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Let’s say you want to round a number to the nearest whole number because decimal values are not significant to you. Or, you want to round a number to multiples of 10 to simplify an approximation of amounts. There are several ways to round a number.
Change the number of decimal places displayed without changing the number
On a worksheet
Select the cells that you want to format.
To display more or fewer digits after the decimal point, on the Home tab, in the Number group, click Increase Decimal
or Decrease Decimal
In a built-in number format
On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the arrow next to the list of number formats, and then click More Number Formats.
In the Category list, depending on the data type of your numbers, click Currency, Accounting, Percentage, or Scientific.
In the Decimal places box, enter the number of decimal places that you want to display.
Round a number up
Use the ROUNDUP function. In some cases, you may want to use the EVEN and the ODD functions to round up to the nearest even or odd number.
Round a number down
Use the ROUNDDOWNfunction.
Round a number to the nearest number
Use the ROUND function.
Round a number to a near fraction
Use the ROUND function.
Round a number to a significant digit
Significant digits are digits that contribute to the accuracy of a number.
The examples in this section use the ROUND, ROUNDUP, and ROUNDDOWN functions. They cover rounding methods for positive, negative, whole, and fractional numbers, but the examples shown represent only a very small list of possible scenarios.
The following list contains some general rules to keep in mind when you round numbers to significant digits. You can experiment with the rounding functions and substitute your own numbers and parameters to return the number of significant digits that you want.
When rounding a negative number, that number is first converted to its absolute value (its value without the negative sign). The rounding operation then occurs, and then the negative sign is reapplied. Although this may seem to defy logic, it is the way rounding works. For example, using the ROUNDDOWN function to round -889 to two significant digits results in -880. First, -889 is converted to its absolute value of 889. Next, it is rounded down to two significant digits results (880). Finally, the negative sign is reapplied, for a result of -880.
Using the ROUNDDOWN function on a positive number always rounds a number down, and ROUNDUP always rounds a number up.
The ROUND function rounds a number containing a fraction as follows: If the fractional part is 0.5 or greater, the number is rounded up. If the fractional part is less than 0.5, the number is rounded down.
The ROUND function rounds a whole number up or down by following a similar rule to that for fractional numbers; substituting multiples of 5 for 0.5.
As a general rule, when you round a number that has no fractional part (a whole number), you subtract the length from the number of significant digits to which you want to round. For example, to round 2345678 down to 3 significant digits, you use the ROUNDDOWN function with the parameter -4, as follows: = ROUNDDOWN(2345678,-4). This rounds the number down to 2340000, with the «234» portion as the significant digits.
Round a number to a specified multiple
There may be times when you want to round to a multiple of a number that you specify. For example, suppose your company ships a product in crates of 18 items. You can use the MROUND function to find out how many crates you will need to ship 204 items. In this case, the answer is 12, because 204 divided by 18 is 11.333, and you will need to round up. The 12th crate will contain only 6 items.
There may also be times where you need to round a negative number to a negative multiple or a number that contains decimal places to a multiple that contains decimal places. You can also use the MROUND function in these cases.
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Функция ОКРУГЛ (ROUND) используется в Excel для округления числа до заданного количества десятичных разрядов.
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- Примеры использования функции ОКРУГЛ в Excel
Что возвращает функция
Число, округленное, до заданного количества десятичных разрядов.
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=ROUND(number, num_digits) — английская версия
=ОКРУГЛ(число;число_разрядов) — русская версия
Аргументы функции
- number (число) — число, которое вы хотите округлить;
- num_digits (число_разрядов) — значение десятичного разряда, до которого вы хотите округлить первый аргумент функции.
Дополнительная информация
- если аргумент num_digits (число_разрядов) больше “0”, то число округляется до указанного количества десятичных знаков. Например, =ROUND(500.51,1) или =ОКРУГЛ(500.51;1) вернет “500.5”;
- если аргумент num_digits (число_разрядов) равен “0”, то число округляется до ближайшего целого числа. Например, =ROUND(500.51,0) или =ОКРУГЛ(500.51;0) вернет “501”;
- если аргумент num_digits (число_разрядов) меньше “0”, то число округляется влево от десятичного значения. Например, =ROUND(500.51,-1) или =ОКРУГЛ(500.51;-1) вернет “501”.
Примеры использования функции ОКРУГЛ в Excel
You can round numbers in Excel in several ways: with helping the format of cells and with the help of functions. These two methods should be distinguished: the first only to display or print output, and the second one — for computations and calculations.
With helping functions you can accurate rounding — up or down to the user-specified discharge. And the values obtained computationally, can be used in other formulas and functions. At the same time the rounding by using the format cells does not give the desired result, and the results of calculations with these values will be erroneous. Because the format of the cells, in fact, the value does not change, the only change it its display method. To quickly and easily understand and to avoid mistakes, there are some examples.
How to round the number by the format of the cell
You need to put in the cell A1 the value 76. 575. Clicking with the right mouse button, we called the menu «Format of the cells» to do the same you can through the instrument of «Number» on the main page of the Book. You can also press the hot key combination CTRL+1 for this purpose.
Choose the number format and set decimal places to 0.
The result of rounding:
To assign the number of decimal places we can in the «Accounting» format, «Currency», «Percentage».
Assign the number of decimal places in the «cash» format, «financial», «interest».
As we can see, the rounding occurs according to mathematical laws. The last figure which you need to keep will be increased by one, if it is followed by a figure greater than or equal to «5».
The feature of this option: the more decimal places we leave, the better the result will be got.
How to round a number in Excel
Using the function ROUND (round to user required number of decimal places). To call the «Wizards» we use the fx button. The desired function is in the category of «Mathematical».
The arguments:
- «Number» — is a reference to a cell with the desired value (A1).
- «Number_digits» — is the value of decimal places to which you want to round (0 – to round to a whole number, 1 – it`ll be left a single decimal place, 2 – is two, etc.).
We are rounding to an integer (not a decimal) now. We use the ROUND function:
- the first argument of the function – is a reference to the cell;
- the second argument is negative «-» (up to tens – is «-1», to hundreds – is «-2», to round a number to thousands – is «-3», etc.).
How to round a number in Excel to thousands?
The example rounding of a number to thousands:
The formula: =ROUND(A1,-3)
You can round up not only the number but also the value of the expression.
For example, there are findings on price and quantity of good. You need to find a value accurate to ruble (round up to the nearest whole number).
The function’s first argument — is a numeric expression for finding the value.
How to round in large and smaller side in Excel
For rounding off in a big way – is the function «ROUNDUP».
The first argument we fill in on the familiar principle – is a reference to a data cell.
The second argument: «0» — round of a decimal to an integer, «1» — the function rounds, leaving one decimal place after the decimal point, etc.
Formula: =ROUNDDOWN(A1,0)
The result:
To round down in Excel, apply the function «ROUNDDOWN».
The example of the formula: =ROUNDDOWN(A1,0).
The result:
The formulas «ROUNDUP» and «ROUNDDOWN» are used for rounding the values of the expressions (product, sum, difference, etc.).
How to round to the nearest whole number in Excel?
To round to the nearest whole in a big way we use the function «ROUNDUP». To round to an integer value in the smaller side we use the function «ROUNDDOWN». The function «ROUND» and format of cells as well allow you to round it to integer, setting the value of digits – is «0» (see above).
In Excel for rounding to the nearest whole number we also apply the function «TRUNC». It just drops the decimal places. In fact, there is no rounding applied. The formula cuts off the numbers to the assigned category.
The second argument is «0» — the function cuts off to the nearest whole number; «1» — to the tenth; «2» — to the decimal places, etc.
The special Excel function, which will return only an integer – is «INT». It has the single argument. You can specify a numeric value or a cell reference.
The disadvantage of using function «INT» only rounds down.
Be rounded to an integer in Excel you may using the functions «ROUNDUP» and «ROUNDDOWN». Rounding occurs up or down to the nearest of whole value.
The example of using functions:
The second argument indicates the category to which should be rounded (10 — to tens, 100 — to hundreds, etc.).
Rounding to the nearest even integer performs the function of «EVEN», to the nearest odd value — is «ODD».
The example of their using:
Why Excel rounds up large numbers?
If cells in a spreadsheet are introduced large numbers (for example, 78568435923100756), the default Excel automatically rounds down them here: 7, 85684 E + 16 – this is a feature of the format cells to «General». To avoid the display of large numbers you need to change the format of the cell with a large number of «Numerical» (the fastest way to press the hot key combination CTRL+SHIFT+1). Then the cell value will display like this: 78 568 435 923 100 756, 00. If you wish, the digit of levels can be reduced: «HOME» — «Decrease Decimal».
How to Round Up in Excel (or Down) – 2023 Full Guide
Rounding numbers is a way of simplifying numbers to make them easier to understand or work with. Although by rounding, you only get an estimated value that is still relatively close to the exact value. 😊
But what if you need to round numbers to a specified number of digits ONLY? How do you eliminate the least significant digits then? How do you set it with only 2 or 3 digits after the decimal point? 😱
Well, Excel got these Rounding functions to help you. The ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUND functions.
Are you ready for a round of rounding numbers? 💪 Download your practice workbook here.
How to round up numbers in Excel
The ROUNDUP function in Excel is used to round a number up to its nearest integer, away from 0 (zero).
The syntax of the ROUNDUP function is =ROUNDUP(number, num_digits).
This function has the following arguments:
- Number – Any real number you want to round up.
- Num_digits – The number of digits to which you want to round the number to.
Let’s go! ROUND 1. 🥊
Let’s use the value of pi (π = 3.14159265359) for our example.
Here’s how to round up this number to your desired number of digits.
- In cell B2, type =ROUNDUP(
- The first argument of the ROUNDUP function is the number. Type the number or click on the cell address of the number you want to round up.
- The next argument is num_digits. It is the number of digits you want to round the number to.
Let’s use 1 for our first example. 1 means to round a number to one decimal place after the decimal point.
Simply put, round to the nearest tenths. Close the function with a right parenthesis.
- Press Enter.
The number ROUNDED UP.
Since the num_digits is 1, the number is rounded up to the nearest tenths (the first decimal place to the right after the decimal point).
1 being the tenths decimal place value rounds up to 2, resulting to 3.2
Great job! 👍
Let’s try to input 2 as our num_digits. This means that the number rounds up to two decimal places (round to the nearest hundredths).
In cell B3, type =ROUNDUP(A3,2)
The number is now rounded up to two decimal places. The hundredths decimal place rounds up to 5, resulting to 3.15
What a good starting ROUND! 🙌
Important to Note:
- If the num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then the number is rounded up to that specified number of decimal places.
- The number to the right of the rounding digit doesn’t matter if it is below 5 or above 5 (Math rules in Rounding). It always ROUNDS UP to the nearest integer.
Round up to the nearest whole number
To round a number to the nearest whole is very easy. 👌
Just apply the rounding formula used above and set the num_digits in the ROUNDUP function to 0 (zero).
In your practice workbook, you’ll see random numbers in decimal values. Decimal values or numbers consist of a whole number and fractional parts separated by a decimal point.
Let’s round up these numbers to their nearest whole.
- In cell B2, type the ROUNDUP function:
- The first argument in the ROUNDUP function is number. Type A2 or click cell A2.
- The next argument in the ROUNDUP function is num_digits. To round a number to its nearest whole number, type 0 (zero) for your num_digits.
- Press Enter. Fill in the next cells by double-clicking or dragging down the fill handle.
This is now the result.
Typing 0 (zero) as the num_digits in the ROUNDUP function rounds a number up to its nearest whole. It eliminated the decimal values.
The numbers after the decimal point DO NOT affect the rounding digits. Whether it’s less than 5 or more than 5, all are ROUNDED UP into their whole number. 👍
Round down
The ROUNDDOWN function is used to round numbers down to their nearest integer, towards zero (0).
The syntax of the ROUNDDOWN function is =ROUNDDOWN(number, num_digits).
This function has the following arguments:
- Number – Any real number you want to be rounded down.
- Num_digits – The number of digits to which you want to round the number to.
Let’s use the pi (π = 3.14159265359) example again.
- In cell C2, type =ROUNDDOWN(
- The first argument for the ROUNDDOWN function is the number. Click cell A2.
- The second argument for the ROUNDDOWN function is the num_digits. Type 1 for the num_digits.
- Press Enter.
This is the rounded number. It rounded down to one decimal place from 3.14159265359 to 3.1
What if we round down to two decimal places? ✌️
The number is rounded down to two decimal places (3.14) eliminating other digits.
It is important to note the following for the ROUNDDOWN function:
- If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then the number is rounded down to the specified number of decimal places.
- This rounding function eliminated other digits in the decimal places. Thus, the number is rounded down.
Are you still DOWN for another round? 😊
Round to 2 decimal places
The ROUND function in Excel should not be confused with the ROUNDUP function.
The ROUND function rounds numbers to a specified number of digits following the Mathematics rules in rounding numbers. Do you still recall the rules?
Math Recall Class👨🏫
Rules for rounding numbers:
- The number to the right of the rounding digit will determine whether it will be rounded up or rounded down.
- If the number to the right of the rounding digit is 0 to 4, the rounding digit will not change, and the number will be rounded down.
- If the number to the right of the rounding digit is 5 to 9, the rounding digit will be increased by 1 (one), and the number will be rounded up.
The syntax of the ROUND function is =ROUND(number, num_digits) with the following arguments:
- Number – Any real number you want to round.
- Num_digits – The number of digits to which you want to round the number argument.
Let’s use the numbers in our workbook.
- In cell C2, type =ROUND(
- The first argument of the ROUND function is the number. Click cell A2.
- The second argument of the ROUND function is the num_digits. Since we want to round the number to two decimal places, type 2 for the num_digits.
- Press Enter. Fill in the remaining cells by double-clicking or dragging down the fill handle.
Now, you can see that all the numbers have 2 decimal places! The roundup or down was based on the third decimal place value.
When it is below 5, the rounding digit did not change, and the number is rounded down.
When it was 5 and above, the rounding digit is increased by 1, and the number rounded up.
The ROUND function follows the rules for rounding numbers.
You deserve a ROUND of applause! 👏👏👏
Round up to the nearest 10
To round up a number to the nearest 10, the CEILING function in Excel is what you’re going to use. The CEILING function in Excel rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of significance.
The syntax of the CEILING function is =CEILING(number, significance) with the following arguments:
- Number – The value you want to round.
- Significance – The multiple you want to round to.
Let’s try to round up 3.14159 to the nearest 10.
- In a new sheet, type the CEILING function in cell B2.
- The first argument of the CEILING function is the number. Type in 3.14159 or click on cell A1.
- The second argument of the CEILING function is the significance. The goal is to round up to the nearest 10. Input 10 as the significance.
- Press Enter.
The number 3.14159 rounded to the nearest 10.
Remember that the significance can be any multiples you want to round a number to. It may be 2, 5, 10, or 100.
That’s it – Now what?
Congratulations! 🥳You have been victorious in all of the ROUNDS.
You now know your way through Excel’s ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, and ROUND functions. The CEILING function was just a bonus!
Now, this may seem like a lot but these are a small selection of the helpful functions Excel has in store for you! 🤯
Some of the best ones are IF, SUMIF, and VLOOKUP.
You learn those in my free 30-minute Excel course.
Click here to read more about it (and enroll)🚀
Kasper Langmann2023-01-19T12:12:18+00:00
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Round a number to the decimal place you want in Excel
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This wikiHow guide shows you how to round the value of a cell using the ROUND formula, and how to use cell formatting to display cell values as rounded numbers. Both methods are easy to set up and use! There are also a few other helpful functions (ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, MROUND, EVEN, ODD) for rounding numbers in different ways.
Things You Should Know
- Use the function ROUND(number, num_digits) to round a number to the nearest number of digits specified.
- Use other functions like ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN to change the rounding method.
- Use cell formatting to display numbers as rounded while maintaining the original value.
Enter the data into your spreadsheet. Rounding numbers has plenty of useful applications! For example, if you’re tracking your bills in Excel, you can round the values to integer numbers to see a simpler view of your purchases.
Click a cell next to the one you want to round. This allows you to enter a formula into the cell.
Type =ROUND into the “fx” field. The field is at the top of the spreadsheet. The equal sign indicates that you’re creating a formula rather than typing text.
Type an open parenthesis after “ROUND.” The content of the “fx” box should now look like this: =ROUND(.
Click the cell that you want to round. This inserts the cell’s location (e.g., A1) into the formula. If you clicked A1, the “fx” box should now look like this: =ROUND(A1.
Type a comma followed by the number of digits to round to. For example, if you wanted to round the value of A1 to 2 decimal places, your formula would so far look like this: =ROUND(A1,2.
- Use 0 as the decimal place to round to the nearest whole number.
- Use a negative number to round by multiples of 10. For example, =ROUND(A1,-1will round the number to the next multiple of 10.
Type a closed parenthesis to finish the formula. The final formula should look like this, using the example of rounding A1 to 2 decimal places: =ROUND(A1,2).
Press ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return. This runs the ROUND formula and displays the rounded value in the selected cell. Now you’re ready to SUM some numbers or create a chart.
- You can copy this formula as needed to round other numbers to the same specification.
Use ROUNDUP to round a number up. The ROUNDUP function uses the same parameters as the ROUND function, so you can round up to a specified number of digits. For example, =ROUNDUP(A1, 2) would round up the number in A1 to the nearest hundredths place.
- If A1 were 10.732, it would round up to 10.74.
Use ROUNDUP to round a number down. The ROUNDDOWN function uses the same parameters as the ROUND function, so you can round down to a specified number of digits. For example, =ROUNDDOWN(A1, 2) would round down the number in A1 to the nearest hundredths place.
- If A1 were 10.732, it would round up to 10.73.
Use MROUND to round a number to a nearest multiple. The MROUND function allows you to input a specific multiple that you want to round to. For example, =MROUND(A1, 15) would round the number in A1 to the nearest multiple of 15.
- If A1 were 10.732, it would round to 15.
Use EVEN to round up a number to the nearest even integer. The EVEN function only has one argument, the number you’re rounding. For example, =EVEN(A1) would round the number in A1 up to the nearest even integer.
- If A1 were 10.732, it would round to 12.
Use ODD to round up a number to the nearest even integer. The ODD function only has one argument, the number you’re rounding. For example, =ODD(A1) would round the number in A1 up to the nearest odd integer.
- If A1 were 10.732, it would round to 11.
Enter the data into your spreadsheet. After making a spreadsheet in Excel, getting the formatting right requires knowing the formatting tools.
- Note that this method doesn’t change the actual value in the cell, only how it appears in the spreadsheet.
Highlight any cell(s) you want rounded. To highlight multiple cells, click the top left-most cell of the data, then drag your cursor down and to the right until all cells are highlighted.
Click the Decrease Decimal button to show fewer decimal places. It’s the button that says .00 → .0 on the Home tab on the “Number” panel (the last button on that panel).
- Example: Clicking the Decrease Decimal button would change $4.36 to $4.4.
Click the Increase Decimal button to show more decimal places. This gives a more precise value (rather than rounding). It’s the button that says ←.0 .00 (also on the “Number” panel).
- Example: Clicking the Increase Decimal button might change $2.83 to $2.834.
Enter your data series into your Excel spreadsheet.
- Note that this method doesn’t change the actual value in the cell, only how it appears in the spreadsheet.
Highlight any cell(s) you want rounded. To highlight multiple cells, click the top left-most cell of the data, then drag your cursor down and to the right until all cells are highlighted.
Right-click any highlighted cell. A menu will appear.
Click Number Format or Format Cells. The name of this option varies by version.
Click the Number tab. It’s either on the top or side of the window that popped up.
Click Number from the category list. It’s on the side of the window.
Select the number of decimal places you want to round to. Click the down-arrow next to “Decimal places” to reduce the number of decimal places and round the numbers down.
- Example: To round 16.47334 to 1 decimal place, select 1 from the menu. This would cause the value to be rounded to 16.5.
- Example: To round the number 846.19 to a whole number, select 0 from the menu. This would cause the value to be rounded to 846.
Click OK. It’s at the bottom of the window. The selected cells are now rounded to the selected decimal place.
- To apply this setting to all values on the sheet (including those you add in the future):
- Click anywhere on the sheet to remove the highlighting.
- Click the Home tab at the top of Excel.
- Click the drop-down menu on the “Number” panel.
- Select More Number Formats.
- Set the desired “Decimal places” value, then click OK to make it the default for the file.
- In some versions of Excel, you’ll have to click the Format menu, then Cells, followed by the Number tab to find the “Decimal places” menu.
- To apply this setting to all values on the sheet (including those you add in the future):
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How do you round to 2 decimal places in Excel?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
Go to the “Math & Trig” menu in the “Formulas” tab. Select “ROUND” from the drop-down menu. In the “Number” field, enter the number you want to the round or the ID of the cell containing the number. In the “Num_Digits” field, enter the positive integer “2” to indicate that you want 2 digits to appear after the decimal point.
How do you round to the nearest whole number in Excel?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
When you use the “ROUND” function, enter a -1 in the “Num_Digits” field. This indicates that you want the rounding to happen just to the left of the decimal point, so you will round to a whole number instead of a decimal.
How do you show 2 decimal places in Excel without rounding?
This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
wikiHow Staff Editor
Staff Answer
To do this, you can use the TRUNC (“Truncate”) function. Write the formula =TRUNK, followed by 2 numbers in parentheses. The first is the number you want to truncate, the second is the decimal place you’d like to display. So, for instance, =TRUNC(27.3476,2) would give you 27.34, with no rounding.
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