How to make a sentence with the word their

Example Sentences with There Their and They're-mPin

There, their and they’re the three words that can cause a headache for English language learners. Here are some examples of sentences with there, their and they’re.

Sentences with There

  1. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship.
  2. There are many things you should know about saving money.
  3. There should be equal rights for everyone.
  4. There are many different ways of making money.
  5. There is a boat in the harbor.
  6. There was a storm last night.
  7. Are you sure there is no meat in this sauce?
  8. Is there a television remote lying on the desk?
  9. There are so many people in this store!
  10. The storm was so bad that there was damage to the roof of my house.
  11. There were cars parked outside the plaza.
  12. There is a toilet near the entrance.
  13. There is an egg on the floor.
  14. There is a hair in my soup.
  15. There was a spider in the room.
  16. Barbra was there at the party.
  17. There are 20 people outside my house.
  18. There was nothing for me to do but take it to the shop.
  19. There isn’t a lot of choice in this area.
  20. There are times when you just have to give up.
  21. There is no backup system for this sort of situation.
  22. There‘s nothing quite like a good old-fashioned car chase.
  23. There have been a lot of changes there.
  24. There is a food truck festival tomorrow.
  25. I went there on my lunch break yesterday.
  26. There are only 5 things you need to start a blog.
  27. There are thousands of video sites, but not all of them are worthwhile.
  28. There is no point in trying to make minor changes to your website and there is no guarantee that the changes will work for you.
  29. If money is involved in any form, then there will be complaints.
  30. There was a woman here earlier.
  31. There are two people in my family.
  32. There are three reasons for my success.
  33. There are many things that you have done wrong.
  34. There has been a slight delay in getting the product to market at this point.
  35. There is one thing I would like to mention.
  36. There were a lot of people at the party.
  37. The food was there every night.
  38. Mary said that there were no cookies left.
  39. I can’t find my keys – are they there?
  40. There was a jaguar behind the tree.
  41. There will be no school tomorrow.
  42. There are four main varieties of art that are practiced in the modern world.
  43. There was a man who just stood there with his mouth open.
  44. There is a beautiful statue made out of marble.
  45. There were two children on the playground who were playing together.
  46. There have been many attempts to build cars that are powered by electricity instead of gasoline.
  47. There is more and more rain in the forecast for this coming weekend.
  48. There was a time when people would not wear shorts to work, but now it is normal.
  49. There will be a party on Saturday night.

Sentences with Their

  1. Their sandwiches are pretty good.
  2. Let’s hope they achieve their target quickly.
  3. The reason for their anger is not clear.
  4. I added their name to the list.
  5. They were upset when they found their offer had been refused.
  6. He checked all the things lying on their desk.
  7. It’s a myth that you can tell a lot about someone by their name. However, some names do seem to fit people very well.
  8.  If you keep a watchful eye their tricks will not fool you.
  9. Their website teaches children how to spell simple English words.
  10. Their company sells traditional food and products.
  11. They own a small organic farm in the forest behind their house.
  12. Their work has been featured in print and online publications.
  13. Bob and Jack were trying to inspire their teacher.
  14. Their trademark red hats are a herringbone pattern.
  15. Their business is based in the town, but they have a cottage on the coast.
  16. Their online course teaches people a new skill every month for 2 years.
  17. They created their product themselves and sell it all over.
  18. He was their next victim.
  19. The others are here, their time comes later.
  20. Here lies their secret.
  21. He had their respect and affection.
  22. He felt good to have their confidence.
  23. They left their luggage at the train station while they went out for dinner.
  24. They were busy trying to fix their problems and didn’t seem to be interested in ours.
  25. He informed everyone that their boss would not be attending the meeting.
  26. They were eating their dinner.
  27. Let’s try their special today.
  28. We need to ask their permission.
  29. Their behavior was very rude.
  30. I will consider their request.
  31. It was their idea in the first place.
  32. We are happy that their teacher is helping us.
  33. Their next album was released this past March.
  34. Their old house was quite small.
  35. Their high school does not promote sports teams.
  36. Their interest in art was obvious.
  37. Their daughters were pretty alike.
  38. Her children get along very well with their neighbors, who have no children of their own.
  39. Their favorite place to shop is in the local market on Friday afternoons.
  40. Jenny and Jess have their styles.
  41. Your guests are their priority.
  42. Jack was also a hermit and enjoyed the solitude of their mountain cabin.
  43. Their quilt smelled like newly mown hay.
  44. The boys were sure their team would win, even though their supporters were few.
  45. They are devoted environmentalists and their food comes from locally grown sources.
  46. They denounced it at first, but eventually, they had to change their minds.
  47. Their favorite type of sweets is gummy bears.

Sentences with They’re

  1. They’re not my priority right now.
  2. They’re a great team players.
  3. They’re perfect for each other.
  4. Jealousy is not a good emotion but they’re feeling we have to learn to control it.
  5. They’re coming over tonight.
  6. They’re better than you think.
  7. They’re really nice neighbors.
  8. They’re giving us a lift to the train station.
  9. They’re helping us move house this weekend.
  10. They’re going to be so helpful.
  11. I’m starting to think that they’re going to fail.
  12. What they’re offering seems pretty expensive.
  13. Based on what we’ve done, they’re clearly the best choice.
  14. They’re already late for their next meeting.
  15. It’s a good thing that they’re not going to need very much help from us.
  16. They’re preparing for the interview.
  17. They’re doing it for themselves and not for others.
  18. They’re deciding which one will suit them best.
  19. They’re respecting your decisions and wishes.
  20. They’re putting together your new house.
  21. They’re saying all white is out this year.
  22. If you don’t arrive on time, they’re not going.
  23. Jenny says they’re scared of the dark.
  24. They’re very nice people.
  25. They’re in the backyard again.
  26. They’re going to the beach every weekend.
  27. They’re always travelling around Asia with their parents. It’ll be fun to see them later tonight.
  28. They’re going to take a picture of the statue later today.
  29. They’re currently studying the history of the Second World War.
  30. They’re all looking at their notes.
  31. They’re going to end up with a good grade on this test, even if they miss a few questions.
  32. They’re also studying how the war affected America.
  33. They’re getting ready for the test on Monday afternoon.
  34. They’re all proud of their participation in the war effort.
  35. They’re leaving an hour later.
  36. I’m going to find the book they’re talking about.
  37. I didn’t know they’re going on vacation.
  38. Let’s see what they’re up to tonight.
  39. Do you know what they’re thinking?
  40. They’re amazing. Aren’t they?
  41. They’re getting quite big now.
  42. They’re not going to believe it!
  43. They’re great at keeping secrets!
  44. They’re so clever and talented!
  45. They’re my favorite singers, do you know them?
  46. They’re growing really fast!
  47. They’re going on a big trip.
  48. They’re waking up early tomorrow.
  49. They’re the main stars of the show.
  50. They’re looking for a good time.
  51. They’re sleeping inside their houses tonight.
  52. They’re never going to find you.
  53. They’re turning into monsters overnight.
  54. They’re also supposed to be quite comfortable to complete the task.

Sentences with There Their and They'rePin

Sentences with There Their and They’re

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Their, there, and they’re are all pronounced the same way. Their is the possessive pronoun, as in «their car is red»; there is used as an adjective, «he is always there for me,» a noun, «get away from there,» and, chiefly, an adverb, «stop right there»; they’re is a contraction of «they are,» as in «they’re getting married.»

Homophones — words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings — can be tricky. There are three in particular that commonly confuse people. They’re very tricky, in part because of their usefulness, which means that we call on them over and over in our writing here and there.

charm unit words at play theyre there their

There’s no need to confuse there, they’re, and their. While they’re not an easy group of words, with practice you can master their distinctions.

«There» Usage

And we’ll start there. That one has the word here in it, which is helpful. It can remind us that this particular there is often about location:

There it is.
Put it there.
Stay there.
We’ll be there soon.

It’s about location in the more abstract sense too:

There you go.
There is where we disagree.
Friends who are always there for you.

It’s also the one to use as the first word in sentences that have the subject after the verb:

There is a nice hotel in the town.

And it’s the one used with the verb be at the beginning of sentences and questions:

There are plenty available.
Is there a hotel in the town?

The other two are trickier because they both have the idea of the plural in them. They key is discerning between the contraction for «they are» (they’re) and the possessive of «belonging to them» (their).

«They’re» Usage

They’re is a contraction that means «they are.» You can remember that apostrophes indicate the possessive only when used of ‘s, such as «the writer’s thoughts.» Otherwise, it’s generally a contraction of two words, as in can’t = cannot, or won’t = will not, or an omission of a letter or letters, as in singin’ for singing and ’em for them in stick it to ’em.

They’re (=they are) funny people.
They’re (=they are) the cutest puppies ever.

It can be used of non-living things too:

They’re (=they are) both really good books.
They’re (=they are) two of our biggest problems.

«Their» Usage

The last of this trio, their, is the possessive form of they, so it has to do with what belongs to, relates to, or is made or done by certain people, animals, or things:

It’s their house.
We’re their neighbors.
The trees are losing their leaves.

Their also has a long history of being used as a singular pronoun. Associate Editor Emily Brewster explains its usage in this video.

And there you go. They’re not an easy group of words, but with practice we know you can master their distinctions.

In summary:
There is the most common. It has the word here in it, which is helpful because it’s often about location. They’re always means «they are.» Their is the possessive form of they.

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Possessive pronouns are often confused among most people, especially those trying to learn the fundamental rules of the English language. They don’t always follow the typical rules that you’d expect of them, and a little extra thought needs to be taken. “Their” is no exception.

The correct possessive of “their” is “theirs” and is the only form you can use. “Their’s” is an incorrect way of using the possessive of “their” and should not be used. Possessive pronouns don’t follow the same rules as a possessive noun (which often use apostrophes when showing ownership of something).

There are no exceptions to this rule, either, so “their’s” can never be used in any situation. If you find yourself using the possessive form of “their” before an object in a sentence, then you simply drop the “s” entirely. This is where it gets a little bit confusing, but we’ll look at two brief examples to show you the only two acceptable variations of the possessive form “their.”

Example 1: The dog is theirs.

Example 2: This is their dog.

In both cases, the dog is the object owned by the “their” in the sentence. However, the possessive “theirs” is where we’ll spend most of our focus today. We thought it was important for you to see how the possessive changes when the object comes after.

How To Remember If The Correct Possessive Form Of “Their” Is Theirs Or Their’s

There is a simple way to remember whether you should include the apostrophe or not in the possessive form of “their.” Most of the time, apostrophes are used in possessive nouns to show ownership, and the object of the sentence directly follows them. For example, “the dog’s bone” or “the child’s food” show a possessive noun and the object owned.

With “theirs,” you will never see an object come after the word. You will only use the word “theirs” to show ownership of an object already mentioned. For example, “the dog is theirs” or “the food was theirs” are good ways of showing you how the possessive form changes when you use the pronoun “their.”

If you’re still a little confused, don’t worry, the more practice you get in, the easier it will become. You just have to get used to not using an apostrophe at the end. If you’re ever using a pronoun, whether it be “he,” “she,” “it,” “their,” or anything else, you will never use an apostrophe “s” to show the possessive. Remember, the possessive of “he” is “his” and “she” is “hers,” so “their” follows the same irregular pattern.

The Reason Why People Often Get Confused About Their’s Or Theirs

If you have read through this and found yourself making the mistake of including an apostrophe, don’t worry! You’re not alone in this, and it’s actually quite common. There are a few reasons people get confused about theirs or their’s because they sound the same when spoken. Sometimes, when you add an “s” to the end of the word in speaking, people assume that you add that “s” with an apostrophe when written down.

Similarly, we often use an apostrophe “s” to show the possessive form when we’re writing things. However, you must remember now that possessive nouns (John’s, dog’s, dad’s, etc.) are different from possessive pronouns (theirs, his, hers, etc.) Most possessive words use the apostrophe as a rule in the language, with very few exceptions. Remember that pronouns are the exception to this rule, and you’ll be set.

Examples Of Theirs And Their’s

Let’s finish by looking at a few examples of “theirs” and “their’s” in a sentence. We’ll include both correct and incorrect variations of the word so you can see how it would look with an apostrophe. We’re trying to drill the fact that apostrophes are wrong in this sense, so make sure you pay attention. We encourage you not to look at which sentence is correct or incorrect until after you’ve guessed for yourself.

Correct:The dog isn’t mine; it’s theirs.

Incorrect:You can’t eat that; it’s their’s.

Correct:That book isn’t yours; it’s theirs.

Incorrect:That’s their’s!

Correct:We can’t take that because it’s theirs.

Incorrect:Please, take their’s!

You may also like: Todays or Today’s? Here’s The Correct Possessive (Helpful Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Definition of Make

to create or craft

Examples of Make in a sentence

The pastry chef will make fresh cookies and cakes for the bake sale out of just a few fixings.


Sam showed his little brother how to make a birdhouse, crafting it out of wood.


School children were shown how to make a perfect drawing of a bird by their art teacher.




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Make up sentences in present perfect past perfect or past simple using the words in brackets .
1. they | meet | their opponents . (just)
2. you | not play | your best game . (yet)
3. I | buy | the tickets. (by the time of their arriual )
4. I | visit | a game of cricket . ( when I was in London last year )
5. The coach | talk | to him. (yesterday)
6. I | write | an email to the sponsor . (just)
7. According to legend , the ancient Olympic Game | to be founded | by Herdcle the son of Zeus .
8. I | participate | in two competitions. (since I began exercising )
9. We | hear | the news about your wins . (already)
10. Over 10,000 athletes I take part | in the Olympic Games. (last year)

Ответ оставил Гость

1. They have just met  their opponents.
2. You have not played your best game, yet.
3. By the time of their arrival
had bought the tickets.
4. I  visited a game of cricket when I was in London last year.
5. The coach  talked to him yesterday.
6. I have just written an email to the sponsor.
7. According to legend, the ancient Olympic Game was founded  by Herdcle the son of Zeus.
8. I have participated in two competitions since I began exercising.
9. We have
already heard the news about your wins.
10. Over 10,000 athletes took part  in the Olympic Games (last year.

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