good morning / afternoon / evening.
This greeting is considered the most common form of address. Suitable for communicating with colleagues, clients, new neighbors, business partners, etc.

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are doing well this morning — Good morning everybody. I hope you are all right.
This is how you greet a group of people, for example, in a meeting.

To express special respect, use the phrase: Good morning Mr Smith — Good morning, Mr. Smith. If you know each other well, use first name instead of last name.

Hello. How do you do? — Hello. How are you doing? 
Formally, an appeal to someone you meet for the first time, in the work process or at a business dinner.

Nice to meet you / Pleased to meet you — Glad to meet you.
Also suitable for first meeting in a business setting.

How have you been doing? How have you been? — How are you doing?
A more respectful, simpler, and polite version of an informal phrase How are you? It will be appropriate in a situation where you have not met a person for a long time.

Greetings in business correspondence

In business correspondence, it is very important to maintain an official tone, not to abuse complex structures: the easier you express yourself, the better. The letter should not contain long paragraphs and familiar references.

In the greeting, you should not use such words as: Dear, Dearest etc. 

In a business letter, we recommend that you find out in advance who you are contacting: a man or a woman. Depending on this, choose the appropriate appeal: Mr or Ms.

Welcome dialogs in English

We offer several options for greeting dialogs:

  • Ggood morning! You must be Ann?
  • Yes, good morning. I’m sorry, and your name is?
  • My name is Alex. Very nice to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank You.
  • How are you today?
  • Very well, thank you. And yourself?
  • I’m good. Thanks for asking. 
  • Good morning! You must be Anna?
  • Good morning, yes. I beg your pardon, what is your name?
  • My name is Alex. I am very glad to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank you.
  • How are you?
  • Excellent thank you. And your?
  • I’m fine. Thank you for asking. 

The highlighted fragments of the dialogue are an indicator of formal communication: welcome to instead welcome, very nice to meet you instead nice to meet you, thank you instead of thanks.

  1. In neutral communication (for example, when communicating with a colleague):
  • Hello!
  • Hello! Are you Ann?


Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Correspondence is a long-standing method of communication, which even now, in the age of modern technologies, does not lose its relevance.

Would you agree that handwritten and mailed letters have their own special magic?

In England, a good tradition of exchanging letters has been preserved even today. This can be congratulations on important events in life, invitations to a meeting, or just a letter of gratitude. There are no hard and fast rules on how to write such letters. But still, there is a certain etiquette that should be followed when writing personal letters.

In this article, you will learn the rules for writing and formatting informal letters in English. Get familiar with the structure and types of letters in English, as well as find live examples and templates with translation.

Types of informal letters

Among personal letters, several main types can be distinguished, or rather, reasons for writing them:

  • Congratulations on your wedding day, birthday, birth of a child, graduation from university, etc.
  • Invitation to a wedding, housewarming or other celebration
  • Thanks for the invitation, favor, or good advice
  • Declining an invitation
  • Apology or condolence

Letter structure

The structure of a personal letter is simple and consists of several main parts:


You can contact the addressee by surname or first name if you are in a close relationship with him. The choice of appeal depends only on the degree of your acquaintance with the addressee and can be anything. The most common options are:

  • (My) dear — (My) dear
  • (My) dearest — (My) dearest / (My) dearest
  • Dear Mr. Brown — Dear Mr. Brown
  • Dear Kate — Dear Kate

After the address, a comma or exclamation mark is placed, and the letter itself continues with a new paragraph.

On a note: Dear sir / Dear madam is used only in formal or business letters, and also when we do not know the name of the person we are writing to.

Remember that, unlike the Russian language, in formal letters it is considered bad form to put an exclamation mark after the address. So, a note to a friend may begin with «Dear John! ..», but in the wedding invitation it is better to write «Dear John, ..».

Introductory phrase

This is a short sentence after the appeal, in which you need to indicate the main purpose of the letter or the reason why you are writing to the addressee.

An introductory phrase can be gratitude for an invitation to a holiday, a request for a meeting, and so on. With this phrase, we indicate our intentions towards the recipient of the letter.

Main part

Several paragraphs in which you can reveal the purpose of the letter in more detail. They are free-form and may contain clarifications, meeting time and place, or other important information.

On a note:


Business letter in English

There is nothing difficult in writing a competent business letter in English, you just need to know some of the conventions adopted in official correspondence. Here’s an example of a form mail from

Let’s consider in detail each of the elements of the letter:

1. Sender’s address

In this case, the sender is the organization, so at the very beginning its name is indicated — Imperial Stationery Ltd… The address always starts with the house number that comes before the street name — 258 North Hampton Road… The following is the city, the abbreviated state name (in this case, the state of New York) and the postal code (zip code) — Manhasset, NY 10847… The phone number is also indicated there.

2. Date

Dates can be spelled in different ways, but the most common form in English correspondence is exactly this form, as in this example:

3. Recipient’s address

The recipient’s name should be preceded by a form of appeal corresponding to his gender and marital status — Mr… (Mister), Mrs. (mrs) or Miss (miss).

In this case, a fairly new form of address was used — Ms, which is an abbreviation for both «mrs» and «miss». Pronounced as [mis].

Appearing as a tribute to political correctness, such an appeal quickly gained popularity, as it avoids difficulties in the case when you do not know if your addressee is currently married. In spoken language, the good old miss and missis are usually used.

The address line looks like this here:

28 Green St., Suite 11

Word suite here means an apartment or a hotel room. Another version of the word «apartment» — Apt (apartment). Therefore, this line should be understood as “28 Green Street, Apt. eleven».

4. Appeal

Word dear in letters it can mean not only «dear», but also «respected», as in this case. It depends on whether the letter is formal or personal. In personal letters they write Dear Mike, My dear mike or simply Mikeand Dearest or my darling, which translates as «Dear!».

In business correspondence, the same address is most often used as in the example given: Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms [last name] .

In official letters to people whose last names you do not know, you can write like this:

My dear Sir / Madam or Sir / Madam (less formal) or Dear Sir or Madam (when even the gender of the recipient is unknown).

After the word “dear” there may be not a name, but the position of the recipient or the quality in which he acts, for example Dear visa officer or Dear reader.

5. Introduction

At the beginning of the text of a business letter, you can say about the subject of the correspondence, refer to previous letters or the reason for contacting, thank, if there is anything (for an order, for a response or for attention).

Thank you for your letter concerning I received your letter I appreciate your I am writing you because Congratulations on

Please forgive me for troubling you

6. The main body of the letter

Finally, you write what you wanted to say.

7. Final phrase

Talk about waiting for an answer, wanting something, or adding more politeness.

Please write soon. I would appreciate an early reply. I hope you will have a very nice holiday.

Let me know what you decide.

8. Phrase before signature

There are many options, but most often in business letters it is written Sincerely, Sincerely yours («Yours sincerely»), Truly yours.

In personal letters to good friends, you can use the wording Yours as always, Yours ever, As ever («Always yours»).

Ready business letter in English with translation

как переводится слово dear

It is very difficult to imagine a modern business without business correspondence. This is especially important in cooperation with international companies. But often write business letter in english can be quite difficult.

I don’t like leaving anything unfinished. It is absolutely imperative for me to see that every phone call has been answered and not a single letter has gone unanswered.

~ Alan W. Livingston

As you know, business and spoken English have their own characteristics. In business correspondence in English, it is necessary not only to show knowledge of the language, but also to settle working moments, adhering to a certain structure and being guided by the norms of business etiquette.

In this article, you will find out what business letters in English exist, familiarize yourself with phrases and clichés. You will also find examples and ready-made business letters in English with translation.

Business letters in English with translation

In business correspondence, there are different templates for business letters in English, depending on the subject and purpose of the letter.

There are many types of business letters, in our article we have selected the most common ones.

Letter of Congratulation

A congratulatory letter is often sent to employees or partners to highlight their personal contribution to the development of the industry or to congratulate them on personal achievements and memorable dates.

Example of a letter of congratulation in English

Mr John Lewis General Manager Hoverny Ltd 4567 Snake street Oakland, California Howard Stanley 9034 Canyon Street San Francisco, California USA, 90345 October 01, 2015 Dear Mr Stanley, October, 02 will be a remarkable day of your 10th anniversary as a member of Hoverny Ltd. During these years of work you proved to be a loyal and qualified worker with great potential. We recognize the contribution you make in our company success and wish to congratulate you upon your 10th anniversary. With respect, John Lewis, General Manager


Business Letter in English — Business Letter in English

как переводится слово dear

Even if you know English quite well, writing a business letter may seem like a daunting task to you. But do not give in to panic, now we will disassemble the letter into its component parts and see how it works.

Let’s start with the formalities (A Matter of Form)

Should I follow the formalities when writing a letter in English? Yes, it is important. Especially when it comes to an official letter. It is advisable to follow all the rules here, that is, the letter should contain a greeting, the main and final parts, a farewell and a signature (return address) in the final, there may also be additional gratitude.

If you write to a close friend, or a partner with whom you are familiar enough, using e-mail, then you can refuse many conventions, without forgetting, however, about elementary politeness. And any letter should, of course, begin with a greeting, so we’ll start with that.

Salutation and Addressing

If you are writing a letter to someone you know well, then perhaps a better start would be calling by name, for example:

Dear Paul,

In a more formal greeting, it is better to use the surname with the addition Mr (read mister) or Ms (read miz), for example:

Dear Mr. Stewart:

Dear Ms. barton:

In this case, the word dear is translated not as dear, but as respected or respected. It is considered good manners to use this word at the beginning of a letter, but it is not required. You can write, for example:

Hello Mr. Davis.


Hey Josh,

In the second case, we dispense with the comma after Hi (the comma is placed after the name), this will emphasize simpler relations.

Addressing a married woman Mrs or unmarried Miss is considered outdated., since in most cases her marital status does not concern us. Therefore, neutral Ms. is now considered optimal.

If you do not know the name and surname of the addressee, then you can write:
To whom it may concern
Dear [name of a company or activity] Manager / Officer / Support

But the first option looks too cold and indifferent, and the second is appealing, as it were, not to the person, but to the organization.
Therefore, in most cases, the optimal one can be considered polite and politically correct greeting:

Dear Sir or Madam, Or through a slash:

Dear Sir/Madam,

A slightly more formal and impersonal option: Greetings.

Email support where you don’t know anyone, you can get started even easier:
Hello, or Hi.

Punctuation in the greeting: In American English, it is customary to put a full stop after Mr. or Ms. and a comma after the address by name in a personal message. In an official business letter addressed to an American, after the last name it is advisable to use a colon, see examples above. If you are writing to an Englishman or a resident of one of the European countries, then it is better to use a comma.

Main Part

The main part deserves your special attention, but it is rather difficult to give any advice here, since its content is purely individual in nature. In any case, try to express your thoughts clearly and distinctly. Divide text into paragraphs. This format will make the information easier for your respondent.

Questions and Answers

How to ask questions correctly and how to answer questions, including not the most pleasant ones? The question may contain a request for information or a request, it may be suggestive, indignant, and sometimes rhetorical (not requiring an answer).

Try to ask questions as specifically as possible, organize the information. If there are multiple questions, try making a numbered list.

In this case, you can expect that the answers will be given point by point, which means that it will be easier to deal with them.

Try to be polite even in conflict situations, we will talk about them now.

Solving Problems

It is necessary to solve various difficult situations and conflicts in letters quite often. How to do it right? First, you need to know who you are dealing with and build correspondence on this basis. For example, if you have a conflict with a business partner or contractor, then try not to look for the guilty ones, but sort out the causes of the problem and find a way to solve it.

If this is your client or customer, then the main purpose of your correspondence should be to help him. And even if you feel that he is not very good at the topic, get into his position and explain everything in as much detail as possible. Ask leading questions and provide comprehensive answers. They also work well as a numbered list. As a result of such correspondence, you will receive a grateful and loyal client ready for further cooperation.

Avoid sharp corners whenever possible, but if this is unavoidable, then do not be afraid to firmly adhere to your position, but always remain human. Below is an example of a letter for a refund for an item:

We are sorry that [name of a product] did not meet your expectations. From your letter I understand that you would a refund rather than a different model. Please return the product in its original package and we will promptly refund your purchase price.

We appreciate being able to serve you and hope that you will find other [Name of a Company] products to your liking. We are committed to providing superior products at affordable prices. Please accept a complimentary catalog of full line of our equipment.

Gratitude and acknowledgments — Gratitude and appreciation

We talked about the difficulties, now let’s talk about the good.

It’s always nice to thank a person, show him your respect and acknowledge his merits. This can be done in different ways. Example:

I am so pleased to hear about your promotion to branch manager at [Company name] office. While I am sorry to see you leave us, I know that you deserve the recognition and the increased responsibility. It has been such a pleasure to work with you. Keep up the great job!

Saying Goodbye — How to say goodbye?

There are many ways to say goodbye at the end of a letter, but the word goodbye is rarely used. The following well-established expressions for a business letter are more commonly used:

Best Wishes Kind Regards Best Regards Cordially Cordially yours Sincerely Sincerely yours Very truly yours Yours truly Yours faithfully Yours sincerely I look forward to hearing from you Many thanks and goodbye

And in conclusion, a few more general tips: avoid exclamation marks whenever possible or use them only if absolutely necessary. In the signature (return address) we use a minimum of punctuation marks, but in reality you can do without them at all:
Julia Williams 69 Birch Lane Wayne NJ 07470

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Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

как переводится слово dear

Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, a sense of tact, an understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of a statement or comment — all this is about a well-mannered person. In whatever country you are, in whatever circle of people you communicate, it is important under any circumstances to remain a person with a high culture of communication. In particular, if you are a guest of a country that treats this culture with awe. Especially a culture of welcome. 

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has always been famous for its traditions and scrupulous attitude towards them. The culture of welcoming is held in high esteem here. 

Before you enter into a conversation with someone and greet, you must absolutely clearly understand the degree of formality of the further conversation:

  • official;
  • neutral;
  • informal.

You need to know what to say and how to respond when you meet, depending on who you are talking to — with friends or with a stranger.

This article will help you understand the intricacies of dialogues in English. We will give various examples of greeting phrases with translation, we will tell you how modern dialogues in chat and on the phone (for example, slang) can sound.

You will also learn how the greeting words sound at different times of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. 

At first, it may seem to you that it is unrealistic to remember so many options for greetings, but soon you will easily determine which tone to choose when talking and which phrases to use. You will learn to greet English-speaking friends in an original and unusual way, learn to use simple conversational phrases, and conduct a dialogue beautifully and confidently. You will no longer feel that your greetings sound dry and impersonal.

Greetings in a letter

Greetings in a letter

Let’s start with a welcome letter. Earlier in one of the articles, we already spoke in detail about how to correctly compose a letter in English. Today we will once again discuss the details of a written appeal to the addressee, because for our English-speaking friends, relatives or business colleagues, the culture of a polite greeting is very important.

Please note that now we are talking about informal or neutral treatment, we will talk about the principles of greeting in business correspondence a little later. 

It does not use formal addresses such as: Sir, Mister, Mrs or Miss. You can start your letter with the following welcome phrases:

  • Hello / Hi — Hey, .
  • Greetings — Greetings, .
  • Hello my dear ann — Hello, my dear Anna,.
  • dearest friend — Dear friend,.
  • Dear alice — Dear Alice, .

You can also greet a person simply by their first name. 

Official greeting

Official greeting

There are quite a few situations when knowledge of a formal and business language is necessary:

  • business meetings and negotiations;
  • working interview;
  • communication with top managers of large world companies;
  • an unexpected meeting with the president of your company (when you may not know personally, but you have no right not to greet this person);
  • pay tribute to people of advanced age;
  • addressing a person whom you know superficially;
  • meeting with new business colleagues;
  • communication with new clients, VIP clients, dissatisfied clients in official correspondence, etc.

In fact, there can be many more situations. It is important to understand in which of them you should observe the chain of command and choose the right tone. 

The main rule: if you do not know the person well, if it is not a close friend or relative, always choose a formal greeting so as not to embarrass anyone. By choosing this tone, you show your interlocutor your respect, make it clear that you understand the importance of the meeting / event.

Use the following examples of greetings:

Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening — Good morning / afternoon / evening.
This greeting is considered the most common form of address. Suitable for communicating with colleagues, clients, new neighbors, business partners, etc.

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are doing well this morning — Good morning everybody. I hope you are all right.
This is how you greet a group of people, for example, in a meeting.

To express special respect, use the phrase: Good morning Mr Smith — Good morning, Mr. Smith. If you know each other well, use first name instead of last name.

Hello. How do you do? — Hello. How are you doing? 
Formally, an appeal to someone you meet for the first time, in the work process or at a business dinner.

Nice to meet you / Pleased to meet you — Glad to meet you.
Also suitable for first meeting in a business setting.

How have you been doing? How have you been? — How are you doing?
A more respectful, simpler, and polite version of an informal phrase How are you? It will be appropriate in a situation where you have not met a person for a long time.

Greetings in business correspondence

Greetings in business correspondence

In business correspondence, it is very important to maintain an official tone, not to abuse complex structures: the easier you express yourself, the better. The letter should not contain long paragraphs and familiar references.

In the greeting, you should not use such words as: Dear, Dearest etc. 

In a business letter, we recommend that you find out in advance who you are contacting: a man or a woman. Depending on this, choose the appropriate appeal: Mr or Ms.

Welcome dialogs in English

Welcome dialogs in English

We offer several options for greeting dialogs:

  • Ggood morning! You must be Ann?
  • Yes, good morning. I’m sorry, and your name is?
  • My name is Alex. Very nice to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank You.
  • How are you today?
  • Very well, thank you. And yourself?
  • I’m good. Thanks for asking. 
  • Good morning! You must be Anna?
  • Good morning, yes. I beg your pardon, what is your name?
  • My name is Alex. I am very glad to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank you.
  • How are you?
  • Excellent thank you. And your?
  • I’m fine. Thank you for asking. 

The highlighted fragments of the dialogue are an indicator of formal communication: welcome to instead welcome, very nice to meet you instead nice to meet you, thank you instead of thanks.

  1. In neutral communication (for example, when communicating with a colleague):
  • Hello!
  • Hello! Are you Ann?


Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Correspondence is a long-standing method of communication, which even now, in the age of modern technologies, does not lose its relevance.

Would you agree that handwritten and mailed letters have their own special magic?

In England, a good tradition of exchanging letters has been preserved even today. This can be congratulations on important events in life, invitations to a meeting, or just a letter of gratitude. There are no hard and fast rules on how to write such letters. But still, there is a certain etiquette that should be followed when writing personal letters.

In this article, you will learn the rules for writing and formatting informal letters in English. Get familiar with the structure and types of letters in English, as well as find live examples and templates with translation.

Types of informal letters

Types of informal letters

Among personal letters, several main types can be distinguished, or rather, reasons for writing them:

  • Congratulations on your wedding day, birthday, birth of a child, graduation from university, etc.
  • Invitation to a wedding, housewarming or other celebration
  • Thanks for the invitation, favor, or good advice
  • Declining an invitation
  • Apology or condolence

Letter structure

Letter structure

The structure of a personal letter is simple and consists of several main parts:



You can contact the addressee by surname or first name if you are in a close relationship with him. The choice of appeal depends only on the degree of your acquaintance with the addressee and can be anything. The most common options are:

  • (My) dear — (My) dear
  • (My) dearest — (My) dearest / (My) dearest
  • Dear Mr. Brown — Dear Mr. Brown
  • Dear Kate — Dear Kate

After the address, a comma or exclamation mark is placed, and the letter itself continues with a new paragraph.

On a note: Dear sir / Dear madam is used only in formal or business letters, and also when we do not know the name of the person we are writing to.

Remember that, unlike the Russian language, in formal letters it is considered bad form to put an exclamation mark after the address. So, a note to a friend may begin with «Dear John! ..», but in the wedding invitation it is better to write «Dear John, ..».

Introductory phrase

Introductory phrase

This is a short sentence after the appeal, in which you need to indicate the main purpose of the letter or the reason why you are writing to the addressee.

An introductory phrase can be gratitude for an invitation to a holiday, a request for a meeting, and so on. With this phrase, we indicate our intentions towards the recipient of the letter.

Main part

Main part

Several paragraphs in which you can reveal the purpose of the letter in more detail. They are free-form and may contain clarifications, meeting time and place, or other important information.

On a note:


Business letter in English

Business letter in English

There is nothing difficult in writing a competent business letter in English, you just need to know some of the conventions adopted in official correspondence. Here’s an example of a form mail from

Let’s consider in detail each of the elements of the letter:

1. Sender’s address

1. Sender’s address

In this case, the sender is the organization, so at the very beginning its name is indicated — Imperial Stationery Ltd… The address always starts with the house number that comes before the street name — 258 North Hampton Road… The following is the city, the abbreviated state name (in this case, the state of New York) and the postal code (zip code) — Manhasset, NY 10847… The phone number is also indicated there.

2. Date

2. Date

Dates can be spelled in different ways, but the most common form in English correspondence is exactly this form, as in this example:

3. Recipient’s address

3. Recipient’s address

The recipient’s name should be preceded by a form of appeal corresponding to his gender and marital status — Mr… (Mister), Mrs. (mrs) or Miss (miss).

In this case, a fairly new form of address was used — Ms, which is an abbreviation for both «mrs» and «miss». Pronounced as [mis].

Appearing as a tribute to political correctness, such an appeal quickly gained popularity, as it avoids difficulties in the case when you do not know if your addressee is currently married. In spoken language, the good old miss and missis are usually used.

The address line looks like this here:

28 Green St., Suite 11

Word suite here means an apartment or a hotel room. Another version of the word «apartment» — Apt (apartment). Therefore, this line should be understood as “28 Green Street, Apt. eleven».

4. Appeal

4. Appeal

Word dear in letters it can mean not only «dear», but also «respected», as in this case. It depends on whether the letter is formal or personal. In personal letters they write Dear Mike, My dear mike or simply Mikeand Dearest or my darling, which translates as «Dear!».

In business correspondence, the same address is most often used as in the example given: Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms [last name] .

In official letters to people whose last names you do not know, you can write like this:

My dear Sir / Madam or Sir / Madam (less formal) or Dear Sir or Madam (when even the gender of the recipient is unknown).

After the word “dear” there may be not a name, but the position of the recipient or the quality in which he acts, for example Dear visa officer or Dear reader.

5. Introduction

5. Introduction

At the beginning of the text of a business letter, you can say about the subject of the correspondence, refer to previous letters or the reason for contacting, thank, if there is anything (for an order, for a response or for attention).

Thank you for your letter concerning I received your letter I appreciate your I am writing you because Congratulations on

Please forgive me for troubling you

6. The main body of the letter

6. The main body of the letter

Finally, you write what you wanted to say.

7. Final phrase

7. Final phrase

Talk about waiting for an answer, wanting something, or adding more politeness.

Please write soon. I would appreciate an early reply. I hope you will have a very nice holiday.

Let me know what you decide.

8. Phrase before signature

8. Phrase before signature

There are many options, but most often in business letters it is written Sincerely, Sincerely yours («Yours sincerely»), Truly yours.

In personal letters to good friends, you can use the wording Yours as always, Yours ever, As ever («Always yours»).

9. Application mark

Ready business letter in English with translation

как переводится слово dear

It is very difficult to imagine a modern business without business correspondence. This is especially important in cooperation with international companies. But often write business letter in english can be quite difficult.

I don’t like leaving anything unfinished. It is absolutely imperative for me to see that every phone call has been answered and not a single letter has gone unanswered.

~ Alan W. Livingston

As you know, business and spoken English have their own characteristics. In business correspondence in English, it is necessary not only to show knowledge of the language, but also to settle working moments, adhering to a certain structure and being guided by the norms of business etiquette.

In this article, you will find out what business letters in English exist, familiarize yourself with phrases and clichés. You will also find examples and ready-made business letters in English with translation.

Business letters in English with translation

In business correspondence, there are different templates for business letters in English, depending on the subject and purpose of the letter.

There are many types of business letters, in our article we have selected the most common ones.

Letter of Congratulation

A congratulatory letter is often sent to employees or partners to highlight their personal contribution to the development of the industry or to congratulate them on personal achievements and memorable dates.

Example of a letter of congratulation in English

Mr John Lewis General Manager Hoverny Ltd 4567 Snake street Oakland, California Howard Stanley 9034 Canyon Street San Francisco, California USA, 90345 October 01, 2015 Dear Mr Stanley, October, 02 will be a remarkable day of your 10th anniversary as a member of Hoverny Ltd. During these years of work you proved to be a loyal and qualified worker with great potential. We recognize the contribution you make in our company success and wish to congratulate you upon your 10th anniversary. With respect, John Lewis, General Manager


Business Letter in English — Business Letter in English

как переводится слово dear

Even if you know English quite well, writing a business letter may seem like a daunting task to you. But do not give in to panic, now we will disassemble the letter into its component parts and see how it works.

Let’s start with the formalities (A Matter of Form)

Should I follow the formalities when writing a letter in English? Yes, it is important. Especially when it comes to an official letter. It is advisable to follow all the rules here, that is, the letter should contain a greeting, the main and final parts, a farewell and a signature (return address) in the final, there may also be additional gratitude.

If you write to a close friend, or a partner with whom you are familiar enough, using e-mail, then you can refuse many conventions, without forgetting, however, about elementary politeness. And any letter should, of course, begin with a greeting, so we’ll start with that.

Salutation and Addressing

If you are writing a letter to someone you know well, then perhaps a better start would be calling by name, for example:

Dear Paul,

In a more formal greeting, it is better to use the surname with the addition Mr (read mister) or Ms (read miz), for example:

Dear Mr. Stewart:

Dear Ms. barton:

In this case, the word dear is translated not as dear, but as respected or respected. It is considered good manners to use this word at the beginning of a letter, but it is not required. You can write, for example:

Hello Mr. Davis.


Hey Josh,

In the second case, we dispense with the comma after Hi (the comma is placed after the name), this will emphasize simpler relations.

Addressing a married woman Mrs or unmarried Miss is considered outdated., since in most cases her marital status does not concern us. Therefore, neutral Ms. is now considered optimal.

If you do not know the name and surname of the addressee, then you can write:
To whom it may concern
Dear [name of a company or activity] Manager / Officer / Support

But the first option looks too cold and indifferent, and the second is appealing, as it were, not to the person, but to the organization.
Therefore, in most cases, the optimal one can be considered polite and politically correct greeting:

Dear Sir or Madam, Or through a slash:

Dear Sir/Madam,

A slightly more formal and impersonal option: Greetings.

Email support where you don’t know anyone, you can get started even easier:
Hello, or Hi.

Punctuation in the greeting: In American English, it is customary to put a full stop after Mr. or Ms. and a comma after the address by name in a personal message. In an official business letter addressed to an American, after the last name it is advisable to use a colon, see examples above. If you are writing to an Englishman or a resident of one of the European countries, then it is better to use a comma.

Main Part

The main part deserves your special attention, but it is rather difficult to give any advice here, since its content is purely individual in nature. In any case, try to express your thoughts clearly and distinctly. Divide text into paragraphs. This format will make the information easier for your respondent.

Questions and Answers

How to ask questions correctly and how to answer questions, including not the most pleasant ones? The question may contain a request for information or a request, it may be suggestive, indignant, and sometimes rhetorical (not requiring an answer).

Try to ask questions as specifically as possible, organize the information. If there are multiple questions, try making a numbered list.

In this case, you can expect that the answers will be given point by point, which means that it will be easier to deal with them.

Try to be polite even in conflict situations, we will talk about them now.

Solving Problems

It is necessary to solve various difficult situations and conflicts in letters quite often. How to do it right? First, you need to know who you are dealing with and build correspondence on this basis. For example, if you have a conflict with a business partner or contractor, then try not to look for the guilty ones, but sort out the causes of the problem and find a way to solve it.

If this is your client or customer, then the main purpose of your correspondence should be to help him. And even if you feel that he is not very good at the topic, get into his position and explain everything in as much detail as possible. Ask leading questions and provide comprehensive answers. They also work well as a numbered list. As a result of such correspondence, you will receive a grateful and loyal client ready for further cooperation.

Avoid sharp corners whenever possible, but if this is unavoidable, then do not be afraid to firmly adhere to your position, but always remain human. Below is an example of a letter for a refund for an item:

We are sorry that [name of a product] did not meet your expectations. From your letter I understand that you would a refund rather than a different model. Please return the product in its original package and we will promptly refund your purchase price.

We appreciate being able to serve you and hope that you will find other [Name of a Company] products to your liking. We are committed to providing superior products at affordable prices. Please accept a complimentary catalog of full line of our equipment.

Gratitude and acknowledgments — Gratitude and appreciation

We talked about the difficulties, now let’s talk about the good.

It’s always nice to thank a person, show him your respect and acknowledge his merits. This can be done in different ways. Example:

I am so pleased to hear about your promotion to branch manager at [Company name] office. While I am sorry to see you leave us, I know that you deserve the recognition and the increased responsibility. It has been such a pleasure to work with you. Keep up the great job!

Saying Goodbye — How to say goodbye?

There are many ways to say goodbye at the end of a letter, but the word goodbye is rarely used. The following well-established expressions for a business letter are more commonly used:

Best Wishes Kind Regards Best Regards Cordially Cordially yours Sincerely Sincerely yours Very truly yours Yours truly Yours faithfully Yours sincerely I look forward to hearing from you Many thanks and goodbye

And in conclusion, a few more general tips: avoid exclamation marks whenever possible or use them only if absolutely necessary. In the signature (return address) we use a minimum of punctuation marks, but in reality you can do without them at all:
Julia Williams 69 Birch Lane Wayne NJ 07470

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Greetings in English: types, rules, examples | Articles in English on

как переводится слово dear

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette, a sense of tact, an understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of a statement or comment — all this is about a well-mannered person. In whatever country you are, in whatever circle of people you communicate, it is important under any circumstances to remain a person with a high culture of communication. In particular, if you are a guest of a country that treats this culture with awe. Especially a culture of welcome. 

The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has always been famous for its traditions and scrupulous attitude towards them. The culture of welcoming is held in high esteem here. 

Before you enter into a conversation with someone and greet, you must absolutely clearly understand the degree of formality of the further conversation:

  • official;
  • neutral;
  • informal.

You need to know what to say and how to respond when you meet, depending on who you are talking to — with friends or with a stranger.

This article will help you understand the intricacies of dialogues in English. We will give various examples of greeting phrases with translation, we will tell you how modern dialogues in chat and on the phone (for example, slang) can sound.

You will also learn how the greeting words sound at different times of the day: morning, afternoon, or evening. 

At first, it may seem to you that it is unrealistic to remember so many options for greetings, but soon you will easily determine which tone to choose when talking and which phrases to use. You will learn to greet English-speaking friends in an original and unusual way, learn to use simple conversational phrases, and conduct a dialogue beautifully and confidently. You will no longer feel that your greetings sound dry and impersonal.

Greetings in a letter

Let’s start with a welcome letter. Earlier in one of the articles, we already spoke in detail about how to correctly compose a letter in English. Today we will once again discuss the details of a written appeal to the addressee, because for our English-speaking friends, relatives or business colleagues, the culture of a polite greeting is very important.

Please note that now we are talking about informal or neutral treatment, we will talk about the principles of greeting in business correspondence a little later. 

It does not use formal addresses such as: Sir, Mister, Mrs or Miss. You can start your letter with the following welcome phrases:

  • Hello / Hi — Hey, .
  • Greetings — Greetings, .
  • Hello my dear ann — Hello, my dear Anna,.
  • dearest friend — Dear friend,.
  • Dear alice — Dear Alice, .

You can also greet a person simply by their first name. 

Official greeting

There are quite a few situations when knowledge of a formal and business language is necessary:

  • business meetings and negotiations;
  • working interview;
  • communication with top managers of large world companies;
  • an unexpected meeting with the president of your company (when you may not know personally, but you have no right not to greet this person);
  • pay tribute to people of advanced age;
  • addressing a person whom you know superficially;
  • meeting with new business colleagues;
  • communication with new clients, VIP clients, dissatisfied clients in official correspondence, etc.

In fact, there can be many more situations. It is important to understand in which of them you should observe the chain of command and choose the right tone. 

The main rule: if you do not know the person well, if it is not a close friend or relative, always choose a formal greeting so as not to embarrass anyone. By choosing this tone, you show your interlocutor your respect, make it clear that you understand the importance of the meeting / event.

Use the following examples of greetings:

Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening — Good morning / afternoon / evening.
This greeting is considered the most common form of address. Suitable for communicating with colleagues, clients, new neighbors, business partners, etc.

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are doing well this morning — Good morning everybody. I hope you are all right.
This is how you greet a group of people, for example, in a meeting.

To express special respect, use the phrase: Good morning Mr Smith — Good morning, Mr. Smith. If you know each other well, use first name instead of last name.

Hello. How do you do? — Hello. How are you doing? 
Formally, an appeal to someone you meet for the first time, in the work process or at a business dinner.

Nice to meet you / Pleased to meet you — Glad to meet you.
Also suitable for first meeting in a business setting.

How have you been doing? How have you been? — How are you doing?
A more respectful, simpler, and polite version of an informal phrase How are you? It will be appropriate in a situation where you have not met a person for a long time.

Greetings in business correspondence

In business correspondence, it is very important to maintain an official tone, not to abuse complex structures: the easier you express yourself, the better. The letter should not contain long paragraphs and familiar references.

In the greeting, you should not use such words as: Dear, Dearest etc. 

In a business letter, we recommend that you find out in advance who you are contacting: a man or a woman. Depending on this, choose the appropriate appeal: Mr or Ms.

Welcome dialogs in English

We offer several options for greeting dialogs:

  • Ggood morning! You must be Ann?
  • Yes, good morning. I’m sorry, and your name is?
  • My name is Alex. Very nice to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank You.
  • How are you today?
  • Very well, thank you. And yourself?
  • I’m good. Thanks for asking. 
  • Good morning! You must be Anna?
  • Good morning, yes. I beg your pardon, what is your name?
  • My name is Alex. I am very glad to meet you. Welcome to Madrid!
  • Thank you.
  • How are you?
  • Excellent thank you. And your?
  • I’m fine. Thank you for asking. 

The highlighted fragments of the dialogue are an indicator of formal communication: welcome to instead welcome, very nice to meet you instead nice to meet you, thank you instead of thanks.

  1. In neutral communication (for example, when communicating with a colleague):
  • Hello!
  • Hello! Are you Ann?


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Correspondence is a long-standing method of communication, which even now, in the age of modern technologies, does not lose its relevance.

Would you agree that handwritten and mailed letters have their own special magic?

In England, a good tradition of exchanging letters has been preserved even today. This can be congratulations on important events in life, invitations to a meeting, or just a letter of gratitude. There are no hard and fast rules on how to write such letters. But still, there is a certain etiquette that should be followed when writing personal letters.

In this article, you will learn the rules for writing and formatting informal letters in English. Get familiar with the structure and types of letters in English, as well as find live examples and templates with translation.

Types of informal letters

Among personal letters, several main types can be distinguished, or rather, reasons for writing them:

  • Congratulations on your wedding day, birthday, birth of a child, graduation from university, etc.
  • Invitation to a wedding, housewarming or other celebration
  • Thanks for the invitation, favor, or good advice
  • Declining an invitation
  • Apology or condolence

Letter structure

The structure of a personal letter is simple and consists of several main parts:


You can contact the addressee by surname or first name if you are in a close relationship with him. The choice of appeal depends only on the degree of your acquaintance with the addressee and can be anything. The most common options are:

  • (My) dear — (My) dear
  • (My) dearest — (My) dearest / (My) dearest
  • Dear Mr. Brown — Dear Mr. Brown
  • Dear Kate — Dear Kate

After the address, a comma or exclamation mark is placed, and the letter itself continues with a new paragraph.

On a note: Dear sir / Dear madam is used only in formal or business letters, and also when we do not know the name of the person we are writing to.

Remember that, unlike the Russian language, in formal letters it is considered bad form to put an exclamation mark after the address. So, a note to a friend may begin with «Dear John! ..», but in the wedding invitation it is better to write «Dear John, ..».

Introductory phrase

This is a short sentence after the appeal, in which you need to indicate the main purpose of the letter or the reason why you are writing to the addressee.

An introductory phrase can be gratitude for an invitation to a holiday, a request for a meeting, and so on. With this phrase, we indicate our intentions towards the recipient of the letter.

Main part

Several paragraphs in which you can reveal the purpose of the letter in more detail. They are free-form and may contain clarifications, meeting time and place, or other important information.

On a note:


Business letter in English

There is nothing difficult in writing a competent business letter in English, you just need to know some of the conventions adopted in official correspondence. Here’s an example of a form mail from

Let’s consider in detail each of the elements of the letter:

1. Sender’s address

In this case, the sender is the organization, so at the very beginning its name is indicated — Imperial Stationery Ltd… The address always starts with the house number that comes before the street name — 258 North Hampton Road… The following is the city, the abbreviated state name (in this case, the state of New York) and the postal code (zip code) — Manhasset, NY 10847… The phone number is also indicated there.

2. Date

Dates can be spelled in different ways, but the most common form in English correspondence is exactly this form, as in this example:

3. Recipient’s address

The recipient’s name should be preceded by a form of appeal corresponding to his gender and marital status — Mr… (Mister), Mrs. (mrs) or Miss (miss).

In this case, a fairly new form of address was used — Ms, which is an abbreviation for both «mrs» and «miss». Pronounced as [mis].

Appearing as a tribute to political correctness, such an appeal quickly gained popularity, as it avoids difficulties in the case when you do not know if your addressee is currently married. In spoken language, the good old miss and missis are usually used.

The address line looks like this here:

28 Green St., Suite 11

Word suite here means an apartment or a hotel room. Another version of the word «apartment» — Apt (apartment). Therefore, this line should be understood as “28 Green Street, Apt. eleven».

4. Appeal

Word dear in letters it can mean not only «dear», but also «respected», as in this case. It depends on whether the letter is formal or personal. In personal letters they write Dear Mike, My dear mike or simply Mikeand Dearest or my darling, which translates as «Dear!».

In business correspondence, the same address is most often used as in the example given: Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms [last name] .

In official letters to people whose last names you do not know, you can write like this:

My dear Sir / Madam or Sir / Madam (less formal) or Dear Sir or Madam (when even the gender of the recipient is unknown).

After the word “dear” there may be not a name, but the position of the recipient or the quality in which he acts, for example Dear visa officer or Dear reader.

5. Introduction

At the beginning of the text of a business letter, you can say about the subject of the correspondence, refer to previous letters or the reason for contacting, thank, if there is anything (for an order, for a response or for attention).

Thank you for your letter concerning I received your letter I appreciate your I am writing you because Congratulations on

Please forgive me for troubling you

6. The main body of the letter

Finally, you write what you wanted to say.

7. Final phrase

Talk about waiting for an answer, wanting something, or adding more politeness.

Please write soon. I would appreciate an early reply. I hope you will have a very nice holiday.

Let me know what you decide.

8. Phrase before signature

There are many options, but most often in business letters it is written Sincerely, Sincerely yours («Yours sincerely»), Truly yours.

In personal letters to good friends, you can use the wording Yours as always, Yours ever, As ever («Always yours»).

9. Application mark

If the letter contains additional attachments, then they should be reported in the text of the letter. This is usually done with the phrase see enclosed or Find enclosed… At the end of the letter, a note is put, in this case «2 enclosures».


When writing emails, “dear” is commonly used to address the recipient. We almost always write it before someone’s name or title so that they know it is aimed at them. However, there are better alternatives we can address someone, and this article will explore them.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Dear” In Emails?

There are plenty of different ways we can address someone in an email besides “dear.” This article will introduce you to the following:

  • Hey
  • Hello
  • To
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • Name
  • Hi guys
  • Hi all
  • Hi everyone

better ways to say dear in emails

The preferred version is “hey” or “hello,” depending on the tone. They both work to address a person as if you are greeting them. Even though you are sending them an email, the idea is that we greet them with the same words as if we saw them in person.


“Hey” is one of the best replacements for “dear.” We can use it with or without a name, which works well when we’re addressing someone directly or addressing a group. However, it’s slightly more informal than “dear,” so you can’t always use it.

Here are a few examples showing you how it might work:

  • Hey James,
  • It’s been a long time, and I’m glad you have finally contacted me.
  • Thank you,
  • Steven
  • Hey all,
  • It has been noted that your morale has declined as of late. What can I do to remedy this?
  • Thank you,
  • Mr. Smith


“Hello” is another great choice for a greeting. We can replace “dear” directly with it if a name comes after it. However, we do not always need “hello” to be accompanied by a name. It is more than enough of a greeting on its own in most cases.

Here are a few examples using both names and excluding them:

  • Hello Dean,
  • I have been around the building and have not noticed any issues, as you mentioned.
  • Kind regards,
  • Tom
  • Hello,
  • It has already been brought to my attention, but I appreciate the email.
  • Kind regards,
  • Peggy Mitchell

“To” is a simple greeting that we can use to replace “dear.” It’s not one of the more common choices, but it works well when we include the person’s name directly after it. It’s more common to use “to” in letters than in emails.

Here are a few examples:

  • To Mr. Parker,
  • I have heard a lot about you from my colleagues,
  • I look forward to working with you,
  • Mrs. Jackson
  • To Dan,
  • I hope you are doing okay after your accident.
  • Let me know if there is anything I can do for you,
  • Mr. Blart

Good Morning

“Good morning” is a good choice if you’re sending your email in the “morning.” This applies to any time that falls before lunch and is early in the day. You can also use it to refer to one person or multiple people, depending on who your email is for.

If you are going to send “good morning” in an email, you’ll want to include the person’s name after it in most cases if it’s addressing them. This isn’t always necessary, but it’s good manners.

If you’re addressing a group, there is no reason to include any more words after “good morning.”

Here are some examples:

  • Good morning Harry,
  • I am happy to hear that you had a good time,
  • Kind regards,
  • Matthew
  • Good morning,
  • It has been a long time coming, but I’m glad you’re okay.
  • Thank you for telling me,
  • Adam Hinch

Good Afternoon

“Good afternoon” works when we are in the “afternoon.” If we send an email after lunch (and before evening hits at around 5 p.m.), we can use “good afternoon” as a formal greeting.

Similar to “good morning,” you should include someone’s name if you are emailing them directly. However, if you are emailing a group, you do not need a name after it.

This is how it might look:

  • Good afternoon,
  • I hope you are all doing well, and I look forward to working with you again shortly.
  • Kind regards,
  • Mrs. Greed
  • Good afternoon Paul,
  • Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will get to work on it ASAP.
  • Kind regards,
  • Matt Man

Good Evening

“Good evening” works when we are in the “evening” period of the day. This can vary depending on who uses it, but it mostly applies to any time after 5 or 6 p.m. If you are sending an email after this time, it is likely that “good evening” is a good introduction.

Just like the other time-based greetings, we should still include a name when using “good evening” if we’re only messaging one person. If we message a group, just “good evening” alone is fine.

This is how it might come in handy:

  • Good evening Joseph,
  • I look forward to hearing from you about what you found when you went south.
  • See you soon,
  • Mary
  • Good evening,
  • I haven’t been around to congratulate you all yet, but I’ll make sure to be in the office tomorrow to see you.
  • Kind regards,
  • Matt Blanc


“Name” works when we are sending a formal email. It mostly works in a warning letter, where someone might have done something wrong, and we are warning them about their behavior. You should replace “name” with their own name to highlight who is being addressed.

Though uncommon, it is possible to remove the greeting altogether. An email that starts simply with somebody’s name is usually reserved for someone who we are telling off or who is in trouble.

You should not use this email opener if you do not mean to tell the recipient off. It comes across as rude and lazy.

Here are a few examples of how it might look:

  • Joseph,
  • I have gathered the evidence presented by your colleagues, and I think we need to have a little meeting about your conduct.
  • Kind regards,
  • Kim
  • Tara,
  • I will not hear anymore from you about this matter. Come to my office at once,
  • Kind regards,
  • Mr. Hamilton

Hi Guys

“Hi guys” works well when we want to address a larger group of people. If there isn’t one specific recipient, this phrase is a great one to use. You can also replace “hi” with “hey” or “hello” if you want to as well.

Typically, “hi guys” is more informal than some of the other options we’ve presented. “Guys” isn’t the best choice to use in emails if you are writing professionally.

Here are a couple of examples to show you how it might look:

  • Hi guys,
  • I hope you’re all having a lovely day, and I would like to discuss this matter further with you by email.
  • Kind regards,
  • John Wallbream
  • Hey guys,
  • I’m doing well, and I appreciate you checking in to find out more.
  • Thank you for caring,
  • Sam Walker

You may also like: 11 Better Ways To Say “Guys” To A Mixed Group Of People

Hi All

“Hi all” is another way we can address a larger group. It works well in many cases to start an email. It’s also slightly less informal than using “guys,” which can be helpful when you’re writing a professional email intended for a large workforce.

These examples will show you how it works:

  • Hi all,
  • I would like to congratulate you all on the work you have done over the past few weeks.
  • Thank you for all your hard work,
  • Mr. Samson
  • Hi all,
  • I appreciate your efforts on the project and would like to reward you for them.
  • Kind regards,
  • Paul Watts

Hi Everyone

“Hi everyone” is another more formal choice we can use. It again refers to multiple people (or a large group of people). If we have many people in the email chain that are all receiving the same thing, then “everyone” might be worth using.

“Everyone” and “all” are interchangeable in an email format. It’s ultimately up to you which one you think works best for your emails.

Check out these examples to see it in action:

  • Hi everyone,
  • I haven’t been able to make it in to see you all yet, but I should be back to full health by the end of the week.
  • Thank you for your kind words,
  • Sarah Millican
  • Hi everyone,
  • You’re all doing really well, and I want you to take a few days off to celebrate your latest accomplishments.
  • Thank you,
  • Mrs. Higgins

Is It Weird To Say “Dear” In An Email?

We’ve looked at all the best alternatives for “dear,” but it’s time to circle back to it briefly. It might help you to know why we’re even looking at using alternatives in the first place.

“Dear” is not weird to say in an email. In fact, it’s one of the most common words we use to address people in formal letters. You can use “dear sir” or “dear ma’am” without question, and it will always deliver the correct message.

The only reason we think you might benefit from something else is that “dear” can be overused.

Since it’s one of the more common words, it is likely that some people are sick of reading it. Showing them that you can use other words is always a great way to add character to an email (even in formal situations).

You may also like: Is “Dear All” Appropriate In A Work Email? (8 Better Alternatives)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

dear — перевод на русский


Dear Countess, please keep the promise you made, to meet me tomorrow evening at 11, at the usual place.

Дорогая Графиня, вы сдержите свое обещание, встретиться со мной завтра в условленном месте.

My dear Mrs. Stock…

Моя дорогая фрау Сток.

«Nana, dear, don’t say anything… for my sake!»

«Нана, дорогая, ничего не говори — ради меня!»

My dear Nana, I am pleased to say… that I am feeling almost well again in spite of the way in which I miss…

Дорогая Нана, Рада сообщить, что вновь чувствую себя почти совсем хорошо, несмотря на то, как скучаю по Джону и детям.

«It has been a pretty severe lesson, dear, but it has made me realise… all that you mean to me.»

«Это был очень суровый урок, дорогая, но он заставил меня понять, как много ты значишь для меня.»

Показать ещё примеры для «дорогая»…

«That’s too heavy for you, dear.

«Милая, это слишком тяжело для тебя.

«Go and put the water on for the coffee, dear.»

«Пойди поставь воду для кофе, милая.»

«My dear, this state of things cannot go on any longer… even you must admin that.»

«Милая моя, так больше не может продолжаться — даже ты должна согласиться с этим.»

«John’s the only one to blame, my dear — he’s wearing you out, body and soul.»

«Во всём виноват Джон, моя милая — он из тебя все соки высасывает.»

«Yes, dear, it hurts us to punish those we love… but for your mother’s sake, we must make… your father really repentant.»

«Да, милая, больно наказывать тех, кого любишь, но ради твоей матери мы должны заставить отца раскаяться.»

Показать ещё примеры для «милая»…

Aigoo, this looks like it hasn’t been wiped. (Aigoo — oh dear, oh my god)

о боже)

Oh, dear, I hope nothing will happen to him.

ќ боже, надеюсь, с ним ничего не случитс€.

Oh, dear, I forgot all about them.

Боже, совсем забыла о них.

Показать ещё примеры для «боже»…

Yes, dear, you’re quite right.

Да, любимая, ты абсолютно права.

Oh forgive me dearest.

Прости меня, любимая.

— Yes, dear?

— Да, любимая?

I knew there was only one person in the world who could wear it, my own dearly beloved and horribly spoiled Diane.

Но я увидел одну вещь, какую может носить только один человек на свете. Моя любимая и ужасно испорченная Дайана!

«My dearest Desiree, alone and brave you have toiled on all these years» «sacrificing all for the pledge of our love.»

«Любимая, ты доблестно билась как рыба об лёд все эти годы» «жертвуя собой этому ребёнку — плоду нашей любви!»

Показать ещё примеры для «любимая»…

Dear Sir, I shall be pleased to commit matrimony with your daughter if you will name an attractive figure.

Уважаемый сэр, с удовольствием сочетаюсь браком с вашей дочерью, если вы приложите приятную сумму.

After you, my dear Lieutenant.

После вас, уважаемый лейтенант.

Write, please. «Dear sir.» What’s his rank?

Пиши, пожалуйста… Уважаемый сэр,..

«Dear Captain.»

— Капитан. — Уважаемый капитан…

So, my dear sir, you steal my roses.

Так, мой уважаемый господин, воруете мои розы.

Показать ещё примеры для «уважаемый»…

Oh, dear, look at that.

Господи, вы только посмотрите на это.

Oh, dear, how awful!

Господи, какой ужас!

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I’ll see you later, my dear.

Ещё увидимся, дорогуша.

By the way, my dear, don’t think that I mean to be unkind, but you were just a teeny-weeny bit forward with Mr. De Winter.

Кстати, дорогуша, не хочу испортить вам настроение, но сегодня вы слишком старались выставить себя напоказ.

Oh, do hurry, dear.

— Скорее, дорогуша.

My dear, we were intimate.

Дорогуша, мы были очень близкими друзьями.

Right away, my dear. At once.


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Use your discretion, my dear!»

Сохрани эту тайну, друг мой!»

Well, look, my dear Antoine, I wonder… I wonder if we’re not shooting for something too big.

Антуан, друг мой, я подумал… не слишком ли это громко.

I’m sorry dear friend, but it makes me laugh.

Простите, друг мой, но мне смешно.

My dear, good day to you.

Друг мой,позвольте засвидетельствовать Вам свое почтение.

# For auld lang syne, my dear

# За дни былых времен, мой друг,

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An old man, dear friend of Father O’Malley’s is involved in this: Father Fitzgibbon.

Старичок, добрый друг отца О’Мэлли, тоже в этом участвует, отец Фитцгиббон его зовут.

For us, dear brother, the winter coming on and sickness growing upon our soldiers, we will retire to Calais.

Добрый брат, Близка зима; растут в войсках болезни, И мы вернёмся временно в Кале.

— Just tell him a very dear old enemy.

— Просто скажите: старый добрый враг.

— She said she was a dear old enemy.

— Говорит, старый добрый враг.

Dear sir…

Добрый день, сэр.

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Дитя моё, вы с ума сошли.


Дитя моё, это ужасно.

But my dear child, I am most at home among working men.

Дитя мое, среди рабочих я как дома.

My dear child, you are a widow.

Мое бедное дитя, ты — вдова.

My dear child, you’ve come to see me.

Дитя мое! Вы решили меня навестить!

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«Dear Mr. Carlson, …»

We use the word dear at the start of emails or letters. We write it before the name of the person who will get our email. We usually do this only when we are writing to someone we don’t know very well.

  • Dear Alex, …

We can also use dear when we are talking to someone we love. If we use dear, we don’t need to use the person’s name. Sometimes people also use the word dear when they want to be friendly.

  • Hello, my dear!

Don’t confuse it with

A deer is an animal, like the famous one in the Disney movie Bambi.

Common uses

When something bad happens, but it isn’t very bad, we sometimes say, “Oh dear!” For example, “Oh dear, I think I left my phone at home!”

In pop culture

Kid President is a little boy who makes videos about things that are important to him. In this video, he wants to learn how to write a good letter to Santa. What does he want from Santa this year?

There are other meanings of dear.

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Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.

June 2, 2021

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