- Круговая надпись на объекте
- Создание объекта
- Добавление надписи
- Написание текста по кругу
- Вопросы и ответы
MS Word — это профессиональный текстовый редактор, который в первую очередь предназначен для офисной работы с документами. Однако, далеко не всегда и далеко не все документы должны быть оформлены в строгом, классическом стиле. Более того, в некоторых случаях творческий подход даже приветствуется.
Все мы видели медали, эмблемы для спортивных команд и прочие «вещицы», где текст написан по кругу, а в центре располагается какой-нибудь рисунок или знак. Написать текст по кругу можно и в Ворде, и в данной статье мы расскажем о том, как это сделать.
Урок: Как в Word написать текст вертикально
Сделать надпись по кругу можно двумя способами, точнее, двух видов. Это может быть обычный текст, расположенный по кругу, а может быть текст по кругу и на круге, то есть, именно то, что делают на всевозможных эмблемах. Оба эти метода мы рассмотрим ниже.
Круговая надпись на объекте
Если ваша задача — не просто сделать надпись по кругу, а создать полноценный графический объект, состоящий из круга и надписи, расположенной на нем тоже по кругу, действовать придется в два этапа.
Создание объекта
Прежде, чем сделать надпись по кругу, необходимо создать этот самый круг, а для этого нужно нарисовать на странице соответствующую фигуру. Если вы еще не знаете, как можно рисовать в Ворде, обязательно прочтите нашу статью.
Урок: Как рисовать в Word
1. В документе Ворд перейдите во вкладку «Вставка» в группе «Иллюстрации» нажмите кнопку «Фигуры».
2. Из выпадающего меню кнопки выберите объект «Овал» в разделе «Основные фигуры» и нарисуйте фигуру нужных размеров.
- Совет: Чтобы нарисовать круг, а не овал, перед растягиванием выбранного объекта на странице, необходимо нажать и удерживать клавишу «SHIFT» до тех пор, пока не нарисуете круг нужных размеров.
3. Если это необходимо, измените внешний вид нарисованного круга, воспользовавшись инструментами вкладки «Формат». Наша статья, представленная по ссылке выше, вам в этом поможет.
Добавление надписи
После того, как мы с вами нарисовали круг, можно смело переходить к добавлению надписи, которая и будет в нем располагаться.
1. Кликните дважды по фигуре, чтобы перейти во вкладку «Формат».
2. В группе «Вставка фигур» нажмите кнопку «Надпись» и кликните по фигуре.
3. В появившемся текстовом поле введите текст, который должен располагаться по кругу.
4. Измените стиль надписи, если это необходимо.
Урок: Изменение шрифта в Ворде
5. Сделайте невидимым поле, в котором располагается текст. Для этого выполните следующее:
6. В группе «Стили WordArt» нажмите на кнопку «Текстовые эффекты» и выберите в ее меню пункт «Преобразовать».
7. В разделе «Траектория движения» выберите тот параметр, где надпись расположена по кругу. Он так и называется «Круг».
Примечание: Слишком короткая надпись может не «растянутся» по всему кругу, поэтому придется выполнить с ней некоторые манипуляции. Попробуйте увеличить шрифт, добавить пробелы между буквами, поэкспериментируйте.
8. Растяните текстовое поле с надписью до размеров круга, на котором она должна располагаться.
Немного поэкспериментировав с перемещением надписи, размером поля и шрифта, вы сможете гармонично вписать надпись в круг.
Урок: Как повернуть текст в Word
Написание текста по кругу
Если вам не нужно делать круговую надпись на фигуре, а ваша задача — просто написать текст по кругу, сделать это можно куда проще, да и просто быстрее.
1. Откройте вкладку «Вставка» и нажмите на кнопку «WordArt», расположенную в группе «Текст».
2. В выпадающем меню выберите понравившийся стиль.
3. В появившееся текстовое поле введите необходимый текст. Если нужно, измените стиль надписи, ее шрифт, размер. Сделать все это можно в появившейся вкладке «Формат».
4. В этой же вкладке «Формат», в группе «Стили WordArt» нажмите на кнопку «Текстовые эффекты».
5. Выберите в ее меню пункт «Преобразовать», а затем выберите «Круг».
6. Надпись будет расположена по кругу. Если это требуется, подкорректируйте размер поля, в котором находится надпись, чтобы сделать круг идеальным. По желанию или необходимости измените размер, стиль шрифта.
Урок: Как в Ворд сделать зеркальную надпись
Вот вы и узнали, как в Word сделать надпись по кругу, как и о том, как сделать круговую надпись на фигуре.
You can use WordArt with a Transform text effect to curve or bend text around a shape. If you want the text to circle the shape, you can also do this, but it’s a little bit more work. You can also insert WordArt multiple times to wrap text around shapes with straight edges.
Go to Insert > WordArt, and pick the WordArt style you want.
Note: The WordArt icon is located in the Text group, and it may appear different depending on the version you’re using and the size of your screen. The icon may also look like this
Replace the WordArt placeholder text with your own text.
Select your WordArt text.
Go to Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format, select Text Effects >Transform and pick the look you want.
Note: Depending on your screen size, you might only see the icons for WordArt Styles.
Advanced techniques
Wrap around a circle To create text that completely circles your shape, choose Circle under Follow Path, and then drag any of the sizing handles until your WordArt is the size and shape you want.
Wrap around straight edges To wrap text around a shape that has straight edges, such as a rectangle, insert WordArt objects for each edge. In this example, WordArt is inserted four times, one for each side of the shape.
Group moves and copy To move or copy multiple WordArt objects as a single shape, see Group or ungroup shapes, pictures, or other objects .
Precise angle control You can control the angle of your WordArt text in relation to your shape with precision by using the Rotate tool.
If you need very precise control or are creating a complex combination of shapes and text, you’ll want to use a third-party drawing or graphics program to create the text around your shape and then copy and paste it into your Office document.
See Also
Add shapes
Insert WordArt
Create curved or circular WordArt
Go to Insert > WordArt.
Pick the WordArt style you want.
Type your text.
Select the WordArt.
Go to Shape Format > Text Effects > Transform and pick the effect you want.
Advanced techniques
Wrap around a circle To create text that completely circles your shape, choose Circle under Follow Path, and then drag any of the sizing handles until your WordArt is the size and shape you want.
Wrap around straight edges To wrap text around a shape that has straight edges, such as a rectangle, insert WordArt objects for each edge. In this example, WordArt is inserted four times, one for each side of the shape.
Group moves and copy To move or copy multiple WordArt objects as a single shape, see Group or ungroup shapes, pictures, or other objects .
Precise angle control You can control the angle of your WordArt text in relation to your shape with precision by using the Rotate tool.
If you need very precise control or are creating a complex combination of shapes and text, you’ll want to use a third-party drawing or graphics program to create the text around your shape and then copy and paste it into your Office document.
In Word for the web you can see WordArt that’s already in your document, but to add more WordArt you need to open or edit the doc in the desktop version of Word.
You can use the Font features on the Home tab to change the font color and size, and apply bolding, italics, or underlines to your text.
Microsoft Word is more than just a tool for typing text. It can be used for other types of editing as well, and that includes spicing up your text to look more professional. For example, if you want to circle your text, or add a text around a circle, these are things you can do, and we are going to explain how to get them done. One of the reasons one might want to add a circle around a text is to emphasize it, but there are other reasons as well, so do what makes you feel comfortable. In this post, we show you how to insert text in a Circle. We also show you how to circle Text in Microsoft Word using built-in functions.
How to add a Circle around Text in Word
Drawing a circle around a text is easier than you might imagine. We promise that this article will not be difficult to understand, so read carefully and things should turn out just fine.
- Open Microsoft Word
- Launch a new document
- Navigate to Shapes
- Select the circle shape
- Draw the shape in your document
- Edit Shape Format
- Drag circle over text
1] Open Microsoft Word
To begin this task, you must first launch Microsoft Word. You can find the icon on the Desktop, Taskbar, or from within the Start Menu.
2] Launch a new document
After you’ve fired up Word, you must now click on Black Document to open a new document, or launch one you’ve been working on before; the choice is yours.
3] Navigate to Shapes
The next step, then, is to locate the Shapes area. To do this, click on Insert > Shapes. You will see a dropdown menu showcasing several different types of shapes. The options to choose from are as follows:
- Lines
- Basic Shapes
- Block Arrows
- Flowchart
- Callouts
- Start and Banners
4] Select the circle shape
From under the Basic Shapes category, please click on the circle icon, or to be more correct, the oval icon.
5] Draw the shape in your document
After selecting the circle, you must press and hold the left-click button, then drag to create the circle in the preferred size and position.
6] Edit Shape Format
By default, the circle will be added to your document with a color-filled center. This means, the text won’t show on the inside, so we need to change this.
To get it done, click on the shape, then select Shape Format > Shape Fill > No Fill. Doing this will remove the color from within the center of the circle.
From there, you can click on Shape Outline to determine the color of the circle’s outline.
7] Drag circle over text
The final thing you will want to do, then, is to drag the circle over the preferred line of text. Adjust the circle to allow the text to fit perfectly in the center, or in whichever form you wish.
Read: How to insert a blank page anywhere in your Word document
Apart from just creating a circle around text, folks can also create the text. Let’s look at how to do this.
- Navigate to WordArt
- Select the WordArt style you want
- Click on Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format
- Go to Transform
- Choose the circular shape
- For the newer version of Microsoft Word
- Set the circular word around a picture or shape
1] Navigate to WordArt
We assume you already have a Microsoft Word document opened, so from your current position, click on Insert, then select the WordArt icon from the Text menu.
2] Select the WordArt style you want
From here, you must choose the WordArt style that makes sense for your needs. Once selected, you must then type the preferred name or words for your art and hit the OK button. The art will appear in your document.
3] Click on Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format
After your WordArt has made its way to your document, you must then move to choose either Shape Format, or the Drawing Tools tab. Doing this will highlight new features to play around with.
4] Go to Transform
Next, you are required to click on Text Effects, and after that, select Transform to reveal an additional dropdown menu.
5] Choose the circular shape
From under the Follow Path category, please click on the circular shape and add it to the document.
6] For the newer version of Microsoft Word
After you’ve added the WordArt to the document, please click on the WordArt tab > Change Shape, then select the circle under Follow Path.
7] Set the circular word around a picture or shape
To top it off, drag the newly created WordArt and place it around a circular picture. Simply drag the edge of the WordArt to ensure it fits perfectly around, and that’s it, you’re done.
Read: How to mirror an Image in Microsoft Word
What are the text basics in MS word?
Folks who are new to Microsoft Word are required to learn the basics of typing, editing, and organizing text in many ways. These tasks are along the lines of the ability to add, delete, and move text in a document with ease. Additionally, users must learn how to cut, copy, and paste as well.
How do you insert text in Microsoft Word?
If you want to insert text in a Microsoft Word document, we suggest selecting Insert > Text Box, and from there, choose Draw Text Box. You must now click in the document, then drag right away to draw the text box to the size you prefer. Finally, select within the text box and then type your text.
Read: How to download Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint on Mac.
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30 April 2022
In Microsoft Word, circling around text can place emphasis or enhance the text appearance. There are a few methods you can choose in Word documents and you’re not limited to circles.
We’ll show how to add a simple circle like this, plus a lot more.
Add shape to document
Go to Insert | Illustrations | Shapes
For our example we’ve chosen the Oval shape under Basic Shapes.
Now, hold down your cursor and drag the circle over the text.
Now, make sure the shape has been selected. We change the formatting under Shape Format | Shape Styles to make it into a transparent circle.
- Shape Fill – choose No Fill, so that it doesn’t cover your text.
- Shape Outline – choose a color of your choice that will really stick out on the page.
- Weight – choose the thickness of the line.
- Sketched – add more of a sketched look to your line.
- Dashes – choose between different dashed lines.
Sketchy or hand-drawn effect
For a rough, hand-drawn line effect go to Shape Outline | Sketchy .
Really hand drawn shape
Yet another option is to really draw a line or shape around the words using the Draw tab. You don’t need a digital pen, just a mouse is enough. Go to the Draw tab, choose a pen, pencil etc and a color.
Add text within a shape
Another way around it is adding text within a shape. This means the text will move with the shape.
Go to Insert | Illustrations | Shapes.
Select your preferred shape.
Right click on the shape and select ‘Add Text’.
Type your text within the shape. If you need more room for text, drag the yellow dot up to ‘fatten’ the star shape
Double-click inside the shape to bring up options to change the Font style from the mini-toolbar. Of course all the formatting options are also on the Home tab.
Starting Word Page numbers from a specific page number
Make lines and arrows straight – a Word bug fix
Solved! How to connect shapes in Word
There are many ways to make text stand out in your document. You can format the font in bold or italic or highlight the text using color. For another option, we’ll show you how to circle text in Microsoft Word.
You may want to place a circle around text to emphasize it. But you might also want to use that circled text to enhance the appearance. Whatever your reason, circling text in Word takes only a couple of steps.
Add a Shape to the Document
Open your Word document and go to the Insert tab. Click “Shapes” to view the available options.
The closest shape to a circle is the oval, which works well for circling text. Choose that option in the Basic Shapes section.
Your cursor changes to a plus sign. Click and then drag to draw the oval on your document. You can make it as large or small as you like to accommodate the text you want to circle. But remember, you can resize the shape later as well.
Now that you have your shape, you may need to adjust it so that you can see the text you circle. You can also make optional changes to the line size or color.
Format the Circle Around the Text
You can use the Shape Format tab to customize your shape.
RELATED: How to Add and Format Text in a Shape in Microsoft Word
If your shape has a fill color that you need to remove, select the shape and pick “No Fill” in the Shape Fill drop-down box on the Shape Format tab.
This allows you to place the circle over the text and see only the outline of the shape.
To adjust the line of the circle, select the Shape Outline drop-down arrow. You can then change the line color, weight, and style.
As you make your changes, you’ll see your circle update immediately. So, you can get just the right look.
Move and Resize the Circle
You can move the shape so it’s on top of the text you want to circle by simply dragging it.
If you need to make the circle larger or smaller, drag a corner or edge in or out.
You can make these adjustments to your shape until you see the ideal circle.
If your preferred method of making text pop in your document is by circling it, you can do this in just minutes. And by using the Shapes feature in Microsoft Word, you’ll have a nicely drawn circle.
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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023
This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!
Asked by: Kurtis Casper
Score: 4.7/5
(24 votes)
Create curved or circular WordArt
- Go to Insert > WordArt.
- Pick the WordArt style you want.
- Type your text.
- Select the WordArt.
- Go to Shape Format > Text Effects > Transform and pick the effect you want.
Is there a way to circle text in Word?
Just hold down the Shift key as you click and drag, and you are guaranteed of a perfect circle.
How do I put words in a shape?
Right-click anywhere in your shape and click the “Add Text” command. This places an insertion point in the shape where you can type your text. Once you’ve added whatever you want to write, the “Format” tab has tools you can use to give your text a little pop with things like text styles and shading.
What app can i use to curve text?
PicMonkey is one of the only design platforms out there with a super easy-to-use curved text tool. That means if you want to put your words into circles and arcs, you’ve got to check out PicMonkey.
How do you bend text in Word 2010?
Click and hold the pink dot on the left side of the text box, and then move the mouse around to expand and contract the curve. Release the mouse button when you’re satisfied with the appearance of the curve.
23 related questions found
How do I add text effects in Word?
Add or remove text effects
- Select the text that you want to add an effect to.
- On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Text Effect.
- Click the effect that you want. For more choices, point to Outline, Shadow, Reflection, or Glow, and then click the effect that you want to add.
How do I make a transparent circle in Word?
Select the shape or shapes that you want to make transparent. Right-click, and on the context menu, select Format > Fill. Set the Transparency slider to the percentage of transparency that you want.
How do you make a shape transparent?
Make a shape transparent
- Select Insert > Shapes.
- Select a shape from the drop-down gallery and then draw it the size that you want.
- Right-click the shape and choose Format Shape. …
- In the dialog box, in the Fill section, select the Transparency slider and drag rightward to set the degree of transparency you want.
What is circle shape?
A circle is a shape consisting of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre; equivalently it is the curve traced out by a point that moves in a plane so that its distance from a given point is constant.
How do I change the transparency of a shape in Word?
Select the shape, and go to Shape Format to open the Format Pane. Select Fill > Picture or gradient fill and then drag the Transparency slider to set the exact percentage of transparency you want.
How do I add text effects in Word 2010?
To add or modify text effects:
- Select the text box, or select some text inside of the text box. The Format tab will appear.
- Click the Format tab.
- Click the Text Effects command in the WordArt Styles group. …
- Hover over an effect category. …
- Select the desired effect preset.
Where is the text wrapping in Word?
To wrap text around an image:
- Select the image you want to wrap text around. The Format tab will appear on the right side of the Ribbon.
- On the Format tab, click the Wrap Text command in the Arrange group. Then select the desired text wrapping option. …
- The text will wrap around the image.
What is text effects in Word?
Text Effects and Typography in MS Word & Office 360
In The Text Effects and Typography Settings, Applying the special formats to the content such as an Outline, Shadow, Reflection or Glow is known as the Text Effects. Similarly, changing the Number Styles, Ligatures, and Stylistics Sets is called Typography settings.
How do I fill a textbox with color in Word 2010?
Change the inside (fill) color
- Select the shape or text box.
- On the Drawing Tools Format tab, click Shape Fill > More Fill Colors.
- In the Colors box, either click the color you want on the Standard tab, or mix your own color on the Custom tab.
How do I make a text box transparent in Word 2010?
In Word 2010 the steps are a bit different:
- Place your text box, as normal.
- Right-click on the text box. …
- Choose Format Shape from the Context menu. …
- At the left side of the dialog box click Fill. …
- Use the Transparency slider to adjust how transparent you want the Text Box to be.
How do I make text more attractive in HTML?
HTML text effects are usually very simple to use, and you can change the text with just a small change in the code. To change size, just change the 24 (but leave the ” “) to any size you want. To change colors, replace #FF0000 with the new color you want.
How do I make a JPEG transparent?
You can create a transparent area in most pictures. Select the picture that you want to create transparent areas in. Click Picture Tools > Recolor > Set Transparent Color. In the picture, click the color you want to make transparent.
How do you clear the formatting in Word?
Clear formatting from text
- Select the text that you want to return to its default formatting.
- In Word: On the Edit menu, click Clear and then select Clear Formatting. In PowerPoint: On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Clear All Formatting .
Is there a perfect circle?
Perfect circles do not exist in nature, but you can see some close approximations around CMU’s main campus in Pittsburgh.
Is round and circle the same?
Circle can be a noun or a verb. … (Verb) Circle as a noun is 2-D. Round is usually an adjective.
Click on the “Format” tab in the toolbar. Click on the “Text Effects” button. Hover your cursor over “Transform.” In the fourth row of the “Warp” section, choose between the “Curve: Up” or the “Curve: Down” option.
- 1 How do I curve text in Word for Mac?
- 2 How do you make words into a shape?
- 3 How do you curve text in design space?
- 4 How do you make circles around letters?
- 5 What is a single path or mesh?
- 6 Do you need to curve text for tumblers?
- 7 How do you curve text in design space on IPAD?
- 8 How do you bend text in Canva?
- 9 How do you curve text on the bottom of the circle in silhouette?
- 10 Where is the warp tool in silhouette?
How do I curve text in Word for Mac?
To create curved or circular WordArt text, you add a Transform text effect.
- Select the WordArt. When you do that, the Shape Format tab appears.
- Click Text Effects >Transform and pick the effect you want.
How do you make words into a shape?
Use WordArt to shape text
- On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click WordArt, and then click the WordArt style that you want.
- Type the text that you want.
- Change the font size, if needed, and then click OK.
How do you curve text in design space?
Curving Text in Design Space
- Click the Text tool in the Design panel to the left of the Canvas.
- Enter text into the text box, choose your font and font style, and use the Letter Space tool to adjust letter spacing as needed.
- Click on the Curve tool.
- Drag the slider to the right to curve the text downward.
How do you make circles around letters?
You can use one of the alt keys and type the decimal numbers using number pad. For example, alt + 9411 will produce circled capital N like Ⓝ. If you do not have a keyboard with number pad then try the alt + x method. Type the hexadecimal codes and then press alt + x to convert it into a circled letter.
What is a single path or mesh?
A single path, by definition is a path that does not contain multiple paths. (
Do you need to curve text for tumblers?
Generally, text at the top of the tumbler should be curved with a diameter of 45 and text at the bottom should be curved at 30 with the lines in between adjusted accordingly.
How do you curve text in design space on IPAD?
Once you’ve added your text, scroll to the right on the menu and select the “Curve” option. Slide the bar left for a downward curve or right for an upward curve. Once you’re happy with your curved text, tap the export button again and select “Save Image”. Now you’re ready to upload your design to Cricut Design Space!
How do you bend text in Canva?
How to Create Curved Text in Canva
- Type Your Image Text. Click on the text icon to add a text block to your Canva page.
- Edit Image Effects. The next step is to click the effects button.
- Curve Text Effect. Next, you need to click on the curve button under the shapes tab.
- Adjust The Curve.
How do you curve text on the bottom of the circle in silhouette?
What you want to do is type out your text. Draw your circle. Double click the text so you get the green box around it with the little directional arrow circle in the lower left corner. Grab that arrow icon and drag it over to the bottom of your circle.
Where is the warp tool in silhouette?
Silhouette Studio® 4.1 introduced a basic Warp Tool for users of Designer Edition and higher. The Warp panel can be accessed near the bottom of the panels on the right. If your screen is small, look for an arrow to pull out more options. The Warp Panel looks like a warped grid.
Asked by: Kurtis Casper
Score: 4.7/5
(24 votes)
Create curved or circular WordArt
- Go to Insert > WordArt.
- Pick the WordArt style you want.
- Type your text.
- Select the WordArt.
- Go to Shape Format > Text Effects > Transform and pick the effect you want.
Is there a way to circle text in Word?
Just hold down the Shift key as you click and drag, and you are guaranteed of a perfect circle.
How do I put words in a shape?
Right-click anywhere in your shape and click the “Add Text” command. This places an insertion point in the shape where you can type your text. Once you’ve added whatever you want to write, the “Format” tab has tools you can use to give your text a little pop with things like text styles and shading.
What app can i use to curve text?
PicMonkey is one of the only design platforms out there with a super easy-to-use curved text tool. That means if you want to put your words into circles and arcs, you’ve got to check out PicMonkey.
How do you bend text in Word 2010?
Click and hold the pink dot on the left side of the text box, and then move the mouse around to expand and contract the curve. Release the mouse button when you’re satisfied with the appearance of the curve.
23 related questions found
How do I add text effects in Word?
Add or remove text effects
- Select the text that you want to add an effect to.
- On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Text Effect.
- Click the effect that you want. For more choices, point to Outline, Shadow, Reflection, or Glow, and then click the effect that you want to add.
How do I make a transparent circle in Word?
Select the shape or shapes that you want to make transparent. Right-click, and on the context menu, select Format > Fill. Set the Transparency slider to the percentage of transparency that you want.
How do you make a shape transparent?
Make a shape transparent
- Select Insert > Shapes.
- Select a shape from the drop-down gallery and then draw it the size that you want.
- Right-click the shape and choose Format Shape. …
- In the dialog box, in the Fill section, select the Transparency slider and drag rightward to set the degree of transparency you want.
What is circle shape?
A circle is a shape consisting of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre; equivalently it is the curve traced out by a point that moves in a plane so that its distance from a given point is constant.
How do I change the transparency of a shape in Word?
Select the shape, and go to Shape Format to open the Format Pane. Select Fill > Picture or gradient fill and then drag the Transparency slider to set the exact percentage of transparency you want.
How do I add text effects in Word 2010?
To add or modify text effects:
- Select the text box, or select some text inside of the text box. The Format tab will appear.
- Click the Format tab.
- Click the Text Effects command in the WordArt Styles group. …
- Hover over an effect category. …
- Select the desired effect preset.
Where is the text wrapping in Word?
To wrap text around an image:
- Select the image you want to wrap text around. The Format tab will appear on the right side of the Ribbon.
- On the Format tab, click the Wrap Text command in the Arrange group. Then select the desired text wrapping option. …
- The text will wrap around the image.
What is text effects in Word?
Text Effects and Typography in MS Word & Office 360
In The Text Effects and Typography Settings, Applying the special formats to the content such as an Outline, Shadow, Reflection or Glow is known as the Text Effects. Similarly, changing the Number Styles, Ligatures, and Stylistics Sets is called Typography settings.
How do I fill a textbox with color in Word 2010?
Change the inside (fill) color
- Select the shape or text box.
- On the Drawing Tools Format tab, click Shape Fill > More Fill Colors.
- In the Colors box, either click the color you want on the Standard tab, or mix your own color on the Custom tab.
How do I make a text box transparent in Word 2010?
In Word 2010 the steps are a bit different:
- Place your text box, as normal.
- Right-click on the text box. …
- Choose Format Shape from the Context menu. …
- At the left side of the dialog box click Fill. …
- Use the Transparency slider to adjust how transparent you want the Text Box to be.
How do I make text more attractive in HTML?
HTML text effects are usually very simple to use, and you can change the text with just a small change in the code. To change size, just change the 24 (but leave the ” “) to any size you want. To change colors, replace #FF0000 with the new color you want.
How do I make a JPEG transparent?
You can create a transparent area in most pictures. Select the picture that you want to create transparent areas in. Click Picture Tools > Recolor > Set Transparent Color. In the picture, click the color you want to make transparent.
How do you clear the formatting in Word?
Clear formatting from text
- Select the text that you want to return to its default formatting.
- In Word: On the Edit menu, click Clear and then select Clear Formatting. In PowerPoint: On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Clear All Formatting .
Is there a perfect circle?
Perfect circles do not exist in nature, but you can see some close approximations around CMU’s main campus in Pittsburgh.
Is round and circle the same?
Circle can be a noun or a verb. … (Verb) Circle as a noun is 2-D. Round is usually an adjective.