How to use the word always in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word always, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use always in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «always».

Always in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word always in a sentence.

  1. He will always be with us.

  2. It is nearly always windy.

  3. As always, money was short.

  4. We will always be grateful ..

  5. Krazy Kat was always my goal.

  6. I always wanted to leave home.

  7. The piano is always true to me.

  8. I will always keep a home here.

  9. We always had a subtext of pop.

  10. I always felt like an outsider.

  11. Others have always been primarily meat-class sheep.

  12. However, black wasn’t always New Zealand’s colours.

  13. The crown did not always pass on to the eldest son.

  14. Making the diagnosis is not always straightforward.

  15. I always tell people to go back to the ’82 version.

  16. He has also been very kind to the elders, and his doors were always open to them.

  17. He had always been intrigued by it, you know; his mother died when he was twelve.

  18. But I shall always do what is necessary for the sake of the Jews in the ghetto.».

  19. Crichton later summarized his intellectual property legal cases: «I always win.».

  20. He formally adopted her in 1938, and she would always refer to him as her father.

  21. I always think of it like going into a scrapyard and building a car out of all the bits you can find.

  22. I always thought Maycomb folks were the best folks in the world, least that’s what they seemed like».

  23. I’ve had many, many offers to turn it into musicals, into TV or stage plays, but I’ve always refused.

  24. In turn, she was treated with unfailing respect and her position at Court and home was always secure.

  25. It dropped out of my head imperceptibly, but she and I shall always have a kindness for each other.».

  26. Moments before the assassination attempt, he explains to Squall that he always chokes under pressure.

  27. Hoshino said although Allen’s departure fits the series’ tragic theme, he would always have comrades.

  28. It almost always appears in lowercase in colloquial expressions such as «what on earth are you doing?

  29. On stamps, the name of the state has always been written in Irish and rarely also written in English.

  30. Our apartment was always cold, so I had a sweater on, plus I borrowed one of his big, bulky sweaters.

  31. Some appear to have been reluctant to take up lands in a kingdom that did not always appear pacified.

  32. The explorers frequently suffered from foot pains and diarrhea, and were always tired, cold, and wet.

  33. Puccini, who always sought to put local colour in his works, wanted that song to be in Roman dialect.

  34. Whenever provisions ran low, locals knew that they could always count of the generosity of Don Juan.».

  35. The national flag always precedes the Royal Union Flag, with the former occupying the place of honour.

  36. Discussing other classic horror characters, Sommers recalled that «Frankenstein made me said—I always felt sorry for him.

  37. Speaking of his former club, Bruce admitted that «Norwich put me on the map and I will always feel I owe them something».

  38. These efforts were not always successful, however, and several Church-run institutions were seized, as were church funds.

  39. Harding, always a party loyalist, supported Foraker in the complex internecine warfare that was Ohio Republican politics.

  40. Today’s world of texting and tweeting is quite a different place, but children are still the same as they’ve always been.

  41. Robyn Miller said: «I think it would be a detriment to always, for the rest of our lives, be creating Myst-like projects.

  42. The position was usually given to someone of great importance, who might not always be at the castle due to other duties.

  43. She remained in service throughout the interwar period, but was not always in full commission due to budget restrictions.

  44. This type of supernova may not always completely destroy the white dwarf progenitor and could leave behind a zombie star.

  45. Star formation is a complex process, which always produces a gaseous protoplanetary disk (proplyd) around the young star.

  46. CAPCOMs, the person in Mission Control responsible for communicating with the spacecraft (then always an astronaut) were Evans, Pogue, Stafford, Swigert, Young and Cernan.

  47. After the 1994–95 season, the NHL made it mandatory that one of the official Cup handlers always be present while the Cup is passed around among players in the off-season.

  48. The official definition of the light heavyweight division in Mexico is between 92 kg (203 lb) and 97 kg (214 lb), but the weight limits are not always strictly adhered to.

  49. According to Alfred Burton, who wrote about Bramhall in the late 19th century, the house has not always been in the present location, and was originally at Crow Holt Wood.

  50. In Round the Horne, as well as acting as link man, Horne also played other character roles in the film and melodrama spoofs, but always sounded exactly like Kenneth Horne.

Synonyms for always

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word always has the following synonyms: ever, e’er and forever.

General information about «always» example sentences

The example sentences for the word always that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «always» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «always».

Adverbs ever, never, often, seldom, just, as a rule, are placed before a semantic verb.
1. Before the verb. Adverbs always, often, seldom, ever, never, just, already, yet, usually, generally, sometimes, still, soon, once.

Where should you put yet in a sentence?

Yet is often a Present Perfect time marker and appears at the end of a sentence. In the negative clause, yet translates as «still», and in the interrogative clause — «already».

Where to put markers in Present Perfect?

Where to put markers in a sentence? Some Present Perfect adverbs have peculiarities of use. The most common Present Perfect markers “already” and “just” are used before the semantic verb and after “have / has”.

When is ever and never used?

Sentences in Present Perfect can be enhanced by the adverbs ever and never. The first is used in questions, the second in denials: Has Mary ever been to New Zealand? Yes, twice.

Where to put Usually?

Not all adverbs of frequency can appear at the end or at the beginning of a sentence. But always, usually and often, referring to adverbs of frequency with a positive meaning, are sometimes put at the end of a sentence. My neighbors go out in the evening, usually. — My neighbors usually go for a walk in the evening.

Where to put adverbs in English?

Usually adverbs in English are placed after verbs, but before adjectives, other adverbs or participles. For example: I slept well this night.

How to use the word Still?

Still is used to describe an unfinished action or situation that continues to the present, and is translated as «still, still». This is often the case for a situation that takes longer than expected. Notice the still position before the verb or adjective, not after.

When is Yet placed?

Yet is used in negative statements and questions and denotes the (not) period of time between the time up to the present moment and the present moment, (not) up to the present time. Yet usually appears at the end of a sentence.

When is ever set?

1. Adverbs ever, never, often, seldom, just, as a rule, are placed before a semantic verb.

What auxiliary words are used in Present Perfect?

Education Present Perfect

Present Perfect is formed using the auxiliary verb to have / has and the third form of the semantic verb (Past Participle). The third form of regular verbs is formed with the ending -ed, and for irregular verbs see the Irregular Verbs article.

Where to put Twice?

Adverbs once, twice, yet, still, now, soon, etc., expressing time and repetition, usually appear either at the very beginning or at the very end of a sentence.

What are the auxiliary words in Present Perfect?

Present Perfect tense is formed with the help of two verbs: the auxiliary have / has and the main verb in the 3rd form. Auxiliary verbs are not translated and change: has for he (he), she (she), it (it), and have for I (I), you (you, you), we (we), they (they).

When is Present Continuous used?

Present Continuous is used if the action takes place in the present, but not at a specific moment of speech. In this case, we want to show that the action is stretched out in time: it could have started both yesterday and two days ago, but now it continues and will continue for some time.

What does Ever mean at the end of a sentence?

Ever (pronounced «Eva» with an emphasis on «e») is a fashionable English word that means «ever» in Russian. The antonym of this word is «never», that is, «never.» Example: This is my favorite movie ever — «this is my favorite movie (of all I’ve ever watched).»

Use always in a sentence. How to use the word always in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word always.

Use Always in a Sentence - How to use "Always" in a sentence

Examples of always in a sentence

  1. Heredity always plays a part, but practice and training usually seem to be involved as well.
  2. She always wanted to be an actress, and I’m sure she’ll get her wish.
  3. It’s so boring that I always try to give it a wide margin at parties.
  4. The manager made sure that the office environment always remained formal.
  5. You can always rely on her to provide comic relief at a boring party.
  6. Immobilized in a straitjacket, he curses women, who have always dominated him, and dies of a stroke.
  7. Abortion has always been a divisive issue.
  8. I had always been a pariah, unwanted and lonely.
  9. “EDEN PRINK” Deng clothing brand since its inception, always adhere to the “leisure life, arts, fashion”, design style.
  10. Silver birch bracelets are always very straight.
  11. I have always liked puzzles since I was a child. I like party games, silly games. I loved chess. I like puzzles, but I’m not particularly visual …
  12. Ticino has always maintained a low profile, although it has a picturesque landscape.
  13. The balance between creativity and the entrepreneurial skills needed to manage operations without problems would in fact always elude the couple.
  14. Where there were sentimental witnesses, the old, the ugly and the inept always came out better.
  15. The book is sometimes misleading, but it is always a good company.
  16. She had a lovely sweet voice, and always had to sing without piano accompaniment, because only she knew the songs.
  17. The discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it theirs is, and always has been, the most convincing reason to visit.
  18. His prose is always lucid and convincing.
  19. There has always been strong support for euthanasia in the ACT.
  20. We cannot penetrate into the minds of men, and we cannot always believe their words; but their actions are open to observation and speak more truly than their lips.

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Наречие — это часть речи, которая обозначает признак действия и описывает где, когда и как это действие совершается. Often, usually и always относятся к наречиям частотности и отвечают на вопрос «Как часто?». Где ставятся often, usually и always в предложении — рассмотрим ниже.

В английском различают наречия места, времени, образа действия, меры и степени, наречия частоты действия и наречия-вопросительные слова. Оften, usually и always относятся к наречиям частоты действия или иначе частотности — Adverbs of Frequency, но не являются единственными представителями этой группы.

Примеры наречий частоты действия:


Это далеко не все существующие Adverbs of Frequency, их великое множество. Условно их можно разделить на наречия определенной частоты (definite frequency) и наречия неопределенной частоты (indefinite frequency). Наречия обеих групп отвечают на один и тот же вопрос: «How often?».

Наречия определенной частоты действия:

  • Daily — ежедневно
  • Annually — ежегодно
  • Every day / hour / month / year — каждый день / час / месяц / год
  • Once a week / month / year etc. — раз в неделю / месяц / год и т.д.

На группе наречий неопределенной частоты действия остановимся подробнее, поскольку оften, usually и always представляют именно эту группу. Наиболее распространенные наречия неопределенной частоты иногда представляют в виде шкалы, на которой ярко видна разница между ними. Частота выполнения действия представлена в процентном соотношении.


При использовании этих наречий в речи большую роль играет субъективное мнение говорящего: для кого-то «часто» — это три раза в день, а для кого-то — три раза в месяц.

Наречия частоты действия, в том числе,  оften, usually и always, относятся к временным маркерам Present Simple. Простое настоящее время связано с периодичностью, регулярностью или постоянством. Соответственно, сходно и значение его маркеров-наречий частотности.

Оften, usually и always в утверждениях, отрицаниях и вопросах


По общему правилу, если сказуемое выражено одиночным смысловым глаголом, то наречие частоты следует поставить перед глаголом.

He often visited us. — Он часто нас посещал.

I usually drink tea in the morning. — Я обычно пью чай по утрам.


В вопросах наречия частоты также занимают место в середине предложения, после подлежащего.

Did he usually have tea for breakfast? — Он всегда пил чай на завтрак?

Также наречия неопределенной частоты употребляются в коротких ответах на вопросы перед вспомогательным глаголом, когда говорящий соглашается или не соглашается со сказанным ранее.

Mary is depressed again. — Oh, she always is.

Мэри опять расстроена. — Она всегда такая.

Tom talks only about himself. — Yes, he always does.

Том говорит только о себе. — Да, он всегда так делает.

Must he always come here at 8 o’clock? — Yes, he always must.

Он всегда должен приходить сюда в восемь часов? — Да, всегда.


Что касается отрицаний, то частица not обычно ставится перед наречиями частоты.

I do not usually go to the gym. — Обычно я не хожу в спортзал.

They are not always very friendly. — Они не всегда дружелюбные.

Таким образом, наиболее типичное место наречия частоты в предложении — до или после глагола в середине высказывания.

Место оften, usually, always в предложении до и после глагола

  • В утверждениях наречия частоты чаще всего занимают место в середине предложения, после вспомогательного глагола (если он есть) и перед смысловым.

Не always comes early. — Он всегда приходит рано.

Не often goes there. — Он часто ходит туда.

I usually get up at seven o’clock. — Я обычно встаю в семь часов.

  • Если в предложении единственный глагол — to be, то наречие частоты должно стоять после него

She is always happy to help us. — Она всегда рада помочь нам.

Не is always here at five o’clock. — Он всегда здесь в пять часов.

He is usually at home in the morning. — С утра он обычно дома.

  • Если в предложении есть вспомогательный (am, is, are, have, has, will) или модальный глагол (can, may, must, should), то наречие частоты находится после этого глагола.

You can usually find him in his office. — Его обычно можно найти у себя в кабинете.

I will always love you. — Я всегда буду любить тебя.

I don’t often go to parties. — Я не часто хожу на вечеринки.

Parents can’t always be around. — Родители не могут всегда быть рядом.

Birds don’t always fly south in October. — Птицы не всегда улетают на юг в октябре.

Место оften, usually, always в предложении: в конце или в начале?

Не все наречия частоты могут стоять в конце или в начале предложения. Но always, usually и often, относящиеся к наречиям частотности с положительным значением, иногда ставят в конец предложения.

My neighbours go out in the evening, usually. — Мои соседи обычно ходят гулять вечером.

Does he call you often? — Он часто тебе звонит?

He doesn’t call me very often. — Он не очень часто мне звонит.

Наречия частоты always и never часто стоят в начале повелительных предложений.

Always tell the truth. — Всегда говори правду.

Table of Contents

  1. How do you use always in a sentence?
  2. Where do you put always?
  3. What is always grammar?
  4. What do always mean?
  5. Is always a proper word?
  6. What does like always mean?
  7. What part of speech is never?
  8. What is the parts of speech of frugality?
  9. What part of speech is calmly?
  10. What is the parts of speech of yet?
  11. Which part of speech is more?
  12. How much is which parts of speech?
  13. What is a part of speech mean?
  14. What is the parts of speech many?
  15. What is the verb of this sentence?

Always sentence example

  1. You’ve always taken care of us.
  2. You always did have a high opinion of yourself.
  3. “She always makes our clothes,” Felipa said.
  4. So there was always plenty of food.
  5. Our “strong ties”—family, close friends and the like—we can always count on, but they are relatively few.

Where do you put always?

Always is an adverb of frequency, like never, often, frequently, and usually. In simple tenses, it usually goes after the verb “to be”: She is always on time. She was always on time. With other verbs, it usually comes just before the verb: She always runs before breakfast.

What is always grammar?

We use always to say that something will never end. I’ll always remember the first time I met her. Always is usually before the main verb, after an auxiliary or modal verb, or after the verb be.

What do always mean?

1 : at all times : invariably always smiling. 2 : forever will love you always.

Is always a proper word?

Always and alway are easy to mistype, but only one of them is correct. Both words are adverbs that mean forever, continually, perpetually.

What does like always mean?

‘Always’ means ‘every time’ ‘usual’ means, most every time. 90%. ‘like’ means ‘a time you remember’ = 1+

What part of speech is never?

At no time.

What is the parts of speech of frugality?


What part of speech is calmly?


What is the parts of speech of yet?

Yet is an adverb or conjunction.

Which part of speech is more?

MORE (adverb, determiner, pronoun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

How much is which parts of speech?

Much is used as an adjective or adverb, but it always means a large quantity, extent, or degree.

What is a part of speech mean?

: a traditional class of words (such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs) distinguished according to the kind of idea denoted and the function performed in a sentence.

What is the parts of speech many?

MANY (adverb, determiner, predeterminer, pronoun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is the verb of this sentence?

A verb is the action or state of being in a sentence. Verbs can be expressed in different tenses, depending on when the action is being performed. Example: Jennifer walked to the store. In this sentence, walked is the verb that shows an action.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are quick low carb dinner recipes?

These quick low carb dinner recipes are perfect for easy and healthy family meals. I f you’re trying to cut carbs while feeding a family, these quick low carb recipes are the answer! From garlic butter steak bites and zucchini noodles to sausage and cauliflower rice skillet, these low carb dinner recipes are all ready in 30 minutes or less.

How to cook low carb meals?

Cooking low carb meals doesn’t have to be a chore because low-carbohydrates ingredients such as zucchini noodles, asparagus, or cauliflower cook as quick as regular pasta or potatoes. If you’re considering a low-carb diet lifestyle, just check this huge selection of fast low-carb recipes and pick your fave to add to your weekly meals rotation.

How many low carb recipes are there?

We offer 1,322 nutritionally approved and tested low carb recipes that are easy to follow, created by some of the most loved low carb cookbook authors, chefs, and dietitians from around the world. The Diet Doctor recipe team’s mission is to provide you with the most delicious recipes and meal plans that will empower you to improve your health.

What can i eat on a low carb diet for breakfast?

From hearty soups, to flaky fish, savory kabobs and loaded breakfast casseroles, these healthy recipes (for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!) will fuel your low-carb life. If you’re just starting a low carb or keto-friendly diet, don’t get discouraged by what you can’t eat.

/ September 30, 2019/ Usage

always versus all ways

What’s the Difference Between Always and All Ways?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Always and All Ways?
  • 2 Using Always in a Sentence
  • 3 Using All Ways in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Always vs. All Ways
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Always vs. All Ways
  • 7 Article Summary

Always and all ways sound exactly the same, with the exception of all ways usually having a slight pause between the words. However, their definitions are different, which means these two terms cannot be interchanged.

Always is an adverb that means all the time.

  • I always read for an hour before going to bed.

All ways is an adjective paired with a plural noun. It means in all manners.

  • All ways of traveling have their benefits as well as their disadvantages.

Now, let’s go over a few ways to use these words in English.

Using Always in a Sentence

When to use always: Use always to describe an action that is true all of the time, or very frequently and habitually.

For example,

  • The tide is always coming in or going out.
  • The family’s dog always sleeps at the top of the stairs.

There are many idioms and expressions that use always. A few of these include those below:

  • bread always falls on the buttered side: if a problem comes up it usually turns out in the worst way
    • Of course the one time I tripped I fell on a rusty nail and got tetanus. Bread always falls on the buttered side.
  • the customer is always right: the customer knows what he or she wants
    • I know the chef recommends that steaks be ordered medium rare, but I like my steak cooked well-done. Remember that the customer is always right.
  • my door is always open: you are always welcome to come visit me
    • I’m so glad you came over! Anytime that you feel like talking, please feel free to come see me. My door is always open!
  • the grass is always greener on the other side: things always seem better for other people than for you
    • I know you think Shelly is so perfect, and that your life is boring, but the grass is always greener on the other side. Shelly thinks the same thing about you.
  • a bully is always a coward: a person who mistreats others only to gain power is not brave
    • Don’t be scared of Timmy just because he says mean things. A bully is always a coward. If you stand up to him he will stop bothering you.

Always originated in the 1300’s and comes from the meaning all the way in respect to time.

Using All Ways in a Sentence

When to use all ways: All ways is a two word expression. All is an adjective that means each or every. Ways is a plural noun that means methods, manners, or techniques. It is the same as all the ways.

For example,

  • I tried learning Portuguese in all ways, but none of them seemed to help me succeed.
  • The two twins are opposites in all ways except their appearance.

The expression all ways is almost always preceded by the preposition in.

Remembering Always vs. All Ways

One way to remember the difference between always and all ways is to take advantage of the fact that all ways is two words. Try inserting the word the, or possible, between all and ways whenever you aren’t sure which term you need. If your sentence still makes sense, then use all ways. For example, my two dogs are the same in all the ways or the two singers are equal in all possible ways make sense, so you know to use all ways instead of always in each of them.

Outside Examples

  • “We moved from Atlanta in March 2013 and absolutely loved Denver! It was always our dream to move there, and it totally lived up to it. –Denver Post
  • “I think it’s a good deal because the whole Husker nation is pretty much behind this,” Rodgers said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. “We’ve always wanted someone with Nebraska ties as far as coaching was concerned, ever since they let Frank (Solich) go.” –Chicago Sun Times
  • K. Business Secretary Sajid Javid said the steel industry is “absolutely vital” for the U.K. and the government is ready to look at all ways it could provide commercial support to secure the long-term future of the industry. –The Wall Street Journal
  • “Of course the Venus flytrap is smarter and more advanced in all ways” than the new device says Arri Priimägi of Finland’s Tampere University of Technology, a member of the team that built the artificial flytrap. –USA Today

Quiz: Always vs. All Ways

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either always or all ways.

  • If you want to attend a great university, you must ______________ study hard and participate in extracurricular activities.
  • She tries her best in _________________ possible.
  • I never drink milk from a cow. I ___________ drink soy milk.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use always or all ways? These words sound alike, but their meanings differ. Therefore, be aware of the different definitions for each so you don’t confuse one with the other.

  • Always is an adverb that means perpetually or frequently and repetitively.
  • All ways is an expression that means in every way or with all methods.

Despite the fact that both always and all ways use all in the sense of every, you must not confuse the two.


  • always
  • all ways
  • always

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