How to use the word arrived

Мои примеры


the commotion created when the nation’s top rock band arrived in town — суматоха, которая поднялась, когда в город прибыла лучшая рок-группа страны  
to my immense gratification he arrived on time — к моему огромному удовольствию он прибыл вовремя  
longitude arrived at — долгота пришествия  
newly arrived — вновь прибывший  
the train / bus has arrived — поезд, автобус прибыл  
the moment has arrived — настал момент  
the goods arrived in good condition — товары доставлены в хорошем состоянии  
the cargo arrived to a very tight schedule — груз поступал по очень жёсткому графику  
the goods arrived in bad condition — товары доставлены в плохом состоянии  
freights arrived index — прибыло грузов  
they mayn’t have arrived yet — они, может быть, ещё и не приехали  
newly come / arrived — пришлый  

Примеры с переводом

We arrived early.

Мы приехали рано.

She arrived by taxi.

Она приехала на такси.

I arrived a week ago.

Я приехал неделю назад.

He arrived after dark.

Он приехал, когда было уже темно.

Larry arrived home before me.

Ларри вернулся домой раньше меня.

She arrived promptly.

Она прибыла незамедлительно.

Has Edmund arrived yet?

Эдмунд уже приехал?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Guests arrived in ones and twos.

The freight arrived by steamboat.

The cavalcade arrived at the hotel.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

arrived — перевод на русский

The young people have arrived sir, and Dr. Bruner.

Молодые люди прибыли, сэр. И доктор Брюнер.

Yes, we arrived this morning.

Да, прибыли утром.

This morning, three Soviet agents arrived.

Сегодня утром прибыли три советских представителя.

— Did Schroeder and Holzmeir arrive?

— Шредер и Хольцмейер прибыли?

You’ve been insisting that you just arrived from America on a sailing ship.

Вы настаивали на том, что прибыли из Америки на парусном судне.

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My dear, you lied to me when I arrived today.

Дочка, когда я сегодня приехал, ты соврала мне.

Having lunched with the Marquis de Beauvoir, our priest… arrived by bicycle at 4:00.

Месьё кюре, пообедав у маркиза де Бовуа приехал на велосипеде в 4 часа.

Mr. Wooster just arrived. I’ve given him room nine.

Мистер Вустер только что приехал, я дал ему девятый номер.

Kidd had just arrived.

Кидд только что приехал.

Your father just arrived.

Только что приехал ваш отец.

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The contract arrived today.

Контракт пришел сегодня.

When he arrived the first time, I… I chased him away.

Когда он пришёл первый раз, я его прогнал.

Let’s beat it before the law arrives.

Пошли, пока не пришел полицейский.

This morning, I arrived as usual at 8:30.

Этим утром я как обычно пришел в восемь тридцать.

Just arrived and want to go back already?

Только пришел и уж на землю захотел.

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Two weeks later a stranger arrives.

Спустя две недели прибывает незнакомец.

However, on September 22nd 1927. There arrives in Paris a short, squat smooth-shaven fellow. With a pigmentary mole on his right cheek.

Однако, 22 сентября 1927 года в Париж прибывает… приземистый, гладко выбритый парень с родимым пятном на правой щеке.

— The column is arriving !

— Колонна прибывает.

Jurieux has arrived safe and sound, executing a magnificent landing.

Журье прибывает живым и невредимым, выполняя великолепную посадку.

His daughter is homeless and without a penny. It is written that she is arriving here, to live with me.

У него осталась дочь, без дома, без денег как мне сообщили, она прибывает сюда, чтобы жить со мной.

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Fortunately, I arrived on time.

К счастью, я появился вовремя.

Since the baby arrived, Anne’s come to life.

С тех пор, как в доме появился ребенок, Анна возродилась к жизни.

«At that time, Ray arrived.»

В это время появился Рэй.

He arrived just when I was cured and it was the beginning of a new life.

Он появился, когда я только что выздоровел, И это было началом новой жизни.

We tried to call you but then he arrived and tried to steal the boat!

Мы пытались вас звать. Почувствовали опасность. Затем появился он.

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No, I’m waiting for Sir, arriving from Paris.

— Нет, я жду Господина, который приезжает из Парижа.

— Once the car arrives, a stick-up is… — (clatter)

Значит, когда приезжает машина…

he arrives tomorrow evening.

Он приезжает завтра вечером.

Anderson arrives tomorrow.

Завтра приезжает Андерсон.

— When does she arrive?

Когда, она приезжает?

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Tomorrow, after we’ve arrived, we’ll take care of those two girls. As usual.

Утром после прибытия мы позаботимся о девушках, как обычно?

But I don’t suppose there’s any need to discuss the price until your gentleman acquaintance arrives.

Но, думаю, вопрос о цене мы оставим до прибытия вашего знакомого.

Second: the POW has to be guarded, until the MP arrives… so that he can’t commit suicide… nmo escape.

2. военнопленного следует охранять… до прибытия военной полиции… что бы исключить возможность самоубийства… или сбежать.

Since I can do nothing until my specialists arrive, I had thought to spend the afternoon at Macy’s.

Раз уж мне нечем заняться до прибытия моих сотрудников, собираюсь провести вторую половину дня в модных лавках.

For centuries before the Earth colony arrived.

Несколько веков до прибытия колонистов с Земли.

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Some go and others arrive.

Кто-то уходит, кто-то приходит

She plays a girl from Calabria who is seduced by a fellow countryman She starts working here, then he arrives and she runs away

Это девушка из Калабрии, которую соблазнил ее земляк, она приходит в этот дом работать служанкой, он следует за ней, и она убегает.

Opium arrives unrefined. By rail. It gets across borders.

Опиум приходит к нам в неочищенном состоянии… по железной дороге его везут через границу.

She usually arrives at his suite, No. 14, at 9:00.

Обычно она приходит к нему в 14-й номер в 9 часов.

The outer route through the islands… and arrives at…

Да, а приходит туда, — постой, я сейчас посмотрю, —

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When the Dalek ship arrives you will accompany us.

Когда корабль Далеков прилетит вы будете вместе с нами.

If a visitor arrived from another world, what account would we give of our stewardship of the planet Earth?

Если к нам прилетит гость с другой планеты, что мы сможем рассказать о том, как мы обращались с Землей?

The Ark does not exist and will never arrive.

«Ковчега» не существует и он никогда не прилетит.

What do you think: will it arrive?

Как думаешь, он прилетит?

When the Ark arrives. Don’t you see?

Не сейчас, а когда Ковчег прилетит.

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Then, while he’s out searching the garden or something I’ll take the key from under the carpet and return it to her bag… -…before the police arrive.

Потом, пока он будет обыскивать сад и суетиться, я достану ключ жены из-под ковра и верну его в сумку до приезда полиции.

We mustn’t touch anything until the police arrive.

Нет, ничего нельзя трогать до приезда полиции.

Sometime before the police arrived.

До приезда полиции.

Wait nicely until the police arrive.

Спокойно ждите приезда полиции.

My telegram would arrive only a few minutes before I do.

Телеграмма придет за несколько минут до моего приезда и разбудит ее.

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“Arrived” or “arrived”? The answer is «arrived». In the end, there is no irregular participle for the verb «to arrive». Therefore, use the word «arrive» in verbal phrases formed by the verbs “to have” or “haver”, as in “tinha arrived”, it is only justified in colloquial language. This is because, according to the cultured norm, the term “chego” can only be used to indicate the conjugation of the verb “to arrive” in the first person singular of the present tense, that is, “I arrive”.

Read too: Was there or was there?

Is “arrive” or “arrival” right?

According to the cultured norm, the regular participles they are used after the verbs “to have” or “haver”, such as “to have arrived” or “to have arrived”. already the irregular are used in the passive voice, after verbs such as “to be”, “to be”, “to stay”, among others. Thus, the word “arrived” is a regular participle (the one ending in “-ado” or “-ido”). The word “arrival”, at first, may seem to be an irregular participle.

However, constructions such as “it’s time for the moment” are not part of the linguistic structure of the Portuguese language. This is because “arrival” is not, in fact, an irregular participle. In addition, its use in the active voice, that is, after the verbs «have» and «haver» only occurs in the

colloquial language

. So, the use of «had arrived» is considered inappropriate in a formal context, that is, what is right is “arrived”.

The verb “to arrive” has only a regular participle.
The verb “to arrive” has only a regular participle.

Examples of use of «arrival»

The verb «to arrive» only presents participle regular.
Marian he hadarrived to work early to arrange contracts.
had arrived the moment to decide who would have the fate of the country in their hands.

if Juliet there wasarrived to the top of Everest, today I would not be an unknown.
I do not could havearrived so far were it not for the help of my friends.
All those who there werearrived to the border the day before.

Read too: Ratify and rectify — when to use each?

Examples of use of «arrive»

The use of «chego» is only justified in the conjugation of the verb «come» in the first person singular of the present tense.

Me I arrive to think that the population lacks common sense.
every time I arrive to the bus, she is sitting in my seat.

if I arrive late, he won’t forgive my lateness.
I believe that I I arrive there without your support.
When I arrive to the theater, I want the show to start.

participle verbs

Below are some examples of verbs in the participle. Notice that not allhave the regular form.


regular participle

irregular participle



Light up



To cover











To say


To elect






To involve











To do





To win



To spend



Print out








Paid out



Break up



To see


Come over


See too: See or come?

solved exercises

Question 01

Analyze the statements below and mark the alternative where the use of “arrived” or “arrived” is correct.

The) If I had arrived earlier, my parents wouldn’t have been fighting with me.

B) On Wednesdays, I arrive at my house around nine o’clock at night.

ç) He had arrived after the family tragedy had already happened.

d) Irina cursed me because I was late for her brother’s party.

and) He was close to a good lie and liked to deceive us all.


Alternative “b”.

In this case, the verb “chego” is used correctly, as it is inflected in the first person singular of the present tense.

Question 02

Read the statements below and mark the alternative in which the word “arrived” has the meaning of “having a predilection for”.

The) She had arrived with her arrogant way of being.

B) Leandro was my closest and oldest friend as well.

ç) Orlando is fond of a good dulce de leche and cheese.

d) My “arrival” knew how to walk around that city.

and) He was close to the minister and, therefore, is being investigated.


Alternative “c”.

The statement informs that Orlando likes, has a predilection for a good dulce de leche with cheese.

by Warley Souza
grammar teacher

Source: Brazil School —

So I rushed out, and the bus had just come, and when I got to the station, the train had just arrived, and I transferred at Dhoby Ghaut to the NEL, and the train had just arrived… ❋ J-gan (2007)

The term arrived in English from Provençal via French, and means «conceited» or «coy». ❋ Dodie Bellamy (2009)

Cesar Milstein arrived from the Argentine to join Fred Sanger soon afterwards. ❋ Unknown (1997)

The term arrived in English from Provençal via French, and means ❋ Unknown (2010)

The term arrived in English from Provençal via French, and means «conceited» or «coy» ❋ Unknown (2009)

And so the first day of the new term arrived, and Harry set off to lessons, weighed down with books, parchment, and quills as usual, but also with the lurking worry of the egg heavy in his stomach, as though he were carrying that around with him too. ❋ Rowling, J. K. (2000)

Once the name arrived, all kinds of things, seemingly random experiences and memories, gradually began to take a form that was congruent with who I was becoming, like finding a glove that fit my hand perfectly — a calling, a fusion of all the pieces of my life, a vocation: Pastor. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Indie dance is back, so is Balearic music, there’s talk of a grunge revival, and you can’t move for shoegazing, albeit under the guise of chillwave, a title arrived at after a lengthy, quarrelsome but ultimately successful meeting called to devise an even worse name for a genre than shoegazing. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This book did fine in hard cover but when our team saw Kelly’s viral video and taped an interview with here for online programming we knew that when the trade paper version of this title arrived we had a special opportunity to connect Kelly’s book with our customers. ❋ Unknown (2009)

So did Mr Dougal Kirkpatrick of PGS, and when my term arrived several years later, I lobbied the Commissioners of Police, the Prime Minister, the Office of the President and the Attorney General. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The quack doctor selling the bogus «Elixir of Love» of the title arrived driving a maroon and cream 50s convertible Cadillac, and even the supertitles were translated into 50s speak without changing their meaning one bit «Chicks dig a guy in uniform, daddy-o. ❋ Will (2006)

And we wonder how Darwin arrived at his conclusions. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Remember Palin arrived because the gop wanted to match the Democrats H. Clinton’s potential nomination. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Last night, I started reading another book which arrived from the library. ❋ Wendigomountain (2010)

After the 8: 30 train arrived — three hours late — he explained that it would leave immediately, but headed for Canasí. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The word catachresis arrived, through the Latin word of the same spelling, from the Greek katakhrēsis, excessive use, from katakhrēsthai, to misuse or use up. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«I’m [arriving]!»
«I’m about to arrive!»
«I just [arrived] on [Jamie’s] stomach.» ❋ Mr. Brown. (2008)

[Oh my], I may be arriving!
[Past tense]: Oh my, I think [I have arrived]! ❋ Miaku (2011)

Oh Sarah, she’s black [Nova Scotian]! Her family are arrivants, brought to [Nova Scotia] by the French [settlers] in 1638. ❋ SheIsScotian (2019)

«[Oh], that was [fantastic]. Did you [arrive], too?» ❋ Bettytron (2005)

[oh my] [i say] [im] about to arrive ❋ Angelsofsnow (2010)

1. I [arrived] from England [around 4]:30.
2. I arrived from GirlsGoneWild at about [11:00]. ❋ McKeigue (2009)

«Hey do you want to come to my [home-] [WOAHHH] I mean [arrive].»
«Hey do you wanna arrive to my house?» ❋ Touchington III (2023)

Its too [quiet]
even though i gave a [shout]
my arrival did not cause [a smile] ❋ Dia Spora (2019)

1) Yo! Don’ t lose your time with him! You are already an hour [tryin’ to] explain to him what happened and he seems like he just [arrived].
2) the arrived neighbors will kill him when he shows his face here [in the hood] again. ❋ William Warney (2010)

[My dad] was [driving] to [work], but was found Dead On Arrival. ❋ VivianVORTECKS (2010)

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


A little later the limousine arrived.

Вскоре, после того, как все собрались, лимузин также прибыл.

Since the moment I arrived everything was perfect.

С того момента, как я прибыл все было идеально.

By then, EG firefighters had arrived.

К тому моменту на место ЧП уже прибыли пожарные.

Two boats carrying 72 people arrived yesterday.

Последняя лодка на борту которой находилось 67 человек прибыла только два дня назад.

Police arrived quickly and arrested three people.

Полиция незамедлительно прибыла на место ограбления и арестовала трех человек.

When police arrived minutes later, Bing was dead.

Милиция прибыла спустя считанные минут, Егор к тому моменты уже был мертв.

India’s first consignment arrived in Chabahar in November 2017.

Первая партия пшеницы из Индии прибыла в Чабахар в ноябре 2017 года.

Darkseid arrived on Earth because Superman killed his…

Дарксайд прибыл на Землю, потому что Супермен убил его сына, Калибака.

John arrived after me, then Rick arrived.

Since you arrived say it your way.

С самого приезда вы говорите мне это на свой манер, не вслух.

Then summer arrived and other obligations.

Наступило наконец лето, а с ним пришли и новые заботы.

She and her boyfriend arrived as planned.

Таким образом, он и мальчики вернулись домой, как и было запланировано.

Until it arrived on your dinner table.

До тех пор, пока это не появилось бы на вашем обеденном столе.

It did not specify which airport she arrived at.

При этом у нас не было информации, в какой именно аэропорт она прилетает.

He held on for 15 minutes until help arrived.

Мальчишка простоял на нем около 15 минут, пока не подоспела помощь.

Nonetheless, we arrived at our destination.

Но тем не менее мы шли к своей цели.

The next day a ship arrived.

На следующий день за ними прилетел новый борт.

She usually arrived early and talked with fellow employees.

Она обычно приходила заранее, чтобы иметь возможность поговорить с коллегами.

Cooler weather has arrived, and many of us will…

Первые теплые деньки уже настали, и многие из нас вышли на…

Folks, the future has arrived.

Так что, господа, будущее уже наступило.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат arrived

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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What does the word arrived mean?

verb (used without object), ar·rived, ar·riv·ing. to come to a certain point in the course of travel; reach one’s destination: He finally arrived in Rome. to come to be near or present in time: The moment to act has arrived.

What is the part of speech for arrive?

The word arrived is a verb expressed in the past tense.

Which type of verb is arrived?

The verb arrive is never used with the preposition to: ✗ He meets them at an inn before they arrive to the house. ✓ He meets them at an inn before they arrive at the house….arrive ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

present tense
past tense arrived
past participle arrived

What kind of word is arrive?

What words rhyme with arrive?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
alive 100 Adjective
survive 100 Verb
strive 100 Verb
dive 100 Noun, Verb

What’s a word for getting someone’s attention?

What is another word for attract attention?

grandstand impress
be ostentatious make a splash
turn heads flaunt it
get noticed hot dog
draw attention to itself draw attention to oneself

What is the opposite word of awake?

Antonym of Awake

Word Antonym
Awake Asleep
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What’s the meaning of awaken?

transitive + intransitive. : awake He was awakened by a knock at the door. I awakened from a deep sleep. She awakened to the smell of bacon and eggs.

What is it called when you are awake?

slumberous. (or slumbrous), somnolent.

What is the opposite of absent?

Princeton’s WordNet. absentadjective. not being in a specified place. Antonyms: omnipresent, present, existing, existent, here(p), ever-present, attentive, attendant, naturally occurring, ubiquitous.

What is the opposite of polite?

Polite means showing regards for others in manners, speech, and behavior. The opposite of polite is rude.

How do you politely put someone in their place?

  1. 1 Ignore the Behavior. With any type of bad behavior, you have to ignore it when you want to put people in their place.
  2. 2 Maintain Indifference. There are some things you just can’t ignore, however.
  3. 3 Stand up for Your Opinions.
  4. 4 Never Act Impressed.
  5. 5 Confront the Behavior.
  6. 6 Assert Your Authority.
  7. 7 Ask “Why?” Incessantly.

When should you put someone in their place?

Put-someone-in-his-place meaning

  1. To put someone in his place is to say or do something that lets another person know he is not as special, powerful or important as he thinks he is.
  2. (idiomatic) Remind someone of his or her position.
  3. (idiomatic) To bring somebody down; to humble or rebuke.

What does it mean to put someone in there place?

phrase. If you put someone in their place, you show them that they are less important or clever than they think they are.

How can you tell if someone is pretentious?

Here a few signs that someone is pretentious:

  1. They believe that liking obscure hobbies or having eccentric interests makes them smart or special.
  2. They use long words or jargon because they think it makes them look intelligent or cultured.
  • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.

From the verb arrive: (⇒ conjugate)
arrived is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
v past
v past p

WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
arrive⇒ vi (reach destination) приезжать несов
    приехать сов
   (форм.) прибывать несов
   (форм.) прибыть сов
  My family will be waiting for me when I arrive.
  Моя семья будет меня встречать, когда я приеду.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

arrive [əˈraɪv]
vi (traveller) прибыва́ть (прибы́ть*perf)
(letter, news) приходи́ть*(прийти́*perf)
(baby) рожда́ться (роди́ться*perf)

arrive at vt fus (fig) приходи́ть*(прийти́*perf) к +dat

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

arrived‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word arrived, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use arrived in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «arrived».

Arrived in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word arrived in a sentence.

  1. It arrived there at 4 p.m.

  2. Our final day has arrived.

  3. The four judges arrived at St.

  4. The pair arrived on 28 August.

  5. He arrived in Cairo on 21 May.

  6. It arrived in the UK in August.

  7. A dentist arrived in March 1944.

  8. She arrived at Truk on 17 August.

  9. In 1971, his first foals arrived.

  10. Tindal had arrived to inspect No.

  11. H variant, and arrived in Spain on 6 December 1943.

  12. That afternoon the third group arrived at the camp.

  13. His group arrived, unexpectedly, at Montagu’s rear.

  14. The task force arrived at Pearl Harbor on 26 March.

  15. Volunteers arrived from Hungary, Italy and Estonia.

  16. A boat of dead horses, cats, cows, and other animals arrived daily at the island.

  17. In 1940, Ho arrived in Yunnan, which was a hotbed of both ICP and VNQDD activity.

  18. In 1935 he first arrived at Bimini, where he spent a considerable amount of time.

  19. A set of explosive lenses arrived on July 7, followed by a second set on July 10.

  20. On 14 June, Fusō returned to Yokosuka and arrived back at Hashirajima on 24 June.

  21. Around noon, General Henry Abbot arrived at President Street with a battalion of 99 to 114 engineers.

  22. After leaving Brest the army arrived at A Coruña, and went on to bring Galicia under English control.

  23. Gaulois arrived without further incident at Toulon on 16 April and entered drydock the following day.

  24. She arrived there on 16 December where the Papal Navy took her into service under the name San Paulo.

  25. When the English arrived at the river they discovered that the French had defended the ford strongly.

  26. Boué de Lapeyrère transferred his flag to Jean Bart’s newly arrived sister Paris on 11 September.

  27. Travelling via Athens, Port Said, Cairo and Aden, Albert Victor arrived in Bombay on 9 November 1889.

  28. The rest of the party, who had by then arrived in a hired coach and chaise, were similarly surprised.

  29. Firstly, he suggested the nuns had lied to him on their prioress’s orders from the moment he arrived.

  30. The committee decided to head for Odessa flying a red flag and arrived there later that day at 22:00.

  31. Apart from Flying Officer Butch, the witnesses were strangers; Kay arrived alone, and no-one from No.

  32. Mains electricity arrived on Shapinsay in the 1970s, when an underwater cable was laid from Kirkwall.

  33. The ship arrived at Sydney on 18 September and began a leisurely refit that lasted until 15 November.

  34. The next year, Italian imports arrived in the US, including three additional sire lines and two cows.

  35. In January 1978, Kerry arrived at Indiana University, studying theatre, drama and telecommunications.

  36. James Winchester arrived in Gibraltar on January 15, to enquire when Mary Celeste might be released to deliver her cargo.

  37. Tegetthoff arrived on 1 May and took command of the Austro-Prussian squadron, which departed for Cuxhaven two days later.

  38. The eleven Victorian players, accompanied by many acquaintances, both men and women, arrived in Launceston on 9 February.

  39. Mackintosh arrived in Australia in October 1914 to take up his duties, and was immediately faced with major difficulties.

  40. When Jeanne arrived in Paris to buy clothes for the wedding, she was taken ill and died on 9 June 1572, aged forty-three.

  41. In the meantime, a port construction and repair company arrived on 12 September and began the rehabilitation of the port.

  42. On 19 April Seraph set sail and arrived just off the coast of Huelva on 29 April after having been bombed twice en route.

  43. Schley arrived off Cienfuegos, on 22 May, and took several days to establish that Cervera’s ships were not in the harbor.

  44. Patton arrived at the hospital the same day, accompanied by a number of medical officers, as part of his tour of the U.S.

  45. Other members of the Holarctic clade arrived later in a separate migration from Asia, perhaps at the same time as humans.

  46. In June 1955 the Daily Express journalist and reviewer Nancy Spain, accompanied by her friend Lord Noel-Buxton, arrived uninvited at Piers Court and demanded an interview.

  47. The ships arrived in the new naval depot in Geestemünde in mid-July, by which time the Austro-Prussian War had broken out and had been decided at the Battle of Königgrätz.

  48. When the Spanish arrived, Postclassic cities in the highlands had markets in permanent plazas, with officials on hand to settle disputes, enforce rules, and collect taxes.

  49. On 21 November, Mary arrived in England and Nathaniel Crew, Bishop of Oxford, performed a brief Anglican service that did little more than recognise the marriage by proxy.

  50. Company E arrived at Binu about the same time and reported that they had caught a Japanese company crossing a river in the open and killed many of them before withdrawing.

General information about «arrived» example sentences

The example sentences for the word arrived that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «arrived» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «arrived».

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