How old is the boy in the a word

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Read these sentences and choose only who or which. Write your answer in these gaps.

1. How old is the boy____hit you?

2. I am writing a letter to my uncle____lives in Australia.

3. Have you replied to all the letters____you got?

1 ответ:




1. who

2. who

3. which

(если что-то не так, напишите в комментах:))

Читайте также

1)Match the words on the left and the endings on the right.

2)Choose the words to fill in the gaps.
She has been working for this company for two years.
Get out of here! This place is not for walking dogs.
Don’t give away my secrets, please.

(3)Choose the right variant.
1) They are leaving for Paris tonight. I have already bought a ticket.
2) I think we will win the game.

 (4)Choose the right variant.
She was born on July 15th.
There is a book on the table.
I haven’t got any books on art at home.
My friend was born in September.

вариант 2(1)Match the words on the left and the endings on the right.

(2)Choose the words to fill in the gaps.
Kate is working on her essay now.
We should work out a set of rules.
On holiday I usually don’t get up early.

(3)Choose the right variant.
1) My brother is getting married this weekend.
2) I think you will enjoy the party. 

(4)Choose the right variant.
He was born on May 20th.
I am sitting on the bench.
I was born in April.

3 вариант(1)Fill in the articles when necessary.
The Sahara Desert
 6. Everest
The Red Sea
 7. the Urals
the Mississippi 
8. the Bering Strait
9. South America
the Russian Federation
 10.  France

(2)Change the verbs into adjectives or nouns and translate into Russian:
arrange – arrangement (приведение в порядок) 
2. protect — protection (защита)  
3. avoid — avoiding (избегание) 
4. eat — eatable (съедобный)
 5. crash — crasher (грохот) 

(3)Fill in for, on, by when necessary.
I prefer travelling by air. 
2. I am leaving from Samara to Moscow. 
3. He likes to travel by foot.

(4)Fill in reflexive pronouns.
He can take care of himself .
My friends can take care of themselves .
We can take care of ourselves.

(5)Say how you feel about the following choices. Use I would rather … , I would prefer+ noun, I would prefer+ infinitive.To travel by train or by plain

I would rather travel by plain.

4 вариант
(1)Make up conditional sentences:
He will play the guitar if he does his homework.

(2)Choose the right variant to complete the sentences:
1. He can communicate successfully.
2. We remember these friendly people. 
3. It’s not my bag. It’s hers.

(3)Write the sentences in reported speech:
1. He said to clean the room.
2. He said not to clean the room.
3. He said that he would play chess.
4. He asked when I cooked dinner

(4)Translate into Russian:
1. They don’t get along with each other. Они не могут ужиться друг с другом
2. The concert is put off till next week. Концерт отложен до следующей недели.
3. You can relax. Ты можешь расслабиться.

5 вариант(1)Make up conditional sentences:
She would write to him if she knew his address

(2)Choose the right variant to complete the sentences:
1. She is a successful businessman. 
2. She spoke very confidently
3. My idea is much better than yours

(3)Write the sentences in reported speech:
1. She said to go to school
2. She said not to go to school
3. She said that the doctor would come at 5.
4. She asked Masha why she cried

(4)Translate into Russian:
1.The bus driver will tell you where to get off. Водитель автобуса скажет тебе, где выходить
2. The girl put down her blue dress. Девочка надела cвое голубое платье
3. He always supports me. Он всегда поддерживает меня

Лондон — столица Соединенного Королевства, ее экономический, политический и культурный центр. Это один из самых важных портов в мире, и один из крупнейших городов мира. Лондон с пригородами имеет население около 12 миллионов человек.Лондон был столицей почти тысячу лет. Многие из его древних зданий до сих пор ещё стоят. Наиболее известными из них являются Лондонский Тауэр, где хранятся королевские драгоценности, Вестминстерское аббатство и Собор Святого Павла. Большинство посетителей также хотят увидеть здания парламента, Букингемский Дворец (дом королевы со сменой охранников) и множество великолепных музеев.Когда-то Лондон был маленький римский город на северном берегу Темзы. Постепенно он превратился в один из крупнейших городов мира.Разные районы Лондона кажутся разными городами. Вест-энд — это богатый мир магазинов, офисов и театров. Лондонский Сити — это район, где сосредоточено большинство офисов и банков; здесь также находятся Королевская Биржа и Банк Англии. Ист-энд-это в основном общая зона. Старая Портовая зона теперь называется «Docklands». В настоящее время в Доклендсе появились новые офисные здания и тысячи новых квартир и домов.Днем весь Лондон занят работой. Ночью в офисах тихо и пусто, но Вест-энд остается оживлённым, потому что именно сюда приезжают лондонцы, чтобы развлечься. Здесь есть два оперных театра, несколько концертных залов и множество театров, а также кинотеатры. В соседнем Сохо пабы, рестораны и ночные клубы заняты до полуночи.Как и во всех крупных городах, Лондон имеет улицы и бетонные здания, но он также имеет много больших парков, с деревьями, цветами и травой. В середине Гайд-парка или Кенсингтонских садов вы будете думать, что вы находитесь за городом, за много миль от него.Многие люди живут за пределами центра Лондона в пригороде, и они ездят на работу, в магазины и офисы на поезде, автобусе или метро («метро»).

1.  He was writing a letter, when I came to him. 2. He was doing his work, while his brothers were playing football. 3.  I fell down, when I was playing football. 4.  We were doing our homework, when it started to rain. 5.  When the teacher was writing on the blackboard, a new teacher came into the classroom. 6.  I was working in the garden, when the phone rang. 7.  I saw my schoolmates, when I was walking along the street. 8. It started to rain, when we were watching the game.

Составить предложения из данных слов. A)Help,nobody him,can/ B)Piano,she,got,no,has/ C)There,sugar,any,is,in,sugar bowl,the? D)M

Дедешку [2]

Nobody can help him.
She has got no piano.
Is there any sugar in the bowl?
Everybody must do their own work.

He sleeps on the sofa

Present Simple. Make questions beginning with the words in the brackets.

They usually get up at 7 o’clock. (When…….?)

Pete has two dogs. (How many…….?)

We have three lessons on Monday. (Do…….or……….?)

Little children like playing football. (Who…………..?)

Lena usually plays with her dog in the yard. ( Where……?)

Peter enjoys collecting stamps. (Does…………?)

This boy is seven years old. (How old………….?)

My mum watches music shows in the sitting room. (What…?)

I do my homework after dinner. (When……?)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The A Word
The A Word.jpg
Genre Drama
Created by Keren Margalit
Based on Yellow Peppers
by Keren Margalit
Developed by Peter Bowker
Written by Peter Bowker
Directed by
  • Peter Cattaneo (Series 1)
  • Dominic Leclerc (Series 1)
  • Susan Tully (Series 1–2)
  • Luke Snellin (Series 2)
  • Fergus O’Brien (director) John Hardwick (Series 3)
  • Sasha Ransome (Series 3)
  • Lee Ingleby
  • Morven Christie
  • Max Vento
  • Molly Wright
  • Greg McHugh
  • Vinette Robinson
  • Christopher Eccleston
  • Pooky Quesnel
  • David Gyasi
  • Julie Hesmondhalgh
Composer Rob Lane
Country of origin United Kingdom
Original language English
No. of series 3
No. of episodes 18 (list of episodes)
Executive producers
  • Lucy Ritcher (BBC)
  • Patrick Spence (Fifty Fathoms)
  • Peter Bowker (Fifty Fathoms)
  • Marcus Wilson (Fifty Fathoms)
  • Howard Burch (Keshett)
  • Avi Nir (Keshet)
  • Keren Margalit (Keshet)
  • Sara Johnson (Keshet)
  • Marcus Wilson (Series 1)
  • Jenny Frayn (Series 2)
  • Clare Shepherd (Series 3)
Production locations
  • Lake District
  • Keswick, Cumbria
  • Thirlmere
  • Manchester
  • Space Studios Manchester
Editor Jamie Pearson
Running time 60 minutes
Production companies
  • Keshet UK
  • Fifty Fathoms Productions
Original network BBC One
Picture format 16:9 1080i
Audio format Stereo
Original release 22 March 2016 –
9 June 2020
Yellow Peppers

The A Word is a BBC television drama series, based on the Israeli series Yellow Peppers. The series follows a young boy and how his family cope with the revelation that he has autism spectrum disorder. Following filming in the Lake District from October 2015, a six-part series began airing on 22 March 2016. On 26 May 2016, the BBC announced that a second series of The A Word had been commissioned.[1] It premiered in the UK on 7 November 2017. The third series began airing on 5 May 2020.[2]


Five-year-old Joe Hughes displays clear signs of communication problems and consistently isolates himself by listening to pop music through large blue and black headphones. He has encyclopaedic knowledge of the songs he listens to and accurately sings along with the lyrics. His parents, Alison and Paul, seem oblivious to the disorder and wonder why Joe is ostracised by other children of the same age. However, it is later discovered by Joe’s grandfather, Maurice, that Alison and Paul have been taking him to hospital for his communication problems. Other family members know there is a problem, however, their attempts to intervene are met with obstruction from Joe’s parents. After originally believing Joe had hearing problems, their Ear, Nose and Throat consultant refers Joe to a specialist who diagnoses him as autistic.

The story then follows how the dysfunctional family, including Rebecca (who feels invisible), Eddie and Nicola (who are coping with their own relationship problems) and tactless grandad Maurice cope with Joe’s situation and their own apparent social disorders.


Actor Character Role Episode
Max Vento Joe Hughes a child on the autism spectrum 1–
Lee Ingleby Paul Hughes Joe’s father 1–
Morven Christie Alison Hughes Joe’s mother 1–
Molly Wright Rebecca Hughes Joe’s half-sister 1–
Greg McHugh Eddie Scott Alison’s brother 1–
Vinette Robinson Nicola Daniels Eddie’s wife 1–12
Christopher Eccleston Maurice Scott Joe’s grandfather, Alison’s and Eddie’s father 1–
Pooky Quesnel Louise Wilson Maurice’s music teacher and lover 1–
Leon Harrop Ralph Wilson Louise’s son 1–
Matt Greenwood Tom Clarke Rebecca’s best friend 2–
Thomas Gregory Luke Taylor Rebecca’s boyfriend 2–6
Daniel Cerqueira Dr Graves Family doctor 1–
George Bukhari Terry Norris Worker at Paul and Alison’s cafe 1–
Adam Wittek David Nowak Worker at the Scott’s brewery 1–
Tommie Grabiec Pavel Kaminski Worker at the Scott’s brewery 1–
Abby Ford Sally Worker at the Scott’s brewery 4
Julia Krynke Maya Petrenko Joe’s babysitter 2–5
Lisa Millett Maggie White Joe’s speech therapist 3
Ralf Little Stuart Rebecca’s biological father 5–6, 11, 14
Jude Akuwudike Vincent Daniels Nicola’s father 7–
Clare Holman Grace Daniels Nicola’s mother 7–
Aaron Pierre James Thorne Rebecca’s boyfriend 7–8
Julie Hesmondhalgh Heather Joe’s teacher 13–
Lucy Gaskell Sophie Berwick Worker at Paul’s Gastropub 7–11
Travis Smith Mark Berwick Sophie’s autistic teenage son 7–
Sarah Gordy Katie Thorne Ralph’s wife 13–
Nigel Betts Steve Thorne Katie’s father 13–
Sherry Baines Clare Thorne Katie’s mother 13–


Bowker drew on his own experiences and observations as a teacher and with his family to write The A Word.[3] Autism advocate Deborah Brownson served as an advisor on the production.[4]

Filming took place from October 2015 at locations in the Lake District, including Keswick, Broughton-in-Furness, Coniston, Thirlmere Reservoir, and at The Space Project studios in Manchester.[5][6][7]

On 24 May 2019, it was announced by the BBC, and then subsequently via press and social media publications, that a third series was in production. Returning cast members included Christopher Eccleston, Morven Christie, Lee Ingleby, Max Vento, Molly Wright, Greg McHugh, Pooky Quesnel, Matt Greenwood and Leon Harrop. Joining the cast as newcomers were Julie Hesmondhalgh, Sarah Gordy and David Gyasi.[8]


Series overview[edit]

Series 1 (2016)[edit]

Series 2 (2017)[edit]

Series 3 (2020)[edit]

Broadcast and reception[edit]

BBC One began airing the first six-part series in a Tuesday 9pm slot, replacing Happy Valley, on 22 March 2016. SundanceTV acquired rights for broadcasting the show in America, and it premiered there on 13 July 2016.[10] A second series began in the UK on 7 November 2017 remaining in its Tuesday 9pm slot. A third series was filmed in May 2019 and the entire series was released on BBC iPlayer on 5 May 2020. On the same day it also began broadcasting in its usual weekly slot on BBC One.[8][11] BBC First airs the series in Australia. Disney+ picked up the programme for all three series across all of Europe, except the UK.[12]

Overnight figures revealed the first episode was watched by 4.7 million viewers and had a 23% share of the audience.[13] BARB later reported a consolidated figure of 5.91 million.[9] Reaction to the first episode was mostly positive among viewers. Many people have praised the show on social media, partly for the quality of the acting but also for the way it dealt with the subject of autism.[14]

Home media[edit]

Series 1 was released on DVD in September 2016, and series 2 in December 2017. The third series was released on DVD in July 2020.[citation needed]

Spin-off series[edit]

In August 2020 it was announced that a spin-off series Ralph & Katie, following the married life of the protagonists, had been commissioned by the BBC.[15] The six-part series, which included a writing team made up predominantly of people with disabilities,[16] was broadcast in October and November 2022, with all episodes available as a boxset on BBC iPlayer.[17] The series will also be available on Disney+ in some regions.


  1. ^ «BBC Drama announces three new commissions for BBC One and BBC Two». BBC Media Centre (Press release). 26 May 2016. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  2. ^ Tatum, Kris (24 May 2019). «Filming starts on series three of BBC’s The A Word in Cumbria». Times & Star. Workington, Cumbria. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  3. ^ Ritman, Alex (22 March 2016). «Autism Drama Writer Talks BBC, Sundance’s ‘The A Word’«. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  4. ^ Burns, Judith (29 December 2017). «MBE for author of ‘instruction manual’ for autism». BBC. Retrieved 24 February 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ^ «Filming begins on The A Word, new six-part drama for BBC One». BBC Media Centre (Press release). 26 October 2015. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  6. ^ «The A Word filming in Keswick». Time & Star. 15 January 2016. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  7. ^ Clarke, Tom (26 October 2015). «‘THE A WORD’ GOES INTO PRODUCTION AT SPACE STUDIOS MANCHESTER». The Space Project. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  8. ^ a b «Filming commences on The A Word series three». BBC Media Centre (Press release). 24 May 2019. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  9. ^ a b c d «Weekly top 30 programmes on TV sets (July 1998 – Sept 2018)». Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  10. ^ Littleton, Cynthia (8 January 2016). «SundanceTV Acquires BBC, Keshet Autism Drama ‘The A-Word’«. Variety. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  11. ^ Kalia, Ammar (5 May 2020). «TV tonight: the third series of The A Word gets under way». The Guardian. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  12. ^ Middleton, Richard (17 October 2022). «Disney+ strikes ‘Ralph & Katie’ & ‘The A Word’ deal across Europe». TBI Vision.
  13. ^ Johnson, Niall (23 March 2016). «BBC One’s autistic family drama The A Word opens with 4.7m». Mediatel. Retrieved 23 March 2016.[dead link]
  14. ^ Debnath, Neela (23 March 2016). «The A Word: Viewers praise Christopher Eccleston drama tackling autism». Daily Express. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  15. ^ «BBC One announces Ralph And Katie, a spin-off of Peter Bowker’s hit drama The A Word». BBC Media Centre (Press release). 24 August 2020. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  16. ^ Hogan, Michael (9 October 2022). «Interview | Jordan Hogg: ‘In 15 years, I’ve never come across another disabled director’«. The Observer. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  17. ^ «Ralph & Katie». BBC iPlayer. Retrieved 9 October 2022.

External links[edit]

  • The A Word at BBC Online Edit this at Wikidata
  • The A Word at IMDb
  • The A Word at

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Сколько лет мальчик

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Сколько лет мальчик

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


сколько лет мальчик

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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