How to make a book with word

Create a booklet or book

  1. Go to Layout and select the Page Setup dialog launch icon at the bottom-right corner.

    On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, the Page Setup icon at the bottom right opens Page Setup window.

  2. On the Margins tab, change the setting for Multiple pages to Book fold. The orientation automatically changes to Landscape.

    On the Margins tab under Pages, change the setting for Multiple pages: into Book fold. Orientation changes to Landscape.

    Tip: If you have a long document, you might want to split it into multiple booklets, which you can then bind into one book. Under Sheets per booklet, choose how many pages to print per booklet.

  3. Select and increase the value of Gutter to reserve space on the inside fold for binding.

  4. Go to the Paper tab and select the Paper size. The final size of the booklet is one half width of the paper size.

    On the Paper tab, select the Paper size. The final size of the booklet is one half of the paper size. Make sure your printer is stocked with paper of the right size.

    Tip: You can add many embellishments to your booklet’s appearance. For example, to add borders to every page, on the Layout tab of the Page Setup window, click Borders.

  5. Click OK. If your document already has content, the text is formatted automatically, but you might need to adjust objects like images and tables manually.

Print settings for booklets

When you print the booklet, check the print settings to make sure you print on both sides of the paper and flip the papers correctly for the printing to work as intended.

  1. Go to File > Print.

  2. If your printer supports automatic printing on both sides, change Print One Sidedto Print on Both Sides. Choose the option Flip pages on short edge to avoid printing the second side of each sheet upside down.

    Under Settings, change Print One Sided to Print on Both Sides.

  3. If your printer doesn’t support automatic printing on both sides, select Manually Print on Both Sides, and feed the pages back to the printer when prompted. To avoid pages from printing upside down, flip the sheets on the short edge of the paper according to your printer’s instructions.

    Tip: For a professional touch, consider adding page numbers in the header or the footer. For more info, see Add page numbers.

See Also

Create a booklet using a Word template

Booklet: Page numbering tips.

Create different headers or footers for odd and even pages

Get Microsoft publishing templates

Create a booklet or book

  1. Go to Layout > Margins > Custom Margins.

  2. Change the setting for Multiple pages to Book fold. The orientation automatically changes to Landscape.

    Tip: If you have a long document, you might want to split it into multiple booklets, which you can then bind into one book. Under Sheets per booklet, choose how many pages to print per booklet.

  3. To reserve space on the inside fold for binding, increase the width of the Gutter.

  4. You can add many embellishments to your booklet’s appearance. For example, to add borders to every page, on the Layout tab of the Custom Margins window, select Borders.

  5. Select OK.

    If your document already has content, the text is formatted automatically, but you might need to adjust objects like images and tables manually.

  6. Go to File > Page Setup and check the paper size. Keep in mind that the final size of the booklet is one half of the paper size. Make sure your printer is stocked with paper of the right size.

Print settings for booklets

When you print the booklet, check the print settings to make sure you print on both sides of the paper and flip the papers correctly for the printing to work as intended. If your printer supports automatic printing on both sides, follow these steps.

  1. Click File > Print.

  2. Under Two-sided, select Booklet.

    Tip: For a professional touch, consider adding page numbers in the header or the footer. For more info, see Add page numbers.

Note: If your printer doesn’t support automatic printing on both sides, you’ll need to print each page manually.

See Also

Create a booklet using a Word template

Booklet: Page numbering tips.

Create different headers or footers for odd and even pages

Get Microsoft publishing templates

Как в Ворде сделать книгу

Бумажные книги постепенно отходят на второй план и, если современный человек что-то и читает, то делает это, чаше всего, со смартфона или планшета. Дома для аналогичных целей можно использовать компьютер или ноутбук.

Существуют специальные форматы файлов и программы-читалки для удобного чтения электронных книг, но многие из них также распространяются в форматах DOC и DOCX. Оформление таких файлов зачастую оставляет желать лучшего, поэтому в данной статье мы расскажем, как сделать книгу в Ворде хорошо читабельной и пригодной для печати именно в книжном формате.

Создание электронной версии книги

1. Откройте текстовый документ Word, содержащий книгу.

открытый документ в Word

Примечание: Если вы скачали файл DOC и DOCX из интернета, вероятнее всего, после открытия он будет работать в режиме ограниченной функциональности. Чтобы его отключить, воспользуйтесь нашей инструкцией, описанной в статье по ссылке ниже.

Урок: Как убрать режим ограниченной функциональности в Ворде

2. Пройдитесь по документу, вполне возможно, что в нем содержится много лишнего, информации и данных, которые вам не нужны, пустые страницы и т.д. Так, в нашем примере это газетная вырезка в начале книги и список того, к чему Стивен Кинг приложил свою руку к моменту написания новеллы “11/22/63”, которая и открыта в нашем файле.

Лишние элементы в Word

3. Выделите весь текст, нажав “Ctrl+A”.

Начало книги в Word

4. Откройте диалоговое окно “Параметры страницы” (вкладка “Макет” в Word 2012 — 2016, “Разметка страницы” в версиях 2007 — 2010 и “Формат” в 2003).

Выделить открыть параметры страницы в Word

5. В разделе “Страницы” разверните меню пункта “Несколько страниц” и выберите “Брошюра”. Это автоматически изменит ориентацию на альбомную.

Уроки: Как сделать буклет в Ворде
Как сделать альбомный лист

6. Под пунктом “Несколько страниц” появится новый пункт “Число страниц в брошюре”. Выберите 4 (по две страницы с каждой стороны листа), в разделе “Образец” вы можете увидеть, как это будет выглядеть.

Параметры страницы Брошюра в Word

7. С выбором пункта “Брошюра” настройки полей (их название) изменились. Теперь в документе есть не левое и правое поле, а “Внутри” и “Снаружи”, что логично для книжного формата. В зависимости от того, как вы будете скреплять свою будущую книгу после печати, выберите подходящий размер полей, не забыв о размере переплета.

Параметры страницы отступы в Word

    Совет: Если вы планируете склеивать листы книги, размера переплета в 2 см будет достаточно, если же вы хотите ее сшить или скрепить каким-нибудь другим образом, проделывая отверстия в листах, лучше сделать “Переплет” немного больше.

Примечание: Поле “Внутри” отвечает за отступ текста от переплета, “Снаружи” — от внешнего края листа.

Уроки: Как сделать отступ в Ворде
Как изменить поля страницы

8. Проверьте документ, нормально ли он выглядит. Если текст “разъехался”, возможно, виной этому являются колонтитулы, которые необходимо подкорректировать. Для этого в окне “Параметры страницы” перейдите во вкладку “Источник бумаги” и задайте необходимый размер колонтитулов.

Параметры страницы колонтитулы в Word

9. Снова просмотрите текст. Возможно, вас не устраивает размер шрифта или сам шрифт. Если это необходимо, изменить его, воспользовавшись нашей инструкцией.

Книга пример в Word

Урок: Как изменить шрифт в Word

10. Вероятнее всего, с изменением ориентации страницы, полей, шрифта и его размера, текст сместился по документу. Для кого-то это не имеет значения, но кто-то явно пожелает сделать так, чтобы каждая глава, а то и каждый раздел книги начинался с новой страницы. Для этого в тех местах, где заканчивается глава (раздел), нужно добавить разрыв страницы.

Вид книги в Word

Урок: Как добавить разрыв страницы в Ворде

Проделав все вышеописанные манипуляции, вы придадите своей книге “правильный”, хорошо читабельный вид. Так что можно смело переходить к следующему этапу.

Примечание: Если в книге по каким-то причинам отсутствует нумерация страниц, вы можете сделать ее вручную, воспользовавшись инструкцией, описанной в нашей статье.

Урок: Как пронумеровать страницы в Word

Печать созданной книги

Завершив работу с электронной версией книги, ее необходимо распечатать, предварительно убедившись в работоспособности способности принтера и достаточных запасах бумаги и краски.

1. Откройте меню “Файл” (кнопка “MS Office” в ранних версиях программы).

2. Выберите пункт “Печать”.

Файл печать в Word

    Совет: Открыть параметры печати можно и с помощью клавиш — просто нажмите в текстовом документе “Ctrl+P”.

3. Выберите пункт “Печать на обоих сторонах” или “Двусторонняя печать”, в зависимости от версии программы. Поместите бумагу в лоток и нажмите “Печать”.

Окно настройки печати в Word

После того, как будет напечатана первая половина книги, Ворд выдаст следующее уведомление:

предупреждение принтера в Word

Примечание: Инструкция, которая отображается в данном окне, является стандартной. Следовательно, представленный в ней совет подойдет не для всех принтеров. Ваша задача — понять, как и на какой стороне листа печатает ваш принтер, как он выдает бумагу с распечатанным текстом, после чего ее нужно зеркально перевернуть и поместить в лоток. Нажмите кнопку “ОК”.

    Совет: Если боитесь допустить ошибку непосредственно на этапе печати, для начала попробуйте распечатать четыре страницы книги, то есть, один лист с текстом с двух сторон.

После того, как печать будет завершена, вы можете скрепить, сшить или склеить свою книгу. Листы при этом нужно складывать не так, как в тетрадке, а сгибать каждый из них посередине (место для переплета), а затем складывать друг за другом, согласно нумерации страниц.

На этом мы закончим, из этой статьи вы узнали, как в MS Word сделать книжный формат страницы, самостоятельно сделать электронную версию книги, а затем распечатать ее на принтере, создав физическую копию. Читайте только хорошие книги, осваивайте правильные и полезные программы, коей является и текстовый редактор из пакета Microsoft Office.


  • 1 How do you make a book on Microsoft Word?
  • 2 Can I use Word to write a book?
  • 3 Does Microsoft Word have a book writing template?
  • 4 How do I write a book on my laptop?
  • 5 What is the best format to write a book in?
  • 6 How do I write my first book?
  • 7 How do you write a novel for beginners?
  • 8 Do authors use Word?
  • 9 What is the format for a book?
  • 10 What app do you use to write a book?
  • 11 How can I write a book online for free?
  • 12 Can you write a book on Google Docs?
  • 13 What does JK Rowling use to write?
  • 14 Can anyone write a book?
  • 15 What font do publishers prefer?
  • 16 What are the 10 steps to writing a book?
  • 17 What to Know Before writing a book?
  • 18 How many chapter should a book have?
  • 19 What makes a novel Bad?
  • 20 Can I write a novel in simple words?

How do you make a book on Microsoft Word?

Create a booklet or book

  1. Go to Layout and select the Page Setup dialog launch icon at the bottom-right corner.
  2. On the Margins tab, change the setting for Multiple pages to Book fold.
  3. Select and increase the value of Gutter to reserve space on the inside fold for binding.
  4. Go to the Paper tab and select the Paper size.

Can I use Word to write a book?

Microsoft Word comes with pre-built page settings for creating books. Whether you’re creating a memoir or event guide, these settings let you create a beautiful book or booklet, from start to finish.

Does Microsoft Word have a book writing template?

Yes, Microsoft Word offers several templates within the application, including book templates to choose from. Different sizes and formats are offered, depending on the type of book you are writing.

How do I write a book on my laptop?

15 Book Writing Software Programs That Can Make Your Life Easier

  1. Scrivener. Scrivener is the ultimate book-organization tool.
  2. Google Docs. Google Docs is a great collaborative tool.
  3. Freedom.
  4. ProWritingAid.
  5. Grammarly.
  6. Novel Factory.
  7. Hemingway Editor.
  8. Evernote.

What is the best format to write a book in?

How To Format Your Book: Tips for Nailing Your Book Format

  • Use black, 12-point, Times New Roman as the font.
  • Use the U.S. standard page size of 8.5×11 inches and set your margins to 1 inch on all sides.
  • Set alignment to left justified.
  • Use a single space after periods.
  • Use double-spaced line spacing.

How do I write my first book?

Here’s how to write a book : Life Kit Everyone has a book in them. Everyone also has a crummy inner voice telling them it’s never going to happen. This episode will help shut down those distracting voices and get you started writing a book. After all, all it takes to be a “real writer” is to do some writing.

How do you write a novel for beginners?

6 Key Tips for Starting the Novel Writing Process

  1. Choose a world you want to spend a lot of time in.
  2. Find a story idea within this world you want to immerse in.
  3. Assemble a cast of characters.
  4. Plan your ending.
  5. Break the story into acts.
  6. Start writing before you get cold feet.

Absolutely, many (most) authors use Microsoft Word, if not while writing the book, then in the editing process. Every editor I’ve ever worked with has sent me a Word file back with Track Changes and Comments for me to work on. I usually write in Word, too, but recently I started using Scrivener to write and outline in.

What is the format for a book?

Formatting is how your manuscript looks and reads. Things like font size, page color, word count, page number, line spacing, paragraph breaks–everything that goes into the visual appearance. This means manuscript format is the proper way your manuscript should look when you send it in for editing.

What app do you use to write a book?

Here are seven writing apps designed specifically for creative writing, with various organizational tools to take your work to the next level.

  • Reedsy Book Editor. Price: Free.
  • Scrivener. Price: Free trial for 30 days, $45 license fee.
  • Ulysses.
  • iA Writer.
  • yWriter.
  • Storyist.
  • Final Draft.
  • Grammarly.

How can I write a book online for free?

Best Free Online Writing Tools to Write a Book

  1. Google Docs.
  2. yWriter.
  3. FocusWriter.
  4. WerdSmith.
  5. Notes App.
  6. Evernote App.
  7. Grammarly.
  8. Hemingway.

Can you write a book on Google Docs?

Among all the book software options available, one is particularly practical for you: Google Docs. It’s free, and all you need is a computer with internet access. You can use Google Docs to write a book from start to finish, after which you’ll be ready to publish your work.

What does JK Rowling use to write?

Since finishing the Harry Potter novels, Rowling has gone on record saying she now uses a MacBook Air to write.

Can anyone write a book?

Anyone can write a book. It might be bad or be incomprehensible, but so what: it’s still a book and many published authors haven’t done any better.I like this though: it means anyone who puts in enough time can actually write well. Some of our best writing comes from ordinary people from all walks of life.

What font do publishers prefer?

Font: Your font should generally be 12 point Times New Roman. Though some agents and editors may prefer different serif or sans serif fonts like Arial or Courier New, Times New Roman with a 12 point font size is the industry standard.

What are the 10 steps to writing a book?

10 Steps To Writing A Novel

  1. Idea. It starts with an idea.
  2. General plot. What is the novel about?
  3. Character. I tend to move away from plot once I have the elevator pitch down.
  4. A synopsis. Ah, the synopsis.
  5. Write! I do a first draft where I essentially write up the above synopsis.
  6. Read.
  7. Re-write.
  8. Prose edit.

What to Know Before writing a book?

Before you start writing a novel…

  • Nail down the story idea. An obvious step, but not an easy one to cross off.
  • Read books in your genre.
  • Choose your book’s point of view.
  • Establish the setting.
  • Develop your main characters.
  • Establish the conflict and stakes.
  • Create an outline.
  • Choose your story structure.

How many chapter should a book have?

Most novels have between 10 to 12 chapters, but that’s not set in stone. You can have two chapters or 200 — it all depends on how comfortable you are with experimenting. Consider your dear reader.

What makes a novel Bad?

By flawed writing, I mean regular use of awkward, overly wordy, or confusing sentences or sentence constructions. I also mean grammar or punctuation that’s bad enough to cause the reader comprehension trouble.Flawed writing on a sentence level ruins a book because it makes the book difficult for most people to read.

Can I write a novel in simple words?

Yes, you can write a novel without a big, rich, wide, or vast vocabulary. If you ask famous writers like Stephen King or Ernest Hemmingway, they would agree wholeheartedly. In fact, having a standard or limited vocabulary might help you write a better novel. However, it’s often not as simple as it sounds.

If you want to write a book, you’ll need book writing software that’s up to the task. Yes, you can invest in dedicated book writing programs. But you don’t have to: a great writing tool is likely already at your fingertips, if you know how to write a book using Microsoft Word.

How to Write a Book Using Microsoft Word

There’s a lot of book writing software out there. Many of these programs claim to offer intuitive use, help with organization, and even say they’ll keep you from distraction. The options can be overwhelming.

There’s still one tried and true option if you’re not interested in all that (or can’t afford the fancier programs): Microsoft Word.

I write most of my books in Microsoft Word, not to mention short stories. Here’s the rundown of how to write a book using Microsoft Word, and why that might be your best choice.

The Benefits of Microsoft Word for Book Writing

You most likely already have it. And so does everybody else. Word is the standard, accepted across platforms, and is easy to access for non-writers (your beta readers). It’s been around forever, so most people know how to use it.

There are book formatting templates. A ton of them. They have them for short story format and for manuscript format. Personally, I don’t use those templates, but they’re a nice baseline for beginners, or even old hats that just want to hurry up and write without setting up their document first.

It’s simple and uncluttered. There are a ton of apps and programs out there that will allow you to keep your plot structure notes close at hand, to rearrange your chapters with the click of a button, and to keep detailed character profiles right in the program. That’s all a little too much for me. I prefer handwritten notes and nothing else blocking my screen while I’m typing and Word gives me that.

It is worth noting that if all that sounds appealing to you, you can do those things in Word as well, it just won’t be as fancy as other programs.

Hey writer: the first step to writing a book is coming up with a great idea. The second step is figuring out the structure of your book. If you have an idea but you need help with the structure, check out our new book The Write Structure. In it, we’ll teach you how to apply timeless story structure principles to write a great book. Get The Write Structure »

How to Navigate Your Book in Microsoft Word

When you have a 90,000-word manuscript, navigating becomes daunting. Luckily there are ways to do it in Word that make it easier if you know where to look.

Chapter Headings

Word doesn’t divide your book into chapters for you like some other programs. There will be no easy way to click and drag to rearrange chapters.

What I recommend is using headings. On Word’s Home page, there are already standard headings listed. Definitely mess with them and change their formatting to something simple.

No one needs giant blue words as their chapter headings. (You can set your simpler formatting as your default style as well, so you don’t have to change it every time.)

Make the title or number of each chapter a heading. Then you can easily bounce around to different chapters through the navigation pane (check the Navigation Pane box under the View menu).


These basically work the same way as headings, but they’re for anywhere in your document. Have a specific scene you need to do more research on? You can bookmark it and jump back to it later.

Bookmark by going to the Insert menu and clicking Bookmark. Name your bookmark and voilà. You can delete them easily from the popup menu as well.

Find and Replace

CTRL+F brings up a simple search option to find words and phrases in your document. CTRL+H brings up the full gambit. From that dialogue box, you can search, replace certain words with others (i.e. Jennifer now becomes Julia all through the manuscript), and go to any page, section, heading, bookmark, etc. that you need to go to.

Microsoft Word is Great for Editing Your Book

Word has a ton of options for editing your story, including comments, tracking changes, and comparing documents. All of these are under the Review menu.

I use the comments feature to make notes to myself where I need to recheck facts or add description later. It’s easy to navigate through the comments with the search feature or the buttons under the Review menu. Don’t forget to remove them all before saving your document as a PDF or sending it off to an editor.

Tracking changes is awesome and a lot of editors (for short stories anyway) will use this feature to collaborate with you during the editing process. You can accept or reject changes or even revert back to the original.

Finally, make sure you have grammar and spellcheck on! Grammar check even allows you to check style issues (like how to use an ellipsis correctly) and passive voice. It’s invaluable.

Pro tip: To keep you on track while you’re writing, turn off some of the more fine-tuning features of grammar check. There’s nothing that will ruin your flow more than a bunch of underlining you feel like you need to take care of immediately. I recommend running the full check when you’re done (or at least done for the day).

Formatting Your Book in Microsoft Word

Make sure you’re familiar with standard manuscript format for novels and formatting short stories. Take a look at those links and follow their instructions. You don’t want to get rejected out of hand because you tried some weird formatting that’s hard to look at.

One of the biggest gripes I see from editors is writers using spaces to indent paragraphs. Don’t do this. It makes it super hard on them when they’re putting a book together. Instead, use the ruler in Word (under the View menu) or the paragraph settings (under the Home menu) to adjust your tabs. A half inch is standard.

Despite what most of us were taught in school, the standard is now one space after periods, not two. This is another sticking point with editors, so don’t do it. If you’re used to two, there’s a grammar check feature in Word you can turn on to highlight every time you use two spaces.

Finally, use the page break option to break for a new chapter, not enter or a million spaces. You can find the page break under the Insert menu.

Pro tip: When in doubt about your formatting, you can turn on the Show/Hide option under the Home menu (looks like a paragraph symbol) to see all your formatting symbols.

Now That You’ve Mastered Microsoft Word, Go Write Your Book

Don’t let choosing writing software stagnant your writing. Don’t overthink it. You don’t need to keep up with the Joneses with the latest writing technology that’s trotted out on tech forums and in writing chats.

The important thing about writing a book is actually writing it. No fancy book writing software is going to help you with that.

So get writing!

Ever used Word to write a book? Do you have any more tips for how to write a book using Word? Let me know in the comments!


Take fifteen minutes to write. Just write. Don’t worry about page setup, formatting, or which program you’re going to use. Open up Word or get out a pen and paper if you’d like!

When you’re done, share your writing in the comments. Don’t forget to comment on your fellow writers’ work!

Sarah Gribble

Sarah Gribble is the author of dozens of short stories that explore uncomfortable situations, basic fears, and the general awe and fascination of the unknown. She just released Surviving Death, her first novel, and is currently working on her next book.

Follow her on Instagram or join her email list for free scares.

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Microsoft Word comes with pre-built page settings for creating books. Whether you’re creating a memoir or event guide, these settings let you create a beautiful book or booklet, from start to finish.

Create a Book or Booklet

First, go ahead and open Word. It’s recommended that you adjust these setting before writing the content of your book to prevent formatting issues late on.

Once you’re in Word, head over to the “Layout” tab. In the “Page Setup” group, click the small arrow at the bottom-right.

This opens the “Page Setup” window, where you will automatically be on the “Margin” tab. In the “Margins” group, you’re able to set the margins of the page. By default, the “Gutter” margin will be set to 0. This could cause issues further on, as the gutter margin is the amount of space between the content of your book and the fold where the pages of the book will be bound together. That said, go ahead and give the gutter a 1” margin, so the content of your book doesn’t get lost in the fold.

Page Setup Margins

Next, select the arrow next to “Multiple Pages” in the “Pages” group, then select “Book Fold” from the drop-down menu. Once selected, you’ll notice your page orientation automatically changes from “Portrait” to “Landscape.”

Tip: You may notice a “Reverse Book Fold” option. This is for content that reads from right to left, such as Japanese-style books.

Once you’ve adjusted the settings, click “OK.”

The page setup for creating a book or booklet is now complete. There’s a ton of stuff you can do from here depending on what you require for your book. You may want to add a header or footer, create a table of contents, or give your book page numbers for easier navigation. We’ll leave the content and add-ons to you—we’re just here to show you how to create the setup.

It’s also worth noting that, depending on the length of your document, you may need to split it up into multiple booklets due to the sheer size of the document. That’s fine—you can bind them into one book later.

RELATED: How to Reduce the Size of a Microsoft Word Document

Print Your Book or Booklet

Once you’ve finished composing your book, it’s time for printing. Select the “File” tab, then select “Print” found in the left-hand pane.

Print option in left-hand pane

Next, select the second option in the “Settings” group.

second option in settings group

A drop-down menu will appear, presenting a few different printing-style options. If you have a duplex printer, select (1) “Print on Both Sides” (and whether or not to flip the page on the long or short edge). If your printer doesn’t have this functionality, you’ll need to select the (2) “Manually Print on Both Sides” option.

printing options

All that’s left to do now is select Print, and you’re good to go!


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