How to find forms of a word

How to find all forms of a word ?

Given that you have a noun , a verb, an adjective or an adverb ?

The forms i am referring to are :


Thanks !

asked Oct 27, 2014 at 7:09

Ayed's user avatar


Dictionaries usually list all important POS forms.

Also, words are routinely verbified, nounified, and all sorts of interuse is widespread today.

That nearly covers everything, I guess.

answered Oct 27, 2014 at 7:30

Kris's user avatar


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A reasonable grammar should have tables of the forms of noun, adjective and a table of the verb conjugation. But I admit that form tables are not favoured by English grammars. And the conjugation tables are mostly horrible, mixed with continuous forms, so that it is really difficult to understand the conjugation system. Adverbs are invariable, they have only one form.

answered Oct 27, 2014 at 7:41

rogermue's user avatar


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If a user enters a form of the word «look» such as «looked» or «looking», how can I identify it as a modified version of the verb look? I imagine others have run into and have solved this problem before …

JohnZaj's user avatar


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asked Jun 28, 2012 at 1:27

itwasthewind's user avatar

This is part of a fairly complicated problem called Stemming

However it’s easier if you only want to take care of verb. To begin with, you can try the naive lookup table approach, since English vocabulary is not that big.

If you want something fancier, check the wiki page above.

answered Jun 28, 2012 at 1:53

xvatar's user avatar


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If a regex is what your looking for something like this works look.*?b to match look , looked and looking

answered Jun 28, 2012 at 1:46

tsukimi's user avatar


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Depending on your task, WordNet can be your friend for stuff like this. It’s not a stemmer, but most stem words will return hits for what you’re looking for It also provides synonyms and a lot of other information if you care about the concept ‘look’ rather than the word itself.

answered Jun 30, 2012 at 21:17

dfb's user avatar


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Словообразование (word formation [wəːrd fɔ:r’meɪʃ(ə)n]) — образование нового слова от другого слова.

Словообразование и словоизменение (Word Formation and Inflection)

Словообразование противопоставляется словоизменению: Словоизменение — это процесс изменения слова, выражающий грамматическое значение (например, спряжение глагола или образование множественного числа существительного), но при словоизменении слово не приобретает нового лексического значения т.е. это то же самое слово (лексема) в отличных грамматических формах:

  • He is an actor. – Он (есть) актёр.

  • They are actors. – Они (есть) актёры.

В приведённых примерах «is», «are» и «actor», «actors» — это разные грамматические формы тех же слов, эти формы не образуют нового лексического значения.

Способы словообразования (Types of Word Formation)

Деривация (Derivation)

Деривация (derivation [ˌdeɹɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n]) — процесс образования нового слова от другого слова за счет различных аффиксов (приставок и суффиксов).

Различают два вида деривации:

  1. Новое образованное слово (дериватив) переходит в другой класс слов:

    • write → writer (писать → писатель)

  2. Новое слово не переходит в другой класс слов, а только изменяет лексическое значение исходного слова:

    • friend → friendship (друг → дружба)

    • like → dislike (нравиться, любить → испытывать неприязнь)

В английском языке, деривация, а именно переход слова в другой класс также происходит без изменения исходной формы слова. Данный процесс называется нулевая деривация (zero derivation) или конверсия (см. ниже):

  • I love you and I can’t live without your love. – Я люблю тебя и не могу жить без твоей любви.

Слово­сло­же­ние (Compounding)

Словосложение (compounding [kəm’paundɪŋ] / composition [ˌkɔmpə’zɪʃ(ə)n]) — это один из способов образования сложных слов (compound words) , состоящий в морфологическом соединении двух или более слов.

Проблемой в лингвистике английского языка является разграничение некоторых сложных слов и словосочетаний, образуя общий термин композиты (Термин «композит» получил распространение только в русскоязычных грамматиках, в том числе и грамматиках по английскому языку):

  • stay-at-home (домосед)

  • dos and don’ts (правила, нормы)

  • I’m reading the how-to-get-anything-you-want guide. – Я читаю книгу о том, как получить всё, что захочешь.

Раздельное или слитное написание композитов не является основанием, используемым при различении сложных слов и словосочетаний. Основным критерием различия между сложным словом и словосочетанием является обособление лексического значения производного сложного слова от исходного словосочетания.

Вторичное словообразование (Back-formation)

Вторичное словообразование / обратное словообразование[1] / редеривация[2] (back-formation) —

Конверсия (Conversion)

Конверсия (conversion [kənˈvə:rʒ(ə)n]) разновидность словообразования, при котором от одной части речи образуется другая без каких-либо изменений в самой форме слова (безаффиксальное образование слова). Наиболее распространенной моделью конверсии является: [существительное ↔ глагол], например: an e-mail (электронная почта) → to e-mail (написать или отправить электронное письмо); to drink (пить) → a drink (глоток; стакан (вина, воды)):

  • I heard her name his name. – Я слышал, как она назвала его имя. (в первом случае «name» — глагол «назвала», а во втором — существительное со значением «имя»),

  • I love you and I can’t live without your love. – Я люблю тебя и не могу жить без твоей любви.

  • Don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk. – «Не говори того, чего не можешь сделать.»

  • He is my best friend. – Он мой лучший друг.

  • I can best them. – Я могу их превзойти (провести / одержать верх).

  • Love betters what is best.[3]Любовь улучшает лучшее.

  • She lives one floor up. – Она живёт этажом выше.

  • They up the minimum requirements! – Они подняли минимальные требования!

Конверсия прилагательных в существительные может происходить в результате эллипсиса:

  • He’s a good worker but he’s not a very intellectual (person). – Он хороший работник, но не очень умный (человек).

  • The native residents are very hospitable. → The natives are very hospitable. – Местные (жители) очень гостеприимны.

В некоторых случаях происходит временная конверсия прилагательных в существительные. В таких случаях существительное не полностью получает самостоятельное лексическое значение и его полное значение явствует из контекста:

  • Fuel is carried in four tanks, two main tanks and two auxiliariy tanks. → Fuel is carried in four tanks, two main and two auxiliaries. – Топливо перевозится в четырех резервуарах, двух основных и двух вспомогательных.

Употребление прилагательных вместо существительных возможно и без конверсии. Например, некоторые прилагательные могут употребляться вместо существительных, означающих людей и согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе, при этом, прилагательные не принимают формы множественного числа и употребляются с определенным артиклем, например: the rich (богатые), the unemployed (безработные) (см. Субстантивация).

Усечение (Clipping)

Усечение / сокращение (clipping [‘klɪpɪŋ] / truncation [tɹʌŋ’keɪʃ(ə)n] / shortening [‘ʃɔ:ɹtnɪŋ])

  • Инициальное усечение (initial clipping / fore-clipping / apheresis) — усечение начальной части слова:

    • helicopter → copter

    • telephone → phone

    • airplane → plane

    • website → site

  • Финальное усечение (final clipping / back clipping / apocope):

    • demonstration → demo

    • doctor → doc

    • examination → exam

    • gasoline → gas

  • Срединное усечение (medial clipping / syncope):

    • madam → ma’am

    • mathematics → maths

  • Двустороннее усечение (усечение крайних частей слова):

    • influenza → flu

    • refrigerator → fridge

  • ???:

    • tobacco → baccy

    • reconnaissance → reccy

  • Слияние усечений (complex clipping / clipped compound):

    • sci-fi (science fiction)

    • motel (motor hotel)

    • modem (modulator demodulator)






Nonce words




Краткий понятийно-терминологический справочник по этимологии и исторической лексикологии. — Российская академия наук, Институт русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова РАН, Этимология и история слов русского языка . Ж. Ж. Варбот, А. Ф. Журавлев . 1998.


Словарь-справочник лингвистических терминов. Изд. 2-е. — М.: Просвещение Розенталь Д. Э., Теленкова М. А. 1976


William Wordsworth. From The Same.

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Find different forms of a word video preview

For example, you might want to say “worse” instead of “bad” or “my” instead of “I.” You can find different inflections in the grammar support popups. If a button opens a grammar support popup, its top right corner will be filled in. By default, Proloquo2Go will open the popup when you tap and hold the button.

Variants for "I" shown in a grammar popup

Variants for "bad" showing in a grammar popup

Navigating verb popups

In English, most grammar support popups are simple to navigate. However, verb tenses are more complicated. Here is how you can find your tense:

If the last word in the message window is a pronoun

If the last word in the message window is a pronoun or a demonstrative like “this” or “those,” Proloquo2Go will try to guess the subject of the verb. The grammar support popup will shortcut to the tenses matching that pronoun.

Conjugations of the verb "be" in a grammar popup

You will see the progressive, simple past, present, and future tenses immediately. If you want to negate the verb with “isn’t,” “didn’t,” “doesn’t,” or “won’t,” go to the Not section.

Not variants of verb conjugations in a grammar popup

If you want to use a more complex tense, go to the section for its time (Past, Present, or Future). You can also negate these complex tenses with Not.

Complex past tense conjugations of a verb in a grammar popup

When Proloquo2Go’s guess about the subject is wrong, you can tap the subject in the top left corner of the popup to navigate back. Choose the correct subject from the pronouns displayed.

If the last word in the message window is not a pronoun

If the last word in the message window is not a pronoun, Proloquo2Go does not know which subject you need. The grammar support popup will show you the tenses that do not depend on subject.

Pronoun selection in verb grammar popup

To access tenses where the subject matters, tap the subject’s pronoun.

Verb conjugations for second person

Once you are on the page for the subject, you will see the progressive, simple past, present, and future tenses. If you want to negate the verb with “isn’t,” “didn’t,” “doesn’t,” or “won’t,” go to the Not section. If you want to use a more complex tense, go to the section for its time (Past, Present, or Future). You can also negate these complex tenses with Not.

Using Preview

Some people who can’t read yet still know the right tense when they hear it. Preview is a way to test out tenses before choosing which one to send to the message window.

To turn Preview on or off, open any grammar support popup. Tap the Preview button in the bottom row of the popup. Preview is on when the button is highlighted in green. Preview will stay on or off for all grammar support popups until you tap its button again.

Now, when you tap an inflection, Proloquo2Go will speak it. The selected tense will go into the green Buffer button in the bottom right corner of the popup. To send the tense to the message window, tap this Buffer button.

Preview of chosen conjugation in grammar popup

Simplify or turn off Grammar Support

Often, it can be overwhelming for new AAC users to have access to all the different grammatical inflections. You can limit which tenses show and which word kinds have grammar support available, or even turn off Grammar Support entirely in Options > Grammar.

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How are words formed? Are there any rules by which words are formed? Let’s find out. This article will walk you through what word formation is, the various types of word formation and the rules to be adhered to when forming words. The number of examples given will make your learning process more effective and easier. Check it out.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Word Formation?
  • Types of Word Formation with Examples
  • Rules to be Followed When Forming Words
  • Test Your Understanding of Word Formation
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Word Formation in English

The English language is known for its wonderful quality of the way in which words and sentences are formed and used. Formation of new words from an existing root word by adding a syllable or another word is the general process; however, there are multiple ways in which it can be done.

Types of Word Formation with Examples

The formation of words is classified into four types based on how the process of formation is carried out. They are:

  • By adding prefixes
  • By adding suffixes
  • Converting from one word class to another
  • Forming compound words

Let us look at each type of word formation in detail.

Adding Prefixes

The term ‘prefix’ refers to one or more alphabets added to the stem of a word, mostly to make it negative. The most commonly used prefixes include ‘in-’, ‘un-’, ‘dis-’, ‘im-’, ‘ir-’, etc. Look at the examples given below for a clearer understanding of how prefixes are used to form new words.

Examples of Word Formation by the Addition of Prefixes

  • Discipline – indiscipline
  • Just – unjust
  • Tidy – untidy
  • Respect – disrespect
  • Understand – misunderstand
  • Comfortable – uncomfortable
  • Comfort – discomfort
  • Responsible – irresponsible
  • Honest – dishonest
  • Happy – unhappy
  • Polite – impolite
  • Experience – inexperience
  • Practical – impractical
  • Important – unimportant
  • Legal – illegal
  • Ethical – unethical
  • Potent – impotent

Adding Suffixes

A suffix is a short syllable added at the end of a base word. The addition of suffixes usually changes the word class of the particular word. The most common suffixes include ‘-ment’, ‘-ness’, ‘-ity’, ‘-ous’, ‘-tion’, ‘-sion’, ‘-al’, ‘-able’, ‘-ible’, ‘-ive’, ‘-ly’, ‘-ate’, ‘-er’, ‘-or’, etc. Check out the following examples to see how suffixes are added.

Examples of Word Formation by the Addition of Suffixes

  • Comprehend (verb) – comprehension (noun) – comprehensible (adjective)
  • Inform (verb) – information (noun) – informative (adjective)
  • Invest (verb) – Investment (noun) – Investor (noun)
  • Write (verb) – writer (noun)
  • Authorise (verb) – authorisation (noun)
  • Move (verb) – movement (noun)
  • Add (verb) – addition (noun)
  • Happy (adjective) – happiness (noun)
  • Conserve (verb) – conservation (noun)
  • Wide (Adjective) – widen (verb)
  • Manage (verb) – manageable (adjective) – manager (noun)
  • Courage (noun) – courageous (adjective)
  • Brave (adjective) – bravery (noun)
  • Profit (noun) – profitable (adjective)
  • Quick (adjective) – quickly (adverb)
  • Happy (adjective) – happily (adverb)
  • Sad (adjective) – sadness (noun)


The process of conversion focuses solely on changing the word class of the particular word. If you have noticed, you would have seen how some nouns are used to perform the role of a verb or an adjective acting like a noun just by the addition of another word or slightly altering the spelling of the actual word.

Examples of Word Formation by Conversion

  • The rich should help the poor.

Adjectives such as ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ are used as nouns by using them with the article ‘the’.

  • Everyone is talented.

‘Talented’ – a past participle is used as an adjective in the above sentence. The word is formed by adding the suffix ‘ed’ to the end of the noun ‘talent’.

  • There will definitely be a lot of ups and downs in life.

Prepositions ‘up’ and ‘down’ are used as nouns by adding ‘s’ to the end of it.

  • He texted me about the meeting only at the last minute.

The noun ‘text’ used to refer to a text message sent on a phone is used as a verb in the sentence by adding an ‘ed’ to the end of the word.

  • The financial aid had to be approved before we could make a decision.

The noun ‘finance’ is used as an adjective by adding ‘ial’ to the end of it and the verb ‘decide’ is used as a noun by removing ‘de’ and adding ‘sion’ to the word.

Forming Compound Words

Compound words are formed by combining one part of speech with another to form a specific word class. There are many ways in which compound words are formed. Verbs are combined with adjectives to form compound verbs, a present participle is combined with a noun to form a compound noun, two nouns are combined to form a compound noun, an adjective and a noun are combined to form a compound noun, an adverb is combined with a noun to form a compound noun, an adjective is combined with a past participle to form a compound adjective and so on. Take a look at the following examples and go through the articles on compound nouns, compound words and compound adjectives to understand how they work.

Examples of Word Formation by Compounding

  • Over (adverb) + load (noun) – Overload
  • White (adjective) + wash (verb) – Whitewash
  • Black (adjective) + board (noun ) – Blackboard
  • Cup (noun) + board (noun) – Cupboard
  • Short (adjective) + hand (noun) – Shorthand
  • Swimming (present participle) + pool (noun) – Swimming pool
  • Three (adjective) + legged (past participle) – Three-legged
  • Break (verb) + Down (preposition) – Breakdown
  • Up (preposition) + town (noun) – Uptown
  • Copy (verb) + writer (noun) – Copywriter
  • Sun (noun) + rise (verb) – Sunrise
  • Count (verb) + down (preposition) – Countdown
  • Flash (verb) + mob (noun) – Flash mob
  • Master (noun) + piece (noun) – Masterpiece
  • Round (adjective) + table (noun) – Round-table

Rules to be Followed When Forming Words

Formation of words can be a very interesting exercise, but you have to be really careful when you are adding inflections or affixes. There are a few things you will need to bear in mind when you are forming words. Take a look at the following points to learn what they are.

  • Before making any change to the stem of the word, try to analyse what is the kind of meaning you want the word to convey and what role the word will have to play in the sentence.
  • In most cases, the beginning of the base word remains the same. Only when prefixes are added the word has a syllable added to the beginning of it. Notice that even in this case, the word is retained as such.
  • When suffixes are added, there are many instances where you will have to remove the last one or more alphabets of the word and add the suffix. However, there are words like ‘movement’ where the suffix is just added without any change in the spelling of the base word.
  • Here is one way to easily know which suffix has to be added to form a particular word class – most often, nouns end in ‘er’, ‘or’, ‘ist’, ‘ian’, ‘ion’, ‘ment’, ‘ness’, and ‘ity’; verbs end in ‘ise’, ‘ate’ and ‘en’; adjectives end in ‘able’, ‘ible’, ‘ive’, ‘ic’, ‘ed’, ‘ing’ and ‘al’; and adverbs normally end in ‘ly’.
  • When words are formed by conversion, be very careful. Make sure you know that you are converting them accurately and using them in the sentence properly.
  • When forming compound words, see to it that you hyphenate them if necessary, use the right combination of words and do not just mix and match any word.
  • Changing from one tense to another also can also be considered a type of word formation, as the word is inflected to indicate the twelve different tenses in the English language.
  • Forming degrees of comparison can also be put under word formation. In this case, the comparative and superlative degrees are formed by adding ‘er’ and ‘est’ to the end of the adjective. The comparative and superlative degrees of polysyllabic words are formed by using ‘more’ and ‘most’, respectively, along with the adjective.

Test Your Understanding of Word Formation

Exercise 1 – Add Prefixes and Suffixes

Add prefixes and suffixes to the following words.

1. Passion____

2. Remember____

3. ____conscious

4. Sense____

5. ____acceptable

6. Entertain____

7. ____representation

8. Neat____

9. Invent____

10. ____interpret

Answers for Exercise 1

1. Passionate

2. Remembrance

3. Unconscious/Subconscious

4. Sensible/Senseless

5. Unacceptable

6. Entertainment

7. Misrepresentation

8. Neatly/Neatness

9. Invention

10. Misinterpret

Exercise 2 – Conversion of Words

Go through the following words and convert them as directed.

1. Money (convert into adjective)

2. Brave (convert into noun)

3. Clean (convert into noun)

4. Prayer (convert into adjective)

5. Resemblance (convert into verb)

6. Slow (convert into adverb)

7. Treat (convert into noun)

8. Confession (convert into verb)

9. Vary (convert into adjective)

10. Beauty (convert into verb)

Answers for Exercise 2

1. Monetary

2. Bravery

3. Cleanliness

4. Prayerful

5. Resemble

6. Slowly

7. Treatment

8. Confess

9. Various/variable

10. Beautify

Exercise 3 – Form Compound Words

Go through the words in the box given below and use them to form ten compound words.

up, table, spend, load, green, machine, case, make, estimate, over, self

1. _______ confident

2. Washing _______

3. Time _______

4. Under _______

5. _______sufficient

6. Up_______

7. _______set

8. Suit_______

9. _______over

10. _______thrift

Answers for Exercise 3

1. Overconfident

2. Washing machine

3. Timetable

4. Underestimate

5. Self-sufficient

6. Upload

7. Upset

8. Suitcase

9. Makeover

10. Spendthrift

Frequently Asked Questions on Word Formation in English

What is word formation?

Word formation is the process by which new words are formed by adding an affix, another word or converting from one word class to another by removing and adding alphabets.

What are the four types of word formation?

The four types of word formation include:

  • Addition of prefix
  • Addition of suffix
  • Conversion from one word class to another
  • Forming compound words

Give some examples of word formation.

Here are some examples of the various types of word formation for your reference:

  • Practical – impractical (prefix)
  • Purpose – purposeful (suffix)
  • Silent – silence (conversion)
  • Dining + room – Dining room (compound word)
  • Small – smaller – smallest (degrees of comparison)

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