How to use the word actions in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word actions, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use actions in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «actions».

Actions in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word actions in a sentence.

  1. Many attacked the BOI’s actions.

  2. She later described her actions:.

  3. More actions took place on the 14th.

  4. He displayed no remorse for his actions.

  5. He expresses no remorse for these actions.

  6. Dunmore’s actions outraged many Virginians.

  7. Several actions make up preening behaviour.

  8. As he dies, Olly apologizes for his actions.

  9. Villani’s actions are explained by Richard H.

  10. We were held accountable for their actions.».

  11. Brezhnev backed down as a result of Nixon’s actions.

  12. Chávez enjoyed some popular support for his actions.

  13. Nevertheless, the president had trust in her actions.

  14. Landis’s documented actions on race are inconsistent.

  15. He was titled the «Hibernian patriot» for his actions.

  16. General Korrd orders Klaa to stand down and to apologise to Kirk for his actions.

  17. Brockway arrives, apologizes for his previous actions, and repents of his racism.

  18. His mother told the Ladies’ Home Journal she could not condone her son’s actions.

  19. These actions roused Robert Goulden’s ire and the mood in the house became tense.

  20. A governor could take various actions without permission from the imperial court.

  21. In the bedroom scene, both the negative and positive actions of the Lady are motivated by her desire.

  22. He was awarded the Silver Star and the Combat Infantryman Badge for his actions during the encounter.

  23. Many Maya stelae depict only the king of the city, and describe his actions with hieroglyphic script.

  24. Victory requires the player to either destroy the opposition, or on occasion perform special actions.

  25. Players have access to seven eras of the game world’s history, and past actions affect future events.

  26. This was after most of the major actions conducted by the German battlecruiser force had taken place.

  27. Elephants can exhibit bouts of aggressive behaviour and engage in destructive actions against humans.

  28. Indian cavalry participated in actions on both the Western and Palestinian fronts throughout the war.

  29. Awarded the Navy Cross (America’s second highest decoration) for their actions, the trio paid dearly.

  30. Fighting was limited to patrol actions in the intervening period during which time the defending U.S.

  31. He authorized landowners to take any actions they wished against their workers, including executions.

  32. Hall voted in favour of the supply bills being passed, and objected to the federal Liberals’ actions.

  33. He did so in the face of conservative and corporate critics who viewed these actions as tax increases.

  34. Senior surgeon Haylen Breslauer (Maria del Mar) directs Maxwell’s actions as his boss and best friend.

  35. On 31 July, Leak was recommended for the award of the Victoria Cross (VC) for his actions at Pozières.

  36. Taft was generally slow to act, and when he did, his actions often generated enemies, as in the Ballinger–Pinchot affair.

  37. Computer Gaming World, for example, complained about having to hunt for the small hotspots that allowed actions to occur.

  38. Williams used «dark» orchestral pieces to represent the actions of the Nazis, using a «seventh degree on a bottom scale».

  39. They were ruled as sixes in any case and some thought Chester’s actions to be more for theatrical than umpiring purposes.

  40. The majority of the legal actions began in 1798 and 1799, and went to trial on the eve of the 1800 presidential election.

  41. Southern violence, on the other hand, took the form of individual incidents of lynchings and other extrajudicial actions.

  42. Under Clarke’s questioning Williams confirmed that he had seen no actions by Gordon-Cumming that he considered as unfair.

  43. Egar’s actions also ignited «one of the most emotional crowd displays in Test history», as the public backed the paceman.

  44. In response to their actions, he ordered Smith and Carlos suspended from the US team and banned from the Olympic Village.

  45. Phan again protested the regents’ actions and was briefly imprisoned by Thuyet, before being exiled to his home province.

  46. By contrast, the Mahabharata mentions two sons: Sharadvan, born with arrows in his hand, and Chirakari, whose extensive brooding over his actions leads to procrastination.

  47. The Chancellor was held responsible for the actions of officials he recommended and appointed, yet he could also punish inadequate officials without the emperor’s consent.

  48. Details concerning specific campaigns during the war, especially regarding battle formations and actions during the Battle of Chancellorsville, have been noted by critics.

  49. For many years supporters’ groups had urged him to resign, though the actions including two «Ellis out» protests, and an «Ellis out» march marked an increase in intensity.

  50. Such actions led to Serb peasants leaving their villages to seek safety in more remote areas, and Muslim villagers became increasingly nervous about their Serb neighbours.

General information about «actions» example sentences

The example sentences for the word actions that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «actions» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «actions».

Asked by: Ettie Larson

Score: 4.7/5
(41 votes)

Action sentence example

  1. This book is a call to action , not complacency. …
  2. She turned away, embarrassed by the rush of excitement the action had triggered. …
  3. He slapped the team into action and they headed for town at a more leisurely pace.

How do you use the word action in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] Western leaders condemned the action. ( …
  2. [S] [T] Actions are more important than words. ( …
  3. [S] [T] His brave action is worthy of a medal. ( …
  4. [S] [T] I won’t be responsible for my actions. ( …
  5. [S] [T] The president wanted immediate action. ( …
  6. [S] [T] Tokyo wasted no time in taking action. (

What is an action sentence example?

When using action verbs, the sentence structure will be Subject > Action Verb > The rest of the sentence. Examples: Mike is shooting the ball now. The action verb is shooting and it describes what Mike is doing.

What are some examples of action words?

Some examples of action verbs include:

  • Play.
  • Jump.
  • Eat.
  • Work.
  • Study.
  • Drive.
  • Walk.
  • Write.

What are the 20 action verbs?

20 action words with sentences

  • eat.
  • catch.
  • sleep.
  • write.
  • read,
  • listen.
  • cook.
  • run.

39 related questions found

What is a good example of an action verb?

An action verb is a verb that describes an action, like run, jump, kick, eat, break, cry, smile, or think.

What is action and example?

The definition of an action is something that is done or performed. Performing a skit and baking a cake are each an example of an action. noun.

What are verb give 10 examples?

What are verb give 10 examples?

  • Anthony is throwing the football.
  • She accepted the job offer.
  • He thought about his stupid mistake in the test.
  • John visited his friend for a while and then went home.
  • The dog ran across the yard.
  • She left in a hurry.
  • She yelled when she hit her toe.
  • The cat sat by the window.

What is a verb give 5 examples?

These verbs include: start, leave, change, live, stop. Auxiliary verbs are also known as helping verbs and are used together with a main verb to show the verb’s tense or to form a question or negative. Common examples of auxiliary verbs include have, might, will.

What does taking action mean?

: to do something : to act in order to get a particular result The committee is ready to take action.

What is a verb and examples?

Verbs have traditionally been defined as words that show action or state of being. Verbs can also sometimes be recognized by their position in a sentence. … For example, the suffixes -ify, -ize, -ate, or -en usually signify that a word is a verb, as in typify, characterize, irrigate, and sweeten.

What is a verb give two example?

Verb is a part of speech that expresses an action, existence or a state of being. Example: — «Rahul speaks English.» Rahul is the subject and speaks is the verb. Therefore, we can say that verbs are words that tell us what a subject does or is. They describe: Action (Ram plays football.)

What is a verb for kids?

A verb is a word that conveys ACTION, OCCURRENCE, or STATE OF BEING. Verbs are needed to form complete sentences or questions. In a sentence, a verb works as the main component of the predicate, the part of a sentence that indicates what the subject (person or thing) is or does.

What are the 12 types of verbs?

Following are the different types of verbs.

  • Regular Verb.
  • Irregular Verb.
  • Linking Verb.
  • Transitive Verb.
  • Intransitive Verb.
  • Finite Verb.
  • Infinitive Verb.

What is the action?

Action, act, deed mean something done. Action applies especially to the doing, act to the result of the doing. An action usually lasts through some time and consists of more than one act: to take action on a petition. An act is single: an act of kindness.

What is an action noun?

: a noun denoting action (such as belief, inspection, arrival) —sometimes used to include verbal nouns (such as the infinitive to believe or the gerund believing)

What is literary action?

Action as a literary mode

«Action is the mode [that] fiction writers use to show what is happening at any given moment in the story,» states Evan Marshall, who identifies five fiction-writing modes: action, summary, dialogue, feelings/thoughts, and background.

How do you identify an action verb in a sentence?

To determine if a word is an action verb, look at the sentence and ask yourself if the word shows something someone can do or something someone can be or feel. If it is something they can do, then it is an action verb (if it is something they can be or feel, it is a non-action, or stative, verb).

What is an active verb example?

An active verb is a word that basically show an action within a sentence.An example: Charlotte talks for an incredibly long time. the active verb here would be talks; as talking is something that Charlotte can do. Basically, active verbs express something that a person, animal, or object can do.

What is verb example with sentence?

Main verbs or action verbs are used to express action; something that an animal, a person or a thing does. In each of the following sentences, we only have a main verb. The sun shines. The horse neighs.

What is verb and noun?

Take a look at the words and decide if they are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Noun: a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality e.g.’nurse’, ‘cat’, ‘party’, ‘oil’ and ‘poverty’. Verb: a word or phrase that describes an action, condition or experience e.g. ‘run’, ‘look’ and ‘feel’.

What is verb in English grammar?

A verb is a kind of word (part of speech) that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every sentence has a verb. … There are sixteen verbs used in Basic English. They are: be, do, have, come, go, see, seem, give, take, keep, make, put, send, say, let, get.

How do you use the word action in a sentence?

What is an example of the word action? The definition of an action is something that is done or performed. Performing a skit and baking a cake are each an example of an action.

What is an action or process? noun. the process of doing something, especially in order to stop a bad situation from developing or continuing.

What are two action words examples? Verbs to Express Action

Action words, or action verbs, simply express an action. The action is something the subject of the sentence or clause is doing and includes sleeping, sitting, and napping—so even though there is no movement, there is still an action. Other examples are: Crawl.

What are action words in a resume?

Resume action words , also called resume power words, are words you should use in your resume to describe your professional skills, tasks, and achievements at work in a short and powerful way. Typically, they are action verbs but adjectives and some buzzwords are also considered good words for resumes.

What take action means?

: to do something : to act in order to get a particular result The committee is ready to take action.

What is a person who takes action?

See synonyms for: doer / doers on High School Level. noun. a person or thing that does something, especially a person who gets things done with vigor and efficiency. a person characterized by action, as distinguished from one given to contemplation.

What is process and example?

The definition of a process is the actions happening while something is happening or being done. An example of process is the steps taken by someone to clean a kitchen. An example of process is a collection of action items to be decided on by government committees.

What is called process?

Process, procedure, proceeding apply to something that goes on or takes place. A process is a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end is attained: a chemical process. Procedure usually implies a formal or set order of doing a thing, a method of conducting affairs: parliamentary procedure.

What is process simple words?

A process is a series of stages in time where the last stage is the product, result or goal. It is a course of action, or a procedure, to achieve a result, or an end-product. The sequence from start to finish is the plan. A plan may be written, or programmed, or just held in the mind.

What is action verb and examples?

An action verb is a verb that expresses physical or mental action. The action verb tells us what the subject of our clause or sentence is doing-physically or mentally. Examples of action verbs in a sentence: Marie walked to school. Walked tells us what Marie was doing.

What is verb and give some examples?

A verb is the action or state of being in a sentence. It happened in the past, so it is a past-tense verb. Example: You were a great singer. In this sentence, the verb is “were.” It shows a state of being that was in the past, so it is a past tense verb. Example: After lunch, I will call my mother.

Is looking an action word?

For example, ran, swim, jump, move, look, and catch are all action verbs.

Is drink an action word?

“Drink” is an action verb.

Why are action words used in resumes?

Action verbs help to create an impact when you’re delivering information to another reader. The action verbs give the reader a clear understanding of what is happening. When used within a resume or cover letter, action verbs help the application package stand out from other submissions.

Does action or take action?

Senior Member. Taking action is doing something; taking an action is doing some specific thing, which you should probably mention explicitly.

What does it mean to action something?

Action, act, deed mean something done. Action applies especially to the doing, act to the result of the doing. An action usually lasts through some time and consists of more than one act: to take action on a petition.

What is it called when someone takes initiative?

A particularly enterprising person is sometimes called a go-getter.

How do you describe a person who gets things done?

The adjective proactive can describe a person who gets things done. If you are proactive, you make things happen, instead of waiting for them to happen to you. Active means “doing something.” The prefix pro- means “before.” So if you are proactive, you are ready before something happens.

What do you call someone who takes action right away?

If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through. When you call the person you have a crush on after promising yourself all day to maintain an air of dignified reserve, that’s impulsive behavior.

What is process and its types?

A process is basically a program in execution. The execution of a process must progress in a sequential fashion. A process is defined as an entity which represents the basic unit of work to be implemented in the system.

What are the 3 parts of a process essay?

The process essay is writing that explains how to do something or how something works by giving a step-by-step explanation. There are three keys to a process essay: present the essential steps in the process, explain the steps in detail, and present the steps in logical order (usually chronological).

What is the correct way to pronounce process?

Although the pronunciation for process with a long (o), (prō′sĕs′), is more usual in British and Canadian English, it is an acceptable variant in American English. Webster’s Second International lists it as a third-choice pronunciation.

How is a process created?

Process creation is achieved through the fork() system call. The newly created process is called the child process and the process that initiated it (or the process when execution is started) is called the parent process. h> pid_t fork(void); Creates the child process.

What is a process step?

A process is a series of steps and decisions involved in the way work is completed. We may not realize it, but processes are everywhere and in every aspect of our leisure and work. A few examples of processes might include: Preparing breakfast. Placing an order.

action (n): the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty

Use “action” in a sentence

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action“.
Prompt action is necessary.
She begins to explain her plan of action to the group.
I don’t think you fully understand the consequences of your action.
He plans on taking legal action against the company.
This action is absolutely unnecessary and useless.
He is a man of action.
I take full responsibility for my actions.

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  • Use the word ACTIONS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Your actions in Afghanistan were admirable.

In holly books they founded confirmation of their near ending, because of their actions.

Your unbridled passion compels me to actions I condemn!


Due to Mr. Harber’s actions, hundreds of thousands lost their money in the stock market in London.

I got a crack in the head and they gave me a certificate stating, «Josef Hamacher is periodically… not responsible for his actions

Ha, yes, but actions speak louder than words.

in which the patient is no longer either conscious of or responsible for their actions.

We know that under the influence of a very strong emotion, an individual can act without being aware of their actions.

actions the individual do not remember at all when she regains her normal mental state.

As anyone who has studied modern psychology knows, a person with a high sensitivity can under strong stress, here explainable considering that the prisoner is an actor, end up in situations in which they are no longer conscious of their actions.

I’ll test him and take responsibility for his actions.

The instincts of the moment drive the murderer’s actions.

It is precisely the nature of compulsion that relieves him of responsibility for his actions!

I’ll answer to god for my actions, not to you, young lady.

We may control our actions, but not our impulses.

I have a theory that nobody is responsible for their actions.

Therefore, nobody can be held responsible for his actions.

Inspector, we’ve traced the murder victim’s actions up until 6:10 on the evening of the murder.


Now is the time for new, definite actions.

They start charming actions after they prepare arrangements for some companies.

I am not in the habit of accounting for my actions to anyone, least of all to my children.

I don’t think I should allow anyone… to dictate my actions.

«His actions are graceful, all the girls he does please

«Daring young man on the flying trapeze His actions are graceful


Now, thanks to the decisive actions of the detachment and its commander, the enemy’s been beaten off and made to flee.

actions speak louder than words.

And as you know, in my country, Sir Charles friendship can be claimed by friendly actions alone.

Hendrickje Stoffels… your life and actions, being such as to offend against the… public decency of excommunication upon you.

As laid down in the Act of William the Fourth, where an act is defined as any activity actuated by actual actions.

You think others all do not know your actions

actions speak louder than French.

I have given you a complete account of my actions.

They warned me that my actions would be mercilessly crushed that I would be destroyed.

What right have you to keep Rhoda’s actions a secret from me?

You must have known you were doing something wrong when you deliberately concealed Rhoda’s actions from me.

I figure actions count a lot more than words.

To draw the attention of the applicants on the consequences of their actions.

Were you or were you not in full realization of the consequences of your actions?

Certainly I was aware of the consequences of my actions but not of the extent and the far-reaching possibility of those consequences.

I’ll assume every responsibility for her actions.

Dr. Flagg, it is not within my rights to prescribe your duties to you but I can warn you that unless these experiments are confined to your laboratory I will hold you responsible for Miss Cooper’s actions.

Just remember, Judge Travers is holding you responsible for my actions.

I believe our young friend premeditated his actions.

You justify these actions, which I consider to be rebellious, with words that I don’t understand.

Your own actions have proved that you are the murderer.

It seems my opinion doesn’t count and I can’t judge my own actions.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Dr. Melvin Glover V

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Hsieh is actioning much better in this tournament. This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Community feedback and genuine actioning is critical for the success of the project to be able to deliver a healthy ecosystem.

What does the word actioning mean?

/ˈæk.ʃən/ to do something to deal with a particular problem or matter: I’ll just run through the minutes of the last meeting, raising those points that still have to be actioned. Dealing with things or people.

What is a good sentence for used?

Used sentence example. Frank is a very nervous dog who isn’t used to being left alone. We used to be so close. Used motorcycles and scooters are on sale.

Will get used to examples?

We use get used to to talk about the process of becoming familiar with something. I’m finding this new job hard but I’m sure I’ll get used to it soon. It took my mother years to get used to living in London after moving from Pakistan. I’m getting used to the noise now.

What is a word for put into action?

verbwork with; consume. accept. adopt. apply. avail oneself of.

26 related questions found

What does it mean attaining?

to reach, achieve, or accomplish; gain; obtain: to attain one’s goals. to come to or arrive at, especially after some labor or tedium; reach: to attain the age of 96; to attain the mountain peak. to arrive at or succeed in reaching or obtaining something (usually followed byto or unto): to attain to knowledge.

Who created actioning?

It was devised and developed by the Joint Stock Theatre Company in the late 1970s under the direction of Bill Gaskill and Max Stafford-Clark, largely in order to empower the actor to serve the play and the production by making clear and simple choices on each line of the text.

How do you write a monologue action?

Here are some exercises to try:

  1. Speak the monologue aloud in a neutral tone. Then speak just the action words you’ve created. When you speak the action words, do it as if you are making that action with your voice. …
  2. Speak the monologue aloud in a neutral tone. Create a physical action for each of your action words.

Is actioned a verb?

Strictly speaking action or actioned as a verb is transitive, it therefore needs an object associated with it.

What does it mean to covet someone?

1 : to wish for earnestly covet an award. 2 : to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably The king’s brother coveted the throne. intransitive verb. : to feel inordinate desire for what belongs to another.

How do you say take action?

take action

  1. arrive.
  2. chip in.
  3. come.
  4. enter.
  5. intercede.
  6. interfere.
  7. intermediate.
  8. interpose.

What take action means?

: to do something : to act in order to get a particular result The committee is ready to take action.

How do you start an action?

  1. Stop, get up, and do it. Turn yourself into a doer. …
  2. Stop over-thinking things. When we over-think things, we start to get paralysis of analysis. …
  3. Take continuous action. Once you get started, continue to take continuous action. …
  4. Use your action to overcome fear. …
  5. Focus on the present. …
  6. Eliminate the distractions.

How do you turn ideas into action?

Its purpose is to help you not only improve your brainstorming, but also to help you put your ideas into action.

  1. Define the problem and solution space. …
  2. Break the problem down. …
  3. Make the problem personal. …
  4. Seek the perspectives of outsiders. …
  5. Diverge before you converge.

Is put into action?

Definition of ‘put sth into action’

If you put an idea or policy into action, you begin to use it or cause it to operate. They have learned the lessons of business management theory, and put them into action.

What’s another way to say put into?

put into

  • proposed.
  • admitted.
  • entered.
  • inserted.
  • instituted.
  • originated.
  • sponsored.
  • brought into.

Is used to example?

For example: I used to have long hair (but now I have short hair). He used to smoke (but now he doesn’t smoke). They used to live in India (but now they live in Germany).

Would use to used to?

But we use ‘used to’ for any extended action or situation in the past. ‘Would’ is only good for actions or situations that were repeated many times; ‘Used to’ is good for any action or situation that continued for a period of time in the past, including repeated actions or situations.

Is Used to be correct grammar?

Because the d and t sounds in used to are blended into a single consonant in speech, people sometimes get confused about the spelling of the phrase. It may be that many people in fact say use to rather than used to, but since the pronunciations are essentially identical, it makes no difference.

What can I write instead of I have?


  1. cherish.
  2. entertain.
  3. exhibit.
  4. harbor.
  5. have.
  6. hold.
  7. hold up.
  8. maintain.


What are action words in the English language?

Action words are the words used to express an action done by the subject. There are numerous action words in English vocabulary. And in most cases, an action word marks its appearance right next to the subject.


List 25 commonly used action words in the English Language.

Ride, Sit down, Win, Drink, Stand, Throw, Close, Open, Sleep, Cut , Eat, Cook, Fight, Play, Give, Dig , Laugh, Dance, Climb, Talk, Knit, Kiss, Hug, Bath, Ski


List 100 action words in the English language.

Calculate, Earn, Endure, Examine, Enter, Edit, Energise, Identify, Import, Install, Investigated, Idealise, Improve, Instituted, Imitate, Idolise, Improvise, Instruct, Implant, Navigate, Nominate, Negotiate, Notify, Nominate, Nourish, Normalise, Notice, Observe, Overcame, Open, Obtain, Overhaul, Operate, Offer, Oversaw, Oppose, Officiate, Obey, Participate, Predict, Progress, Paint, Perceive, Prepare, Project, Pamper, Perfected, Prescribe, Promote, Rate, Redesign, Recharge, Renegotiate, Realign, Reduce, Reconquer, Reorganise, Rebuilt, Reengineer, Record, Satisfy, Solve, Scream, Shop, Schedule, Specify, Scribble, Slap, Secure, Speak, Scrub, Smash, Select, Standardise, Seal, Smell, Separate, Stimulate, Search, Smile, Target, Translate, Touch, Teach, Tear, Trade, Talk, Think, Transfer, Terminate, Thank, Transform, Unify, Undress, Unite, Uninstall, Update, Unleash, Upgrade, Unlock.

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