How others see you word

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как другие видят вас

каким вас видят другие

то, как вас видят другие

то, как другие вас видят

какими вас видят другие

Charlize: What most people don’t realize is that no matter how others see you, you have to wake up to yourself every morning.

На Самопринятие То, что большинство людей не понимают, что не важно, как другие видят вас, вы должны просыпаться сами каждое утро.

You tend to misread the thoughts and feelings of others, misunderstand how others see you, and overlook how they’re affected by your behavior.

Вы склонны неправильно понимать мысли и чувства других, неправильно понимать, как другие видят вас, и упускать из виду то, как на них влияет ваше поведение.

Your Personality — How others see you

Find out how others see you.

How others see you isn’t important.

The text on this point states How others see you is not important.

Your outside environment, how others see you

You are how others see you.

How others see you is also so important.

How others see you, and not how you see yourself.

Your actions determine how others see you.

How you perceive how others see you is very important.

Consequently, you can also change how others see you.

The second is how others see you.

Popularity, in the end, is only partly about how others see you.

What matters most isn’t how others see you.

Which designer brand you choose will affect how others see you and your sense of style.

Какой дизайнерский бренд вы выберете, будет влиять на то, как вас видят другие и на ваше чувство стиля.

Do you know how others see you and perceive you?

These determine how you act and how others see you.

The animal signs of each year merely indicate how others see you or how you choose to present yourself.

Животные каждого года всего лишь показывают, как другие люди видят вас и как вы предпочитаете себя преподносить.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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other see me as hardworking person,jolly and aproachable. in one
word im flexible

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Q: Interview question — In 3 words describe how others see you and in one word describe how others actually see you?

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iStock_mirrorimageHave you ever caught yourself glancing at your reflection in a mirror or glass as you walk by?

Does Your Mirror Tell the Truth?

Do you have a sense that what you see when you look in mirror might not be telling you the truth? Or at least not the whole truth?

The question you’re probably really wondering about is not how you look to yourself, but what you look like through the eyes of others.

And the way others see you is often not what you see when you look in the mirror.

When you look in the mirror, you see a put-on version of yourself.

You probably have an expression and a stance you use just for the mirror. Do you smile or raise your eyebrows a tad? Do you suck in your tummy and turn to the side a bit to see if it’s flat?

Maybe all you see are the new wrinkles around your eyes that you’re sure weren’t there last month. Or the extra few pounds you know you’re carrying.

How Would Your Friends Describe You?

But what you see when you look in the mirror doesn’t tell you what other people see when they look at you. And the difference in images may be quite striking.

Do you want a clearer idea of what other people see when they look at you?

Here’s a simple exercise that will help you see yourself as others see you.


Email five friends and ask them to make a list of six words they would use to describe you.

Don’t elaborate. Don’t tell them what aspect of you they should describe. Just ask for six words they’d use to describe you.

Here’s the email I’m sending to five of my friends. Feel free to cut and paste or to write your own.

Dear (Friend),

I’m inviting five friends to take part in a little experiment to help me understand how other people see me. And I hope you’ll be one of them.

Please take a quick minute to make a list of six words you’d use to describe me. No more than that. Just six words. Whichever ones pop up in your mind when you think of me.

Then send your little list to me in a reply to this email. That’s all.

Thanks so very much for your help.

I’ll let you know what I learn! 🙂

[Your name]

Collating the Responses

As the email responses come in, make a list of the words your friends send, noting where the lists overlap. Together, these words will create a little word portrait of you as seen through the eyes of your friends.

Does your six-word portrait describe the person you see when you look in the mirror? Does that word portrait paint the person you believe yourself to be?

If you’re willing, send me an email with the word picture your friends drew of you.  And add a note about whether it’s the word-picture you would have drawn of yourself.

TryTry ThisThis

Write a Six-Word Self-Portrait

While you’re waiting to hear back from your friends, develop your own list of the six words you’d use to describe yourself. Then, when you get the little word pictures back from your friends, you’ll get a sense of how closely your sense of yourself aligns with the way others see you.

I really hope you’ll share your 6-word portrait in the comments below. And yes, I’ll share mine too.

When I turned 30, I asked my friends to provide a one word description of my best feature or my most prominent characteristic. I was curious about what they appreciated about my personality and the way I acted. While I considered myself fairly self-aware, I wanted to know if my friends saw me the same way I saw myself.

Before I started to get responses, I expected that the answers would fall into two or three broad categories. In my own mind, I was smart, I was funny, and I was friendly.

Related: Listen to an episode of the Intellectual Roundtable Podcast, where Lee and Michael discuss this question: ‘How do you think others see you?’ We also discuss another question as well, ‘How can we maintain wonder?’

Once the answers started to roll in, however, I was surprised. In all, I asked maybe 30 people, and I got 30 different answers. While I didn’t expect that every response would be different, the thing that really astonished me was the wide variety of answers. Loyalty, eyes, conversation, creativity, honesty, goofiness. They did not easily fit into the categories I envisioned.

Different people value different things. It took me 30 years to learn this lesson, but it was a major step in expanding my empathy skills. Now I regularly try to view how other people might see the world, including how I fit into it.

I also learned something else from this exercise: every relationship I have is unique. While I might be a constant to my relationships, each person I interact with brings their own personality, their own experiences, their own vantage point to our mutual association.

Which brings me to this week’s question: How do you think others see you? How would you like them to see you? What can you do to change how others see you? Are you externally self-aware?

Related questions: What are our responsibilities to others? What do we have in common? What makes you you? How do you judge yourself?

Do you want to know how others see you? Just choose one of the four doodles and we will tell you!

This viral personality quiz can prove to be eye-opening for you and make you come face to face with yourself.

Let’s face it, no one is perfect and sometimes it is our little flaws and weaknesses that make us even more endearing to others. However, some of us also have qualities and traits that are not so endearing and they definitely bug others.

But most of the time, people around us choose to turn a blind eye to our flaws and keep mum about our bad habits, simply because

  • they do not wish to hurt our feelings or
  • they do not know how they should raise the topic in the first place.

But how is that ever going to help us to improve ourselves? Self-improvement starts from self-awareness and from time to time, we do need to take an inventory of our fear-based self-limiting habits and behaviors.

Therefore, you should have an idea of how others see you. So without any further delay, do check out this doodle quiz that is making quite a stir nowadays among internet users.

Also For You: What Kind Of Mystery Are You? Quiz

Viral Doodle Quiz That Reveals How Others See You

Is there anything about your personality that annoys others but they never tell you? One of the four doodles given below in this personality test will settle all doubts and put your mind at ease.

Choose One Of The Doodles From The Below-Given Image And Jump To Your Answer

Doodle Personality Test internal


Doodle 1

Doodle 1 Others see you as someone

You are a person who feels too much and gets affected by others a lot. But you try to brush off all that has happened to you and pretend nothing can get to you.

You strive to maintain a strong front and never show your vulnerable side. But your well-wishers think that you should acknowledge when something upsets you and talk about it with them so that you don’t get overwhelmed.

According to the results of this doodle personality test, others see you as someone who needs to open up and share more.

Doodle 2

Doodle 2 who should take start

Seems like you are perpetuating some dysfunctional patterns all your life. You keep ending up with the same type of toxic partners and find yourself in similar situations at work.

Things just keep happening to you, as if you are destined to fail. But it can’t be any further from the truth.

What we do and the energy we put out have a lot to do with our destiny. Your loved ones are trying to tell you that you need to take initiative and stop the unhealthy patterns from ruining your life.

As per the results of this how others see you quiz, others see you as someone who should take a hard look at their life and start making better choices.

Doodle 3

Doodle 3 who should try to be

You tend to think somehow your issues are far greater than others and thus you are always self-centered.

Whenever a friend tries to share a story of them with you, invariably you bring the focus to yourself and in no time start talking about your life.

You obviously don’t do this consciously but as deep down you always think about your problems, you subconsciously ignore others and this habit doesn’t go down well with others.

According to this personality quiz, others see you as someone who should try to be a better listener.

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Doodle 4

Doodle 4 who needs to get out

Sometimes you should try to come out of your comfort zone and try out new things that get your heart racing.

You seldom take chances in life and prefer to stick to your routine. A comfort zone is a good place to rest but you will never reach your destination if you don’t lose sight of the shore.

Your friends and family cherish you but secretly wish for you to be more adventurous.

According to this how others see you viral quiz, others view you as someone who needs to get out of their comfort zone.

Also For You: What You See First In This Picture Reveals Your Subconscious Fear

Could You Relate With Your Doodle?

So that’s all for today. Remember it’s good to know about your personality, but don’t get carried away and start depending on others’ validation. Just work on yourself but keep being you!

Which doodle did you choose? We hope you could relate to your chosen option and got a handle on others’ perceptions of you.

Share this viral doodle personality test with your loved ones and let them discover more about themselves.

Also For You: The Way You Cross Your Arms Reveals The Kind Of Person You Are

Viral Personality Quiz pin

Doodle Personality Test: The Doodle You Choose Reveals How Others See You Secretly

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