How to turn her on with one word

You probably fall into one of 3 categories:

You’re in a relationship and want to spice up your texting.

You’re dating and want to set the tone for booty calls.

You’re on Tinder or another dating app and want to be more flirty.

Great. Because you’re about to get 7 ways to turn on a woman with words.

You get:

  • 10+ Stealable phrases to turn her on
  • How to turn her on without creeping her out
  • The #1 tip to turn on a woman with just your words
  • The secret to becoming every woman’s erotic fantasy
  • How to tastefully start sexting

Women and men both get turned on by words. The major difference is, men get instantly turned on by erotic and graphic descriptions. Whereas women generally get turned on by slow and subtle escalation.

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

#1 Tip to turn on a woman with just your words

The way most men try to turn on women with words is hilarious.

Hilariously BAD.

Dudes will try and paint erotic pictures, use graphic words, and send emoti penises.

Yep, that is real.

But as you can well imagine, it doesn’t work.

In fact, talking about ‘titties’ and sending aubergines only scares her off.

So what does work?

Text with confidence. And assume attraction.

Always go at 169%. No less.

Because if you’re unsure about what you’re talking about, you come across as a little bish.

And as we’ll discuss later, women don’t like weakness in men.

IMPORTANT: Just because you text with confidence does not mean that you’ll automatically get the girl.

It’s impossible to get every girl.

But if you focus on texting with confidence, your odds of turning her on grow exponentially.

What’s a quick way to text with confidence?

  • Use proper punctuation
  • Spell correctly
  • Don’t use question marks all the time (even when asking a question)
  • Sparingly use emojis and ‘hahas’

How your loving texts are turning her OFF

The majority of men try to turn on women by showering her with love and attention.

While love and attention can turn on a woman, it often does NOT.

Suppose you send her roses, do everything she wants, and pick up every of her calls even if you’re busy.

That doesn’t raise attraction.

It KILLS attraction.

So what should you do to turn her on instead?

You use one of the next 2 techniques.

Turn her on with tactful escalation

Yes, tactful.

Which doesn’t include tying a bow tie around your donger and sending her a dickpic.

Tactful precedes showing off your genitalia.

And starts with putting out feeler texts.

Brief texts that test if she’s attracted to you.

Suppose you’re having a tame back and forth and you want to spice up the convo.

Try this:

[Boring stuff that leads the convo to Snoozeville]

I bet you tell that to all the guys, player


Wow, I can tell you’re trouble

And even more over the top:

You’re so bad! Talk more thermodynamics (replace with boring topic she was on) to me, babe

‘Dat lip bite.

If she continues the flirty vibe, you’re set.

Otherwise you may have to slow it down even more. Or… crush on someone else who is more receptive.

Get her excited by being emotional

Now… before we continue we have to get rid of a terribly dangerous misconception.

Just because she’s returning your flirty vibes does NOT automatically mean that she’s ready to jump into bed with you.

Only that she’s interested in you. And slowly becoming more attracted to you.

The emphasis being ‘SLOWLY’.

So if you want to test the springs in her mattress, you need to continue escalating how?

You guessed it…


Which doesn’t necessarily mean you want to dial up the flirting.

In fact, getting her attracted even more is about shifting the vibe of the conversation away from getting her hot.

And toward getting her…



Because most guys have a one-track mind.

Almost every guy wants to do nothing more than explore her lady parts.

So if you can excite her lady parts AND just as easily ignore them, you’ll stand out from every other guy.

And she’ll be triggered to chase you.

Which is how it should be:

The girl should want the guy just as much as he wants her.

So how do you return the convo away from hot and to cold?


Switch topics.

How to turn her on without scaring her off

Women don’t get turned on by your words as much as they do by…


If your texts don’t feed her emotions, she WILL lose interest in you and eventually stop texting back.

So every girl is looking for a man who can stimulate her emotions.

Because if a man can stimulate her emotions, he can also turn her on!

Holy Tip:

Could you use some help with stimulating a girl’s emotions?

Look no further, because I’ve got just what you need.

The 10 Texts That Always Work.

An assortment of copy pastable lines that you can toss into your conversations to spark emotions, or ask her out without being needy.

Grab ‘em here.

So let’s give you some ideas on how to do exactly that, using…

Trigger words.

I often preach on going ‘over the top’.

But when you want to sexualize the conversation, going over the top is more likely to hurt your success.

And turn her off.

So if you want to turn her on, start subtle and use trigger words.

You see, some words are so powerful that if you gently whisper them into her ear, she’ll instantly pull you closer and suck your face off.


Point is, the right word can turn her on quicker than a candlelit dinner.

So here come 7 trigger words that’ll get her to think about sex:

  • Wet
  • Deep
  • Come
  • Hard
  • Eat/mouth
  • Inside
  • Dripping

Now, don’t think you can turn her on by screaming:

Or tying them all together into an obscene text:

I want to shove my hard ‘oo la la’ into your wet ‘crikey dingo’ and come deep inside your ‘auf wiedersehen’ and watch my ‘ai karamba’ dripping out of your ‘tutzy frutzy’

You want to be a little more subtle and/or playful about it.

For instance, suppose she just went through a rainstorm and sent you:

omg. I just got caught in a storm and am soaked to the bone

Retort with a playful message that implies a trigger word.

Women get turned on by the weirdest shit

Are you planning the date?

Turn her on with a bit of subtlety:

That’ll be so much fun. I can’t wait for you to come

That won’t set off her alarm bells.

Another easy trigger word to slip into your conversation is ‘hard’.

Suppose she’s cramming for an upcoming school exam:

Learning for this exam is killing me 😫

Why’d you go to uni if you don’t like it hard

Drop a few sexual oriented bombs and you’ll see that women like to talk about x-rated topics as long as it’s not too on the nose.

7 Phrases to turn her on

We already have lots of theory on what turns women on.

But how do you actually turn her on?

Here come 7 copy pastable lines.

Lines that you would naturally create if you use the hidden principles behind Fifty Shades of Grey:

I’m biting my lip when I’m thinking about you.

It’s something you want to say when her last text blew you away.

Why does that line turn her on?

Because you’re taking charge and painting an image in her mind.

Women love it when they feel they turn on a man. Especially if it’s not too explicit like this text.

The next phrase is the opposite of the above, but strangely also builds attraction.

That’s it. We’re breaking up

Why does this line work?

Firstly, you’re implying that you’re already a couple. (If you actually already are a couple, I’ll give you a better line in just a moment.)

Next, you’re verbally pushing her away.

She said something you didn’t like and you’re showing her that has consequences. So if she wants to be on your good side, she has to put in some effort.

In short, she doesn’t have you yet.

And women like to do a little hunting.

Are you already boyfriend and girlfriend?

Turn her on with the next line:

9-1-1? I want to report an assault. Yep. She told me a joke that gave me third-degree cringe

Another example of a tease that raises attraction.


Because challenging men turn women on, remember?

Now, she doesn’t want a man who turns everything into a competition. But she does want a man who can stand up for himself and go against the flow.

Let’s give you a follow-up for your tease.

Some women will like your tease, but will test to see if you mean business.

Like so:

Wow. You’re quite forward aren’t you?

Yeah, being backwards got me nowhere

This is attractive for two reasons:

  • You’re witty
  • You’re doubling down

Most men who get accused of being forward would flinch and back down.

But a real man owns his (playful) challenging behavior.

Now, you don’t always have to be teasing and pushing her away.

You can also give a sincere compliment when she’s being awesome.

Okay, you just officially earned yourself a unique ringtone

Which would probably lead to something like:

Before I give you the attraction raising answer, I want you to come up with a line.

The only hint I’ll give you is that the best line will be a tease.

Got anything?

I hope so! Or else you’re missing out on valuable text-improving skills.

Haha, you’re such an asshole!!

As you can see, if you want to arouse a woman through text, you don’t just have to be sexual.

As long as you’re showing off attractive male traits, you’re good.

What you MUST know before you make it X-rated

When it comes to turning on women with words, men almost always make the next mistake…

They’re too visual.

And by that I mean:

Most guys paint an erotic image with words.

An image that turns them on… but not women.

You see, unlike men, most women don’t get turned on by a perfect physique.

I mean, women will get aroused a little. But a hard, chiseled male body often isn’t enough to push her over the edge.

When us men, however, see a beautiful woman, our pants instantly pitch a tent.

Which is why Pornhub has far more male than female viewers.

So what really turns on a woman?

A story that leaves a little to the imagination.

Which is precisely why the best selling book on Amazon is an erotic novel called…

Fifty Shades of Grey.

A book that’s been translated into 52 languages!

So if you want to turn on a woman with words, look no further and dive into the book that’s turned on women across the globe.

The erotic secret of 50 Shades of Grey

The fastest selling novel of all time reveals a lot about the erotic fantasies of women.

Fantasies most women will never tell you.

What is that fantasy?

A secret love for BDSM.

Sexual roleplay involving: bondage, male dominance and submission.

Which blows the mind of every man who’s tuned into the news in the last 10 years and caught a glimpse of the #metoo movement.

So when I tell most of my clients about many women’s sexual fantasy to be dominated, I’m often met with lots of resistance.

“I’m sorry, Louis. But I just don’t believe it. Just look at how much women are fighting for equality! If anything, women are sick of the male dominance schtick.”

Look, I get the confusion.

Women are fighting to close the gap between men and women.

But most of that egalitarianism is limited to the professional work environment.

NOT the bedroom.

The bedroom is where men and women are allowed to be different.

In fact, most women want men to be different in the bedroom.

After all, the horizontal mambo has no room for two people with the exact same role. One person has to be submissive and the other has to be dominant.

You can take turns in taking the lead in sex, but it can’t be another way.

And although exceptions exist, most women are naturally submissive in bed and most men are naturally dominant while playing a game of hide the salami.

Only once that realization clicks in your head, can we move onto turning on a woman with words over text.

The magic formula behind turning on a woman with words

The success of 50 Shades of Grey reveals a lot about women’s sexual fantasies.

But not everything.

If we want to know even more about what turns on a woman, we need to dive into…

Google’s pornographic search queries.

Simply put, what women type into Google when they want to flick the bean.

Two neuroscientists studied a year’s worth of pornographic search queries (about 55 million) and analyzed the results.

And published their findings in their book.

Which revealed two key insights:

  1. Men like pornography, because we’re mostly concerned about how well she can produce children, and that’s somewhat visible to the naked eye. Think of visual indicators as youthfulness, fitness and her reproductive organs.
  2. Women like romance novels, because women are for a large part driven by the desire to find the ultimate mate to start a family with. A quality that’s impossible to see with the naked eye since a long-term relationship is determined by character, not looks.

You’re probably thinking, “So what is the ‘ultimate mate’ to a woman?”

Good question, mister big brain.

Well, every good romantic novel has roughly the following plot:

An innocent, well-meaning, and attractive young woman crosses paths with a man who is a bit of a monster.

Such as a vampire, werewolf, or some other type of man-beast.

Which should INSTANTLY give you an AHA-moment.

“Ahh… that explains the success of those silly Twilight Movies and that ghey True Blood series.”


Women see this handsome and aggressive man-beast and want to tame him.


Because he’s obviously enormously strong (or powerful in terms of money and/or valuable skills) and is at the top of the food chain.

The ultimate mate.

So she seduces him with her beauty and tames him, so that he can take care of her kids.

What’s the takeaway?

Women unconsciously fall for dangerous but civilized men. And have no sexual interest in weak men.

The takeaway?

If you want to turn her on, you must be dangerous and have a backbone.

Without a backbone, your attempts to turn her on will end with a sizzle.

If you want to end in a bang, you’re in luck.

Because we’re about to get into sexting.

But first a word of caution.

Why sexting may be the worst thing you can do

You may be thinking, “Finally! The good stuff!”

But I warn you…

Unless you’re already dating, I advise against sexting.

Although the methods you’re about to get work, and will likely get her to participate.

The results are often disappointing.

Yes, you’ll be texting naughty things to each other.

Yes, you may even see her nudes.


You’ll probably ruin your chances of seeing her.


Because now she feels pressured to get sexual with you in real life. Even if she’s not ready.

So to repeat myself: I only advise texting for nudes when you’ve already been sleeping with her, or when you don’t care about meeting her in person.

How to sext without being a creeper

Where many guys go wrong, is that they not only cross the naughty line.

But they leap over the line with a rocket pack and shoot into Creeperville.

That’s because when guys see an opening for erotic texting, we tend to dash toward the explicit.

And instantly talk about jiggly and gooey lady parts.

That kind of dirty talk may work for us. But turns women off.

So how do you introduce sexting in a way she enjoys?

  • You make sure she’s available and has time for herself (think evening or weekend)
  • You’re already chatting with her and she’s in a good mood

Once those requirements are met, the sexting can begin.

Here comes an example of how you can use sexting to motivate a girl to come over.

I’m going to hit the gym and then chill at home. You should come over

But I’ve had a long week and need to catch up on my sleep

From your neck… all the way down to your belly button

While your hands are tied to my bedpost

See how I slowly build up the tension? And how I start by simply bringing up what I want to do to her?

It’s pretty straight forward.

Note: be sure to stop after sending a couple of sexts.

That way you can gauge how she’s feeling.

If she’s enjoying it, she’ll usually reply with:

Or a blushing emoji:

Continue as you see fit.

If you do decide to keep sexting, be very descriptive.

And occasionally ask her if she wants more.

Anyway, bro.

That’s almost all you need to know on how to turn on a woman with words.

To make sure you’re ready to give a girl all the emotions she needs, I have one last gift.

The 10 Texts That Always Work.

A mix of copy pastable texts that you can use to:

  • Give fun answers to boring questions
  • Teases to raise attraction
  • How to turn the conversation toward fun
  • Ask her out in a non-needy way
  • And more

Grab the 10 Texts Here for FREE.

Enjoy, bro.

Louis Farfields

And don’t forget your download below ;)

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All girls are different and are turned on by different things, so you will need to individualize the things you say to the girl you are saying them to; however, there are a few words of advice that can turn on almost any girl, provided that you’re already dating. Make sure you have a good amount of time to talk to the girl, as a slow, sexy pace will achieve much better results than a rushed one.

  1. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 3


    Ask her a good question. Ask her something that will give her a chance to give a long answer, like «So tell me about what you did today,» or «What exciting things do you have planned for the weekend?» This will get her talking and will show her that you care.

    • Asking her a good question will show her that you’re interested in what she has to say.[1]
      Girls want to be sexy and interesting; for her, a good conversation is a way to set the tone.
    • If she answers with a short answer, pepper her with more questions, showing her you care and really want to know. You want to get her on a roll, talking about things she’s interested about, all while you’re doing a good job listening.
    • Be funny and playful, if you can. Girls love people with a sense of humor, along with people who know how to have fun.[2]
      If you’re making her laugh and keeping her on the tips of her toes, it’ll be easier to turn her on. Look up and practice some jokes you think she might like, or start developing your own inside jokes with her that you can lean on when you know you need a laugh.
  2. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 4


    Keep complimenting her, when appropriate. If she asks you how your day was, let her know that you were thinking about her. Add a slight twist by complimenting her features. Don’t make it too smutty though; something like «I couldn’t stop thinking about you and your sexy smile» does the job.

    • Keep the conversation going by asking questions about her and showing interest in her answers. The way that you start turning her on is by dropping plenty of little compliments. Make sure you think of little things to say just about her to make her feel special.
    • Girls like it when you notice something about them that they also like. So if you know she likes the color of her eyes, compliment the color of her eyes («I love the way your eyes shine when you smile»). If she likes her hair, say something like «Your hair looks so smooth and comfortable, do you know how pretty it makes you look?»[3]
    • Start making the compliments slightly more sexy.[4]
      If she is saying things like «Stop!» or «You don’t mean that» while giggling, keep giving her the sexy compliments. You’re definitely on the right path.


  3. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 5


    Start describing the not-too-scandalous things you want to do to her. Make sure that the things you are saying are sexy and romantic, not dirty and gross. Start with some ambiguous innuendos so you don’t come on too strong.[5]
    You need to build up anticipation first.

    • You will need to come up with your own suggestions, but an example might be: «If we were together, I’d run my fingers slowly through your hair while we kissed. I’d massage your back while I kissed your neck. I would lie next to you and trace my fingers over the soft curves of your beautiful body.» etc. Be creative. Using lots of imagery and imaginative words can also help.
    • Here are some other compliments that you can use: «I thought about you when I woke up today. Just like I thought about you when I went to sleep last night. You know what I was thinking about? I was thinking about us, together, curled up in bed. That makes me happy.»
    • Something else you might say: «You give me goosebumps. Every time you touch me I go crazy inside, because I know it’s only you who can do that to me. No one else does that. Even a smile from you is like a punch in the gut, but in a good way.»
  4. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 1


    Try to use your words in person. When you are getting a girl turned on using words it’s important that she can hear your voice. It can be done over text, but your words will have a much better effect if the girl you are talking to can hear the sexy tones in your voice.

    • Try to use your deepest-sounding voice when you talk to your girl. Studies show that people with deep voices have more sexual partners and that girls are more attracted to people with deep voices.[6]
      Now, that doesn’t mean you should lower your voice if it sounds unnatural, because that won’t turn your girl on. But if you’re always in the higher pitched level of your voice, try to go down to the lower level when you’re talking with your girl.
  5. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 2


    Set the mood. When you start talking to her, it’s important to set the mood for the entire conversation by saying things like «I can’t stop thinking about you,» or «I’ve been wanting to hear your voice all day.» This will help establish closeness, and let her know that you’re feeling intimate. Make sure you’re alone and in a comfortable, sexy environment; you may not want to turn her on in public.

    • Other things to say are: «I never knew it until I spent time away from you, but I missed you today,» or «You look stunning, as usual.» Keep it short and sweet; a very elaborate compliment might come off wrong or be misinterpreted by her.
    • Don’t compare her to other women. Even if what you’re saying is that she’s smarter, or prettier, or more fun to be around, avoid the comparison. She doesn’t even want you to compare her to other women, because she doesn’t want you to think about other women. She wants you to think about only her. If she thinks you may be thinking about other women, it’s a turn-off for her.
    • Have a fun, positive energy when you’re flirting with someone since it will make you more approachable and easy to talk to.[7]
  6. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 6


    Make her feel special. In your own way, make her feel like the sexiest woman alive. Get her thinking sexy thoughts about you and it’s guaranteed that she won’t stop thinking about you when the conversation is over. This is the most important thing when it comes to turning your girl on; you don’t want her to feel like a piece of meat.

    • While you try to turn her on with your words, make sure you let her see that you wouldn’t talk to just any girl this way. Let her see how lucky you feel to be with her.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 7


    Say that you want her. One of the most basic things you can say when you want to turn up the heat are these simple words: “I want you.” You can add other variations, but saying this makes the girl see how much you want to be physically close with her and may be enough to turn her on. Look her in the eyes and show that you’re not shy about saying what you want and need. Here are some other things you can say:

    • “I want you so bad right now.”
    • “I’ve been wanting you all day long.”
    • “I’ve never wanted you so badly in my life.”
    • “That dress you’re wearing makes me want you more than ever.”
  2. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 8


    Say something nice about her body. As you move forward, you can compliment your girl’s body in a less-PG way. As long as you’re sure she’s playing along and that she would welcome compliments about parts of her body other than her face, you can start to take it up a notch by complimenting the parts of her body that turn you on. Just make sure you’re not offending her and that your comments are welcome. Here are some things you can say:

    • “Your chest looks amazing in that dress.”
    • “Your legs are incredible.”
    • “I love the way your hips are moving.”
  3. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 9


    Say what you want to do to her. Now that you’ve described what you want to do to your girl’s body, you can go a step further and tell her what you’d like to do to her body. You can be a bit more graphic if you want, but in general, just say enough to have her imagine you having your hands all over her body, which should be more than enough to turn her on. Here are some things you can say:

    • “I want to run my hand down your thighs.”
    • “I can’t wait to kiss the nape of your neck.”
    • “I want to caress and kiss every part of your body.”
    • «I want to run my hands through your hair while I kiss you.»
  4. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 10


    Say what you want her to do to you. Now, as you continue to turn your girl on with your words, you can tell her what you wish she would do to you. This would paint a sexy image in her mind and will have her turned on in no time at all. Of course, make sure she has done many of these things before so you don’t surprise her or come off sounding too graphic or explicit. Here are some things you can say to her:

    • “I want you to take my shirt off.”
    • “I want you to kiss my chest and shoulders.”
    • “I want you to get on top of me and start kissing my neck.”
  5. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 11


    Describe how she makes your body feel. If you want to turn your girl on, then you should have no shame about telling her how turned on you are just by the sight of her. She’ll be turned on just by the idea that being around her is making you turned on. Here are some ways you can tell her how she makes you feel:

    • “I am so turned on just by being around you.”
    • “You make me so excited.”
    • “My whole body is tingling just from looking at you. You have no idea how good you make me feel.”
  6. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 12


    Reveal your fantasies. Another way to turn your girl on is to tell her some fantasies you have about being with her. They can be related to role-playing, can be about explicit things you’d like to do to her or would like her to do to you, or can be about a place where you’ve always wanted to hook up. Don’t be afraid to tell her what you’ve always dreamed about and see if you can make it come true together.

    • Let her reveal her fantasies, too. This can turn both of you on even more.
  7. Image titled Turn a Girl on With Words Step 13


    Consider sending her a message later to keep her feeling sexy. Though turning your girl on with words is best done in person, you can leave her feeling sexy even after you’ve said your goodbyes by sending her a sexy text message later on in the day that shows her that you’re still thinking of her and her body. Keep it sweet and simple but also make sure there’s enough subtext to get her turned on and ready for your next encounter. Here are some things you can say:

    • “I can’t stop thinking about what happened last night. I can’t wait to see you again.”
    • “When I close my eyes, all I see is your gorgeous body.”
    • “I had such an amazing time with you last night. I can’t wait to have you in my arms again.”
  8. Advertisement

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  • Don’t make a pattern of this behavior. She will begin to notice that your flattery simply means you want sex, and it could ruin a relationship pretty easily.

  • Let her feel like she is wanted, and she is interested in you. If you find her being quiet start asking her romantic questions while maybe holding her hand, but be creative. Remember, perverted things could ruin a relationship.

  • Painful silences can be avoided by going slow and only increasing the heat when she is ready.

Show More Tips


  • If at any point you’ve ruined the mood and the conversation is completely dead, end it. You can always try again another time.



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Article SummaryX

To turn a girl on with words, start by setting the mood by telling her “I can’t stop thinking about you,” or “I’ve been wanting to hear your voice all day.” Then, engage her in some good conversation by asking her a quality question, like “Tell me about what you did today.” Find small openings in the conversation to keep complimenting her, like telling her “My day was pretty frustrating because I couldn’t stop thinking about your sexy smile.” If she responds positively to these compliments, add some more romantic descriptions, like “I’d love to massage your back while kissing your neck.” When you’re ready to turn up the heat, tell her “I want you so bad right now.” Then, tell her what you want to do, like “I want to kiss every part of your body.” To learn how to tell her about your fantasies, keep reading!

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Last Updated: April 20, 2022 | Author: howto-Trust


  • 1 How do you turn a girl on instantly?
  • 2 How can I arouse a girl over text?
  • 3 How do you get a woman in the mood?
  • 4 How do I turn her on with body language?
  • 5 How do you seduce an uninterested woman?
  • 6 How can I seduce a girl without saying a word?
  • 7 How do you start a flirty conversation?
  • 8 How do you read a woman’s mind?
  • 9 What does it mean when a woman pushes her breasts out?
  • 10 How do I stay on her mind?
  • 11 What does it mean when a girl lets you touch her?

How do you turn a girl on instantly?

  1. 7 Ways to turn a woman on. …
  2. Ask her what she likes, and do your homework. …
  3. Know the three parts of foreplay. …
  4. Be creative: Not all women are the same. …
  5. Know her body. …
  6. Help her feel comfortable receiving oral sex. …
  7. Play with lube or toys. …
  8. Remember that great sex won’t happen overnight.

How can I arouse a girl over text?

How do you get a woman in the mood?

6 Easy and Fun Ways to Get in the Mood

  1. Be a bookworm. Put on some comfy clothes, dim the lights and page through a hot novel on your bookshelf. …
  2. Relax in a warm bath. Fill the tub with warm, bubbly water and light a few of your favorite scented candles. …
  3. Watch a movie with great sex scenes—here are eight of our favorites.

How do I turn her on with body language?

How do you seduce an uninterested woman?

Talk to a girl you like, even if she seems uninterested.

  1. Catch her attention by making eye contact and smile when talking. Avoid speaking too fast or in a high pitch – this will make you look nervous.
  2. If walking next to one another, slow down. …
  3. Remember to be respectful.

How can I seduce a girl without saying a word?

Make eye contact.

  1. Keep your gaze on the horizon while walking. Doing so makes you appear more approachable and sociable.
  2. Don’t be afraid to be expressive through your eyes. Widening them in surprise, or narrowing them when you’re skeptical, shows that you’re engaged and paying attention.
  3. Smile genuinely.

How do you start a flirty conversation?

Flirty Conversation Starters to Help Break the Ice

  1. Give a compliment on their appearance. What you mean: I want to see you naked. …
  2. Ask if they’re attached. …
  3. Say you’ve been thinking about them. …
  4. Mention things you could do together. …
  5. Talk about dating and being single. …
  6. Offer to be their date.

How do you read a woman’s mind?

What does it mean when a woman pushes her breasts out?

Thrust out

Pushing the chest forward draws attention to it, and can be a part of a provocative romantic display. Women, especially, know that men are programmed to be aroused by the sight of breasts. When women push forward their chests they may thus be inviting intimate relations (or just teasing).

How do I stay on her mind? offers some exclusive tips on staying on your partner’s mind all day, without really crossing the boundaries of civility and personal space.

  1. First and Last Call. …
  2. Text Messages. …
  3. Surprise Her with a Bouquet of Flowers. …
  4. The Long Goodnight Kiss. …
  5. Holding Her After Sex. …
  6. Genuinely Complimenting Her.

What does it mean when a girl lets you touch her?

Touch is one of the biggest mutual attraction signs going. If you touch her, you’re showing interest. If she likes being touched by you, she’s attracted to you. If you touch her on the hands, the arms or her upper back and she seems to like it, that’s a clear sign of attraction.

Arousal is a tricky thing. As a man, you know sexual thrill can occur anytime, sometimes simply by the way a woman speaks to you. That’s because the smallest, simplest thing can turn you on. The sound of a woman’s voice or the mention of some new lingerie she bought might be all it takes.

So, does it go both ways? If you’re wondering how to turn a woman on with only words, you’ve come to the right place. When you know what you’re doing, it’s relatively easy to heat things up with dialogue alone. And, don’t worry, there are ways to avoid feeling sleazy about it, too.

How To Turn A Woman On With Words

Is it possible to get a woman all hot and bothered without even touching her? And if so, is there a way to do it without sounding ridiculous? Men and women are inherently different creatures. Beyond that, every person is unique. What gets one woman going might not do it for the next. 

That being said, there are some general tips to keep in mind. If you want to know how to turn a woman on with words, these seven steps will help you succeed.

1. Set the tone of the conversation

The first step in learning how to turn a woman on with words? Learning to set the tone of the conversation. Keep in mind that the specific situation will depend on who you’re talking to. Conversations with a girlfriend, casual hookup, a crush, or a person you just met will all be different.

In any case, you can set the tone by being intentional with your first few lines. You might say something like, “I’ve been thinking about you all day” or “I love the sound of your voice.” No matter where you are, building this sexual tension will tell her you desire her and make the situation feel intimate right away.

You don’t want her to think you’re creepy by saying things like this out of the blue. However, if you already have a romantic connection or sexual relationship, these lines will set the mood for a stimulating conversation. Other things you could say are, “I was distracted at work thinking about your smile.” Or “I can’t get you off my mind.” You might even try whispering it into her ear for a more intimate effect. The point is to make her feel special and wanted.

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2. Make her feel good

The next step is to make her feel good. Yes, you’ve already been doing this a little bit with your opening lines. But if you want to turn a woman on by talking to her, words of affirmation are ideal.

When it comes to making women feel good, compliments go a long way. You may say something like, “I love your hair like that,” “You drive me crazy in those jeans. You can also try “You have the hottest voice,” or “You’re so sexy in that outfit.” Not only will these lines make her feel good, but they’ll also convey that her attractive qualities turn you on. For women, sometimes just knowing you excite a man can, in turn, be arousing.

Keep in mind that showering her with one compliment after the other might come off as odd or even desperate. Make sure to pace yourself and fit the compliments into the conversation naturally. If she asks you how your day was, tell her how your day was. Then add that seeing her is the best part. 

Also, asking her questions about how she’s doing is good, too. This will allow you both to ease into a sexier conversation. Regardless of the words you choose, you want to make her feel like she’s the only woman in the room. If she is the only woman in the room, make her feel like she’s the only person on your mind. 

3. How to turn a woman on with words by asking the right questions

To keep the conversation flowing, be sure to ask the right questions. It’s OK to include some questions such as “Were you thinking of me today?” On the other hand, leading with too many yes-or-no questions might stunt the conversation. 

Instead, say something like, “Tell me about your day” or “What kind of trouble should we get into this weekend?” It will give her an opportunity to talk and allow you to build on what she says. On top of that, it will show her you’re interested in what she has to say. If she gives you short responses, keep asking her meaningful questions. 

Respond with intrigue, be playful and keep the banter going. Joking around, flirting and light teasing can be very effective here as long as she is receptive. When you make her blush and laugh, it’s probably a good sign of where the conversation is headed. You want her to feel comfortable and desired, so adjust as you go to achieve this effect!

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4. Tell her where you’d like to take things

Once you’ve created sexual tension and she feels at ease, you can tell her where you’d like things to go. The idea is to build anticipation and make her think about having sex or taking things to the next level. 

If you’re out in public, you could say, “I can’t wait to get you alone.” “It’s hard to resist keeping my hands off you” or “I can’t stop picturing that sexy body unclothed» also work. Find your own way to show her you crave her.

Depending on the context, these lines might make sense. That being said, if you just met or have never hooked up with this woman, it might be a little forward. You could also say something along the lines of “Just being around you turns me on.” Or “Even the lightest touch from you drives me crazy.” Again, if she feels like she’s turning you on, there’s a good chance it’ll turn her on, too.

To crank it up a notch, tell her you want her sexually too. You can say something as simple as “I want you.” Whether you get the chance to be alone following the conversation is not necessarily the point. It’s more about expressing what you’d like to do, given the opportunity.

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5. Go into detail

After you’ve made it clear that you’d like to get her alone, you can go into further detail. As long as she’s receptive to what you’ve been saying thus far, now’s the time to get specific. 

What exactly do you want to do to her body? Would you undress her slowly and caress her breasts? Do you want to kiss or lick every inch of her? Are you dying to go down on her? Would you flip her over and take her from behind? Do you want to make her tingle with pleasure? Tell her!

It’s OK to be a little graphic and include some dirty talk. Just make sure you’re aware of her reactions. If she’s not feeling it, take a step back and reevaluate your approach. 

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6. How to turn a woman on with words and body language

In addition to saying all the right things, you’ve got to be strategic with your body language. Don’t worry––there’s not much to it. Turning a woman on with words and body language is pretty simple.

First of all, the impression on your face is crucial. During every step of the process, including opening lines and flirting, try to keep a smile on your face. I’m not talking about a permanent grin, but more of a playful smile. Show her you’re having fun and that it’s a pleasure to be around her. If the look on your face is too serious, she might get a weird vibe from you. At the same time, a creepy smile could be equally detrimental. Find a balance and smile often. 

Besides smiling, eye contact is a critical component of body language. When you look into her eyes, she will feel like you take her seriously and want to be around her. Eye contact also makes you appear more sincere and confident. Similar to smiling, you don’t need to stare her down without breaking your gaze. But steady eye contact throughout the conversation is essential.

Maintaining good posture is another body language move that shows assuredness. You might also try turning your body toward hers, leaning in and tilting your head in her direction. This will enhance the intimacy of the conversation. 

Of course, when you flirt, you can touch her lightly. Try brushing her arm, gently tapping her side while joking flirtatiously or tucking her hair behind her ears. Talking in a low voice and whispering in her ear also help you in turning a woman on with words. Soon enough, you will spot signs that she’s horny, and that’s good news for you!

Let Your Words Drive Her Wild

At this point, you should have a sufficient idea of how to turn a woman on with words. Anticipation is sexy. A lot of women enjoy foreplay more than the actual act of sex. Believe it or not, conversation is a critical part of foreplay.

As I mentioned above, everyone is different. Some women might be able to get aroused through sexy conversation, and others may not. Also, not every woman will be turned on by the same words. So, you’re going to have to do some improvising as you go and tweak your approach. Be yourself and have fun!

Did you know that this little bad boy right here *holds phone* can be the key to a woman’s naughty imagination and that you can turn a girl on through text just by the push of a few buttons?

Whether you just met her or you’ve been texting her for a long time. When you can turn a woman on through text using the word-for-word examples that I’m about to give you, she will be fantasizing about you all night long:

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The next time she sees a text from you, she’s going to start getting all excited with anticipation. As dopamine starts flooding her brain. It’s that powerful. So don’t be like most guys that turn women off when they text and bore them out of their minds. Be the guy that knows how to unlock her deepest desires and fantasies. And I’m going to give you some of my dirtiest secrets from my bestselling book, Turn Her On Through Text, along with actual word-for-word text messages that will drive her wild with desire for you.


Number five is the word association game. This one works really well. In fact, when I first tried this when I was writing Turn Her On Through Text. (My book all about how to turn a girl on through text) It was about 12 Midnight or maybe 1:00 AM, and I was really in the zone trying out different things that are now in the book. So I sent the following text to a girl that I was dating and it worked a little bit too.

Well. She got so turned on that she begged me to come over right then and there. She actually got mad at me because I didn’t let her come over – So a word of warning before you send any of the following texts, make sure you can actually see her right then and there or she might get a little upset at you!

It’s really simple. It goes like this. You just start off by saying, “Hey, let’s play a game.” As long as she says, yes, then you say, “Let’s play the word association game. I say a word. And then you say the first thing that comes to mind.

Girl: “Okay, go!
Matt: “Ocean.
Girl: “Depth
Matt: “Relaxed
Girl: “Soothed.
Matt: “Bite.
Girl: “Down!
Matt: “Spank.
Girl: “Harder! LOL.”
Matt: “Dripping.
Girl: “Yes. You’re turning me on – you win! My turn?
Matt: “No, one more word – dominated.
Girl: “Pass! Haha!

So just start with non-sexual words and then transition after about four or five back and forth with words that could be a sexual innuendo and you’ll see how quickly the game turned sexual.


Number four is movie or book quotes. This is great especially if you haven’t actually slept with her yet, you’re still kind of in the early stages of the relationship.

And you don’t want to just say something sexual right out of the blue, because you’re not quite sure how she’s going to take it because with texting, there’s no emotion. She might think you’re just being flirty and cheeky, but she could take it as kind of creepy.

So you do need to be careful with your sexual or intimate texts in the beginning, but using a quote from something else is a safe, indirect way to just kind of test the waters. So here’s the example:

Matt: “Hey, I need your opinion on something.
Girl: “Sure.
Matt: “My friend Kelly was reading this novel and was starting to get really turned on. So I grabbed the book from her grubby little paws, lol and saw what she read and began to get really mesmerized by this text.

— Before we keep going, I just want to point something out. Did you notice how I said “get really turned on” or “get mesmerized” by this text? That’s a neuro-linguistic programming technique called embedded command that plants the idea into her subconscious mind. I show you exactly how to use those embedded command texts in my book, Turn Her On Through Text.

Matt: “It said – He lunges at me pushing me against the wall of the elevator before I knew it. He’s got both of my hands in one of his, in a vice-like grip above my head. And he’s pinning me to the wall using his hips. His other hand grabs my ponytail and yanks down, bringing my face up and his lips are on mine. I moan into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. He takes full advantage. His tongue expertly exploring my mouth. I have never been kissed like this.

And if you want to see her reply and what I did next, you’re going to have to get the book, Turn Her On Through Text! Now, notice how there was a lot of descriptive language in that book quote. For the next examples, you’ll see I’m going to do the same.



Number three is using a role-play. These are great because role-plays are fantasy. They’re not real. So you can get away with saying some pretty risque or outlandish things because it’s no big deal. It’s not real, but it still plants the idea in her mind.

Matt: “Hey, I’m bored. Let’s fly to Vegas and elope.”
Girl: “I was just thinking the same thing. lol
Matt: “But where should we go on our honeymoon?
Girl: “I have always wanted to go to the Bahammas!
Matt: “Could you imagine us in a little beach Villa? Watching the sunset as I wrap you in my strong arms and look deep into your eyes, and..
Matt: “…”
Matt: “Your turn.
Girl: “No, keep going.
Matt: “I scoop up in my arms. You feel a surge of energy, flood your body. As I spin you around leaving you slightly faint and dizzy, and then I lay you swiftly upon our fluffy bed. The sheets feel smooth against your skin. As if you were laying on puffy clouds in the sky.

There was a lot more to this, but you get the points. See how you need to start using descriptive language and imagery in your text if you want to turn her on?

When mastering how to turn a girl on through text, you have to know about descriptive language and the power of imagery through words.

That’s the same reason that women are absolutely addicted to romance novels. In fact, romance novels are the number one selling book category. They’re like crack to women. That’s why they’re called chick p*rn because they paint this fantasy, this romantic image in their mind, and they can’t help feel like they’re in that moment.

And of course, they’re going to start getting aroused and turned on.


Next is simply describe what you do to her. Here’s an example:

Girl: “I have a BIG test today. I’m so stressed out.
Matt: “I wish I was there. If I were..”

— That’s a nice little cliffhanger text. She has to respond to that.

Girl: “What?
Matt: “You feel me come up behind you and pull you in close to me, my strong hands crawling up your back and slowly massaging your shoulders. You feel my breath on your neck. And it sends a shiver down your spine, little shocks of electricity. Fill your body. As I massage the tension out of your shoulders, imagine all the stress melting like ice thawing on a warm summer day. Your whole world just fades away. And all there is for you to think about are my strong hands gliding over your skin.
Girl: “Oh my God, Matt! That would be amazing!
Matt: “Imagine you feeling my nails slightly scratching the back of your legs. Sending a shiver up through your body. Your skin is tingling and feels alive in a whole new way. You feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.

Trust me, it got even better after that. And anybody can do this. These are a little bit longer texts. They do take a little bit of time to craft them out, but I give you tons of examples on Turn Her On Through Text. You can literally just copy and paste them, or you can craft your own because I show you exactly how to craft your own. I’ll give you lists of descriptive words that you can use at just the right moment to plant the right seed in her mind.



Finally, this one is so simple but effective. So I digress a bit, ultimately its still connected to knowing how to turn a girl on through text.. and its..

It’s not texting, but it’s still with your phone. It’s voice messages and voice notes.

Now the key when you’re actually texting is what you say, the actual words on the screen, but when you’re leaving voice note, what you actually say isn’t so important because you’re going to turn her on with your tonality, with your voice.

So you need to just slow things down, speak in a little bit, lower, more grounded baritone voice. I don’t have the sexiest Marlon Brando or Morgan Freeman voice – My voice is a little bit more high pitched than that, but I can still turn a woman on just by speaking slowly, getting into a more seductive, lower tone.

Make sure you avoid filler words, “um” “like” “uh”. Those are not attractive. And here’s something that can make pretty much anybody’s voice sound more seductive – is just get really close to the phone.

When you do this, you can say something kind of simple. Like “Hey, what’s up, give me a call back when you get this, I’ll be free for the next hour or so, call me.” Or you can say something kind of cheeky like “Hey, what’s up. You just popped into my mind. Are you using some kind of weird voodoo Ninja magic on me? You better stop doing that or you’re going to get in trouble, young lady. Anyways, call me back.

Now, maybe that example isn’t your personality. But the point is you can turn her on just by leaving some voice notes or leaving a voice message. So try these, because they flat out work.

Even if it seems she’s a little out of your range. If you can send her some messages, whether it be text or voice like this, then trust me, she’s going to be blowing up your phone. Let’s face it, guys. Nowadays, you can’t be too good when it comes to texting. We’re awesome guys, and we adapt to the times.

And again, sometimes with just a push of a few buttons, you can have the power to turn on a girl. So go ahead – try these out, you’ll eventually understand how to turn a girl on through text!


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