How to use the word buy in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “buy” in a sentence. How to connect “buy” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

buy (v): to get something by paying money for it

Use “buy” in a sentence

Let me buy you a drink.
I can’t afford to buy an expensive car.
She went out to buy some food.
She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables.
Where can I buy some groceries?
We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market.
When did you buy it?
I usually buy clothing at a local store.
Can I buy a ticket for the concert here?

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word buy, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use buy in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «buy».

Buy in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word buy in a sentence.

  1. Some we buy, some we don’t.

  2. You can buy the farm only once.

  3. All three sets were won buy Mr.

  4. He then proceeded to buy off the Danes.

  5. Local residents could buy them at $2 each.

  6. He wanted to buy them a house but, really, ..

  7. McNall orchestrated the plan to buy the card.

  8. The sailors buy sexual favours fairly cheaply.

  9. Suppose someone sets up a fund to buy my meals.

  10. And we saved for the time that we could buy a house.

  11. The bill required the Treasury to buy newly mined U.S.

  12. Well, they say, «Buy where you can buy the cheapest» ..

  13. He also had plans to buy the farm on which he was born.

  14. Her efforts failed, and Al refused to buy him a guitar.

  15. In 1815, Mälzel returned to Beauharnais in Munich and asked to buy the Turk back.

  16. In August 1882 Theo gave Vincent money to buy materials for working en plein air.

  17. Radhika arranges an exhibition of Iqbal’s painting to help him buy the house back.

  18. Gratzer wrote in 2004 that the fund may still have been in use then to buy animals.

  19. He so admired Henry Ford’s pacifist stance that he would only buy Ford automobiles.

  20. Starting in July 1915, Southern Rhodesians raised funds to buy aeroplanes for the Royal Flying Corps.

  21. In 2005, the Spanish Ministry of Defense declared intention to buy the tanks instead of renting them.

  22. He returned to Raleigh, hoping to buy out his apprenticeship, but could not come to terms with Selby.

  23. Steilberg recommended that Hearst buy the old church portal, which he did, at Byne’s price of $1,500.

  24. However, they discovered that they didn’t know how to buy anything because they had never used money.

  25. Media tycoon Robert Maxwell attempted to buy the club in 1984, but did not meet Edwards’ asking price.

  26. It was also reported that Jackson had offered to buy the bones of Joseph Merrick (the «Elephant Man»).

  27. The tax was derided in a children’s chant that said «Hippity-hop to the toy shop to buy a red balloon.

  28. Why can’t every song be so great that people would want to buy it if you could release it as a single?

  29. As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the game.

  30. Money cannot buy it … a man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom.

  31. George Shelby, Arthur Shelby’s son, arrives to buy Tom’s freedom, but Tom dies shortly after they meet.

  32. Sony Music would have the option to buy half of his stake, or about 25% of the catalog, at a set price.

  33. Gatting was good enough to lead Middlesex and England, but spectators couldn’t buy his book at Lord’s».

  34. Once 15,000 had been sold, the remainder was held to allow local residents the opportunity to buy them.

  35. When Jeanne arrived in Paris to buy clothes for the wedding, she was taken ill and died on 9 June 1572, aged forty-three.

  36. In 2011 an agreement was reached with the Jesuit British Province for the British Library to buy the book for £9 million.

  37. He looked to sell off some assets to pay debts, and Trump approached him with an offer to buy the Bonwit Teller building.

  38. In October 1919 he used War Bonds funds to buy two obscure newspapers, the National News and the Sunday Evening Telegram.

  39. The number of smokers continued to rise, but smokers could not buy as many cigarettes, so total tobacco consumption fell.

  40. Fisher was able to buy up the key time on the local television station—Howe initially scheduled no television appearances.

  41. Soon his income allowed him to buy a home near Portland High School where he worked and was promoted to principal in 1882.

  42. The Ottomans chose to buy Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm and Weissenburg, since they were the more advanced ships of the class.

  43. The Ottomans chose to buy Weissenburg and Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm, since they were the more advanced ships of the class.

  44. If Trump were to buy the building, his tower’s ownership could be transferred to Equitable in 2008, once the lease expired.

  45. The Greek Navy attempted to buy two older French battleships, and when that purchase failed to materialize, they tried unsuccessfully to buy a pair of British battleships.

  46. In May, Ballard returned for what she believed was a probationary period, although in reality it was a stopgap measure until Gordy was able to buy out Birdsong’s contract.

  47. He searched for vintage instruments to buy at low prices, particularly those made before World War II; Werbin then sold the instruments after repairing and restoring them.

  48. He added a stipulation into the [Transcontinental] Pacific Railroad Act requiring the applicable railroads to buy iron «of American manufacture» of the top price qualities.

  49. That report found that Wood had spent $1.8 million (equivalent to $23.25 million in 2020), lending substance to Johnson’s claims that Wood was trying to buy the presidency.

Synonyms for buy

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word buy has the following synonyms: bargain, steal, bribe, corrupt, grease one’s palms, purchase, buy in, buy up and buy out.

General information about «buy» example sentences

The example sentences for the word buy that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «buy» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «buy».

I might have spent it a little more slowly without her, but you know those sandals you bought me in Zharvai?»

The new ones had saved him a couple irons, the ones she bought him weren’t cheap

Some of my friends bought a fabrication shop down in the Gengee, this is the best imitation of an antique ocean racer from our country that we can build

«It is likely the only reason she bought this house is to go after those papers,» Herndon said, his lips tight

A gentle reminder that the most precious things in life cannot be bought nor are they made with human hands

She felt it entirely fitting that Raw Sex Object should be bought as a gift

«It’s not a lunch or two, or the tickets, it’s all the sheaths I bought, all the parties I went to, all the concerts I went to, all the guys I did, all the yaag I did

This system also unsubscribes the customer from an autoresponder series once the customer has bought the suggested item so you don’t irritate your buyers

He and Micah’s mom got it when they had bought their first house

She’d bought them at a garage sale, said they’d be sitting in them when they were old farts and had a porch

«That was bought with eleven of his sixteen aluminums, that was his eighth inch of titanium tubing

Him and the missus bought a big house back when the overtime was piling in

AA very reasonably large company have recently bought 50,000 shares wholly through a leading stockbroker

I realised fairly quickly that she is jumpy about seeing Stephen with their disagreement unresolved and this house does looks a little imposing … I know I was surprised when Stephen bought it originally, thought it above our touch

He was very glad it was seldom right around his yard, but he wouldn’t have bought the place if it wasn’t level getting in and out

‘I bought this place when I was offered a partnership in the firm

At present there is only one set; the previous occupant having omitted to return the second set when Stephen bought the house

«We are like the humans on the planet below,» the one who bought the shots said

«Did you understand all that?» she asked the dolphin who bought the round

govern those born of Abraham’s seed or bought with Abraham’s money

Many of the guys who used to ride wild herd here, now worked for him on the land he bought from them

The ones who moved on when he bought were those who hunted the predators

Arscog bought him Duskmeal on the way back and regailed him with tall tales of ancient keda conclaves

He bought reasonably good boots, scrimping even then to make sure that he had a bottle or two for the journey

He thought about it for a moment, using the time to tear the cellophane from the oaty bar she’d bought for him and ripping off a chunk with his teeth

Joris had bought her five years ago … she’d fallen in love on sight with the beautiful gg, with her white blond mane and tail setting off the pale tan colour of her coat

They are hoping for a boy this time and you get no prizes whatsoever for guessing what they intend to call him! But to return to the beautiful jewellery you sent – you say Joris bought it for you many years ago

“Yes ma’am! I can be bought! You can have your way with me, a beer would do it!” He was smiling and looking directly at her

a Scots lass serving in the shop where you bought some bread

Do you say that you once bought a jar of honey, and you tried to eat it and what happened

Perhaps you once bought a pound of sour apples

Maybe the jar you once bought was a blended honey, better used in cooking

I took this as a bribe and I told my father, spirits can’t be bought, and he should know that

Overnight he turned into a fine looking gentleman and bought drinks for city whiz kids, rich bankers and portly brokers in the hotel bar

He moved straight back into the Ritz, bought new clothes, bought a brand new sports car and almost immediately found that his fair weather friends, now that the rain had ceased to fall in the soldier’s life, all suddenly had sunny windows in their diaries

The Telephone Man! She turned around very slowly and looked at the young man who had served her when she bought her current mobile phone just a few days ago

To make things run as smoothly as he could, the businessman bought the cottage from the couple, which, given that they never had a mortgage in the first place, meant that they pocketed a tidy little sum

He bought Terry and his mother a beautiful mock Georgian mansion in one of the better parts of Cheshire, while he devoted himself to furthering Terry’s interests from a penthouse flat in the city centre

I bought a chicken this morning and we can have that with salad out here just as easily as in the house

He is honest and forthright, can’t be bought

They bought a little cottage in the village eked out a meagre living on a residue of royalties gleaned from discount store book sales and the odd spot of lawn mowing that came their way from lineage adverts in the parish newspaper

Within a year he bought the old country mansion for himself and spent every spare hour he had tending the gardens, the vegetables and the fruits

our store as his mother bought puja flowers

We rented a flat in Clifton initially but after a couple of years we decided to move out of the city and bought the place I now have

And so the young man and his wife returned to their new home, which they had recently bought in a prime location just to the northeast of London’s orbital motorway

She inherited the lot when her parents died and bought the house with some of the money

Lucy had never bought into the concept that art or music could change lives or move mountains, but with every hook and drum beat, with every lilting nuance of the boy’s soft voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively that she had to download the song immediately

She bought him two

and so they were bought with a sly nod and wink towards the old

Jake has a regular route with his own truck and bought the old Kaven place for nothing since they all died in Florida so their souls settled there

It’s not long before she excitedly drags me upstairs to show me the dress she’s bought for the wedding

‘I had bought hot kachoris for my son and other sevaks

Deborah Klint’s last day and what the staff bought her as a leaving present; Henry Baxter’s marriage to a local girl called Vittoria — they clubbed together for a set of wine glasses for them

He moved straight back into the Ritz, bought new

Now what film shall I watch? I have several video tapes which I have bought or recorded over the years and also some DVDs – Kevin talked me into buying a DVD player last year

bought the cottage from the couple, which, given that they never

the tomatoes had been bought and so, the very next morning, old

Machines quickly spit forth most of what is being bought

“Look, I bought this” causes a

found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it

which they had recently bought in a prime location just to the

Lucy had never bought into the concept that

gold – Granddad once told me that he had bought the farm in

One of the local bosses bought me and took me away to Vlore on the Adriatic

As he fills the remaining sachets he talks loudly so that she can hear over the sound of the boiler as it wheezes into life, telling her how he bought a ride on a smuggler’s boat to Italy and how he worked his passage on various ships, until, after some weeks at sea, he made landfall in the little white town of Bideford

7 I bought male servants and female servants, and had servants born in my house

“Bekthi, she moved into the other downstairs room when I bought the house and moved up here, somewhat more than a decade ago

Himla, the guy I bought it from, was a resident of the house when he bought it

He bought this place off him

Jock thinks that Maggie bought it

’ Chrissie said, remembering how she had to practice to whatever pop records Mum had bought

It was actually Himla that left it down here when he bought the place from Hyondahi

The money bought him a nice home and business building

By then Bethai was quite wrapped around him, almost sitting on his lap and had just bought the third round

“I’ve never bought enhancements, so it will be hours,” he told her honestly

I bought it for investment, I never intended to actually live here

“The guy who bought the house from another of her former boyfriends said she got it down at the Kassikan

He bought her a very nice darkmeal and she wound up having a surprisingly good time

This was probably the source of the wealth that bought your

had bought into the cooperative and established an American headquarters of sorts for their commercial forays into the continent

during the dance, but I’m not sure I bought that

Then she stopped and bought herself a pocket-eye

She bought some bags of staples and another cask

‘Dad came out of the forces when he was in his 50s and they bought a house on the outskirts of London

Gina Hawthorne sat on the new ten thousand dollar couch that she bought

Then he wondered if maybe she had bought her ticket on the eye

Gale bought me a coke

Fortunately, I bought a local paper last weekend … mainly because there was write up of the concert in it … but I’m pretty sure I saw something about services at local churches in it

He bought it about ten years ago off this burnt-out dude that used to live there

“Hi, my name is Jorma and your neighbor tells me you may know if you bought this place from someone named Hyondahi?” He had stepped inside by now

Before he even got to the main canal he bought and packed his supplies, along with five bags of fuel for just over two irons, a very good deal

He knew he needed something stronger than yet another slap to keep going and heard a guy peddling speed on the dock beside the cook where he bought this roll

Sandini’s medicine with poison after he bought it from the

Jorma is off somewhere far, because he bought five bags of fuel and trail food

«Well, I bought a set of dishes and in the bottom of the box was an envelope” She continued on to tell them the strange story, at least all that she’d told everyone else

sidled over to a nearby stall and bought a handful of

She’d bought it as much for the photography, as a book it was practice

I had a position of my own with the university by then, so I bought a big party house on a canal between the university and the music district

He had bought the house cheap, because of all the inadequacies with it

The fastest growing flowers, she found to be her own children, Jason may have bought the first computer, but by the fourth of July, the kids had turned one of the cottages into a small wonderland of electronic devices

trying to save enough money so we can buy that new car

Me and the guys were always regulars there and they decided to buy it from Jack, the last owner

· Things you buy now won’t wear out

«She got it at half price from Ava, but with her fortune Ava could buy a place like that every year and just leave it

With that and his old place, he could buy a pretty nice place in town, a couple acres on the lagoon just a little ways down the point

customer to buy an ebook or computer program and have it

Check with the source before you buy it!

Of course the lumber was readily available here, but he had never had the money to buy anything

· For younger grandchildren, buy maps of both your city and your grandchild’s city

What more can you possibly want to buy, the remaining land in Gengee?»

Unfortunately wealth can create so much ill will simply because most of us consider that money can buy us happiness

He didn’t know his son had a state of the art holographic computer with processors faster than anything anyone could buy from a store

Commercial rose growers are not organic and therefore when you first buy your roses they have been grown chemically! Don’t Panic! Given time your roses will love being grown organically

Buy fish emulsion without Urea

You can buy these from your water company

the flat was to buy threads and cottons

This may not have the necessary minerals for plants and trees, so it is best to buy rock dust from those companies that make it specifically for this use

The Brazilians had no need to steal, they could buy everything they wanted with any scrap piece of dinnerware from their ship

We’d have the money to buy a

Liz arrives good and early, as we arranged yesterday, and I soon pack her and Stephen off to the local DIY shop to buy paint for the walls

«This expedition will earn us the money to buy them

To buy her a present

You leave her nearby for a moment to buy ice cream

and buy a small piece of cooked meat and some potato

One more of those days, when all goes abnormally wry: In the morning I went to Alimos, so as to buy ink-tapes for my typewriter

After a thoroughly enjoyable half hour, debating the relative merits of the various plants on offer, I decide to buy a rather nice little Areca palm … small and neat … just right for the middle of the table; I splash out on a pretty pot to stand it in – my reward for having made a good start at The Laurels

After that, he confided in me he intended to buy a house in Glyfada (meaning he is wealthy) and then he asked: “When I read the classified ads, looking for a house to buy, I often see an advertisement saying »Naxiotis real estate»

Finally, when she realized I had no intention of spending so much money for her, she asked me to buy her a book of poems -and I did that

‘You’ve got a point … yes, I’ll buy that one

We watched a quiz show where the contestants could win holidays and electrical goods, anything right up to a small family car, just for guessing the price of an item that they probably could not afford to buy

» But I can tell Apollo doesn’t buy it, «So he’ll be here?»

A little later, Mrs Stavrakis informs me that shrew of Parissis went to the managing director and told him “This morning Yvonne was half an hour absent from her office!” – that’s when I was out to buy Mrs Stavrakis some coffee

«Will you buy this land?» Ernesto asked

«We can buy it if you like, that’s a trifle, a pair of old captain’s bars, a few inches of low-temp tubing

Herndon didn’t buy it, but knew he could get no further on that route

Other places seem to be dumbstruck with the need to buy and be seen with luxury

The marketplace is more than where you buy groceries

He had a few pennies in his pocket, enough to sleep in a barn perhaps and buy a small piece of cooked meat and some potato

Following his last day at the office, he had made two further trips into town; one to ditch the last of the stuff he had decided he no longer needed and the second to sell his car and visit the book shop to buy the books Kara had selected from the website … as a sort of peace offering in recognition of how much it galled her to be constrained

I am also frustrated by the knowledge that, even if I could present you with such tokens, you probably wouldn’t wear them … I have never met a woman who wears less jewellery or who is so difficult to buy presents for! This being the case, I am sustaining my ego by building up a little store of surprises for you – one day I shall dig them out of storage and watch as you open the various boxes

“Oh you sure, you could buy them for some friends in the village”

The boys turn to the bar and buy another ten-dollar coke

Listen for passion and enthusiasm; if the sales person hasn’t got it, the product you’re looking at may not be the best buy

Look at the useful things you could buy

because they can’t buy t-shirts from Next that fit

that we, royally, buy radar systems

And I’ve heard that in Zhlindu the yandrille research has been done already, so I might try and buy one

She’d buy me gifts and sometimes he’d take me camping or exploring new places

They were going to buy what tapes they could here and that would pack a good deal of the undercabin space

Did you then decide never to buy apples again because you disliked the taste of sour ones? There are very many different honeys

The children were made to sit at one end of the bench with their father while the mother went off to buy a couple of bottles of fizzy pop and a packet of jammy biscuits

There was enough money in the pile to buy a small army all of his own

Anyway, I brought a load of ’em back with me and sold the lot in one morning down Brick Lane so now, whenever we get the opportunity, we buy a load more and do a nice line for as long as they last

There’s money in the bank, we’ve got a lovely house, and I’ve finally been able to afford the best fishing rods that money can buy

In the end Terry was forced to pawn his earrings and to buy a pub

She would sell on credit and buy on cash — the first

frequently had months where the choice was to buy either rice for our

‘Sorry to ask again, but a cricket shop in a temple complex? Who will buy?

‘Yes but beta, why buy something from this temple shop

He wanted to buy a TV for the shop, listening to

Can’t we just buy a TV?’ Ish said, ‘Shah Electronics will give us on

But we buy a TV

Many times, someone buying a ball would buy a

‘Everything’s money with you isn’t it? You think you can buy any damn thing you want

Can’t we just buy new ones every week?”

As a result, I’ve managed to save a reasonable amount over the years, but the important factor is that what I earn is mine so we can certainly look to renting something decent until we find something we want to buy

“I didn’t buy a lawyer til you did

to go to Law Garden with Vidya to buy books

A ten-year-old came with thirty coins to buy a cricket ball

Who would buy sports stuff after

shops later that afternoon so that she could buy a nice new foolscap

“I don’t buy it,” Elmore said

We had said at home that we had to go and buy a

‘As her boss, I was given the enjoyable task of presenting her with the cheque we’d collected for her – Sally, they raised nearly £200! Claire, the girl who works in the office with Anna, had elicited the information by some means or other that Anna wanted money to buy linen and crockery when they get to Italy so in the end we’d decided to just give her the cash

‘That is true,’ Ish said, ‘but if we buy the rest of them, Mama won’t be able to

‘Mama, he is trying to buy me,’ the mini-leader screamed at the top of his voice

mother went off to buy a couple of bottles of fizzy pop and a packet

ones who buy car stereos off you and that

corner shop with some of their money to buy some more

if nothing else, anyone who has been through Danvers House would buy it

The law is the law in heaven, and in this area, you are property of the Goddess until you buy your freedom

You could buy yourself a decent little property instead of renting this place

I’d be able to buy a house …

rods that money can buy

greater value to a reward otherwise without value, cast that spell and buy the

“You’ll never buy your way out of here that way

Regular substantial amounts going into the savings account … what do they represent? They look quarterly … yes, that’s right … what sort of payments are paid like that? Interest? Dividends? Would her father have had shares in something? He must have made a fair bit when he sold the shop … what did he do with it? Did he buy shares with some of it? Ann might know

the end Terry was forced to pawn his earrings and to buy a pub

If there is something that you want: buy it

It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that she hangs around in the pub during the evening purely in anticipation that someone she knows will come in and buy her a drink

have I got any bread rolls lying around in here? I tend to buy the half-baked rolls and keep them in the freezer for precisely this sort of moment

digestive or something like that would be best, wouldn’t it? But I don’t buy biscuits as a general rule so that’s out

I recommend that you spend a little money at this point and buy an already

money, but I highly recommend that you buy a customized theme

As a non-conformist materialist buy things which fit your taste and not what

there are certain tools you will need to buy, and as you can tell by now, I am

Despite my protest that I am quite able to buy my own, Dave ignores me, orders for himself and pays for both of us

have proven yourself to them, they will be more likely to buy from you

When you buy into one of the proven systems I keep talking about, what you get is a plan

Do you realize that you can buy a program and put the entire program into

This solves two needs at once: buying groceries, and providing dining companionship

“Then thanks for buying me the whiskey

What are those growers using for fertilizer? Not until Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman released the nation’s first regulations for organic food in 1997 have consumers of organic foods been able to know exactly what they’re buying

This cover will also take care of pre as well as post-hospitalisation expenses like money spent on buying medicines and conducting medical tests


History has shown that when most investors are selling, you may have been better off buying

This basically means that if your portfolios are tied up too much into banks fixed deposits and bonds, your buying power may fade away over the years

For those who are still interested in trading of shares, it is necessary to understand certain fundamental terms related to companies whose shares are available for buying or selling

Give them a head start by buying African red wigglers that are the best kind for this use

Read the ingredients before buying

Since then, he has acquired a sort of cult following which surged in the 60’s with the peace and Earth-loving hippies and has continued on into the 80’s and 90’s with New Ager’s buying the bulk of the over million bottles hand packed annually

Since the beginning of the year she had been talking me into buying her a certain blouse, which costs 12,000 drachmas, as a present for her birthday -which was yesterday

They proposed buying a corridor thru the wild chaparral to connect their lands and Ernesto was arriving with a delegation of his sons to discuss it

buying a house in the “right” neighborhood

After an excellent snack I wandered through WH Smith and thrilled to the dizzy heights of buying my first phrase book but from then on it was a downward spiral of fear and boredom

His eyes were glued on his friend a few yards away who was buying a lottery ticket probably with the money they got from begging

He’d also had quite an adventure, not just rough weather on the Ttharmine but a three decade sail thru rivers they had to keep buying new maps for

What is wrong with eating raw sugar, whole wheat flour products, and unpolished rice? They may prove somewhat dearer but who in his right mind would try to economize on good food? And in the case of raw sugar be careful that you are not buying refined sugar that has simply been coloured brown

lady-love or lover-boy does not appreciate the thought that went into buying or creating it for

He saved every penny he could by washing his own clothes, eating in burger bars and buying cheap plonk from the local off-licence

Many times, someone buying a ball would buy a

I think she inherited some money which went towards buying this place

But with that, they were inadvertently buying into

bars and buying cheap plonk from the local off-licence

Now what film shall I watch? I have several video tapes which I have bought or recorded over the years and also some DVDs – Kevin talked me into buying a DVD player last year

curtains and buying things in the end of season sales, before, all of

manage with all of that expensive fishing gear you keep buying

Yellelle explained that it would become a real ID as soon as she successfully performed some operation with it, such as buying a house

That made them even more like the heaven of scripture didn’t it? She still wasn’t buying it

you can start buying advertising on other websites with greater confidence and

Jock makes his legitimate money by buying up failing farms, selling off the land and converting house and barns into holiday homes

quite apart from the buying and selling of course – was to update

“My theory,” Delurna continued, “after hearing all this, is that Tdeshi did have belongings stashed somewhere and had the brochure on her to show whoever she was buying the shonggot from that she was a serious student with a legitimate need

Ted can’t tear his gaze away from the young man who has been buying him drinks all night down at the club

Since he was buying enough for both of them, Ava slipped out to the keg in the next stall

But in the first and second decades of this century he kept buying bigger and more lavish properties

Then she went about buying her household needs

” Though it cost most of her money, the widow could not resist buying the scroll

Mike didn’t seem to be buying it, the expression on his face told Emma he was still mad

’ It was an effective way of buying a

» He stopped her at buying the china

Across from the stairs was a large room filled with people involved in a discussion about buying houses and building roads

“Shouldn’t mind though if you’re buying

She told him to ship it to her if she wrote him to do so because she might sell it in Zhlindu towards buying a new one

‘We were at the Cheval Noir buying the week’s wine

Normally I could count on buying the

Soon Mike convinced her that last minute shopping was foolish, and she started buying the presents during the year, leaving nothing to chance

probably pretended to be buying him off with it

and nearly buying a painting in the hilltop town of

«But, tell him that he’s buying the drinks

Besides, the man was buying him drinks

save her now, but maybe she could give him second thoughts about buying such an ugly slave

It was obvious they were buying time for the others; the elves, Brontes and his troupe of Chosen

What would stop us from simply buying votes?”

If you have no dream and no plan about building a new house, you will remain trapped in the old one because, at the level of the mind, trading or buying is not an acceptable option

The goods to be bought and sold being precisely the same as before, the same quantity of money will be sufficient for buying and selling them

mail, for buying Greek stamps and send this

as a possible husband, and buying that home I’ve wanted

If they trust a brand they are just as happy buying from that company as they

buying a used car

And not every customer will end up buying everything you have

Remember too, that these customers are likely to be in the buying mood

to, as they’re already in that buying mind-set

they offer you at least 20 related products to tempt you into buying

the train had started and you were idiotically buying magazines

buy a coke they are subconsciously buying into the company image (and hoping

action (and justify our buying decisions with logic afterwards)

a justification point that makes the buying decision that much easier

Assure your customers that it’s OK to feel unsure about buying

She had freely chosen to follow the more traditional path of her gender by hooking up with a steady boyfriend from her high school days, getting formally engaged and then married to Joe shortly after graduating, their buying a house and car and all the stuff you’re supposed to take possession of when you form a conjugal union, and her bearing three children before she reached the age of thirty

It was urgent that this unbearable situation be rectified so he could get back to normal, continuing as before, immediately satisfying his every desire, buying today and paying tomorrow, because…the sky’s the limit

383 Nearly 93% of us research online before buying off

buying any of that excess inventory

Buying and selling upon credit, and the different dealers compensating their credits with one another, once a-month, or once a-year, will supply it with less inconveniency

Over and above all this, his profit arises more directly from selling than from buying; and he is, upon all these accounts, generally much more anxious to exchange his goods for money than his money for goods

Buying and selling was transacted by means of money in England then as well as now

He’s the one who brought those girls here, buying the loyalty of his men with cheap, easy filth

agio, and buying it in at four

The next best expedient, it has been thought, therefore, is to pay them for buying

Satan, I’m not buying all the stories in the Bible

“And he thinks these saps can lead him to his ‘treasure’? What in the Spur could that be?!” Jista wasn’t buying that explanation so easily

But if he had been at liberty to sell his whole crop to a corn mercliant as fast as he could thresh it out, his whole capital might have returned immediately to the land, and have been employed in buying more cattle, and hiring more servants, in order to improve and cultivate it better

7, the engrossing or buying of corn, in order to sell it again, as long as the price of wheat did not exceed 48s

In buying gold of Portugal, indeed, we buy it at the first hand ; whereas, in buying it of any other nation, except Spain, we should buy it at the second, and might pay somewhat dearer

I’m going to be using a variety of factors that will confirm with certainty that a particular niche is busy, active and has people actively searching for it and buying

No one was buying into it at first, and he wasn’t pressing the subject

Without pretending, therefore, that they had paid any part, either of the original purchase money, or of the subsequent expense of improvement, they petitioned the parliament, that the cultivators of America might for the future be confined to their shop; first, for buying all the goods which they wanted from Europe; and, secondly, for selling all such parts of their own produce as those traders might find it convenient to buy

The deadline for buying tickets to the conference is May 25th

wants, what problems they have, and what they are already buying

those markets are already buying something the same as, or similar to, what you

Trade, or buying in order to sell again, they still

I had the thought of buying a new dress to exchange for the old dress

He immediately regretted having said it, or even buying into the prejudice of the Lead Arrows in the first place

“Elizabeth, if you remember, you kept buying clothing for the Baby

In India, they said, it raised the price of goods so high, that they were not worth the buying ; and in England, by overstocking the market, it sunk their price so low, that no profit could be made by them

The government advances the expense of establishing the different offices, and of buying or hiring the necessary horses or carriages, and is repaid, with a large profit, by the duties upon what is carried

The buyer is scarce ever under the necessity of buying, and will, therefore, only give such a price as he likes

buying whale products from the whalers

To pretend to have any scruple about buying smuggled goods, though a manifest encouragement to the violation of the revenue laws, and to the perjury which almost always attends it, would, in most countries

She had only mentioned about buying clothes

Four tons of aluminum is the kind of money that buys power, even here

Their loan, which buys three goats, may at least improve the family diet

On the same day, my friend Mandy buys an aquarium

By stopping clocks he buys time

I mean, if he buys this house from us and gives us a lovely new executive home, we’ll be able to put one over on those bitches at the club, won’t we

I mean, if he buys this house

He only buys when there is potential to create seven or eight homes on a site

Bex buys her round

They pull into the services and he buys a couple of packets of cigarettes and a packet of cigars for himself

He buys a bottle of full fat Coke at the cigarette counter and heads back out onto the main road

Alex buys drinks all round, including a half for Ken, and then decides that orange juice is out of place

What I don’t like is that Klarrain gives her almost twice the going rate, plus puts her up and feeds her, buys her trinkets, takes her out, gives her the use of everything in the house, including the help, and worst of all, lets her have a say in the business

The ready money which a dealer is obliged to keep by him, for answering occasional demands, is destined altogether for the circulation between himself and other dealers of whom he buys goods

If a customer buys after the expiry date (say 8 days or 91 days) then the

they only pay if a customer buys in the same session that they click on

If those two or three distinct foreign trades should happen to be carried on by two or three distinct merchants, of whom the second buys the goods imported by the first, and the third buys those imported by the second, in order to export them again, each merchant, indeed, will, in this case, receive the returns of his own capital more quickly ; but the final returns of the whole capital employed in the trade will be just as slow as ever

The Fixer buys his daily heap of papers-national,

The man who buys, does not always mean to sell again, but frequently to use or to consume ; whereas he who sells always means to buy again

In years of scarcity, therefore, the corn merchant buys a great part of his corn for the ordinary price, and sells it for a much higher

But if a merchant ever buys up corn, either going to a particular market, or in a particular market, in order to sell it again soon after in the same market, it must be because he judges that the market cannot be so liberally supplied through the whole season as upon that particular occasion, and that the price, therefore, must soon rise

Nobody buys it but in order to sell it again; and with regard to it there is, in ordinary cases, no last purchaser or consumer

You need to configure your Aweber so that when someone buys the product after having first had the free gift, thay are removed from the “freebie seekers” list (as we call them), and added to the “Buyers” list

the person who buys and uses a product or service — to consume v

If that customer buys your

If a workman can conveniently spare those three halfpence, he buys a pot of porter

The dearer the Birmingham manufacturer buys his foreign wine, the cheaper he necessarily sells that part of his hardware with which, or, what comes to the same thing, with the price of which, he buys it

er that buys your Affiliate product by the hand through the step by

someone checks out the site and buys through your link,

But don’t tell me that everybody who buys property in the United States is able to keep it, either

It simply buys us back lost time – the one advantage we can gain

Our client buys new equipment and hires people to do the work

You know money buys the whisky and what walks? Even in Africa

“The good news is,” Truman began, “that Brian Walston told me where he buys his cocaine

“Who is the person he buys those machines from?”

You could then say, ‘this guy buys his cocaine in Bocas from someone, possibly a hotel operator, who uses the name Angel and ships it north on this particular boat,’ and include the boat’s exact location

“Who the fuck do you know that buys a car without examining it first?!” I asked disbelievingly

Nowadays, millions of companies burn billion dollars in secondary activities because they have to create or to incorporate diverse support departments (accounting, buys, controller, documentation, informatics, treasury, personnel, marketing and other) with all its infrastructure and resources to execute those tasks

Therefore, personnel’s recruitment, buys of school material, accounting service, marketing, treasury, hospital attendance, cleaning of the installations, school safety, personnel training, audit, control and other services are tasks of another Areas of Activities

What we have set up is that if any of the members introduced by you buys aweber, you will receive

she considers the field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands she plants the vineyard; she surrounds her legs with strength, and

He buys fish and sends it to Tokyo; quite a

12 There is one who buys much for a little, and repays it sevenfold

buys, as one who will lose: 42 He who occupies merchandise, as he who has no profit by it, and he who builds, as he who shall not

goes to the market, buys provisions of every sort, comes home,

I buy beautiful clothes, and my neighbour buys more beautiful clothes; then, I buy even more beautiful clothes, and the Red Queen’s race continues

“The Rings buys us a little over a year before it expires,” he explains

It means she sees it, studies it, determines the price she is prepared to pay for it, what to do with it, and then once her plans have been made, she buys it

As we noted, with the money it confiscates from those who produce, it buys the votes of those who do not produce

“After Roy buys a paper it becomes a better paper,” Byerly said

Despite the loss of the vast majority of our national business (when buys were made in Scranton, they used to overflow into our New York markets), operating profit in 1985 increased from $587,000, as I said, (when we had the billing from Scranton) to $603,000

41 He who sells let him be as he who flees away and he who buys as one who will lose: 42 He who occupies merchandise as he who has no profit by it and he who builds as he who shall not dwell in it: 43 He who sows as if he should not reap; so also is as he who plants the vineyard is as he who shall not gather the grapes: 44 Those who marry as those who shall get no children; and those who marry not as the widowers

In his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field

13:37-50 He who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man; The field is the world; the good seeds are the children of the Kingdom but the weeds are the children of the wicked one; The enemy who sowed them is the Devil; the harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels; therefore so it shall be at the end of this age as the weeds are gathered and burned in the fire the Son of Man shall send out his angels and they shall gather all things that offend from his Kingdom and those who do evil; and He shall throw them into a furnace of fire; where there shall be wailing and grinding of teeth; then shall the righteous shine out like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father; he who has ears to hear let him listen; Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which when a man found it he hid it and with joy goes from that field and sells all that he has and buys that field

18:4-20 Come out of her my people so that you are not partakers in her sins and so that you do not receive her plagues because her sins have reached up to Heaven and God has remembered her sins; Reward her double even as she rewarded you and for her double it according to her works; In the cup which she has filled fill it doubly for her; How much she has glorified herself and lived delicately! so therefore give her much torment and sorrow because she says in her heart: “I sit a queen and am no widow and shall see no sorrow” therefore her plagues shall come in one day death and mourning and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire because strong is the Lord God who judges her; and the kings of the Earth who have committed fornication and lived delicately with her shall grieve for her and lament for her from the fear of her torment when standing far away they shall see the smoke of her burning saying: Disaster! Disaster! That great city Babylon! that mighty city because in one hour your judgment has come! and the merchants of the Earth shall weep and mourn over her because no man buys their merchandise any more; the merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones and of pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and all your wood and all manner vessels of ivory and all manner of vessels of most precious wood and of brass and iron and marble and cinnamon and odours and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts and sheep and horses and chariots and slaves and the souls of men; and the fruits that your soul lusted after have departed from you and all things which were dainty and good have departed from you and you shall never find them any more at all; The merchants of these things who were made rich by her shall stand far away from the fear of her torment weeping and wailing and you all will say: Disaster! Disaster! that great city which was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls! because in one hour such enormous riches have come to nothing; and every shipmaster and all the crews in ships and sailors and as many as trade by sea stood far away and cried when they saw the smoke from her burning! They were saying: What city is like this great city! And they threw dust on their heads and cried weeping and wailing saying: Disaster disaster; that great city of which all those who had ships in the sea were made rich because of her costliness because in one hour she was made desolate! Rejoice over her Heaven and you holy apostles and prophets because God has avenged you against her

deal I could have gotten for The Last Supper if these super buys

““Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field

Teacher whispered, «Her mother buys her uniforms

The funny thing about brands is even if the person never buys that brand they are aware

batteries and car key holders and very small, low decision, impulse buys based on convenience

William buys a four-acre estate consisting of two homes and a stable

It buys me about a month before she shows up with it at our house

This work requires close monitoring and coordination of water supplies with another agency that buys and sells electricity

have to wait until she buys me a pair during the week, as our shoe sizes are

He buys me smokes and gives the best rubdowns I’ve had in this place

to sel to Man #1 for $1, and this man buys it, giving his dol ar to Man #2

has a book which Man #2 wants, and he buys it, giving his dol ar to Man #3

buys something from Man #1 for a dol ar

We have learned that money buys nothing but labor and the amount of labor our

In Chapter 8, it was pointed out that money buys nothing but labor: money for the

Wealth to Leo buys services and managerial ability

Sometimes the individual buys a second home or renovates and expands the present one

“That buys you a seat in the lounge car, meals and a berther,” he said as he handed over a paper ticket stamped 32C

He can match the buys with the

it buys, from the white chaise lounge in the living room to the

A surfer «buys» the company by visiting his institutional site

He buys fresh fruit and vegetables and refrains from going overboard with the meat

buys a rose for me

Loser buys the winner’s command staff first round at the Officer’s club

Winner buys second round

“The planet has a single export with which it pays its Federation dues and buys materials it is not able to produce on its own

It buys us time

Money is just as important as the mortgage, food and education it buys

It can start at the grocery store for the person that buys the groceries for the house in really considering what they are picking up for the family to eat on the home front

that money buys ‘money things’

multiple visits to a website before a prospect buys something

your website and buys, you simply give the affiliate that referred the customer a portion of the

The smaller company quickly goes out of business, and the bigger company buys up their boat and equipment at a rock-bottom price

However, imagine a trader comes along and buys up a load of fish, then there’s a lull in the amount of fish caught, as happens sometimes

Kim meanwhile just goes to the store and buys a 123

fashioned, and she’ll probably just leave it in a box on top of her wardrobe, like Mum does with everything Dad buys her and all

money every time somebody buys one of the recommended products

If that customer buys from

Consider the businessman who buys a five-bedroom home on fifteen acres of land

33 before taxes buys $1

That’s like the first case where no taxes are paid and 1 dollar wages buys 1 dollar in goods and services and stimulates the market to produce another $

Stewman – Newman leaves the post office, buys out the Soup Nazi and adds a few more items to the menu

This page provides example sentences of the verb «Buy» in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. 

Present Simple

Use the present simple for routines and habits such as how often you buy something at the store.

Jack usually buys his groceries on Saturdays.
Where do you buy your furniture?
She doesn’t buy any food at that store.

Present Simple Passive

The supplies are usually bought on Friday afternoons.
When are new textbooks bought for the school?
Wine isn’t bought in great quantities.

Present Continuous

Use the present continuous to speak about what is happening at the present moment such as what you are buying in the store.

They are buying a new house this month.
Are they buying a new car soon?
She isn’t buying his story about his hard luck.

Present Continuous Passive

Not commonly used with ‘buy’

Present Perfect

Use the present perfect to discuss actions that have happened repeatedly such as how many times you have bought a specific product.

We have bought a number of antique chairs.
How long have you bought his story for?
They haven’t bought any new furniture for a while.

Present Perfect Passive

Those antique chairs have been bought by customers in San Diego.
Where has that been bought and sold before?
It hasn’t been bought by anyone. 

Past Simple

Use the past simple to speak about something you bought at a point in time in the past.

He bought that painting last week.
Where did you buy that sofa?
She didn’t buy any food for dinner, so they’re going out.

Past Simple Passive

That painting was bought last week.
What was bought at the garage sale yesterday?
That painting wasn’t bought at the auction.

Past Continuous

Use the past continuous to describe what someone was buying when something else occurred.

She was buying a new car when he telephoned.
What were you buying when you got the call?
She wasn’t buying his story despite his insistence. 

Past Continuous Passive

Not commonly used with ‘buy’

Past Perfect

Use the past perfect to what you had bought before something else happened. 

Larry had bought the books before she arrived.
What had they bought before they were offered the house?
She hadn’t bought enough food for the party, so she went out again.

Past Perfect Passive

The books had been bought before she arrived.
Which ingredients had been bought for the meal?
Not enough wine had been bought for the occasion. 

Future (Will)

Use future tenses to speak about something that you will / are going to buy in the future.

I think he will buy a present for Mary.
Will you buy his proposal at the meeting?
She won’t buy what he’s saying.

Future (Will) Passive

A new book will be bought for that child.
Will that painting be bought at the auction?
Food won’t be bought by Peter. 

Future (Going To)

The teacher is going to buy the books for the children.
What are you going to buy for dinner tonight?
She isn’t going to buy that house.

Future (Going To) Passive

The books are going to be bought for the children.
What is going to be bought for drinks?
They aren’t going to be bought by anyone for that price.

Future Continuous

Use the future continuous to express what you will be buying at ​a specific point in time in the future. 

He will be buying groceries this time next week.
Will you be buying anything this time tomorrow?
She won’t be buying a house anytime soon. 

Future Perfect

They will have bought five new computers by the end of the sale.
What will you have bought by the end of the day?
You’ll see, she won’t have bought anything.

Future Possibility

Use modals in the future to discuss future possibilities. 

I might buy a new computer.
Might Peter buy the house?
She may not buy his story. 

Real Conditional

Use the real conditional to speak about possible events.

If he buys that painting, he will be sorry.
What will he buy if he inherits the money?
She won’t buy the house if it’s put up for auction.

Unreal Conditional

Use the unreal conditional to speak about imagined events in the present or future. 

I would be sorry if I bought that painting.
What would you need if you bought a new house?
She wouldn’t buy the house if you bought it.

Past Unreal Conditional

Use the past unreal conditional to speak about imagined events in the past. 

If you hadn’t bought that painting, you wouldn’t have lost so much money on the investment.
What would you have done if he had bought you a diamond ring?
She wouldn’t have bought that house if she hadn’t had enough money.

Present Modal

I should buy some new clothes.
Where can I buy an ice-cream cone?
They mustn’t buy anything today. There’s no money in the bank.

Past Modal

They must have bought some new clothes.
What should you have bought last year?
They couldn’t have bought his story. 

Quiz: Conjugate With Buy

Use the verb «to buy» to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. 

  1. He ______ that painting last week.
  2. Larry _____ the books before she arrived.
  3. Jack usually ______ his groceries on Saturdays.
  4. I think he ______ a present for Mary.
  5. They _____ five new computers by the end of the sale.
  6. I would be sorry if I _____ that painting.
  7. The supplies are usually _____ on Friday afternoons.
  8. We _____ a number of antique chairs.
  9. That painting _____ last week.
  10. They _____ a new house this month.

Quiz Answers

  1. bought
  2. had bought
  3. buys
  4. will buy
  5. will have bought
  6. bought
  7. bought
  8. have bought
  9. was bought
  10. are buying

We found 90 ‘word buy’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use word buy in a sentence.

  • One last word buy the hardback.
  • So take my word buy this novel.
  • To stop our hungriness we stop by Checker’s, a fast food restaurant. There we buy a lot of burgers and pommes — oh no, here they are called ‘fries, ‘ a new vocabulary word for me.
  • Take my word for it do not buy this app all it does is take up space.
  • It has caused me to buy the trilogy and I loved every word.
  • Just take my word for it and buy this set and then devote some time everyday to it.
  • I’d love to buy some of their furniture but word is the assembly leaves a lot to be desired.
  • Buy it and enjoy every word of A Perfect Setup.
  • Okay, I can buy that he wants to get the word back to the Talamasca.
  • One word of warning, if you buy used, MAKE SURE THAT IT SAYS THAT IT INCLUDES THE CD.
  • Buy anything tracey word has written and anything she will write in the future.
  • I made it halfway through and didn’t buy a word of it.
  • I loved every word, and will head off to buy the next one in the series right after I hit submit.
  • Buy a dictionary and look up the word fascism.
  • I certainly hope she keeps writing, because I will buy each and every word.
  • Take my word, it’s too early to buy this.
  • As soon as I find a copy to buy though, I plan on devouring the story word by word.
  • Just take my word for it and GO buy THE BOOK ASAP.
  • There was no word on who might buy the gallium from Russia.
  • So for anyone out there, do not take their word and buy cologne or perfume.
  • If your pushful word is bought small, be economical, anyway I am to buy big, save worry .
  • Word to the wise don’t buy here go to google’s marketplace.
  • They simply LIED about it, believing enough people will buy it before the word gets out or what.
  • I would never buy from Showcase or trust a single word that comes out of their mouths.
  • Word of warning, be careful what you buy from them and do price shopping first.
  • If you want to buy stuff with cash you can, but like all of these apps patience is the word.
  • Fans of Monk’s will no doubt want to buy EVERY WHISPERED word anyway.
  • Other times it just felt forced and I didn’t buy a word of it.
  • So yes I will buy this series and enjoy every word.
  • Go out an buy an ESV Bible today and be rest assured you have the word of God in your hand.
  • Buy and help spread the word.
  • It is a fun, quirky story that is almost unrealistic but yet you easily buy into every word.
  • The free version is fine, but when you get stuck on a word, you have to buy a hint.
  • I will continue to pass the word around DO NOT buy ANY furniture from Ashley’s.
  • I left the store with the gift card and the unused Microsoft word and went to another Best buy.
  • Buy it and take the time to truly digest every word.
  • So a word to the wise, if you buy something on sale, make sure they charge you the sale price.
  • For an easy to read version buy the International Satandard Version of God’s word.
  • Do buy this, you will love every word just like I did.
  • Bought through a management buy out in 1990, Macfarlan Smith was floated on the London Stock Exchange in 1993 under the holding company Meconic, the Greek language word for Poppy.
  • I did buy these due to the other reviews tho, I am BIG on word of mouth.
  • Take my word for it just buy it.
  • Will not buy any more word lists.
  • I can say that anything he writes, you should buy and read and savor every word.
  • I will buy many copies and spread the word.
  • Buy it and you will never put it down till you have reached the final word of the last chapter.
  • We hadn’t done much research yet but took Don’s word regarding what we should buy.
  • I am glad I took the bet to buy and read it till the very end, word by word.
  • However, I’d probably just buy a copy of the word of Promise audio Bible.
  • They had my word that I would buy it if it was.
  • Word to wise don’t buy Winnebago or fro La Mesa.
  • Within hours all of the surplus items were gone and customers who had flocked there simply through word of mouth advertising were lining up to buy merchandise.
  • Not every word, but most, quality dictionary, would buy again.
  • If you operate apt word, stick nasally with this, not only can pull out black head, and OK and contractive pore, the bazoo that won’t buy with you is stuck like pull pore big.
  • So my first word of advice DO NOT buy THIS ON A KINDLE.
  • It is also possible to buy financial services and products online from anywhere in the world. A word of warning.
  • If you want a good biblical defense of the word of God, buy this work.
  • A word of caution, DO NOT buy.
  • I probably wouldn’t buy it again, but since I already have it I’ll continue to play the word search.
  • «Sony and Apple appear to be saying, ‘ buy this word processor _ you’ll write a novel and be Dostoevski .’Film professionals know that shooting and editing takes talent and time.
  • Thanks to his rudeness, I will spread the word far and wide, to not buy here.
  • But it just didn’t happen, I don’t buy a word of it.
  • There are a variety of reading and word manipulatives you can buy to help your child learn to rhyme.
  • But word of advise buy your pre sale tickets In advanced and you don’t have to worry.
  • This was mediocre formula writing, hyped, and marketed to imbeciles who buy by word of mouth.
  • We used to buy calendars, but why spend money when I can customize my own in MS word.
  • Just take my word for it buy THE BOOK.
  • Buy the Bible, The word of God.
  • I have heard of other platforms offering word packs that you can buy for coins.
  • But don’t take my word for it buy it and find out for yourself.
  • So, my final word, DO NOT buy THIS UNLESS YOU PLAN TO READ THEM ALL.
  • Just stopped buy this new coffee shop in my area, one word.
  • I can’t buy the heroine word of falling in love with the man that wrote those love letter to her.
  • A word fromthe wise, buy in bulk, they do not last long.
  • If you’re in the market to buy Michael Jackson collectibles right now, I have one word for you.
  • But I’m sure you won’t just take my word for it and buy this manga, so why don’t I explain.
  • Please, don’t take my word for it, buy it for yourself and enjoy an awesome writing style.
  • Never again will I buy something based on this mans word.
  • Word to the wise buy a case and keep those babies in your pocket.
  • Buy more, give them away to strangers and spread the word.
  • Buy it in hardback and treasure every word.
  • I don’t buy that for a second because he doesn’t know what the word means.
  • One word of advice don’t buy products such as chairs until you meet and get to know your child.
  • You buy a computer to do, say , word processing or accounting.
  • Don’t buy this application if you are expecting to actually see what is in a word document.
  • Buy it, and spread the word.

Other Words: Working Hour, World Picture, Worthlessness, Word Acculturation, World Involving, Workforce, World Credited, Wordperfect, World Altering, World Picked, World S Fair, Work Ethic, Workboat, World Compassing, Worst Informed, Worse Bred, World Connecting, World Controlling, World Soul, Workflows

Definition of Buy

obtain in exchange for payment

Examples of Buy in a sentence

She went to the mall to buy a new dress for her interview.


The single mother winced every time she went to the store to buy groceries.


Bryan didn’t know what to buy his girlfriend for Valentine’s Day.


Unfortunately, she didn’t have enough money to buy the dress she wanted.


When her headphones stopped working she saved money to buy new ones.


Other words in the Get category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Synonym: market, purchase, shop. Antonym: sell. Similar words: buyer, buy off. Meaning: [baɪ]  n. an advantageous purchase. v. 1. obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction 2. make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence 3. acquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange 4. accept as true 5. be worth or be capable of buying. 

Random good picture Not show

1 Gold will not buy everything.

2 Money can buy the devil himself. 

3 Gold will not buy anything.

4 Money could not buy happiness.

5 He who buys what he does not need will often need what he cannot buy

6 Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won’t buy the wag of his tail. 

7 It is good to have money to buy things that money can buy,( it is better not to lose things money cannot buy. 

8 When you go to buy, use your eyes not your ears. 

9 Where can I buy a ticket?

10 Would it would be too extravagant to buy both?

11 The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency.

12 We should buy several articles at the shop.

13 What do you want to buy?

14 It took all our savings to buy the house.

15 You are under no obligation to buy anything.

16 We don’t have enough capital to buy new premises.

17 I need to buy a new dictionary.

18 Check the tiles carefully before you buy them.

19 Where can I buy some beer?

20 I usually buy all my vegetables at the market.

21 We agonized for hours about which wallpaper to buy.

22 After long deliberation,[] they decided not to buy.

23 So, you should buy it now.

24 I’d like to buy this one.

25 Always buy from a reputable dealer.

26 Can you buy guns in America?

27 It’s cheaper to buy in bulk.

28 People are lining up to buy commemoration stamps.

29 Buy an insurance policy that covers accidental damage .

30 The art of giving presents is to give something which others cannot buy for themselves. 

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verb (used with object), bought, buy·ing.

to acquire the possession of, or the right to, by paying or promising to pay an equivalent, especially in money; purchase.

to acquire by exchange or concession: to buy favor with flattery.

to hire or obtain the services of: The Yankees bought a new center fielder.

to bribe: Most public officials cannot be bought.

to be the monetary or purchasing equivalent of: Ten dollars buys less than it used to.

Chiefly Theology. to redeem; ransom.

Cards. to draw or be dealt (a card): He bought an ace.


  1. to accept or believe: I don’t buy that explanation.
  2. to be deceived by: He bought the whole story.

verb (used without object), bought, buy·ing.

to be or become a purchaser.


an act or instance of buying.

something bought or to be bought; purchase: That coat was a sensible buy.

a bargain: The couch was a real buy.

Verb Phrases

buy down, to lower or reduce (the mortgage interest rate) by means of a buy-down.

buy in,

  1. to buy a supply of; accumulate a stock of.
  2. to buy back one’s own possession at an auction.
  3. to undertake a buy-in.

Also buy into.

buy into, to purchase a share, interest, or membership in: They tried to buy into the club but were not accepted.

buy off, to get rid of (a claim, opposition, etc.) by payment; purchase the noninterference of; bribe: The corrupt official bought off those who might expose him.

buy out, to secure all of (an owner or partner’s) share or interest in an enterprise: She bought out an established pharmacist and is doing very well.

buy up, to buy as much as one can of something or as much as is offered for sale: He bought up the last of the strawberries at the fruit market.



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Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about buy

    buy it, Slang. to get killed: He bought it at Dunkirk.

Origin of buy

before 1000; Middle English byen, variant of byggen, buggen,Old English bycgan; cognate with Old Saxon buggjan,Gothic bugjan to buy, Old Norse byggja to lend, rent

synonym study for buy

1. Buy, purchase imply obtaining or acquiring property or goods for a price. Buy is the common and informal word, applying to any such transaction: to buy a house, vegetables at the market. Purchase is more formal and may connote buying on a larger scale, in a finer store, and the like: to purchase a year’s supplies.


buy·a·ble, adjectivenon·buy·ing, adjective, nounpre·buy, verb (used with object), pre·bought, pre·buy··buy, verb, re·bought, re·buy·ing.

un·buy·a·ble, adjectiveun·buy·ing, adjective


buy , by, bye

Words nearby buy

butyryl, butyryl group, buxom, Buxtehude, Buxton, buy, buy a pig in a poke, buyback, buy boat, buy-down, buyer Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to buy

acquisition, bargain, investment, purchase, acquire, get, market, obtain, procure, take, have, reach, closeout, deal, steal, value, redeem, score, secure, corrupt

How to use buy in a sentence

  • The craft of buying campaigns is going offshore as the platforms continue to automate the process around ad buys.

  • Last month Goldman Sachs had listed its stock as a good buy, in the expectation that the company will rebound this year and catch up with the other oil majors that had been faring better on the market.

  • Second, terms mentioning keywords such as “price” or “discount” are strong signals of buy intent, you should bundle them together.

  • A lot of these, you know, so-called meme stocks were, you know, going viral on social media, and people were people are joining Robinhood and there was a lot of net buy activity on them.

  • Her campaign paid $656,000 for advertising, polling, media buys and other services to a company called Neighborhood Research and Media, according to Federal Election Commission reports.

  • Why would “they” want to crush him just for attempting to buy something twenty years ago?

  • “This is the only place in the souk you can buy safety pins,” he said.

  • “For conveniences and shops where you can buy what you need,” it is much easier, he said.

  • For instance, Best Buy has over 40 million members in its customer loyalty program, Reward Zone.

  • Best Buy is caught up in the breakneck world of technological innovation.

  • If Mac had been alone he would have made the post by sundown, for the Mounted Police rode picked horses, the best money could buy.

  • «Buy something for your wife that-is-to-be,» he said to his grand-nephew, as he handed him the folded paper.

  • Alessandro had hard work to give civil answers to the men who wished to buy Benito and the wagon for quarter of their value.

  • It is very old, they say, and worth a great deal of money, if you could find the right man to buy it.

  • For us to take her place it became necessary for us to loan before we could sell and buy.

British Dictionary definitions for buy

verb buys, buying or bought (mainly tr)

to acquire by paying or promising to pay a sum of money or the equivalent; purchase

to be capable of purchasingmoney can’t buy love

to acquire by any exchange or sacrificeto buy time by equivocation

(intr) to act as a buyer

to bribe or corrupt; hire by or as by bribery

slang to accept as true, practical, etc

(intr foll by into) to purchase shares of (a company)we bought into General Motors

(tr) theol (esp of Christ) to ransom or redeem (a Christian or the soul of a Christian)

have bought it slang to be killed


a purchase (often in the phrases good or bad buy)

Word Origin for buy

Old English bycgan; related to Old Norse byggja to let out, lend, Gothic bugjan to buy

usage for buy

The use of off after buy as in I bought this off my neighbour was formerly considered incorrect, but is now acceptable in informal contexts

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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