How to use the word clothes

Some words in English seem to refer to the same concepts and be synonyms of each other. This is a common assumption people make with “clothes” and “clothing”. But are they the exact same? Or are there any differences between them? This article will answer all of these questions.

Difference Between “Clothes” and “Clothing”

“Clothes” and “clothing” can refer to the same thing, meaning the things that you wear. However, when you say “clothing”, you usually can refer to a specific type of clothing, as opposed to “clothes” which is always a very broad and general term. “Clothing” is also more formal.

Clothes vs. Clothing

You might prefer to use the word “clothes” in a situation in which you’re talking about several things, one of which is “clothes”.

However, “clothing” is the preferable term when you want to specify what kind of clothing you’re using.

Ultimately, they can be interchangeable words, but this isn’t always the case, and it depends on the situation. In more formal contexts, you will want to use “clothing” instead of “clothes”.

“Clothes” is the word you’d use to refer to the things that you wear on your body, for necessity, fashion, or both. Shoes, pants, hats, shirts, everything that you wear on your body can be classified as clothes. This is one of the first words people learn in English.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “clothes” are “things such as dresses and trousers that you wear to cover, protect, or decorate your body”. Anything that falls into these categories can be referred to as “clothes”.

In case you’re unsure how to use the word “clothes”, here are some example sentences that will help you:

  1. I have carefully selected all of my clothes and they are all worth keeping in my closet.
  2. Your clothes are really good, I am always astonished at your impressive collection.
  3. You have to admit that her clothes are on point always, even when she’s being rude to us.
  4. Their clothes were odd, in some way, like they had been all copied from real, normal clothes.
  5. My clothes are a lot nicer than they were back in the day, because I make more money now.
  6. Her clothes were dazzling, so I couldn’t help but stare at all her different outfits.
  7. His clothes are really well made, if you look at the stitching and the seams you’ll see it.


“Clothing” is a word that, like “clothes”, can also be used to refer to the things that you wear on your body. You distinguish it from “clothes” because of two things. “Clothing” is used to specify what kind of clothes you’re wearing, and because it’s a more formal expression.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “clothing” means “clothes, especially clothes of a particular type or those worn in a particular situation”. Therefore, “clothing” is a synonym for “clothes” that allows for more specificity.

If you don’t know how to use “clothing” in a sentence, these examples will show you what to do:

  1. Their winter clothing section is essential for anyone living in that part of the country.
  2. All of her clothing is simply incredible, you’ll love her gifts, trust me on this.
  3. You should make sure that all of the clothing you will need at the conference is packed.
  4. My clothing for the wedding has now been selected, I’m really excited to show off my tie.
  5. Her clothing had been torn to shreds by the terrible weather, but she had arrived safely otherwise.
  6. My safety clothing has been specifically designed for this sort of rough work environment.
  7. If you wish to create good clothing then you ought to buy better materials to work with, I think.

Which Word Is Used the Most?

According to the Google Ngram Viewer, “clothes” is significantly more popular than “clothing” in the written text. This makes sense because of the fact that “clothes” is a casual word and “clothing” is more of a formal term.

Clothes vs. Clothing usage

Because there are more informal situations than there are formal ones, “clothes” is the more popular term. However, it’s worth pointing out that this hasn’t always been the case.

“Clothes” only really overtook “clothing” in popularity in the middle of the 1990s, and before that point “clothing” was actually slightly more popular of a word.

The gap between the two, however, was far from immense until this specific moment, with them alternating their popularity spots.

Final Thoughts

“Clothes” and “clothing” are, broadly speaking, the same concept. The difference is that “clothing” can be used to specify slightly more on what you’re talking about, and that “clothing” is a more formal term as opposed to the casual “clothes”. But they are synonyms of each other.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

одежда, платье, постельное белье


Мои примеры


clothes as ragged as a scarecrow’s — одежда изорвана, словно на пугале  
with clothes wet by splashed water — в забрызганной водой одежде  
doll clothes — одежда для кукол  
designer clothes — одежда от известного дизайнера, авторская одежда  
dolls’ clothes — одежда для кукол  
clothes emporium — магазин одежды  
informal clothes — обычная одежда  
to jump into one’s clothes — быстро, наспех одеться  
to leave off one’s winter clothes — перестать носить, снять тёплые вещи  
tastelessly matched clothes — безвкусно подобранная одежда  
nifty clothes — модная одежда  
clothes makes the man — одежда красит человека  

Примеры с переводом

Are the clothes dry yet?

Одежда уже высохла?

My clothes smelt of smoke.

Моя одежда пропахла дымом.

Clothes make the man.

Одежда красит человека. / Встречают по одёжке, провожают по уму.

These clothes don’t fit him.

Этот комплект на нём не сидит.

Put on your warmest clothes — it’s freezing outside.

Надевай самую теплую одежду: на улице мороз.

Soak the clothes in cold water.

Замочите одежду в холодной воде.

Clothes littered the floor.

Одежда валялась на полу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Do you get an allowance for clothes?

What sort of clothes was he wearing?

All my clothes are falling to pieces.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

«Встречают по одежке» — старая поговорка, которая актуальна всегда. Мы сталкиваемся с выбором одежды каждое утро, часто бываем в магазинах или покупаем одежду в интернете. А значит, нужно знать, как называются предметы гардероба, фасоны, ткани и многое другое.

Так что, roll up your sleeves (закатайте рукава) и приготовьтесь запомнить, как называются предметы одежды на английском языке, как говорить о вещах по-английски, а также распространенные фразы и идиомы, связанные с одеждой.

Одежда в английском языке

Слово clothes [kləʊðz] переводится с английского языка как «одежда». Как видите по транскрипции, буква e в этом слове не произносится.

Важно помнить, что clothes употребляется только во множественном числе с s на конце. Если хотите сказать об одном предмете одежды — используйте выражение «a piece of clothing» или более формальные «an item of clothing» или «an article of clothing».

Clothes — повседневный вариант слова «одежда». Если хотите выразиться более официально, то скажите clothing.

Лексика по теме «предметы одежды на английском языке»

Слово «одежда» имеет несколько синонимов. Так, помимо clothes / clothing существуют wear, apparel, garment, outfit, dress или costume.

Одежда может быть нескольких видов:

  • Outerwear / Outdoor clothes / Outer garments / overgarment — верхняя одежда
  • Ladieswear / Women’s clothing — женская одежда
  • Menswear / Men’s clothing — мужская одежда
  • Underwear — нижнее белье
  • Casuals (брит.) — повседневная одежда
  • Formal clothes — официальная одежда
  • Sportswear — спортивная одежда
  • Protective clothing / workwear — спецодежда, защитная одежда
  • Swimwear — одежда для плавания
  • Uniform — униформа, форменная одежда

Основные предметы одежды:

  • Boots — ботинки
  • Coat — пальто
  • Dress — платье
  • Jacket — пиджак
  • Jeans — джинсы
  • Shirt — рубашка
  • Shoes — туфли
  • Skirt — юбка
  • Suit — костюм
  • Sweater/jumper — свитер/джемпер
  • Trainers (брит.) / sneakers (амер.) — кроссовки
  • Trousers (брит.) / pants (амер.) — классические брюки

А теперь разберем различные виды некоторых предметов гардероба и их английские аналоги. Эти слова помогут вам ориентироваться в фасонах и разных типах одежды, пригодятся в магазине за рубежом или во время шоппинга в интернете.

Shirts and blouses (рубашки и блузы):

  • Blouse — блузка
  • Dress shirt — рубашка классического кроя
  • Polo shirt — рубашка-поло
  • Tank top — майка на лямках
  • T-shirt — футболка
  • Tunic — туника

Outerwear (верхняя одежда):

  • Cloak — плащ (накидка), мантия
  • Down-padded coat — пуховик
  • Fur coat — шуба
  • Jacket (амер.) — любая куртка
  • Leather jacket — кожаная куртка
  • Parka — парка
  • Sheepskin coat — дубленка
  • Trench coat — плащ
  • Raincoat / slicker — дождевик
  • Waistcoat — жилет
  • Windcheater, windbreaker — ветровка

Пословица: Don’t have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain — Не принимайся шить себе плащ, когда начинает идти дождь (значение: делай все вовремя).

Jackets and sweaters (жакеты и свитера):

  • Cardigan — кардиган (шерстяная кофта на пуговицах без воротника)
  • Hoodie — «худи», трикотажная кофта с капюшоном
  • Polo neck (брит.) / turtleneck (амер.) — водолазка
  • Pullover / sweater — пуловер, свитер
  • Sleeveless jacket — безрукавка
  • Sweat-shirt — толстовка без капюшона, фуфайка

Pants and shorts (брюки и шорты):

  • Bananas — брюки-«бананы»
  • Bell-bottoms — брюки-клеш
  • Bermuda shorts — бермуды (удлиненные шорты)
  • Breeches — бриджи
  • Pipestem trousers/pants — брюки-дудочки
  • Shorts — шорты
  • Slacks — «слаксы» (широкие свободные брюки)
  • Sweat pants — спортивные штаны

Пословица: Good clothes open all doors — Хорошая одежда открывает все двери (значение: встречают по одежке).

Jeans (джинсы):

  • Boot cut / boot-legged jeans — длинные джинсы (которые находят на обувь)
  • Boyfriend jeans — женские широкие джинсы мужского кроя
  • High waisted jeans — джинсы с высокой посадкой
  • Low rise jeans — джинсы с низкой посадкой
  • Relaxed / loose jeans — прямые широкие джинсы
  • Ripped / distressed jeans — джинсы с искусственными дырами
  • Slim, skinny, tight jeans — узкие облегающие джинсы, «скинни»
  • Straight / regular fit / classic jeans — прямые классические джинсы
  • Wide-leg jeans — джинсы с расширением штанины от бедра

Skirts (юбки):

  • Balloon skirt — юбка-баллон
  • Circular skirt — юбка-«солнце»
  • Flared skirt — расклешенная юбка
  • Kilt — килт
  • Maxi, maxi-skirt — макси-юбка
  • Midi, midi-skirt — юбка до колен
  • Mini, mini-skirt — мини-юбка
  • Pencil skirt — юбка-«карандаш»
  • Tutu skirt — юбка-пачка

Dresses (платья):

  • A-line dress — трапециевидное платье
  • Cocktail dress — коктейльное платье
  • Dressing gown — домашний халат
  • Evening dress — вечернее платье
  • Hospital gown — больничный халат
  • Sheath dress — платье-футляр
  • Slip dress — платье-комбинация
  • Strapless dress — платье без бретелей
  • Wedding dress — свадебное платье
  • Wrap dress — платье с запáхом

Пословица: Fine feathers make fine birds — Красивые птицы красивы своим оперением (значение: одежда красит человека).

Suits (костюмы):

  • Business suit — деловой костюм
  • Casual suit — повседневный костюм
  • Costume — исторический, театральный костюм
  • Dinner jacket / tuxedo / tux — смокинг
  • Tail coat — фрак, мужской вечерний костюм
  • Frock coat — сюртук
  • Two-piece suit — костюм-двойка (юбка/брюки и жакет)
  • Three-piece suit — костюм-тройка (брюки, пиджак и жилетка)

Accessories (Аксессуары):

  • Braces — подтяжки
  • Gloves — перчатки
  • Knee-length socks — гольфы
  • Laces — шнурки
  • Mittens — варежки
  • Socks — носки
  • Stockings — чулки
  • Tights — колготки
  • Belt — ремень
  • Umbrella — зонтик

Пословица: The cat in gloves catches no mice — Кот в перчатках мышь не поймает (значение: без усердного труда ничего не получится).

Underwear (нижнее белье):

  • Boxers — трусы-боксеры мужские
  • Bra / brassiere — бюстгальтер
  • Briefs — трусы-плавки мужские
  • Knickers (брит.) / panties (амер.) — женские трусики
  • Lingerie / women’s underwear — дамское нижнее белье
  • Nightdress — ночная сорочка
  • Pyjamas — пижама
  • Thongs — стринги

Пословица: An ape’s an ape, a varlet’s a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet — Мартышка останется мартышкой, а негодяй негодяем, даже будучи одетыми в шелк или пурпур (значение: натура человека всегда проявляется, как бы он ни пытался ее скрыть).

Headgear (головные уборы):

  • Beret — берет
  • Bucket hat — панама
  • Cap — кепка, фуражка
  • Hat — шляпа, шляпка, шапка
  • Helmet — шлем, каска
  • Straw hat — соломенная шляпа
  • Veil — вуаль, фата

Пословица: If the cap fits, wear it — Если шляпа в пору, то носи ее (значение: принимай критику, если она объективна).

Footwear (обувь):

  • Flats – балетки
  • Flip-flops – вьетнамки
  • High boots — сапоги
  • High heeled shoes — туфли на каблуках
  • Hiking boots — туристические ботинки
  • Pumps — лодочки
  • Slingbacks — босоножки
  • Slippers – тапочки
  • Stilettos — шпильки
  • Wedges — туфли на танкетке

Parts of clothing (элементы одежды):

  • Buckle — пряжка
  • Button — пуговица
  • Collar — воротник
  • Embroidery — вышивка
  • Hem, hemline — подол, край одежды
  • Lining — подкладка
  • Neckline — вырез
  • Pocket — карман
  • Ruffle — оборки
  • Sleeve — рукав
  • Sole — подошва
  • Velcro — застежка-«липучка»
  • Zip — застежка-«молния»

Пословица: Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach — Не протягивай руку дальше, чем позволяет рукав (значение: живи по средствам).

Fabric, material (ткань, материал):

  • Artificial leather / eco-leather / faux leather / imitation leather / synthetic leather — искусственная кожа
  • Artificial materials — искусственные материалы
  • Corduroy — вельвет
  • Cotton — хлопок
  • Denim — джинсовая ткань
  • Faux fur — искусственный мех
  • Lace — кружево
  • Leather — кожа
  • Genuine leather — натуральная кожа
  • Linen — лен
  • Mink — норковый мех
  • Satin — атлас
  • Silk — шелк
  • Suede — замша
  • Rubber — резина, каучук
  • Velvet — бархат
  • Wool — шерсть

Пословица: You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear — Нельзя сделать шелковый кошелек из свиного уха (значение: необходимо трезво оценивать свои возможности).

Patterns (узоры):

  • Checked / plaid — клетчатый, в клетку
  • Floral print — растительный принт
  • Flowery print — цветочный принт
  • Patterned — ткань с узором, орнаментом
  • Plain — одноцветный
  • Striped — полосатый
  • Polka-dotted — в горошек

Говорим об одежде по-английски

Самые распространенные глаголы, связанные с одеждой в английском языке:

  • to dress / to get dressed — одеваться
  • to undress / to get undressed — раздеваться
  • to change clothes — переодеваться
  • to put on — надевать
  • to take off — снимать
  • to try on — примерять
  • to dress up — наряжаться
  • to wear — носить

В магазине мы примеряем (to try on) вещи. Одежда может быть тесной (tight) или свободной (loose). Но мы всегда покупаем (to buy) только ту одежду, которая подходит нам и хорошо сидит (to fit / to match).

Саму одежду можно описать такими словами, как elegant (элегантная), smart (опрятная, аккуратная), trendy (модная), chic (изысканная) или scruffy (поношенная, неряшливая).

Когда мы хотим описать человека и его внешний вид, то можем сказать, что он well-dressed (хорошо одетый) или badly-dressed (безвкусно одетый). Если человек одет по последней моде, то мы называем его fashionable (следящим за модой) или stylishly dressed (стильно одетым), а если он предпочитает «старую школу» в одежде — скажем, что он old-fashioned (старомодный).

Идиомы на тему одежды в английском языке

И конечно, тема одежды настолько широка и понятна всем людям, что не только в русском, но и в английском языке не обойтись без связанных с ней идиом. Например, как в русском, так и в английском языке фраза «закатать рукава» (roll up one’s sleeves), которая встретилась в начале статьи, означает подготовиться к какой-то работе и серьезно взяться за дело.

Вот несколько других интересных идиом на тему одежды, которые будут вам полезны:

Eat one’s hat – съесть свою шляпу (сильно удивиться и сделать что-то из ряда вон выходящее, если что-то исполнится)

I do not think that our football team will win the cup in this year. If they do — I will eat my hat — Я не думаю, что наша футбольная команда выиграет кубок в этом году. Если они сделают это — я съем свою шляпу.

With hat in hand («со шляпой в руке») – смиренно (делать что-то покорно)

With hat in hand, the youth asked the girl’s parents for her hand in marriage — Юноша смиренно просил руки девушки у ее родителей.

A feather in one’s cap («перо на шляпе») — повод для гордости, достижение (какой-то поступок, которым можно гордиться).

Getting an A+ in Math was a feather in her cap — Получение оценки «отлично с плюсом» по математике было ее поводом для гордости.

To wash one’s dirty laundry in public («стирать грязное белье на публике») — выносить сор из избы. То есть, рассказывать о личных вещах посторонним людям.

John and Mary often argue when there is a lot of people nearby. Why do they wash their dirty laundry in public? — Джон и Мэри часто ссорятся, когда вокруг много людей. Зачем они выносят сор из избы?

Down-at-the-heels («со стоптанными каблуками») – иметь неряшливый вид, осунуться, выглядеть запущено.

He appeared down-at-the-heels after his divorce — Он казался осунувшимся после развода.

At the drop of a hat («когда подняли шляпу»­) – глазом не моргнув, без раздумий. Сделать что-то быстро, без колебаний.

I would visit them at the drop of a hat if I had the chance — Я бы навестил их без раздумий, если бы имел такую возможность.

Wolf in sheep’s clothing – волк в овечьей шкуре. Так называют жестокого и коварного человека, притворяющегося добрым. Идиома берет начало из сказки о Красной Шапочке.

Our boss is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Inside the office, he verbally abuses everybody, but at the meetings with shareholders he is nice and polite all of a sudden — Наш босс — волк в овечьей шкуре. В офисе он всех оскорбляет, а на встречах с акционерами вдруг становится милыми и вежливым.

А теперь самое время отправиться в модный магазин и проверить знания на практике. Почитайте этикетки товаров их описания — так вы лучше запомните, как называются различные предметы одежды и материалы по-английски. И помните: It’s not the clothes that count, but the things the clothes cover (Значение имеет не одежда, а то, что находится под ней).

How do you use the word clothes in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] I had to go home and change clothes. (
  2. [S] [T] Tom and I wore each other’s clothes. (
  3. [S] [T] Tom fell asleep with his clothes on. (
  4. [S] [T] She always wears fashionable clothes. (
  5. [S] [T] I have to change into my work clothes. (
  6. [S] [T] We provided food and clothes for them. (

What are examples of uniforms?

Uniform means having the same form, manner, style, etc. An example of uniform is a row of students walking in a straight line. The definition of a uniform is a certain outfit that members of a group must wear. An example of uniform is what Catholic school students must wear.

What is a sentence with have example?

Study the following sentences.

  • They have received the parcel.
  • She has returned. (
  • You have done a good job. (
  • They have accepted the offer. (
  • She has declined the offer. (
  • The offer has been declined by her. (
  • She has been reprimanded. (

How do you describe a dress in writing?

How to Describe Clothing in Your Writing

  • Integrate clothing into your initial character description.
  • Study articles of clothing to make sure you know what they look like.
  • Pick outfits that fit the setting you’re writing about.
  • Blend clothing into job descriptions.
  • Let your characters change outfits.

What is importance of clothes?

Clothing can insulate against cold or hot conditions, and it can provide a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials away from the body. It can protect feet from injury and discomfort or facilitate navigation in varied environments. Clothing also provides protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Is a uniform correct?

A uniform is correct. Though, uniform starts with U, you should not say ‘an unfirom’. The reson is, pronunciation of uniform is youniform. So, according to pronunciation, the first letter is Y.

Why is it called a uniform?

Etymology. From the Latin unus, one, and forma, form.

What is a example sentence?

[M] [T] She is a teacher. [M] [T] She is beautiful. [M] [T] She is mad at me. [M] [T] She is obstinate.

Where do we use has in a sentence?

Have is the root VERB and is generally used alongside the PRONOUNS I / You / We / Ye and They and PLURAL NOUNS. Generally, have is a PRESENT TENSE word. Has is used alongside the PRONOUNS He / She / It and Who and SINGULAR NOUNS.

How would you describe a fancy dress?

Here are some adjectives for fancy-dress: interminable historical, next international, purple and orange, three-day, riotous, elephantine, impromptu, historical, open-air, annual, memorable, extravagant, finest, fashionable, next, orange, international, frequent, purple, occasional, artistic, noisy, western, famous.

How do you describe hair?

Words to Describe Hair Texture

body bouncy bristly
fine flat fluffy
frizzy fuzzy glossy
lank limp listless
luxuriant luxurious medium

Which country does not wear clothes?

Korowai Tribe, also known as called the Kolufo, of Papua New Guinea don’t wear clothes or koteka (a penis gourd/cover). The men in of the tribe hide their private parts with leaves and are arch hunters!

Which is the best definition of the word uniform?

Definition of uniform. (Entry 1 of 4) 1 : having always the same form, manner, or degree : not varying or variable uniform procedures. 2 : consistent in conduct or opinion uniform interpretation of laws. 3 : of the same form with others : conforming to one rule or mode : consonant.

What is the past participle form of the word uniform?

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs uniform, uniformise and uniformize which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.

What does it mean to wear a police uniform?

To clothe or supply with a uniform. Phonetic equivalent for the letter U in the ICAO spelling alphabet, informally known as the NATO phonetic alphabet. A uniformed police officer (as opposed to a detective). To clothe in a uniform. The letter U in the ICAO spelling alphabet. A uniform policy. Unvarying; all the same.

What’s the best way to keep your uniform?

— Andrew Beaton, WSJ, 24 May 2021 Natural sprays are available for those who want to keep the uniform, good green look. — Tom Maccubbin,, 22 May 2021 Show some pride in your uniform collection by hanging one in the flybold Jersey Display Frame.

Definition of uniform. (Entry 1 of 4) 1 : having always the same form, manner, or degree : not varying or variable uniform procedures. 2 : consistent in conduct or opinion uniform interpretation of laws. 3 : of the same form with others : conforming to one rule or mode : consonant.

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs uniform, uniformise and uniformize which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.

Which is correct a uniform or a user?

Words like uniform or user are pronounced with an initial “y” sound (a palatal glide), and so it’s correct to say a uniform, a user. Saying an uniform, an user is incorrect. Highly active question. Earn 10 reputation in order to answer this question. The reputation requirement helps protect this question from spam and non-answer activity.

Which is correct a uniform or an honor?

I would use “a uniform”, because uniform, although it is spelled with an initial vowel, is pronounced as beginning with a “y” sound. Compare, on the other side of the coin, “an honor” where, although h is a consonant, the word is pronounced as though starting with a vowel (at least, in my part of the world…)

clothes — перевод на русский


Chewing on her own clothes, eating filthy things.

Жуёт свою одежду и ест всё подряд.

You have to give me my clothes!

Отдайте мне одежду!

Then, don’t you at least need a change of clothes?

смените одежду?

And your clothes.

И одежду.

Wait, so you’re saying a bunch of teenagers took my phone, then they took your phones and your clothes and we’re just gonna let them get away with this.

Погодите, так группа подростков стащила мой телефон, потом стащила ваши и вашу одежду, и мы их просто отпустим? Вроде того.

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«The dozens of times I’ve said I won’t have clothes drying in here!»

«Я тебе сто раз говорил — я не потерплю, чтобы вещи сушились здесь!»

If they take his clothes away, you’ve seen the last of him.

Если они забирают его вещи, мы его больше не увидим. Видите?

— Why are you taking my clothes?

— А почему вы забираете мои вещи?

Where are the boy’s clothes?

Где детские вещи?

Get together your clothes and skates.

Собирай вещи, бери коньки.

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You should put on some doctory clothes.

Тебе стоит переодеться в костюм врача.

Well, aren’t you gonna change your clothes? Make yourself presentable?

Ты не собираешься переодеться, и выглядеть представительно?

He’s here, but he insisted on changing his clothes before seeing you.

Но он захотел переодеться прежде, чем встретиться с вами.

Want to change your clothes, Mama?

Мама, хочешь переодеться?

You need to change your clothes.

Все промокли, тебе нужно переодеться.

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What? Is she to wear Western clothes?

Вот как, она уже приготовила европейское платье?

And I bought some new clothes.

Новое платье…я купила.

— You’d better loosen her clothes.

— Расстегни ей платье.

carry clothes and press ’em wrong.

Забрать платье и плохо выгладить его.

So, you attacked my servant, boy. You ripped his clothes and caused great damage to him. You’ll be punished for this.

За то, что ты напал на моего слугу, разорвал его платье, избил этого почтенного человека, ты заслуживаешь наказание!

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Into provocative clothes!

Одеться посимпатичнее!

Now go outside. I got to put on my clothes.

А сейчас, пожалуйста, выйди, мне нужно одеться.

Let me get some clothes on.

Позвольте мне одеться.

Let him be clothed according to his rank.

Дай ему одеться, соответственно его положению.

And you will supply the herds of sheep and the pipes we will play and the simple skins we’ll wear for clothes?

А ты снабдишь нас стадами овец и свирелями, чтобы мы играли на них, и шкурами, чтобы мы смогли одеться?

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Well, got a lot of new clothes, eh?

— Ты купила новый костюм?

Want to know what I was going to do before I ruined my best Sunday clothes?

Знаете, куда я собирался, пока не испачкал воскресный костюм?

His clothes are tight. If he carried a gun, one could see the shape of it in his pocket.

Он затянут в костюм, оружие было бы видно.

Where have you been in those party clothes?

Где ты был, на тебе вечерний костюм?

— I didn’t pack any riding clothes.

Но я не брала с собой костюм для верховой езды.

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Put on your clothes.


— Get your clothes on and get out of here.

Одевайся и убираемся отсюда.

Get your clothes on.


Put your clothes back on and get out of here.

Вон! Одевайся и проваливай.

— Put on some clothes and get out.

Одевайся и вставай.

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hey, put your clothes on.

Эй, не раздевайся.

— Take off your clothes.

Раздевайся! — Да, да!

Take your clothes off, climb up and start whisking.

Теперь раздевайся, полезай на попок и парься.

— Take your clothes off.

Раздевайся, дорогой.

— Now, take off your clothes.

— А теперь раздевайся.

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Everyone is in beautiful clothes.

Все были так красиво одеты.

And these travel clothes that you’re all wearing?

Но вы одеты в дальнюю дорогу.

They wore clothing similar to ours.

Они были одеты почти как мы.

Yourself dressed in the wrong clothes.

Вы сами одеты не так, как надо.

You are so richly clad in this bare castle.

Вы довольно роскошно одеты, матушка, для такого ободранного замка.

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Beddini designs the clothes… which you wear among your friends, the smart people.

Бедини разрабатывает наряды, которые ты носишь среди своих друзей, элегантных людей.

«Who is so smart as to make these smart clothes?»

«Кто это такой умелый придумал такие изящные наряды?»

And jewels by the quarts and fine clothes and anything i want!

И драгоценности прекрасный наряды и все что я захочу!

It ain’t right, it ain’t right Spending all my money For your fancy clothes

Это неправильно, это неправильно тратить все мои деньги на твои безумные наряды.

Well… I bought some nice clothes to meet all your lovely friends in.

Я привезла с собой наряды для встречи с твоими милыми друзьями.

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В английском языке для обозначения одежды используются два слова – clothes и clothing. Clothes означает одежду, которую мы носим (рубашки, брюки, платья и т.д.) и оно всегда используется во множественном числе. Например: I’ve packed my clothes – Я упаковал свою одежду.

Clothing  используется, когда мы говорим об одежде в целом, и в более официальном контексте (clothing – неисчисляемое существительное). Например: You should wear protective clothing. – Вам следует носить защитную одежду.

Если мы говорим об отдельных предметах одежды, используются слова a garment, a piece / an item / an article of clothing.

предметы одежды на английском с картинками

Основные предметы одежды

blouse  блузка
bra бра
cap кепка, шапка
cardigan кардиган
coat пальто
dress платье
dress  платье
fur coat шуба
hat шляпа, шапка
jacket куртка, пиджак
jeans джинсы
leggins леггинсы
overalls  комбинезон
overcoat  пальто
pajamas  пижама
pants брюки, штаны (Am.E.)
raincoat  плащ
shirt  рубашка
shorts шорты
skirt  юбка
socks носки
stockings чулки
suit  костюм
sweater/jumper  свитер/джемпер
sweatshirt толстовка
swimsuit купальник
t-shirt футболка
tights колготы
tracksuit спортивный костюм
trousers брюки, штаны (Br.E.)
underwear нижнее белье
vest  жилет

Обувь / Footwear

boots сапоги
flip-flops шлепанцы
high heels туфли на каблуке
sandals босоножки, сандалии
shoes обувь, туфли, полуботинки
slippers тапки
sneakers кроссовки (Am.E.)
trainers кроссовки (Br.E.)
wedges туфли на платформе

Аксессуары / Accessories

belt ремень, пояс
bracelet браслет
earmuffs наушники
earrings серьги
glasses очки
gloves перчатки
mittens варежки
necklace ожерелье, колье
ring кольцо
scarf шарф, шейный платок
shoelace шнурки для обуви
sunglasses солнцезащитные очки
tie галстук
umbrella зонт
watch наручные часы

Части одежды

button пуговица
collar воротник
cuff манжета
hood капюшон
pleat складка
pocket карман
seam шов
shoulder pad плечико
sleeve рукав
strap ремешок
zip замок-молния

Материалы / Fabrics

cashmere  кашемир
chiffon  шифон
cotton  хлопок
crochet  вязаный крючком
fabric  ткань/материал
fur  мех
knitted  вязаный
lace  кружево
leather  кожа
linen  льняной (лен)
nylon  нейлон
polyester  полиэстер
rayon  вискоза
sateen  сатин
satin  атлас
silk  шелк
suede  замша
velour  велюр
velvet  бархат
wool  шерсть

Узоры / Patterns

checked / plaid  клетчатый, в клетку
floral  цветочный принт
patterned  ткань с узором, орнаментом
plain  одноцветный
striped  полосатый
polka-dotted  в горошек
herringbone “елочка”
animal животный принт

Слова, связанные с одеждой, модой

apparel одежда, предмет одежды
attire одеяние, наряд
clothes одежда
clothing одежда, платье
dress платье
fashion мода
garments одежда, одеяние
haute couture высокая мода
outfit полный комплект одежды
style стиль
vogue мода

Глаголы, связанные с одеждой

change менять, переодеваться
dry-clean подвергать хим.чистке
fold свернуть
iron гладить
put on надевать
stain ставить пятно
take off снимать
try on мерять, примерять
wash стирать
wear носить

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How do you use the words «clothes», «clothing», «apparel», «garb», and «attire»?


When it comes to a group of synonyms like «clothes», «clothing», «apparel», «garb», and «attire», how do you know the differences between them? If you look them up in a dictionary, you’ll probably get definitions which seem to point to each other. For example, here’s one definition of «attire» from

clothing, especially outerwear; garments; attire; raiment.

One really smart way to tell apart similar words is to use specialized English language search engines. First, let’s figure out which word is most common in spoken English. For that, we’ll check out the search engine Subtlexus. In a database of 135,000 sentences, here’s how many times each word comes up:

  • clothes — 5158
  • clothing — 553
  • apparel — 35
  • attire — 76
  • garb — 0

So you can see that «clothes» is a very common word, while the others are much rarer.

Next, it can be useful to learn what phrases each word commonly appears in. For that, we can use the Corpus of Contemporary American English It gives us the following phrases:


  • wear clothes
  • buy clothes
  • clothes and shoes
  • dressed in clothes
  • clothes and hair


  • food and clothing
  • clothing store
  • wear clothing
  • a clothing line
  • shelter and clothing 


  • the apparel industry
  • women’s apparel
  • an apparel company
  • textiles and apparel
  • apparel sales


  • traditional garb
  • prison garb
  • reliigious garb
  • black garb
  • western garb 


  • dressed in (some kind of) attire
  • casual attire
  • formal attire
  • business attire
  • proper attire

Based on these common groupings, you can see how these words are different:

  • «Clothes» is the common word to use when you’re talking aobut clothes that people wear.
  • Use «clothing» to talk about clothes as something that people need.
  • «Apparel» is the word to use when you’re talking about the business of selling clothing.
  • «Garb» is some kind of unusual clothing that’s worn by a particular group of people.
  • Use «attire» to talk about the level of someone’s dress.

Of course, there are other differences between each of these words as well, but the best way to learn the differences is to find more examples of these words in normal use.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word clothes, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use clothes in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «clothes».

Clothes in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word clothes in a sentence.

  1. You can tell by their clothes.

  2. If she wore clothes, they were white.

  3. He had been badly dressed, awful clothes.

  4. Jean took a small suitcase with some clothes.

  5. Some in the mob took souvenirs of his clothes.

  6. Gainer gave them food and washed their clothes.

  7. By his senior year, he was wearing those clothes.

  8. He then persuades Drusilla to lend him her clothes.

  9. I took off my clothes and began swimming out to sea.

  10. She reached safety, but with only her summer clothes.

  11. The guy ordered us to change our clothes immediately.

  12. I’d bought some clothes on King’s Road for the video.

  13. Men used elks’ antlers as love charms and wore clothes decorated with elk images.

  14. Sheepskin is likewise used for making clothes, footwear, rugs, and other products.

  15. The «guy» is normally created by children from old clothes, newspapers, and a mask.

  16. She often wore baggy clothes and sunglasses, stating that she wanted to be herself.

  17. Grant’s family had little money, clothes, and furniture, but always had enough food.

  18. When he went through the clothes in the delivery van, he found a letter addressed to the real Thomas.

  19. After Chataan affected Chuuk state, the island’s residents were in need of food, clothes and medicine.

  20. The dolls are inspired by the clothes Stefani and the Harajuku Girls wore while touring for the album.

  21. At the college he began to wear Teddy Boy clothes and was threatened with expulsion for his behaviour.

  22. He left a note with his clothes, a quotation from Euripides about the sea washing away all human ills.

  23. He arrived safely, bringing a rucksack, a suitcase full of books, but no appropriate clothes for work.

  24. Indeed, shortly after she arrived in Florence, a protruding growth forced her to have clothes altered.

  25. He records that he went down to a nearby beach and, leaving a note with his clothes, walked out to sea.

  26. Sofie’s clothes had a strong Bohemian Eastern influence to portray her mother’s origin and sensibilities.

  27. Rykener would be present in front of the client, wearing women’s clothes and called Eleanor by Brouderer.

  28. At this point, Rindt had already changed back into his civilian clothes, expecting their race to be over.

  29. Occasionally, emperors bestowed luxurious gifts of wine, foodstuffs, and silk clothes upon high officials.

  30. Apu assumes that Chanda has been soliciting; she steals her savings and spends it on food and new clothes.

  31. Tinea was also a problem, due to the inability of men to keep their clothes or boots dry, or to wash them.

  32. The three re-emerge from the glacier as primitive hominids, their clothes ripped away to reveal loincloths.

  33. The new DGP arrives and shoots Gemini dead; he later realises that he had actually shot Teja who was in Gemini’s clothes.

  34. They outlawed the wearing of opposite gender clothes and universities expelled instructors suspected of being homosexual.

  35. After saying he needed a change of clothes, he went into his bedroom and shot himself in the mouth, according to Habbush.

  36. Queen Victoria was inconsolable, wore mourning clothes for the rest of her life and blamed Edward for his father’s death.

  37. Many in the sold-out crowd of over 13,000 wore evening clothes in response to Smythe’s stated goal in building the arena.

  38. When Jeanne arrived in Paris to buy clothes for the wedding, she was taken ill and died on 9 June 1572, aged forty-three.

  39. As he became wealthy later in life, he enjoyed wearing fine clothes, contrary to the Quakers’ preference for plain dress.

  40. Work in the 19th century consisted of cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the prison, tailoring, bootmaking, and printing.

  41. The verse, «I’ve seen you walk unafraid / I’ve seen you in the clothes you’ve made / Can you see the beauty inside of me?

  42. The film resumes at the point when the girl discovers that her clothes no longer fit, sending her into a state of despair.

  43. Richardson recalled, «He was a kind of brilliant butterfly, while I was a very gloomy sort of boy», and «I found his clothes extravagant, I found his conversation flippant.

  44. Dürer presents his father more like a low-ranking ecclesiastic than a tradesman: a calm, considerate and straightforward man dressed up in his best, albeit modest, clothes.

  45. Precautions to avoid being bitten include wearing gloves and shoes while gardening, not leaving clothes on the floor, and shaking out gloves or shoes before putting them on.

  46. Because they wore civilian clothes, the audience did not see them as military test pilots but «mature, middle-class Americans, average in height and visage, family men all».

  47. They also asked for everyone to bring forward their gold and silver and any clothes that were valuable so they could put them in the boats of the Rhodians and the Cyzicenes.

Synonyms for clothes

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word clothes has the following synonyms: apparel, wearing apparel and dress.

General information about «clothes» example sentences

The example sentences for the word clothes that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «clothes» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «clothes».

15 pairs of English words that are often confused

как переводится слово clothes

Look closely at two sentences:

Chocolate ice cream is my favorite dessert.

The Sahara is the world’s largest hot dessert.

Do you know exactly which one is spelled correctly?


Singular and plural nouns

как переводится слово clothes

In terms of numbers, it is mainly countable nouns that change. Uncountable nouns, as a rule, are used only in the singular form:

sugar — sugar, love — love, friendship — friendship.

In the plural, they are used only when the variety of species, concepts expressed by them is meant, or when they are used in another meaning in which they are already countable. For example:

air — air, movement — movement (as a general concept), music — music, milk — milk, knowledge — knowledge, hair — hair (on a person’s head).

BUT: air — aria, melody — »airs — arias, melodies, movement — movement (for example, political or dance) -> movements — movements (the same), hair — hair -» hairs — hairs, etc.

The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding an ending -s to the singular form:

book — book — »books — books, day — day -> days — days, house — house -> houses — houses.

Reading the ending «-s»:

after voiceless consonants — [s]: books [buks] after voiced consonants and vowels — [z]: friends [frendz], days [deiz]

after sibilants and sibilants (-es) — [iz]: boxes [‘boksiz]

Exception l. Nouns ending in the singular with letters o, s, ss, sh, ch, x (sibilants and sibilants, as they are called), plural ending -Is:

hero — hero -> heroes — heroes, kiss [kis] — kiss -> kisses — kisses, brush — brush -> brushes — brushes, bench — bench -> benches — benches, box — box -> boxes — boxes.

BUT: In words of foreign origin ending in o, only the ending is added to the noun in the plural -s:

piano — grand piano -> pianos — grand pianos, photo — photography — »photos — photos.

Exception 2. For nouns ending in y with a preceding consonant, y is dropped and the ending is added instead -ieswhich reads [-iz]:

country [‘kAntri] — country -> countries [kAntriz] — countries, city — city cities — cities, family — family families — families.

BUT: If there is a vowel in front of y, then the plural is formed according to the general rule, that is, by adding an ending -s:

day — day — »days — days, boy — boy -» boys — boys.

3. Twelve nouns ending in -f or -faith, in the plural lose these letters. An ending is added instead of -f or -fe -ves… These are nouns:

wife — wife, life — life, knife — knife, wolf — wolf, self — essence, human form, calf — calf, shelf — shelf, leaf — leaf (plants), loaf — loaf (bread), thief — thief, half — half, sheaf — pack (paper), etc.

For example: wife [waif] — wife — »wives [waivz] — wife, knife [naif] — knife -> knives [naivz] — knives, shelf — shelf -> shelves — shelves.

4. Some nouns are plural by changing the root vowel:

man — man -> men — men, woman — woman — »women — women, foot [fut] — leg feet [fi: t] — legs, tooth — tooth -» teeth — teeth.
HO: child — child -> children — children.

5. For compound nouns, the plural is formed by adding an ending -s to the second word:

armchairs — armchairs, bookcases — bookcases.

BUT: If these words are united by a preposition, then the first word is put in the plural: sisters-in-law — daughters-in-law.

Words borrowed from Greek or Latin languages ​​form a plural form according to the rules of these languages:

appendix — appendix — »appendices — appendices (to the book), crisis — crisis -> crises — crises, basis — base, bases — bases, radius — radius -> radii — radii.

Names Nouns used only in the singular

  1. Uncountable nouns (both real and abstract) are usually used only in the singular:

    iron — iron, salt — salt, milk — milk, sugar — sugar, love — love.

  2. Nouns advice (advice, advice), information (message, information), progress (success, success), knowledge (knowledge) are used only in the singular.

    He gave me some good advice. He gave me some good advice.
    My coach was satisfied with my progress. My coach was pleased with my progress

  3. The nouns news (news, news), money (money), fruit (fruits, fruits) are used in the singular. But, for example, the plural is used to denote different types of fruits — fruits.

    What is the news? What’s the news? It’s his money. This is his money.

    Fruit is cheap in autumn. In the fall, fruits are cheap.

  4. Among countable nouns, there are those that are used only (or mainly) in the singular form. These are the names of some animals, objects, etc.:

    two sheep — two sheep, six fish — six fish, ten swine — ten pigs, five deer — five deer.

Nouns Plural only nouns

  1. Nouns usually denoting paired objects:

    spectacles — glasses, trousers — trousers, scissors — scissors, scales — scales.

  2. The names of some objects, in contrast to the Russian language, are used in English only in the plural:

    clothes — clothes, goods — goods, contents — content, etc.


The noun people (peoples) in the plural means people (peoples), in the singular meaning people.

There were many people in the square. There were many people in the square.
There are many peoples in Russia. There are many peoples (lives) in Russia.



как переводится слово clothes

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34 words approx. About 34 words
Compiled by AM Taube, IW Litvinova, AD Miller, RC Daglish Composed by A. M. Taube, A. V. Litvinova, A. D. Miller, R. K. Daglish
Edited by R. C Daglish, MA Cantab. Edited by R.K.Daglish, Master of Arts, University of Cambridge

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The dictionary contains about 34 thousand words of the modern Russian literary language. Much attention is paid to the development of the meanings of words, showing their use and the selection of English translations that meet the standards of the modern English literary language.

The dictionary is intended for English language learners, particularly high school and university students.

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This Russian-English Dictionary is intended for high school and university students and all English learners.

The authors also took into account the possibility of using the dictionary by a foreign reader studying Russian.

The dictionary aims to help people who use it to translate into English Russian texts of average difficulty on socio-political, literary and everyday topics, that is, texts that are not of a special, scientific or technical nature.

When compiling the dictionary, special attention was paid, on the one hand, to such a selection of Russian material (vocabulary and phraseology), which would reflect the current state of the Russian literary language as fully as possible (as far as the volume of the dictionary allowed), on the other hand, semantically, stylistically and idiomatically correct translation into English language of Russian words and expressions.

The glossary is based on the latest explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, as well as popular literature and Soviet newspapers and magazines. This does not include highly specialized terms, obsolete and dialectal words and expressions. At the same time, in connection with the rapid development of science and technology, new words and expressions and new meanings of old words are given in the dictionary, which are widely included in everyday life and are constantly used by the Soviet press.

The dictionary also contains word combinations and idiomatic expressions that are difficult to translate into English.

In the dictionary entries, grammatical and stylistic notes are given, as well as indications of the scope of use of the Russian and, if necessary, the English word, which is especially important for persons who are not fluent in English.

All comments and suggestions regarding the dictionary, the editors asks to send to the Publishing House «Soviet Encyclopedia» (Moscow, Zh-28, Pokrovsky Boulevard, 8).

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Lexicographic sources

Dictionary of the Russian language, t. I-IV, Academy of Sciences of the USSR — Institute of the Russian language, State. publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries. Moscow, 1957-1961.

Dictionary of the Russian language, compiled by S. I. Ozhegov, State. publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries. Moscow, 1964.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, vol. I-IV, ed. prof. D.N.Ushakova, State. publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries. Moscow, 1935-1940.

English-Russian dictionary, compiled by V.K.Müller, State. publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries. Moscow, 1963.

The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, vols. I-II, 3d ed. Oxford, 1962.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, Revised by E. Mcintosh. Oxford, 1954.

Daniel Jones. An English Pronouncing Dictionary, 11th ed. London, 1957.


Difference between wear, change clothes, put on and other synonyms

We will tell you how the verbs dress, wear, put on differ and consider the situations in which it is appropriate to use these words.

The verbs wear, dress and put on are translated as «dress», «put on». The meanings of the words are similar, but there are differences in their use. In the article we will tell you what is the difference between these words, consider their synonyms and antonyms, and give examples of the use of verbs.

The verbs to put on, to wear, to dress and to try on

The verb put on means to put on something.

It’s cold. You need to put on your coat. — Coldly. You need put on coat.
You can’t walk barefoot. put-on your shoes right now! — You can’t walk barefoot. Put on now boots!

The verb wear is translated as “to wear clothes”, “to be dressed in something”.

My boss is very dressy. He always wears expensive clothes. — My boss is very stylish. He always wears expensive clothes.
Jack was wearing was wearing a trendy black coat. — Jack was dressed in a fashionable black coat.

The table below shows idioms with the verb wear.

Idiom example

to wear your heart on your sleeve — do not hide your feelings It’s not a good idea to wear your heart on your sleeve on a first date. — Reveal your feelings on a first date is a bad idea.
to wear the pants in the house — to be the master of the house Why? Because you wear the pants in this house and earn 10 grand a month? — Why? Because you master in this house and you earn 10 thousand dollars a month?
to wear two hats — do two things at the same time Nobody can wear two hats… — No one can do two things at the same time.

The verb dress means to dress someone, to dress yourself.

My younger sister dresses her doll every day. — My little sister dresses my doll every day.

The table below shows idioms with the verb dress.

Idiom example

to be dressed to kill — to be dressed up, uncoated For the opening of a restaurant she was dressed to kill… — At the opening of the restaurant, she dressed up.
to be dressed (up) to the nines — to be dressed with a needle At the opera everyone was dressed to the nines… — Everything in the opera were dressed with a needle.
to be dressed (up) a dog’s dinner (BrE) — dress up, be awkwardly dressed Why are you dressed a dog’s dinner? — Why are you so dressed up?

The verb try on means to try on clothes.

Would you please try on this jacket? — Try onplease, this jacket?
I’m going to try on more dresses. — I AM try on more dresses.
Can i try on your watch? — May I try on your watch

Phrases to change clothes and to get dressed

The phrase change clothes means to change clothes.

I got sopping wet in the rain. I need to change my clothes… — I got wet in the rain. I need change clothes.
This dress doesn’t suit you at all. Change your clothes… — This dress does not suit you at all. Change your clothes.

The phrase get dressed is translated as «to get dressed».

Get dressed, we’re leaving! — Get dressed, We are leaving!
It took me 10 minutes to get dressed… — It took me 10 minutes to get dressed.

The verb to take off and to get undressed

The phrasal verb take off translates as “take off your clothes”.


Clothing in English

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In many ways, clothing is a way of expressing yourself. After all, as they say, they are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds. Indeed, our first impression is formed precisely when looking at a person’s appearance. We value the style and quality of his clothes.

Moreover, the choice of clothing is often the key point, for example, at all kinds of events.

Therefore, every person who began to learn English is simply obliged to be well versed in the vocabulary related to clothing in English, namely: wardrobe items, types of fabrics, etc.

About the word clothes

The first thing to remember is that clothes is a word that is used only in the plural, which means that we will never put the article a in front of it.

If you need to say about one piece of clothing, then use a piece of clothes, an item of clothes, an article of clothes. Clothes is a more conversational option, but if you want a formal one, use the word clothing.

And most importantly, the pronunciation of the word clothes: / kləʊðz /. No matter how much we would like, but the letter e in this word is mute, it is not pronounced!

Garments in English

Let’s take a look at the main items of our wardrobe and outdoor clothing:


shorts shorts
an undershirt shirt
socks socks
tights tights
a blouse блузка
a skirt skirt
to dress dress
a shirt shirt
a T-shirt T-shirt
trousers pants
sweat pants sports trousers
a sweater / jumper pullover
a hoodie hoodie
the suit suit
an undercoat a jacket
a waist coat vest
jeans jeans
to coat coat
a jacket jacket, jacket
a fur coat coat
pajamas pajamas
a nightdress night shirts
the cap cap
the six hat

Shoes (footwear) also play an important role in creating a person’s appearance:


shoes shoes
high-heeled shoes high-heeled shoes
trainers / sneakers кроссовки
boots boots
high shoes сапоги
sandals sandals, sandals
slippers slippers

Our image is complemented by various accessories:


a belt belt
a tie tie
a bow tie the bow tie
a scarf scarf
a handkerchief shawl
Gloves gloves
jewelery ювелирные изделия

It is also worth mentioning what parts our clothes consist of:


a zip zipper
a velcro Velcro fastener
a snap button
a button button
a sleeve button stud
a sleeve sleeve
a collar collar

Shirts can be long / short-sleeved, and the neckline of the sweater can be V-neck, U-neck, Y-neck or round (an O-neck / round-neck).

Each item of our wardrobe (including shoes) can be:


silk silk
satin satin
cotton cotton
wool woolen
leather leather
Velvet velvet
denim denim
suede / sweɪd / suede
striped striped
check squared
floral with floral pattern
polka-dotted dotted
plaintext plain, no pattern

Clothing-related adjectives and verbs

Clothing in English can be described with words such as:

  • elegant — elegant
  • smart — neat, tidy;
  • trendy — trendy;
  • chic / ʃiːk / — refined;
  • scruffy — worn, sloppy.

When we describe a person in clothes in English, we rate them as:

  • well-dressed — well-dressed;
  • badly-dressed — tastelessly dressed;
  • fashionalble — fashion-conscious;
  • stylishly dressed — stylishly dressed;
  • old-fashioned — old-fashioned.

When we try on clothes in a store, we determine whether they are loose or tight, or if they are close-fitting. The main thing is that the item of clothing that you have chosen suits you (to suit / fit / match). When we talk about clothes, we use certain verbs that you should definitely learn:


to dress / to get dressed dress
to undress / to get undressed undress
to put on put on
to take off take off
to try on try on
to dress up dress up
to change clothes change clothes
to wear wear
to do up fasten (buttons, zipper)

And now we suggest watching a video tutorial from the teacher Ronnie to consolidate the new vocabulary on the topic «Clothes in English»:

For your convenience, we have collected all the new vocabulary in a table, which you can download and use in the future as a dictionary.

↓ Download the list of words on the topic «Clothes in English» (* .pdf, 213 Kb)

We also advise you to take the test and check how well you have mastered the new material.



Last updated on March 27, 2023.

Woman with clothes

Are you unsure of when to say clothes vs cloths? Don’t worry – it’s easy to explain which one you need to use when.


Woman hiding behind clothes

The word clothes, with the ‘e’ in it, means garments that can be worn. For example, pants, a shirt, dress, skirt, sweater, or jacket: all of those are examples of clothes.

If you’re talking about something that you or someone else can wear, then you need to use the word clothes.


Cloth samples

The word cloths means pieces of fabric. You can have one piece of cloth (a cloth), or many pieces of clothe (cloths). So the word cloths just means pieces of fabric or material.

Cloths are often used for cleaning, or cloths can be used as samples to show how a fabric would look (e.g. samples of material would be an example of cloths).

Cloths are NOT used to describe what someone is wearing.

In everyday life, cloths is not used frequently. The word clothes is used much more often.

How to know which one you should use

  • If you are talking about items that someone can wear, then you should use the word clothes.
  • If you are talking about fabric samples, or material you can clean with, then you should use the word cloths.
  • The easiest test is to ask yourself if it is something that is ready to be worn by someone. If so, you mean clothes. If not, you mean cloths.


That’s it! Now you know how and when to use clothes vs cloths.

If you’d like to learn some more useful tips and tricks with words, you’ll also like our articles about alternative words for «however» and alternative words for «for example». Both of these ideas are particularly helpful when writing essays, technical documentation, and more.

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