How to look for a word in a dictionary

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Of the approximately 1 million words in the English language, the average English speaker knows 60,000 of those words. Besides helping with spelling and word meanings, being able to use a dictionary effectively and regularly is a perfect way to improve your English language skills through the dictionary’s range of other helpful information on everyday language usage and grammar.

Dictionary Help

  1. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 1


    Choose the right dictionary. It’s also a good idea to upgrade your dictionary every now and then so that you have access to the latest new words that are added to the dictionary every year.[1]

    • Consider purchasing specialist dictionaries if they’d be useful in your study or career. Some examples of specialist dictionaries include language dictionaries, technical dictionaries, rhymes, crossword, subject dictionaries (for example, for math, chemistry, biology, horticulture, etc.), illustrated dictionaries (excellent for learning another language or for technical knowledge), slang and idioms, etc.
    • Many universities have subscriptions to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) that provides in-depth information on the history and origins of the word.
    • Note that many countries have their own native dictionaries that might be more helpful than sourcing a dictionary from just anywhere, such as the Macquarie dictionary in Australia, Oxford dictionary in England, Webster’s dictionary in the United States, etc.
    • Some schools, universities, and workplaces prefer the use of one particular dictionary. This is for reasons of maintaining a consistent style and understanding among everyone using them; make sure you use the right one for your assignments, editing, and reports. Check the syllabus or employee handbook to find out.
  2. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 2


    Read the introduction. The best way to learn how to use your particular dictionary effectively is to read its introductory section where you’ll find out how the entries are arranged. The introductory section of your dictionary will explain important information such as the abbreviations and pronunciation symbols used throughout the entries.

    • Introductions to dictionaries explain things like how entries are arranged (they typically give the word, and the variations of the word; what part of speech the word is; pronunciation of the word; definition, etc.). Reading the introduction will give you a handle on how to find words and how to use the information that you do find.
    • There may also be information on the pronunciation of words with similar spellings; this can be helpful if you have only heard a word and you’re not sure of its spelling. For example, if you hear «not», it might also be «knot» but the «k» is silent, and this list can help you with suggestions.


  3. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 3


    Learn the abbreviations. Dictionaries often have abbreviations in the definitions for a word. This can be confusing if you don’t know what the abbreviations stand for. Typically a dictionary will have a list of abbreviations near the front of the book; either in the introduction or after it.[2]

    • For example «adj.» stands for «adjective» and will tell you what kind of word the word you’re looking up is. «Adv.» or «advb.» can stand for «adverb; adverbially.»
    • Something like «n.» can stand for at least three different things: the most obvious and common is «noun,» but it can also stand for «neuter» or «north» depending on the context. So make sure that you check the context of the word when you’re looking it up.
  4. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 4


    Learn the guide to pronunciation. If you immediately jump right into reading the dictionary without understanding the pronunciation guide, it can be difficult to figure it out. Having an idea about the symbols of pronunciation will make it a lot easier for you.[3]

    • The pronunciation of a word will be placed between two reversed virgules ( ) and will typically be printed in italics.
    • A single stress mark (‘) precedes the strongest syllable in a word. A double mark precedes the syllable with a medium (or secondary stress) («), and the third level of stress has no marker. For example, penmanship would look like this ‘pen-m&n-«ship.
    • The symbol & indicates an unstressed vowel. This symbol often intrudes between a stressed vowel and a following r or l, such as in sour ‘sau(-&)r.
    • The symbol ä symbolizes the type of «a» sound that appears in words like «caught,» or «fought.» Compare this to the symbol a which designates the sound «a» in «mat, map, snap,» and so on. The word doesn’t necessarily have to have the letter «a» to have a type of «a» sound.
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  1. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 5


    Find the section of the dictionary with the first letter of your word. Dictionaries follow alphabetical order. For example, «dog» begins with «d» which means that it will be in the section after «c» and before «e».[4]

    • Don’t forget the possible spellings for trickier words, such as «gnome» begins with a «g», or «psychology» begins with a «p», or «knock» begins with a «k», etc.
    • If you’re not entirely sure what the first letter is, start with the letter it sounds like. If you can’t find the word under that section, then try other sections. For example, if you didn’t know that «psychology» begins with a «p» you might start looking in the «s» section. When you couldn’t find it there, you might try looking in the «p» section next because you can think along the lines of «psychic» and «psychosis.»
    • Also, keep in mind that certain words sound alike that are spelled very differently. For example, «throne» and «thrown» are spelled differently and mean very different things. So be careful that you end up with the correct word.
  2. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 6


    Read the guide words. These are the two words at the top of the page that tell you what types of words are on the page. These words will help you find the word you’re looking for in the right letter section.[5]

    • For example if you’re looking for the word «bramble» you would begin looking in the «B» section. You would look at the tops of the pages as you went through it until you came to the page with the guide words «braid bread.» This tells you that all the words between braid and bread are on this page. Since «bramble» starts with «b-r-a» it will be in this section.
    • As always, the dictionary goes in alphabetical order, so bramble (b-r-a) will come before bread (b-r-e).
  3. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 7


    Scan down the page for your word. If you were looking for the word «futile,» for example, you would move past «furry» and «fuse» and «fuss». Since the example word begins with «f-u-t», go past all the «f-u-r» and all the «f-u-s» words alphabetically until you reach the «f-u-t» area of the page. In this example, move right down through «fut» and «Futhark» and this is where you will find «futile.»[6]

    • If you’re looking up a word like “futilely” but can’t find it, look at the root work to see if it mentions the work you’re looking for.
  4. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 8


    Read the definition. Once you’ve located the word it will tell you exactly what it means (and if it has more than one meaning, it will tell you the most common one first), how to pronounce it, how to capitalize it (if it’s a proper noun), what part of speech it is and so on.[7]

    • Quite a few people get daunted by the definitions themselves because they can involve words that you have to then look up. Don’t feel discouraged. See if you can figure out the meaning from the example sentences provided and if not, look up the words you aren’t sure of.
    • Dictionaries can also sometimes give the synonyms (words that mean the same thing as your word) and the antonyms of a word (words that mean the opposite of your word). So, for example, if your word is futile some synonyms might be «fruitless» or «unsuccessful» and some antonyms might be «effective» or «helpful.» You can also find near neighbor words such as «futility».
    • You might also find an etymology, derivation, or history of the word. Even if you don’t know Latin or Ancient Greek, you may find that this information helps you to remember or understand the word. Check the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) for in-depth looks at the origins of the word.
    • Dictionaries also often provide spellings in other English derivations (US English, British English, Australian English, etc.).
  5. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 9


    Alternately, you could use an online dictionary. Online dictionaries are easy. Choose a suitable free online dictionary, or a subscription one if your place of work or study subscribes. Type in the word you’re looking for. The search engine will return the word to you and the definition section should contain most of the elements discussed above.[8]

    • Make use of the audio content provided with online dictionaries. This can help considerably when you’re unsure how to pronounce the word.
    • To use Google to find online definitions, type: «define: futile». The search engine will only look for definitions.
    • Note that free services may not be as comprehensive as a subscription or book dictionary, so keep this in mind when you’re not sure that you’ve found the right answer. Always check at least 2 different online definitions for the word you’re looking for.
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  1. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 10


    Use the dictionary to find standard letter forms. Hard copy dictionaries (rather than online ones) often have standard letters for jobs, for RSVPs, for filing complaints, for various official writings.

  2. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 11


    Research various facts. Dictionaries often have more than just words and their definitions. Some of them have lots of information about the world, usually in the form of various lists. These include geographical information (like maps, countries, cities, capitals, etc.)

    • Hard copy dictionaries often have different weights and volumes, as well as conversion tables. This can come in handy if you need to convert pounds to kilograms or vice versa.
    • You can also usually find statistics on population in various cities and countries, as well as lists of the flags of different countries, states, provinces, and regions around the world.
    • Many dictionaries also have lists of famous or historical people, which you can peruse.
  3. Image titled Use a Dictionary Step 12


    Have fun! Simply browse a dictionary to enlighten yourself about new words now and then. Open the dictionary up to any page and scan the page for words that are unfamiliar or seem interesting. Pinpoint them, read the definition and try to add the new word to your thinking or talking during the next few days until it becomes a remembered part of your natural vocabulary.

    • Play the dictionary game with friends. This consists of getting some friends together and a dictionary. The first player looks up a challenging word and uses it in a sentence. The other players have to guess if the use of the word is accurate or an outright fabrication. If a player guesses correctly, it’s their turn next.
    • Another dictionary game: Each player chooses a word which should be familiar to the other players, then reads out the dictionary definition. The other players compete to guess the word as quickly as possible — perhaps even shouting out while the definition is still being read.
    • Play Balderdash with a foreign language dictionary. Pick a random obscure word and then have people make up definitions along with having the real definition, having people guess which definition is the «real» one.
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  • Question

    Where can you find detailed instructions or explanations in the dictionary?

    Community Answer

    A dictionary provides definitions of words, but usually does not give detailed instructions on how objects are used. For that you will need to research a particular topic online or buy books related to that specific subject.

  • Question

    If I just want to read a dictionary to expand my vocabulary, should I read everything about each word, or just the definition?

    Community Answer

    I would read everything about the word so that you get a full picture of the word’s meaning and usage.

  • Question

    What are the parts of a dictionary?

    Community Answer

    Words, definitions (the meaning of a word), the pronunciation of each word using the special spelling and pronunciation key, and examples of how to use the word in a sentence. The dictionary may include synonyms of the word.

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  • Don’t be afraid to study the etymology of a word. Since much of our language is derived from Greek or Latin, you’ll often find yourself learning root words from them, but after you have, you’ll find that it can be easier to understand words that are new to you simply by looking at the structure of the word.

  • If you’re having trouble spelling a word, try the spell-checker in a word processor and see what it suggests.

  • Even though it’s easy to check words using an online dictionary, the free ones don’t always provide enough information, so it pays to always have a hard copy dictionary on your bookshelf to call upon whenever needed.

Show More Tips


  • Dictionaries vary in content, and some are very specific. Look at the title to find out what you have. If you have a dictionary of rhymes, slang, idioms, synonyms, a foreign language, or a specific interest, such as woodworking terms, seek a more general dictionary.

  • Printed dictionaries may go out of date as the language changes, so check the copyright date of yours. Another way to gauge the currency of a dictionary is to look for relatively new words, such as «chick flick»[9]
    or «metrosexual»[10]



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Article SummaryX

To use a dictionary, start by finding the right section of the dictionary using the first letter of the word you want to look up. For example, if you want to look up the word «dog,» you would go to the «D» section of the dictionary. Dictionaries are in alphabetical order, so you would look for the section after «C» and before «E.» Once you’ve found the right section, use the guide words at the top of the pages, which also go in alphabetical order, to find the right page. To learn the meanings of all the abbreviations used in a dictionary, keep reading!

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    «This article helped me because my dictionary is a really old one, and doesn’t have any guide words or show you the…» more

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There are many words out there, as you may have noticed. Long words, short words, a thousand synonyms and antonyms for each one of them, leaving you feeling confused and a little bit illiterate. Luckily, whether you’re browsing the Internet, reading a PDF or working in a Word or Google Docs document, it’s actually quite easy to look up words by definition on your PC.

Here’s how.

While this article is focusing on Windows 10, most of the methods used are applicable for various operating systems

Look Up Word Definition in Chrome, Edge and Firefox

Most of the reading you do on your PC is probably in your web browser. The good news is that all the major browsers have extensions that you can install, letting you look up any word you read with a simple double-click.

In Chrome, your best bet is Google Dictionary, which when installed will let you look up the dictionary definition of any word with a simple double-click.

How To Look Up Word Definitions Windows 10 Chrome

As a nice addendum to that, there’s an extension for this extension (an exten-inception, if you will) called Flashcards, where a little “Save” option appears when you double-click words, letting you save the words then test yourself on them using flashcards in your own time.

Now that Microsoft Edge has moved over to Chromium, you can also get the above extensions for the browser from the Chrome Web Store, while Firefox’s answer is the extension Define-It.

Look Up Word Definition in a PDF

Now that we’ve covered option for when you’re browsing the Web, let’s look at some options for when you’re reading a PDF document.

How To Look Up Word Definitions Windows 10 Pdf

If you have one of Adobe’s PDF readers, such as Acrobat Reader DC, you can just double-click a word in a PDF document, then select “Look up [word]”. This will open the word’s definition at in your default browser.

The PDF viewer in Chrome or Edge sadly doesn’t work with the Dictionary extensions, and to define a word you’ll need to double-click it, then click “Search the web for [word]”, which will direct you to your browser’s default search engine and tell you the definition.

Look Up Word Definition in Word or Google Docs

The two most popular word processing software at the moment is Microsoft Word and Google Docs, both of which have their own word-definition tools integrated into them.

To look up a word definition in Google Docs, you can either right-click the word and then click “Define [word]”, or, if you lean toward keyboard shortcuts, select the word, then click Ctrl + Shift + Y.

How To Look Up Word Definitions Windows 10 Google Docs

In Microsoft Word you can look up a word definition by right-clicking the word, then clicking “Look Up [word]” in the context menu. Or, as a shortcut, hold the Alt key on your keyboard, then just regular left-click the word.

Want to keep playing around on your Windows 10 PC? Here’s how to check CPU temperatures in Windows 10, and we also have a handy guide on how to check your hard drive health in Windows 10.

Robert Zak

Robert Zak

Content Manager at Make Tech Easier. Enjoys Android, Windows, and tinkering with retro console emulation to breaking point.

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def SearchEntryComment():
    print("nnSearch for guestbook comment with a keywordn")
    CommentSearch = input("Enter key word for search: ")
    for i in range(len(dlGuestBook)):
        if CommentSearch in dlGuestBook[i]["Comment"]:
            print(i+1, ".", dlGuestBook[i] ["FirstName"], dlGuestBook[i]["LastName"], dlGuestBook[i]["Date"])
            print(dlGuestBook[i]["Comment"], "n")
            print("No results found")

This is my current code however when I run it for every element in the list it will print «no results found» and if it is there it will print that one. I want it to either print the results that are there or just no results found.

martineau's user avatar


118k25 gold badges164 silver badges293 bronze badges

asked Jul 29, 2018 at 1:57

Amy's user avatar


just using resultCount to save count of result found in list, and check the count after for loop.

def SearchEntryComment():
    print("nnSearch for guestbook comment with a keywordn")
    CommentSearch = input("Enter key word for search: ")
    resultCount = 0
    for i in range(len(dlGuestBook)):
        if CommentSearch in dlGuestBook[i]["Comment"]:
            print(i+1, ".", dlGuestBook[i] ["FirstName"], dlGuestBook[i]["LastName"], dlGuestBook[i]["Date"])
            print(dlGuestBook[i]["Comment"], "n")
            resultCount += 1
    if resultCount == 0:
        print("No results found")

answered Jul 29, 2018 at 2:04

Lloyd Zhou's user avatar

Look closely at what your for loop is doing.

for i in range(len(dlGuestBook)): # for each entry in the guestbook
        if CommentSearch in dlGuestBook[i]["Comment"]:
            # print the comment
            print("No results found")

I think what you want is to only print «No results found» after your loop finishes, if it hasn’t found any results. Something like this might be a solution.

foundComment = False
for i in range(len(dlGuestBook)):
    if CommentSearch in dlGuestBook[i]["Comment"]:
        foundComment = True
        # print the comment

if not foundComment:
    print("No results found")

answered Jul 29, 2018 at 2:06

garroad_ran's user avatar


1742 silver badges10 bronze badges


Where can I search for words using descriptive sentences? For example, now I’m looking for a word meaning «to purify (by hand) a quantity of grain and take away anything that isn’t good grain.»

How could I get words like that? I know it in my first-language, but I don’t have a classic version of it to use in automatic translators.

Maybe a search engine that uses content words from my description and offers words that could mean the same with their dictionary definitions. Nothing I’d tried in (translate.) gave me the desired result.


An example dictionary that I use is (Oxford’s Word-Power Dictionary). It’s not for the purpose of the question but for clarification.

Oxford’s has a 3,000 word list of ‘bare-bone-essentials.’ It contains the most-used words in English and all of the grammatical operators. Ideally, these are the words necessary for a learner to use an English-English dictionary such as Oxford’s. The descriptions of words in Oxford’s rely on this list for definitions.

An electronic (web-based) dictionary for word-meaning-search should have a larger list (maybe 10,000) and use a thesaurus to down-level difficult words a user may use in the search then, using all content words in the search phrase, present a list of words whose definitions seem appropriate. Another regular dictionary may be used from there.

  • Example:

    Search query: «to use hands to purify a quantity of grain taking away anything that isn’t good grain.»

    Content Words: «use-hands; purify; quantity-of-grain; taking-away; anything; isn’t; good-grain»

    Filtered: «use-hands; clean; quantity-of-seeds; take-away;anything; not-good-grain»

    Words: «1; 2; 3; 4» that use the content words to varying degrees.

And that’s a five minutes’ work!

PS. Sorry about the delay; connection problems…

Need to get the definition for a word quickly? Here’s how to use the built-in Dictionary app on your Mac.

Photo of Pronunciation Page of Dictionary

From time to time, you might encounter a word that’s not in your vocabulary as you browse the web, read an eBook, or chat with somebody on your Mac. It usually takes some time to open a new tab and search the word in Google or use a third-party app. So save yourself a few clicks by using your Mac’s built-in dictionary.

Here’s how to use the built-in dictionary on your Mac.

Quickly Look Up Words With Your Mac’s Dictionary

You can use your Mac’s built-in dictionary to quickly look up words and phrases while browsing the web or working in apps. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Three-finger tap (or Control-click) a word or phrase. Sometimes, you may need to select it first.
  2. Select Look Up.
  3. In the Look Up window, you can do any of the following:
    • See the full definition: Click more at the end of a definition to expand it and see it in full.
    • See the word in the dictionary: Scroll down and click See in Dictionary to open the Dictionary app.
    • Change dictionary sources: Select Configure Dictionaries to open the Dictionary preferences window and modify it (more on this below).
    • Get additional information: When available, other categories like Siri Knowledge, Siri Suggested Websites, Maps, and Movies will show up. Just click on the tab or swipe left or right.

Dictionary Results From Look Up

Get Definitions From More Sources in the Dictionary App

You can also directly open the Dictionary app to see definitions from various sources:

  1. Open the Dictionary app from the Applications folder or Launchpad.
  2. Type a word in the search field.
  3. Select a word from the search results in the left of the window.
  4. Click All to display the definitions from all your selected Dictionary sources. You can also choose a specific category, like Apple, Thesaurus, or Wikipedia, to selectively display their results.

Features of the Dictionary App

Here are other things you can do in the Dictionary app:

  • See other definitions: You can hover your mouse over a word in the Dictionary app to see its definition. You can also click related words, which are highlighted in blue, to see their definition.
  • Go back: Click the Snapback button, an orange back arrow on the search field, to return to the first word you searched for.
  • Browse through viewed definitions: Swipe to the left or right with two fingers on the trackpad to move between previously viewed definitions. Alternatively, click on the Previous (<) or Next (>) buttons in the toolbar.
  • Change text size: Click the font size buttons in the toolbar to change the font size of the Dictionary.

If you can’t find results on your app, the word is either restricted by your Screen Time settings (more on this later) or is not covered by your selected sources. You can use Spotlight to do a quick search instead.

Customize Your Dictionary Sources

Dictionary Preference

In the Dictionary app, click Dictionary > Preferences. Add or remove dictionary sources by ticking and unticking them. You can also rearrange them by dragging one over the other. Some sources have additional options, like displaying pronunciations and what language you want Wikipedia results to be in.

The sources you select here will also define the sources your Mac will use when you use Look Up for definitions.

Hide Explicit Content

You can opt to restrict access to profane or explicit content on your Dictionary using Screen Time. To do this:

  1. Go to System Preferences > Screen Time.
  2. Select Content & Privacy in the sidebar.
  3. Click Turn On, then untick Explicit Language in Siri & Dictionary.

Screen Time Settings to Restrict Explicit Content

Definitions at the Tip of Your Fingers

With the Dictionary app, you can quickly browse for a word’s definition from various sources anywhere you are on your Mac. What’s more, the Dictionary is powered by Siri, allowing the app to give you results beyond definitions. Instead, you get richer, relevant search results—all in one place.

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