How to add page of page in word

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To put a blank page into your Word document, place the cursor where you want the new page to begin and then click Insert > Blank Page. The blank page opens, ready for whatever you want to add.

Image of the Blank Page button under Insert

Another option when you need a little space is to insert a page break. The difference is that Insert > Blank Page puts an entire blank page into your document, and Insert > Page Break doesn’t. Instead, it pushes whatever comes after the break to the top of the next page. See Add a page break for more about page breaks.

Tip:  If you’re formatting a complex document and you quickly want to add or look for blank pages, page breaks, or other elements, click View > Navigation Pane > Pages to see what’s where.

Image showing Navigation Pane checkbox under View

To remove a blank page from your document, see Delete a blank page.

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Want to write in a new page right after finishing a chapter of your work? You really don’t need to press Enter key on and on till the next page. Try these methods below.

Use Microsoft Word Repair software to restore damaged Word documents and fix most existing errors. The tool is easy to use and most of the time is able to recover all your important data.

1. Page break

Select Insert tab, click Pages and choose Page Break. It will insert a new page directly.

2 Ways to Insert a New Page in Word

2. Shortcut

It’s much like Page break but easier. Just place your cursor at the end of your text, press Ctrl+Enter and you’ll be led to the beginning of a new page.

If you don’t want the page anymore, put the cursor at the end of your last page and press Delete.

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  • Вставка страницы в Ворде
    • Вариант 1: Пустая страница
    • Вариант 2: Разрыв страницы
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Как сделать страницы в Ворде

Необходимость добавить новую страницу в текстовом документе Microsoft Word возникает не так уж часто, так как по мере набора текста или вставки элементов они появляются автоматически. При этом столкнувшись с задачей непосредственной вставки «чистого листа», не все знают, как это сделать. Сегодня мы расскажем о ее решении.

Вставка страницы в Ворде

Наиболее очевидный и, казалось бы, простой способ добавления новой страницы в текстовый документ Word заключается в установке курсора в начале или конце текста, в зависимости от того, с какой стороны нужно добавить «чистый холст», и последующем нажатии клавиши «Enter» вплоть до того момента, пока не будет получен желаемый результат. Решение элементарное, но точно не самое верное и удобное в своей реализации, особенно для тех случаев, когда требуется добавить хотя бы несколько пустых страниц. Читайте далее, чтобы узнать, как это сделать правильно.

Вариант 1: Пустая страница

Добавить пустую страницу в Ворде можно с помощью средств вставки, а благодаря недвусмысленному названию необходимого инструмента вы точно не упустите его из виду.

  1. Кликните левой кнопкой мышки в начале или конце текста, в зависимости от того, где вам нужно добавить новую страницу — перед имеющимися записями или после них.
  2. Перейдите во вкладку «Вставка» и в группе инструментов «Страницы» найдите и нажмите кнопку «Пустая страница».
  3. Пустая странца кнопка в Word

  4. Новая страница будет добавлена в начале или конце документа, в зависимости от того, в каком месте вы изначально помещали курсор.
  5. Пустая страница добавлена в Word

    Вот так просто можно решить задачу, озвученную в заголовке данной статьи. Если же вы установите курсор в произвольном месте текста, пустая страница будет добавлена прямо между теми символами, которые будут находиться слева и справа от каретки.

Вариант 2: Разрыв страницы

Добавить новый лист в Word можно и с помощью разрыва страницы. Делается это еще быстрее и удобнее, чем с помощью элемента «Пустая страница», но не без оговорок (о них в конце). Аналогичное рассмотренному выше решение тоже имеется.

  1. Установите курсор мышки в начале или конце текста, до или после которого требуется добавить новую страницу и нажмите «Ctrl+Enter» на клавиатуре.
    Место для курсора в Word

    Читайте также: Горячие клавиши в Ворде

  2. До или после текста будет добавлен разрыв, а значит, будет вставлена новая, пустая страница.
  3. Новая страница в Word

    Узнать более детально о том, что представляют собой разрывы страниц, когда и зачем они применяются, а также о том, как в случае необходимости от них избавиться, помогут представленные по ссылкам ниже статьи.

    Подробнее: Как вставить / убрать разрыв страницы в Word

    Как мы уже обозначили выше, добавить разрыв можно и ровно таким же образом, как пустую страницу — просто перейдите во вкладку «Вставка» и нажмите по соответствующий кнопке на панели инструментов.
    Добавление разрыва страницы через панель инструментов Microsoft Word

    Особенно актуально применение разрывов документах с так называемым сложным форматированием, подразумевающим наличие титульных листов, нумерации и разделов (как всего вместе, так и любого из перечисленных элементов отдельно). Ранее обо всем этом мы тоже писали, а потому, если данная тема вас интересует, рекомендуем ознакомиться с представленными по ссылкам ниже статьями.

    Читайте также:
    Как в Ворде сделать титульный лист
    Как пронумеровать страницы документа Microsoft Word
    Как создать разделы в Ворде


На этом закончим, ведь теперь вы знаете, как добавить новую страницу в Microsoft Word, а также о том, как в случае необходимости сделать разрыв страницы.

Еще статьи по данной теме:

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Customizing the page numbers in a Word document can be difficult the first couple of times you try.

Page numbers in the header or footer and handled a little differently than the rest of the content in a document, and there are several different options.

You may be wondering how to add a page 1 of 2 numbering style in Word if your document requirements include that formatting.

Page numbers are a very important organizational aspect of a document, particularly if someone is editing it and might separate the document pages eventually. But the page number only tells part of the story of the document’s structure. It might also be important to know how many pages are in the document.

Fortunately, Microsoft Word 2013 has a page numbering option that allows you to include the total number of document pages as part of the page numbering.

So, for example, if you wanted to have Page 1 of 2 in a Word 2013 document, you would be able to select that format and number your document pages in that manner.

Our tutorial continues below with more information on how you can add page numbers to the header or footer sections of your document, as well as how to format the appearance of those page numbers.

  1. Open the document.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Select Page Number.
  4. Choose a location.

Our article continues below with additional information on adding the page 1 of 2 page numbering style in Word, including pictures of these steps.

How to Add Page X of Y Page Numbers in Word (Guide with Pictures)

The steps in this article were performed in Microsoft Word 2013. Once this is finished you will have a document with page numbers in the format Page X of Y. So if you are looking at the first page of a two page document, then the page number would be Page 1 of 2.

Step 1: Open your document in Word 2013.

Step 2: Click the Insert tab at the top of the window.

click the insert tab in word 2013

Step 3: Click the Page Number button in the Header & Footer section of the ribbon.

change page number format in word 2013

Step 4: Click the Top of Page or Bottom of Page option (depending on where you want your page numbers to display) then scroll down to the Page X of Y section and choose your preferred location.

how to insert page 1 of 2 page numbers in word 2013

You can then make any adjustments to the page numbers using the options on the Header & Footer Tools Design tab.

Either double-click inside the body of the document or click the Close Header and Footer button to continue editing your document.

how to use page x of y page numbers in word

Our tutorial continues below with additional discussion about adding and customizing page number information in a Microsoft document.

How to Remove Page Numbers from the Title Page in Microsoft Word

One of the most common customizations that people want to make is whether or not their document has a different first page. if you have a title page and don’t want to include the first page number of that page, then you probably want to make use of that option.

These steps assume that you already have page numbers in the header or footer of your document.

  1. Double-click on your page number.
  2. Select Different First Page.

This will remove the page numbers from the header or footer on the first page.

If you want to choose the page number that your document starts with for your x of y format page numbers, then you can select the Insert tab, click Page Numbers, then select Format Page Numbers and click the Start at button and enter a number.

More Information on How to Add, Remove or Edit Page Numbers in a Word Document

Note that there are a handful of ways to alter the look of the page numbers that appear in your document. For example, in the article above we have chosen to use the option that shows the current page number, as well as the total number of pages in the document.

If you ever decide that you want to change the look of your page numbers then you can open the Insert menu by clicking Insert at the top of the window, select Page Numbers to expand the drop down menu, then click Format Page Numbers.

This opens a new Page Number Format dialog box that lets you select the number format (you could choose roman numerals, for example, if you wanted to), whether or not to include chapter numbers, and choose if you want your page numbering to have a different starting number, whether or not it should continue from the previous section if you have added a section break.

You can add a section break if you select the Layout tab, select Breaks in the Page Setup group, then click one of the Section Breaks options like Next Page, Continuous, Even Pages, or Odd Pages.

Do you also need to set up your Word document so that it isn’t displaying the page number on the first page, or title page? Learn how to skip the first page when numbering in Word 2013 to achieve this result.

Kermit Matthews

Kermit Matthews is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with more than a decade of experience writing technology guides. He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science and has spent much of his professional career in IT management.

He specializes in writing content about iPhones, Android devices, Microsoft Office, and many other popular applications and devices.

Read his full bio here.

How to add a page in Word

Let’s start by seeing how to add a page in word acting from the computer, then from the software versions for Windows and macOS. If you are reading this guide for information and you have not yet installed Word on your computer, find out how to do it by reading my tutorial about it.

How to add a blank page in Word

If your intent is add a blank page in Word, you have two options at your disposal: inserting one empty page or apage break. The difference between the two options is the following: the blank page adds a blank page after the page where the Word cursor is currently located; page break, on the other hand, moves the text under the Word cursor to the next page (if there is no text under the cursor, a blank page is simply added).

Both procedures are easily implemented: to begin with, click on the point in the document where you want to insert the blank page, in order to position the Word cursor there. Then select the tab Inserisci Word (top left) and click on the button first Pages (always at the top left) and then on the icon Vuota page or on that Page break (in the menu that opens), depending on the type of page you want to add.

The steps to take are the same on both Windows and macOS, so don’t worry about the operating system installed on your computer: you can still follow the instructions I just gave you.

How to add a page written in Word

You copied one written page from another document and would you like to insert it into the document you are currently preparing in Word? Nothing could be easier: to begin with, if you haven’t done so yet, open the document from which you want to draw the page to paste into the file you are working on.

Then bring the Word cursor at the beginning of the page to be copied, hold down the left mouse button and create a selection to select all the contents of the page. Once this is done, click on the button Copy present in the card Home (top left) to copy what is selected.

Now, open the document where you want to insert the page, bring the Word cursor where you want to insert and create a new one page break following the steps I indicated in the previous chapter.

At this point, select the tab Home Word (top left), click on arrow located next to the button Paste and select one of the available options: Keep original formatting to paste the text while maintaining its original formatting; Merge Formatting to adapt the formatting of the pasted page with that of the current document; Image to paste the page as an image or Keep text only to paste the page without formatting or graphic content (therefore only as text).

How to add a start page in Word

Il title page it is the initial page of a book, the one that follows the cover. Generally, it includes all key information about the work, such as the author, title, etc.

Word includes a special function to insert a cover page using some preset themes: you can use it for add a home page or a cover to your document. If you like the idea, you can add a cover page to your document by selecting the tab Inserisci Word (top left), by clicking on the button Pageby selecting the icon Frontispiece from the menu that opens and choosing one of the available themes. Once you have chosen the title page you prefer the most, you can customize it by changing the predefined texts included in it.

If you don’t like any of the themes available in Word, you can click on the item More cover pages (still in the theme selection menu) to view a list of additional themes available online. Alternatively, to insert a blank page at the beginning of the document, you can go to the top of the first page of your file and create apage break following the instructions I gave you in the appropriate chapter of the tutorial.

How to add a page in Word online

Is it not possible to install Word on the PC you are working on? Don’t panic: all is not lost. To modify your documents, in fact, you can contact Word Online: a «lighter» version of Microsoft Word that works directly from the browser (eg. Chrome, Firefox o Safari) and can be used at no cost. The only essential requirement for it to work is to have a Microsoft account.

To edit a document in Word Online, you need to upload it to OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage service (which I told you about in detail in my dedicated guide). To do this, connected to the OneDrive main page from the browser, log in to your Microsoft account (if necessary), click on the button Go to my OneDrive and drag the file to edit in Word into the browser window. Once the upload is complete, click the document in OneDrive to open it in Word Online.

At this point, knowing that Word Online only allows you to insert page breaks and not blank pages or cover pages, bring the Word cursor where you want to add a new page, select the tab Inserisci located at the top left and click on the button Page break in the menu that appears.

If, on the other hand, you want to add a written page, copy-and-paste from another document following the instructions I gave you in the dedicated chapter of this tutorial (knowing, however, that you will not be able to choose the style with which to paste the text ).

Finally, to add a start page, bring the cursor Word at the beginning of the document and insert a new page break as explained a few lines above. Unfortunately, it is not possible to insert a title page.

Changes made to the file will be automatically saved to OneDrive. To download the document locally, instead, go to the tab Fillet (top left), select the item Save with name from the menu that appears on the side and presses the button Download a copy.

How to add a page in Word for smartphones and tablets

Word is available as an app for smartphones and tablets. It is compatible with Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile and is free for all devices that are 10.1 inches or less (otherwise requires a subscription to Office 365, with prices starting from 7 euros / month). Insert blank pages, but not page breaks or cover pages.

To use it, install the app on your device and start it (on Android and Windows 10 Mobile it may be installed «as standard»), then open the document to act on. You can open the files on the memory of your device or on the cloud storage services supported by the application, then OneDrive, Google Drive, dropbox, iCloud (iOS only) etc.

At this point, bring the cursor at the point where you want to add a new page and proceed as follows: if you are using a smartphone, press the button? (Android) or ⋮ (iOS) located at the bottom right, expand the drop-down menu that appears at the bottom left and first select the item Inserisci and then that Page. If you are using a tablet, however, select the tab Inserisci (top left) and tap the button Page present in it.

To insert a written page or a pagina iniziale, you must always take advantage of the add blank page function described above, as neither the advanced formatting options for pasting the texts nor the cover page function are available.

How to add a page in Word

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