How to move text in word

Since you are using headings, you can re-organize your document quickly. Drag sections instead of cut and paste.

The Navigation Pane

  • Click View > Navigation Pane and to turn on the Navigation Pane. Only words that have a Heading setting will appear here. Click and hold to move them around, all text will move under that setting will also move.

Instant Table of Contents (TOC)

  • Click References > Table of Contents to turn your Headings into an instant table of contents. See the training courses below for more ways to format your TOC.

Want more?

Move around in a document using the Navigation pane

Introduction to Tables of Contents (TOCs)

Take tables of contents (TOCs) to the next level

Another thing that you can do and this started with Word 2010 is the Navigation Pane.

Let’s go show you that.

You go the VIEW tab and click Navigation Pane box.

And on the left hand side of your document, all those headings appear.

Again, just headings appear.

Anything else that you style in a different type of style won’t appear, just headings will appear.

And this is actually kind of your document laid out.

Now, let’s say your teacher, who’s an astronomy teacher, who’s also an English teacher, wants the planets in alphabetical order.

One, you should question that. But two, okay.

If I had to do that on my regular document, I would have to take ‘Mercury’ and I would have to take this whole thing, and make sure I have all the correct…

If it goes on, I have to cut it, and then I figure out where to put it and scroll down my document, and find the right place and then paste it.

And you do that for a long document and you pick up extra spaces and all that, or here I put it in the wrong place.

It can get pretty cumbersome very quickly, cutting and pasting to reorganize your document.

Let’s look over at the Navigation Pane. And what I can do here is I can drag sections.

Okay, so let’s do this in alphabetical order.

‘Earth’ is first, then ‘Jupiter’. I am just going to click on it, and then unclick when I have it.

All the moons of ‘Jupiter’ also appear in this order, so I can quickly make this alphabetized.

‘Neptune’, ‘Saturn’ goes above ‘Venus’. U, V, Venus is last. But before ‘The Dwarf’ planets.

And there I have quickly organized my document alphabetically and the whole document is changed on the side.

Now, let me go up to the Table of Contents. The Table of Contents does not update automatically like a live preview.

You have to tell it to update it. It is really easy, though. I am just going to click on the Table of Contents.

You can also do this in the ribbon, and you can click Update Table. You can Update just the page numbers. Let’s do that.

And now you can see, Mercury is on Page 4, Saturn is on Page 6.

But I am going to update the whole Table of Contents even in the order.

So Update Table, Update entire table, and now the planets are in alphabetical order, and the Table of Contents is in that order.

So, with Styles, you can change the look of your document quickly, and it is uniform.

You can get an instant Table of Contents and you can organize your document through the Navigation Pane, and change things around very simply.

Those are three of the big benefits of using Styles.

Moving Text in Microsoft Word

In this course, we’ll talk about how to move text in MS Word. Sometimes you need to move a piece of text from one place in a document to another place in the same document or in a different document.

With a mouse, you can use the drag-and-drop method to move text from one place in a document to another. This tutorial will show you how to move text by dragging and dropping it.

Table of contents

  • Moving Text in Microsoft Word
  • What is Moving Text?
  • Moving Between Different Documents
  • Move Text Around Your Word Document
  • What is the difference between Moving and Copying Text?
  • How to Move Text Quickly in Your Word Document
  • Shortcuts Keys To Select and Move Text in a Document
  • Summary

What is Moving Text?

Move text is one of the many things that MS Word can do. For example, a user might be writing something like an article or assignment and realize, either after finishing the document or in the middle of writing, that he or she wrote or typed something that needs to go somewhere else in the document.

So, in this case, the feature called “Moving text” comes in very handy and does the work for the user by moving the text to where it needs to be.

Moving Between Different Documents

Moving text between different documents is possible. To do this, you will have to change the size of at least one Word window so that you can see both documents at the same time. After that, you can choose the text and drag it into the new document.

You might not know that you can move text between different Microsoft Office programs, but you can. For example, move text from a Word document to an Excel spreadsheet using the same method. Or a PowerPoint presentation.

Move Text Around Your Word Document

Sometimes, you’ll need to move parts of the text you’ve already typed around in a Microsoft Word document. To do this, first select the text you want to move, and then do one of the following:

  • Click on the text you want to move and drag it to where you want it. As you drag the text, a vertical insertion point with dots will appear to show you where the text will go when you let go of the mouse.
  • Copy the text by pressing Ctrl-C, move the cursor to where you want it, and then press Ctrl-V to paste it there. This isn’t really moving text, so keep that in mind. It’s just the same thing.
  • Cut the text by pressing Ctrl-x, move the cursor to where you want the text to go, and then press Ctrl-v to paste it there.

Tables are often used to line up different blocks of text. If you do use tables, it will be easy to move a block of text because pressing the tab key while moving from one table cell to the next will automatically select all of the text in a cell.

What is the difference between Moving and Copying Text?

What is the difference between moving text and Copying?

The difference between them is that copying text entails making a copy of the selected text and repositioning it while leaving the original text unchanged. Moving text, on the other hand, means that selected text can be taken from one place and put in another.

How to Move Text Quickly in Your Word Document

In this article, we’ll show you three ways to move texts more quickly in your word document.

  1. Copy and Paste the Selected Texts

    Most of the time, we cut and paste the texts we want into our document.
    Follow these 2 steps to do it:
    1. To cut, select the text you want to move, and then press the shortcut key “Ctrl + X.”
    Ways to Move Text
    2. Move the cursor to where you want the text to go, and then press “Ctrl + V” to paste it there.

    Press Ctrl+V

  2. Click and Drag to Move the Selected Texts

    Also, if you want to move your texts without having to press shortcut keys, you can just click and drag the texts. Read this part to find out how.

    1. Select the text you want to move first.
    2. Then, click on the texts you’ve chosen and drag them to where you want them. When you move the text, a vertical insertion point with dots will appear. It tells you where your text will go when you let go of the mouse.

  3. Quickly Move Texts in a Long Document

    We’ve already said that you can easily move the selected texts by clicking and dragging. However, it does not quite suitable for long documents. So, we’ll show you a different way that works well for long documents.
    1. Select the text you wish to move first.
    2. When you press “F2” on your keyboard, “Move to where?” will appear in the lower left corner of your Word document, as shown below.

    F2 Move Here
    3. Place the pointer on the location where you wish the text to appear by scrolling down the page. Then, press the “Enter” button on your keyboard. The texts will thereafter be transferred rapidly.

    Ways to Move Text Press Enter

Shortcuts Keys To Select and Move Text in a Document

The table below shows how to use shortcuts keys to move text in a MS Word document. 

Shortcut Description
Arrow keys Move cursor
When the Scroll Lock key is enabled, the arrow keys will scroll the page in both edit and read mode.
Ctrl+A Select All document’s contents
Ctrl+C Copy the text or object you select
Ctrl+Down Move item one row down in a list or table
Ctrl+Up Move item up one row in a list or table
Ctrl+V Paste text or object
Ctrl+X Cut selected text or object
Delete Delete selected graphic
Delete Delete selected text or object
Shift+Ctrl+Down Select text up to same point of next line
Shift+Ctrl+Left Select previous word
Shift+Ctrl+Right Select next word
Shift+Ctrl+Up Select text up to same point of previous line
Shift+Ctrl+Down Select text to the end of the line and then move focus to the next line.
Shift+End Select text to end of current line
Shift+Home Select text to beginning of current line
Shift+Left Select previous character
Shift+Right Select next character
Shift+Up Select text at the start of the current line and move the focus to the preceding line.
Keyboard Shortcuts To Select and Move Text in a Document


In this tutorial, we’ve talked about the ways to move text in MS Word documents as well as what those terms mean. We also gain insight into what the tips are for moving text in a document. Furthermore, we also picked up some skills on what the shortcut keys in selecting and moving text.

We hope this tutorial helps you as you plan to create a document in MS Word.


MS Word Tutorial DeleteText


MS Word Tutorial Copy and Paste Text


  • Способ 1: Вырезание и вставка
  • Способ 2: Выделение и перетаскивание
  • Дополнительно: Перемещение страниц
  • Вопросы и ответы

Как переместить текст в Ворде

Способ 1: Вырезание и вставка

Переместить выбранный фрагмент текста из одного места документа в другое можно с помощью стандартных функций Microsoft Word «Вырезать» и «Вставить».

  1. С помощью мышки или клавиш «Ctrl», «Shift», «стрелки» выделите текст, который требуется переместить.
    Выделить фрагмент текста для перемещения в документе Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как выделить весь текст в Ворде

  2. Вырежьте его любым удобным способом, задействовав для этого:

    Читайте также: Горячие клавиши для работы в Word

  3. Установите указатель курсора (каретку) в том месте документа, куда его требуется поместить, и вставьте по аналогии с предыдущим шагом, задействовав:

    Обратите внимание! При вставке текста через контекстное меню или кнопку на ленте можно выбрать его конечный вид, сохранив исходное форматирование, объединив его с таковым в указанном фрагменте документа или полностью очистив. Также доступны и некоторые другие варианты, ранее нами рассмотренные в отдельной инструкции.

    Подробнее: Как вставить скопированный текст в Ворде

  4. Результат вставки вырезанного текста с целью его перемещения в документе Microsoft Word

    На этом озвученная в заголовке статьи задача считается решенной – текст будет перемещен из одного места в другое, а буфер обмена, в который вырезанное содержимое помещалось для последующей вставки, в данном случае выступил в качестве посредника. Несложно догадаться, что аналогичным образом можно переносить записи между разными документами.

    Примечание: Если вы вырезали фрагмент текста, представляющий собой начало, конец либо целый абзац, он будет вставлен с дополнительными отступами в начале и/или конце соответственно, которые потребуется удалить с помощью клавиш «BackSpace» или «Delete». При условии, что вставка выполнялась посредством параметра «Сохранить только текст», таких проблем не возникнет.

    отступы, которые требуется удалить после перемещения текста в документе Microsoft Word

    Читайте также: Как наложить текст на текст в Microsoft Word

Способ 2: Выделение и перетаскивание

Текст в документе Ворд также можно переместить в буквальном смысле этого слова.

  1. Мышкой или клавишами выделите фрагмент, который будет перемещаться.
  2. Выделить текст для перемещения в документе Microsoft Word

  3. Зажмите на выделенной области левую кнопку мышки (ЛКМ) и перетащите ее в нужное место. Ориентируйтесь при этом на каретку, которая и будет обозначать точку вставки.
  4. Перетащить с помощью мышки фрагмент текста в документе Microsoft Word

  5. Отпустите ЛКМ, после чего выбранная часть записи будет перемещена.
  6. Результат перемещения фрагмента текста с помощью мышки в документе Microsoft Word
    Этот метод является более простым, но не самым интуитивным. К тому же, в отличие от рассмотренного в предыдущей части статьи, он не позволяет менять форматирование «на лету» и может использоваться только в рамках одного документа.

    Читайте также: Как форматировать текст в Microsoft Word

Дополнительно: Перемещение страниц

В том случае, если переместить нужно не отдельные фрагменты текста, а целые страницы, например, поменяв их местами, действовать следует по несколько иному алгоритму. Какому именно, можно узнать из представленной по ссылке ниже статьи.

Подробнее: Как поменять местами страницы в документе Ворд
Перемещение страниц с текстом в документе Microsoft Word

Еще статьи по данной теме:

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Moving paragraphs in Word

  1. Click inside the paragraph.
  2. Hold the Shift & Alt keys down and use the Up or Down arrows to move the paragraph further up or further down on the page. This works for rows in tables too.


  • 1 How do I move a paragraph in Word with mouse?
  • 2 How do I move a paragraph to the left in Word?
  • 3 How can I move text in Word?
  • 4 How do you move a body paragraph?
  • 5 What are the 4 alignment options?
  • 6 What are the steps required to move a text using mouse?
  • 7 How do you move a paragraph to the left?
  • 8 How do I extend a paragraph in Word?
  • 9 What is left alignment?
  • 10 How do I move a line over in Word?
  • 11 How do you move pages in a Word document?
  • 12 How do you move a line through text in Word?
  • 13 How do you move a paragraph or a line to a specific position?
  • 14 How do I move a paragraph to the next page?
  • 15 How do you align paragraphs in Word?
  • 16 What is paragraph alignment?
  • 17 Where is the alignment button in Word?
  • 18 Why can’t I move words in Word?
  • 19 What is center alignment?
  • 20 How do you change a paragraph?

How do I move a paragraph in Word with mouse?

Quickly Moving Text with the Mouse

  1. Select the text you want to move.
  2. Position the mouse cursor over the selected text and click the mouse button. Make sure you hold it down.
  3. Drag the highlighted selection to where you want it moved.
  4. Release the mouse button. The highlighted text is moved to the location you specified.

How do I move a paragraph to the left in Word?

How to pull a paragraph in Word into the left margin

  1. Click inside the paragraph you want to format.
  2. On the Home tab, click the Paragraph group’s dialog launcher (the small arrow in the bottom-right corner).
  3. In the Left option in the Indention section, enter -.
  4. Click OK.

How can I move text in Word?

Moving Text In Microsoft Word

  1. Click and drag the selected text where you want it.
  2. Copy the text by pressing ctrl-c, place the cursor where you want the text and then paste it in by pressing ctrl-v.
  3. Cut the text by pressing ctrl-x, place the cursor where you want the text and then paste it in by pressing ctrl-v.

How do you move a body paragraph?

Position the insertion point in the paragraph you want to move. While holding down the Shift and Alt keys, press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow to move the paragraph.

What are the 4 alignment options?

There are four main alignments: left, right, center, and justified. Left-aligned text is text that is aligned with a left edge. Right-aligned text is text that is aligned with a right edge.

What are the steps required to move a text using mouse?

Select the text you want to move. Click on the text with the mouse and drag it to where you want it moved. Release the mouse button.
Moving Text Using the Mouse

  1. Choose Options from the Tools menu.
  2. Click on the Edit tab.
  3. Make sure the check box beside the Drag and Drop Text Editing option is selected.

How do you move a paragraph to the left?

Align the text left or right

  1. Select the text that you want to align.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Align Left or Align Right .

How do I extend a paragraph in Word?

Extending a Paragraph into the Left Margin

  1. Select the paragraph or paragraphs you want affected by the formatting change.
  2. Display the Home tab of the ribbon.
  3. Click the small icon at the bottom-right of Paragraph group.
  4. Using the Left control, specify a negative value.
  5. Click on OK.

What is left alignment?

Left align, left alignment, or left justify is text, pictures, graphics, or page formatting that aligns text along the left side of a page or containing element.In the United States and other English speaking countries, all text editors and word processors are set to be left-aligned because they read left to right.

How do I move a line over in Word?

Word provides a handy shortcut that allows you to easily move rows around in a table. Simply follow these steps: Position the insertion point in the row you want to move or select the rows you want to move. While holding down the Shift and Alt keys, press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow to move the row.

How do you move pages in a Word document?

Press Control (Ctrl) + X to cut the text you selected. Move your cursor to the spot where you want the page moved to and press Control (Ctrl) + V to move the page. Word does all the rest.

How do you move a line through text in Word?

Use the Keyboard to Move Items Up or Down in Microsoft Word

  1. Use the Shift+Alt+Up key, and the row where the cursor is will immediately move up:
  2. This also works for other elements, such as paragraphs…
  3. It also works with items in a bulleted list, and probably many other elements as well.

How do you move a paragraph or a line to a specific position?

Answer: Use tabs, not spaces, to move text to a specific position in a line. Use a First Line indent, not a tab, when you want to indent the first line of a paragraph.

How do I move a paragraph to the next page?

On the Paragraph dialog box, click the “Line and Page Breaks” tab and then check the “Keep lines together” box in the Pagination section. Click “OK”. The whole paragraph moves to the next page.

How do you align paragraphs in Word?

Change text alignment

  1. Place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph, document, or table that you want to align.
  2. Do one of the following: To align the text left, press Ctrl+L. To align the text right, press Ctrl+R. To center the text, press Ctrl+E.

What is paragraph alignment?

Text alignment is a paragraph formatting attribute that determines the appearance of the text in a whole paragraph. For example, in a paragraph that is left-aligned (the most common alignment), text is aligned with the left margin. In a paragraph that is justified, text is aligned with both margins.

Where is the alignment button in Word?

In Word, if you want to align some text, first select it. Then, click or tap on the Home tab at the top of the window. In the Paragraph section, click or tap on Align Left or Align Right, depending on what you want.

Why can’t I move words in Word?

Click in the text box with the e-mail address. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, click Wrap Text, and then click to deselect the Move with Text option. Doing so will allow you to move the text box more freely.

What is center alignment?

Centre Alignment means that the text in the page is exactly in the centre….. also the distance from the left and right margin is equal to the text of the paragraph.

How do you change a paragraph?

Reset the paragraph settings

  1. On the Home tab or on the Page Layout tab, click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher in the Paragraph group.
  2. On the Indents and Spacing tab, change the Indent settings to the indentation settings that you want for the document.
  3. Click Tab on the Indents and Spacing tab.

In this chapter, we will discuss how to move text in Word 2010. At times, it is required to move a text from one location to another location in the same document or in any another document. You can move text from one location in a document to another by using the drag-and-drop technique with the help of mouse. This tutorial will teach you how to use the drag and drop technique to move text.

Move within the same document

Step 1 − Select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods.

Selected Text

Step 2 − Now take your mouse pointer over the selected text and hold the left button of the mouse and keep holding it while moving around the document.

Step 3 − Take your mouse pointer to the place where you want to move the selected text and release the mouse button. You will see that the selected text is moved to the desired location.

Moved Text

Move within different documents

You can move the selected text from one document to another document. Following are some simple steps which will help you in moving text from one document to another document.

Step 1 − Keep both the documents opened and to ensure that both documents are visible, click the Arrange All button on the View tab on the Ribbon.

Arrange All

This will display both the documents as shown below −

Double Documents

Step 2 − Now, select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods.

Step 3 − Take your mouse pointer over the selected text and hold the left button of the mouse and keep holding it while moving around the document.

Step 4 − Take your mouse pointer at the place in the second document where you want to move the selected text and release the mouse button. You will see that the selected text is moved to the desired location in the second document.

Moved Text

Note − In case you have more than two documents, you can use the Alt + Tab keys to switch through the different documents and select the desired destination document.

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