Whether you’re looking for songs with numbers, colors, animals… or songs with any word in the title. Song Titles Search tool will help you to find interesting songs’ titles of what you want.
How to find songs with “specific word” in the title using our free online song finder tool?
Regardless of music genre, This tool search for titles in Spotify’s database which contains over 82 million tracks. Many genres of music are featured with this tool, including rock, pop, folk, metal, and more. It allows you to discover new music.
We decided to have these tags to help you:
- Custom search
- songs with colors
- songs with numbers
- songs with food
- songs with animals
- songs with days
“Custom search” tag helps you to search for songs with specific word, all you should do is to type your keyword in the inbox then hit search button to get results in seconds. other tags have their drop down list which contains the most popular terms according to this tag. For example:
Song titles with food
Songs with food items in their title are often used as metaphors to something else. They can be symbolic of love or hate.
After clicking the “songs with food” button, it will automatically show you a long list of songs with food and drink in the song name.
Some available food with Drop-down list to search for:
- Sugar
- coffee
- Hazel
- Biscuits
- Cake
- onion
- Bread
- Bacon
- Chocolate
- Milk
- tea
- Chicken
- Sandwich
- Peanut
- Butter
- Potato
- Pizza
- Banana
- Water
- Wine
- Honey
- Lemon
- Corn
- Tomatoes
- Salad
- Meat
- Soup
- Salt
- Coconut
Songs with days of the week in the title
After clicking the “songs with days” button, it will automatically show you a long list of the biggest hits with days in the song name. All days available with Drop-down list to search for.
Songs with colors
Songs with animals
Songs with numbers
Songs with ‘ ‘ in the title
To make this tool available for everyone, we added search feature that help you to find Songs that contain “specific word” in their title. So, If you are looking for specific name like john or specific place…., you can type the word/name in the search box and it will automatically show you a list of songs with your specific word.
Useful Links:
Songs with rain, good , blues , fun , run , sun , rock, walk, heart, love, story, light, home, night, running, woman, dance, time, moon, summer, fire, story, leaving, fly, old, rose, happiness, because,
stone, don’t in the title
Do you have that one song that you can’t get out of your head, but you don’t know the name of it? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. It can be frustrating when you hear a song on the radio or in a store, and you can’t identify it. Luckily, there are several ways to find a song when you only know a few words. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best methods for finding your favorite tunes!
How to Find a Song When You Only Know a Few Words
Google Search
The most obvious option is to use Google (or any other search engine) to search for the lyrics you know. Try entering a few words into the search bar and see what results come up. If your search terms are specific enough, you may be able to find the song you’re looking for quickly.
![Google Search](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20780%20384'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Another great method of finding a song when you only know a few words is by using an app like SoundHound. This app has the ability to listen to music playing nearby and identify it within seconds. All you need to do is launch either app, tap the “listen” button, and they will attempt to identify any songs that are playing.
r/TipOfMyTongue (Reddit)
If you’re still having trouble finding the song after trying Google and sound recognition apps, then it might be a good idea to check out r/TipOfMyTongue, a subreddit dedicated to helping people find songs or other media based on small snippets of information. Users post about their searches and others can comment with suggestions that could fit the description.
Genius or LyricFind
One of the most popular methods for finding a song when you only know a few words is to conduct a lyrical search. This means searching online using lyrics from the song as keywords. You can use websites such as Genius or LyricFind that provide accurate and up-to-date lyrics, or even YouTube comments sections where fans have posted their interpretations of songs. Just make sure to keep your keywords specific enough so that you get more accurate results!
Google App
The Google App has a handy feature that can help you find songs. Open up your Google App and tap on the “Search” tab at the bottom of the screen. Then tap on “Microphone” and say something like “What song is this?” or “Find this song.” The app will then recognize what music is playing and give you more information about it.
Using Shazam
Another great tool for finding unknown tunes is Shazam, which is an app available on both iOS and Android devices. It uses sound recognition technology to identify snippets of music playing nearby and provides detailed information about the song, including the artist, album it appears on, and more. All you need to do is hold your phone up to the source of the music and wait for Shazam to do its magic!
Asking Friends
Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out to friends who might know something about the song. With the power of social media, it’s easier than ever to find people who have similar music tastes and could help you identify your mystery song. Ask them about any special information they know that could help you narrow down your search.
In conclusion, finding a song when you only know a few words can be challenging but not impossible! Utilize lyrical searches, Shazam, careful listening strategies, and tapping into friends’ knowledge to increase your chances of success. Good luck!
Does Shazam still exist?
Yes, Shazam is still available as an app on both iOS and Android devices. It uses sound recognition technology to identify snippets of music playing nearby and provides detailed information about the song, including the artist, album it appears on, and more.
Are there any websites that provide accurate lyrics?
Yes, websites such as Genius or LyricFind are great resources for accurately finding lyrics to songs. They are regularly updated with new content so you can be sure you’re getting the most up-to-date version of a song’s lyrics.
Как найти песню, не зная её названия
Знакомая ситуация: в голове крутится одна и та же композиция, но вспомнить название, хоть убей, не получается? Лайфхакер поможет определить трек, если вы помните хотя бы пару слов, услышали знакомую мелодию по радио или в состоянии напеть мотив.
Если вы помните текст
Самая простая ситуация. Если вы помните слова песни (хотя бы парочку), можно найти её название через любой поисковик.
- Введите в строку поиска запомнившуюся фразу.
- Не помогло? Введите ту же строку с дополнительным запросом «текст песни» или «слова песни».
- Если композиция на иностранном языке, составляется запрос со словом lyrics.
- Язык композиции вам не знаком? Попробуйте поискать транслитерацию: запишите слова так, как услышали. Возможно, вам повезёт.
Если вы помните, где услышали песню
Вы переключаете радиостанции одну за другой и внезапно слышите последние ноты той самой — любимой и желанной — песни. А диджей тем временем включает следующую композицию, безжалостно забыв озвучить название предыдущей. Что делать в этой ситуации?
- Запоминаем название радиостанции и точное время, когда звучала искомая песня.
- Если станция популярна, у неё точно есть сайт. А на сайте нередко дублируют плейлист, прозвучавший в эфире.
- В плейлисте найдите название песни, игравшей в те часы и минуты, которые вы запомнили. Готово!
- Если сайта нет (но найти песню вам требуется позарез), действуйте решительно: позвоните в офис и спросите напрямую. Мы, конечно, не советуем обрывать телефоны местных радиостанций, но если нужда крайняя…
Чтобы вам было удобнее, вот ссылки на плейлисты популярных российских радиостанций:
- «Европа Плюс»,
- «Русское Радио»,
- «Радио Рекорд»,
- DFM,
- «Радио ENERGY»,
- «Авторадио»,
- «Дорожное радио».
Если вы помните мелодию
Когда иные методы не помогают, но музыка в голове не замолкает, пора браться за тяжёлую артиллерию — программы для распознавания мелодий.
Как найти песню с помощью компьютера
- AudioTag.info. Распознаёт композицию онлайн по загруженному файлу или URL. Поможет, если у вас есть микрофон или надо идентифицировать безымянный Track01.mp3. Интерфейс простой и понятный: выгружаете музыкальный файл, вводите капчу, получаете результат.
- Midomi. На главной странице сайта нажмите на кнопку Click and Sing or Hum и, собственно, напойте или намычите запомнившийся отрывок песни. Результаты поиска вы можете отфильтровать по жанру и языку исполнения. Как показал личный эксперимент, сервис лучше работает с иностранными композициями.
- Пользователи macOS и Windows могут подключить к поиску песен десктопную версию Shazam. Утилита работает в фоновом режиме и позволяет узнать название любой композиции, звучащей поблизости.
- MooMa.sh — специальный онлайн-сервис для распознавания саундтреков из видео на YouTube или Vimeo. Лайфхакер уже тестировал MooMa.sh и остался доволен.
Как найти песню с помощью телефона
- Shazam. Установите приложение на свой смартфон, откройте, нажмите кнопку на главном экране и напойте мотив. С вероятностью более 90% искомая композиция будет найдена.
- SoundHound. Не отстаёт по популярности от предыдущего приложения, но отличается некоторыми тонкостями. Этот сервис позволяет искать музыку по известным строчкам текста, а в своей базе данных содержит чуть больше малоизвестных и андеграундных исполнителей.
Sometimes it becomes rather difficult to remember the artist or the name of the song that is spinning «in my head». If all attempts to remember the author of the work are close to zero, it is recommended to use the Internet.
Computer with internet connection
Step 1
First of all, you need to launch any web browser with the ability to go to the address of the search engines. It is recommended to use the most popular search engines, for example, Yandex or Google. Once on the main page of one of the services listed above, move the cursor focus to an empty line (input field). Enter the lines you remember from the song. It is advisable to type words from songs that follow each other — it will be much easier to find the author of the song.
Step 2
If a song is rare and often not cited on the Internet, the number of search results will be much less, so the search option will be found much faster. In some cases, the title of a song and some words may coincide with the songs of different artists.
Step 3
As an example, you can enter the word «Song of the Night» into the search box. Imagine that you are looking for the author of this particular song. Any search engine will give you several dozen options: «Night», «Dark night», «Day and night», etc. If you enter a line from the song after the song title, you get far fewer choices. Open each link in a new tab (right-click on the link, select the appropriate item) and view the results.
Step 4
To quickly view the search results, it is recommended to click the «Saved Copy» or «Copy» link next to the snippet of the current position. In the Google search engine, you need to move the cursor over the double arrow to the right and select the item of the same name at the top of the page.
Step 5
Then, to be sure of the accuracy of the answer found, it is recommended to listen to this song. Remember or copy the author of the song and the name of the song, paste it again in the search engine and add the phrase «listen online». Now you can listen to the music track and be sure that this is the right author.
Step 6
If you have an account on the Vkontakte website, you can listen to the desired songs faster. To do this, in the left column, select «Audio recordings» and enter the author and name of the song in the search box, the search results will be loaded automatically.
The content of the article:
- 1 Online services allowing you to find a song, if you only know a few words
- 2 Text-You service for song recognition
- 3 Textpesni service will help you find your favorite track
- 4 Text.Mytracklist service searches for music by passage
- 4.1 Google, Yandex and other search engines
- 4.2 Forums
- 4.3 Radio website
- 5 Programs for searching songs by words
- 5.1 SoundHound
- 5.2 Shazam program
- 5.3 Lyrics Finder
- 6 Conclusion
- Online services allowing you to find a song if you know only a couple words
- Text-You service for song recognition
- Textpesni service will help you find your favorite track
- Text.Mytracklist service searches for music by passage
- Google, Yandex and other search engines
- Forums
- Radio website
- Programs for searching songs by words
- SoundHound Program
- Shazam program
- Lyrics Finder
- Conclusion
Online services allowing you to find a song if you know only a couple words
In the question of how to find a song according to the words, we, first of all, various online services can specifically help words search songs. Almost all of them work in a similar way: you enter in a special search line memorized words from a song, click on the search activation button, and the service is looking for matches in its database of lyrics. When finding of similarities, he produces a result including the name of the song and its artist, full lyrics, often also available listen to the song itself and watch the corresponding clip (when it availability).
Below I will describe the list of the most popular services that allow search for a song according to words online. If you have a recorded passage songs that need to be identified, read the article “Search for music by sound online.”
Text-You service for song recognition
The first of the services that allows you to find a song in several According to – this is a Text-You service.
- To work with this service, just go to it;
- Keep the memorized lyrics in a special line under the inscription “Enter the words to search”;
- Indicate where to look for a match (in the lyrics or title artist), determine the approximate period of creation songs, as well as the number of output results and their order sorting.
Search for a song in the online service Text-You
After setting the parameters, click on the “Start Search” button and read the list of results.
Textpesni service will help you find your favorite track
The second service that allows you to find a song by passage online and with good search capabilities is Textpesni.
- To take advantage of its capabilities, go to resource;
- Enter the name of the song in the search bar, and then click on “Search Site” button;
- You will receive a list of matches by clicking on which you can view the full text of the song itself.
Looking for a song a couple of words in Textpesni
Among the resources indicated by me, this one showed the best search results.
Text.Mytracklist service searches for music by passage
The third service that allows you to search for your favorite song by passage Is a Text.Mytracklist.
- The principle of its operation is similar to the previous service – you enter in the search box in the orange frame the words you remember from music track;
- Press “Enter” and get the desired result.
Finding a melody by words is easy with Text.Mytracklist
Google, Yandex and other search engines
When searching a song’s text for a couple of words, you can use functionality of conventional search engines (Google, Yandex, Mail.ru, Yahoo, Bing and others). Just enter in the search bar remembered words from a song, click on the search activation button and view the results. You can also try entering words from a song by adding the word “lyrics” (without quotation marks) or the phrase “lyrics” (also without quotes), then search The request will look like this:
Lyrics from a song + lyrics
Words from a song + lyrics
In some cases, if you remember the exact sequence words and do not confuse with cases, it makes sense to enter a phrase from a song in quotation marks, then the search engine will search for the phrase exactly as it is written, excluding intermediate words.
If the lyrics are in English and you don’t know how to spell them, but you can reproduce it in transliteration (in Russian letters), and enter such a transliteration option in the search engine, perhaps you You can get the answer you need.
If you trust a person more than a car, then it’s worth ask the corresponding question on the forums of music lovers, where you help you find the track you like by the remembered words. IN in particular, you can ask a question in the comments to this article, I I will try to help you.
Radio website
You can find a song on the radio website
Many of the popular radio stations have their own an online resource where anyone can track the list playable tracks. Because if you heard you like track on the radio and remember which radio station, then look for the last online site. Perhaps there you find a detailed a list of lost tunes, and in particular the only one that you especially liked.
Programs for searching songs by words
Among the programs for searching for lyrics I would mention popular Shazam, SoundHound and Lyrics Finder mobile apps. Besides search for the lyrics of a song by its musical passage, they allow find a song from an excerpt from its text by entering the last in special search box of the program window.
SoundHound Program
This mobile application allows you to find text song identification information by its segment. Download and install this SoundHound application (for example, here from here), run it, tap on the search bar, enter the text there a segment of a song that you remember, and then press the button “Search”. The program will look for matches in its database, and will give you the result (which, moreover, will probably be listened to).
Illustration of a track search in SoundHound
In most cases, this program searches for English texts, the search for Russian speakers is quite problematic.
Shazam program
The Shazam application is for sure one of the best in its field. It easily allows you to find the desired track by its segment, is included in him and the search function for the words of the song. Run the application (you can download it from here), click on the button with the magnifying glass, and enter in the search bar the words you remember from the musical composition. The application will look for a match and give you result.
We use Shazam
Lyrics Finder
This music program is designed to search for text songs (you can download it, for example, from here). Its interface is simple and intuitive – just enter the words from the song into the string search, specify the specifics of the request and get the result in the form full lyrics.
Lyrics Finder
In the question of how to find a song, if you know only a few words, the easiest way to use online services to search the text of the song you like in a huge database of a specific resource. Usually the use of any of these services (for example, Textpesni) will make it quite easy to find the lyrics by passage online, and if the listed online resources were not effective, then it’s worth using the mobile indicated by me programs, they also give pretty good results.